ATG :: Volume #21

#2104: Eternal Night treats the dawn

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Eternal Night Divine Country. 永夜神国 The Seventh Level profound array overlap revolves, assorted abyss crystal is releasing in profound array to dazzling profound light intensely. These abyss crystal the greatness of quantity, high of plane/level, makes any profound practitioner astonished to sufficiently such as in the dream. 七重玄阵交叠运转,各色渊晶玄阵中释放着强烈到刺目的玄光。这些渊晶的数量之巨,层面之高,足以让任何一个玄者惊愕到如在梦中。 Four females establish separately profound array each direction, circles in their hands, impressively is Divine Pinnacle Realm the strength of terrifying. 四个女子分立玄阵各个方向,盘旋于她们手中的,赫然是神极境恐怖之力。 But this Seventh Level profound array, is extremely urges the revolutions by these four gangs of powerful gods to the utmost. power in abyss crystal nearly crazy urges, is releasing the spiritual energy of being possible be called berserk...... enters Divine Extinction Realm berserk to easily destruction one sufficiently initially, has profound practitioner of half Divine Body body. 而这七重玄阵,便是由这四股极尽强大的神极之力催转。渊晶中的力量被近乎疯狂的催出,释放着堪称狂暴的灵气……狂暴到足以轻易毁灭一个初入神灭境,拥有半神躯体的玄者 But, is in so fearful profound array, is actually sitting well a female form. 但,就是如此可怕的玄阵之中,却端坐着一个女子身影。 Her long hair, outside clothes by the belt/bring of crazy. The fine peerless five senses...... that withstand the instinct under extreme pain in the unceasing tremor, but her facial expression actually tranquility like that rigid is not willing to show slightly the painful look. 她的长发、外裳被狂乱的带起。精致绝伦的五官在不断的颤动……那是承受极端痛苦下的本能反应,但她的神情却又那般的平静,执着的不肯露出丝毫痛苦的神色。 Gradually, her beautiful white skin starts to lose actually the blood-color, floats one not normally pale...... has not known how long, her between lips coasted slowly together the scarlet dazzling bloodstain. 逐渐的,她的玉肌开始失却着血色,浮上一层绝不正常的惨白……又不知过了多久,她的唇间缓缓滑下一道猩红刺目的血痕。 God not quiet luan aura stagnates slightly, her look struggles, finally said in a low voice: venerable, so intensity, even Divine Extinction Realm Late Stage was unable to withstand, not recalled her, even if has Nine Profound Exquisite Body, this time has also surpassed the limit inevitably, this way......” 神无幽鸾气息稍滞,她眼神挣扎,终于还是低声道:“尊上,这般强度,即使是神灭境后期也早已无法承受,无忆她纵然有九玄玲珑体,此番也必然已超越了极限,再这样下去……” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Ruthless certainly hoarse, did not bring voice/sound of temperature to rip pleading of god not quiet luan: This stop time, this venerable will act!” 狠绝嘶哑,不带一丝温度的声音撕断了神无幽鸾的哀求:“该停止的时候,本尊自会出手!” The god not quiet luan does not dare to say again, only has to continue to maintain Seventh Level profound array, urges to transfer the spiritual energy in abyss crystal. 神无幽鸾不敢再言,唯有继续维持七重玄阵,催转着渊晶中的灵气。 Shenwu Yi present cultivation base is Divine Extinction Realm Fifth Level, but the spiritual energy storm in Seventh Level profound array, if trades to make other same boundary profound practitioner, hundred breaths, Profound Vein explodes surely, the consequence is dreadful. 神无忆如今的修为神灭境五级,而七重玄阵中的灵气风暴,若换做其他同境玄者,不出百息,必定玄脉爆裂,后果不堪设想。 But she, already in enough a quarter of an hour. 而她,已在其中足足一刻钟 Because she has is existing in everyone cognition, actually already Nine Profound Exquisite Body of too long not present world. As gradual awakening of her within the body Exquisite World, Profound Vein and body to power and principle bearing capacity, are far from common profound practitioner may compare. 因为她拥有着存在于所有人认知,却已太久未曾现世的九玄玲珑体。随着她体内玲珑世界的逐渐觉醒,玄脉和躯体对力量法则的承受能力,将远非寻常玄者可比。 In the twenty years, her cultivation base from the Divine Lord Realm peak grows to Divine Extinction Realm Fifth Level, terrifying of advancement, other Divine Country vertical fuzzy learning this news, does not have believes. 这二十年间,她的修为神主境巅峰成长至神灭境五级,进境之恐怖,其他神国纵模糊的获知此消息,也无一相信。 yet no one knows, her advancement so, urges in what brutal way. 更无人知道,她的这般进境,是以何种残酷的方式所催成。 Shenwu Yanye Eternal Night Divine Country all highest level resources crazy pile penetrating in Shenwu Yi body. abyss crystal that same time, consumes add more than other all gods child God's Daughter, but its process, other absolutely not God's Son God's Daughter can reappear and withstand. 神无厌夜永夜神国所有最顶级的资源都疯狂堆彻在了神无忆身上。同等的时间,所消耗的渊晶要比其他所有神神女加起来还要多,但其过程,也绝非其他神子神女可以复现和承受。 Shenwu Yanye is a from head to tail lunatic, regardless of any aspect. This point, various Gods country no one does not know, Eternal Night Divine Country is the sincerity of knowledge. 神无厌夜是个彻头彻尾的疯子,无论任何方面。这一点,诸神无人不知,永夜神国更是知之深切。 Also was entire a quarter of an hour in the past, the Shenwu Yi facial features do not see the slight blood-color, each spot of her body, will often have the even more intense convulsion...... only to have her facial expression, tranquility like that as if complete sensation did not arrive at the pain as before, the sensation does not arrive at the fear. 又是整整一刻钟过去,神无忆的面容已不见丝毫的血色,她躯体的每一个部位,都会不时的出现愈加强烈的痉挛……唯有她的神情,依旧那般的平静,仿佛完全感知不到痛苦,感知不到恐惧。 The god not quiet luan had closed the eye, does not endure to look to her. 神无幽鸾早已是闭上了眼睛,再不忍看向她。 At this time, the Shenwu Yi body presented fierce swaying finally, several long and narrow bloodstains split in her waist side and chest place, her aura also in this moment thorough fall into disorder. 这时,神无忆的身躯终于出现了剧烈的摇晃,数道狭长的血痕在她的腰侧和心口处裂开,她的气息也在这一刻彻底崩乱 ! 噗! She consciousness the separation, the lip spurts the blood fog, goes backward slowly but actually. 她意识离散,唇喷血雾,向后缓缓倒去。 A palm of being dried up grasps from the black theater curtain, only split second, Seventh Level profound array profound light completely extinguishes, all spiritual energies completely duplicate, extinguishes without the trace. 一只干枯的手掌从黑色的幕布中抓出,只一瞬间,七重玄阵玄光尽灭,所有的灵气被完全覆下,消弭无踪。 Not recalled!” “无忆!” God not quiet luan moves sideways to forward, holds Shenwu Yi in the bosom, some little time, she noticed that Shenwu Yi pupil restored the focal distance. 神无幽鸾一个闪身向前,将神无忆扶在怀中,好一会儿,她才看到神无忆瞳眸重新恢复了焦距。 Snort, useless thing!” Shenwu Yanye ice-cold dazzling voice/sound resounds: So-called Nine Profound Exquisite Body is also mediocre!” “哼,没用的东西!”神无厌夜冰寒刺目的声音响起:“所谓九玄玲珑体也不过如此!” Not recalled, you are listening. Before going to Pure Land, you must step into Divine Extinction Realm Sixth Level, otherwise, I am certainly heavy.” “无忆,你听着。前往净土之前,你必须踏入神灭境六级,否则,我绝不轻恕。” The god not quiet luan transfers the pupil, she wanted to say anything, actually felt the palm by Shenwu Yi pressing firmly between the fingers gently, stopped the words that she just about to exits. 神无幽鸾转眸,她想要说什么,却感觉到手掌被神无忆轻轻的捏住,也止住了她刚要出口的话语。 She sets out from the god not quiet luan bosom difficultly, voice/sound is weak, is still respectful and firm: Mother Goddess uses the resources and heart blood to me, if I disappoint, is unable to forgive itself.” 她从神无幽鸾怀中艰难起身,声音虚弱,却依旧恭敬而坚决:“母神对我倾尽资源和心血,我若辜负,亦无法原谅自己。” You know well then.” Shenwu Yanye coldly said: Rolls the recuperation! After seven days, comes this again!” “你知道便好。”神无厌夜冷冷道:“滚下去休整!七日之后再行来此!” Shenwu Yi is actually lightly said: Mother Goddess felt relieved, five days then.” 神无忆却是轻语道:“母神放心,五日即可。” She lifts the pupil, weak voice/sound brings as if to come from the soul bottom obsession: Mother Goddess is not willing the female of the world to occupy under the man. Above Pure Land, not recalled that frustrates various Gods surely, making God's Son of various Gods country's all crawl under Eternal Night. This, does not only lose hoping of Mother Goddess, may report the graciousness of Mother Goddess slightly.” 她抬眸,虚弱的声音带着仿佛源自魂底的执念:“母神不愿世之女子居男子之下。净土之上,无忆定挫败诸神子,让诸神国的神子皆匍匐永夜之下。唯此,才不负母神之愿,才可稍报母神之恩。” Therefore, Mother Goddess does not need to worry that not recalled it creates...... this to fall, Mother Goddess is only willing...... is not possible to disappoint.” “所以,母神无需担忧无忆之创……此身可陨,唯母神之愿……不可辜负。” The language falls, her body sways, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, fainted in body of god not quiet luan again. 语落,她身体摇晃,嘴角再度溢血,在神无幽鸾的身上昏死了过去。 After a deathly stillness...... several breaths, Shenwu Yanye is quiet makes noise coldly: Quiet luan, leading her to go back.” 一片死寂……数息之后,神无厌夜才幽冷出声:“幽鸾,带她回去。” Yes.” The god not quiet luan hastily accordingly, bringing stupor Shenwu Yi to hurry away. “是。”神无幽鸾连忙应声,带起昏迷的神无忆匆匆而去。 Rolls!” “都滚下去!” With her fearful voice/sound duplicate, Eternal Night God Hall does not have others again, returns to suffocating cold and still. 随着她可怕声音的覆下,永夜神殿再无他人,回归一片让人窒息的冷寂。 The dry hand tried to find out in the darkness, secret texts in hand was opened...... in a moment ago, after several months, another abyss dust by she incomparably careful driving away, another page of secret texts can be opened. 枯手在黑暗中摸索,手中的秘典被翻开……就在刚才,时隔数月,又一层渊尘被她无比小心的驱离,又一页秘典可以被翻开。 Refers to dry touches lightly on, distinguishes to the extreme four feelings keenly above inscribes, is turning round as before the light abyss dust obsolete writing. 枯指轻触而上,敏锐到极点的四感识别着上面所铭刻,依旧覆着淡淡渊尘的陈旧文字。 Ice...... snow...... colored glaze...... glass...... heart...... 冰……雪……琉……璃……心…… This page, is to the record of Glazed Glass Heart. 这一页,是对琉璃之心的记载。 Heart of Snow Glazed Glass...... at the beginning of primordial chaos, purest Qi of Primordial Chaos congealed...... purely to...... rumor may result in Heaven's Way to bless...... the unknown truth for world to the soul only several times...... 冰雪琉璃心……混沌之初,最为纯粹的鸿蒙之气所凝……为世间至纯至净之心魂……数度传闻可得天道庇佑……未知真伪…… May peep the world essence...... to feel the all things soul...... his heart if purely to the pure snow and ice, to Glazed Glass, does not allow the blemish to dye only......, thus, its sentiment, its meaning, his heart, it read loyally, its......, once inscribed, was until death faithful, will never lose...... 可窥天地本质……可感万物心魂……其心纯粹若至纯冰雪,至净琉璃,不容玷染……因而,其情、其意、其心、其念、其忠……一旦铭刻,至死不渝,永不相负…… The withered finger starts to tremble...... she to send out nearly sad and shrill voice/sound: Its sentiment, its loyal...... until death faithful...... never lost/carrying...... haha...... Hahahaha......” 干枯的手指开始发抖……她发出近乎凄厉的声音:“其情,其忠……至死不渝……永不相负……哈哈……哈哈哈哈……” World what comes the true feelings! World what save is loyal! False...... laughable...... is false...... Hahahaha...... Hahahahahaha......” “世间何来真情!世间何存忠诚!假的……可笑……都是假的……哈哈哈哈……哈哈哈哈哈哈……” She laughs, laughs wildly, the laughter just like the malicious ghost of being insane, that pair withered such as the cheeks of bark actually clearly drenches is falling not the muddy tear stains. 她大笑,狂笑,笑声宛若失心的恶鬼,那一双干枯如树皮的脸颊却分明淋落着并不浑浊的泪痕。 Brings back to her bedroom palace Shenwu Yi, the god not quiet luan has no idle time, being thrown into confusion puts out several to injure medicine pill, then fast arrange/cloth next cures to recover profound array. 神无忆带回她的寝殿,神无幽鸾没有任何停歇,手忙脚乱的拿出数枚愈伤丹药,然后快速布下一个疗愈玄阵 Temperate profound light covers, looks at Shenwu Yi palely such as the paper complexion, the god not quiet luan closes the eye slowly, blocks that out of control stubbornly wet intent. 温和的玄光笼罩而下,看着神无忆惨白如纸的脸色,神无幽鸾缓缓闭上眼睛,死死扼住那失控的湿意。 Sorry...... not recalled.” Her soft murmuring: If the one had only known, I...... cannot initially......” “对不起……无忆。”她轻喃着:“若早知如此,我当初……绝不会……” aunt, you never need to say these three characters to me.” 姑姑,你永远不需要对我说这三个字。” Suddenly resounds voice/sound near ear to make the god not quiet luan open the pupil fiercely, in the eyes passes the instant flurry, is calm: Not recalled, you...... awoke 忽然响起在耳边的声音让神无幽鸾猛地睁眸,眼中晃过刹那的慌乱,随之镇定道:“无忆,你……醒了” I have been awaking.” Shenwu Yi lightly said: Made aunt be worried.” “我一直都醒着。”神无忆轻语道:“让姑姑担心了。” The god not quiet luan obviously was startled, then very natural say/way: Awakes can speed up the injury to restore, is good. My words...... were only some chaotic languages, you do not need to care.” 神无幽鸾明显怔了一下,然后很是自然的道:“醒着可以加快伤势恢复,再好不过。我刚才的话……只是些许乱语,你无需在意。” I know.” Shenwu Yi said gently. “我知道。”神无忆轻轻道。 The god not quiet luan just relaxed secretly, then listens to Shenwu Yi continued: I have known, in the past saved my person, was quiet luan aunt.” 神无幽鸾刚暗松一口气,便听神无忆继续道:“我一直都知道,当年救我的人,是幽鸾姑姑。” If hears the thunderclap, the god not quiet luan stands up fiercely, is frightened has not forgotten the extend the hand palm, then wants arrange/cloth next sound-insulated formation. 如闻霹雳,神无幽鸾猛地站起,惊惶之间没忘记伸出手掌,便要布下一个隔音结界 Shenwu Yi actually resembled has expected her so, when she lifted the hand, has held down her arm...... she to be extremely weak gently, making the god not quiet luan stop the movement hastily. 神无忆却似是早就料到她会如此,在她抬手之时,已是轻轻按住了她的手臂……她太过虚弱,让神无幽鸾连忙止住了动作。 If arrange/cloth sound-insulated formation, will instead be inferred by her. She at this moment, must glance through secret texts, aunt felt relieved that is.” “若布隔音结界,反而会被她察知。她此刻,应当在翻阅秘典,姑姑放心便是。” „......” God not quiet luan double pupil enlargement, looks at Shenwu Yi, as if first day knows her. Then pulls down voice/sound to say stubbornly: Not recalled, this words, cannot talk foolishly!” “……”神无幽鸾双眸放大,怔怔的看着神无忆,仿佛第一天认识她。然后才死死压低声音道:“无忆,这种话,不可乱言!” She stays behind cures to recover profound array, retreat one step: You well therapy, just now words, I when anything has not heard, you may not say half character again.” 她留下疗愈玄阵,后退一步:“你好好疗伤,方才的话,我就当什么都没有听到,你也绝不可再说半字。” Then, she escapes departure that also resembles. 说完,她逃也似的离开。 Just about to treads the palace gate, her behind, transmits Shenwu Yi gentle chanting in a low voice: World not true Eternal Night, deep and quiet night, when will have daybreak.” 刚要踏出殿门,她的身后,传来神无忆轻婉的低吟:“世间从无真正的永夜,再幽邃的黑夜,也会有破晓之时。” The god not quiet luan stopped the footsteps fiercely. 神无幽鸾猛地停住了脚步。 aunt, you are hidden in the dark dark green luan.” 姑姑,你是隐于幽暗的苍鸾。” However your phoenix, the vertical experiencing suffering humiliation, does not have the one person alone to flee the darkness.” “而你的‘凤’,纵受尽屈辱,亦没有孤身逃离黑暗。” When Eternal Night daybreak, luan phoenix surely again and cry.” “待永夜破晓,鸾凤定会再度和鸣。” „......” God not quiet luan body shivers, she closely bites the tooth, is actually not able to stop as before. “……”神无幽鸾躯体颤抖,她紧紧咬齿,却依旧无法休止。 Her nape of the neck rotation, but changes to half crabbedly actually stops...... because of this moment, she does not dare to touch the Shenwu Yi pupil light suddenly. 她脖颈转动,但转到一半却又艰涩的停止……因为这一刻,她忽然不敢去触碰神无忆的眸光。 Has not known how long, she finally difficult turns round...... she to see Shenwu Yi lifted gently refers, touches near the lip, is telling her: What is not no need to say. 不知过了多久,她才终于艰难的回身……她看到神无忆轻轻抬指,触碰在了唇边,告诉着她:什么都不必说。 The god not quiet luan nods gently, suddenly tears well up. 神无幽鸾轻轻颔首,忽然间泪如泉涌。 ...... …… Fog Sovereign two characters are sweeping across abyss each piece of Life Land by the potential of storm. But this time, added to want violent myriad times compared with it past. 雾皇”二字以风暴之势席卷着深渊的每一片生地。而这一次,比之以往加起来都要猛烈万千倍。 And abyss profound practitioner mentioned Fog Sovereign two word-time, did not have the past question, to argue and tease again, but has never had panic-stricken, shocked...... as well as is unable to proclaim in Kou the doubt. 深渊玄者言及“雾皇”二字时,再没有了以往的质疑、争论和戏谑,而是从未有过的惊恐、震撼……以及无法宣之于口的心疑。 even/including abyss each grain of abyss dust, did not seem to normal moving restlessly. 就连深渊的每一粒渊尘,都仿佛有了不正常的躁动。 Only Pure Land, is peaceful before throughout such as, does not have any Yun Che...... as well as everyone estimates the change. 唯独净土,始终安静如前,没有任何云澈……以及所有人预想中的异动。 Fog Sea shallow part. 雾海浅处。 Yun Che changed the appearance and wear, aura also a pollution under Ni Yuan Stone. At this moment even if was Hua Caili passed over gently and swiftly from his body side, is unable knows him by the appearance and aura. 云澈变更了容貌与穿着,气息亦在逆渊石之下一片浑浊。此刻纵然是画彩璃从他身侧掠过,也无法凭借外貌和气息将他识出。 He is maintaining the same posture already consecutively for 89 double-hour, and same action, he had continued more than ten days. 他保持着同一个姿势已经连续八九个时辰,且相同的举动,他已是持续了十几天之久。 Finally, he opened the eye, long air vent, then relying on heavily above the rear black stone. 终于,他睁开了眼睛,长长的出了一口气,然后重重的倚在了后方的黑石之上。 The white shadow appears, turns round the white hands of divine light to touch among near Yun Che's volumes, bestows next world most sacred profound light. 白影浮现,覆着神光的玉手触近云澈的额间,赐下世间最神圣玄光 12 days.” She said gently: Actually you are seeking for what every day so, even if you, Soul is also unbearable.” “十二天了。”她轻轻说道:“你究竟在找寻什么每日如此,纵然是你,灵魂也难以承受。” Yun Che to close both eyes silent some little time, that extremely deep fatigue finally was more moderate. He has not responded to the question of Li Suo, but is the faint smile say/way: 12 days, did not have unexpectedly, when you reproach me, I am more curious than you.” 云澈闭目静默了好一会儿,那极深的疲惫感才总算缓和了些。他却是没有回应黎娑的问话,而是似笑非笑的道:“十二天了,居然始终没有等到你责斥我,我比你更好奇。” Reproaching Li Suo is puzzled: Why “责斥”黎娑不解:“为何” Yun Che crooked mouth awry corner/horn, said: To demonstrate Fog Sovereign can control the Fog Sea prestige energy, a piece of Life Land person who I harm will lose the native land forever, does not know that will have many people therefore to suffer the deep pool eclipse to be killed. By your Sacred Heart, is unable to accept inevitably, should say me early, as soon as passed.” 云澈歪了歪嘴角,道:“为展示雾皇可以控制雾海的威能,我害的一片生地的人永失故土,不知会有多少人因此而惨遭渊蚀丧命。以你的神圣之心,必然无法接受,早该说我一通了。” „......” Li Suo is silent for a very long time. “……”黎娑久久沉默。 When to Yun Che again to close both eyes, preparation short shallow dormancy, his ear transmits Li Suo light vast such as cloud voice/sound: You were too lonely.” 一直到云澈重新闭目,准备短暂浅眠时,他的耳边传来黎娑轻渺如云的声音:“你太孤独了。” „...... Un Yun Che looks at the front empty vast not able the to clearly recognize appearance form: „, Has not had you to accompany me “……嗯”云澈看着前方虚渺到无法辨清容颜的身影:“并没有啊,不是有你一直陪着我么” Li Suo lightly said: I am not He Ling, is unable such as she to know your heart generally forever, along your meaning, consoles your soul.” 黎娑轻语道:“我不是禾菱,无法如她一般永远知你之心,顺你之意,慰你之魂。” Moreover, I am unable to have the present body like He Ling, when is depressed alone the sensation to you appears the figure to give you to comfort. Therefore, facing alone with soul war casualty that you are unable to mediate, I only from ashamed, is unable to reproach.” “而且,我无法像禾菱一样具现躯体,在感知到你郁结孤寂之时现出身形予以你抚慰。所以,面对你无法排解的孤寂与魂殇,我唯自愧,无从责斥。” Eh......” Yun Che puts out a hand, did not rub the tip of the nose voluntarily, voice/sound quite said weakly: You said comforting, should not be that I think 呃……”云澈伸手,不自觉的揉了揉鼻尖,声音颇为弱弱的道:“你说的‘抚慰’,应该不是我想的那种吧” Li Suo: „......” 黎娑:“……”
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