The chaosswordembryocuts the vault of heaven, is coercing the destructionstrength, cutstoLu Ruyan.
The goal that Li Luochooses, came as a surprise toeveryone, no onehas thought,hefermentsfor a long timeoffensive, does not gotoXi Liunexpectedly, insteadcuttostrongestLu Ruyan.李洛所选择的目标,出乎了所有人的意料,谁都没想到,他酝酿许久的攻势,竟然不是冲着郗厉而去,反而是斩向了最强的吕如烟。Thiscaused a bigsoundin an uproaronnumerousstands.
The Saintbirdwillow eyebrowstighten, said: „Li Luothisboy is really also extremely arrogant, the Lu Ruyanstrengthis strongest, harbors the powerfulcard in a handinevitably, even if his killsto incur, is still very difficultto eliminateit.”
圣雀儿柳眉紧锁,道:“李洛这小子也真狂妄,吕如烟实力最强,必然怀有强力底牌,即便是他这道杀招,也很难将其淘汰。”„Why doesn't hechooseXi Li? even/includingShangqitenfingers, were inferior that itsfinger/refers of truthdoesn't understand?!”
“他为什么不选择郗厉?难道连伤其十指,不如断其一指的道理都不懂吗?!”Thesetwoheaven's fate gradeduke technique that Li Luodisplays are very indeed strong, butLu Ruyanhow couldsimple? Shealsocastten pillars golden platform, byhaving the backgroundstrength, how manyby farLi Luodoes not know . Moreover, Li Luohasheaven's fate gradeduke technique, by the Lu Ruyanstatus, cannot build?李洛施展出来的这两道天命级封侯术的确很强,但吕如烟又岂能简单?她自身同样铸就了一座十柱金台,论起底蕴实力,远胜李洛不知多少,而且,李洛有天命级封侯术,以吕如烟的身份,难道还能未曾修成?Thereforefrom the beginningeveryonethinksLi Luothiskillsto incur, goestoXi Liinevitably, becausethiscan the bigprobabilitycauses heavy losses to the lattereveneliminates.
所以一开始所有人都以为李洛这杀招,必然是冲着郗厉而去,因为这能够大概率的将后者重创甚至淘汰。In that case, isJiang Qing'eandLu Ruyanmakesfinaldetermining the final outcome, paved the way.
那样一来,也就为姜青娥与吕如烟做最后的决胜,铺平了道路。Butat presentLi LuochoseLu Ruyanis the goal, if the lattertoowill not affect the battle efficiency the injuryto meethimbysome, then insteadcanbe a Jiang Qing'epersonfacingbesieging.
而眼下李洛选择了吕如烟为目标,若是后者只是以一些并不会太影响战斗力的伤势将其接了下来,那么接下来反而会是姜青娥一人面对围攻。After alldisplaystwosohighrankduke techniqueLi Luoone after another, battle efficiencyin a short timeenormousweakening.
毕竟接连施展出两道如此高品阶封侯术的李洛,短时间内的战斗力将会极大的削弱。Even, will also become the burden.
甚至,还会成为累赘。Whythis is also the peoplebecause of the choice of Li Luo the doubtspuzzledplace.
When outsidenumerouslyin an uproar, thatplacesLu Ruyan in hills is also startled, at onceon her charmingmovingcheeks is hasto wipeto sneerto reappear.
场外众多哗然时,那身处群山中的吕如烟也是一怔,旋即她那娇媚动人的脸颊上便是有着一抹冷笑浮现出来。„Li Luo, inunparalleled heaven's chosenI have ever seen, you do not calculate that mosthas the ability, but is actually mostextremely arrogantandignorant!”
When the redlipsis spitting the words of taunt, Lu Ruyanslenderboth handsalsorapidfluctuatesto make a debut the seallaw, coldfrostresonance power that in an instant, whether there isto rushboundlesssweeps acrossfromitswithin the body.
The coldworld, became the chilly weatherinthis time.
Before seeing only the Lu Ruyanbody, ices the bluecoldfrostto congealat an exceptional pace, shortseveral breaths, thenchanged into a roughlyseveral thousandzhang (3.33 m)hugeice mirror.
只见得吕如烟身前,冰蓝色的寒霜以惊人的速度凝结,短短数息,便是化为了一道约莫数千丈庞大的冰镜。Buton the ice mirror, inscribes a gianticephoenix, ices the phoenixwingto stretch, the snowstormfalls in torrentsinbetween Heaven and Earthimmediatelyunder.
The Lu Ruyanlightsoundresounds: „Li Luo, heaven's fate gradeduke technique, althoughis tyrannical, butyouare usedto bully others, here, possiblydoes not haveto have the effect that youthink.”吕如烟淡淡的声音响起:“李洛,天命级封侯术虽然强横,但你用来欺负其他人还可以,在我这里,可能没你想的那么有效果。”Thenherjaderefers tounder the flying highpoint.
而后她玉指凌空点下。middle gradeheaven's fate gradeduke technique, ices the phoenixspiritshadowmirror.中品天命级封侯术,冰凤灵影镜。Cry!
The cleardelightfulphoenix crysound, spreadsfromthatice mirror, then the ice mirrorbecomeseven morelimpid, just likecanat the same time the godmirror of reflectingworld.
清脆悦耳的凤鸣声,自那冰镜中传出,而后冰镜变得愈发的清澈,宛如一面可以倒映天地的神镜。Butat this time, in the mirror of thissnow and ice, reflects the chaosswordembryo that unexpectedlycameair-splitting.
而此时,这面冰雪之镜中,竟然倒映出了一道破空而来的混沌剑胎。Nextflickers, mysteriousappeared, sees onlyinthaticephoenixspiritshadowmirror, there is an enormous and powerfulsnow and icemighty currentto howl, sees onlytogetherhasexactly the sameswordembryo, inseparation of husband and wifefromthatice mirror.
下一瞬,玄妙的一幕出现了,只见那冰凤灵影镜内,有浩荡的冰雪洪流呼啸而出,只见得有一道一模一样的剑胎,自那冰镜内破镜而出。Thisswordembryo, withthat that Li Luostimulates to movement, is exactly the same.
这道剑胎,与李洛所催动的那一道,如出一辙。ButonLu Ruyanthisswordembryo, is flowing the billowingfrostcold air, place visited, worldfrozen.
只不过吕如烟这道剑胎上,流淌着滚滚冰霜寒气,所过之处,天地冰封。Butfrostswordembryo that Lu Ruyanstimulates to movement, triggered a bigvibration, no matter whatbecausewhocan look, this heaven's fate gradeduke techniqueextremelymysterious, can actually shine upon the offensive of opposite party, byswordembryotoswordembryo!
而吕如烟所催动的冰霜剑胎,也是引发了不小的震动,因为任谁都看得出来,她这道天命级封侯术极为的玄妙,竟然能够映照对方的攻势,以剑胎对剑胎!Suchmethod, it may be said thatwithstrong!
这样的手段,可谓是遇强则强!Strangeis inappropriatesheto seeLi Luo when kills a move of offensiveto cometoher, does not fearcounter-happily.
怪不得当她见到李洛的杀招攻势对着她而来时,不惧反喜。Nextflickers, the coldfrostswordembryopasses through the vault of heaven, chopsto cutwith that butbelowchaosswordembryo, bumps intooutrageously.
轰!Bothcollide, the energyshock-wave of thatterrifyingdestroysin a complete messthishills, does not know that manyicy peaksbreakaround the middle, splash the everywherefrostair/Qi.
两者碰撞,那恐怖的能量冲击波将这片群山摧毁得一塌糊涂,不知多少冰峰拦腰而断,溅起漫天冰霜之气。Evenplacesmanyobserving outside battlefield, canfeel such collisioniswhat kind ofwild.
即便是身处战场外的众多观战者,都是能够感受到此等碰撞是何等的狂暴。ThatFang Xingyuncomplexionis dignified, wild of theoffensiveLi Luoerupts, evenhefeelsscalp tingles, thereforehelookstonearbyShui Baoping, at this timelatter'scheek is also appearsto wipe the palecolor.
那方行云脸色凝重至极,李洛爆发出来的这道攻势之狂暴,连他都感到头皮发麻,于是他看向一旁的水宝瓶,此时后者的脸蛋也是浮现出一抹苍白之色。„What kind of? Ihave said that strugglesto crossto fight, even ifLi Luodoes not usethatsay/wayhaving a nightmaretechnique, is still also hiding a strongercard in a handinevitably.”
“怎么样?我说过,争渡战上,李洛就算不施展那道魇术,也必然还藏着更强的底牌。”„His sword, does yourpresentpromoteenteredseventh grade, dareto meet?”
The Shui Baopingcomplexionis resentful, thesword that Li Luoeruptsat this time, don'tsaid that islower seventh grade that this justpromoteentered, even iftradesto makethatXi Lito come up, perhapsis the fate of heavy losses.水宝瓶脸色悻悻,李洛此时爆发出来的这一剑,莫说是她这刚晋入的下七品,就算是换作那郗厉上去,恐怕都是重创的下场。„Was too abnormal.”Shui Baopingsighs.
“太变态了。”水宝瓶叹了一口气。„Lu Ruyan is also very strong, Li Luothatsword, has the sign that kept off.”Fang Xingyuntightis staring atthatenergywreaking havocsourceplace, there, the chaosswordembryoreleasestopinnaclesword qiswiftly and fiercely, tearingis destroying the presentall, butthatcoldfrostswordembryo is also spurtsto be thin the enormous and powerfulcold current, withittobang.
“不过吕如烟也很强,李洛的那一剑,有被挡下来的迹象。”方行云紧紧的盯着那能量肆虐的源头处,在那里,混沌般的剑胎释放着凌厉到极致的剑气,撕裂毁灭着眼前的一切,但那寒霜剑胎同样是喷薄着浩荡寒流,与之对轰。Bothfell intoshortdeadlock.
两者陷入了短暂的僵持。„Xi Libegan!”
“郗厉动手了!”But in Li LuoandLu Ruyantobumping, thatXi Li is actually figurechanges into the flowing lightto goinviolently shootsto the formersuddenly, simultaneouslythousandzhang (3.33 m)hugestar lightresonance powermighty currentcutstogethertoLi Luo.
而就在李洛与吕如烟对碰时,那郗厉却是身影猛然化为流光对着前者所在暴射而去,同时一道千丈庞大的星光相力洪流斩向李洛。Xi Lialsounderstandsthis timeLi Luo, becausedisplaystwoheaven's fate gradeduke technique, isresonance poweris closeto exhaust, at this timeacts, happen tocutsto fallit.郗厉也明白此时的李洛因为施展两道天命级封侯术,已是相力接近耗尽,此时出手,正好将其斩落。Bang!
轰!Howeverhisherejustmoved, a sacredandmagnificentlightgreatswordthencutsto fallfrom the horizon, a swordcutsbrokenthatstar lightresonance powermighty current, changes intoeverywhereluminous spot.
The Jiang Qing'egolden colorpupilice-coldgazeXi Li, sheis extending the white hands, tiessealsuddenly.姜青娥金色眸子冰冷的注视着郗厉,她伸出玉手,骤然结印。Sees onlyitsforehead„tracesancientmark” to eruptdazzlinglight, amongspread the sound of dragon's roarunexpectedly, nextoneflickers, sacredbig dragon, roared an all over the body.
只见得其眉心处的“溯古相纹”内爆发出耀眼光明,其内竟是传出了龙吟之声,下一瞬,一条通体神圣的巨龙,咆哮而出。Thatis the lightbig dragon, itsbodyrolled up, changed intoonelikemountaincoiled dragongreatseal, thencoerced the strength of vastsuppression, the overheadis fallingtoXi Li.
那是光明巨龙,其身躯蜷缩,化为了一座如同山岳般的蟠龙巨印,而后裹挟着浩瀚的镇压之力,当头对着郗厉落下。InitiallyLi Luoobtained„Dragon Blood Tracing Ancient Technique”in the Heavenly Dragontreasure house, butJiang Qing'e, obtainedheaven's fate gradeduke technique.
那是...middle gradeheaven's fate grade, lightcoiled dragonseal!中品天命级,光明蟠龙印!Howeverbecausethistechniqueneedsdragon resonance's power, thereforeJiang Qing'e must with the aid have the dragonto bestrength the thing of medium.
不过由于此术需要龙相之力,故而姜青娥还需借助一些具备龙属力量的媒介之物。lightcoiled dragonsealis sending outendlesslight, enlargementrapidlyin the Xi Lieye pupil, hiscomplexionchanges, a long and loud cry, sees onlythatstar lightlithographyalsoto shoot up to the sky, withitcrash.光明蟠龙印散发着无尽光明,在郗厉眼瞳中急速的放大,他面色为之变化,一声长啸,只见得那星光石印也是冲天而起,与之相撞。Rumbling!
轰轰!Bothbanghits, triggers the hugeenergyimpact.
The sleeves on Xi Liboth armsbreakinthis time, sky over the top of the head, the star lightlithographyerupts the sound that creaks, fallingsuccessively, thatseriouspressure, causeshiswithin the bodyvitalitysharpshake.郗厉双臂上的衣袖在此时震碎,头顶上空,星光石印爆发出嘎吱的声响,一节节的落下,那种沉重至极的压力,引得他体内气血剧烈的震荡。ButJiang Qing'esuppressesXi Lifull power, the goldenpupillightactuallygoes toanother sidetwoswordembryos.
而姜青娥全力镇压住郗厉,金色眸光却是投向另外一边的两道剑胎。Twoswordembryostobumping, obviouslyis the chaosswordembryo of Li Luoswift and fierce, this pointwas driven back to lookfromthatcoldfrostswordembryoslowly, butLu Ruyanactuallyespeciallysly, shehas not struggled the temporaryadvantage, butis drawing support fromoverbearingcoldfrostresonance power, unceasingreduces and solveschaosswordembryosending outsharpsword qi.
两道剑胎对碰,明显是李洛的混沌剑胎更为的凌厉,这一点从那寒霜剑胎缓缓被逼退就可看出来,但吕如烟却是格外的狡猾,她并未争一时之利,而是借助着自身霸道的寒霜相力,不断的化解混沌剑胎散发的锋锐剑气。Butherresonance powerrankis higher than Li Luoare too more, once the timelengthens, Li Luothisusesfull power the eruptionmustkill the move, the sharp qiwill gradually retreat, at the appointed time, iscarving of hercounter-attack.
而她的相力等级比李洛高太多,一旦时间延长,李洛这倾尽全力爆发的必杀之招,就会逐渐锐气退去,到时,就是她反扑之刻。HoweveralthoughLu Ruyanabacusgreat, butshehas not actually expected, thatistacit understanding and coordination between Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo.
The Jiang Qing'epupillightgoes tothat sideLi Luo, happen tosaw that the latterto/clashesherto nod the headwith a smileslightly.姜青娥眸光投向李洛那边,正好见到后者冲她笑着微微颔首。Thereforeabove the Jiang Qing'etop of the head, „goddessSaintflamemirror”bloomslight, sees onlythatSaintflamelike surging tidesto sweep across, finallyinthatnumerousstunnedvision, fallsto the thatchaosswordembryo that Li Luostimulated to movement.
The Saintflamefalls, destructionsword qi that above the swordembryosurgeswithdrawsin abundance, whateveritcoveredbeside the swordembryo.
圣焱落将下来,剑胎之上涌动的毁灭剑气纷纷退避,任由其覆盖在了剑胎之外。two attributes is differentresonance power, actuallydistinguishes right from wronginthis time, gathering of committing the slightest offenseinone.两种属性皆是不同的相力,在此时却是泾渭分明,秋毫无犯的合在了一起。Thisseemingly simpleone, actuallyneedstwo peoplenearlyintentioninterlinkedtacit understanding.
The Saintflameflows, sweeps across the overbearingcold air that comes, unceasingpurification.
圣焱流淌,将那席卷而来的霸道寒气,不断的净化。Suddentwo peoplecoordinate, makingLu Ruyanstare, thencomplexionimmediately a paleness, joining of thatJiang Qing'e, althoughhas not giventoobigblessingdirectly, butitslight resonance's power, oncepurified the corrosion of cold air, thismostmakesLi Luothatchaosswordembryodisplaysufficientlyitssharpside.
突如其来的两人配合,让得吕如烟一愣,然后脸色顿时一片铁青,那姜青娥的加入,虽然并未直接给予太大的加持,但其光明相力一旦净化了寒气的侵蚀,这就足以让得李洛那混沌般的剑胎将其最为锐利的一面发挥出来。Planning that shemade, was eradicated.
A Lu Ruyanwordstoothnearlybit.吕如烟一口白牙都险些咬碎了。At this moment, shefelt that receivedsuddenly/violentlyto strike.
这一刻,她感觉受到了暴击。Fightswellfights, these two have the showlove, scatters the doggrain?!
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