KOMI :: Volume #3

#274: The Honglian squad returns

When Duze Honglian and Jiang Qing'e grievances, almost has not entered to Sacred Profound Star Academy has appeared. 都泽红莲姜青娥恩怨,几乎从还没有进入到圣玄星学府时就已经出现了。 After all two people one is the Luolan Mansion two mansion lord personal inheritance disciples, one is the Duze Mansion young lady, two people age is similar, therefore would some people drawing both sides in the same place makes various comparisons. 毕竟两人一个是洛岚府两位府主亲传弟子,一个是都泽府的大小姐,两人年龄又是相仿,所以总会有人将双方拉在一起做各种的比较。 But this comparison, often wins to take the result by Jiang Qing'e completely. 可这种比较,往往都是以姜青娥完全胜出作为结果。 But Duze Honglian is the extremely proud character, these comparisons, naturally are also angry exceptionally, from now on will regard as the biggest opponent Jiang Qing'e. 都泽红莲又是极为骄傲的性格,这一次次的比较下来,自然也是恼怒异常,自此将姜青娥视为自己最大的对手。 In addition Duze Mansion and Luolan Mansion itself/Ben is hostile, this is to make both sides make fight in many levels, therefore makes the grievances variable depth get up. 再加上都泽府洛岚府本就是敌对,这更是让得双方在许多层面上都做过交手,于是更让得恩怨变深起来。 But with afterward two people simultaneous enters Sacred Profound Star Academy, Duze Honglian as before with the Jiang Qing'e battle, regardless of she is willing to acknowledge, disparity of both sides in gradual enlarging. 而随着后来两人同时的进入到圣玄星学府,都泽红莲依旧在与姜青娥争斗,可是不论她愿不愿意承认,双方的差距都是在逐渐的拉大。 Perhaps this makes the Duze Honglian innermost feelings most depressed most. 这恐怕是让得都泽红莲内心最为沮丧的。 She is always maintaining her pride, is never willing to give up with the Jiang Qing'e battle, but, under today's this scene, will face that possibly to swallow the clean strange pollution oneself flesh, the Duze Honglian innermost feelings were broken finally against. 只是她始终都维持着她的骄傲,从不肯放弃与姜青娥的争斗,但是,在今日这个场面下,面对着那可能会将自己一身血肉吞食干净的诡异污染,都泽红莲内心终于是被破防了。 She starts unexpectedly to this biggest opponent request help. 她竟然开始对着自己这个最大的对手请求帮助。 But spoke these words, Duze Honglian as if also exhausted the courage to be the same, is clenching teeth, closes one's eyes, does not want to look at the Jiang Qing'e complexion. 而说完这句话,都泽红莲仿佛也是用尽了勇气一般,咬着牙,闭着眼睛,不想看姜青娥的脸色。 Just, Jiang Qing'e look actually as before cold tranquil, not, because admitting defeat of Duze Honglian has any contented color, after all these years are only Duze Honglian regard as the opponent her, but her vision, already not on her body. 只不过,姜青娥的神色却依旧冷冽平静,并没有因为都泽红莲的服软有任何的自得之色,毕竟这些年只是都泽红莲将她视为对手而已,而她的目光,早已没有在她的身上了。 „The pollution of such deep level, I not necessarily can relieve.” “这么深层次的污染,我未必解除得掉。” Jiang Qing'e said lightly, this makes the Duze Honglian heart sink, opens eyes must cast off former's supporting by the arm, her pride does not allow her to continue to request to Jiang Qing'e. 姜青娥淡淡的说了一声,这让得都泽红莲心头一沉,睁开眼就要甩开前者的搀扶,她的骄傲不允许她对姜青娥继续请求。 I will attempt with every effort, you do not need to be too many, words that because I do not attempt, you sooner or later will become by the puppet of that smile demon control, when the time comes will instead strengthen its strength, will give our foothold to bring the threat.” “不过我会尽力尝试一下,你也不必想太多,因为我不尝试的话,你迟早会成为被那笑脸魔控制的傀儡,到时候反而会加强它的力量,给我们的据点带来威胁。” Hears the Jiang Qing'e following words, Duze Honglian was also silent. 听到姜青娥后面的话,都泽红莲也是沉默了下来。 Everyone of your two squads, need beforesmiles magic mirror maintains the smile of enough time, simultaneously examines the whole body whether has the smile pollution, moreover after that also needs to be during our regulations, cannot leave along with accident, until your suspicions by thorough scrubbing. ” Jiang Qing'e excessively has not paid attention to Duze Honglian, the pupil looks to Ye Qiuding and the others, said. “你们这两支小队的所有人,都需要在“笑魔镜”前保持足够时间的笑容,同时检测全身是否存在着笑脸污染,而且此后还需要处于我们的监管之中,不可随意外出,直到你们的嫌疑被彻底的洗刷。”姜青娥没有过多理会都泽红莲,眸子看向叶秋鼎等人,说道。 The so-called smile demon, is this period of time they regarding the name of that great disaster rank Other. 所谓笑脸魔,便是这段时间他们对于那头大天灾级异类的称呼。 Person hears word of two squads, complexion some are not quite attractive, because this is then must put under house arrest them, the meaning of monitoring. 两支小队的人闻言,面色都有些不太好看,因为这是接下来要将他们软禁,监控起来的意思了。 I not in view of your meanings, only then you and great disaster Other front impact, but Duze Honglian was polluted by the deep level, you not necessarily avoided completely, perhaps some pollution are unable to detect you.” “我并没有针对你们的意思,不过只有你们与大天灾异类正面碰撞过,而都泽红莲都被深层次污染了,你们未必就完全避开了,有些污染说不定连你们自身都无法察觉。” Therefore these measures are necessary, no one can abbreviate, if you do not want, we can only enforce.” Jiang Qing'e look slightly cold, said. “所以这些措施都是必要的,没有人能够省略,如果你们不愿意,那我们就只能强制执行。”姜青娥神色微冷,说道。 Has saying that Jiang Qing'e in the Sacred Profound Star Academy prestige is very strong, saw that her look is cold, Ye Qiuding one group of do not dare to argue anything again, can only nod should under. 不得不说姜青娥圣玄星学府声望还是很强的,见到她神色冷冽下来,叶秋鼎一行人也不敢再辩解什么,只能点头应下。 Therefore then Their group is start stands before smiling the magic mirror, reveals extremely reluctantly, but ugly/difficult to look at smile. 于是接下来他们一行人便是开始站在笑魔镜前,一个个露出极为勉强而难看的笑容。 This inspections, but those who make many students relax, and no one therefore loses control. 这一个个的检查下来,而让得诸多学员松一口气的是,并没有人因此而失控。 But they are relaxing, Li Luo is actually frowning, at once his line of sight and Jiang Qing'e to bumping, all sees the anxiety in opposite party eyes. 但他们在松气,李洛却是在皱眉头,旋即他视线与姜青娥对碰了一下,皆是看出对方眼中的忧虑。 Because is showing the smile to the mirror, but has the effect on the evil thoughts seed of shallow level, therefore did not mean that adopted the mirror test, explained that Ye Qiuding these people were harmless. 因为对着镜子露出笑容,只是对一些浅层次的恶念种子有效果,所以并不是说通过了镜子考验,就说明叶秋鼎这些人算是无害了。 Another reason is their evil thoughts seed pollution too deeply is too strong, has not even affected as for this mirror test. 还有另外一个原因就是他们的恶念种子污染太深太强,乃至于连这镜子考验都没有作用。 But this is also only a guess, they not possible, because this guess prohibits Ye Qiuding they from entering the foothold, this does not conform to the custom, moreover abandons them outside, once they were swallowed or controlled by smile demon, instead will encourage the strength of opposite party. 可这也只是一个猜测,他们不可能因为这个猜测就禁止叶秋鼎他们进入据点,这不符合规矩,而且将他们抛弃在外面,一旦他们被“笑脸魔”吞食或者操控,反而会助长对方的力量。 Therefore at present can only first allow them to enter the foothold, later safeguards strictly them. 所以眼下还是只能先让他们进入据点,之后将他们严密的看管起来。 Qiu Bai, Tian Tian, you lead people to deliver to the residence them, centralized regulation.” Jiang Qing'e hesitates slightly, is makes noise to say. 裘白,田恬,你们带人将他们送到住所,集中监管。”姜青娥微微沉吟,便是出声说道。 Qiu Bai, Tian Tian hears word is also the nod should, then led a person, Ye Qiuding one group of carrying off. 裘白,田恬闻言也是点头应下,然后带了点人,将叶秋鼎一行人给带走了。 „Can you also walk?” Jiang Qing'e looks to weak Duze Honglian, asked. “你还能走吗?”姜青娥看向虚弱的都泽红莲,问道。 Duze Honglian clenches teeth, shoves open the hand of Jiang Qing'e, wants to walk, has not walked two steps, heel one becomes tender, the body goes toward the ground directly but actually. 都泽红莲咬了咬牙,推开姜青娥的手,就要自己走路,可没走两步,脚跟就一阵发软,身子直接往地上倒去。 However finally does not have distressed landing, Jiang Qing'e to put out a hand, across the Duze Honglian knees, hugged her horizontally in the bosom. 不过最终没有狼狈的落地,姜青娥伸出手来,穿过都泽红莲的双膝,将她横抱在了怀中。 Whish. 哗。 The surrounding some slight different sounds transmit, one after another eye of band of light unusual meaning looks at this. 周围有一些细微的异声传来,一道道目光带着奇特之意的看着这一幕。 Duze Honglian in academy, was cold proud the governing elder sister's makings, the roaring flame red lip, the stature has been in the past irritable, does not know that caused many opposite sex saliva heart movements. 都泽红莲以往在学府内,一直都是冷傲御姐的气质,烈焰红唇,身材火暴,也不知道引得多少异性垂涎心动。 But no one has thought, Duze Honglian one day will come a princess to hug by Jiang Qing'e unexpectedly directly. 可谁都没想到,都泽红莲竟然有一天会直接被姜青娥来了一个公主抱。 Seriously is the contrast feeling extremely intense. 当真是反差感极其的强烈。 Duze Honglian that was grasped by Jiang Qing'e horizontally also somewhat is from the beginning astonished, at once angry struggles: Jiang Qing'e, you put me!” 而那被姜青娥横抱住的都泽红莲一开始也有些惊愕,旋即恼怒的挣扎起来:“姜青娥,你把我放下来!” You think that our time is a lot of? That smile demon will appear quickly, as soon as when the time comes it appears, inspires the evil thoughts seed of your within the body, at that time no one could help you.” Jiang Qing'e desolate asking. “你以为我们的时间很多吗?那头笑脸魔很快就会出现了,到时候它一出现,引动你体内的恶念种子,那时谁也帮不了你。”姜青娥冷淡的问道。 Duze Honglian stagnated, struggles also to weaken. 都泽红莲一滞,挣扎也就减弱了下来。 Jiang Qing'e shakes the head, the pollution of this Duze Honglian is quite deep, if makes other students contact her, no one knows to create certain proliferation, therefore she can only begin, otherwise, lost to Li Luo directly makes him work as the coolie. 姜青娥摇摇头,这都泽红莲的污染比较深,如果让其他的学员来接触她,谁也不知晓会不会造成某些扩散,所以她才只能自己动手,不然的话,就直接丢给李洛让他当苦力了。 Then she no longer said, held Duze Honglian to go to a housing pinnacle, entered a stone building, placed on Duze Honglian the stone bed. 接下来她不再多说,抱着都泽红莲前往了一座居住的石塔,进了一间石屋,将都泽红莲放在了石床上。 Lying.” Jiang Qing'e pale sound said. “趴着。”姜青娥淡声道。 Duze Honglian hesitated, then lay on the stone bed, then she heard the sound that scoffed, Jiang Qing'e to tear into shreds her clothing directly, revealed the bright and clean thin and small back. 都泽红莲迟疑了一下,便是在石床上趴了下来,然后她就听见一声嗤啦的声音,姜青娥直接将她衣衫撕碎,露出了光洁纤瘦的后背。 And, then in slowly strange smile of creeping motion. 以及,那在缓缓蠕动的诡异笑脸。 Jiang Qing'e stared at that strange smile to watch a meeting, then took out jade bottle, in jade bottle was some dust that are glittering the gloss, with activate the purification tower purification dust. 姜青娥盯着那诡异笑脸看了一会,然后取出一个玉瓶,玉瓶内是一些闪烁着光泽的粉尘,正是用以激活净化塔的净化粉尘。 She will purify the dust to fall to the strange smile that Duze Honglian is conducting the back directly. 她直接将净化粉尘对着都泽红莲背上的诡异笑脸倾倒了下去。 ! 嗤嗤! The instance of contact, has the black smoke to ascend immediately, seemed the water sprinkles into the wok with cooking oil to be the same, the response was fierce. 接触的瞬间,顿时有着黑烟升腾起来,仿佛是水泼入到了油锅一般,反应剧烈。 The Duze Honglian tender body ties tight instantaneously, her ten fingers grip tightly, have the blue vein to reappear on the back of the hand, obviously is bearing the fierce pain. 都泽红莲娇躯瞬间紧绷起来,她十指紧握,有青筋于手背上浮现出来,显然是在承受着剧烈的痛苦。 But she does not want obviously in front of Jiang Qing'e disgraced, therefore clenching teeth stubbornly, does not make the least bit sound. 但她显然不想在姜青娥面前丢人,所以死死的咬着牙,不发出半点声音。 Rumble! 咕噜! Is conducting the back after that strange black face opens the mouth suddenly, the purification dust that pū pū two, will fall previously gave to spit completely. 在其后背上,那诡异黑脸突然张大嘴巴,噗噗的两声,就将先前落下来的净化粉尘全部给吐了出来。 These dust have turned into the jet black color, in which purifying power are worn down cleanly. 这些粉尘已是变成了漆黑色彩,其中的净化之力被消磨干净。 Faint, as if also has the laughter that ridiculed ridiculing to pass on. 隐隐的,仿佛还有着讥嘲的笑声传出来。 Purifying the dust is useless, it by swallowing my flesh will reduce and solve.” On the Duze Honglian cheeks full is the cold sweat, the sound became hoarse. “净化粉尘是没有用的,它会靠吞食我的血肉来化解。”都泽红莲脸颊上满是冷汗,声音都变得沙哑了许多。 This smile and your flesh have connected in one.” “这笑脸和你的血肉已经连接在了一起。” Wants the words that it purifies, needs first to scatter it, cuts off it and connection between your flesh makes use it again eliminates, otherwise after even, purified it, perhaps you still had no means of livelihood.” Jiang Qing'e said. “想要将其净化掉的话,需要先将它打散,断绝它与你血肉间的连接再趁势将其消除,不然即便之后将它净化了,恐怕你也没什么活路了。”姜青娥说道。 Did the brand mark that great disaster rank Other plants, how scatter? Even if you have ninth grade light resonance, perhaps isn't easy?” Duze Honglian said. 大天灾级异类种下的烙印,怎么打散得了?就算你有九品光明相,恐怕也没那么容易吧?”都泽红莲道。 Jiang Qing'e thinks, nods slightly: Some indeed difficulties, therefore I need a helper.” 姜青娥想了想,微微颔首:“的确有些难度,所以我需要一个帮手。” Duze Honglian has not responded suddenly. 都泽红莲一时间没反应过来。 But Jiang Qing'e is not in no mood to explain many to her, was shouting one to the entrance direction: Comes.” 姜青娥却并没有心情跟她解释过多,对着门口的方向喊了一声:“进来吧。” Then figure is pushes the door to walk into together, Duze Honglian raised the head, the astonished vision saw that similarly brings Li Luo that the vacant meaning is walking. 然后一道身影便是推门走入,都泽红莲抬起头,惊愕的目光就见到同样带着一点茫然之意走进来的李洛 Two people vision to bumping in the same place, Li Luo are most compels ignorant, but the Duze Honglian actually vitality launches a psychological attack suddenly, she back is also only lying on this bed at present, did this Li Luo man walk suddenly?! 两人目光对碰在一起,李洛最多只是一点懵逼,而都泽红莲却是骤然间气血攻心,她眼下还光着背趴在这床上呢,这李洛一个男子突然就这么走了进来?! Suddenly, Duze Honglian is nearly ashamed and resentful to faint. 一时间,都泽红莲险些羞愤得晕厥过去。 Jiang Qing'e, do you do me intentionally are?! 姜青娥,你们故意搞我是不是?!
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