KOMI :: Volume #6

#557: red-armored general

Chapter 557 red-armored general 第557章赤甲将 This is a dim gloomy and cold place, dim, the altar constructions stand erect, but in altar most top, together person's shadow static sitting cross-legged. 这是一处昏暗阴冷之处,昏暗中,有一座似祭坛般的建筑矗立,而在祭坛的最顶部,一道人影静静的盘坐。 That person's shadow, wears the red armor rice, the red armor rice color is scarlet, just like is the blood invasion, invisible between is sending out baleful aura that made the person palpitation, he sat cross-legged merely there, the astonishing pressure filled the air, caused his place void, is twisting unceasingly. 那道人影,身披赤甲,赤甲颜色猩红,犹如是鲜血侵染而成,无形之间散发着一种令人心悸的煞气,他仅仅只是盘坐在那里,就有一股惊人的威压弥漫出来,引得他所处之地的虚空,都是在不断的扭曲着。 Under the red armor rice, the vision of pair of cold and gloomy hidden in the shade opens suddenly. 赤甲下,突然有一双森冷阴翳的目光睁开。 In the eye has wipes the violent anger to emerge. 眼中有着一抹暴怒涌现。 Waste!” “废物!” Contains the strong murderous intention low and deep sound, gloomy spreads in this piece, causing world's energy is some vibrations, boils. 蕴含着浓烈杀机的低沉声音,于这片阴暗中传开,引得天地能量都是有些震动,沸腾起来。 I plan for several years, hateful! Damn Academic Federation!” Under red-armored general surface armor spreads the spoken language that is furious, because in previously at that moment, him induced the arrangement in Thunderous Tree to vanish suddenly, obviously, this is because Thunderous Tree restored the spirit wisdom to cause. “我数年谋划,可恨!该死的学府联盟!”赤甲将面甲下传出震怒的言语,因为在先前那一刻,他感应到了在雷鸣树中的布置突然消失了,显然,这是因为雷鸣树恢复了灵智所导致。 But he thought of every means before, used many methods, first weakened by poisonous with great difficulty suppressed the Thunderous Tree spirit wisdom, then with the aid of the invasion of evil thoughts aura, making Thunderous Tree lose the control. 而他之前费尽心机,施展了诸多手段,好不容易先是以毒阵削弱压制了雷鸣树的灵智,再借助恶念之气的侵染,令得雷鸣树失去控制。 All are well, finally was actually destroyed in this time all. 原本一切都是好好的,结果却是在此时被尽数的破坏了。 At this moment, even red-armored general that deep city mansion, felt that an anger to/clashes in the heart, wishes one could to go out at this time, came from various great academy young animals to kill off these completely. 这一刻,即便是赤甲将那深沉的城府,都是感到一股愤怒情绪在心中冲荡,恨不得此时就出关,将那些来自各大学府的小崽子们全部杀光。 But finally, he endured patiently. 但最终,他还是忍耐了下来。 Because now is also not the time . Moreover, these young animals, will also come here finally inevitably. 因为现在还不是时候,而且,那些小崽子们,最终必然也会来到这里。 This Academic Federation is seriously sinister, establishes that Holy Grail War trial location this Red Sands County unexpectedly, they are want to rely on the strengths of these students, does away with Red Sands County?” The red-armored general eye glow glitters, gloomy and cold color unceasing emergence. “这学府联盟当真阴险,竟然将这红砂郡设置成那圣杯战的试炼场地,他们是想要借助这些学员的力量,将红砂郡荡除?”赤甲将眼芒闪烁,阴冷之色不断的涌现。 They can only send out these students, can see that various great academy are incapable of supporting Black Wind Empire radically, here situation, does not come several ordinary Duke expert to solve, only if King expert.” “不过他们只能派出这些学员,也能够看出各大学府根本无力支援黑风帝国,这里的局势,可不是来几位普通封侯强者就能够解决的,除非是王级强者。” Snort, but how can King expert easily move? In this Eastern Territory Divine Province, even in major sacred academy, so the powerhouses are few, they all carries a heavy responsibility, which can also control other places?” “哼,可王级强者又怎能轻易动弹?在这东域神州,即便是各大圣学府中,这般强者都是屈指可数,他们自身皆是身负重任,哪还管得了其他地方?” Good, since wants to send to bring death these great academy top talents, that this time helps you, making you know that anything is called the heart pain.” “好,既然想要将这些各大学府的顶尖天才派出来送死,那本将此次就成全你们,让你们知道什么叫做心痛。” One a sound that is filling the murderous intention resounds, finally red-armored general stands up, figure moves, when appears again, before a leaf of door, he has then pushed the door. 一番弥漫着杀机的声音响起,最后赤甲将站起身来,身影一动,再度出现时,已是在一扇房门之前,然后他推门而出。 Has the ray to shine, red-armored general takes a step to go out, at this time is, seems like above a high tower, but outside high tower, is innumerable as continuous as the line of sight end construction house, huge of that scope of large cities, by far Zhenjiang City. 有光线照耀进来,赤甲将迈步走出,此时所在,似乎是在一座高塔之上,而高塔之外,则是无数连绵到视线尽头的建筑房屋,那城市规模之庞大,远胜镇江城 But in this Red Sands County, can the city of scale, only have one, that is the Red Sands County county city, Red Stone City. 而在这红砂郡内,能够如此规模的城市,只有一座,那就是红砂郡的郡城,赤石城 What is surprising, unlike was destroyed piece of Zhenjiang City in confusion, this Red Stone City unexpectedly maintains extremely complete, the line of sight looks into the distance, obviously the scarlet city wall is protecting the city like the giant. 只不过让人惊讶的是,与被破坏得一片狼藉的镇江城不同,这赤石城竟然保持得极其的完好,视线眺望,可见赤红的城墙如巨人般的护卫着城市。 Naturally, maintains complete city also to make people feel surprised, what shocks, in this red-armored general field of vision, in this Red Stone City unexpectedly a babel of voices, sees only the innumerable person's shadows to flow in the city, that and other lively scenery, one such as once. 当然,保持完好的城市还只是让人感到惊讶,更为震撼的是,在这赤甲将的视野之中,这赤石城内竟是人声鼎沸,只见得无数人影于城市中流动,那等繁华之景,一如曾经。 red-armored general is looking at this indifferently, light talked to oneself: Really is the fearful illusion, can actually so lifelike, if falls into, even the Earthly Fiend General Level strength, gradually will lose.” 赤甲将冷眼望着这一幕,淡淡的自语道:“真是可怕的幻境,竟然能够如此的栩栩如生,若是陷入其中,就算是地煞将阶的实力,都将会逐渐的丧失自我。” As similarly incomparably familiar here him, present scene, although extremely real, but he actually understands, this is only a illusion, at present that innumerable person's shadow, but is only the illusion transforms, the so-called liveliness, is passing a strangeness of difficult word. 作为同样无比熟悉此处的他而言,眼前的景象虽然极其的真实,但他却明白,这只是一个幻境,眼前那无数的人影,不过只是幻境所幻化,所谓的繁华,更是透着一种难言的诡异。 But the present illusion, stems from that writing skill obviously. 而眼前的幻境,显然就是出自那位的手笔。 The red-armored general cold severe line of sight goes to the city center the position, in his line of sight, there is filling the blood red color void, blood red is twisting the space, is camouflaging the ascertainment, but he can actually penetrate that type of blood light, sees. 赤甲将冷厉的视线投向城中心的位置,在他的视线中,那里的虚空弥漫着血红的色彩,血红扭曲着空间,遮蔽着探知,但他却是能够穿透那种血光,看见其中。 In that strong blood light/only deep place, has enchanting person's shadow static lying to bend down together, seems the fox is taking a nap generally, her appearance exceptionally charming moving, even if has not opened the eye pupil at this time, is actually sending out the beautiful elegant demeanor as before, so person, light/only looks, makes the person heart have dry and hot air to get up, simultaneously some innumerable desires like snake flees in within the body. 在那浓烈的血光深处,有一道妖娆的人影静静的趴伏着,仿佛是狐狸假寐着一般,她的容颜异常的娇媚动人,即便此时未曾睁开眼瞳,却依旧散发着妖艳至极的风采,这般人儿,光是看着,就让人心头有着一股燥热之气升起,同时有无数欲念如蛇般的在体内窜动。 But red-armored general actually remains unmoved, his vision is staring at that enchanting female behind, there has an exceptionally thick blood red tail like the poisonous dragon slowly swings in void. 赤甲将却是不为所动,他的目光盯着那妖娆女子身后,那里有一条异常粗大的血红尾巴如同毒龙般缓缓的于虚空中摆动。 If carefully looks, will discover that blood red tail seems like in unceasing is flowing the blood, Onokami's red hair is soft from time to time, with the wind however moves, from time to time when just like steel needle, glide was separated some light traces continually void. 如果仔细看去的话,会发现那条血红尾巴似乎是在不断的流淌着鲜血,尾上的红毛时而柔软,随风而动,时而又是宛如钢针,滑动时连虚空都被割裂出了一些淡淡的痕迹。 Faint, in the blood red tail just like spread the innumerable sad and shrill cries. 隐隐的,血红尾巴内犹如是传出了无数凄厉的叫声。 red-armored general stared at that blood red tail to look well long time, because he was very clear, on that tail each red hair, was this Red Stone City human life transforms, in the past when this thing came, but spent a lot of time, in 1 million people this city refine all. 赤甲将盯着那血红尾巴看了好半晌,因为他可是很清楚,那条尾巴上面的每一根红毛,都是这赤石城的一条人命所转化,当年此物来时,可是费了不少时间,才将这城内百万之人尽数的炼化。 It may be said that was savage to the pinnacle. 可谓是凶残到了极致。 However faces this to let the life wicked blood red tail sufficiently, in the eye of red-armored general, instead was appears to wipe the infatuated color, at once under surface armor exudes the low laughter, the laughter was slightly strange. 不过面对着这足以让人生恶的血红尾巴,赤甲将的眼中,反而是浮现出了一抹痴迷之色,旋即面甲下发出了低低的笑声,笑声略显诡异。 Because in some sense, this was also his work. 因为从某种意义上来说,这也是他的作品了。 Good, waited for these years, must foster finally.” “不错,等了这些年,总算是要养成了。” Other is really the world ominous thing, in the two years it also started to covet about me unexpectedly .” “不过异类果真是天地凶物,这两年它竟然也开始对我有所觊觎了,呵.” This Academic Federation meddles Red Sands County, pouring is also an opportunity.” “此次学府联盟插手红砂郡,倒也是个机会。” In the eye of red-armored general has flashed before the gloomy color, the top student final goals of these academy inevitably are Red Stone City, but waits for them to come here, definitely will eliminate it, at the appointed time both sides dying war, but he can obtain without labor fisherman's profit. 赤甲将的眼中闪现过阴沉之色,那些学府的顶尖学员最终的目标必然是赤石城,而等他们来到此处,必然会清除它,到时双方死战,而他则是可以坐收渔翁之利。 Planted fruit, finally to harvest time.” “种下的果实,也总算是到了收获的时候。” Was a pity Thunderous Tree, that is for the preparation that my later plan makes. However is not anxious, so long as this Academic Federation meddles to frustrate, in the future some will be the time and method copes with it.” “只是可惜了雷鸣树,原本那是为我之后的谋划做的准备.不过不急,只要将此次学府联盟的插手挫败,往后有的是时间与手段去对付它。” red-armored general hoarse smiles, then he looked at distant place blood red void again, both hands synthesized a strange seal law, the pointing at place, revealed that a ring, the ring presented the dark red color, in that abstention surface, inscribe a eye, the eye white of the eye to black, the eye pupil was actually the white, the striking contrast brought a strange feeling. 赤甲将沙哑的笑起来,然后他再度看了一眼远处血红的虚空,双手合成了一道诡异的印法,手指处,显露出了一枚戒指,戒指呈现暗红色彩,在那戒面上,铭刻着一只眼睛,眼睛眼白为黑,眼瞳却是白色,强烈的反差带来了一种诡异之感。 common origin of light and dark, good and evil return to one.” red-armored general talked to oneself lowly. 光暗同源,善恶归一。”赤甲将低低自语。 Then, he is the chuckle makes noise, in the laughter, has some strange infatuated and anticipation. 而后,他又是轻笑出声,笑声中,带着某种诡异的痴迷与期待。 „When normalizing, true self arrives.” “归一之际,真我降临。”
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