ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2108: Abyssal Ghost God's Son

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Among the gods, checked the star to arrive at the star moon/month thousand machine towers suddenly. 恍神间,刹星已是来到了星月千机塔。 He raises head, looks overlaps the star splendor and moon glow of sparkle layer upon layer, was recalling the past years and quarter moon united efforts tower ascending, scene that each on looked at each other to laugh, in hearts an intimacy. 他仰头,看着层层交叠闪耀的星辉与月芒,回想着当年与弦月协力登塔,每上一层都相视大笑的场景,心间一阵戚戚。 Silent for a long time, has gotten back one's composure in him for a long time finally, the preparation leaves, two star God's Son younger brothers are supporting by the arm going out from the tower mutually, their whole bodies were soaked by the sweat, scar all over the body, is actually whole face the color of rousing, obviously has broken through. 一直默然了许久许久,就在他终于回神,准备离开的时候,两个星神子弟从塔中互相搀扶着走出,他们全身被汗液浸透,伤痕遍体,却是满脸的振奋之色,显然有所突破。 Just now, I listen to defend tower disciple to discuss probably, after moon/month God's Son this time breaks through, one person alone tower ascending, depending on the strength of oneself, breaks through fifty floors.” “方才,我好像听守塔弟子谈论,月神子此番突破后孤身登塔,凭己之力,已是突破第五十层。” Worthily is moon/month God's Son. Since what a pity...... pitifully has seemed like in the half year, star God's Son had not visited thousand machine towers again. Junior Brother, you said that star God's Son really such as rumor common...... was half waste?” “不愧是月神子。可惜……可惜似乎这半年以来,星神子再未踏足过千机塔。师弟,你说,星神子真的如传闻的一般……算是半废了吗?” Half is insufficient waste, but the deep pool eclipse has entered Profound Vein, that some Profound Vein gouging that only if will be eclipsed by the deep pool eliminate, otherwise is unsurpassed Abyss Sovereign arrives, does not have the means. But star God's Son is never willing to accept fate, has sought in the pain can the means of eclipsing scatters the deep pool perfectly...... yeah.” “半废不至于,但渊蚀已入玄脉,除非将被渊蚀的那部分玄脉剜除,否则就是无上渊皇亲临,也毫无办法。但星神子始终不愿认命,一直在苦寻着能将渊蚀完美驱散的办法……哎。” Actually, according to Moon God that side Senior Brother younger brother, the moon/month God's Son pain are not less than star God's Son. Moon/Month God's Son actually three months ago can break through, but has actually suppressed stubbornly, for fear that stimulates to star God's Son, borders on out-of-control until profound energy under restraining by force, has to break through.” “其实,据月神那边的师兄弟说,月神子的痛苦一点都不比星神子少。月神子其实三个月前就可以突破,但却一直死死压制,唯恐刺激到星神子,直到玄气在强压下濒临失控,才不得不突破。” The star that has audited indifferently checked to grip the palm slowly. 一直冷眼旁听的星刹缓缓攥起了手掌。 Star God's Son and moon/month God's Son grow up together, becomes God's Son together, although non- Brother bloodline, but the emotion the heavy/thick actually absolute bystander can imagine. Now looks like, star God's Son after thorough is hopeless, finally must choose to stop some Profound Vein, but moon/month God's Son will also decide however will deliberately slow down own advancement for him......” “星神子与月神子从小一起长大,又一起成为神子,虽非血脉兄弟,但情感之厚重却绝对外人所能想象。如今看来,星神子在彻底无望后,最终还是要选择断除部分玄脉,而月神子也定然会为他刻意放缓自身的进境……” If so but is actually good, but, Profound Vein incomplete star God's Son, if the future will become God Venerate, that...... incomplete God Venerate?” “若只是如此倒还好,但,玄脉残缺的星神子若是将来成为神尊,那岂不是……一个残缺的神尊?” Moreover, the inheritance of star moon/month Divine Power must also conduct, and accepts inheritor to achieve enough compatibility. Profound Vein incomplete star God's Son, even if maintains same cultivation base with moon/month God's Son as before,...... can also can be called seriously is perfect compatibility?” “另外,星月神力的传承必须同时进行,且接受传承者必须达到足够的契合玄脉残缺的星神子,就算和月神子依旧保持一样的修为,当真……还能称得上是完美契合吗?” The discussion of two people has the question and worried, their spoken languages, represents Star Moon Divine Country high and low not to dare without doubt to a great extent blatantly in of Kou proclaiming the aspiration. 两人的谈论带着质疑与担忧,他们的言语,也无疑在很大程度上代表着星月神国上下不敢公然宣之于口的心声。 On the other hand,” voice/sound suddenly small, the person of speech also swept around one vigilantly: I listened to my uncle saying that northern boundary that side Star God lineage/vein, were born a innate eight points of Godship baby boy...... six days ago.” “话说回来,”声音忽然小了下去,说话之人也警惕的扫了一眼四周:“我听我叔父说,北境那边的星神一脉,诞生了一个先天八分神格的男婴……就在六天前。” What? Wait, if this matter is, how to be stirless?” “什么?等等,若此事为真,怎么会毫无动静?” Because Heavenly Star God Venerate has the word, this matter secret cannot proclaim! I know, is when the child of that Star God was born, my uncle just in side.” “因为天星神尊有言,此事秘不可宣!我之所以会知道,是因为那个星神之子出生之时,我叔父刚好在侧。” Heavenly Star God Venerate requests this matter to keep secret, in other words...... does he go to look at that new life with own eyes?” 天星神尊要求此事保密,也就是说……他去亲眼看过那个新生子?” Therefore my uncle said, Star God lineage/vein could cloud over, making me recently pay attention. This matter I also only told you, you best also......” “所以我叔父说,星神一脉可能要变天,让我近段时间有所注意。此事我也只告诉了你,你最好也……” voice/sound that he spoke suddenly light, because they felt the chill in the air of behind suddenly approaching. 他说话的声音忽然轻了下来,因为他们感觉到了背后骤然临近的寒意。 two people transfers the head simultaneously, with amazement to the quarter moon that full is cold intent the vision. 两人同时转首,骇然对上了弦月那满是冷意的目光。 Moon/Month...... moon/month God's Son.” The two people body tightens, the soul palpitates suddenly. “月……月神子。”两人身躯绷紧,心魂骤悸。 The lunar shadow flickers to plunder, the quarter moon is sets up in two people the front, is only the blade of that pair of Hanyue pupil actually ice cold as if piercing heart: Listening, me, no matter you said a moment ago is true or false, remembers a matter, so long as my quarter moon or moon/month God's Son, star God's Son can only checks the star! Other, descends from the sky perfect Godship the child of Star God, my quarter moon does not recognize even!” 月影瞬掠,弦月已是立身于两人前方,只是那双寒月般的眸子却冰冷的仿佛穿心之刃:“听着,我不管你们刚才说的话是真是假,记住一件事,只要我弦月还是月神子,星神子只能是刹星!其他的,就算是天降一个完美神格星神之子,我弦月也不认!” Do not make me hear again any discusses the word of star God's Son absurdly. Otherwise when...... you will not want to know my anger appearance!” “不要再让我听到任何妄议星神子之言。否则……你们不会想要知道我愤怒时的样子!” Moon/Month...... moon/month God's Son appeases anger, both of us are only the slip of the tongue...... talk foolishly, does not dare to have any meaning of disrespecting......” “月……月神子息怒,我们二人只是失口……乱言,绝不敢有任何不敬之意……” Go away!” “滚!” two people keeps silent, does not dare to say a character, leaves in a panic. 两人噤若寒蝉,再不敢多说一字,仓惶离开。 The quarter moon is built on same place, in eye quiet cold had diverged for a long time slowly, finally changes into a deep sigh. 弦月立于原地,目中的幽寒过了许久才缓缓散去,最终化为一声长叹。 When he turns around, detected indistinctly anything, transferred the head unexpectedly, immediately to vision that checks the star. 他转身之时,隐约察觉到了什么,蓦地转首,顿时对上了刹星的目光。 Look slightly chaotic, returns to normal, his fly up, before arriving checked the star body, the smile said: The thing that two do not keep eyes open, I independently decided to put them. Because I believe that your scraps/condescend will not care their words.” 眼神微乱,随之又恢复平静,他飞身而起,来到了刹星身前,微笑道:“两个不长眼的东西,我自作主张把他们放了。因为我相信你根本不会屑于将他们的话放在心上。” Congratulates the breakthrough.” Checks the star also to return to smile. “恭喜突破。”刹星也回以微笑。 The quarter moon expression has not changed, happy expression as before: This time, I forestalled one step. But I believe after you stop the deep pool eclipse, breakthrough also only from morning until evening.” 弦月表情未变,笑意依旧:“这次,我抢先了一步。但我相信你断除渊蚀后,突破也只会在朝夕之间。” Checks the star to look at his eye: You also thought that I should put down obsession, stops the deep pool to eclipse?” 刹星看着他的眼睛:“你也觉得我该放下执念,断除渊蚀?” The quarter moon is asks back: „The person who if six months ago, went to examine the Abyssal Beast corpse was not you, but was I, then at so situation was I. If I to stop the deep pool eclipses, causing Profound Vein to lack forever, will you give up me?” 弦月却是反问道:“若半年前,前去查看渊兽尸体的人不是你,而是我,那么处在这般处境的就是我。如果我为了断除渊蚀,导致玄脉永缺,你会放弃我吗?” Checks the star to change countenance slightly, he does not have the hesitant say/way: Cannot.” 刹星轻微动容,他没有犹豫的道:“不会。” You can be willing to postpone the footsteps, rather delays own advancement, can drag heavy me?” “那你会愿意暂缓脚步,宁愿耽误自己的进境,也要拖着一个沉重的我吗?” Meeting.” “会。” „Can you therefore the indignation?” “那你会因此怨愤吗?” „...... Cannot.” “……不会。” Therefore......” smile bloomed of quarter moon is especially carefree: What are you worried, hesitant and pace back and forth? Our compatibility, flows in superficial cultivation base, aura and stance can it be that merely, lies in the fortune and misfortune spends together, shares weal and woe.” “所以……”弦月的微笑绽开的格外畅快:“你又在担心、犹豫和仿徨什么呢?我们的契合,又岂是仅仅流于表面的修为气息和姿态,更在于祸福共渡,荣辱与共。” He grasps to check the wrist/skill of star, words from the soul: This disaster, but is the first slightly big test that we experience together, we exceed the thousand years compatibility, how also to be routed by this small test.” 他抓起刹星的手腕,字字源自心魂:“此次劫难,不过是我们共同经历的第一个略大的考验,我们超越千载的契合,又怎会被这小小的考验击溃。” Moreover, I have also thought. If harms because of your Profound Vein, but caused us unable to achieve once compatibility and synchronization like that is unable to become once the star moon/month pair like that. Then, I will choose damage Profound Vein, until with your again compatibility! I believe that if trades to do is you, can be the same choice.” “另外,我也已经想好了。若因你的玄脉有损,而导致我们无法达到曾经那般的契合与同步,无法成为曾经那般的星月双子。那么,我会选择自损玄脉,直至与你重新契合!我相信,若换做是你,也会是一样的选择。” Looks that the quarter moon is determined to regress and sacrifice obviously, actually must transform the standpoint unceasingly, for fear that the wound and his dignity...... between his hearts one point of warmth, is nine points does not have by the discomfort that the word narrated. 看着弦月明明在决意自我退步与牺牲,却还要不断地转换立场,唯恐伤及他的尊严……他心间一分温暖,却是九分无以言叙的难受。 Hahaha!” Checks star laughed heartily: Quarter moon, we know white/in vain so many years, you also looked down on me. The trivial deep pool eclipses, even if breaks, still many 10% Profound Vein damages. So the degree, does also match make my heart burst?” 哈哈哈!”刹星大笑一声:“弦月,我们白认识这么多年,你也太小瞧我了。区区渊蚀,就算断去,也不过最多10%的玄脉损伤。这般程度,也配让我心溃?” He instead presses firmly between the fingers the wrist/skill of quarter moon, after making an effort to grip one next, loosened, turns around saying: Is only, the person would harboring the fantasy, always felt thing that others cannot achieve, oneself not necessarily cannot achieve. Therefore...... gives me again three months, if three months later, I had not found the method that the purification deep pool eclipses as before, that cut off simply is.” 他反捏住弦月的手腕,用力攥了一下后又松开,转身道:“只是,人总会抱有幻想,总觉得别人做不到的事,自己不一定做不到。所以……再给我三个月的时间,若三个月后,我依旧没找到净化渊蚀的方法,那就干脆断绝了便是。” Later, has been towed to entrain by you again at the worst in behind. Anti- precisely your words, I am the least bit will not be guilty.” “再之后,大不了一直被你拖拽于身后。反正是你的话,我可是半点都不会愧疚。” Good!” The quarter moon is smiling nod: Said it and meant it!” “好!”弦月笑着点头:“一言为定!” The quarter moon departs, has waited his form to vanish in the line of sight, checking the star is proudly the fearless facial expression instantaneous crack. 弦月离去,一直待他身影消失于视线,刹星本是傲然无惧的神情瞬间龟裂。 His fierce turning around , the tooth trembles to tremble in closing tightly vigorously. 他猛的转过身去,牙齿在极力的咬紧中颤颤发抖。 I...... can the body be waste. But how...... I may...... become your implication!” “我……可以身废。但……我怎可……成为你的拖累!” He looks to the distant place, the vision suddenly becomes unprecedented decidedly. 他看向远方,目光忽然变得前所未有的决然。 There, is Fog Sea is. 那里,是雾海的所在。 Has not informed anybody, he avoided others 's aura as far as possible, the one person alone is treading God Territory, trod the border...... 没有告知任何人,他尽可能的避开着他人的气息,孤身踏出了神域,踏出了国境…… I need a person to calm the mind, cannot follow again I!” “我需要一个人静心,不许再跟着我!” Outside the border, his coldly makes noise. 国境之外,他冷冷出声。 That has protected in his form has not actually left. 那个一直守护于他的身影却是未有离开。 His coldly smiles: What's wrong? Visited me to go down in the world hence, you do not listen to my words?” 冷冷一笑:“怎么?看我落魄至此,连你都不听我的话了?” A form sigh in secret, can only , helpless recession. 暗中的身影一声叹息,只能无奈退离。 Several double-hour pass by...... for several days to pass by, he has not had, when checks the return of star. 只是,数个时辰过去……数天过去,他都未有等到刹星的归来。 When he seeks, the endless world, actually cannot seek to check star aura again. 他找寻之时,茫茫无际之世,却再寻不到刹星的气息 ...... …… Grey hazy Fog Sea, everywhere was death aura. 灰朦的雾海,处处都是死亡的气息 This is checks the star's first person alone to enter Fog Sea, is his life first departing from the classics and betraying principle. 这是刹星第一次孤身进入雾海,更是他此生第一次离经叛道。 Only for that...... only hope. 只为了那一线……唯一的希望。 He is avoiding profound practitioner, is avoiding Abyssal Beast, finally, he arrived at six months, that place makes him fall into the place of nightmare. 他避开着玄者,避开着渊兽,终于,他来到了半年前,那处让他身陷梦魇之地。 The same day picture nightmare raided likely generally, he clenches teeth , to continue to penetrate...... with unceasing increase of abyss dust density, profound practitioner aura that can the sensation arrive were also getting fewer and fewer, until the sensation in did not have others again. 当日的画面像噩梦一般袭来,他咬了咬牙,继续深入着……随着渊尘浓度的不断升高,所能感知到的玄者气息也越来越少,直至感知之中再无他人。 He stops the footsteps, the chest cavity fluctuates, finally sends out some bellowing of trembling: Star moon/month God's Son checks the star, seeks an audience Fog Sovereign!” 他停住脚步,胸腔起伏,终于发出一声有些发颤的大吼:“星月神子刹星,求见雾皇!” He knows, every day has suffers the person of deep pool eclipse to seek the Fog Sovereign generous treatment in Fog Sea innumerably painstakingly, but hopes the endless uncertainness ; He hears, Fog Sovereign in Fog Sea everywhere, each grain of abyss dust is his ear and eye. 他知道,每天都有数不清遭受渊蚀之人在雾海苦求雾皇的恩临,但希望无尽之渺茫;他又听闻,雾皇雾海中无处不在,每一粒渊尘都是他的耳与目。 Therefore, he shouted the name of oneself God's Son. If Fog Sovereign seriously in Fog Sea everywhere, at least, this is enough special, causes the status that Fog Sovereign looks askance sufficiently. 所以,他喊出着自己的神子之名。若雾皇当真在雾海中无处不在,至少,这是足够特殊,足以引起雾皇侧目的身份。 However, his shouting has not called arrival of Fog Sovereign, but was startled massive Abyssal Beast. 然而,他的呼喊没有唤来雾皇的降临,而是惊到了大量的渊兽 The continuous shouting sound transmits from the profound deep pool fog, checks the star brow to sink, Heavy Sword in the hand, Star God's power has pasted presently instantaneously the whole body. 连绵的嘶吼声从深邃的渊雾中传来,刹星眉头一沉,重剑现于手中,星神之力已瞬间流转全身。 But, when Abyssal Beast carries terrifying aura is throwing, cold and deep in his pupil immediately changes panic-stricken. 但,当渊兽携着恐怖气息扑至之时,他眸中的冷沉顿时化作惊恐。 Divine Extinction Realm...... Fifth Level Abyssal Beast! 神灭境……五级渊兽 Moreover is three! 而且是三只! His Heavy Sword wields, the Heavenly Wolf anger recited, actually also alarmed by to seal/confer Kun deep pool eclipse in the Profound Vein, the severe pain punctured his nerve, profound energy is hindered to twist his sword potential, let be under the absolute disadvantage he to flicker to be damaged. 重剑挥出,天狼怒吟,却也惊动了被封困于玄脉中的渊蚀,剧痛刺动了他的神经,玄气的阻滞扭曲了他的剑势,让本就处在绝对劣势下他的一瞬受创。 Cha! 嚓! Savage Fang has not wielded, Heavy Sword had then been shaken, flashed the dim light beast claw to tear his Star God's power, tore his chest. 蛮荒牙尚未挥出,重剑便已被震开,闪着幽光的兽爪撕裂了他的星神之力,也撕裂了他的胸口。 power of the abyss in the body cruel eruption, checks the star foot to step on Star God's Broken Shadow, flickers the body difficultly, but has not stood firm, another two Abyssal Beast have gathered throws, but , the staggered beast claw cuts eight terrifying peerless quiet marks. 深渊之力身上残忍爆发,刹星脚踩星神碎影,艰难瞬身,但尚未站定,另外两只渊兽已合扑而至,交错的兽爪切出八道恐怖绝伦的幽痕。 Space between teeth collapse blood, a violent roar, body Heavenly Wolf Spectre also sends out roaring of berserk instantly, Heavenly Wolf fifth sword Pale Wolf Claw welcomes by the potential of renouncing on. 齿间崩血,刹那一声暴吼,身上天狼之影也发出一声狂暴的咆哮,天狼第五剑苍狼爪以决绝之势直迎而上。 —— —— Eruption Heavenly Wolf's power was torn by extremely powerful power of the abyss, two Divine Extinction Abyssal Beast were drawn back by some bang, but checked the arm, chest front of star to flicker the blood ditches of several deep obvious bones...... but third Abyssal Beast power he is unable to resist again, by a claw bang heart. 爆发的天狼之力被太过强大的深渊之力生生撕裂,两只神灭渊兽被些许轰退,但刹星的手臂、胸前一瞬多了数道深可见骨的血沟……而第三只渊兽力量他再无法抵御,被一爪轰心。 Heavy Sword to the hand, the body sprinkles the blood to depart. 重剑离手,躯体洒血飞出。 Even if he had not been eclipsed by the deep pool, under most flourishing condition, impossible is any enemy, idle talk three. 他纵然未遭渊蚀,全盛状态之下,也不可能是其中任何一只之敌,遑论三只。 His body has not dropped, then had been involved in the abyss storm again. The destruction instinct, the strength of pure destruction has no bang that hesitant and pities to fall on his body, making God's Son of this star such as lose a withered leaf, by the dense chaotic destruction storm cruel is devastating, in an instant is the full body scar, the splashing blood are innumerable. 他的身体尚未跌落,便已被再次卷入深渊风暴之中。原始的毁灭本能,纯粹的毁灭之力没有任何犹豫和怜悯的轰落在他的身上,让这星之神子如一枚失枝的枯叶,被密乱的毁灭风暴残忍的摧残着,转眼之间已是满体伤痕,溅血无数。 Bang! 砰! Pounding of his heavily falls when the place, in he wants to set out subconsciously, discovered own both legs are break to pieces, the upper body that supports difficultly by one was thrown suddenly, but to the claw of Abyssal Beast presses ruthlessly duplicate, making his head heavy pound on the ground, the five internal organs also cuns (2.5 cm) under the great strength crack. 重重的砸落在地,在他下意识想要起身之时,才发现自己双腿已是碎断,艰难支起的上身被一只骤扑而至的渊兽之爪狠狠压覆,让他的头颅重砸在地,五脏亦在巨力之下寸寸崩裂。 Checks the star double pupil to stare stubbornly in a big way, is not willing to accept fate, is only his injury is too heavy, star light fast losing in pupil actually the color, gradually the assimilation is being the gloominess of Fog Sea. 刹星双瞳死死瞪大,不肯认命,只是他伤势太重,瞳中的星光快速的失却着色彩,逐渐同化为雾海的灰暗。 How I...... may...... die here...... 我……怎可……死在这里…… He wants to struggle vigorously, but the consciousness is actually changes into little palely, again to a bareness...... 他极力的想要挣扎,但意识却是一点点化为苍白,再到一片空无…… Consciousness thorough quiet that moment in him, three berserk Abyssal Beast stopped the attack suddenly, then retreat, the synchronization belongs to the thorough peace gradually. 在他意识彻底沉寂的那一刻,三只狂暴渊兽忽然停止了攻击,然后缓步后退,同步归于彻底的安静。 Dark, shadow at a moderate pace going out that is twining strong abyss dust, stands before checking the body of star. 幽暗之中,一个缠绕着浓重渊尘的影子不紧不慢的走出,站立于刹星的身前。 He lifts the hand, abyss dust of surroundings space such as was swept across by the storm, fast condensation to his palm, until congealing for together long and narrow heavy line. 他抬手,周围空间的渊尘如被风暴席卷,快速的凝聚向他的掌心,直至凝为一道狭长的黑线。 Welcome to join Fog Sea, honored...... Abyssal Ghost God's Son!” “欢迎加入雾海,尊贵的……渊鬼神子!” Among light moan, that say/way long black mark had been entered by the brutal point checks star between the eyebrows. 轻吟间,那道长长的黑痕已被无情的点入刹星的眉心
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