KOMI :: Volume #6

#550: Status

Chapter 550 status 第550章身份 This is the plan makes me use this arrow to get rid of black-armored person “这是打算让我用这支箭来干掉黑甲人吗” This arrow has the good prestige energy obviously, is true of Thunderous Tree to harbor. 这支箭显然具备着不俗的威能,乃是属于雷鸣树的真正私藏。 At this time Thunderous Tree the arrow of this unusual thunder initiative takes, its goal is self-evident. 此时雷鸣树将这奇特的雷霆之箭主动的拿出来,其目的不言而喻。 Thunderous Tree also understands, present it in the crucial moment, Li Luo is its only hope, if misses again here, perhaps its remaining spirit wisdom will also be polluted. 雷鸣树也明白,现在的它处于生死关头,李洛是它唯一的希望,如果再在这里错过,恐怕它那残余的灵智也会被污染。 Therefore, anything harbored the goods unable to keep. 所以,什么私藏货都藏不住了。 But regarding this, Li Luo is also is certainly glad to see, after all they and Thunderous Tree are the same strip ships, present black-armored person is their common enemies, if can get rid of him with the aid of the Thunderous Tree strength, that naturally is the best matter. 而对此,李洛当然也是乐得所见,毕竟他们与雷鸣树算是同一条船,眼前的黑甲人是他们共同的敌人,如果能够借助雷鸣树的力量将他干掉,那当然是最好的事情。 Therefore his putting out a hand without hesitation, holds the arrow of that silver thunder, makes an effort to raise. 所以他毫不犹豫的伸手,抓住那支银色的雷霆之箭,用力一提。 Then his face one stiff, has not raised. 然后他脸庞一僵,没提动。 Awkward. 尴尬了。 Li Luo deeply inspires, within the body resonance power wells up violently, twin resonance's power erupts, then pours into the both arms. 李洛深吸一口气,体内相力激涌,双相之力爆发,而后灌注双臂。 This time, Li Luo actually reluctant raised it, but that serious strength somewhat made his complexion ugly/difficult to look at, in the hand the seemingly light silver wooden arrow, almost like a mountain, could not raise. 这一次,李洛倒是勉强的将它提动了,但那股沉重的力量让得他面色变得有些难看,手中看似轻飘飘的银色木箭,几乎如同一座山岳般,根本就提不起来。 Nearby Lu Ming looked to understand actually, reminded: This silver wooden arrow is by extremely pure thunder energy, you do not have thunder resonance power, therefore wants to take up it, needs very tyrannical resonance power or the fleshly body strength can accomplish.” 一旁的鹿鸣倒是看明白了,提醒道:“这支银色木箭乃是以极其纯粹的雷霆能量所化,你自身并不具备着雷霆相力,所以想要将其拿起,需要非常强横的相力或者肉身力量才能够办到。” The Li Luo brow tight wrinkle, he after all is only Resonance Master Realm, where can meet such high requirements? 李洛眉头紧皱,他终归只是一个相师境啊,哪能达到这么高的要求? But when Li Luo is worried, Lu Ming is the show/unfolds face smiles, slightly somewhat favorite say/way: Li Luo, it seems like you also really have the ability of having foresight, I felt that your action, the most intelligent matter, gave to take me.” 而就在李洛苦恼的时候,鹿鸣则是展颜一笑,微微有些得意的道:“李洛,看来你还真是有着未卜先知的能力,我感觉你此次行动,最聪明的事情,就是把我也给带上了。” Li Luo surprised looking to her, is sees Lu Ming to extend the slender white hands, covers on his palm, has thunder resonance power to jump. 李洛惊讶的望向她,便是见到鹿鸣伸出纤细玉手,覆盖在他的手掌上,同时有雷霆相力跳跃起来。 Do not resist my resonance power, I can use my thunder resonance power as the medium, lets the arrow of you contact thunder, as the matter stands you should be able to take it.” Lu Ming said. “不要抗拒我的相力,我可以以我的雷霆相力为媒介,让伱接触雷霆之箭,这样一来你应该就能够将它拿起来了。”鹿鸣说道。 Feels on the palm that such as the jade small hand tender and delicate icy cold touch, the Li Luo look is being invariable, without resisting joining of that thunder resonance power, then his five fingers gets hold of again, the palm lifts. 感受着手掌上那如玉小手娇嫩冰凉的触感,李洛神色不变,没有抗拒那一道雷霆相力的加入,然后他五指再度握紧,手掌抬起。 Then he pleasantly surprised sight, that thunder wooden arrow, finally is slowly was mentioned. 然后他就惊喜的见到,那一支雷霆木箭,终于是缓缓的被提起。 Although can feel a serious feeling as before, but is actually not able to withstand. 虽说依旧能够感觉到一种沉重感,但却已经不是无法承受。 This lets the sigh that in his heart cannot bear, Lu Ming said right, these took her fortunately time, he to let two people quite takes care, never expected that Lu Ming helped such big busy unexpectedly, the illusory image helped him resist an surprise attack a moment ago, if now does not have her thunder power to take the medium, even if perhaps Thunderous Tree took out this to harbor treasure, he still will be very difficult its to display to come out. 这让得他心中也是忍不住的感叹,鹿鸣说的没错,还好这一次带上了她,原本他只是为了让两个人好照应一下,没想到鹿鸣竟然帮了这么大的忙,刚才幻影帮他抵挡了一次突袭也就罢了,现在如果没有她的雷霆之力作为媒介,恐怕即便雷鸣树取出了这等私藏宝贝,他也很难将其施展出来。 In the heart is thinking these, Li Luo has built the thunder wooden arrow above light falcon bow, the drawing bowstring that then he probes, the bowstring is entirely still unexpectedly. 心中想着这些,李洛已是将雷霆木箭搭在了光隼弓之上,然后他试探的拉动弓弦,弓弦竟是纹丝不动。 He understands, this is the strength is insufficient. 他明白,这是自身力量不够。 Therefore his palm gripped the waist mysterious elephant blade hilt. 于是他一只手掌握住了腰间玄象刀的刀柄。 Stimulated to movement Divine Elephant Power without hesitation. 毫不犹豫的催动了象神力 1st layer Divine Elephant Power! 第一重象神力 The Li Luo arm instantaneous ballooning, the blue vein even agitated, just like the thick earthworm to sway under the skin generally, an astonishing strength bursts out, is shakes the air. 李洛手臂瞬间鼓胀了一圈,青筋甚至都是鼓动了起来,犹如粗大的蚯蚓一般在皮肤下攒动,一股惊人的力量迸发出来,将空气都是震荡起来。 Because skin excessive tying tight, even there is a blood threads to highlight. 皮肤因为过度的紧绷,甚至有血丝凸显出来。 Li Luo feels the strength that strengthened, still insufficiently. 李洛感受了一下增强的力量,依然不够。 His vision is tranquil , to continue to stimulate to movement. 他目光平静,继续催动。 Double Divine Elephant Power! 第二重象神力 Also is a more powerful strength swamps into the Li Luo both arms from mysterious elephant blade in like surging tides, racing wells up strength was the ancient celestial phenomena treads the step of everything may become vulnerable to break in the meridians, in the flesh, the feeling of that tearing erupted immediately. 又是一股更为强大的力量如潮水般自玄象刀内涌入李洛双臂,那奔涌的力量似是古老的玄象踏着地动山摇的步伐冲入了经脉,血肉之中,那股撕裂之感顿时爆发出来。 On the Li Luo both arms, the skin, the flesh starts to present tearing, the dripping with blood. 李洛双臂上,皮肤,血肉开始出现撕裂,鲜血淋漓。 Wooden resonance technique, spirit wood fiber mark.” “木相术,灵木丝纹。” „The light resonance technique, slightly restores the technique brightly.” 光明相术,小光明恢复术。” Water resonance technique, spiritual water technique.” “水相术,灵水术。” But has him of preparation early, immediately restores resonance technique to display three, immediately the flesh of both arms place accelerates to wriggle, starts to restore the injury. 而早有准备的他,立即将三道恢复相术施展出来,顿时双臂处的血肉加速蠕动,开始修复着伤势。 But the feeling of that unceasingly tearing and restore, making Li Luo feel that acid particularly is crisp, the handsome face becomes twists. 只不过那种不断撕裂与修复的感觉,让得李洛感到分外的酸爽,俊朗的面庞都变得扭曲起来。 Deep inhaled icy cold air, the Li Luo again firm and slow drawing bowstring, this time, the bowstring by pull slowly, the arrow of silver thunder was finally started to bloom dazzling thunder light, even his arrow body starts becomes twists, seemed a Thunder Dragon is fettered on the bowstring. 深深的吸了一口冰凉的空气,李洛再度坚定而缓慢的拉动弓弦,这一次,弓弦终于是被缓缓的拉开,银色的雷霆之箭开始绽放出耀眼的雷光,甚至其箭身都开始变得扭曲,仿佛是一条雷龙被束缚在了弓弦上。 Li Luo double palm in this time slightly shivers. 李洛双掌都是在此时微微的颤抖起来。 thunder energy that wreaks havoc wild is proliferating, fortunately at this time Lu Ming took own thunder resonance power to reduce and solve as him, otherwise in the both arms the wild strength wreaked havoc at this time, came an external strength again, perhaps his both arms can explode. 那股狂暴肆虐的雷霆能量正在扩散,所幸此时鹿鸣以自身的雷霆相力为他化解了许多,否则此时双臂内狂暴力量肆虐,再来一股外来之力,恐怕他这双臂都会爆裂开来。 Li Luo look gradually flood red intent, the arrow of thunder, locks to black-armored person. 李洛眼神渐渐的泛起红意,雷霆之箭,锁定向黑甲人 But is facing locking of arrow of thunder, that was being punctured prevented black-armored person by the Thunderous Tree innumerable trees had also detected, immediately the look under surface armor changes, the meanings of some faint startled anger. 而面对着雷霆之箭的锁定,那正在被雷鸣树无数树刺所阻挡的黑甲人也有所察觉,当即面甲下的眼神一变,隐隐的有些惊怒之意。 This damn Thunderous Tree, but also really will look for trouble for him. 这该死的雷鸣树,还真是会给他找麻烦。 He can the clear feeling the arrow of that turnover uncertain thunder have the multi- bad risks, by its locking, present he was felt the skin stabbing pain merely. 他能够清晰的感觉到那道吞吐不定的雷霆之箭有多凶险,仅仅只是被其锁定,现在的他就感觉到了皮肤刺痛。 Cannot resist hardly! 不可硬抗! The black-armored person look is gloomy, the arrow of that Li Luo stimulation of movement thunder obviously extremely reluctantly, so long as he first evades its point, then later Li Luo is inevitably impossible to stimulate to movement again the second time, when the time comes he naturally can calm cuts to kill it. 黑甲人眼神阴沉,那李洛催动雷霆之箭显然极其的勉强,只要他先避其锋芒,那么之后李洛必然不可能再催动第二次,到时候他自然可以从容的将其斩杀。 Thinks of here, black-armored person changes into black light violently shoots to draw back immediately together. 想到此处,黑甲人立即化为一道黑光暴射而退。 Was bad, he must run!” Lu Ming sees that immediately one anxious. “糟了,他要跑!”鹿鸣见状,顿时一急。 This fellow also is really sly, saw with own eyes that them had coped with his method, immediately withdrew. 这家伙还真是狡猾,眼见他们这边有了对付他的手段,立即就是后撤。 But Lu Ming also saw the pitiful condition on Li Luo both arms, obviously the latter can draw the arrow of bowstring stimulation of movement thunder to pay the enormous price, if these really made black-armored person run time, turn head he staged a comeback again, method that they may really not contend with. 鹿鸣也看见了李洛双臂上的惨状,显然后者能够拉动弓弦催动雷霆之箭是付出了极大的代价,如果这一次真让得黑甲人跑了,回头他再卷土重来,那他们可就真的没抗衡的手段了。 Li Luo also saw the black-armored person violent to draw back. 李洛同样是看见了黑甲人的暴退。 His look concentrates, suddenly, calls out makes noise: Huang Lou commands, your status, do the brothers on your town have mother to know?” 他眼神微凝,突然间,暴喝出声:“黄楼统领,你的身份,你镇子上的兄弟还有老娘可知道?” Li Luo drinks like the thunder, the instance when his sound drops, the pupil under that black-armored person surface armor reduces suddenly. 李洛喝声如雷,而当他的声音落下的瞬间,那黑甲人面甲下的瞳孔骤然紧缩。 Meaning of the startled anger raises by his heart. 一股惊怒之意由他心中升起。 This will Li Luo, how know his status?! 这个李洛,怎会知道他的身份?! This flickers, the black-armored person mind had the instantaneous disorder and shock. 这一瞬,黑甲人心神出现了瞬间的紊乱与震惊。 But in the Li Luo eye the cold light flashed, held his flaw, is drawing the bowstring, has dropped the finger of blood to loosen unceasingly suddenly. 李洛眼中寒光一闪,抓住了他的破绽,拉动着弓弦,已经不断滴血的手指猛然松开。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, has the wild thunder to thunder, wipes thunder light to bloom in this region. 霎那间,有狂暴的雷霆轰鸣,一抹雷光于这片区域之内绽放开来。 In the thunder light, seems a threatening Thunder Dragon, the anger sends to open, dragon scale sparkle. 雷光之中,仿佛是一条张牙舞爪的雷龙,怒发须张,龙鳞闪耀。 thunder light pierced the space at an indescribable speed, several breaths merely, then among that black-armored person absent-minded, just like the potential of heavenly thunder, numerous bombardments above that heavy/thick black armor beyond its body. 雷光以一种无法形容的速度洞穿了空间,仅仅只是数息之间,便是趁那黑甲人的失神间,宛如天雷之势,重重的轰击在了其身躯外的那一层厚重黑甲之上。 Bang! 轰隆! Terrifying thunder energy, wreaked havoc in this time. 恐怖至极的雷霆能量,在此时肆虐了开来。
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