„Believes that proudsuch asyou, ‚has a deficit’twocharactersto letyouthroughoutsuch as the stemin the heart, let alonesuchperson, suchbigbenevolence.”
“相信骄傲如你,‘亏欠’二字会让你始终如梗在心,何况如此之人,又如此之大的恩情。”Checking the starcomplexionis cold and still, has not had for a long time the spoken language.
The plate not absurdlookis invariable, voice/soundis still light: „Naturally, howthis mattershouldchoose, allinstarGod's Son. AlthoughIno longeramXiaodie (Owl Butterfly)God's Son, butcould not have made the dirtto harm the matter of old friend, starGod's Soncompletelymayfeel relieved.”
盘不妄神色不变,依旧声音淡淡:“当然,此事该如何抉择,皆在星神子。我虽已不再是枭蝶神子,但还做不出污害故友之事,星神子尽可宽心。”Checks the starvisionstraightstares at the plate is not absurd, suddenlysaid: „Youchanged.”
The platedoes not returnby the similarvisionabsurdly: „Personchanges. Invariable, can only bebecausedoes not needto change.”
盘不妄回以同样的目光:“人都会变。不变,只能是因为不需要变。”Checks the starlip angleto shiver, smiledunexpectedly: „Iwantto knowsuddenly,youroncewas left no ground the person of rejection, actuallywantsto go toPure Landto makeanything to tryabovePure Land that Abyss Sovereigncomplained tearfullyyouto encounterto show that unfairlybeing mistaken of yourFather GodormadeyourFather God not quickpurely”
The plateis not absurd: „Therefore......”
盘不妄:“所以……”„Therefore, Icomplyto leadyouto go togetherPure Land.”Checks the starto sayslowly,as one of the starmoon/monthGod's Son, hehas certainlyqualificationsso: „Youhavecorrect, I who incomparablya few words saying mosttire, thenowespeople the benevolence!”
“但是……”„Does not needto remind.” The plate is not beforehesaidabsurdly: „Wehave never seenFog Sovereign, relations that has no.”
“不必提醒。”盘不妄已是先于他道:“我们都从未见过雾皇,更无任何的关系。”Helifts the pupil, looksto the Pure Landdirection.
他抬眸,看向净土的方向。Darkblood in bodyinmanicsurges, actuallynotoverflowslightdark aura.
The Fog Seadeep place, Yun Chesets outslowly, when heopens the eye, in the pupilshines through the scarydifferentglow.雾海深处,云澈缓缓起身,他睁开眼睛之时,眸中透射出骇人的异芒。Sitting in meditation of his several days, notforcongealingprofoundbreakthrough, butruns counter, will move restlesslyto wantbrokenprofound energyto depressonce again, moreoverthissecond rollingincomparableruthlesscertainly, iftradesto be others, restrains by forceso the degree, feared that will damageProfound Veinagain.
他这数日的入定,不是为了凝玄突破,而是背道而驰,将又一次躁动欲破的玄气生生压下,而且这一次压得无比之狠绝,若换做他人,强压到这般程度,怕是会重损玄脉。By the present, Li Suo is disinclinedto asksuppressedRealm why againhehas so insisted on.
到了如今,黎娑已是懒得再问他为何一直如此执意的压制境界。In the Weaving Dream Divine Countrythreeyears, Yun ChefromDivine Lord RealmThird LevelgrowstoDivine Lord RealmFourth Level, altogetheronly has a promotion of smallRealm.
在织梦神国的三年,云澈从神主境三级成长至神主境四级,一共只有一个小境界的提升。PerfectGodship, in additionWeaving Dream Divine Countrytopresourcespilepenetrating, „Meng Jianyuan”advancementso, in the world in the eyes, althoughis„God's Son”category, butis well belowwithforperfectGodshipHeaven Breaker God's DaughterHua Caili.
完美神格,加之织梦神国顶级资源的堆彻,“梦见渊”的这般进境,在世人眼中虽属“神子”范畴,但远远不及同为完美神格的折天神女画彩璃。However, pours is also the reasonable limit.
不过,倒也还属于合理范围。But, onlysomeLi Suoknow,heisYun Che, cannotbeyond the personby the theory of common sensejudgment.
但,唯有黎娑知道,他是云澈,一个根本不能以常理评判的论外之人。„Finallymustseethatperson.”Yun Cheis talking to oneselfin a soft voice.
“终于要见到那个人了。”云澈轻声自语着。Li Suosaid: „Ni Xuanhad once remindedyouspecially, may notprematureis close to him, hewill easily knowyourbodyEvil God Inheritance.”黎娑道:“逆玄曾特意提醒过你,不可过早的与他相近,他会轻易识出你身上的邪神传承。”„Ihad not forgotten.”Yun Cheaccordingly, thenspokesomewhatstrangewords: „Heisinthisworldstrengthmost powerfulexistence, ifhewantsto disappearpresentme, perhaps only need snap fingers the strength.”
“我没忘记。”云澈应声,然后说了一句有些奇怪的话:“他是这世上实力最强大的存在,若他想要泯灭如今的我,或许只需弹指之力。”„But, fromsomeperspective, hepossiblyis...... is instead easiestto deal with the person.”
“但,从某个方面而言,他反而可能是……最易对付之人。”„......”Li Suois unable to understand.
“……”黎娑无法理解。„Thistimewithhismeeting, will decidewhenIwill detonate the abyssstorm.”Yun Chelightly put out a breath: „Hopessmoothlyall.”
“此次与他的相见,将决定我会在何时引爆深渊的风暴。”云澈轻吐一口气:“希望一切顺利。”HopesAbyss Sovereignall, extremelywill all not be separated fromoneselfguess and estimate...... especiallyhispersonality, hisobsession.
希望渊皇的一切,皆不会太过脱离自己的猜测与预想……尤其他的性格,他的执念。We hope that is unable to contact, does not have the opportunitylays down„seed”Eternal Night Divine Countryonsuch asrumorgenerallythroughoutstagnant water, does not have the mighty waves.
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