ATG :: Volume #17 Cloud Hangs Over The World (垂云覆世)

#1783: Extinguishes Southern Sea remnantly

East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King see that in the eye pupil that several want to blast open flashes through several to wipe the different glow steep, they in support made the completely same action in same stubbornly instantly, howling in even/including mouth is also exactly the same: 东狱溟王北狱溟王见状,几欲炸裂的眼瞳中陡闪过几抹异芒,死死支撑中的他们在同一个刹那做出了完全相同的举动,就连口中的吼叫也一模一样: Exalted King, draws back!!” 王上,退!!” They with half body support, remove most power, heavy bang to Southern Sea Divine Emperor. 他们以半躯支撑,强撤大半力量,重轰向南溟神帝 Southern Sea Divine Emperor not slightly hesitant, body turns over, whole body golden glow hits violently to two Sea King power. 南溟神帝没有丝毫犹豫,身体翻转,全身金芒猛烈撞向两溟王力量 ———— ———— Southern Sea Divine Emperor is how powerful with two Great Sea King power, under the huge thrust force and countershock force overlap, Southern Sea Divine Emperor gets rid of the Sea God Cannon invincible might to suppress, then flickers the body full power, bringing floating blood fog to escape to leave. 南溟神帝与两大溟王力量何其强大,巨大的推力和反震力交叠之下,南溟神帝生生摆脱溟神大炮的神威压制,然后全力瞬身,带着一片飘洒的血雾遁离。 “Hah!Yellow Emperor and Emperor Purple Tenuity low roaring sound, acts simultaneously again, curls up before Southern Sea Divine Emperor that air current that reverses the space, will just withdraw curled the body . “喝!轩辕帝紫微帝同时低喝,再次出手,卷起一股扭转空间的气流,将刚刚脱身的南溟神帝卷到了身前。 All just like the nightmares that falls suddenly, two Great Divine Emperor successfully help Southern Sea Divine Emperor be saved from death, but is still still shaken. 一切恍若突降的噩梦,两大神帝成功助南溟神帝死里逃生,但依旧惊魂未定。 But Southern Sea Divine Emperor...... his half body blood drippings, sees the bone everywhere, the right hand does not see the five fingers, dignity and haughtiness that some only broken phalanxes, on the face have no again, under covered with blood, only seems to have is trembled by the fear of ten thousand Moshi soul. 南溟神帝……他半边身躯鲜血淋淋,处处见骨,右手已不见五指,仅余些许残破的指骨,脸上亦再无任何的威严与狂傲,血肉模糊之下,唯有仿佛正被万魔噬魂的恐惧战栗。 Without Southern Sea Divine Emperor power, in addition two Great Sea King just now branched out most power forcefully, they have not been able to support the Sea God Cannon invincible might again. 没有了南溟神帝力量,加之两大溟王方才强行分出了大半力量,他们已再无法支撑溟神大炮的神威。 Almost in the next flash that Southern Sea Divine Emperor escapes from, Sea God divine glow of temporary stagnation then bit not to have two Great Sea King bodies suddenly, if also cut a day of rainbow, pressed suddenly under. 几乎在南溟神帝逃出的下一刹那,短暂停滞的溟神神芒便猛然噬没了两大溟王的身躯,随之如斩天之虹,骤压而下。 AH!!!!” 啊!!!!” The pitiful yell that divulges continually desperately without enough time, Sea God divine glow Sea God and Southern Sea Divine Realm that final two Great Sea King completely engulfed an numerous resist at risk of life. 一声连绝望都来不及宣泄的惨叫,溟神神芒将一众拼死抵挡的溟神南溟神界最后的两大溟王完全吞没 Rich and pure to as if should not save the world in golden glow, does not have Sea King and Sea God voice/sound and form again, even/including aura, was bitten without a trace that extinguishes, not, even if a escape or remains. 浓郁、纯净到仿佛不该存世的金芒之中,已再无溟王溟神声音与身影,就连气息,也被噬灭的无影无踪,没有哪怕一丝的逸散或残留。 Bang —————— —————— golden glow passes through the world, falls in Southern Sea Capital City, instantly all things all extinguishes, myriad spirits all buries, with the Sea God divine glow path, this Southern Sea Divine Realm to high place from core to north edge, by incomparably neat crack. 金芒贯穿天地,落于南溟王城之中,霎时万物皆灭,万灵皆葬,随着溟神神芒的轨迹,这处南溟神界的至高之地从核心至北部边缘,被无比整齐的切裂。 Under invincible might that but in even the ray and voice/sound swallow, this startles world peerless destruction calamity, has not brought the huge rumbled sound, only in the eye pupil and soul of innumerable Southern Sea life, carves the terrifying mark that will never obliterate. 但在连光线和声音都吞噬的神威之下,这骇世绝伦的毁灭灾厄,却没有带起天大的轰鸣声,只在无数南溟生灵的眼瞳和心魂之中,刻下了永不磨灭的恐怖印记。 Break Southern Sea Divine Realm Sea God divine glow has not extinguished as before completely, flew to remote Star Territory...... at this moment, Southern God Territory about half Star Realm, can see that beautiful unusual golden glow has flown from sky of different position together. 断裂南溟神界溟神神芒依旧没有灭尽,飞向了遥远的星域……这一刻,南神域近半的星界,都可以看到一道绮丽异常的金芒从不同方位的苍穹飞过。 They have a dream do not think, under this beautiful golden glow path, was passed through or destruction Star Realm. 只是他们做梦都不会想到,这道绮丽金芒的轨迹之下,是一个又一个被贯穿或毁灭星界 RUUUUMBLE...... 轰隆隆隆…… Under the remaining prestige, the Southern Sea Capital City innumerable constructions at the crazy avalanche, combine with it, arrives at nearly heavenshaking panic-stricken pitiful yell intensely. 余威之下,南溟王城无数的建筑在疯狂的崩塌,与之混杂的,是强烈到近乎震天的惊恐惨叫。 But, above the upper air, is actually presenting a fearful deathly stillness, regardless of Southern Sea, is other three King Realm powerhouses, if pulled out to seven soul six mortal forms, for a very long time is unable to move and send out voice/sound......, but before several breaths, in their chest cavities and eye pupils are also releasing the endless excitement, is waiting for invincible might and Devil Lord that Yun Che's perished witnesses Sea God Cannon. 但,高空之上,却呈现着一幕可怕的死寂,无论南溟,还是其他三王界的强者,都如被抽离了七魂六魄,久久无法动弹和发出声音……而就在数息前,他们胸腔和眼瞳中还释放着无尽的兴奋,等待着亲眼目睹溟神大炮的神威和魔主云澈的陨灭 But at this moment, as in the pupil gradual divergence of Sea God divine glow, in void of distortion does not see Sea King and Sea God residual dust. 而此刻,随着瞳孔中溟神神芒的逐渐散去,扭曲的虚空中不见一丝溟王溟神残留的尘埃。 „, This blows Sea God Cannon that ascends the sky, originally also no more than so, unexpectedly made your Southern Sea live was running away come out.” “啧,这吹上天的溟神大炮,原来也不过如此,居然让你南溟活着逃了出来。” At a moderate pace voice/sound, in is actually shakes everyone heart to tremble at this moment, the Yun Che slanting eye of low eyebrow, looks at the distant break Star Territory: Looks at this Southern Sea first King Realm pitiful condition, can look reluctantly.” His behind, three Yama Ancestor all are mouth opened wide, the eye stares to crack, such as sees the ghosts and gods. Yun Che voice/sound falls, their bodies are also neat threw, the head deeply hangs. 不紧不慢的声音,在此刻却是震得所有人心脏发颤,云澈斜目低眉,看着远方断裂的星域:“不过看这南溟第一王界的惨状,勉强也还看得过去。”他的身后,三阎祖皆是嘴巴大张,目瞪欲裂,如见鬼神。云澈声音落下,他们三人的身躯也是齐刷刷的扑了下去,头颅更是深深垂地。 Yan Yi: Lord human and god to overawe ancient Juejin, vertical is a world when also submits.” 阎一:“主人神威震古绝今,纵是天地亦当臣服。” Yan Er: Worthily is Master, so-called Sea God Cannon, in front of Master is also the trivial toys.” 阎二:“不愧是主人,所谓溟神大炮,在主人面前也不过是区区玩物。” Yan San: Bah! Present age the spoken language, was unable to annotate lord the eventuality of human and god prestige, can give loyalty to the Master foot bank, for the glory of my three people of ten lifetimes, the good fortune of ten thousand th.” 阎三:“呸!当世言语,已根本无法诠释主人神威之万一,能效忠主人脚畔,为我三人十世之荣,万世之幸。” „......” Qianye Ying'er aspirates slowly. “……”千叶影儿缓缓吐了一口气。 „......” Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu are speechless for a long time. Even when Sea God Cannon release invincible might, they not extremely radical changing countenance, but all that at this moment, they just witnessed, actually exceeded them completely originally the far unusual fresh cognition. “……”千叶雾古千叶秉烛许久无言。即使在溟神大炮释放神威时,他们都没有太过剧烈的动容,而此刻,他们刚刚目睹的一切,却完完全全超越了他们本就远超凡生的认知。 Actually that...... is...... anything......” Qianye Wugu absent-minded low nan. “那究竟……是……什么……”千叶雾古失神低喃。 The vision of people with Yun Che's voice, but shifts wooden, looks to return safe and sound Yun Che, the complexion of everyone in incomparably is changing fiercely, they cannot believe, could not understand had anything. 众人的目光随着云澈的声音而木然转移,看着毫发无伤云澈,每一个人的脸色都在无比剧烈的变动着,他们不敢相信,更理解不了发生了什么。 If their eye thorough seeing things, have not just now seen, rumbles unexpectedly to Yun Che's Sea God Cannon, under a Yun Che superficial sword, the counter- bang approached Southern Sea Divine Emperor!? 如果他们的眼睛没有彻底的幻视,方才所看到的,竟是轰向云澈的溟神大炮,在云澈轻描淡写的一剑之下,反轰向了南溟神帝!? Actually to have what...... that is actually what sorcery?” Yellow Emperor flutters twittering, as the emperor of King Realm, in his mouth jumped unexpectedly sorcery two characters. “究竟发生了什么……那究竟是什么妖术?”轩辕帝颤声呢喃,身为王界之帝,他的口中居然蹦出了“妖术”二字。 Divine Emperor Shitian at present suddenly passes outside past Blue Pole Star, after Mu Xuanyin dies, various Divine Emperors sweeps across to one that Yun Che's power was shaken strangely, that picture no one is still solvable. 释天神帝的眼前忽然晃过了当年蓝极星外,沐玄音死后,众神帝席卷向云澈的力量被诡异震回的一幕,那副画面至今无人可解。 In the brain of Southern Sea Divine Emperor also flashed through the past scene for the first time. How he is unable to believe, the similar scene, reappears unexpectedly , above Sea God Cannon that oversteps present age the boundary. 南溟神帝的脑中亦乍闪过当年的情景。只是他怎么都无法相信,相似的情景,居然重现在了超越当世界限的溟神大炮之上。 He wants to get hold of both hands, actually the sensation does not arrive at existence of finger, under extreme shocking, even almost the sensation does not arrive at the ache. He raised the head slowly, the vision of not independent tremor decides stubbornly in Yun Che body, touched satire thin smile of his corners of the mouth, Southern Sea Divine Emperor sprouts incomparably fearful thought in the reason of lax edge: 他想要握紧双手,却感知不到了手指的存在,极度的震骇之下,甚至几乎感知不到疼痛。他缓缓抬头,不自主颤动的目光死死定在云澈身上,碰触到他嘴角的讽刺淡笑,南溟神帝处于涣散边缘的理智萌生出了一个无比可怕的念想: You...... you are...... intentional......” this is he since birth, has spoken most difficult a few words. “你……你是……故意的……”这是他有生以来,说过的最艰难的一句话。 Hehe.” Yun Che smiles low and deep, raised the head slightly, the squint looks at the day, the dark clouds above sky tumble in crazy as before, without diverges because of dissipation of Sea God Cannon invincible might slightly, as if from the beginning then not because of Sea God Cannon, but presently: After taking Eastern God Territory, wants to cope with your Southern God Territory in the similar method is impossible. this Devil Lord at once, pours could not really have found out to be able in the short time to smash the Southern God Territory method.” “呵呵。”云澈低沉一笑,微微抬头,斜眼望天,天空之上的黑云依旧在狂乱翻滚,丝毫没有因溟神大炮神威的消逝而散去,似乎从一开始便不是因溟神大炮而现:“在拿下东神域之后,想要以同样的方法对付你南神域已是不可能本魔主一时之间,倒还真想不出能在短时间内端掉南神域的方法。” Rumble ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ The dark clouds surges, the heavenly might fear world, does not have bolts of Tribulation Lightning to lower. Because Heaven's Way many years ago then has known, its strength of judgement, is unable to injure to Yun Che is tiny bit. 黑云翻腾,天威慑世,却始终没有一道劫雷降下。因为天道从很多年前便已知晓,它的裁决之力,根本无法伤到云澈一丝一毫。 Therefore, this Devil Lord, is this Devil Lord Devil Empress, decides temporarily motionless Southern God Territory. Until this Devil Lord knew accidentally, your Southern Sea Divine Realm hides one to have Sea God Cannon of prestige of taboo it is said that this Devil Lord knows suddenly,” he lifts the arm slowly, bent/tune stretch/open the five fingers cover to Southern Sea Divine Emperor is at: In this world can help this Devil Lord tread broken Southern God Territory fast, is your Southern Sea Divine Emperor.” “所以,无论是本魔主,还是本魔主魔后,都决定暂不动南神域。直到本魔主偶然得知,你南溟神界潜藏着一个据说有着禁忌之威的溟神大炮,本魔主才忽然知道,”他缓缓抬臂,曲张的五指罩向南溟神帝的所在:“这世上能助本魔主快速踏破南神域的,便是你南溟神帝啊。” „......!!” Southern Sea Divine Emperor pale complexion split second becomes scarlet, whole body almost all blood rushed to the head crazily, he started the fierce absent-minded line of sight to fall on Qianye Wugu body, by the great strength of Brahma Emperor God Realm, will know in secret, even confirmed that existence of Sea God Cannon, can say the least bit was not surprising. “……!!”南溟神帝惨白的脸色一瞬间变得赤红,全身几乎所有的鲜血都疯狂涌向了头颅,他开始剧烈恍惚的视线落在了千叶雾古身上,以梵帝神界的强大,会暗中得知,甚至确认溟神大炮的存在,可以说半点都不让人惊讶。 You...... you kill Ash Dragon God, for...... for......” the Southern Sea Divine Emperor words cutting tooth, clenches teeth to want broken, the Southern Sea Divine Realm break, myriad spirits buries the life, four Great Sea King all fall, once haughty ten six Sea God...... in sensation only four aura, this is nightmares in ten thousand heavy nightmare, lets the nightmare that Divine Emperor collapses sufficiently. “你……你杀灰烬龙神,就是为了……为了……”南溟神帝字字切齿,咬牙欲碎,南溟神界断裂,万灵葬命,四大溟王皆陨,曾经傲世的十六溟神……感知中只余四道气息,这是万重噩梦中的噩梦,一个足以让神帝崩溃的噩梦。 I , if not demented, how can also cause you to be demented.” The line of sight that the Yun Che smile, bends down has the applause of several points of taunt: Destroys completely Southern Sea, is equal to treading second half Southern God Territory. Nan Wansheng, as this Devil Lord today's toys, your performance is quite good, easily then destroyed the Southern God Territory biggest stumbling obstacle most probably, really worthily was South Territory number one Divine Emperor, hehe, Hahahaha!” “我若不癫狂,又怎能引得你癫狂。”云澈微笑,俯下的视线带着几分嘲讽的赞许:“灭掉南溟,便等于踏下半个南神域南万生,作为本魔主今日的玩物,你的表现相当不错,轻易便将南神域最大的绊脚石毁去了大半,真不愧是南域第一神帝,呵呵,哈哈哈哈!” Qianye Ying'er lightly said: „After Southern God Territory becomes the place of Devil Lord under foot, Southern Sea Divine Emperor this great feat will also spread the eternity, after getting down hell, you may not forget this great honor are Devil Lord bestow your.” 千叶影儿淡声道:“待南神域成为魔主脚下之地后,南溟神帝这番伟绩也将流传千古,下地狱之后,你可千万别忘了这份‘殊荣’是魔主赐给你的。” Under the crack soul was executed the heart again scarlet, the Southern Sea Divine Emperor complexion by transfers the swarth fast, his arm is unbending, the enunciation trembles: Yun...... Che, you...... you......” 裂魂之下再遭诛心,南溟神帝的脸色由赤红快速转为赤黑,他手臂僵直,口齿战栗:“云……澈,你……你……” PU!! 噗!! His upper body is stiff, big blood fog blasts out before his body. 他上身僵挺,一大蓬血雾在他身前炸开。 Father...... Royal Father!” “父……父王!” Exalted King!” 王上!” Three Sea God that Nan Qianqiu, also other only saves rush in a panic, Southern Sea Divine Emperor spurted more than ten mouthful of blood fog finally the exhaust fumes, looks final four Sea God that encircles, he at present is one black, bites the vitality that the tooth controls to flee crazily but actually stubbornly. 南千秋,还有另外仅存的三溟神仓惶冲上,南溟神帝足足喷了十几口血雾才终于回气,看着围过来的最后四溟神,他眼前又是一黑,死死咬齿才控住疯狂倒窜的气血。 The distant place, in the hearts of South Territory three emperors ten thousand big wave seethes. 远处,南域三帝的心中万涛翻腾。 The Yun Che stance that they see today is very arrogant, he massacres Ash Dragon God in their eyes is the lunatic general losing wisdom behavior, ambition and demented that also displays, is completely in the Southern Sea Divine Emperor mouth mad dog, therefore, making Southern Sea Divine Emperor give up reconciliation, chooses does not select all means to put to death it. 他们今日所见的云澈姿态无比傲慢,他残杀灰烬龙神在他们眼里更是疯子一般的失智行为,随之表现出的野心与癫狂,完全就是南溟神帝口中的“疯狗”,也因而,让南溟神帝放弃“和解”,选择不择一切手段诛杀之。 The Southern Sea Divine Emperor itself/Ben thinks that is always controlling the overall situation, is controlling the Yun Che's destiny, at this moment, all talents know in the startled chestnut, is actually Southern Sea Divine Emperor always plays with by Yun Che in applauding, is almost effortless, with the hand of Southern Sea, destroyed the Southern Sea half wall. 南溟神帝本以为始终掌控着全局,更掌控着云澈的命运,此刻,所有人才在惊栗中知晓,却是南溟神帝始终被云澈玩弄于鼓掌,几乎不费吹灰之力,借南溟之手,毁了南溟半壁。 What is most fearful, Yun Che unexpectedly before arriving at Southern Sea, then had recognized that Southern Sea Divine Emperor will arrange Sea God Cannon ahead of time. 最可怕的是,云澈竟在到来南溟之前,便已认定南溟神帝会提前备好溟神大炮 From their entire body flood into each pore of innumerable ice cold to peak cold qi crazily, flees each bone, each veins. 无数股冰冷极致寒气从他们全身上下每一个毛孔疯狂涌入,直窜每一根骨头,每一道筋脉。 A palm that shoves open Nan Qianqiu, Southern Sea Divine Emperor forwards gradually, both eyes of blood-stained dense like the ghost, the wound of whole body continually well up the blood because of aura of riot: Yun Che, my Southern Sea......, even if broke the both arms, changes into the dirty demon cinders you sufficiently!” 一把推开南千秋的手掌,南溟神帝缓步向前,染血的双目森然如鬼,全身的伤口因暴乱的气息而不断涌血:“云澈,我南溟……哪怕断了双臂,也足以将你化为肮脏的魔烬!” Yes?” Compares and obviously borders on the mood of out-of-control in the Nan Wansheng that blood-stained all over the body pitiful condition, the Yun Che whole body is actually spotless, the facial expression makes one be afraid indifferently, he just about to opens the mouth, suddenly corner of the eye one slanting: Un?” “是么?”相比于南万生那遍体染血的惨状和明显濒临失控的情绪,云澈全身却是一尘不染,神情更是淡然的让人不寒而栗,他刚要开口,忽然眼角一斜:“嗯?” Bang! 砰! Chi! 哧! The ground blasts open , the space by the incomparably crude incision, a pale person's shadow like the flowing light, the air wave, the form in the side of Nan Wansheng, is been from out of the blue peaceful and vertical presently, the facial features are old, but the shining white, does not dye a dust, if eye fossil lake, white beard ruler, white hair like snow. 地面炸裂,随之空间被无比粗暴的切开,一个苍白的人影如流光般破空而起,气浪未起,身影已现于南万生之侧,安静而立,面容苍老而莹白,不染点尘,目若古湖,白须过尺,白发如雪。 Nan Wansheng body intense shock, body hot tempered aura will collect shortly completely, he has not looked back, does not have the face to look back, bows to kneel, lowers the head trembling sound: Royal...... Father...... 南万生身躯剧震,身上暴躁的气息顷刻间敛尽,他没有回首,也无颜回首,就这么屈膝而跪,垂首颤声:“父……王…… His body side, Nan Qianqiu and three Sea God have also bowed to kneel, is actually not able to voice for a very long time. How they are unable to think, this old person again present world, unexpectedly under this situation. 他的身侧,南千秋和三溟神也已屈膝而跪,却久久无法发声。他们怎么都无法想到,这个老人的重新现世,竟是在此般情境之下。 „.” Yun Che narrows the pupil to sweep old man one eyes that this presented suddenly slightly, responds with sneers. “呵。”云澈微微眯眸扫了这个忽然出现的老者一眼,报以冷笑。 Qianye Bingzhu sighed lightly, opened the mouth slowly: These years, carrying/sustaining Sea God Divine Power throughout few person. Nan Guizhong, you have not really died.” 千叶秉烛一声轻叹,缓缓开口:“这些年,承载溟神神力者始终少一人。南归终,你果然未死。” The white beard old man vision has swept from under slowly, in the old pupil does not see the mighty waves, he returns by voice/sound of similar sigh said: Only has dying, does not harass for the world only then, calms the mind to grasp principles. Brother Bingzhu and Senior Wugu not also so.” 白须老者目光缓缓从下方扫过,老眸中不见波澜,他以同样感叹的声音回道:“唯有‘死’,方可不为世所扰,静心悟道。秉烛兄雾古前辈不也如此么。”
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