KOMI :: Volume #6

#554: thunder furnace

Chapter 554 thunder furnace 第554章雷霆熔炉 When Lu Ming opens eyes again, covers her tender body thunder plasma already removing all, she can the clear feeling many changes of this time within the body, but is most obvious, without doubt becomes the pliable but hard to break and powerful body. 鹿鸣再次睁开眼时,覆盖她娇躯的雷浆已经尽数的褪去,她能够清晰的感觉到此时自己体内的诸多变化,而最为明显的,无疑就是变得更为柔韧与强悍的身体。 She lifts the slender hand curiously, fair tender and delicate both hands appear especially fine, the five fingers grasp to gather together gently, immediately the tyrannical strengths in the flesh, in the meridians flow, her fist rumbles, in the fist wind as if leads light thunder light, exuded the slight bellow. 她好奇的抬起纤细的手,白皙娇嫩的双手显得格外的精致,五指轻轻握拢,顿时有一股强横的力量在血肉,经脉中流淌,她一拳轰出,拳风中仿佛都是带着淡淡的雷光,发出了细微的轰鸣声。 Lu Ming lowers the head, thunder plasma is producing an inverted image her sweet and pretty face, sees only in a pair of attractive eye pupil, seems has thunder light to beat. 鹿鸣低头,雷浆倒映着她那娇美的脸庞,只见得一对漂亮的眼瞳中,仿佛都是有着雷光在跳动。 thunderous body 雷鸣体 The Lu Ming lip angle curls upwards, her palm according to the chest position, in the position of body, had the thunder light to condense at this time, if is careful regards, will then discover, in the thunder light, as if has exquisite and fine thunder furnace. 鹿鸣唇角微翘,她手掌按在了胸部的位置,此时在身体的这个位置,有雷光凝聚,若是仔细内视的话,则是会发现,雷光之中,仿佛是存在着一座小巧而精致的雷霆熔炉 This thunder furnace, is the thunderous body source. 这座雷霆熔炉,就是雷鸣体的源头。 Once its stimulation of movement, thunder furnace will erupt thunderously, this type of thunderous sound wave will be spreading over each corner of body suddenly, but the flesh in within the body, the meridians, the internal organs, the skeleton will all obtain the temporary and huge increase at the thunderous sound, this is the origin of thunderous body. 一旦将其催动,雷霆熔炉就将爆发雷鸣,这种雷鸣音波将会在瞬息间传遍身体的每一个角落,而体内的血肉,经脉,内脏,骨骼皆是会在雷鸣声获得短暂而巨大的增幅,这就是雷鸣体的来源。 Lu Ming goes out from thunder Wangtan, thunder plasma falls along the slender figure. 鹿鸣自雷王潭中走出,雷浆则是沿着纤细的身形滑落下来。 After she goes out of thunder Wangtan, the long body stands, then the pupil light looked to Li Luo, was actually discovery this time Li Luo already by the innumerable thunder light package, that thunder light exceptionally radiant, seemed the cocoon of thunder light is ordinary, his coverage all. 她走出雷王潭后,长身而立,然后眸光就看向了李洛那边,却是发现此时的李洛已经被无数雷光包裹,那雷光异常的璀璨,仿佛是一个雷光之茧一般,将他尽数的覆盖。 That thunder energy boundless pure, looked at Lu Ming to envy again. 那种雷霆能量之磅礴精纯,看得鹿鸣再次羡慕了。 This Thunderous Tree also understood to know the graciousness, it almost transferred thunder Wangtan 70-80% energies gave Li Luo, perhaps this treatment, these Black Wind Empire crown princes, may not obtain even in the past. 雷鸣树也太懂知恩了,它几乎是将雷王潭七八成的能量都调动给了李洛,这种待遇,恐怕就算是以往那些的黑风帝国的储君,都不一定能够获得。 Under this pure thunder energy tempering, Li Luo will gain the enormous advantage obviously. 在这种精纯的雷霆能量淬炼下,李洛显然将会获得极大的好处。 Lu Ming has not disturbed Li Luo the chance, but is waiting for near thunder Wangtan peacefully. 鹿鸣并没有打扰李洛的这份机缘,而是在雷王潭边安静的等待着。 But this first-grade, is the time of small half day. 而这一等,便是小半日的时间。 Bang. 轰隆。 In thunder Wangtan, spread the change sound finally, but Lu Ming is also light/only throws immediately the pupil, then saw that package the Li Luo thunder light cocoon in this time starts gradually is becoming must desalinate, Li Luo figure is becomes clear. 雷王潭中,终于是传出了异动声,而鹿鸣也是在第一时间将眸光投去,然后就见到,那包裹着李洛的雷霆光茧在此时开始渐渐的变得淡化,李洛身影则是变得清晰起来。 After the moment, thunder light all falls off from Li Luo. 片刻后,雷光尽数的从李洛身上脱落。 His that shuts tightly for a long time eye, opens in this time suddenly. 他那紧闭许久的眼目,也是在此时陡然睁开。 Bang! 轰! The instance that the eye opens, as if has in thunder Guangzi his eye pupil to spray, scoffs at one, was passed over gently and swiftly void, bang on the tree wall of not far away. 眼睛睁开的瞬间,仿佛是有雷光自其眼瞳中喷射而出,嗤啦一声,便是掠过虚空,轰在了不远处的树壁上。 Standing up of slowly Li Luo from thunder Wangtan. 李洛自雷王潭中缓缓的站起。 His body as if became slender a point in this time, on the skin has thunder light to flow unceasingly, making him seemingly have a dazzling feeling. 他的身躯仿佛是在此时变得修长了一分,皮肤上不断的有着雷光在流动,令得他看上去有一种璀璨夺目之感。 Li Luo is also feeling own change at this time, most obvious, then came from fleshly body. 李洛此时也是在感受着自身的变化,最为明显的,便是来自肉身 The five fingers grip tightly, resemble have racing Leiban the strength to flow, this not from mysterious elephant blade, but came from his flesh. 五指紧握,似是有奔雷般的力量在流淌,这并非是来自玄象刀,而是源自他的血肉。 After tempering of thunder Wangtan, his fleshly body intensity, rose a scale without doubt. 经过雷王潭的淬炼,他的肉身强度,无疑是上升了一个档次。 Moreover, in addition, his resonance power, was promoted in this time unexpectedly. 而且,除此之外,他的相力,竟然也是在此时获得了提升。 True stepping into to Resonance Transforming stage fourth change. 真正的踏入到了化相段第四变 The happiness of this accident, previously thinks actually after all thunder Wangtan can tempering fleshly body, not think finally can also promote 1st rank his resonance power. 这倒是意外之喜,毕竟先前只是以为雷王潭能够淬炼肉身,没想到最后还能够将他的相力也是提升了一级 Then, Li Luo discovered that in his within the body, seemed like a thing. 然后,李洛发现在他的体内,似乎是多了一个东西。 In he is rapid regards, sees thunder furnace that thunder light surrounded in within the body, the furnace seems the thunder condenses, above has thunder light to jump, appears especially profound wonderful. 他迅速内视,在体内看见了一座雷光环绕的雷霆熔炉,熔炉仿佛是雷霆凝聚而成,其上有雷光跳跃,显得格外的玄奇。 thunder furnace is some living creature seems to be ordinary, along with the breath of Li Luo, has the extremely slight contraction, has light thunder sound to resound, swings in within the body biography. 雷霆熔炉仿佛是某种活物一般,伴随着李洛的呼吸,也是有着极为细微的收缩,同时有着淡淡的雷音响起,在体内传荡开来。 But this thunder sound to it place, Li Luo felt immediately there flesh, the meridians, the skeleton in vibration slightly, becomes enlivens extremely. 而这雷音所至之处,李洛顿时感觉到那里的血肉,经脉,骨骼都是在微微的震动,变得极其的活跃起来。 This is thunder furnace the thunderous body source?” “这雷霆熔炉就是雷鸣体的源头?” Li Luo understood instantaneously, perhaps, so-called thunderous body, was this thunder furnace. 李洛瞬间就明白了过来,或许,所谓的雷鸣体,就是这雷霆熔炉了。 When thunder furnace thunders, thunder sound stimulates fleshly body, made the flesh, the skeleton all was the temporary enhancement, when the time comes the strength, the speed resilience, will be promoted. 雷霆熔炉轰鸣起来时,雷音刺激肉身,令得血肉,骨骼皆是短暂的增强起来,到时候不论是力量,速度还是抗打击能力,都将会获得提升。 Li Luo regarding this, feels extreme satisfaction. 李洛对此,感到极为的满意。 This time is the harvest is full, not only the strength broke through Resonance Transforming stage fourth change, only has the one pace from Earthly Fiend General Level, but also fleshly body also obtained tempering, built thunderous body. 此次可谓是收获满满,不仅自身实力突破到了化相段第四变,距离地煞将阶已是仅有一步之遥,而且肉身还得到了淬炼,更是修成了雷鸣体 If this time he hits again with Jing Taixu, Li Luo has self-confidently the opposite party steamroll, did not need to put together the oil like before lamp to be dry completely. 如果此时的他再跟景太虚打一场,李洛有着自信将对方碾压,再也不用像之前那样拼得油尽灯枯。 Do not taste, hurries.” “别回味了,赶紧上来。” In Li Luo immerses when so the harvest, the Lu Ming sound conveys from thunder Wangtan. 而在李洛沉浸在这般收获中时,鹿鸣的声音从雷王潭外传来。 Her sound is actually movingly clear, but why does not know, Li Luo always feels a pedantry. 她的声音倒是清脆动人,但不知为何,李洛总是感觉到一股酸气。 However he nods with a smile, a tip of the toe point, figure is vertical leaps, fell outside thunder Wangtan. 不过他还是笑着点点头,脚尖一点,身影便是纵跃而起,落在了雷王潭外。 Your did resonance power, achieve Resonance Transforming stage fourth change?” Lu Ming pupil straight is staring at Li Luo, when the previous thunder light diffusion goes, resonance power that her clear feeling Li Luo within the body sent out fluctuated before was more tyrannical than a big truncation. “你的相力,达到化相段第四变了?”鹿鸣眸子直直的盯着李洛,在先前雷光散去时,她清晰的感觉到了李洛体内散发出来的相力波动比以前强横了一大截。 Obviously, resonance power rank promotion of Li Luo. 显然,李洛相力等级提升了。 Li Luo hears word, had not denied, nods with a smile. 李洛闻言,也没有否认,笑着点点头。 Lu Ming nips the red lip lightly, is somewhat plaintive, must know that first time time of seeing Li Luo, this fellow strength also falls behind her, but how long time, first she one step has then stepped into Resonance Transforming stage fourth change unexpectedly. 鹿鸣轻咬了咬红唇,有些哀怨,要知道第一次见到李洛的时候,这家伙实力还落后于她,可这才多久的时间,竟然已经先她一步踏入化相段第四变了。 However she is not the temper of blaming god and man, since falls behind at present, later pursues is, immediately said: It seems like you also builtthunderous body, but there is a matter I to remind you, thunderous body shakes thunder furnace in within the body, forms thunder sound, stimulates fleshly body to erupt a stronger strength by this method, but thunder sound shakes, also has some drawbacks, that is once stimulates excessively, will cause the enormous harm to you fleshly body. ” 不过她也并非是怨天尤人的性子,既然眼下落后了,之后追回来便是,当即说道:“看来你也修成了“雷鸣体”,不过有个事情我得提醒你,雷鸣体乃是震荡体内的雷霆熔炉,形成雷音,以此来刺激肉身爆发出更强力量的法门,但雷音震荡,也同样存在一些弊端,那就是一旦刺激过度,甚至会对伱的肉身造成极大的损害。” Therefore the Black Wind Empire imperial family, is called five heavy thunder sound bodies thunderous body „”, as the name suggests, that is its limiting value is to stimulate to movement five heavy thunder sound stimulates fleshly body, naturally, our big probability cannot achieve this degree, because of our present thunder furnace, can erupt single layer thunder sound at most „”. ” “所以黑风帝国的皇室,将雷鸣体也称为“五重雷音体”,顾名思义,那就是其极限值是催动五重雷音刺激肉身,当然,我们大概率是达不到这种程度的,因为我们现在的雷霆熔炉,顶多也就是能够爆发出“一重雷音”而已。” Five heavy thunder sound “五重雷音么” Li Luo nods, this information in heart. 李洛点头,将这个信息记在心中。 This hidden danger you were good in the heart, moreover you are possibly not necessarily able to trigger.” Lu Ming looked at Li Luo one, that look seems like brings to be a pity the meaning. “这个隐患你记在心中就行了,而且你可能未必会触发。”鹿鸣看了李洛一眼,那眼神似乎是带着一些可惜之意。 What do you mean?” Li Luo knits the brows to ask. “什么意思?”李洛皱眉问道。 Our thunder furnace of present within the body, but just formed, in the future wants the thunderous body true cultivation to great accomplishment, that needs unceasingly conducts blessing and tempering by thunder resonance power to it, if cannot achieve this point, then the thunder drying furnace in within the body in uses, gradual thunder energy that will store up exhausts, when thunder energy exhausts, thunder furnace will also vanish.” “我们现在体内的雷霆熔炉,只是刚刚成形而已,未来想要将雷鸣体真正的修炼至大成,那就需要不断的以雷霆相力对其进行加持淬炼,而如果做不到这一点,那么体内的雷霆烘炉就会在一次次的使用中,逐渐的将储存的雷霆能量耗尽,当雷霆能量耗尽时,雷霆熔炉也会随之消失。” Lu Ming, shrugged at this point: You should understand my meaning.” 鹿鸣说到此处,摊了摊手:“你应该明白我的意思。” Li Luo suddenly, he knows Lu Ming wanted to say anything, although he builds thunderous body now, but his issue, that was does not have thunder resonance, is not naturally able to cultivate thunder resonance power, but without thunder resonance power went to blessing with supplementing thunder furnace, his thunderous body, is unable to exist for a long time. 李洛恍然,他知道鹿鸣想要说什么,虽然他现在修成了雷鸣体,但他有一个问题,那就是自身没有雷相,自然也就无法修炼出雷霆相力,而没有雷霆相力加持与补充雷霆熔炉,那他这雷鸣体,也就无法长久存在。 Look that Lu Ming that is a pity, is sympathizing with his thunderous body is only a temporary experience card. 鹿鸣那可惜的眼神,就是在同情他这个雷鸣体只是一个临时体验卡。 You do not use sadly, although thunderous body is only temporary, but your fleshly body was promoted.” Lu Ming feared that the Li Luo fall in the blues, hurries to comfort to say. “不过你也不用难过,虽然雷鸣体只是暂时的,可你的肉身是实打实的获得了提升。”鹿鸣李洛情绪低落,赶紧又安慰道。 Li Luo nods with a smile. 李洛笑着点点头。 His so facial expression, lets some Lu Ming accident, Li Luo did not feel a pity? Does he press the mood in the heart does not want to reveal? 他这般神情,让得鹿鸣有些意外,难道李洛一点都不感到可惜吗?或者他只是将情绪压在心中不想显露? However these words definitely cannot say, therefore Lu Ming hurries to shift the topic: „Do we first come up?” 不过这些话肯定不能说出来,所以鹿鸣赶紧把话题转移:“我们先上去吧?” After seeing the Li Luo nod, she turns around to advance. 见到李洛点头后,她就转身先行。 Li Luo walks in behind, he is looking at the Lu Ming slender slender back, smiles actually, then outstretches the palm, in his palm, the silver pits, above the pit, has the thunder trace that forms naturally, obviously and extraordinary thing. 李洛走在后面,他望着鹿鸣纤细窈窕的背影,倒是笑了笑,然后伸开手掌,在他的掌心,有一枚银色的果核,果核之上,有着天然形成的雷霆纹路,显然并非凡物。 When this silver thunder pit, previously went out of thunder Wangtan appears in his hands, obviously, this also came from presenting of Thunderous Tree. 这银色雷霆果核,是先前走出雷王潭时出现在他手中的,显然,这也是来自雷鸣树的馈赠。 In this thunder pit, he can feel extremely pure vigorous thunder energy. 在这雷霆果核内,他能够感受到极为精纯雄浑的雷霆能量 He points at rubs suo the thunder pit rough surface, in the eye is reappearing color looking pensive. 他手指磨挲着雷霆果核粗糙的表面,眼中浮现着若有所思之色。 Thunder resonance power thunder resonance? 雷霆相力雷相么? Actually is not the matter that is possible to have. 其实也不是不可能拥有的事情呢。 Li Luo smiles. 李洛笑起来。 He felt, his third acquired resonance, already some features. 他感觉,他那第三道后天之相,已经是有一些眉目了。
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