ATG :: Volume #19

#1989: Stepping on

This sudden accident, what was first startled to arrive is Helian Lingzhu. 这突然的“变故”,最先被惊到的是赫连玲珠 She almost moves to the body like lightning, blocked Zhai Liancheng and Ximen Qi looks to the Yun Che's line of sight: He...... he is only a this Princess guard.” 她几乎是闪电般移身,挡住了砦连城西门祺看向云澈的视线:“他……他只是本公主的一个护卫。” Yun Che, has not drawn back!” 云澈,还不退下!” Guard?” Zhai Liancheng selected the eyebrow: „The looks so soft and fair skin, I looked that is handsome man who Crown Princess rears in a pen. Oh? Unexpectedly is Divine Sovereign.” “护卫?”砦连城挑了挑眉:“长得这般细皮嫩肉,我看是长公主圈养的面首吧。?居然还是个神君。” You...... nonsense! It is not! Of course not!” Under is frightened Helian Lingzhu somewhat to speak incoherently, the anxious sound shouted again: Yun Che, hurries to draw back!” “你……胡言!不是!当然不是!”惊惶之下的赫连玲珠已是有些语无伦次,再次急声喝道:“云澈,赶紧退下!” Zhai Liancheng is fierce puts out a hand, an invisible air/Qi wall kept off in Yun Che the front: First replied auspiciously few, what are you smiling?” 砦连城却是猛一伸手,一道无形的气墙挡在了云澈前方:“先回答祺少,你在笑什么?” Helian Lingzhu just about to again is the Yun Che shield, actually listens to his light opens the mouth: Has not smiled anything, I remembered the happy matter.” 赫连玲珠刚要再为云澈掩护,却听他淡淡开口:“没笑什么,我只是想起了高兴的事情。” The superficial explanation, without a wee bit dreads cowers instead to pass the sloppy facial expression, this regarding glorious prestige Zhai Liancheng and Ximen Qi, simply is to the provocation of their lofty. 轻描淡写的解释,没有丁点畏惧瑟缩反而透着散漫的神情,这对于正威风八面砦连城西门祺而言,简直就是对他们威凌的挑衅。 Zhai Liancheng smiled, smiled ease and danger: Is any happy matter, said that come out makes me and auspicious little is also happy.” 砦连城笑了起来,笑的悠然而危险:“是什么高兴的事情,说出来让我和祺少也高兴一下。” Heh! the Yun Che corners of the mouth pull, sends out, is the bald-faced laughing sound: What's wrong? Wants me to rip open the words enough clear?” 呵!云澈嘴角扯动,发出的,是再无掩饰的嗤笑声:“怎么?非要我把话撕开的足够明白?” I am smiling, naturally is two ignorant ignorant, disgraceful clowns.” “我在笑的,当然是两只无知愚昧,丢人现眼的小丑。” This reply, can you satisfy?” “这个回答,你们可满意?” Helian Lingzhu looks deathly pale instantaneously, Mo Cangying was startled manic profound energy to stagnate continually there. 赫连玲珠瞬间脸色惨白,陌苍鹰惊得连狂躁的玄气都停滞在了那里。 The face of Zhai Liancheng and Ximen Qi also stiffens, but also was stiff flickered merely , their corners of the mouth also twisted the mouth sidewise, on face bloomed was not furious, but was deep pondering, as if also that little excited. 砦连城西门祺的面孔同时僵住,但也仅仅是僵了一瞬,随之,他们的嘴角同时咧开,脸上绽开的不是震怒,而是一种深深的玩味,似乎还有着那么一点点兴奋。 After all, who not the idiot who likes a slap in the face grinding steps on clamors extremely arrogantly, who not the toy that does like itself delivering? 毕竟,谁不喜欢打脸碾踩狂妄叫嚣的蠢货,谁不喜欢自己送上门的玩具呢? Yun Che......” Helian Lingzhu voice/sound brings obvious shivering: You...... insane? But they...... but......” 云澈……”赫连玲珠声音带着明显的颤抖:“你……疯了吗?他们可是……可是……” Courts death!” Mo Cangying said in a low voice, in the hearts is the deep powerless feeling. “找死!”陌苍鹰低念一声,心间是深深的无力感。 Hehehe, good, is very good!” The Zhai Liancheng vision swept several in Yun Che body back and forth, but so under examines carefully, his look changes slightly, in the hearts gives birth to some jealous intent suddenly. 呵呵呵呵,好,好得很!”砦连城的目光在云澈身上扫了好几个来回,而这般细看之下,他的眼神微微变动,心间忽然生出些许嫉意。 The abyss life life lives during the invisible corrosion of abyss dust, the air/Qi of body often/common Ban grey defeat, the skin color will also assume sinks secretly roughly. 深渊的生灵一生都活在渊尘的无形侵蚀之中,身上常伴一种灰败之气,肤色也会呈暗沉粗糙。 But at present this person, the five senses fine such as carves, both eyes deep and quiet such as the black deep pool, the muscle like the jade, the eyebrow like the sword, the long hair dark night institute dyes. 而眼前这个人,五官精致如雕琢,双目幽邃如黑渊,肌如玉,眉如剑,长发似暗夜所染。 On the face is printing several very shallow scratches, obviously has the wound not to recover, actually does not cover its magnificent, is instead outstanding in the dust, adds several points of irregular. 脸上印着几道很浅的刻痕,显然是有伤未愈,却不掩其华,反在俊逸出尘之中,平添几分邪异 Simply is his this lifetime has seen most perfect...... pretty boy! 简直是他这辈子见过的最完美的……小白脸! Jealous changed/easy Shenghen, what also sprouts destroys the oppressive desire ruthlessly, even if previously did not have grievances. 嫉易生恨,随之萌发的是狠狠摧虐的欲望,哪怕先前毫无恩怨 Country Lord Helian, your daughter, but also really looked for a good guard.” He is smiling, the happy expression even more ponders, is even more dangerous. 赫连国主,你这女儿,还真是找了个好护卫。”他笑着,笑意愈发玩味,也愈发危险。 Helian Jue deep inspiration, said solemnly: He......” 赫连玦深深吸气,沉声道:“他……” He wants saying that Yun Che is not the Helian Lingzhu guard, does not have a wee bit relations with Helian Imperial Family. But Helian Lingzhu just now already anxious sound acknowledgment guard Yun Che's status , he if denied, the highlighted must be more exposed, can only brace oneself to change a statement: „ this child to Qilin Abyss Realm shortly, 他想说云澈并非赫连玲珠的护卫,和赫连皇室没有丁点关系。但赫连玲珠方才已急声“承认”云澈的护卫身份,他若是否认,反显得欲盖弥彰,只能硬着头皮改口道:“此子才至麟渊界不久, The origin is not bright, but temporarily is guard Lingzhu, has not made an entry. ” 来历未明,只是暂为玲珠护卫,并未入册。” Its word its line, does not have the responsibility with my imperial family. How two must handle, entirely according to your convenience.” “其言其行,与我皇室毫无干系。两位要如何处置,悉听尊便。” Helian Lingzhu stares big eyes: Father......” 赫连玲珠瞪大眼眸:“父……” Yun Che, has not gone!” Helian Jue a violent roar. 云澈,还不快滚!”赫连玦一声暴吼 In the Yun Che hearts laughs at...... this soft egg Country Lord, now actually power and prestige. 云澈心间嗤笑……这个软蛋国主,现在倒是威风起来了。 Go away? Where does the preparation toward roll?” Ximen Qi is selecting the brow tip: Said shame this Young Master and rock profound Young Master, you thought that you also did roll?” “滚?准备往哪里滚呢?”西门祺挑着眉梢:“言辱本少与磐玄少主,你觉得你还滚得了吗?” Helian Lingzhu makes an effort to nip the tooth, still persists in saying: Rock profound Young Master, Young Master Ximen, Yun Che he is only outsider, does not have to know to Rock Profound Sect and Qilin Worshipping Alliance. So-called does not know is innocent, this Princess...... this dispatches Qilin Abyss Realm him, does not make him appear in two again at present.” 赫连玲珠用力咬齿,依然坚持道:“磐玄少主,西门公子,云澈他只是一个外来者,对磐玄宗拜麟盟毫无所知。所谓不知者无罪,本公主……这就将他遣出麟渊界,绝不让他再出现在两位眼前。” Hahahaha!” Zhai Liancheng laughs to make noise: Solemn imperial family does Crown Princess, outsiderand guard shield so the appearance to so-called unexpectedly ‚? It seems like that you to this pretty boy really cherishing tight, feared that do not favor every night the music and song daily!” 哈哈哈哈!”砦连城大笑出声:“堂堂皇室长公主,居然对一个所谓‘外来者’、‘护卫’袒护成这般模样?看来,你对这小白脸着实钟爱的紧啊,怕不是要日日宠幸夜夜笙歌!” Oh Bother Cangying, your scurried to lick so many years women, feared that was early by this pretty boy playing rottenly, haha......” “哎哟苍鹰兄,你这上赶着舔了这么多年的女人,怕是早都被这小白脸给玩烂了,哈哈……” He thinks suddenly, but Helian Lingzhu Ximen Qi is pleasing and person of win, will laugh wildly suppressing. 他猛然想到,赫连玲珠可是西门祺中意和志在必得之人,生生又将狂笑给憋了回去。 As Helian Crown Princess, how could Helian Lingzhu has listened to so the word of shame, her whole body trembles: You...... you......” 身为赫连长公主,赫连玲珠何曾听过如此羞辱之言,她浑身发抖:“你……你们……” Mo Cangying clearest Yun Che and Helian Lingzhu know initially, certainly not deep department, but blood energy upwells as before, instantaneous surface scarlet like blood. 陌苍鹰最为清楚云澈赫连玲珠只是初识,绝无深系,但依旧血气上涌,瞬间面赤如血。 This not all because of being furious of Zhai Liancheng to Helian Lingzhu shame, because of...... his in the eyes, Helian Lingzhu to Yun Che continually approaches and shields on own initiative, indeed was border-crossing. 这并非全是因自砦连城赫连玲珠羞辱的震怒,也因为……他眼中,赫连玲珠云澈连番的主动靠近与袒护,的确是“越界”了。 His one step, just about to speaks forward, actually before rear area listening to transmit Yun Che sloppily such as voice/sound: Therefore? How can your two clumsy mischief-doers me?” 他向前一步,刚要说话,却听后方传来云澈散漫如前的声音:“所以呢?你们这两个跳梁小丑要将我如何?” If previously also reluctantly was ignorant below fearless ignorant, then this word, was the shining provocation and despising. 若先前还勉强算是无知下的无畏愚昧,那么此言,便是明晃晃的挑衅与蔑视。 Zhai Liancheng does not smile, in the eye seam that narrows refracts gloomy and cold cold light: „Are you courting death?” 砦连城不笑了,眯起的眼缝里折射出阴冷的寒光:“你在找死?” Yun Che actually smiled, his both arms leisurely hugging however in chest front, at a moderate pace say/way: Is growing a face of worthless fellow, is doing the use power that is not one's own matter, actually under Overreach Divine Lord no one enemy. Said that you are the clumsy mischief-doers to your facial skin, how to court death?” 云澈却是笑了,他双臂施施然的抱在胸前,不紧不慢的道:“长着一张酒囊饭袋的脸,做着狐假虎威的事,却大言不惭神主之下无人可敌。说你们是跳梁小丑都是给你们脸皮,怎么就是找死了呢?” „......” Helian Lingzhu held the Yun Che's sleeves all of a sudden, only has eyes trembling panic-strickenly, between lips already could not speak. “……”赫连玲珠一下子抓住了云澈的衣袖,却是唯有眼眸颤荡,唇间已是惊骇的说不出话来。 Mo Cangying also transfers the eye unexpectedly, some staring blankly looks at him. 陌苍鹰也蓦地转目,有些发怔的看着他。 Although courts death, but Yun Che is being him to do the matter that but does not dare to do, was saying he wants to say words that but does not dare to speak. 虽是找死,但云澈在做着他想做但不敢做的事,说着他想说但不敢说的话。 „, Hehehe......” at this moment, in the Ximen Qi heart is truly angry: Depends on your words, today is the Heavenly King father here, could not guarantee you!” “呵,呵呵呵……”此刻,西门祺心中已是真正恼怒:“就凭你这几句话,今天就是天王老子在此,也保不了你!” Yes?” “是么?” Facing killing intent of Ximen Qi release, on the Yun Che face does not have to dread suddenly slightly, instead at a moderate pace takes a step forward: Therefore, how you do prepare to make me die?” 面对西门祺陡然释放的杀意,云澈脸上没有丝毫畏惧,反而不紧不慢的向前迈步:“所以,你准备让我怎么死呢?” Oh ~ ~ on the Yun Che eyebrow selects: This Young Master Ximen was known as under Divine Lord no one enemy, with is Divine Sovereign Realm, defeats me, to kill my trivial guard Princess, deciding however is easy as pie?” ~~”云澈眼眉上挑:“这位西门公子可是号称神主之下无人可敌,同为神君境,想必败我、杀我一个区区公主护卫,定然是易如反掌吧?” He compares Ximen Qi to be higher than half foot, when close , the line of sight becomes the potential of overlooking. 他比西门祺高出半尺,临近之时,视线自成俯视之势。 But in his both eyes maps, clearly is not mincing matter low regards and taunts unexpectedly. 而他双目之中所映射的,竟分明是一种毫不掩饰的低视与嘲讽。 As if stands before him is not the Qilin Worshipping Alliance hegemon's son, seriously is only in his mouth disgraceful clown. 仿佛站在他面前的不是拜麟盟的盟主之子,当真只是一个他口中“丢人现眼的小丑”。 The Ximen Qi complexion somewhat is suddenly ugly. 西门祺的脸色忽然有些难看。 What makes his uncomfortable is, he suddenly has one type unexpectedly...... the bewildered sensation of asphyxia. 更让他难受的是,他竟忽然有一种……莫名其妙的窒息感。 Indeed, he dies impossible to think, stands in front of him, is a emperor in control side vast world. 的确,他死都不可能想到,站到他面前的,可是一个统御一方浩大世界的帝王。 hostility is gradually hot tempered, making the Ximen Qi happy expression also start to distort, he shook the wrist/skill, Yin sad say/way: Such anxiously person of courting death, but also is really rare.” 戾气逐渐暴躁,让西门祺的笑意也开始变形,他晃了晃手腕,阴恻恻的道:“这么急着找死的人,还真是罕见的很啊。” Delivered to the face, how this Young Master can not help you ~ ~ “都送到脸上了,本少又怎能不成全你呢~~” That flash that voice/sound drops, his palm grasps suddenly, the five fingers change into the scary rock blade in the dry light, grasps the Yun Che's throat. 声音落下的那一刹那,他的手掌猛然抓出,五指在枯光中化为骇人的岩刃,直抓云澈的喉咙。 two people to the one pace, Ximen Qi acts suddenly. 两人相距一步之遥,西门祺又是猝然出手。 No matter what who responded without enough time, is unable to intend to prevent...... only has a Helian Lingzhu panic-stricken point to recite. 任谁都来不及反应,更无法出手阻挡……唯有赫连玲珠一声惊恐的尖吟。 BANG!! 砰!! If there are hundred thunderings near the ear crack. 如有百道轰雷在耳边炸响。 In the dry light of rupturing, the person's shadow flies to shoot together suddenly, then pounded ruthlessly above the royal palace wall. 爆裂的枯光之中,一道人影猛然飞射出去,然后狠狠地砸在了皇殿的墙壁之上。 The Helian Lingzhu point recited the quick stoppage, Zhai Liancheng taunt thin smile also all of a sudden stiff on face, the pupil flared up the contraction. 赫连玲珠的尖吟骤止,砦连城的嘲讽淡笑也一下子僵在了脸上,瞳孔骤燃收缩。 Because of the line of sight institute, Yun Che also stands in the original position unexpectedly. 因为视线所及,云澈竟还站在原处。 The look smiles lowly such as beginning, the body moves has not moved, trace that even the salvo tree top, had not been brought. 神色低笑如初,身位动也未动,甚至连发梢,都没有被带起的痕迹。 Zhai Liancheng turns round...... that to pound the form on wall to tumble suddenly distressedly. 砦连城猛然回身……那个砸在墙壁上的身影正狼狈滚落。 Impressively yes...... 赫然是…… Ximen Qi!? 西门祺!? Bang thump! 砰咚! The Ximen Qi head and knee also hit the ground, the stance just like looks like one by the toad of air-drying. 西门祺头颅与膝盖同时撞地,姿态活脱脱像一只被风干的癞蛤蟆。 But the so ugly stance, he continued several breaths unexpectedly has not moved, stares big both eyes piece of primordial chaos, as if suddenly fell into the absurd nightmare. 而如此丑陋的姿态,他竟是持续了数息未动,瞪大的双目一片混沌,仿佛忽然落入了荒谬的噩梦之中。 Zhai Liancheng is shocked, Helian Lingzhu, Helian Jue and Mo Cangying also stayed there completely. 砦连城愣住,赫连玲珠赫连玦陌苍鹰也全部呆在了那里。 The Ximen Qi nightmare awakes finally initially, he bounces to set out fiercely, the vision locks Yun Che to be at stubbornly, neighing of eye socket completely crack: You......” 西门祺终于噩梦初醒,他猛的弹跳起身,目光死死锁定云澈所在,目眦尽裂的嘶叫:“你……” Hu! 呼! Kuangfeng (fierce wind) howls. 一阵狂风呼啸而过。 Ximen Qi just now roars a character, a shadow then enlarges in the pupil suddenly. 西门祺才刚吼出一个字,一个黑影便在瞳孔中骤然放大。 Bang bang —— 轰砰—— Yun Che tramples above his head, only split second, his guard profound strength then thorough minute/share collapses. 云澈一脚踹在他的头颅之上,只一瞬间,他的护身玄力便彻底分崩。 The body takes the head as the hauling, once again bang ruthlessly hits above the wall. 躯体以头颅为牵引,又一次狠狠的轰撞在墙壁之上。 The crushed stone explodes shoots, the tenacious incomparable royal palace wall cracks directly. Ximen Qi that previously overflowed to fill the arrogant and insolent head, was entered in the wall by Yun Che foot entire trampling. 碎石爆射,坚韧无比的皇殿墙壁直接崩裂。西门祺那张先前溢满着傲慢与张狂的脑袋,被云澈一脚整颗的踹入墙壁之中。 Only odd/surplus hang sways outside body distortion. 只余吊在外面的躯体扭曲晃荡。 „Is this under so-called Divine Lord the no one enemy?” “这就是所谓的神主之下无人可敌?” The Yun Che's sole grinds steps on Ximen Qi to submerge the head of wall completely, in the mouth sends out to the utmost taunt voice/sound: Also really makes one laugh aloud! With is Divine Sovereign Realm, you in a I young guard Princess under the hand/subordinate are so the ugly performance, unexpectedly also dares Overreach.” 云澈的脚底碾踩着西门祺已完全没入墙壁的头颅,口中发出极尽嘲讽的声音:“还真是让人笑掉大牙!同为神君境,你在我一个小小的公主护卫手下都是如此丑态,居然还敢大言不惭。” Said that you are the clumsy mischief-doer, favored you.” “说你是跳梁小丑,都是抬举了你。” Helian Lingzhu flowery lips opened wide, stares for a very long time, Helian Jue forgot the severe pain from heart arteries. 赫连玲珠唇瓣大张,久久瞠目,赫连玦更是忘了来自心脉的剧痛。 But most shocking and ignorant however, is actually Zhai Liancheng. 而最为震惊和懵然的,却是砦连城 Ximen Qi cultivation base, he is how clear. 西门祺修为如何,他再清楚不过。 He was suppressed the Realm many years not to break through by Ximen Borong, Ximen Boyun unsurpassed spirit medicine that brings from Pure Land also has uses in his body much. 他被西门博容压制着境界多年不予突破,西门博云净土带来的无上灵药也有不少用在了他的身上 In Qilin Abyss Realm, same Realm no one is his opponent...... this is not a wild talk. 麟渊界内,同境界无人是他的对手……这绝不是一句妄言。 Even under Divine Lord no one enemy these words, is approved personally by Ximen Boyun. 甚至“神主之下无人可敌”这句话,还是由西门博云亲口赞出。 But Yun Che, indeed with is Divine Sovereign Realm peak cultivation base, how can...... 云澈,也的确同为神君境巅峰的修为,怎么会…… gu...... gu!” “咕……咕!” In the wall transmits the depressed painful throat to speak haltingly the sound, is one nearly rips the sharp roar of heart. 墙壁之中传来沉闷痛苦的喉咙嚅动声,随之是一声近乎撕心的尖吼。 BOOM!! 轰隆!! The wall caves in the explosive, Ximen Qi that turns horizontally got rid of the Yun Che's sole distressedly. 墙壁在爆响中塌陷,横翻出去的西门祺狼狈摆脱了云澈的脚底。 He staggers to fall to the ground, the face and back of the head are bloody. 他踉跄落地,面孔、后脑血流如注。 He touched a face ruthlessly, full palm the blood made his vision even more fierce. But he does not feel the ache, because in heart crazy boiling humiliation and ruthless offense, almost burns to burn his whole body each cell thoroughly. 他狠狠摸了一把脸,满掌的鲜血让他目光愈加狰狞。但他丝毫不觉得疼痛,因为心中疯狂沸腾的屈辱与狠戾,几乎将他全身每一个细胞都彻底焚燃。 He is Ximen Qi, is the Qilin Worshipping Alliance hegemon's son, will be future doing obeisance Qilin Imperial Prince. 他是西门祺,是拜麟盟盟主之子,是未来的拜麟皇子 By his natural talent remarkably, also Ximen Boyun not parsimonious applause. In the future abandons his Elder Brother, sets up him for Crown Prince also absolutely not impossible. 以他卓然的天赋,还有西门博云毫不吝啬的赞许。未来弃他兄长,立他为太子绝非不可能 He was rumbled to fly unexpectedly, stepped on the head......, but the opposite party is only same Realm Divine Sovereign, but goes down in the world the imperial family Princess guard, but previously did not match into the person of his eye! 他竟被轰飞,被人踩踏头颅……而对方只是个同境界神君,只是个落魄皇室公主的护卫,只是个先前都不配入他眼之人! The so big shame, has not had, ten thousand slain disappear! 如此大辱,从所未有,万死难消! Your this dog trash, mongrel, cheap slave!” He shouts the most virulent spoken language that can think of the gaps between teeth: I must...... hack you personally exactly!” “你这个狗垃圾,狗杂种,贱奴!”他从齿缝间嘶吼着所能想到的最恶毒的言语:“我要亲手……活剐了你!” Depends on you?” The Yun Che's vision, is looking at a pitiful idiot completely. “就凭你?”云澈的目光,完全就是在看一个卑怜的蠢货。
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