KOMI :: Volume #15

#1484: Defeats Lu Ruyan

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Bang! 轰! When covers just like the fluent sacred Saint flame on the chaos sword embryo, after purifying overbearing cold air that on Lu Ruyan that cold frost sword embryo flowed, the deadlock that previously Lu Ruyan painstakingly planned, almost will announce shortly disintegrates. 当宛如水流般的神圣圣焱覆盖在混沌剑胎上,净化了吕如烟那寒霜剑胎上流淌的霸道寒气后,先前吕如烟苦心经营的僵持局面,几乎是顷刻间宣告土崩瓦解。 Rear Li Luo purple gold Heavenly Dragon, erupts an earth-shaking dragon's roar sound. 后方李洛所化的紫金天龙,爆发出一声惊天动地的龙吟声。 Buzz! 嗡! The chaos sword embryo also vibrates, next one flickers, vast sword light washout, this piece void by separate all a piece by piece tiny debris. 混沌剑胎随之震动,下一瞬,浩瀚的剑光冲刷而过,这片虚空被尽数的割裂成了一片片细小的空间碎片。 Bang! 砰! The chaos sword embryo cuts, that cold frost sword embryo cannot withstand again, above cracks suddenly the innumerable crack, finally along with the great sound, bursts together directly. 混沌剑胎斩下,那寒霜剑胎再也承受不住,其上突然崩裂出无数道裂纹,最后伴随着一道巨声,直接破裂开来。 The frost air/Qi drops from the clouds, frozen several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) mountain range. 冰霜之气从天而降,冰封数万里的山脉。 But after the chaos sword embryo cuts the broken cold frost sword embryo, the power and influence does not reduce as before, cutting outrageously approached rear complexion pale Lu Ruyan. 而混沌剑胎斩碎寒霜剑胎后,依旧威势不减,悍然的斩向了后方脸色铁青的吕如烟 Lu Ruyan slender both hands tie seal like lightning, that hovering top ten pillars golden platform that in that such as the cold ice casts cold bead erupts the torrential cold frost mighty current in this time. 吕如烟纤细双手闪电般结印,那悬停在那座如寒冰所铸的十柱金台顶部的“寒珠”在此时爆发出滔滔寒霜洪流。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Inscribe the innumerable frost traces, just like the iceberg icicle, rises straight from the ground, just like the single layer heavy indestructible gateway, guarded in the Lu Ruyan front. 一座座铭刻着无数冰霜纹路,宛如冰山般的冰柱,拔地而起,犹如一重重坚不可摧的门户,驻守在了吕如烟的前方。 However this time chaos sword embryo under coverage of Saint flame, the offensive sweeps away all obstacles, the place visited, hold up a day of icicle to melt instantaneously. 然而此时的混沌剑胎在圣焱的覆盖下,攻势所向披靡,所过之处,一座座擎天冰柱瞬间消融。 Short several breaths. 短短数息。 Chaos sword meconium in that Lu Ruyan panic-stricken vision, loudly however. 混沌剑胎便是在那吕如烟惊骇的目光中,轰然而至。 This time Lu Ruyan, can only stimulate to movement within the body cold frost resonance power crazily, beside his flesh, formed the innumerable cold frost defenses. 此时的吕如烟,只能疯狂的催动体内寒霜相力,在其肌肤之外,形成了无数寒霜防御。 Bang! 轰! The thundering great sound resounds through in the horizon. 轰鸣巨声于天际响彻。 There void unceasing blasting open, the innumerable debrises also drop, is ordinary just like the shatter glass, but energy shock-wave that creates, then this piece the snow and ice hills of sores all over the eye, had torn one after another again like the abyss fissure. 那里的虚空不断的炸裂,无数空间碎片随之跌落,宛如破碎的玻璃一般,而那所造成的能量冲击波,则是将这片本就已经满目疮痍的冰雪群山,再度撕裂开一道道如深渊般的裂痕。 But Lu Ruyan figure, bears the brunt. 吕如烟身影,首当其冲。 Under vision gaze that in that innumerable vibrates, Lu Ruyan figure like shell crashes from the day, pounding ruthlessly in the land, the visible shock-wave ripples proliferated, the mist and dust fills the air, a thousand zhang (3.33 m) endocrater appeared in the hills. 在那无数道震动的目光注视下,吕如烟身影如同炮弹般的从天坠落,狠狠的砸在了大地上,肉眼可见的冲击波涟漪扩散,烟尘弥漫间,一个千丈巨坑出现在了群山间。 The endocrater deep place, the body of Lu Ruyan was almost mounted, she tittered one, the blood spurted from the mouth, on the flesh presented many cracks, then changed into ice fragments unceasing falling. 巨坑深处,吕如烟的身体几乎被镶嵌在了其中,她噗嗤一口,鲜血从嘴中喷出来,肌肤上出现了许多的裂纹,而后化为冰屑不断的掉落。 She at this time directly by the severe wound, within the body resonance power disorder, being caused even duke platform unable to maintain, changes into the flowing light to fall in its crown of the head. 她此时直接被重伤,体内相力紊乱至极,导致连封侯台都无法维持,化为流光落回其天灵盖中。 The Lu Ruyan charming cheek, twists at this time palely, in both eyes full shames the color of anger, she is unbelievable, she made into this distressed appearance by Li Luo unexpectedly! 吕如烟娇媚的脸蛋,此时惨白而扭曲,双目中满是羞怒之色,她难以相信,她竟然被李洛打成了这副狼狈的模样! Although that chaos sword embryo has the Jiang Qing'e Saint flame to help reduce and solve the corrosion of her frost resonance power, when may work as that sword cuts the body, Lu Ruyan can the clear feeling that be the attack of what kind of destruction. 虽说那混沌剑胎有着姜青娥圣焱帮忙化解了她冰霜相力的侵蚀,可当那一剑斩到身上时,吕如烟才能够清晰的感受到那是何等毁灭的攻击。 If not she uses the full power defense, even also stimulated to movement secret method to form frost armor to cover the flesh, perhaps Li Luo this sword, really had the possibility cutting to kill her! 如果不是她倾尽全力的防御,甚至还催动了秘法形成了冰霜甲覆盖肌肤,恐怕李洛这一剑,真有可能将她给斩杀了! Was injured this by unparalleled second grade! 被一个无双二品伤成这样! This regarding proud Lu Ruyan, simply is the unendurable shame! 这对于骄傲的吕如烟而言,简直就是难以忍受的耻辱! If this matter feeds in Golden Dragon Mountain, does not know that will attract many people to question! 此事若是传回金龙山,不知会引来多少人质疑! Titter! 噗嗤! Read hence, Lu Ruyan was the blowout that a blood could not bear, at present one black, then fainted at the scene. 一念至此,吕如烟又是一口鲜血忍不住的喷出,眼前一黑,便是当场昏死过去。 Whish! 哗! But the Lu Ruyan result, falls into outside people eyes, triggered startled day sound in an uproar immediately, many powerhouses all are dumbfounded, unbelievable of whole face. 吕如烟的结局,落入场外众人眼中,也是立即引发了惊天的哗然之声,诸多强者皆是目瞪口呆,满脸的难以置信。 In this Sand Seizing Gamble, seemingly disposes strongest Lu Ruyan, met first to be eliminated unexpectedly! 这场搏砂局中,看似配置最强的吕如烟,竟然会第一个就被淘汰了! Moreover, eliminates her person, actually disposes lowest Li Luo! 而且,淘汰她的人,却是配置最低的李洛 At this moment, all vision, brought with go to the hills dignifiedly with amazement Li Luo figure, the latter crossed to fight in the previous struggle, has the performance that lost face/showed off extremely, who can think that was also not his limit. 这一刻,所有的目光,都是带着凝重与骇然的投向了群山中李洛身影,后者在此前的争渡战上,就已是有了极为出彩的表现,可谁能想到,那还并非是他的极限。 This time, he even eliminated Lu Ruyan! 这一次,他甚至淘汰了吕如烟 Although this also has adding fuel to the flames of Jiang Qing'e, but no one dares to belittle the lethality of Li Luo that chaos sword embryo. 虽说这也有着姜青娥的推波助澜,可没有人敢小觑李洛那一道混沌剑胎的杀伤力。 Saint bird, week honored their these eighth grade Duke expert, the complexion appears to wipe color with deep veneration in this time, this time Li Luo is also only upper second grade, if he then completes the breakthrough, is ordinary with Jiang Qing'e, enters into unparalleled third grade, then he will advance into directly enters this Heavenly Mirror Tower many powerhouse highest level. 就连圣雀儿,周钧他们这些八品封侯强者,面色都是在此时浮现出一抹肃然之色,此时的李洛还只是上二品,如果他接下来完成突破,也是与姜青娥一般,迈入无双三品,那么他将会直接跻身进入此次天镜塔众多强者最顶尖的层次。 At that time, even if they are eighth grade Duke, must to its harbor to dread the meaning. 那时候,即便他们是八品封侯,也必须对其怀有忌惮之意。 Won!” “赢了!” That side Eastern Territory Divine Province, all sacred academy teachers are absent-minded of whole face, just like places the feeling in dream, previously fierce combat of both sides, but looked at their hearts to mention the throat. 东域神州那边,所有圣学府的导师都是满脸的恍惚,一副犹如身处梦中的感觉,先前双方的激战,可是看得他们心都提到了嗓子眼。 After all in this Sand Seizing Gamble, has Heavenly Mirror Sand that they invest, if Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e lost, their Heavenly Mirror Tower smelting trials, was equivalent participates white/in vain. 毕竟这场搏砂局中,也有着他们所投资的天镜砂啊,如果李洛,姜青娥输了,那他们此次天镜塔试炼,也就相当于白参加了。 But no one has expected, Li Luo suddenly will be direct a sword belt to walk strongest Lu Ruyan. 可谁都没料到,李洛会突然间直接一剑带走最强的吕如烟 Now Lu Ruyan was eliminated, is only left over Xi Li, although Li Luo is also the oil completely lamp is at this time dry, but Jiang Qing'e is also maintaining overwhelming majority strengths, by her ability, must cope with Xi Li is not difficult. 如今吕如烟被淘汰,就仅剩下郗厉,虽说李洛此时也是油尽灯枯,可姜青娥还保持着绝大部分的战力呢,以她的能力,要对付郗厉不难。 Therefore , this Sand Seizing Gamble, they have victory in the hand! 所以说,这一场搏砂局,他们已是胜券在握! Therefore on everyone's face welled up the exciting color, won this Sand Seizing Gamble, not only can take carry back the qualification, will also obtain not the thin interest, this to them, can be this Heavenly Mirror Tower trial biggest harvest without doubt. 于是所有人的脸庞上都涌上了激动之色,赢了这场搏砂局,不仅能够将本钱拿回来,而且还会分得不薄的利息,这对于他们而言,无疑会是此次天镜塔试炼最大的收获。 Was too abnormal.” “太变态了。” Cao Sheng, Teacher Mi Er complex of whole face, they have seen before several years , when the youngster just entered Sacred Profound Star Academy emaciated, the score that will therefore obtain to this time Li Luo feels many shocks. 曹圣,弥尔导师满脸的复杂,他们见过数年前少年刚入圣玄星学府时的孱弱,所以才会对此时李洛所取得的战绩感到更多的震撼。 By the strength of second grade, defeated one also to cast ten pillars golden platform, the real strength endured compared with top upper seventh grade Duke expert, this grade of score, fed in academy, perhaps vice-president Su Xin will stare dumbfounded. 二品之力,击败了一名同样铸就了十柱金台,真实战力堪比顶尖上七品封侯强者,这等战绩,传回学府,恐怕就连素心副院长都会瞠目结舌。 Initially in academy that youngster, now is the true powerhouse who becomes far in excess of their these teachers. 当初学府中那个少年,如今已是成为了远远超越他们这些导师的真正强者。 Perhaps... he really can save our Sacred Profound Star Academy and Great Xia situation.” Teacher Cao Sheng said, in his sound, has the thick hope to emerge. “或许...他真的能够拯救我们圣玄星学府以及大夏的处境。”曹圣导师说道,他的声音中,有着浓浓的希冀涌现出来。 The potential that Li Luo demonstrates, making them see the hope. 李洛展现出来的潜力,让他们看见了希望。 Teacher Xi Chan also nods gently, cuts the water double pupil brightly is looking in the hills that say/way gradually young figure that returns from the dragon-shaped condition, if vice-president Su Xin knows these, will decide however will also be filled with all sorts of feelings. 郗婵导师也是轻轻颔首,剪水双瞳明亮的望着群山间那道逐渐从龙形态退回的年轻身影,若是素心副院长知晓这些,定然也会感慨万分。 But that nearby Li Hongyou is looking to that in the hills the battlefield, but some absent-minded Lu Qing’er, teased slightly with a smile: You look, Li Luo helped you vent anger.” 而那一旁的李红柚则是对着那正望向群山间战场而有些微微失神的吕清儿,笑着调侃道:“你瞧,李洛帮你出气了。” Lu Qing’er is startled, in ice lake apricot has mighty waves, then the mighty waves collect, she shakes the head, said: Has not related with me, this is only he based on the correct choice that the war makes.” 吕清儿微怔,冰湖般杏目中有着点点波澜,而后波澜敛去,她摇了摇头,道:“跟我没关系,这只是他基于战局做出的正确选择。” Li Hongyou smiles, is really a hypocritical girl. 李红柚笑了笑,真是个口是心非的女孩啊。 When all parties made noise, in the hills, Li Luo figure restored the human form, he felt the void that within the body is welling up, been able to bear being flabbergasted, displayed the consumptions of two high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique to be true one after another was too big, even if were nearly found time by his background. 而在各方喧嚣时,群山间,李洛身影恢复成了人形,他感受着体内涌出来的空虚感,忍不住的咂舌,接连施展两道上品天命级封侯术的消耗属实太大了,就算是以他的底蕴都险些被抽空。 Perhaps sister Qing'e, then must look at you, I did not have an ample force.” The Li Luo figure fell on a broken snowy peak, is saying with a smile to the Jiang Qing'e direction. 青娥姐,接下来恐怕就得看你了,我是没一点余力了。”李洛身形落在了一座残破的雪峰上,然后对着姜青娥的方向笑道。 In the Jiang Qing'e beautiful eye exudes to wipe to soften intent, nods slightly: Good, you rest are.” 姜青娥美目中泛起一抹柔意,微微颔首:“好的,你歇息便是。” Then, her top of the head three ten pillars golden platform erupt vast light, simultaneously in hand heavy sword as well as that float goddess Saint flame mirror also pasted again the flame, the point was locking the distant place complexion gloomy to pinnacle Xi Li all. 而后,她头顶三座十柱金台爆发出浩瀚光明,同时手中重剑以及那悬浮的“神女圣焱镜”也是再度流转着火光,锋芒尽数的锁定了远处脸色阴沉到极致的郗厉 Xi Li this time mood, obviously is bad. 郗厉此时的心情,显然是糟糕至极。 How he has not thought, a Li Luo also really sword eliminated Lu Ruyan. 他怎么都没想到,李洛还真的一剑淘汰了吕如烟 Although the present Li Luo also almost strength all loses, but the Jiang Qing'e strength is lossless, now eyes covetously. 虽说现在的李洛也几乎战力全失,但姜青娥却战力无损,如今虎视眈眈。 But now, only leaves behind him, copes Jiang Qing'e. 而如今,只留下他一人,来对付姜青娥 His mother, must capsize...” “他娘的,要翻船了...” In the Xi Li mouth sends secretly painstakingly, resists Jiang Qing'e alone, his not many assurance, but at this time, he was impossible to flinch, after all this relates to so many Heavenly Mirror Sand. 郗厉嘴中暗暗发苦,独自对抗姜青娥,他并没有多少的把握,可这个时候,他也不可能退缩,毕竟这关系到那么多的天镜砂 If this loses completely, even he, grievedly extremely. 这若是全部输掉,就算是他,都会心痛万分。 Come, makes me have a look, your unparalleled third grade, actually fierce!” Xi Li face upwards the long and loud cry, both hands closes up, shoots up to the sky just like the meteorite star light lithography. “来吧,就让我看看,你这无双三品,究竟有多厉害!”郗厉仰天长啸,双手合拢,宛如陨石般的星光石印冲天而起。 He raised the head, the whole face fights intent. 他抬起头来,满脸战意。 But so fights intent, continued several breaths merely, he sees Jiang Qing'e behind, the endless ray blooms, a huge goddess light shadow appears. 但这般战意,仅仅持续了数息,他就见到姜青娥身后,无尽光芒绽放,一道巨大的神女光影浮现。 Meanwhile in that goddess hand, has a to mount the magnificent Saint swords of seven gems. 同时在那神女手中,持有一柄镶嵌着七颗宝石的华丽圣剑。 But goddess another hand, then grasps that to surge the goddess Saint flame mirror of terrifying Saint flame , the Saint flame howls like the vastness. 而神女另外一只手,则是握着那涌动着恐怖圣焱的神女圣焱镜,其中,圣焱如汪洋般呼啸而出。 The Jiang Qing'e beautiful cheeks are indifferent exceptionally, forehead traces ancient mark to erupt unprecedented light. 姜青娥绝美的脸颊冷漠异常,眉心“溯古相纹”爆发出前所未有的光明 Finally, the goddess holds the sword, cuts suddenly. 最后,神女持剑,骤然斩下。 This flash, between Heaven and Earth only has light to bloom. 这一霎那,天地间唯有光明绽放。 Feels that powerful constriction, in the Xi Li eye is exuding panic-stricken, but is a anger howls, stimulates to movement the star light lithography, gathers all strengths, welcomed outrageously. 感受着那股强悍的压迫感,郗厉眼中泛起惊恐,但还是一声怒啸,催动星光石印,聚集所有力量,悍然迎上。 Rumbling! 轰轰! The light Saint flame surges, the flame of as if net world, the washout world, put down all. 光明圣焱涌动,仿佛净世之炎,冲刷天地,扫平了一切。
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