ATG :: Volume #17 Cloud Hangs Over The World (垂云覆世)

#1782: Nightmare divine light

The Qianye Ying'er words have not made Southern Sea Divine Emperor angry, his raised the head skull, resembles lightly, resembles say/way that regrets: Ying'er, you are peak of this world beautiful, once this King to obtain you, can not hesitate all prices and methods, even if were used by you continually, from treading dignity, is enduring gladly like that.” 千叶影儿的话并没有让南溟神帝愤怒,他抬起头颅,似平淡,似惋惜的道:“影儿,你是这世间美的极致,曾经本王为了得到你,可以不惜一切的代价和手段,哪怕被你连番利用,自践尊严,都是那般的甘之如饴。” He lifts the hand slowly, the palm faces the direction that Qianye Ying'er is, voice/sound gradually becomes prolonged: Beautiful thing, if extremely easy to obtain, will be insipid. But you that perfect, makes this King exhaust the method to be hard to touch, therefore, in this world, only then you with letting this King are demented.” 他缓缓抬手,掌心朝向千叶影儿所在的方向,声音逐渐变得绵长:“再美丽的东西,若是唾手可得,也会索然无味。而你是那么的完美,又让本王穷尽手段都难以触及,所以,这个世上,也只有你配让本王癫狂。” However ruins this perfect thing personally, never...... is not another peak sad touching.” “而亲手毁掉这完美之物,又何尝……不是另外一种极致的凄美呢。” His slow sound is talking over, the knuckle that but he does not tighten voluntarily, as if shows is like that light and enjoyment that” he he has not been displaying. 他缓声念叨着,只是他不自觉收紧的指节,似乎彰显着他内心并没有他所表现的那般平淡与“享受”。 „.” Qianye Ying'er deeply laughed, disdains to respond. “呵。”千叶影儿低笑一声,不屑回应。 Yun Che,” the Southern Sea Divine Emperor fingertip dangles, he at this moment in front of Yun Che, what presented is absolutely the domineering and trial stance proudly: Sea God Cannon, once starts, in the world does not have any power can stop, the opportunity of your also last last words. Naturally, you can also take advantage of now happy roaring, the opportunity of because in God Slaying under the strength, you perhaps calling out pitifully will not have.” 云澈,”南溟神帝指尖垂下,此刻的他在云澈面前,呈现的是绝对强势与傲然的审判姿态:“溟神大炮一旦启动,世上没有任何力量可以停止,你还有最后一句遗言的机会。当然,你也可以趁现在痛快的咆哮,因为在‘弑神’之力下,你或许连惨叫的机会都不会有。” These words fall, outside the shrine atmosphere changing suddenly, two Great Sea King, numerous Sea God aura is released externally completely, protects before the body, South Territory three Divine Emperor do not dare to have any contempt, simultaneously raises the power barrier. 这番话落下,神坛之外气氛陡变,两大溟王,众溟神全部气息外放,护于身前,南域神帝也不敢有任何轻视,同时擎起力量屏障。 No one has experienced the Sea God Cannon might truly, but in its record God Slaying the name, makes present age any life think of scared sufficiently. 没有人真正见识过溟神大炮的威力,但其记载中的“弑神”之名,足以让当世任何生灵思之胆寒。 Remote , the people of Southern Sea Capital City already full power escaping powder under the direction of massive Sea Guardian, although is far away, and has the ocean sovereign formation great distance, but no one is able to expect the Sea God Cannon remaining prestige fearfully to what degree. 遥远的下方,南溟王城之人都已在大量溟卫的指引下全力遁散,虽然相距遥远,且有着溟皇结界相隔,但谁也无法预料溟神大炮的余威会可怕到何种程度。 Looks below Southern Sea Capital City, North Prison Sea King and East Prison Sea King all are one sigh secretly, once Sea God Cannon starts, destruction that this haughty several hundreds of thousand years South Territory sacred ground must be hard to estimate difficult...... if, but can cancel at present this fearful threat, although this price is deeply grieved, is actually worth. 看着下方的南溟王城,北狱溟王东狱溟王俱是一声暗叹,溟神大炮一旦启动,这傲世数十万年南域圣地必遭难以预估的毁灭之难……但若能就此抹去眼前这可怕的威胁,这个代价虽然惨痛,却也值得吧。 The Yun Che arm lifts slowly, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword flashes before, is releasing the busy vermilion sword glow under the Sea God Cannon invincible might as before. 云澈手臂缓慢抬起,劫天诛魔剑闪现,在溟神大炮的神威下依旧释放着无暇的朱红剑芒。 Ma...ster......” Yan Yi clenches teeth to make noise, he incomparably fierce wish keeps off before the Yun Che body, but his will is unable to defy the Yun Che's orders, can only shrink in the rear area. But that beyond control trembling, clear is telling his close Sea God Cannon terrifying to what situation. 主……人……”阎一咬牙出声,他无比剧烈的想要挡在云澈身前,但他的意志无法违抗云澈的命令,只能缩于后方。而那无法控制的战栗,清楚的告诉着他这近在咫尺的溟神大炮恐怖到何种地步。 Sword blade horizontally before the body, Yun Che low eyebrow gently says: Southern Sea lineage/vein, will cut off today, was swallowed by the endless darkness eternal, does not enter Samsara.” 剑身横于身前,云澈低眉轻语:“南溟一脉,将断绝于今日,被无尽的黑暗永恒吞噬,不入轮回。” Hahahaha!” The word of Yun Che, making Southern Sea Divine Emperor laugh loudly, ridicules: this King said before your calamity world mad dog at the point of death, will shout that what kind of is at variance with often/common world the spoken language, such as that innumerable every world lived inexpensively general, will only call out several pitiful laughable aggressive statements. It seems like that this King looked at you eventually high.” 哈哈哈哈!”云澈之言,让南溟神帝放声大笑,讥讽道:“本王道你这祸世狂犬临死前会喊出何等异于常世的言语,原本也如那无数凡世贱生一般,只会嚎叫几句卑怜可笑的狠话。看来,本王终究还是高看了你。” „, forget it/that's all.” The Southern Sea Divine Emperor double pupil enlargement, is mapping many golden glow, the palm that raises high draws in slowly: Yun Che, under my Southern Sea ancient times invincible might, changed to the dirty dust!” “呵,罢了。”南溟神帝双瞳放大,映入着更多的金芒,高抬的手掌缓缓收拢:“云澈,在我南溟的远古神威之下,化作肮脏的尘埃吧!” Bang! 砰! Not dazzling golden glow cracks in his palm together, not the intense sound, actually passes through everyone soul in split second most deep place. 一道并不耀目金芒在他掌心崩裂,并不强烈的响动,却是在一瞬间直贯所有人心魂的最深处。 BOOM —— 轰隆—— The shrine center, that myriad profound array disintegrations loudly one after another, the Southern Sea space is centered on the shrine surges crazily, flickers the spread the space ripples, violent under sea high sea like hurricane. 神坛中心,那万千玄阵一片接一片的轰然崩碎,南溟的空间以神坛为中心疯狂激荡起来,一瞬蔓延的空间涟漪,猛烈的如同飓风之下的沧海怒涛。 Southern Sea shocks, the world changes color, under space intense shock, is innumerable Southern Sea powerhouse that came from panic-stricken calling out of Soul. 南溟激震,天地变色,空间的剧震之下,是无数南溟强者那源自灵魂的惊恐嚎叫。 Presently Sea God Cannon of the world has made trim huge Star Territory tremble, at this moment finally the start, merely is the first instantaneous invincible might, then almost destroyed to extinguish the wills of Southern Sea innumerable life, poured into endless lowly and fear in their souls. 现世的溟神大炮已让整片庞大星域都为之战栗,此刻终于启动,仅仅是第一个瞬间的神威,便几乎摧灭了南溟无数生灵的意志,在他们的心魂之中灌入无尽的卑微与恐惧。 The radiation that beside Southern Sea Divine Realm, the space shakes is spreading as before crazily, the innumerable stars deviated followed ten thousand years of flight trajectories, some frail stars collapsed directly, but Star Realm that these approached all was the landslide tsunami, myriad spirits is startled. 南溟神界之外,空间震荡的辐射依旧在疯狂蔓延,无数的星辰偏离了遵循万年的飞行轨迹,一些脆弱的星辰直接崩溃,而那些临近的星界无不是山崩海啸,万灵惊嚎。 Protects Young Master!” North Prison Sea King bellows, a huge barrier holds up before the body, does not dare to have relaxes slightly, his eye looks straight ahead above the shrine that to start, the regaining consciousness ancient times ferocious beast, the vision does not dare to have split second deviation —— everyone is so. Because, this breaks down the boundary, from ancient times power, they were broken to the world the life, impossible witnessed again the second time. “护好少主!”北狱溟王一声大吼,一个巨大的屏障擎在身前,不敢有丝毫放松,他的眼睛则直视着神坛之上那正在启动,正在苏醒的远古“凶兽”,目光不敢有一瞬间的偏离——所有人都是如此。因为,这打破界限,来自远古的力量,他们穷极一生,也再不可能目睹第二次。 Sea God Cannon...... unexpectedly terrifying hence!” Yellow Emperor loses the soul to stare, low nan makes noise, he has a sleep/felt suddenly, fierce raising the head looked to the above. 溟神大炮……竟恐怖至此!”轩辕帝失魂瞠目,低喃出声,随之他忽有所觉,猛的抬头看向了上方。 KACHA!! 咔嚓!! The bright sky sank suddenly, instantly the dark clouds block out the sun, the startling thunderclap is shocking, resembles roaring under anger, resembles alarmed and afraid under trembling. 原本明亮的天空忽然沉下,霎时阴云蔽日,惊雷震天,似愤怒之下的咆哮,又似惊惧之下的战栗。 Southern Sea Divine Emperor raised the head to face upward, four laugh: Saw, this my Southern Sea the strength of ancient times, lets Heaven's Way frightened power, this world who can, who matches, Hahahaha!” 南溟神帝抬头仰天,肆声大笑:“看到了么,这就我南溟的远古之力,是让天道都恐惧的力量,这世间谁人能及,谁配相及,哈哈哈哈!” Good that Royal Father said!” Nan Qianqiu body is trembling, the blood in boiling, whether there is in the heart is completely only excited and excited: Sea God Cannon is published finally, so under the invincible might, this world also who dares to violate my Southern Sea!” 父王说的不错!”南千秋身体在发抖,血液在沸腾,心中唯有无尽的激动和兴奋:“溟神大炮终是问世,这般神威之下,这世间还有谁敢犯我南溟!” Rumbling rumbling —— 轰轰轰轰—— With profound array disintegration layer upon layer, the Sea God Cannon invincible might in the by fearful scope increase, sky fierce on even more dark clouds surges, the thundering is still shocking, has not had a lightning ray of light to lower...... because of the Sea God Cannon invincible might, has surpassed Domain that it has been able to punish. 随着玄阵的层层崩碎,溟神大炮的神威依旧在以可怕的幅度增幅着,苍穹上的阴云翻腾的愈发剧烈,轰雷震天,却始终未有一道雷光降下……因为溟神大炮的神威,已超出了它可以制裁的领域 Bang! 砰! Final level profound array extinguishes broken, entire shrine already by engulfed under golden glow. 最后一层玄阵碎灭,整个神坛都已被吞没金芒之下。 Death.” Southern Sea Divine Emperor soft murmuring, five fingers fierce grasps. “死吧。”南溟神帝一声轻喃,五指猛的一抓。 That flash, the space stopped the shake suddenly, the thunder clouds stopped the tumbling, all voice/sound dissipated without the trace, world all things as if in this moment completely static. 那一刹那,空间忽然停止了震荡,雷云停止了翻滚,所有的声音消逝无踪,世间万物仿佛在这一刻完全静止。 Only has the shrine center, swallows surrounding all color golden glow to fly to shoot together, such as a shuttle space and time, came from ancient times calamity Devil God, plunged Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er. 唯有神坛中心,一道吞噬周围一切色彩的金芒飞射而出,如一头穿梭时空,来自于远古的灾厄魔神,扑向了云澈千叶影儿 In this world, is always hiding many pleasant surprises. 这个世上,总是隐藏着很多的惊喜。 On such as present Sea God Cannon. 就如眼前的溟神大炮 The Yun Che itself/Ben thinks , after Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor and Jasmine, exceeds present age power of boundary, only then possibly appears in own body, it seems like, he previously some look down upon this world, look down upon Southern Sea Divine Realm that dominates Southern God Territory several hundreds of thousand years. 云澈本以为在没有了劫天魔帝茉莉之后,超越当世界限的力量只有可能出现在自己的身上,看来,他先前有些小看了这个世界,小看了雄霸南神域数十万年南溟神界 In first of Sea God Cannon present world instantly, Yun Che then knows, Sea God Cannon does right by Qianye Wugu to its description, because, that is not completely weak in him initially in Burning Moon God Realm opened Divine Ember power that erupted. 溟神大炮现世的第一个刹那,云澈便知道,溟神大炮对得起千叶雾古对它的描述,因为,那是完全不弱于他当初在焚月神界强开“神烬”时所爆发的力量 This exceeded present age power of boundary...... to exceed Evil God power plane. 只是,这超越当世界限的力量……又超越得了邪神力量位面么。 Sea God Cannon starts, in everyone releases in the biggest pupil to release as if to extinguish the world sufficiently divine glow, but by Yun Che that divine glow turns round, on the face is actually a fearful tranquility, without the tiny bit fear, after all, in this world most does not make him be afraid, then died. 溟神大炮启动,在所有人释放到最大的瞳孔中释放出似乎足以灭世的神芒,而被神芒所覆的云澈,脸上却是一片可怕的平静,没有一丝一毫的恐惧,毕竟,这个世上最不让他害怕的,便是死亡。 Is the world extremely to be actually stupid, is present I am extremely crazy.” “究竟是世人太过愚蠢,还是如今的我太过疯狂。” Low nan, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword in hand superficial wields, the point approached the front Sea God divine light. 一声低喃,手中的劫天诛魔剑轻描淡写的挥出,点向了前方溟神神光 No omen, that releases to startle the world invincible might, then must bite Sea God divine light that extinguishes to turn about Yun Che and the others in next instant completely suddenly, straight bang above ocean sovereign formation. 没有任何的预兆,那释放出骇世神威,在下一个刹那便要将云澈等人全部噬灭的溟神神光忽然折转,直轰在了溟皇结界之上。 BANG!!!! 轰!!!! Ocean sovereign formation that three Yama Ancestor cannot destroy with joint forces, flickers myriad fissures under golden glow, such as the blister disintegration, the golden glow birthplace empties generally loudly, directly shoots Southern Sea Divine Emperor. 阎祖合力都未能摧开的溟皇结界,在金芒之下瞬起万千裂痕,随之如水泡一般轰然崩碎,金芒贯空而下,直射南溟神帝 This is Southern Sea Divine Emperor picture that even if ten lifetimes nightmare impossible thinks. 这是一幅南溟神帝哪怕十世噩梦都不可能想到的画面。 He arranges personally, controls Sea God Cannon that and starts personally...... also only has him to start, in destruction Yun Che's that moment, will soon shoot at itself unexpectedly! 他亲手筹备,亲手控制和启动……也唯有他才能启动的溟神大炮,竟在即将毁灭云澈的那一瞬间,射向了自己! even/including startles the world with that the pressure, pressure stubbornly turned round above his body and Soul. 就连同那骇世的威压,也死死的压覆在了他的躯体和灵魂之上。 As Southern Sea Divine Emperor, his first response actually tarries, everyone stayed there......, was one as hoarse as calling out of peak. 身为南溟神帝,他的第一反应却是呆住,所有人都呆在了那里……随之,是一阵沙哑到极致的暴吼。 Draws back!!!!” “退!!!!” Ocean sovereign formation is very after all powerful, although impossible resists Sea God Cannon power, but also created slight hindering, in addition the Southern Sea people drew back to be very far under Sea God Cannon fearful lofty, thus made them want under the crack in the heart and liver, there is an extremely short reaction time. 溟皇结界毕竟无比强大,虽然不可能抵御溟神大炮力量,但也造成了些微的阻滞,再加上南溟众人在溟神大炮的可怕威凌下都退开了很远,从而让他们在心肝欲裂之下,有了极其短暂的反应时间。 Bang! 砰! A North Prison Sea King palm rumbles, hit ruthlessly in Nan Qianqiu body, making him depart by far, but oneself went all out to plunge Southern Sea Divine Emperor by countershock force...... is also Sea God Cannon divine light approaches. By core divine light incomparably accurate covering of Sea God Cannon, was better than Southern Sea Divine Emperor, felt that own body as if had been destroyed to extinguish the powder dust, he without enough time is panic-stricken and thinking, impossible escapes to take off/escape, the power nearly instinct of whole body wells up crazily, is being roared protects before the body. 北狱溟王一掌轰出,狠狠打在了南千秋身上,让他远远飞出,而自身则以反震力拼命扑向了南溟神帝……亦是溟神大炮神光所向。被溟神大炮的核心神光无比精准的笼罩,强如南溟神帝,亦感觉到自己的躯体仿佛已被摧灭成碎末,他根本来不及惊恐和思索,更不可能遁脱,全身的力量近乎本能疯狂涌上,在咆哮中护在了身前。 Protects my King!!” “保护吾王!!” At the power core, has not had very big opportunity to escape from the calamity East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King sends out shouting of belt/bring blood completely, their body golden glow blasting open, such as two rounds luminary days welcomed on own initiative to Sea God Cannon divine glow. 未处在力量核心,有着很大机会逃脱厄难的东狱溟王北狱溟王全部发出带血的嘶吼,他们身上金芒炸裂,如两轮曜日般主动迎向溟神大炮神芒 Bang ——- —— The heavy rumbled sound tore into shreds everyone's delay and panic-stricken, the bang to the Yun Che's Southern Sea cannon, its divine light actually rumbled obviously in Southern Sea Divine Emperor and two Great Sea King body. 沉重的轰鸣声撕碎了所有人的呆滞与惊恐,明明轰向云澈的南溟大炮,其神光却生生轰在了南溟神帝和两大溟王身上 Southern God Territory number one Divine Emperor, also under him most powerful two Great Sea King, in these three present ages to high power, Sea God Cannon divine glow stagnate slowly. 南神域第一神帝,还有他麾下最强大的两大溟王,在这三股当世至高的力量之下,溟神大炮神芒缓缓停滞。 As if, is the Sea God Cannon invincible might is prevented by them. 似乎,是溟神大炮的神威被他们所阻挡。 But is the Southern Sea nightmare, just started. 但属于南溟的噩梦,才刚刚开始。 Eh...... Aaaaahh......” in the hand of North Prison Sea King, is belongs to his Southern Sea Divine Realm protects profound tool strongly, he supports golden glow before body stubbornly, in the mouth is sending out painful moan. 呃…啊啊啊啊啊……”北狱溟王的手上,是属于他南溟神界的最强守护玄器,他死死的支撑着身前的金芒,口中发出着痛苦的呻吟 Ka...... ka...... 咔……咔…… profound tool in hand the fissure proliferates in an instant, his bone also in an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, covers entirely in the pupil of blood threads, his clear saw oneself were swallowed into the both hands and both arms in golden glow to lose the body fast, seems like been ordinary by the snow of silent ablation. 手中的玄器转眼裂痕遍布,他的骨头也在寸寸崩碎,布满血丝的瞳孔中,他清晰的看到自己被吞入金芒中的双手、双臂在快速失去着皮肉,就像是被无声消融的雪一般。 Other source startled is palpitating the invincible might of Southern Sea cannon, actually has a dream cannot think that is withstands unexpectedly! 他方才惊悸着南溟大炮的神威,却做梦都想不到竟是自己来承受! Exalted King...... quick...... walks...... Eah!” The face of East Prison Sea King has twitched like the malicious ghost, each character that in the mouth overflows has the huge pain...... and deep despair. 王上……快……走……呃啊!”东狱溟王的面孔已抽搐如恶鬼,口中溢出的每一个字都带着巨大的痛苦……以及深深的绝望。 They seemingly blocked Sea God Cannon power shortly, but direct withstands this power them to know this truly is the character who the what kind of terrifying invincible might...... can make him be so situated in the present age apex flickers desperately! 他们看上去短暂阻住了溟神大炮力量,但正面承受这股力量的他们才真正的知晓这是何等恐怖的神威……能让他这般立于当世顶点的人物一瞬绝望! The Southern Sea Divine Emperor eye stares to crack, the both arms collapse Xueru spring, he wants certainly to escape, but god pressure duplicate, he is incapable of escaping radically. 南溟神帝目瞪欲裂,双臂崩血如泉,他当然想要逃脱,但神威压覆之下,他根本无力逃脱。 Aaah!!” “喝啊啊啊!!” The roar of life and death resounds, these have awaited orders in Southern Sea Divine Emperor rear numerous Sea God have also fought tooth and nail to rush previously at this time, the whole body Divine Power release, holds up stubbornly in Southern Sea Divine Emperor the front, Sea God that these positions are far away from also all full speed throws after the initial astonishment. 决死的吼声响起,那些先前一直待命于南溟神帝后方的众溟神在这时也已搏命冲上,全身神力释放,死死擎在南溟神帝前方,那些位置远离的溟神也在最初的惊愕后全部全速扑来。 AH!! 啊!! Pitiful yell sound pierce heart punctures the soul, the time of less than half breath, the both arms of East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King were destroyed to extinguish most probably, only small halves simultaneously as in the painful support, most the front Sea God the whole body has drenched the blood in an instant, their power this sufficiently covers the sky haughty, but at this moment, is so unexpectedly vulnerable. 惨叫声锥心刺魂,不过半息的时间,东狱溟王北狱溟王的双臂被同时摧灭了大半,只余小半截依旧在痛苦的支撑,最前方溟神已是转眼间全身淋血,他们的力量本足以遮天傲世,但在此刻,竟是如此的脆弱不堪。 Are both eyes of Southern Sea Divine Emperor blasting out the innumerable capillaries...... absurd? Strange? Is incredible? He cannot think that any spoken language annotates all that has at present. It looks like nightmare that one falls suddenly, nightmare that he is unable to understand. 南溟神帝的双目炸开着无数的血丝……荒谬?诡异?不可置信?他想不到任何言语来诠释眼前发生的一切。就像是一场忽降的噩梦,一场他根本无法理解的噩梦。 The distant place, Yellow Emperor flies to fall suddenly, exclaimed: Acts quickly!” 远处,轩辕帝忽然飞坠而下,吼道:“快出手!” But immediately, he is held by Emperor Purple Tenuity stubbornly: You want dead!” 但马上,他已被紫微帝死死抓住:“你想死吗!” In an instant devastates so the appearance two Great Sea King and numerous Sea God, this is their Divine Emperor is unable absolutely direct resistance power! 转眼将两大溟王和一众溟神摧残成这般模样,这绝对是他们神帝都无法正面抵御的力量 Helps me!” Yellow Emperor actually instead grabs Emperor Purple Tenuity, flies to fall together under. “助我!”轩辕帝却反抓着紫微帝,一同飞坠而下。 Emperor Purple Tenuity clenches teeth fiercely, has not struggled, to Southern Sea Divine Emperor with the Yellow Emperor rapid flight. 紫微帝猛一咬牙,没有挣扎,和轩辕帝疾飞向南溟神帝所在。 The Cang Shitian facial features twist, has moved. 苍释天面容扭曲,一动未动。 The fuzzy sensation to full speed nearness of two Great Divine Emperor, North Prison Sea King mind shakes, in the throat sends out shouting of belt/bring blood: Quick... saves... me... the king......” 模糊感知到两大神帝的全速靠近,北狱溟王精神一震,喉咙中发出带血的嘶吼:“快…救…吾…王……” The Yellow Emperor long sleeve wields, a plain grey sword before the body , Xuanyuan and palms of Purple Tenuity two Great Divine Emperor pushes above the sword blade presently simultaneously. 轩辕帝长袖一挥,一杆古朴的灰剑现于身前,随之,轩辕紫微大神帝的手掌同时推于剑身之上。 Check! 刹! The gray sword shadow penetrates in golden glow together, under space that in the Sea God Cannon invincible might covers, chiselled a long and narrow channel. 一道灰色的剑影直穿入金芒之中,在溟神大炮的神威所笼罩的空间下,生生凿开了一条狭长的通道。 ! 噗! Center the gray sword shadow the chest of Southern Sea Divine Emperor, the boundless strength from two Great Divine Emperor in the body violent eruption of Southern Sea Divine Emperor, broke open an shocking blood hole in his body...... simultaneously, entrained him to the Sea God Cannon power core. 灰色剑影正中南溟神帝的胸口,来自两大神帝的磅礴之力在南溟神帝身上猛烈爆发,在他身上破开了一个触目惊心的血洞……同时,亦将他生生拽离溟神大炮力量核心。
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