ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2107: Imbalance

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A star moon/month pair of child broken boundary informed and experienced has not started truly, then already collapse Zu. 星月双子的破境历练尚未真正开始,便已崩卒。 Heavenly Astral (Tiangang) star Monarch in the side, Yun Che does not dare too nearly to leave. He goes out from the shadow, on the face reveals one dense low to smile slowly. 天罡星君在侧,云澈不敢离得太近。他从阴影中走出,脸上缓缓露出一抹森然的低笑。 This act, why is also?” Li Suo asked. “此举,又是为何?”黎娑问道。 Yun Che diverges body abyss dust, returns to ordinary profound practitioner aura and condition: I am creating one, making their one of them arrive at the Fog Sea opportunity alone.” 云澈散去身上渊尘,回归一个普通玄者气息与状态:“我只是在创造一个,让他们其中之一单独到来雾海的机会。” Alone?” Li Suo denied to the deep God's Son Yuan cognition by her: As the person of carrying/sustaining Divine Country future, its safety exceeds all. God's Son outside, impossible one person alone, idle talk Fog Sea.” “单独?”黎娑以她对深渊神子的认知予以否定:“作为承载神国未来之人,其安危胜过一切。神子在外,不可能孤身,遑论雾海。” His meeting.” Yun Che incomparably assured say/way: Turns back the Star Moon Divine Country time needed by them from here, the deep pool eclipse that I plant deeply invades Profound Vein sufficiently. At the appointed time, even star moon/month two big God Venerate, do not want, in does not create and under the Profound Vein situation achieves scatters perfectly.” “他会的。”云澈无比笃定的道:“以他们从此处折返星月神国所需要的时间,我种下的渊蚀足以深侵玄脉。到时,即使是星月两大神尊,也别想在不创及玄脉的情形之下做到完美驱散。” You were said that......” Li Suo has become aware: Forces him to come Fog Sea, seeks for in the legend to relieve Fog Sovereign that the deep pool eclipses perfectly?” “你是说……”黎娑似有所悟:“逼迫他前来雾海,寻找传说中可以完美解除渊蚀的雾皇?” Right.” “对。” But, Yun Che's this response actually cannot convince Li Suo, she thinks shortly, lightly said: Fog Sovereign in the cognition of the world, is extremely still mystical now and indistinct. Cognition that can determine only, is the opposition of Fog Sovereign and Pure Land...... after all that day, you to despising and dirt of word Pure Land and Abyss Sovereign should the world all know now.” 但,云澈的这个回应却未能说服黎娑,她短暂思索,轻语道:“雾皇如今在世人的认知之中,依旧太过神秘和飘渺。唯一可以确定的认知,是雾皇净土的对立……毕竟那日,你对净土渊皇的蔑视与污言如今应该天下皆知。” However six big Divine Country exist because of Abyss Sovereign, because of Divine Power that Abyss Sovereign grants, but can inherit. That star God's Son receives the deep pool to eclipse, although must wound Profound Vein be possible completely to disappear, but by two big True God's power, even if will create forever, is still insufficient is too heavy.” “而六大神国渊皇而存在,因渊皇赐予的神力而得以传承。那星神子所受渊蚀虽必须创伤玄脉才可尽消,但以两大真神之力,即使是永创,也不至于太重。” Therefore, I do not believe, Divine Country God's Son, will therefore make to oppose the choice of Pure Land......, let alone seeks for Fog Sovereign, the itself/Ben is an illusory matter.” “所以,我不认为,一个神国神子,会因此而做出背逆净土的选择……何况寻找雾皇,本就是一件虚无缥缈之事。” Yun Che smile, lightly language: „If other Divine Country God's Son, you, are completely tenable. But only Star Moon Divine Country......” 云澈微笑,淡淡而语:“如果是其他神国神子,你的话,完全成立。但唯独星月神国……” Li Suo: „......?” 黎娑:“……?” Asked your question.” Yun Che said suddenly: „A choice question.” “问你个问题。”云澈忽然道:“一个选择题。” „A person, which situation is unable to accept: The one, altitude that exceeds own person to achieve itself unable to attain suddenly ; The two, have gradually exceeded themselves with the orthogonal person ; The three, originally were inferior that own person gradually dominates above oneself.” “一个人,更无法接受哪种情形:其一、一个胜过自己的人忽然达到了自己无法企及的高度;其二、一个一直与自己平齐之人逐渐超越了自己;其三、一个原本不如自己的人逐渐凌驾于自己之上。” Its three.” The Yun Che words just said, Li Suo had given the reply. “其三。”云澈话刚说完,黎娑已是给出了回答。 Conforms to the humane answer very much.” Yun Che said: But to checking star and quarter moon, the answer is actually its two.” “很符合人性的答案。”云澈道:“但对刹星与弦月而言,答案却是其二。” Why?” “为何?” Yun Che looks at the front, the eyes deep place passed over gently and swiftly complex that flickers: If many years ago, facing this issue, I decides however with your same reply. When...... enters God Realm initially, I had once had a friend shortly.” 云澈看着前方,眼眸深处掠过一瞬的复杂:“若是多年以前,面对这个问题,我定然是和你一样的回答。直到……初入神界之时,我曾短暂的拥有过一个朋友。” His name, was Huo Poyun.” “他的名字,叫火破云。” Li Suo knows Huo Poyun, at that time, she with the aid of Yun Che's eyes, witnessed frigidly he died honorably black Jue with renouncing......, but is unable to understand words that he shouted at that time. 黎娑知道火破云,那时,她借助云澈的眼睛,亲眼目睹了他玉碎乌绝的惨烈与决绝……但无法明白他那时喊出的话语。 Huo Poyun weeps bitterly for my death news, will hate for my turning over to next life, when the enemy saves my life in me for the world, wants dead near the world in my demon of my hand...... finally, dies honorably black Jue when my hopeless situation.” 火破云为我的死讯痛哭,为我的归来生恨,又在我为世所敌时救我性命,在我魔临天下时想死于我手……最终,在我绝境时玉碎乌绝。” Detailed has not said the complex change of Huo Poyun to his emotion, because said Li Suo also decides however is unable to understand: His all behaviors, never within my anticipation, but his all strange actions, all are imbalance two characters.” 没有详言火破云对他情感的复杂变化,因为说了黎娑也定然无法听懂:“他所有的行为,都从不在我的意料之内,而他所有怪异之举,皆是出于‘失衡’二字。” However checks the star and quarter moon, from them just now above the coordination of power, can know their compatibility to go to what terrifying situation. But once such they imbalance...... initiates heart demon, wants distant exceeding Huo Poyun absolutely.” “而刹星与弦月,从他们方才力量的配合之上,便可知他们的契合已达到了何种恐怖的地步。而这样的他们一旦‘失衡’……所引发的‘心魔’,绝对要远远的胜过火破云。” Li Suo is very long does not have the response again, as if through Yun Che's these spoken languages, is reexamining her to the humane cognition. 黎娑很久都再无回应,似乎在通过云澈的这些言语,重新审视她对人性的认知。 This seed meets the bloomed wicked flower, I extremely anticipated similarly. Load bearing Heavenly Wolf Divine Power God's Son of star, has the God's Son dignity and proud you, do not disappoint me.” “这枚种子所会绽开的恶花,我同样万分期待。承载天狼神力的星之神子,拥有神子尊严与骄傲的你,千万不要让我失望。” Again goes out from the deep pool fog, the front fierce battle continuous. 再次从渊雾中走出时,前方正恶战不休。 Around Pan Buwang by the black qi package, but spreads to dye the dirty blood of whole body to be stronger than it dark devil qi, the cruel ominous light in pupil compared with the deep pool pupil of Abyssal Beast also wants the evil spirit to puncture the soul. 槃不妄周围被黑气包裹,但遍染全身的污血比之黑暗魔气还要浓重,瞳中的暴戾凶光更是比渊兽的渊眸还要凶煞刺魂。 The dark storm gets up suddenly, bites to extinguish two Divine Extinction Abyssal Beast power of the abyss layer upon layer, later is their bodies...... a Pan Buwang low roar, jet black spear shaft pulls out the black mark that stays in the air together to flicker to pass through two Abyssal Beast, the black mark also erupts the heavily dark storm, will break Abyssal Beast of body to tow death abyss thoroughly. 黑暗风暴忽起,将两只神灭渊兽深渊之力层层噬灭,之后便是它们的躯体……槃不妄一声低吼,漆黑的枪身拉出一道滞空的黑痕将两只渊兽一瞬贯穿,黑痕又随之爆发重重黑暗风暴,将断体的渊兽彻底拖下死亡深渊 In the hand the spear/gun put in the ground by him slowly, Pan Buwang is partly kneels on the ground, bows the head saying: disciple did not welcome Master absurdly.” 手中之枪被他缓缓置于地上,槃不妄已是半跪在地,俯首道:“弟子不妄恭迎师父。” Drop...... drop drop...... 滴……滴滴…… voice/sound that the blood falls to the ground, seems incomparably clear in dense/woods lonesome Fog Sea. 血液落地的声音,在森寂的雾海之中显得无比清晰。 But on his face does not have the facial expression, has not shot a look at one to own bloodstain. Physique that the vertical whole body prostration, partly kneels as before stiff motionless. 但他脸上毫无神情,更没有向自己的血迹瞥去一眼。纵全身虚脱,半跪的身姿依旧挺直不动。 Very good.” Fog Sovereign gives the brief applause: It seems like Fourth Level after disassimilation, you have also had a familiar task and handled it with ease. Revenge obsession, is really this world's most mysterious power.” “很好。”雾皇给予简短的赞许:“看来异化后的第四境,你也已经驾轻就熟。复仇的执念,果然是这个世界上最神奇的力量。” Today, this Sovereign can give your Fifth Level disassimilation.” “今日,本皇便可授你第五境的异化。” Pan Buwang lifts the pupil, in eye exhausted changes to excited and hope devil light instantaneously. His heavily thanked, suddenly said: Master, can disciple...... peep your real face fortunately?” 槃不妄抬眸,目中的疲惫瞬间化作兴奋与渴望的魔光。他重重叩谢,忽然道:“师父,弟子可有幸……一窥你的真颜?” Real face? Hahahaha!” Fog Sovereign sneers to make noise: this Sovereign is the spirit of ruler Fog Sea power of the abyss breeds, does not have your human so-called real face. This Fog Sea each grain of abyss dust, is the real face of this Sovereign.” “真颜?哈哈哈哈!”雾皇冷笑出声:“本皇雾海深渊之力所孕育的帝皇之灵,从无你们人类所谓的真颜。抑或者,这雾海的每一粒渊尘,皆是本皇的真颜。” No,” Pan Buwang looks at heteromorphous eyes that in the deep pool fog sways from side to side: disciple knows, Master is actually a person.” “不,”槃不妄看着渊雾之中扭动的异形眼眸:“弟子知道,师父其实是人。” Fog Sovereign: „......” 雾皇:“……” Pan Buwang maintains the kneeling position, said confidently: devil art that I cultivate/repair, is present age strongest dark Profound Arts. But Master, only need look at me to demonstrate one time, repeats one piece to decide again unreliably, can within short several days, the disassimilation for more powerful devil art.” 槃不妄保持跪姿,坦然道:“我所修的魔功,已是当世最强的黑暗玄功。而师父,只需看我演示一次,再复述一片玄决,便可在短短数日之内,异化为更为强大的魔功。” And devil art and my body after, Profound Vein also compatibility disassimilation. Meanwhile, when for the maximization of devil art might, devil art after each boundary disassimilation, displays, perfectly will transfer in Profound Vein all 50 four Profound Entrances.” “且异化后的魔功与我的躯体、玄脉也更为契合。同时,为了魔功威力的最大化,每一境异化后的魔功,施展之时,都会完美调动玄脉中所有的五十四玄关。” Master when disassimilation devil art, first conducts compatibility and change with own Profound Vein inevitably......, but 50 four Profound Entrances only belong to Human Race, the power revolution of beast clan, the spirit clan and Human Race is entirely different. If Master is not the body has 50 four Profound Entrances people, how each Realm devil art disassimilation to with 50 four Profound Entrances so perfect compatibility.” 师父在异化魔功之时,必然先与自身的玄脉进行契合与变化……而五十四玄关只属于人族,兽族、灵族与人族力量运转截然不同。若师父不是身具五十四玄关的人,又怎会将每一境界魔功都异化到与五十四玄关如此完美的契合。” „......” Yun Che inspires secretly. “……”云澈暗暗吸了一口气。 what the fuck can also be the flaw...... 这尼玛也能是破绽…… Has several instants that he wants to silence a witness of crime. 有那么几个瞬间,他想杀人灭口。 Hehehe!” Fog Sovereign sneers, he had not denied, but originally hoarse voice/sound suddenly quiet cold several times: Actually Pan Buwang, you think me is more intelligent. But you such being the case are intelligent, should know when should install stupid.” 呵呵呵!”雾皇冷笑,他没有否认,但本就嘶哑的声音陡然幽冷了数倍:“槃不妄,你倒是比我想的还要聪明。但你既然如此聪明,就该知道何时该装蠢。” ...... He remembered once, Honored Master has spoken the same words to him. 恍惚间……他想起了曾经,师尊对他说过一样的话。 disciple naturally knows.” 弟子自然知晓。” Facing the chill in the air of suddenly being near, Pan Buwang actually does not dread, but raises the head to face directly the pupil of Fog Sovereign: If saving of no Master, disciple even if now has not died, already with living corpse not different.” 面对骤临的寒意,槃不妄却毫不畏惧,而是仰首直面雾皇之瞳:“若无师父的拯救,弟子如今纵然未死,也已与活死人无异。” Royal Mother taught, as a man, cannot be heartless, cannot be ungrateful...... Master to disciple, has to save and reconstruct the graciousness, big of benevolence, not less than again world parents. How disciple may in Master front false heart false word.” “母后教导,身为男儿,不可负情,不可忘恩……师父弟子,有着拯救和再造之恩,恩情之大,不啻再世父母。弟子岂可在师父面前伪心伪言。” When facing Abyssal Beast, he everywhere is ominous the offense ; When facing darkness, if his eye dead deep pool ; Only when facing Fog Sovereign, his vision actually limpid...... the limpidity of almost does not have any impurity. 面对渊兽时,他满目凶戾;面对幽暗时,他目若死渊;唯独面对雾皇时,他的目光却是作为人的清澈……几乎没有任何杂质的清澈。 He indeed is person of the sincerity, otherwise, how will also achieve for mother and lover so. 他的确是个挚情之人,否则,又岂会为了母亲和爱人做到如此。 His sincerely said: disciple wants to know, gives the disciple benevolence, grants the disciple guidance Master, is actually what kind of person...... this is disciple besides the revenge, biggest hope.” 真诚的道:“弟子太想知道,给予弟子恩情,赐予弟子教导的师父,究竟是怎样的一个人……这是弟子除复仇外,最大的渴望。” He did not have to say oneself will not leak real identity under his deep pool fog. But each word each language, the change of each facial expression and look, is telling Fog Sovereign him, even if ten thousand die, will not make, even if betrays the matter of Master tiny bit. 他没有说自己绝不会泄露他渊雾下的真实身份。但每一言每一语,每一个神情与眼神的变动,都在告诉着雾皇他纵然万死,也绝不会做出哪怕一丝一毫背叛师父之事。 The cold wind rolls up and pushes along, brings the bloodiness of irritating the nose. 寒风卷动,带着刺鼻的血腥。 Fog Sovereign gave the response: You will know. But perhaps at that time, you have completed the revenge.” 雾皇给予了回应:“你会知道的。而那时,你或许已完成了复仇。” this Sovereign allows you today this time. The similar words, cannot say again! don't must forget your most this matter of doing!” 本皇容许你今日这一次。同样的话,不许再言!莫要忘了你最该做的事!” Pan Buwang lowers the head, does not have any resistance heavily accordingly: Yes.” 槃不妄垂首,没有任何抗拒的重重应声:“是。” He stands up from the ground slowly, Spear returns in the hand, heavy shining black glow. He has the whole body scar and bloodstain, has not proposed for the time being the word of recuperation, but is the vision brilliant looks at Fog Sovereign: Asked Master to teach!” 他从地上缓缓站起,长枪回于手中,重耀黑芒。他带着满身的伤痕和血迹,却没有提出暂且休整之言,而是目光灼灼的看着雾皇:“请师父教诲!” ...... …… The time jolts the circulation under the non-inductive black tide, it is rolling up and pushing along the vicissitudes, is stimulating to movement the growth, is curing the scar, washes the soul...... actually to suffer God's Son of star. 时间在无感的黑潮下颠簸流转,它卷动着沧桑,催动着成长,治愈着伤痕,洗涤着心魂……却折磨着星之神子 Checks palm once again grasping of stubbornly star when the chest spot, is six months passes, his profound strength revolves, severe pain pierce heart that like that the deep pool eclipse brings is still piercing. 刹星的手掌又一次死死的抓在心口部位,已是六个月过去,他玄力运转之时,渊蚀带来的剧痛依旧那般的锥心刺骨。 But is more fearful than the severe pain, is hindering that his profound energy revolves, as well as profound strength advancement stagnation almost. 而比剧痛更可怕的,是他玄气运转的阻滞,以及玄力进境几乎完全的停滞。 But today, directs the person inspired news to spread over entire Star Moon Divine Country. 而今日,一个引人振奋的消息传遍着整个星月神国 The moon/month God's Son quarter moon, succeeds to break through this morning to Divine Extinction Realm Fourth Level. 神子弦月,于今晨成功突破至神灭境四级 Each breakthrough of star moon/month God's Son, is surely at the Star Moon Divine Country shock temporary important matter. But this time actually and past had greatly differently......, because this was not double God's Son forever the step at the same time broken boundary continuously, but only made the breakthrough of moon/month of God's Son. 星月神子的每一次突破,都是必定在星月神国震动一时的大事。但此次却和以往大有不同……因为今次不是双神子永远步调一直的同时破境,而是唯有月神子的突破。 When the news comes, checks in the star surface the belt/bring to smile, refers to drenches the blood. 消息传来时,刹星面上带笑,指间淋血。 He arrives at Star God Palace that Heavenly Star God Venerate was, actually runs into Heavenly Astral (Tiangang) star Monarch who just went out. 他来到了天星神尊所在的星神殿,却是遇到了刚刚走出的天罡星君。 His eyes then ascertained the thoughts of checking the star, sighed a sound said: If you are make God Venerate break for you to the deep pool eclipse, I will not block you. If you still have the fantasy...... do not disturb God Venerate to be good. A half year, you should clearly recognize the reality.” 他一眼便窥破了刹星的心思,叹息一声道:“若你是让神尊为你断离渊蚀,我不会拦你。若你依然心存幻想……还是勿要打扰神尊为好。已经半年了,你该认清现实了。” Reality......” checks the star to clench teeth stubbornly: God Venerate is like that powerful, certainly will have the means that meets......” “现实……”刹星死死咬牙:“神尊那般强大,一定会有办法,一定会……” Heavenly Astral (Tiangang) star Monarch looked that his eyes said: venerable for you, had sent greetings Divine Emissary Ling Xian several times, but also went to Pure Land personally, the obtained result you have known. venerable heavenly might endless, but related to so invades the deep pool eclipse of Profound Vein...... no one to be solvable.” 天罡星君看他一眼道:“尊上为了你,已是数度传音灵仙神官,还亲自前往了一次净土,得到的结果你已知晓。尊上天威无尽,但涉及这般侵入玄脉的渊蚀……无人可解。” He put out a hand, pats the racket to check the shoulder of star: For the deep pool eclipse that to seal/confer Kun invades, making it no longer deteriorate, this enough a half year, venerable had consumed the innumerable mental efforts and abyss crystal. Continues to tow like this, basically impossible obtains the favorable turn that you long, will only continue to increase the senseless consumption...... you to know, because of this matter, many star Monarch, stars has discontented to you.” 他伸手,拍了拍刹星的肩膀:“为了封困侵入的渊蚀,让它不再恶化,这足足半年,尊上已是耗费了无数的心力和渊晶。继续这样拖下去,也根本不可能得到你所渴望的转机,只会继续增加无谓的消耗……你该知道,因为此事,不少星君、星官已对你多有不满。” Checks the star lip to tremble, he lowers the head immediately, does not make anybody see appearance that his state of mind loses control. 刹星嘴唇微颤,他立刻垂首,绝不让任何人看到他心绪失控的样子。 Heavenly Astral (Tiangang) star Monarch continues to urge: Cutting tail to seek livehood non- is spiritless, but is helpless must the action of line. Moreover venerable has the word, synthesizes the strength of two venerable, when strips off the deep pool eclipse forcefully, to your Profound Vein forever will create, can control in 10%.” 天罡星君继续劝道:“断尾求生非是懦弱,而是无奈的必行之举。而且尊上有言,综合两位尊上之力,强行剥除渊蚀之时,对你玄脉的永创,可以控制在10%之内。” One...... becomes...... He is pronouncing unstressed, sends out to self-ridicule with pain smiles lowly. “一……成……呵。”他轻念着,随之发出自嘲和痛苦的低笑。 10% Profound Vein will damage forever, means that his cultivation base, advancement and revolution to the upper limit that and future of profound strength can be...... will break completely lose, is precisely eternal breaking loses. 10%的玄脉永损,意味着他的修为、进境、对玄力的运转、将来所能达到的上限……全部都会为之断失,且是永恒的断失。 As should compatibility and balanced star moon/month pair child one, he...... will have become implication of quarter moon forever forever. 作为本该契合与平衡的星月双子之一,他会就此永远……永远成为弦月的拖累。 Has not trod toward Star God Palace again, checks the star to turn around, said in a low voice: I understood, I will consider this matter, continuation will not let God Venerate and fellow star Monarch again feels embarrassed.” 没有再踏往星神殿,刹星转过身去,低声道:“我明白了,我会好好考虑此事,不会再继续让神尊和各位星君为难。” Un.” Heavenly Astral (Tiangang) star Monarch nods, has not said anything again. When as two people was informed and experienced initially person of the Protector in secret, he also deeply is the ashamed crime. “嗯。”天罡星君颔首,没有再多说什么。作为当初两人历练时的暗中护法之人,他也一直深为愧罪。
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