ATG :: Volume #21

#2111 Part 1: Eve

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To the region that opening is not at absurdly, Yun Che has not diverged abyss dust of duplicate body, but continues the line to the front. 离开盘不妄所在的区域,云澈并未散去覆身的渊尘,而是持续行向前方 There, is Fog Sea deep place. 那里,是雾海的更深处。 Where you must go to Li Suo to make noise suddenly, bring not to have the vigilance of concealing. “你要去哪里”黎娑忽然出声,带着未有掩饰的警惕。 Yun Che visual the front even more profound abyss dust, the under foot has not had the stagnation: Should go to the deep place to have a look.” 云澈目视前方愈加深邃的渊尘,脚下未有停滞:“该去更深处看看了。” Li Suo silent little, does not determine saying: could it be that, you are think......” 黎娑静默少许,不确定道:“难道,你是想……” Right, is such that you think.” Yun Che lifts the hand, be with smile on the face, manner calm seems like narrating a common minor matter: Was the time tries a lower control to drive a horse Divine Pinnacle Realm Abyssal Beast.” “没错,就是你想的那样。”云澈抬手,面带微笑,神态从容的像是在叙述一件再寻常不过的小事:“是时候尝试一下控驭神极境渊兽了。” Yun Che these years control the limit of controlling to Abyssal Beast, continue from the Divine Extinction Realm Initial Stage advancement to Divine Extinction Realm Late Stage, altogether also only used less than four years, the growth quick may be called terrifying. 云澈这些年对渊兽控驭的极限,持续从神灭境初期进境至神灭境后期,一共也只用了不到四年的时间,成长之快堪称恐怖 But also always limits in the Divine Extinction Realm category. As for abyss God Qilin, then has not extinguished accidental/surprised that the Qilin will completely derives completely. 但也始终限制于神灭境范畴。至于深渊麟神,则完全是未灭尽的麒麟意志所衍生的意外 You have deliberately been suppressing Realm, by your current condition, encountering any god Abyssal Beast is extremely extremely dangerous.” Li Suo advises against......, although, her dissuading has never become effective to Yun Che. “你一直刻意压制着境界,以你目前的状态,遭遇任何一只神极渊兽都太过危险。”黎娑劝阻道……虽然,她的劝阻从未对云澈生效过。 Danger is insufficient but actually.” Yun Che said superficially: Although I do not have the big confidence to control to drive a horse Divine Pinnacle Realm Abyssal Beast, but there is an enough assurance to make them not release the destruction instinct to me, after all, I will be the sovereign of Fog Sea.” “危险倒不至于。”云澈轻描淡写道:“虽然我没有多大的信心能控驭神极境渊兽,但有足够的把握让它们不会对我释放毁灭本能,毕竟,我可是雾海之皇。” Li Suo does not feel relieved saying: that's all that you proclaim, Fog Sea Abyssal Beast had not acknowledged that therefore cannot treat it lightly.” 黎娑还是不放心道:“你自封的而已,雾海渊兽并未承认,所以千万不可掉以轻心。” „...... Is unimportant!” Yun Che was punctured by Li Suo this saying, the vision became dark several points: Small Creation God of Life, dares to question the this Sovereign prestige energy unexpectedly! You are waiting, immediately this Sovereign will make you see how Divine Pinnacle Realm Abyssal Beast is gives up in this Sovereign under the hand/subordinate!” “……不重要!”云澈似被黎娑这话刺了一下,目光都变得幽暗了几分:“小小生命创世神,竟也敢质疑本皇的威能!你等着,马上本皇就会让你看到神极境渊兽是如何在本皇手下俯首称臣!” Li Suo: „......” 黎娑:“……” After six double-hour,...... Yun Che dirty runs out from the deep pool fog, then sits in the ground big mouth gasps for breath, quite a while catches one's breath reluctantly. 六个时辰后……云澈灰头土脸的从渊雾中冲出,然后坐在地上大口喘气,半天才勉强缓过气来。 If can control to drive a horse Divine Pinnacle Realm Abyssal Beast, to the Yun Che's boost without doubt huge incomparable. 若能控驭神极境渊兽,对云澈的助力无疑庞大无比。 But, Yun Che's body facing power of Divine Pinnacle Realm, finally is extremely frail. Even if has out-of-control slightly, to present him, is very possible is the total destruction. 但,云澈的躯体面对神极境界的力量,终是太过脆弱。哪怕稍有失控,对如今的他而言,便很可能是灭顶之灾。 Li Suo comes, world purest Light Divine Power duplicate, making Yun Che such as wash Shengquan, the wound of whole body heals at the visible speed, the hair that even he breaks grew come out. 黎娑现身,世间最纯粹的光明神力覆下,让云澈如沐圣泉,周身的创伤以肉眼可见的速度愈合,连他断裂的头发都重新长了出来 If you insist on wanting to attempt again, takes first ancestor God Qilin is good.” The Li Suo persuasion said. “若你执意想要再度尝试,还是带上始祖麟神为好。”黎娑劝说道。 This saying falls into the Fog Sovereign ear, was to him endless prestige can simply and previously the taunt of haughty word. His double pupil is cold, said lightly: Had to misplace that's all a moment ago slightly. Most one month, before visiting Pure Land, I at least successfully control to drive a horse surely......” 这话落入雾皇耳中,简直是对他“无尽威能”和先前狂傲之言的嘲讽。他双眸凝寒,淡淡道:“刚才只是稍有错估而已。最多一个月,踏足净土之前,我必定至少成功控驭……” paused several breaths, his voice/sound imposing manner does not reduce: God extremely Abyssal Beast!” 顿了数息,他的声音气势不减:“一只神极渊兽!” Li Suo thinks, the choice gives the comfort: Un, will succeed.” 黎娑想了一想,选择给予安慰:“嗯,会成功的。” Very wise has not continued in this topic, Yun Che sits body, with appearance of vermilion sword glow, before Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword had put in the body, by him. 很明智的没有在这个话题上继续下去,云澈坐正身体,随着朱红剑芒的显现,劫天诛魔剑已被他置于身前。 With duplicate of his another hand, another...... Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword appears, with a previous tight fitting, sword light coincides, aura merge. 随着他另一只手的覆下,另一把……“劫天诛魔剑”现出,与先前的一把紧紧贴合,剑芒相合,气息相融 Exactly the same spacious sword blade, from the sword point, sword body is completely again exactly the the same as circle bead of sword hilt. They are releasing almost the nondistinctive vermilion sword glow, and carries vague sacred aura. 一模一样的宽大剑身,从剑尖、剑体再至剑柄的圆珠都完全一模一样。它们释放着几乎毫无区别的朱红剑芒,兼携着若有若无的神圣气息 At least, from the outward appearance and sword breath, is very difficult to distinguish come out them. 至少,从外观与剑息之上,已是很难将它们区别出来 Naturally, Yun Che flickers is then distinguishable. When sword might erupts, both are difference of heaven and earth. 当然,云澈一瞬便可辨识。剑威爆发之时,两者更是天差地别 Looked steadily indifferently two Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword for a long time, the Yun Che brow moves suddenly, right the palm grasps the sword, to another Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword suddenly under bang. 漠然盯视了两把“劫天诛魔剑”许久,云澈忽然眉头一动,手掌抓起右侧之剑,向另一把“劫天诛魔剑”猛然轰下。 In the power fulmination sound brings to flicker epicenter the sound of break, under Heaven Smiting Sword, the vermilion sword blade comes to break , the vine in the midair opens the close fissure, when falls to the ground, is dispersing innumerable bright red debris. 力量爆鸣声中带着一瞬震心的断裂之音,劫天剑下,朱红色的剑身居中而断,又在半空中蔓开细密的裂痕,落地之时,已是散开无数的朱红碎屑 Seals into the Heaven Smiting Sword breath and bright Saint breath is completely also defeated and dispersed. 封入其中的劫天剑息和光明圣息也全然溃散。 Li Suo looks askance, very surprised in Yun Che's this action: You to cast this sword, consumption massive mental efforts seek for bright red abyss crystal, is contaminated and seals for it solid Heaven Smiting Sword sword breath enough two years , the strength of light also poured into several hundred times, has the fruit of today finally, why destroys it unexpectedly suddenly 黎娑侧目,很是惊讶于云澈的这个举动:“你为了铸成此剑,耗费大量心力去找寻朱红渊晶,又为它浸染和封固劫天剑的剑息足足两年之久,光明之力也倾注了数百次,才终有今日之果,为何竟忽然毁之” Yun Che said: I consume massive thoughts to simulate a contour, aura and Heaven Smiting Sword completely similar sword, for does not leave behind the flaw. But this period of time I considered repeatedly...... its existence, instead may become another bigger flaw.” 云澈道:“我耗费大量心思去模拟一把外形、气息劫天剑都完全相似之剑,是为了不留下破绽。但这段时间我反复思虑……它的存在,反而有可能成为另一个更大的破绽。” Under balance, I thought that I should choose another way.” “权衡之下,我觉得我应该选择另一种方式。” Receives Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword, eliminates bright red debris everywhere again, he said to Li Suo in a low voice: I prepare to look for a good time, it rejection.” 收起劫天诛魔剑,再清除掉满地的朱红碎屑,他低声向黎娑说道:“我准备找个合适的时机,将它‘舍弃’。” Li Suo faintly sighed...... he every day is the so endless consideration, when will not have to burst seriously exhaustedly...... 黎娑幽幽一声叹息……他每天都是这般无尽的思虑,当真没有疲惫将溃之时吗…… ...... …… Heaven Breaker Divine Country, Seven Stars folds day. 折天神国,七星折天阵。 The Star Formation sparkle, is circling endless sword light. 星阵闪耀,盘旋着无尽剑芒 But these sword light, each is to all come from Hua Qingying, each is brutal trial. If cannot become aware its sword intent, melts its sword might, even if defect its one, never may break through the formation. 而这些剑芒,每一道皆是来自画清影,每一道皆是一场残酷的试炼。若不能悟其剑意,融其剑威,哪怕缺失其一,也永不可破阵而出。 At the present, sword light that this huge sword formation releases, not less than myriad stars simultaneous/uniform shining, have reflected a light bright light for entire Heaven Breaker Divine Country sky. 而今,这庞大剑阵所释的剑芒,早已不啻万千星辰齐耀,为整个折天神国苍穹都映上了一层淡淡的明光。 Finally, last sword light also shining gets up unexpectedly, making huge Star Formation not have one to lack again secretly. 终于,最后一道剑芒也蓦地耀起,让庞大星阵再无一丝暗缺。 Among next instant, myriad swords sounds together, entire huge Star Formation hangs upside down, sky over non-stop flies. Then surrounds circles, such as many things around a center, screen a young girl form in the Star Formation center. 下一瞬间,万剑齐鸣,整个庞大星阵倒悬而起,直飞上空。然后环绕盘旋,如众星捧月般,于星阵中心映出一个少女身影。 The young girls lift the pupil, the that moment beautiful grace and talent unexpectedly was instantaneously dim myriad sword light. 少女抬眸,那一瞬过于明媚的风华竟是瞬间黯淡了万千剑芒 Jade Sword between her hands also pasted compared with dazzling bright divine light, the sword was previously referring to sharp, all sword light smooth inclines in Star Formation, non-stop flew remote spatial above Hua Qingying. 她手间的玉剑也流转着远比先前明耀的神光,剑尖所指,星阵中的所有剑芒平整倾斜,直飞遥空之上的画清影 The Hua Qingying physique has not moved, the jade handles gently strokes, sword light the obedient stagnation before her body, then such as the snow and ice of ablation slowly is immediately pale, until clears completely, if has not had truly flickering passing dream magnificent. 画清影身姿未动,玉手轻拂,剑芒顿时乖顺的停滞于她的身前,然后如消融的冰雪般缓缓淡去,直至完全散尽,就如未曾真正存在过的瞬逝梦华。 aunt!” 姑姑!” The form of young girl has thrown, such as staggers the xian jade butterfly to invest in her bosom: I quite think you.” 少女的身影已经扑来,如蹁跹的玉蝶般投入她的怀中:“我好想你。” Hua Qingying gathers together the jade back of young girl lightly, in the hearts fluctuates, between lips gently says: You built unexpectedly folded the day third sword, this time, Abyss Sovereign will also exclaim in surprise for you surely.” 画清影轻拢少女的玉背,心间起伏,唇间轻语:“你竟修成了折天第三剑,此次,渊皇也必定会为你惊叹。” The young girls lift the pupil in her bosoms, is not joyful because of the praise of aunt, but especially towering say/way: Elder Brother Yun is he now good, encounters...... the setback or humiliation in Weaving Dream Divine Country 少女在她的怀间抬眸,却不是因姑姑的夸赞而欣喜,而是格外的突兀的道:“云哥哥他现在好不好,在织梦神国有没有遭到……挫折或者欺凌” However breaks open the second words after Star Formation, she then already so impatient. 不过才是破开星阵后的第二句话,她便已如此迫不及待。 Hua Qingying this is also thinking, three years of breaking through the formation of practices, will let her Sword Heart more tenacious congealing reality surely, gradually far ten thousand Nianzhu sentiment. 画清影本还想着,三年的破阵修行,必定会让她的剑心更为坚韧凝实,渐远万念诸情。 But the fact, obviously is actually not true. 但事实,却明显并非如此。 He is very good, compared with being better that also you imagine. Moreover, he also found oneself fresh body passing and home to return.” “他很好,比你想象的还要好。而且,他还找到了自己的生身过往和归宿。” The Hua Qingying former half a word words made in her pupil ample worry dissipate all of a sudden most probably, the latter half a word words made her pupil dye surprisedly: Elder Brother Yun...... lives the body passing 画清影的前半句话让她眸中盈满的担忧一下子消散了大半,后半句话又让她眸染惊疑:“云哥哥的……生身过往” Your Father God past bumping into, perhaps is the destiny directs.” Hua Qingying said: „After Yun Che arrives at Weaving Dream Divine Country, discovered that his real status, unexpectedly is Weaving Dream God's Son Meng Jianyuan that the past years vanished.” “你父神当年的误打误撞,也或许是天命所引。”画清影道:“云澈到达织梦神国后,发现他的真实身份,竟是当年消失的织梦神子梦见渊。” ei Hua Caili is obviously startled, for a while is unable to get back one's composure. “欸啊”画彩璃明显怔住,一时都无法回神。 This matter listens for the first time, although is especially strange, is Dreamless God Venerate confirmed, is accurate without doubt.” Hua Qingying tranquil say/way: Moreover, when he in Godship examines, appears, is such as your common perfect Godship, therefore shook six big Divine Country.” “此事乍听虽格外离奇,却是无梦神尊亲身所确认,已是确切无疑。”画清影平静道:“而且,他在神格检测之时,所显现出的,是如你一般的完美神格,也因此震荡了六大神国。” These three years in your, his name is resounds through this world with concentration, no one does not know. In Weaving Dream Divine Country, not only will not receive any humiliation, whom he wants to humiliate then actually to humiliate anyone. Therefore, you can release all worry.” “在你潜心阵中的这三年,他的名字已是响彻此世,无人不知。在织梦神国非但不会受到任何欺凌,倒是他想欺凌谁便可以欺凌谁。所以,你可以释下所有的担忧。” The description of Hua Qingying is brief, was makes Hua Caili respond some little time, her some say/way of staring blankly: In other words, Elder Brother Yun he...... he now is...... Weaving Dream God's Son 画清影的描述简短直接,却是让画彩璃反应了好一会儿,她有些发怔的道:“也就是说,云哥哥他……他现在是……织梦神子 Hua Qingying does not lose the sigh the say/way: „Before you know his not ten -year-old memories, thus is unable to recall is in itself Meng Jianyuan, and his too heavy master En, the word that even if in front of Dreamless God Venerate, does not make concessions said that before restoring memory, does not discard Yun Che the name, is not also willing to become Weaving Dream God's Son.” 画清影不失感叹的道:“你知他并无十岁前的记忆,因而无法忆起自己是梦见渊,且他太重师恩,即使是在无梦神尊面前,亦毫不退让的言称在恢复记忆前,绝不舍弃‘云澈’之名,同时也不愿成为织梦神子。” Hua Qingying these words have not made Hua Caili reveal slight surprised, she instead smiles, beautiful eyes flood is moving the blurred mist: Elder Brother Yun he is such person, is the heavy sentiment, is intelligent is foolish, the name of God's Son others are unable to expect, cannot knock his sincere heart by far.” 画清影的这些话语却没有让画彩璃露出丝毫的惊讶,她反而微笑起来,美眸泛动着迷离的薄雾:“云哥哥他一直都是这样的人,最是重情,最是聪明又最是痴傻,别人无从奢望的神子之名,也远远不能动摇他的挚心。” But, he although now non- Weaving Dream God's Son, perfect Godship that but has by him, as well as Dreamless God Venerate to the favorite who he not minces, in the world in the eyes, he is is not. Moreover, does not know that Yun Che used what method, the news as far as I know, is to Meng Jianxi that Yun Che alerts and is hostile to extremely, now is very docile to him, even already more than once spoke frankly to own maternal clan, hopes for the Yun Che future boost.” “不过,他如今虽非织梦神子,但以他所拥有的完美神格,以及无梦神尊对他毫不掩饰的专宠,在世人眼中,他不是也是。另外,也不知云澈用了什么方法,以我所知的消息,本是对云澈极为戒备和敌视的梦见溪,如今对他很是服帖,甚至已经不止一次的向自己的母族直言,愿为云澈未来的助力。” beautiful eyes of young girl, already one beautiful endless star sea, joyful flaminging star, proud resplendent star, excited tears star...... ample all her souls, is each is actually reflecting the name of Yun Che. 少女的美眸,已化一汪绮丽无尽的星海,喜悦的炽星、骄傲的灿星、激动的泪星……盈满了她所有的心魂,却又是每一颗都映着云澈之名。 aunt......, therefore...... between I and Elder Brother Yun......” 姑姑……所以……我和云哥哥之间……” Un.” Hua Qingying patted a shoulder of young girl, she is feeling her endless joy, but so joyful and inexplicable makes her somewhat love dearly: Among you hindrance of status does not exist. Engagement that without Abyss Sovereign bestows, with is the God Venerate children, with is perfect Godship, your unions, will not lead to any question and controversy.” “嗯。”画清影轻拍了一下少女的肩膀,她感受着她无尽的喜悦,但这般喜悦又莫名的让她有些心疼:“你们之间身份的阻碍已不存在。若没有渊皇亲赐的婚约,同为神尊子女,同为完美神格,你们的结合,将不会引来任何的质疑和非议。” „The biggest hindrance remains, but, has compared the three years ago good too many is too many. Your Father God to the Yun Che's acceptance, is by far in the past. In the three years, he has been paying attention to Yun Che in the Weaving Dream Divine Country news, but also once went to visit specially.” “最大的阻碍依旧存在,但,已然比之三年前好了太多太多。你父神云澈的接受度,也已是远胜当年。这三年间,他一直在关注着云澈织梦神国的讯息,还曾特意亲身前去探望。” Hua Caili fine eyebrows warpage: Father God he is this, always liked saying that very heavy words, actually the heart was softest.” 画彩璃纤眉弯翘:“父神他一直都是这样,总喜欢说很重的话,其实心最软了。” During the chuckles, she is the flying under: I first look at Father God, such long has not seen him for the first time, is really good to think.” 轻笑间,她已是飞身而下:“我先去看一眼父神,第一次这么久没看见他,真的好想念。” Hua Qingying has not gone along with her, she sees the form that Hua Caili goes far away silently, for a while is somewhat startled crazily. 画清影没有随她而去,她默然看着画彩璃远去的身影,一时有些痴怔。 She has believed, Sword Heart cannot flee the capital, wants Sword Path peak, must eliminate all desires and unnecessary emotion. 她一直坚信,剑心不可蒙尘,欲成剑道极致,需摒除一切欲望与不必要的情感。 The rapidness of her Sword Path advancement, exceeds Hua Fuchen, exceeds ancestor from generation to generation, until visiting the summit of present age, directing Divine Emissary to exclaim in surprise that...... this makes brutal Sword Path that she even more believes and strengthens to grasp. 剑道进境之快,超越画浮沉,超越一代又一代的先祖,直至踏足当世之巅,引神官惊叹……这让她愈加坚信和坚定自己所秉持的“无情”剑道 Hua Qingying in the eyes Hua Caili is true freak, all her natural talent, must above oneself...... including Sword Path natural talent. 画清影眼中画彩璃是一个真正的怪胎,她的一切天赋,都要在自己之上……包括剑道天赋 But she clear incomparable detection, radical transformation of her Sword Path cultivation base, after meeting Yun Che. 而她清晰无比的察觉到,她剑道修为的彻底蜕变,是在遇到云澈之后。 Hua Caili isolated dustlessness Sword Heart that all different read under her guidance, deeply under inscribed the Yun Che's shadow...... , the thousand years were difficult the little advance a booklet day of sword, her three years became aware three swords continually. 画彩璃原本在她引导下隔绝一切异念的无尘剑心,深深铭刻下云澈的影子……随之,千载难有寸进的折天之剑,她三载连悟三剑。 Therefore...... 所以…… Abandons all desires with brutal Sword Path of sentiment...... 摒弃一切欲与情的无情剑道…… could it be that unexpectedly is wrong...... 难道竟是错的吗…… Hahahaha! Congratulates Caili to break eighth largest Star Formation! Lets us is really greatly is...... Eh Caili 哈哈哈哈!恭喜彩璃又破第八大星阵!着实让吾等都是大为……彩璃呢” Seven big Sword Venerable completely but to, does not have an absence, has not actually seen the Hua Caili form. 七大剑尊尽皆而至,无一缺席,却是未见画彩璃的身影。 They were clear compared with anybody, is supposed eighth tier/round Star Formation that to mean anything by Hua Qingying personally. 他们可是比任何人都清楚,由画清影亲自设下的第八重星阵意味着什么。 Hua Qingying said: All returned to the Sword Pavilion standby, God Venerate should announce the tour of this time Pure Land in the present.” 画清影道:“皆回剑阁待命,神尊应该会在近日宣告此次的净土之行。” Qingying,” dubhe Sword Venerable caresses white beard, has the profound meaning to say greatly: „The tour of this Pure Land, you go together 清影,”天枢剑尊手抚白须,大有深意道:“此次净土之行,你可是一同前往” After several breaths, Hua Qingying light response: Yes.” 数息之后,画清影淡淡回应:“是。” ...... …… Star Moon Divine Country. 星月神国 „Not absurd brother, seriously is you!” “不妄兄,当真是你!” Checks the star half step to arrive at the plate not absurdly front, high and low is taking a look at him, complex of look difficult word. 刹星快步来到盘不妄面前,上下打量着他,眼神一阵难言的复杂。 Plate not only lost actually the name of God's Son absurdly, followed, but to Royal Mother also left the world, Father God detested and rejected, the person of even/including loving was also abolished and been killed. 盘不妄不但失却了神子之名,伴随而至的还有母后离世,父神厌弃,就连钟情之人也遭废止和丧命。 Abandons the child from Xiaodie (Owl Butterfly) God's Son to Xiaodie (Owl Butterfly), his destiny fluctuating, annotated to the world what for fell hell clearly from the heaven. 枭蝶神子枭蝶弃子,他的命运起伏,向世人清晰诠释了何为从天堂直坠地狱 At this moment the present plate is not absurd, which also least bit past high-spiritedness, whole person aura sank secretly drearily. 此刻眼前的盘不妄,哪还有半点当年的意气风发,整个人气息暗沉阴郁。 don't said the God's Son impressive and dignified manner, even/including his coat, full is ruined with the bloodstain, such as just went out from the dark and bloody mire. 莫说神子威仪,就连他的外衣,都满是破败与血痕,如刚从黑暗与血腥的泥沼中走出。 pupil was also not that arrogant day bent down the world in the past the black star, but was one piece gloomy dim, was difficult to distinguish clearly the light the pollution. 瞳眸也再不是当年那倨天俯世的黑星,而是一片灰暗朦胧,难辨明光的浑浊。 Checks in the star hearts a sigh......, even if loses the name of God's Son, when the position is still far higher than other Imperial Prince, he actually...... reduces unexpectedly hence...... 刹星心间一阵叹息……即使失去神子之名,地位也当远高于其他帝子,他却竟……沦落至此…… In knowing him once went to Fallen Dream Valley , after coming to Fog Sea, Owl Butterfly Divine Country even openly declared to his rejection, regardless of the life and death, will never seek. 在得知他曾前往沉梦谷,又现身雾海后,枭蝶神国甚至公开宣称了对他的舍弃,无论生死,都永不找寻。 , Is he is not willing to bow to new life God's Son the essential cause of this, is not willing to release the matter of Royal Mother...... so the personality, or stupidity, either may preferring death to humiliation of to praise. But on result, obviously hurrying forward. 究其根本原因,是他不肯向新生神子低头,不肯释下母后之事……如此性情,或可谓之愚蠢,或可赞之宁折不弯。但就结果而言,显然更趋前者。 The plate does not smile absurdly: I now am only by the person of abandoning, was far from the qualifications of star God's Son treating as an equal, star God's Son is also willing to meet, has not felt grateful absurdly.” 盘不妄微笑:“我如今只是个被废弃之人,远没有了与星神子平起平坐的资格,星神子还愿相见,不妄已是万般感激。” „Not absurd brother's where words.” Checks the star to shake the head saying: Pain that life takes off and lands with being incapable no use, I also once felt the meeting, this your hoping, your mistake, no one should, therefore looks in you lowly, yourself should not.” “不妄兄哪里的话。”刹星摇头道:“人生起落的痛苦与无力无助,我亦曾亲身感会,这非你之愿,更非你之错,谁也不该因此低看于你,你自己更不该。” In the plate not absurd heart touches, feels grateful: „The life can become friends with star God's Son, good fortune how.” 盘不妄心中触动,感激道:“此生能结交星神子,何其之幸。” Experienced the deep pool to eclipse, checked the state of mind of star obviously to have the subtle change, he said directly: „Not absurd brother, you this time come, must have the important matter, spoke frankly can.” 经历了渊蚀一事,刹星的心境明显发生了微妙的变化,他直接道:“不妄兄,你此番前来,必有要事,直言便可。” Good, I no longer am also polite.” The plate did not say absurdly: I hope that can accompany Star Moon Divine Country, goes to the Pure Land jin Jianyuan sovereign.” “好,那我也不再客气。”盘不妄道:“我希望能随同星月神国,前往净土见渊皇。” Checks the star to look surprisedly, to knit the brows to shake the head: Sorry, this matter I am unable to help you. Not the absurd brother, believes that you should be clear, the tour of this time Pure Land, the significance was far from any time may compare in the past. But various Divine Country having an audience with most only may hundred people.” 刹星面露惊讶,随之皱眉摇头:“抱歉,此事我无法助你。不妄兄,相信你该清楚,此次的净土之行,意义远非以往任何一次可比。而各神国觐见者最多只可百人。” Major star palaces, semi-circular protective walls outside the main city gate to compete for this only hundred people of position, had organized several quite large competition wars. If takes you, to is unfair for star moon/month disciple that it fights hand-to-hand, Owl Butterfly Divine Country must look askance because of this matter, makes the unpredictable recollections, if therefore makes both countries make trouble...... even is only the slightly crack, is the crime.” “各大星殿、月城为了争夺这区区百人之位,已是组织了数场规模颇大的竞战。若将你带上,对为之搏战的星月弟子不公,枭蝶神国也必会因此事侧目,做不可预知的浮想,若因此让两国生隙……即使只是微隙,亦是罪过。” Checks the word of principle star according to all firmly, plate slowly nodded, on the face the color of losing, as if then has not held the hope absurdly from the beginning: Star God's Son said is really, was I have considered shallowly, said so crossed the request unexpectedly.” 刹星之言理据皆坚,盘不妄缓缓点头,脸上并无失落之色,仿佛从一开始便未曾抱有希望:“星神子所言甚是,是我思虑过浅,竟言出如此过界的要求。” Cannot help one another, really sorry.” Checks the star again apology: „Not absurd brother, if insists on wanting to enter Pure Land, may seek his law in addition. Also or......” “未能相助,实在抱歉。”刹星再次歉意道:“不妄兄若执意想入净土,可另寻他法。又或者……” He looked at a plate is not absurd, said: With all due respect, your thought so, does not seem firm.” 他看了一眼盘不妄,道:“恕我直言,你的这般念想,似乎也并没有那么坚决。” The plate did not self-ridicule that absurdly smiles: „The star God's Son intelligent eyes like the torch, things have gotten to this point, I may also speak frankly all the language. The tour of this Pure Land, I do not hold to hope, but to comply with the meaning of Fog Sovereign.” 盘不妄自嘲一笑:“星神子慧目如炬,事已至此,我也无不可坦言之语。此次净土之行,非我所执愿,而是为了遵从雾皇之意。” Checking the star whole person was stiff, then said with completely the indisputable tonality: You said...... Fog Sovereign 刹星整个人都僵了一下,然后才用全然不可置疑的音调道:“你说……雾皇 Yes.” The plate did not say absurdly confidently: Three years ago, I completely discouraged, once has thought the waste heart shuns the world, sinks the dormancy in Fallen Dream Valley. But Weaving Dream Divine Country or worries my status, after I go off, not my sinking dream, but sends out by profound ark, when I wake up, has been in Fog Sea.” “是。”盘不妄坦然道:“三年前,我万念俱灰之下,曾想过废心避世,就此沉眠于沉梦谷。但织梦神国或是顾虑到我的身份,在我睡去之后,未将我沉梦,而是以玄舟送出,我醒来之时,已身在雾海。” He recalls with deep feeling saying: Is open about the facts star God's Son, I can get rid lose hope, heavy labor in world, is Fog Sovereign bestows. I diving body Fog Sea, then to repay the Fog Sovereign benevolence in the three years.” 他感怀道:“不瞒星神子,我能摆脱心死,‘重活’于世,皆是雾皇所赐。我这三年一直潜身雾海,便是为了报答雾皇的恩情。” „To get rid of the heart deep pool truly, needs the straight center of area deep pool. My this time wants toward Pure Land, then because of Fog Sovereign this word.” “欲真正摆脱心渊,需直面心渊。我此次欲往净土,便是因雾皇此言。” At this point, he steps back: Then no longer thank your for your hospitality star God's Son, did not say goodbye absurdly.” 说到这里,他退后一步:“不妄便不再叨扰星神子,就此别过。” When he turns around, behind remembers to check star obvious coldened by several points voice/sound suddenly: 他转身之时,身后忽然想起刹星明显冷了几分声音: Wait!” “等等!” The plate does not stop the footsteps that do not take truly absurdly. 盘不妄停住本就未要真正迈出的脚步。 Checks the star complexion to sink: You will not know the opposition of Fog Sovereign and Pure Land, actually so mentioning recklessly Fog Sovereign before me ‚’. It seems like that you knew me once to accept the Fog Sovereign kindness.” 刹星面色沉下:“你不会不知道雾皇净土的对立,却在我面前如此肆意的言及‘雾皇’。看来,你知晓我曾接受过雾皇的恩惠。” The plate not absurd facial expression is subtle, says nothing pro or con. 盘不妄神情微妙,未置可否。 But is silent, had replied. 而沉默,已是回答。 You in threatening me check star voice/sound coldly suddenly under. “你在威胁我”刹星的声音陡然寒下。 No,” plate does not smile absurdly: Divulged you once to withstand the Fog Sovereign kindness, or may create the difficulty to you, but did not have the advantage to me. I am helping you return the Fog Sovereign benevolence.” “不,”盘不妄微笑:“泄露你曾承受雾皇恩惠,或可对你造成困扰,但对我而言毫无好处。我是在助你回报雾皇的恩情。”
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