ATG :: Volume #7 Heavenly Calamity Shakes the World (劫天撼世)

#717: Crazy retaliation

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What? Did Yun Che kill Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianqing?” “什么?云澈杀了凤天谕凤天擎?” Receives the news Zi Ji face startled look. 接到消息的紫极一脸惊容 He in Yun Che's strength unexpectedly tyrannical to so the degree, once again is surprisedly much more than he expected, more shocking dares to do to attack unexpectedly to kill the Phoenix Sovereign matter in him to come...... to be two! 他惊讶于云澈的实力竟强横到如此程度,又一次远远超出他的预料,更震惊于他居然敢做出击杀凤凰帝君的事来……还是两个! Which sacred ground dies Sovereign, can alarms all sacred ground important matters. But in the Sovereign quantity Divine Phoenix Sect that sacred ground is scarcer, is the startled broken day important matter. 哪个圣地陨落一个帝君,都会是惊动所有圣地的大事。而在帝君数量远比圣地稀少的凤凰神宗,更是惊破天的大事。 Let alone two Sovereign! 更何况两个帝君 This radically is living dug the Divine Phoenix Sect foundation! 这根本就是活生生的挖了凤凰神宗的根基! Really is the lunatic who anything dares to be.” Zi Ji said one fully not to conform to the appraisal of his calm personality: Extinguishes Divine Phoenix Sect two big Sovereign, now, Feng Tianwei...... as well as Divine Phoenix Sect all will dive to cultivate/repair Sovereign to send out. Most serious, is its Ancestral Phoenix God is very likely to be enraged, thus acts personally.” “真是个什么事都敢做的疯子。”紫极说出了一句完全不符合他沉稳性情的评价:“灭凤凰神宗两大帝君,如此之下,凤天威……以及凤凰神宗所有潜修中的帝君都会出动。最严重的,是其先祖凤神都极有可能被触怒,从而亲自出手。” Whether needs to give the Yun Che reminder?” The Zi Ji nearby person asked. “是否需要给予云澈提醒?”紫极身边的人问道。 No,” Zi Ji shakes the head slowly: „The development of this matter, is not completely steerable. Divine Phoenix Sect this time thorough berserk, Ancestral Phoenix God also has surely enormously possibly appears, even we, cannot have the least bit to meddle decisively again.” “不,”紫极缓缓摇头:“这件事的发展,已经完全不可控制。凤凰神宗这次必定彻底暴走,先祖凤神也有极大可能出现,就算是我们,也断然不能再有半点插手。” Matter to this aspect, feared that was Yun Che back Old Man Duotian also this/should acts personally. Otherwise, Sovereign completely leaves, Divine Phoenix Sect of thorough violent anger, Yun Che is 100 lives insufficiently dies.” “事情到了这种局面,怕是云澈背后的夺天老人也该亲自出手了吧。否则,帝君尽出,彻底暴怒的凤凰神宗,云澈就是一百条命都不够死。” Who if that Old Man Duotian encounters Divine Phoenix Sect Phoenix Divine Spirit...... to be able even better.” The azure clothes person of Zi Ji body side cannot bear ask. “若是那夺天老人遭遇凤凰神宗凤凰神灵……谁会更胜一筹。”紫极身侧的青衣人忍不住问道。 Zi Ji hesitates slightly, said: If that side Sun Moon Divine Hall transmits to the strength description of Old Man Duotian does not have the exaggeration, Old Man Duotian must exceed...... even by far Divine Phoenix Sect Ancestral Phoenix God. This should also be Yun Che dares to kill the Divine Phoenix Sect two Sovereign biggest reasons.” 紫极微微沉吟,道:“若是日月神宫那边传来对夺天老人的实力描绘没有夸大,夺天老人要胜过……甚至远胜凤凰神宗先祖凤神。这也应该是云澈敢杀凤凰神宗两个帝君最大原因。” Oneself are powerful, the potential is unable to estimate, has the powerful incomparable backer, the disposition is renounces...... Zi Ji long to put out the one breath sinisterly, low nan say/way: Such person, only if can guarantee that killed him, otherwise cannot provoke to enrage.” “自身实力强大,潜力无法估量,又有着强大无比的靠山,心性更是毒辣决绝……”紫极长长吐出一口气,低喃着道:“这样的人,除非能确保杀得了他,否则千万不可招惹触怒。” If however can have enough assurance to kill him...... to not hesitate to make him die! The earlier the better of dying, cannot have half silk hesitant pitying!” “而若能有足够的把握杀了他……就要不惜一切让他死!死的越早越好,绝不能有半丝的犹豫怜悯!” How then should the subordinate do? Feng Tianwei has appeared, other Phoenix Sovereign may also all leave Phoenix Fire Mythical Realm, the subordinate feared that has been hard to hide.” “接下来属下该如何做?凤天威已经出现,其他凤凰帝君也有可能全部离开凤火琅嬛境,属下怕是已难以藏匿其中。” Sound is too big, does not need to approach nosing. Fast is informed Absolute Monarch Sanctuary, Sun Moon Divine Hall and Mighty Heavenly Sword Region Feng Tianwei and Feng Tianqing by the matter that Yun Che kills. dies of two big Sovereign in a 22-year-old person hand, this solely are not Yun Che and Divine Phoenix Sect grievances.” “动静已经太大,已不需要临近查探了。速将凤天威凤天擎云澈所杀的事告知皇极圣域日月神宫天威剑域。两大帝君在一个22岁的人手中陨落,这已经不单单是云澈凤凰神宗恩怨了。” Yes!” “是!” ------- ------- The wind sound/rumor howls, Yun Che departed the Divine Phoenix City range, directly went to south. Behind, the red color shadow follows closely together does not abandon, and is getting more and more near at a slow scope. 风声呼啸,云澈飞出了神凰城范围,直线向南而去。后方,一道大红色的影子紧随不舍,并且以一个缓慢的幅度越来越近。 How do you prepare to do?” Felt that the Yun Che extremely not normal mood fluctuates, the Jasmine sinking sound asked: You in the consideration, are not cast off following old man now probably.” “你准备怎么做?”感觉到云澈极不正常的情绪波动,茉莉沉声问道:“你现在在考虑的,好像并不是将后面的老头子甩开。” Yun Che did not say a word, the look trembling, is not knowing is thinking anything. 云澈一言不发,眼神一直在颤荡,不知在想着什么。 „The quarter, he can catch up with you most mostly. However if you open Purgatory gate now, is most mostly the quarter, you can cast off him completely.” Jasmine low say/way. “最多半刻钟,他就能追上你。不过若你现在开启炼狱境关,也是最多半刻钟,你就能把他完全甩开。”茉莉低低的道。 „...... Jasmine, if I Phoenix City destroying, what the consequence can be?” The Yun Che right hand places the chest, rapidly is restoring the injury by the air/Qi of the world, the voice/sound incomparable tranquility, without the least bit by the tense feeling that Sixth Level Sovereign overtakes. “……茉莉,如果我把凤凰城给毁了,后果会是什么?”云澈右手放在胸口,以天地之气快速恢复着伤势,声音无比之平静,没有半点正在被一个六级帝君追及的紧张感。 Snort, but also really conforms to your character.” Jasmine does not have direct to reply, coldly laughed: You killed Divine Phoenix Sect four Imperial Prince, several Elder, two Sovereign, stirred their piece of chaos, dug their ancestral graves on the difference, now receives a wound moderately, unexpectedly produces such big hate intent and killing intent.” “哼,还真是符合你的性格。”茉莉没有正面回答,冷笑一声:“你杀了凤凰神宗四个皇子,数个长老,两个帝君,搅的他们一片大乱,就差刨了他们的祖坟,现在不过是受了点不轻不重的伤,居然就产生这么大的恨意杀意。” All, is they have only self to blame, I am benevolent to them enough.” Yun Che said solemnly. He has not continued to pick up the speed, now under the condition, he can by himself not by Feng Tianwei catches up in a short time at the same time, but can also stand firm the injury at the quite quick speed. “所有的一切,都是他们咎由自取,我对他们已经足够仁慈了。”云澈沉声道。他没有继续加快速度,如今状态下,他可以让自己不被凤天威短时间内追上的同时,还能以相当快的速度稳住伤势。 I have not wanted to do such certainly, since Feng Tianwei come out, moreover strong many that in the strength expect compared with me, I have to send out the final big ritual ahead of time!” “我原本还不想做的这么绝,既然凤天威出来了,而且实力上要比我预料的强的很多,那我也不得不将最后的大礼提前送出了!” Jasmine: „......” 茉莉:“……” Several hundred li (0.5 km) speed along in the under foot, rear Feng Tianwei also away pursuing only to remain less than two hundred zhang (333 m) distances from the initial several li (0.5 km). 不知不觉间,数百里在脚下飞驰而过,后方凤天威也已从最初的数里之距追到了只剩不到两百丈的距离。 But Divine Phoenix City has vanished in the line of sight. 神凰城早已消失在了视线之中。 Comparing is tranquil in Yun Che's, as the pursuit side, has Feng Tianwei of overwhelming strength instead to shock filled with, he is profound strength full, the speed reaches the limit that can reach, but pursues several hundred li (0.5 km), pulled closer about three li (0.5 km) the distance, has not caught up. 相比于云澈的平静,作为追击方,有着压倒性实力的凤天威反而是满腔震惊,他已是玄力全开,速度达到了所能达到的极限,但直追数百里,也堪堪只是将距离拉近了三里左右,并未追上。 Before Phoenix City, after he intended Yun Che wounded, not to overtake immediately, but swept a Phoenix City condition. Because as powerful incomparable Sixth Level Sovereign, he confessed that wants to catch up with the strength to be well below itself, but also carries severely wounded Yun Che, radically is easy as pie. 之前在凤凰城,他出手将云澈击伤后并没有马上追及,而是扫了一眼凤凰城的状况。因为身为强大无比的六级帝君,他自认想要追上实力远远不如自己,还身负重伤的云澈,根本就是易如反掌。 But the fact, is to make his heart be startled. 而事实,却是让他一路心惊。 When Yun Che flight the profound strength fluctuation of body, indeed only has Emperor Profound Realm Third Level, but it the speed in being wounded condition, actually merely is only slightly weak in him. Moreover when Yun Che flight aura is very steady, not empty chaotic, obviously its injury the heaviness that is far from him estimating. 云澈飞行时身上玄力波动,的的确确只有王玄境三级,但其在负伤状态下的速度,却仅仅只是稍稍弱于他。而且云澈飞行时气息无比平稳,毫无虚乱,显然其伤势远没有他预想的重。 A Emperor Profound Realm profound strength person, will have such speed unexpectedly! 一个只有王玄境玄力的人,居然会有这样的速度! When he comes in heart angry, when acts at least used seven points of profound strength...... only to make him receive unexpectedly wound that was not enough to affect the breath!? 他现身时心中恼怒,出手时至少动用了七分玄力……居然只让他受了不足以影响内息的伤!? In heart shocking and unbelievable at the same time, Feng Tianwei is also like Feng Tianyu, in the heart ascended to be heavier than dozens times of killing intent before. 心中震惊和难以置信的同时,凤天威也同凤天谕一样,心中升腾起远比之前重了数十倍的杀意 This person...... cannot remain!! 这个人……绝不能留!! At present, he is may escape roadless. Although the Yun Che's speed quick side is not normal, but has also been pursued in two hundred zhang (333 m) by him now, so long as again nearly several points, he can make a move directly, him from in the air bang. 眼下,他已是无路可逃。虽然云澈的速度快的极不正常,但现在也已被他追到了两百丈之内,只要再近几分,他就可以直接出手,将他从空中轰下。 Moreover this time, he will act by the 100% strength directly, must in kill his direct bang most in a short time! 而且这一次,他将直接以十成力出手,务必在最短时间内将他直接轰杀! The red eye pupil of Feng Tianwei actually releases the ice-cold piercing cold light. As Phoenix Great Sect Master, he disdained in acts certainly to junior, but the opposite party made him feel the enormous danger......, although three years ago, he did not hesitate the life to rescue most important Feng Xue'er to Divine Phoenix Sect, but has become has the mortal enemy of huge threat now, must die! 凤天威的赤色的眼瞳却释放出冰寒刺骨的冷光。身为凤凰太宗主,他本是绝不屑于对一个后辈出手,但对方让他感觉到了极大的危险……虽然三年前,他不惜性命救了对凤凰神宗来说最重要的凤雪児,但如今既已成有着巨大威胁的死敌,就必须死! The cold glow present that moment, the Feng Tianwei both arms phoenix flame ignites for the first time, has started to condense profound strength, only waits the distance to be enough, making a move that then can be relentless. But at this time, he detected suddenly Yun Che's speed all of a sudden slow, the distance extreme speed between two people pulls closer. 寒芒乍现的那一刻,凤天威双臂凤炎燃起,已开始凝聚玄力,只待距离足够,便会毫不留情的出手。而这时,他忽然发觉云澈的速度一下子慢了下来,两人之间的距离极速拉近。 Finally could not support!” Feng Tianwei said in a low voice, is condensing the arm of strength of Phoenix instantaneous horizontal...... that flash of soon rumbling, Yun Che in line of sight, vanished there unexpectedly suddenly. “终于支撑不住了么!”凤天威低念一声,凝聚着凤凰之力的手臂已瞬间横起……就在即将轰出的那一刹那,视线中的云澈,竟忽然消失在了那里。 The Feng Tianwei brow concentrates, has rushed to the position that Yun Che vanished like the storm, then looked in all directions...... Yun Che's form to vanish fast, but those who let the Feng Tianwei true shock was, even/including his aura also vanished, completeness of disappearance! 凤天威眉头一凝,已如暴风般冲到了云澈所消失的位置,然后快速四顾……云澈的身影消失了,而让凤天威真正震惊的是,就连他的气息也消失了,消失的完完全全! Concealing body Profound Technique is not rarely seen, but to Sovereign this rank, concealed the body class Profound Technique to become the joke, again perfect that because the figure goes into hiding, aura also impossible hides to get rid of Sovereign powerful incomparable Spirit Sense. 匿身玄技并不鲜见,但到了帝君这个级别,匿身类的玄技早已成了笑话,因为身形隐匿的再完美,气息不可能藏匿到可以摆脱帝君强大无比的灵觉 Therefore, when seeing the Yun Che form vanishes, Feng Tianwei was only the brow moved one......, but next breath, was suddenly the look changes. 所以,在看到云澈身影消失时,凤天威只是眉头动了一下……而下一息,才是忽然色变。 Yun Che not only body vanishes, even/including aura also completely vanishes...... in his line of sight, completely vanishes under his Spirit Sense locking. 云澈不但身体消失,就连气息也完全消失……还是在他的视线中,在他的灵觉锁定下完全消失。 He lived for several hundred years, has never met, even has heard this matter. 他活了数百年,都从未遇到过,甚至听说过这种事。 He releases peak oneself profound energy, the surroundings in dozens li (0.5 km), do not say the life, is the trend of every bit of property do not want to escape his Spirit Sense. But he searches for full power for a long time, in the Spirit Sense range, actually searches for less than the least bit Yun Che's trace in any event. 他将自己的玄气释放到极致,周围数十里之内,不要说生灵,就是一草一木的动向都别想逃开他的灵觉。但他全力搜寻许久,灵觉范围之内,却是无论如何都搜寻不到半点云澈的痕迹。 Yun Che, gives me come out!!” Feng Tianwei vision glance, roar ear-spitting like thunder. Under extreme anger, his body phoenix flame ascends, explodes suddenly! 云澈,给我滚出来!!”凤天威目光扫视,吼声震耳如雷霆。极怒之下,他的身上凤炎升腾,猛然爆开! Bang! The entire more than ten li (0.5 km) space, changes to the destruction sea of fire instantaneously...... 轰!整整十几里空间,瞬间化作毁灭的火海…… -------- -------- CHI!! 哧!! With space crackling, Yun Che reappeared in the Phoenix City sky, and body floated in the entire 3000 zhang (3.33 m) altitude, body, the red flame is burning, is releasing not the intense flame......, but this time was not Phoenix Fire, but compared with the Phoenix Fire burning hot, hot tempered, heartless Golden Crow Fire. 随着空间的嘶鸣,云澈重新出现在了凤凰城的上空,并且身浮在整整三千丈的高度上,身上,赤红色的火焰在燃烧,释放着并不强烈的火光……但这次并不是凤凰炎,而是比凤凰炎更加炙热、暴躁、绝情金乌炎 In hands, only then Primordial Profound Ark of palm of the hand size was received by him, the both arms in in the air open slowly, the flame of body surface becomes rich, the ray still does not burn the eye intensely, is actually the above sky of strange reflecting gradually becomes red. 手间,只有巴掌大小的太古玄舟被他收起,双臂在空中缓缓张开,身体表面的火焰变得浓郁,光芒依然并不强烈灼目,却是诡异的映的上方天空逐渐变得通红。 Soon, sky over Yun Che's, had changed to fierce scarlet golden color, this scarlet golden regions rock in the swing, magma that such as moves restlessly. The Yun Che's figure also starts to drop slowly, every time drops a point, the scarlet golden region will proliferate a point, at the same time, scalding hot of terrifying, starts to cover quietly to under. 不多时,云澈的上空,已化作了一片狰狞的赤金色,这片赤金色区域在摇摆晃动,就如躁动的岩浆。云澈的身形也开始缓缓下降,每下降一分,赤金色区域就会扩散一分,与此同时,一股恐怖的灼热,也开始悄然笼罩向下方。 destruction Domain...... Yellow Springs Ashes......” Yun Che's body had become the scarlet golden color by shining completely, particularly a pair of eyes, burnt the goal as if to burn, in the mouth, just like is reciting the Devil incantation lowly. 毁灭领域……黄泉灰烬……”云澈的身体已被完全耀成赤金色,尤其是一双眼眸,灼目的仿佛已经燃烧了起来,口中,犹如在低念着恶魔的咒语。 The Yun Che beforehand attack, making Divine Phoenix Sect Great Elder die an untimely death, five Elder severe wounds, more than 100 disciple died. Had been delivered to the medicine pavilion by severely wounded five Phoenix Elder, numerous Phoenix disciple is cleaning up the aftermath. Although Great Sect Master Feng Tianwei has gone out personally, this disaster can also end finally, Yun Che is also absolutely impossible to flee the palm of Feng Tianwei. But even if Yun Che dies in the hand of Feng Tianwei again miserable, is unable to recall the loss of least bit Divine Phoenix Sect. 云澈之前的攻击,让凤凰神宗大长老横死,五个长老重伤,一百多个弟子身亡。被重伤的五个凤凰长老都已被送到药阁,一众凤凰弟子正在收拾残局。虽然太宗主凤天威已亲自出关,这场祸患也终于可以就此结束,云澈也绝无可能逃离凤天威的掌心。但云澈纵然在凤天威的手中死的再惨,也无法挽回半点凤凰神宗的损失。 Especially two big Sovereign dies. 尤其是两大帝君陨落 come out that therefore in Phoenix City a gloom, no one smiles. 所以凤凰城中一片惨淡,没有任何人笑的出来 Feng Hengkong, as well as numerous Phoenix Elder also arrived in the medicine pavilion, stands firm the injury for severely wounded Fifth Elder with joint forces. 凤横空,以及众凤凰长老也都到了药阁之中,合力为重伤的五长老稳住伤势。 Imperial Father, loyal child has dispatched the person to seek for two Grand Elder remains to the city outside.” Looks at the Feng Hengkong gloomy complexion, Feng Ximing moves the lip, has not continued again. 父皇,儿臣已遣人去往城外找寻二位太长老的遗体。”看着凤横空灰暗的脸色,凤熙铭动了动嘴唇,没有再继续说下去。 Oh.” Feng Hengkong heaved a deep sigh, a grief of face: If We...... begged Imperial Father to act yesterday directly well then......” “唉。”凤横空长叹一声,一脸的悲怆:“如果朕昨日……直接乞求父皇出手便好了……” This is not Sect Master's is wrong.” Fourth Elder shakes the head saying: Everyone impossible expects, the Yun Che's strength can go to so the situation unexpectedly. He was the murder escaped in the past few days, the itself/Ben deliberately hid own strength to let our general idea/careless.” “这不是宗主的错。”四长老摇头道:“谁也不可能料到,云澈的实力竟可以达到如此地步。他前些天都是杀人远遁,本就是刻意隐藏自己的实力来让我们大意。” Two Sovereign, four Imperial Prince and Sixth Elder...... this is in the Divine Phoenix Sect history has never had the loss and severe wound. 帝君、四皇子六长老……这是凤凰神宗历史上从未有过的损失和重伤。 Is disaster and shame that the entire sect impossible puts behind forever. 是全宗永远不可能忘却的灾难与耻辱。 Feng Hengkong closes the eye, painful say/way: All have not been able to recall. Now only looks at this matter not to alarm Xue'er......” to think that phoenix flame formation was rumbled to burst, his grieved shaking the head of: Fears is that side Xue'er, was unable to conceal the truth......” 凤横空闭上眼睛,痛苦的道:“一切都已无法挽回了。现在只望这件事不会惊动雪児……”想到凤炎结界被轰溃,他惨然的摇了摇头:“怕是雪児那边,是已无法瞒住了……” voice/sound has not fallen, Feng Hengkong complexion suddenly fierce changes, at the same time, is being numerous Phoenix Elder that Fifth Elder therapy also raised the head completely suddenly, complexion sudden change. 声音未落,凤横空的脸色忽然猛的一变,与此同时,正在为五长老疗伤的众凤凰长老也全部忽然抬头,脸色骤变。 Because, the temperature of air, is rising at an extreme terrifying speed impressively. It is not serious, but such as Devil transmits from the sky near the pressure of the world fear heart, and in fast inflation and approaching. 因为,空气的温度,赫然在以一个极度恐怖的速度上升着。一股并不沉重,但如恶魔临世般慑心的威压从上空传来,并且在快速的膨胀、临近。 BANG!! 轰!! The Feng Hengkong wearing out palace top, fly up, raised the head, then saw remote in the air presented a scarlet golden circular area, straight shining the sky of surroundings big piece turns into the red. Under the scarlet golden ray, is one should not appear there form. 凤横空穿破殿顶,飞身而起,一抬头,便看到了遥远的空中出现了一片赤金色的圆形区域,直耀的周围大片的天空都变成赤色。赤金色的光芒下,是一个绝不该出现在那里的身影。 Cloud...... clear?!!” “云……澈?!!” The pupil of Feng Hengkong like dug in myriad steel needles, contracted this life peak. 凤横空的瞳孔如同被扎入了万千钢针,收缩到了今生的极致 ... ...
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