ATG :: Volume #21

#2103: Chaotic heart

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Li Suo lightly said: But after today, must have Divine Emissary to come this.” 黎娑轻语道:“但今日之后,必有神官来此。” Far more than Divine Emissary.” Yun Che meaning inexplicable low smiles: Abyss Sovereign comes in person is not strange. After all...... he through the projections of various crazy proliferation, will see the thing beyond his cognition quickly!” “何止神官。”云澈一声意味莫名的低笑:“渊皇亲至都毫不奇怪。毕竟……他很快会通过各种疯狂扩散的投影,看到他认知之外的东西!” Therefore......” Li Suo said: You want, is the heart of chaotic Pure Land “所以……”黎娑道:“你要的,是乱净土之心” No,” Yun Che's complexion vertical because of being weak and pale, is passing one as before lets the person palpitation quiet cold: I am chaotic, is this entire abyss world will of the people.” “不,”云澈的脸色纵因虚弱而惨白,依旧透着一股让人心悸的幽寒:“我要乱的,是这整个深渊之世的人心。” Yun Che lifts the pupil, is pronouncing unstressed the past demon before Eastern God Territory, Chi Wuyao once to he has spoken the words: „To extinguish its territory, is first chaotic his heart, wants the chaotic his heart, first collapse its read.” 云澈抬眸,轻念着当年魔临东神域前,池妩仸曾对他说过的话语:“欲灭其域,先乱其心,欲乱其心,先崩其念。” But Abyss Sovereign, without a doubt is the highest belief of this world. 渊皇,毫无疑问是此世的最高信仰。 „After today, Fog Sovereign in a short time will not easily appear again, I must be extremely careful in the cultivation of Fog Sea.” “今日之后,‘雾皇’短期内不会再轻易出现,我在雾海的修炼也必须慎之又慎。” Then, observes calmly the change of the world to be then good.” “接下来,静观世界的变化便好。” Deep pool nuclear, not only implanted among the Abyss Knight souls, in through the hand of abyss profound practitioner, spreads among the hearts of abyss myriad spirits. “渊核”不仅种入了深渊骑士的魂间,亦在通过深渊玄者之手,扩散向深渊万灵的心间。 But what kind of wicked flower today this deep pool nuclear will start out in abyss, Yun Che is unable to forecast, but extremely anticipation. 而今日这枚“渊核”会在深渊开出怎样的恶花,云澈无法预测,但万分期待。 ...... …… Yuchi Nanxing difficult awaking revolutions. 尉迟南星艰难醒转。 Spreads the severe pain of whole body, the consciousness and gradually regaining consciousness, cruel told his previous is not being nightmares. 遍及全身的剧痛,以及逐渐苏醒的意识,都在残忍的告诉着他先前的一切都并非噩梦。 Santal, awoke finally.” “南星,总算醒了。” Gradually in the clear line of sight screens the form of white elm, he seems like the injury is quite heavy, the whole body is distressed, but far inferior Yuchi Nanxing 逐渐清晰的视线中映出白榆的身影,他看上去也伤势颇重,满身狼狈,但远不及尉迟南星 So frigid, has waked up early, and also Yu Lik-wai he builds next to cure to recover profound array. 这般惨烈,已是早早醒来,且还有余力为他筑下一个疗愈玄阵 Sky over Yuchi santal of awakens is actually startled however looks, for a very long time has not had the spoken language. 苏醒的尉迟南星却是怔然看着上空,久久未有言语。 in his eyes, is the white elm has never seen the grey defeat. He was extremely clear that the attack of matter of today after Yuchi santal...... he becomes Abyss Knight 36 commanding one of the, almost even/including little injures again had not had, the idle talk so causes heavy losses. But is more fearful than ten million times the wound, is the huge impact of word of Fog Sovereign to his faith. 他的眼中,是白榆从未见过的灰败。他太过清楚今日之事对尉迟南星的打击……他成为深渊骑士三十六统领之一后,几乎连小伤都再未有过,遑论这般重创。而比创伤可怕千万倍的,是雾皇之言对他信念的剧烈冲击。 Fog Sovereign has not killed us.” The white elm said: Perhaps...... does not dare.” 雾皇没有杀我们。”白榆道:“或许……是不敢。” But he himself also knows, this reason is how reluctantly. 但他自己也知道,这个理由是多么的勉强。 Yuchi Nanxing rotates the lines of sight, discovered that here is piece of Overgrown Lands, profound practitioner that surroundings massive manners vary. But, these profound practitioner aura are actually disorderly, even also should be protected in formation numerously, should not expose the weak women and young children in abyss dust. 尉迟南星转动视线,发现这里是一片荒芜之地,周围是大量神态各异的玄者。但,这些玄者气息却是杂乱非常,甚至还有着众多应该被防护于结界,不该暴露于渊尘之中的弱妇与稚童。 They all are the look cavities, the look is mournful, soulless looks at the unknown distant place. 他们皆是眼神空洞,神色凄然,无神的看着未知的远方。 Where this is......” he opens the mouth finally. “这是……哪里”他终于开口。 The white elm look is complex, said: Profound desert east, original profound desert, already...... by Fog Sea engulfed.” 白榆神色复杂,道:“玄漠界之东,原本的玄漠界,已经……被雾海吞没。” By Fog Sea engulfed this brief five characters, being made Yuchi santal respond sufficiently for a long time is very very long, finally, he exudes one soulless twittering: How...... so......” “被雾海吞没”这简短五个字,让尉迟南星足以反应了很久很久,最终,他发出一声无神的呢喃:“怎么……如此……” Yes, how can so!” “是啊,怎会如此!” The similar four characters, bring to shiver...... and should not to indignant that Abyss Knight reveals. The desert westerly wind walks, has Divine Extinction Realm First Level cultivation base him, this time footsteps are actually limp heavily: Also invited Lord Knight, lost actually the wandering person in native land for us, arranged Life Land that can take shelter separately.” 同样的四个字,却是带着颤抖……和绝不该对深渊骑士露出的激愤。漠西风走来,有着神灭境一级修为的他,此时的脚步却是沉重蹒跚:“还请骑士大人,为吾等失却故土的流离之人,另行安排一处可以容身的生地。” Otherwise, the time is slightly long, these cultivation base emaciated people, will certainly perishing body abyss dust.” “否则,时间稍久,这些修为孱弱之人,必将亡身渊尘。” Regardless of the desert westerly wind voice/sound or the manner do not have beforehand respectful and prudent again, and is obviously restraining the mood vigorously. The white elm brow sinks suddenly, cold sound said: You are ordering me to ruin profound desert, is that Fog Sea Fog Sovereign!” 漠西风无论声音还是神态都再无之前的恭谨,且明显在极力克制着情绪。白榆眉头骤沉,寒声道:“你在命令我毁掉玄漠界的,是那个雾海雾皇!” Desert westerly wind mirthless smile: „Before today, Fog Sovereign gives me profound desert, only has the greatest gracious gift. Under the Fog Sovereign gracious gift, vertical no isolates formation, that abyss dust also as thin may also withstand as the women and children shortly. So, soon, the profound desert limits may become the innumerable informed and experienced profound practitioner stopover, its prosperous will also certainly far exceed the past.” 漠西风惨笑一声:“今日之前,雾皇给予我玄漠界的,唯有莫大的恩赐。雾皇恩赐之下,纵无隔绝结界,那渊尘也稀薄到妇孺亦可短暂承受。如此,用不了太久,玄漠界定可成为无数历练玄者争相驻足之地,其繁盛也必将远超以往。” However ruins all these...... is you!” Desert westerly wind has completely been ready for any sacrifice, the direct finger white elm and Yuchi Nanxing, on the face are the hate anger of out-of-control: Is you forces! Was you make Fog Sovereign take back the gracious favor, lowered the divine punishment!” “而毁掉这一切的……是你们!”漠西风似已全然豁出去,直接手指白榆和尉迟南星,脸上是失控的恨怒:“是你们逼迫!是你们让雾皇收回了恩泽,降下了神罚!” Dissolute!” The white elm is furious, the Pure Land dignity releases with the anger suddenly under. “放肆!”白榆震怒,净土威严随着怒意骤释而下。 Royal Father!” Desert Sensuke hurries racing arrive, holds on the arm of desert westerly wind stubbornly, then in a terrified way salutes to the white elm: Lord Knight appeases anger. Royal Father he offered profound desert the life, now profound desert was swallowed by Fog Sea, Royal Father sad extreme broken heart, careless words, invited Lord Knight atonement!” 父王!”漠千佑慌忙奔至,死死拉住漠西风的手臂,然后向白榆惶恐行礼:“骑士大人息怒。父王他将一生都献予了玄漠界,如今玄漠界被雾海吞噬,父王悲极断肠,口不择言,请骑士大人赎罪!” Bang! 砰! The desert westerly wind is fierce waves the arms about, flings to fly ruthlessly desert Sensuke. 漠西风却是猛一甩手,将漠千佑狠狠甩飞出去。 Profound desert did not have, our roots did not have, but also fears what Abyss Knight!” The desert westerly wind lifts the hand, aims at the white elm again: Sensuke, your good attractive to be clear, well remember, they are Abyss Knight, ruins profound desert, personal enemy and criminal who destroy our generation base industry!” “玄漠界都没了,我们的根都没了,还惧什么深渊骑士!”漠西风抬手,再次指向白榆:“千佑,你好好看清,好好记住,他们是深渊骑士,更是毁掉玄漠界,毁我们世代基业的仇人与罪人!” Heh! white elm anger smiles extremely: Therefore, profound desert Realm King, how you treat 呵!”白榆怒极而笑:“所以,玄漠界王,你待如何” Hehehe!” The desert westerly wind responds with dismal sneering: How I treat face noble Abyss Knight, the lord of I small Life Land, how can also” 呵呵呵!”漠西风报以更为悲凉的冷笑:“我待如何面对高贵的深渊骑士,我一个小小的生地之主,又能如何” „, As noble Abyss Knight, you harmed trim Life Land to lose can the gracious favor of graciousness aid hundredth, harmed everyone to be destitute and homeless, how you this...... exercised to symbolize the rightness and glorious of Pure Land!” “那么,作为高贵的深渊骑士,你害得一整片生地失了原本可以恩济百世的恩泽,更害得所有人流离失所,你又该……如何行使象征净土的公正与荣耀!” Said, all that you receive, such as Abyss Sovereign two characters are ordinary, but is bullies the world the lie!” “还是说,你们所秉承的一切,都如‘渊皇’二字一般,不过是欺世的谎言!” First half a word, but also is the complaint under extreme anger, can forgive. But the following a few words, touch the bottom line that any Abyss Knight can tolerate without a doubt ruthlessly. 前半句,还算是极怒下的怨言,尚可原谅。但后面一句话,毫无疑问狠狠触及任何一个深渊骑士所能容忍的底线。 In the white elm anger lives killing intent steep, he raised the head slowly, sound cold like deep pool: courts...... death!” 白榆怒意之中陡生杀意,他缓缓抬头,音寒如渊:“找……死!” Ding! 叮! The cold frost congeals, the sword of his paleness has flashed before refers to......, but has not had the directional desert westerly wind for a very long time. 寒霜凝结,他的苍白之剑已闪现指间……但却久久未有指向漠西风。 killing intent that even/including he just ascended, frames unexpectedly. 就连他刚刚升腾的杀意,也蓦地定格。 With his lifting head, he to eye one after another. They looked that has the fear, confusedly, indifferent...... to have the deep hidden hate to his vision. 随着他的抬首,他对上了一双又一双的眼睛。他们看向他的目光有着恐惧、迷茫、冷漠……更有着深隐的怨恨。 Did not have again familiar earnest, worships, yearns, respects. 却再没有了熟悉的热切、崇拜、向往、敬仰。 Surging killing intent changes into one type has never had the powerless feeling suddenly, the even/including line of sight, presented intermittent absent-minded. 涌动的杀意忽然化为一种从未有过的无力感,就连视线,也出现了阵阵的恍惚。 White elm,” Yuchi santal makes noise weakly: We walk.” “白榆,”尉迟南星虚弱出声:“我们走。” The cold frost and sword blade vanish in the white elm hand, he brings wound heavy Yuchi santal, flies away silently. 寒霜和剑刃消失于白榆手中,他带起伤重的尉迟南星,默然飞离。 Unexpectedly, he stopped, after chest fierce fluctuating, he is backward fierce waves the arms about, the pure white jade flies to fall one piece, pounds before the body of desert westerly wind. 蓦地,他又停了下来,胸口一阵剧烈的起伏后,他向后猛一甩手,一块洁白的玉石飞落而下,砸在漠西风的身前。 This is my knight token, you to Northeast the line, seek named chalk Life Land. There is my native land, will have this token, chalk will give shelter to and settle you...... to survive many, will all look at your good fortunes.” “这是我的骑士令牌,你们向东北而行,寻一个名为白垩界的生地。那里是我的故土,有此令牌,白垩界自会收留和安顿你们……能存活多少,皆看你们自己的造化。” When I finish the matter of Pure Land, I meet...... return to chalk to arrange for you.” “待我忙完净土之事,我自会……亲返白垩界为你们安排。” Then, he no longer stays, leading Yuchi Nanxing to leave. 说完,他不再停留,带着尉迟南星离开。 His speed is quick, as if not want to withstand their lines of sight. 他的速度很快,似乎再不想承受他们的视线。 ...... …… Practices universe profound array red light in space to flash, the Yun Che half step walked come out. 修炼空间中的乾坤玄阵红光一闪,云澈快步走了出来 He takes down body Ni Yuan Stone, short several breaths, aura that outside him releases has returned to normal, returns to Yun Che in others sensation. 他取下身上逆渊石,短短数息,他外释的气息已恢复正常,回归他人感知中的云澈 Attracted several tones greatly, covers the weak and weary condition, he goes out of the cultivation space, then in manner uses/gives correct/however the pavilion in walking into garden, lets stain the clothing again with the standing grain reveals one to offer the snack, a reorganization sends out, is really satisfied quiet however. 大吸了几口气,掩下虚弱与疲态,他走出修炼空间,然后神态施然的走入庭院的亭中,再让沾衣与禾露一个奉上茶点,一个整理散发,甚是惬意幽然。 In a while, familiar aura fast close to God's Son Palace. Dream kite also quick incoming telegram: Young master, God's Son Xi seeks an audience.” 没过多久,一个熟悉的气息快速临近神子殿。梦纸鸢也很快来报:“公子,溪神子求见。” Makes him come.” “让他进来。” The Meng Jianxi footsteps in a hurry, the complexion is austere. His so appearance lets Yun Che immediately the relaxing body, sits respectfully: Had what important matter 梦见溪脚步匆匆,面色肃重。他这般样子让云澈顿时直起腰身,正襟危坐:“发生了什么大事” Indeed is the important matter, but not with our Weaving Dream direct correlation.” Meng Jianxi said directly: „Before a double-hour, the Fog Sea that side had a different matter.” “的确是大事,但并不与我们织梦直接相关。”梦见溪直接道:“一个时辰前,雾海那边发生了一件异事。” „Before a double-hour, Yun Che brow big wrinkle, the look was also for dignified immediately several points: Short one double-hour, from Fog Sea has passed on to here unexpectedly looks like this matter seriously no small matter, states in detail.” “一个时辰前”云澈眉头大皱,神色也顿时凝重了数分:“短短一个时辰,竟已从雾海传至此处看来此事当真非同小可,详说。” Meng Jianxi said: Younger Brother Yuan knowledge Fog Sovereign 梦见溪道:“渊弟可知‘雾皇’” Naturally.” Yun Che looks the doubts: You said that...... could it be that this mattermay act according to the Xuanji Hall news with Fog Sovereign unexpectedlyrelated, this so-called Fog Sovereign, is the people of certain disobedient Pure Land does the come out false play in Fog Sea, is it possible that made what big sound “当然。”云澈面露疑惑:“你如此说……难道此事竟与‘雾皇’有关可根据璇玑殿的消息,这所谓雾皇,是某些忤逆净土之人在雾海出来的伪戏,莫非又弄了什么大动静” Meng Jianxi long spits the breath, said: „Since this year, various rumor about Fog Sovereign has followed on somebody's heels, and is even more exaggerating. Before today, I and Younger Brother Yuan to Fog Sovereign two character views completely all same. I have believed, the stupid unreachable person, will really believe these related Fog Sovereign absurd rumor.” 梦见溪长长一声吐息,道:“这一年以来,关于雾皇的各种传闻接踵而至,且愈加夸张。今日之前,我与渊弟对‘雾皇’二字看法尽皆相同。我一直认为,只有蠢不可及之人,才会真的相信那些有关雾皇的荒谬传闻。” However, complex of the world, is far from the imagination can touch sometimes.” “然而,世界的复杂,有时远非想象所能触及。” Meng Jianxi puts out Profound Imagery Stone: Detail, my being hard word to chat, Younger Brother Yuan looks apparent.” 梦见溪拿出一颗玄影石:“其中之详,我难以言叙,渊弟看完便知。” Does not need to avoid.” Meng Jianxi stains the clothing to the willow tree that being just about to ask to be excused at the right moment with Shangguan Helu said: This matter witness have several the hundred thousand person fully, and profound practitioner from different Life Land, the potential of proliferation does not have to hinder, soon then meets the world completely to know.” “不必回避。”梦见溪向正要适时告退的柳沾衣与上官禾露道:“此事见证者足有数十万人,且都是来自不同生地玄者,扩散之势无可阻滞,用不了多久便会天下尽知。” Profound Imagery Stone screens the projection, impressively is Abyss Knight facing the Fog Sovereign picture. 玄影石映出投影,赫然是深渊骑士面对雾皇的画面。 Element that Fog Sovereign, first ancestor God Qilin, the deep pool fog, everywhere of trampled Abyss Knight, tumbling Abyssal Beast...... Fog Sovereign wants to present completely all complete, although the distance is quite far, the picture that but every flickers, each deep Yuanzhi from Fog Sovereign recited, the trembling soul, subverted the cognition sufficiently, 雾皇、始祖麟神、被践踏的深渊骑士、翻滚的渊雾、漫天的渊兽……雾皇想要呈现的元素尽皆齐全,虽距离颇远,但每一瞬的画面,每一声来自雾皇的深渊之吟,都足以震颤心魂,颠覆认知, Final of projection, after is Fog Sovereign the sound of falling punishing, such as the god cuts suddenly expansion Fog Sea, as well as was gradually defeated in Fog Sea profound desert. 投影的最后,是雾皇的降罚之音后,如神裁般陡然扩张的雾海,以及被逐渐覆没于雾海的玄漠界。 The projection extinguishes, Yun Che decides to look at the front as before, the shape, if loses the soul. 投影熄灭,云澈依旧定定看着前方,状若失魂。 Looks again, in the Meng Jianxi hearts as before the mighty waves surges. He has not spoken, lets all that the Yun Che peaceful digestion sees. 再看一遍,梦见溪心间依旧波澜翻腾。他没有说话,让云澈安静的消化所看到的一切。 After several breaths, Yun Che has transferred the pupil light: God's Son Xi, how you regard this matter 数息之后,云澈才转过眸光:“溪神子,你如何看待此事” Meng Jianxi shakes the head: Related to Abyss Sovereign, does not dare to excel at saying.” 梦见溪摇头:“涉及渊皇,不敢擅言。” Does not dare to excel at saying, in other words, you do not dare completely to believe that does not have not to believe completely.” Yun Che voice/sound is very tranquil. “不敢擅言,也就是说,你不敢尽信,却也没有完全不信。”云澈声音很是平静。 Meng Jianxi faintly sighed, spoke meaning long words: Fog Sovereign drives a horse controllably abyss dust is, drives a horse controllably Abyssal Beast is, if he said to really...... that this abyss world outset, then all degenerate into a greatest lie.” 梦见溪幽幽一叹,说了一句意味悠长的话:“雾皇可控驭渊尘为真,可控驭渊兽为真,若他说的皆为真……那么这深渊之世的起始,便会沦为一个莫大的谎言。” If the outset is the lie, that later generation all, without a doubt all by cage in lie. 若起始便是谎言,那后世所有,毫无疑问皆是被笼于谎言之中。 The Yun Che to close both eyes thinking, latter said for a long time: Even you so think, idle talk world.” 云澈闭目思索,许久后道:“连你都如此想,遑论世人。” But, this is the Pure Land this worry matter, regardless to the person of bystander being intimate with, as far as possible not discuss to well.” Yun Che gave one to respond as the person of Divine Country sanely, said: Words said this Fog Sovereign, can...... be the person false becomes “不过,这是净土该忧心的事,无论对外人还是亲近之人,还是尽量不要谈论为好。”云澈给了一个作为神国之人最为理智的回应,随之道:“话说这雾皇,会不会……是人所伪成” Absolutely impossible.” Meng Jianxi not hesitant shaking the head. “绝无可能。”梦见溪毫无犹豫的摇头。 Why so determination “为何如此确定” peak of this world, is who Meng Jianxi asked back. “此世人之极致,是何人”梦见溪反问。 Abyss Sovereign.” Yun Che said that only answer. 渊皇。”云澈说出那个唯一的答案。 Right.” Meng Jianxi tranquil say/way: „The great strength of the world, does not have Abyss Sovereign. Is better than Abyss Sovereign, breaks does not have possibly controls abyss dust and Abyssal Beast, but that Fog Sovereign actually energy. He should such as he say, is concentrates and disassimilation by abyss dust, plane/level far ultra Abyssal Beast the spirit of destruction, but certainly not possibly is the person.” “没错。”梦见溪平静道:“世之强大,无出渊皇。强如渊皇,都断无可能驾驭渊尘渊兽,而那雾皇却能。他应该就如他所言,是由渊尘所凝化并异化,层面远超渊兽毁灭之灵,而绝无可能是人。” The Yun Che thinking long time, said: This matter, also hands over by Pure Land. Various country God's Son God's Daughter, recently may have change 云澈思索良久,道:“此事,还有交由净土吧。诸国神子神女,近日可有变动” Sees Yun Che not to talk about Abyss Sovereign, Meng Jianxi also responds along it: Boundless God's Son Dian Jiuzhi announced in three days before suddenly closes up, likely wants before Pure Land had an audience with, attempted to break through to Divine Extinction Realm Eighth Level.” 云澈不愿谈及渊皇,梦见溪也顺之回应道:“森罗神子殿九知三日前忽然宣布闭关,很可能是想在净土觐见前,尝试突破至神灭境八级。” Heaven Breaker God's Daughter Hua Caili Seven Stars folds day with concentration, breaks through the formation the advancement unknown...... Eternal Night Shenwu God's Daughter to recall without the news, should not tread Eternal Night Divine Country.” 折天神女画彩璃潜心七星折天阵,破阵进境未知……永夜神女神无忆毫无讯息,应该始终未曾踏出永夜神国。” Xiaodie (Owl Butterfly) God's Son plate not outstanding recently dark Profound Arts big accomplishment, Spreading Prayer God Venerate happy. Moreover, some people are not absurd before Fog Sea sees occasionally the Xiaodie (Owl Butterfly) God's Son plate, after Owl Butterfly Divine Country knows this matter, then also no longer dispatches the person to seek it, as if already thorough rejection, regardless of no matter what completely it.” 枭蝶神子盘不卓近日黑暗玄功大成,祈恒神尊大为高兴。另外,有人在雾海偶见前枭蝶神子盘不妄,枭蝶神国知晓此事后,便也不再遣人寻之,似乎已将之彻底舍弃,无论死活都全然任之。” Star Moon Divine Country double God's Son stays the Divine Extinction Realm Third Level peak for a long time, for before Pure Land has an audience with completes the breakthrough, has prepared thorough Fog Sea to conduct the broken boundary to be informed and experienced. Does not know that the matter of today's Fog Sea, whether will affect their time decided.” 星月神国的双神子停留神灭境三级巅峰已久,为在净土觐见前完成突破,已准备深入雾海进行破境历练。不知今日的雾海之事,是否会影响到他们的此番决定。” In Yun Che heart suddenly moved, said without thinking: It seems like, major Divine Country care about god receiving extremely in Abyss Sovereign front performance.” 云澈心中猛的一动,随口道:“看来,各大神国都极为在意神承者在渊皇面前的表现。” That is the necessity.” Meng Jianxi said comfortably: Younger Brother Yuan does not need any pressure, your age still young......” “那是必然之事。”梦见溪宽慰道:“不过渊弟无需有任何压力,你年龄尚幼……” I am certainly stress-free.” Yun Che is saying with a smile: After all, you are my Weaving Dream Divine Country God's Son, even if I go as you like the jin Jianyuan sovereign with God Venerate, is still only ordinary accompanying that's all.” “我当然毫无压力。”云澈微笑着道:“毕竟,你才是我织梦神国神子,我就算随你与神尊前去觐见渊皇,也只是一个普通的随从者而已。” „......” Meng Jianxi, helpless shakes the head, embarrasedly however smiles. How he could not see, Yun Che this is lets him with the name of Weaving Dream God's Son facing the inside and outside, but growth that safely he himself is eased, all things not harass. “……”梦见溪无奈摇头,讪讪而笑。他如何看不出,云澈这是让他以织梦神子之名面对内外,而他自己则一身轻松的安然成长,诸事无扰。 Meng Jianxi leaves, Yun Che is built on the pavilion, silent very for a long time has been very long. 梦见溪离开,云澈立于亭中,一直默然了很久很久。 star moon/month pair...... 星月双子…… It seems like that also had the matter to do. 看来,又有事可做了。
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