AC :: Volume #7

#643: Your this puppet, done good

Chapter 643 your puppet, done good 第643章你这傀儡,做的不错 New Land Republic. 新陆合众国。 Great quantity floats the spore dust that from Mexico, at this time scatters in entire New Land various places. 巨量的从墨国飘来的孢子粉尘,此时在整个新陆的各处飘散。 In several days, this spore dust is from the sky floats the subsidence with the wind not only unceasingly, the place visited, in some moist places, the new abyss mushroom grows rapidly, later blows out more spore dust. 几天的时间里,这孢子粉尘不光是不断随着风在空中飘洒沉降,所过之处,在一些湿润的地方,还有新的深渊蘑菇迅速生长,随后爆出更多的孢子尘埃。 Meanwhile, giant spore dust Aerin as if there is life to be the same, after leaving Mexico, lingers unceasingly in the entire New Land Republic, for a very long time does not leave. 同时,巨大的孢子尘埃云仿佛拥有生命一样,在离开墨国之后,不断盘桓在整个新陆合众国之中,久久不离开。 Looks from the satellite cloud picture, this big spore dust Aerin looks like the sand storm cloud cluster of epic level to be the same, covers the entire New Land Republic. 从卫星云图上看去,这诺大的孢子尘埃云就像是史诗级的沙尘暴云团一样,将整个新陆合众国覆盖。 The place that Cheyenne Mountain is at becomes eye of wind. 这其中,夏延山所在的地方成为了一个风眼。 Can see from several days of satellite cloud picture changes, just started introduction, is spore dust Aerin from Mexico, but to behind, is the spore dust that in the New Land Republic the abyss mushroom of spontaneous growth releases. 从几天的卫星云图变化可以看出,刚开始的“引子”,是来自墨国的孢子尘埃云,而到了后面,就是新陆合众国境内自发生长的深渊蘑菇所释放出的孢子尘埃了。 The spore dust of these growth and release, made the entire north New Land sky unceasingly is a murkiness, even if were the high noon ten points , seemed to be ordinary in the dusk. 这些不断生长和释放的孢子尘埃,令整个北新陆的天空都是一片昏沉,哪怕是正午十分,也仿佛在黄昏一般。 The disease outbreak of a lot of respiratory tract and asthma class, making in the hospital be fully occupied. 大量的呼吸道和哮喘类的疾病爆发,让医院之中人满为患。 Even New Land Republic president, directly issued the national emergency mobilization order. 甚至连新陆合众国总统,都直接下达了全国紧急状态动员令。 At the beginning, some people also doubts, after all were the hurricane attack destroyed an entire city even if, or other what extreme natural disasters appeared, few directly issued the national emergency law. 刚开始的时候,民众们还有些疑惑,毕竟哪怕是飓风来袭摧毁了一整座城市,又或者什么其他的极端自然灾害出现,也鲜少直接发布全国紧急状态法令。 This time like sand storm same dust Aerin, although had many related diseases, the hay fever that but this thing and pollen dust cause essentially is actually same, should be insufficient directly to issue the national emergency? 这次不过是如同沙尘暴一样的尘埃云,虽然出现了不少相关疾病,不过这东西和花粉尘埃导致的花粉病其实本质上是一样的,应该不至于直接发布全国紧急状态吧? Later many people discovered behind this real reason! 只是随后很多人就发现了这背后的真正原因! When that spore dust Aerin's New Land after entire filled some time, some take addiction of abyss mushroom for a long time, started to have the different changes! 当那孢子尘埃云在整个北新陆弥漫了一段时间之后,一些长期吸食深渊蘑菇的成瘾者,开始出现了不同的变化! First is lots of addiction presents the illusion, and displays hot tempered testy, presents no difference to attack others 's symptom, lets an entire north New Land confusion. 首先是大量成瘾者出现幻觉,并且表现得暴躁易怒,出现无差别攻击他人的症状,让整个北新陆一片混乱。 Drug addict who many heavy abyss mushrooms become addicted , is not only the character becomes hot tempered testy . Moreover the body also started to have the change. 紧接着,很多重度深渊蘑菇成瘾的瘾君子,不光是性格变得暴躁易怒,而且身体也开始出现了变化。 Has first been reported that is one takes the abyss mushroom for a long time, is occupied by the tramp on Xingxiang city street. 最先得到报道的,是一名长期吸食深渊蘑菇,居住在新乡城街道上的流浪汉。 This tramp shouted loudly in the spore dust, later the body started to present the serious variation, grew a strange head on the shoulder unexpectedly again, simultaneously two heads all turned into the wolf same strange appearance, the full mouth sharp tooth, the body was covered with grows hair, starts to attack the passing pedestrian. 这名流浪汉在孢子粉尘之中大喊大叫,随后身体开始出现严重变异,竟然在肩膀上再次长出了一个诡异的脑袋,同时两个脑袋全都变成了狼一样的诡异模样,满口尖利的牙齿,身体长满长毛,开始袭击过往的行人。 After he ate two passers-by, New Land Soul Bureau in the local squad catches up with the elimination. 一直到他吃掉了两个路人之后,新陆镇魂局在当地的小队才赶来将之消灭。 Related news on direct same day front page headline, especially rushed above some short video sites directly searched for hotly. 相关的新闻直接上了当天的头版头条,特别是在一些短视频网站之上直接冲上了热搜。 Sighs with emotion this spore dust caesalpina japonica in the New Land person is strange, will cause the person variation unexpectedly time, they discovered, originally this merely is a start. 就在新陆人感慨这孢子尘埃云实在是古怪,竟然会导致人变异的时候,他们才发现,原来这仅仅是一个开始罢了。 Quick, more and more variation events start to appear, some have the zombie to report, some have the strange lizard person to appear, some have the monster of snake head person to come, some have the vampire to appear, wait wait/etc. etc.. 很快,越来越多的变异事件开始出现,某地有僵尸报道,某地有怪异的蜥蜴人出现,某地有蛇头人身的怪物现身,某地有吸血鬼出现,等等等等。 The appearances of these monsters are not the rumors, because online all has all kinds of videos, many video photography had been pouched even in the belly by these monsters. 这些怪物的出现并不是谣传,因为网上全都有各种各样的视频,很多视频拍摄者甚至已经被这些怪物吞进肚子里。 Not is only this monster appearance, much the seemingly normal person, turning into the good-for-nothing was the same, vision is dull, in the mouth was saying language that some are ancient and abstruse difficult to understand. 不光是这种怪物出现,还有不少看起来正常的人,变成了行尸走肉一样,目光呆滞,口中说着一些古奥难懂的语言。 When surrounding person with these person of exchanges, these people go crazy immediately same shout loudly, take cutting tool no difference to attack the surrounding person, their scalps living peels! 当周围的人和这些人交流沟通的时候,这些人立刻发疯一样大喊大叫,拿着刀具无差别攻击周围的人,将他们的头皮活生生的剥下来! Some historians also issue the statement at this time rapidly, those who said these people to say is the ancient Indian, likely took possession wait/etc by the soul of Indian indigenous people. 一些历史学家此时也迅速发表声明,说这些人说的是古印第安语,很可能是被印第安原住民的灵魂附体等等。 The entire New Land Republic several million people take the abyss mushroom for a long time, at this time the complete variation becomes various monsters. 整个新陆合众国足足有几千万人长期吸食深渊蘑菇,此时则全部变异成为了各种怪物。 Meanwhile, some extremely terrifying lifeform appears, including the cockroach group that an entire small town swallows completely, hill-like mouse, the monster of sphinx wait wait/etc. etc.. 同时,还有一些极为恐怖的生物出现,包括将一整个小镇完全吞噬的蟑螂群,小山一样的老鼠,狮身人面的怪物等等等等。 All kinds of the signal that requests reinforcements outward, exploded the entire network crowded, the vision of the world projects. 各种各样的对外求援的信号,挤爆了整个网络,全世界的目光都投射过来。 Meanwhile, the leadership of New Land Republic lost the contact directly, New Land Soul Bureau is also in chaos, is unable to make the corresponding explanation. 与此同时,新陆合众国的领导层则是直接失去了联系,就连新陆镇魂局也是一片混乱,根本无法做出相应的解答。 All kinds of rumor run all over the place, some people said that the president has encountered the monster attack dead in the White House underground refuge shelter, some said that Washington is occupied by some powerful monster, but also some people said that all these are actually the plots of New Land Soul Bureau, all come from New Land Soul Bureau in Cheyenne Mountain Base new moon landing project wait/etc. 各种各样的谣言满天飞,有人说总统已经在白色宫殿的地下避难所遇到怪物袭击身亡,有的说华府已经被某个强大的怪物所占据,还有人说这一切其实都是新陆镇魂局的阴谋,一切都来自新陆镇魂局在夏延山基地内部的“新登月项目”等等。 Suddenly entire New Land has become a confusion. 一时间整个新陆已经变得一片混乱。 Is several days of time, entire northern New Land had fallen into the panic and revelry of anarchism! 仅仅是几天时间,整个北新陆已经陷入了无政府主义的恐慌和狂欢之中! Although most people do not know that had anything, actually understands that this absolutely is arrival of end! 绝大部分人虽然根本不知道发生了什么,却明白这绝对是一场末日的降临! This is endures compared with judgment day's disaster! 这是堪比世界末日的灾难! Not only there is a monster to appear, similarly also some savage gangsters, start to kill people or take by force crazily to commit murder while this confusion, wait wait/etc. etc.. 不单单有怪物出现,同样还有一些凶残的匪徒,趁着这混乱开始疯狂杀人或者打劫行凶,等等等等。 Does not know that many people were killed, most people hide in oneself family/home, in constant anxiety, does not know whether this world must be destroyed. 不知道有多少人就此丧命,绝大部分人都躲在自己的家中,惶惶不可终日,不知道是否这个世界都要被毁灭。 What makes their desperate is, many people attempt to pray to the god, was actually discovered from the safe house by these monsters rapidly, calls out pitifully is slaughtered, as if they to god's pray is a signal that attracts the monster. 更让他们绝望的是,很多人尝试向神祈祷,却迅速被那些怪物从藏身处中找出,惨叫着被屠杀,似乎他们对神的祈祷是一个吸引怪物的信号。 The people are never so no use, the army and town/subdues soul that bureau they depend on, simply has not played any role at crucial moments, instead does not know the trace. 民众从未如此无助,他们所倚仗的军队和镇魂局,在关键时刻根本没有发挥任何作用,反而不知所踪。 At this time they really needed the hero...... 这个时候他们实在是太需要英雄了…… Heroes! 英雄! Does not know that is who takes the lead to think, from northern New Land recent supernatural Awakener, or the true hero, is that Night Watchman! 不知道是谁率先想到,距离北新陆最近的超自然觉醒者,或者说真正的英雄,就是那位守夜人 Thinks before , in all of Mexican, many people starts to pray to Night Watchman in that legend at this time , some people start to pray to Collector. 想到之前在墨国发生的一切,很多人此时开始向那个传说中的守夜人祈祷,也有一些人则开始向收藏家祈祷。 After all, prayed to these two mysterious powerhouses, has become a subculture phenomenon, has disseminated to north from Mexico, network the population of related fan club reaches as high as 1 million. 毕竟,向这两个神秘强者祈祷,早就已经成为了一种亚文化现象,从墨国一直向北传播,网络上的相关粉丝俱乐部的人数都高达百万。 Suddenly, increasing number of people to Night Watchman and Collector pray. 一时间,越来越多的人向守夜人收藏家祈祷。 They had not discovered, when they prayed in the heart, similarly had tiny bit mental power to flow out from their within the body, floods into underground that giant mental power sea, passed to the vein following entire New Land mental power, went toward the Clean Association headquarters base in Hong country's! 他们并没有发现,当他们在心中祈祷之时,同样有一丝一毫的精神力从他们的体内流出,涌入地下的那巨大的精神力海洋,顺着整个新陆精神力传到脉络,朝洪国的清洁协会总部基地而去! ...... …… What's the matter!? 怎么回事儿!? This all defeated!? 这就全败了!? One crowd of waste! 一群废物! Above the mental power altar, Li Fan looks at an numerous Suppressing Prison convict who drops from the midair, in the heart complains crazily. 精神力祭坛之上,李凡看着从半空中跌落的一众镇狱囚徒,心中疯狂吐槽。 Moreover he can look, including the dream demon, this group of Suppressing Prison convicts was really defeated. 而且他能够看出来,包括梦魔在内,这帮镇狱囚徒是真的被打败了。 Does not disguise. 并不是假装。 After all facing the situation of old god , the old god and abyss lifeform is the mortal enemy, wants to install unable to install, must first live. 毕竟面对旧神的情况下,旧神和深渊生物是死敌,想装也装不出来,首先得活下来啊。 Another these Suppressing Prison convicts under his prison Lord long-term despotic power, no one dare to be present at work do not strive, really spelled to go all-out a moment ago. 再一个这些镇狱囚徒在他这个狱主的长期淫威之下,谁也不敢出工不出力,刚才是真的拼尽全力了。 Does to that Chenxing Road Spain and France also to have the powerful old gods in these hells, obviously borrowed the strength of this so-called hell, is a strength of entire mystical place. 奈何那晨星路西法还有那些地狱之中的强大旧神,明显是借用了这所谓的地狱之力,也就是一整个秘境的力量。 Originally after the abyss lifeform leaves the abyss, was suppressed, the population and strength were suppressed by the opposite party, during the charge that will therefore meet the tough head-on with toughness in this is defeated, moreover received the heavy wound. 本来深渊生物离开深渊之后就受到压制,人数和战力又被对方压制,因此才会在这硬碰硬的冲锋之中落败,而且受了不轻的伤。 The bodies of life three giants were hewn giant fragments, after falling to the ground, wriggles to congeal rapidly together. 生命三巨人的身体都被砍成了一块块巨大的碎片,落地之后才迅速蠕动凝结在一起。 The eight heads of Eight Heads Dharma king were pierced by a lance directly, stubbornly foot pin rod in ground, above divine nature brilliance suppression by that lance. 八首法王的八个脑袋直接被一柄长矛洞穿,死死地钉在地面上,被那长矛之上的神性光辉镇压。 Other Suppressing Prison convicts have the damage respectively, even the dream demon complexion is pale, the shadow became gloomy. 其他的镇狱囚徒也是各有损伤,甚至梦魔都面色惨白,影子变得暗淡了许多。 Hung upside down hell peak, Athena moves sideways to appear in the side of Chenxing Road Spain and France, the sinking sound said: 倒悬的地狱顶端,雅典娜闪身出现在晨星路西法的身边,沉声说道: Why doesn't begin? We should follow up a victory with hot pursuit, infiltrates dead out during Lord of Suppressing Prison, otherwise he arrived thoroughly is complete!” “为什么不动手了?我们应该乘胜追击,将镇狱之主打入寂灭之中,否则等他彻底降临就全完了!” Even if these Suppressing Prison convicts are routed now, even if Lord of Suppressing Prison were surrounded, Athena and other old gods do not dare to be close to Lord of Suppressing Prison one step. 哪怕现在那些镇狱囚徒被击溃,哪怕镇狱之主被困住,雅典娜等旧神也不敢接近镇狱之主一步。 Is ominous is too abundant. 实在是凶名太盛。 Even the attack, still rumbled by far the past, no one wants with the Lord of Suppressing Prison close combat. 就算是刚才的攻击,也都是远远轰过去,没人想和镇狱之主近战。 However some Athena similar doubts, present Lord of Suppressing Prison, as if in her mind is not quite same. 不过雅典娜同样有些疑惑,现在的镇狱之主,似乎和她印象中的不太一样。 That six wing four lifeform four head simultaneously are staring at the pale ghosts and demons above mental power altar, said with the tone that dreads extremely: 那六翼四首的生物四颗头颅齐齐盯着精神力祭坛之上的苍白鬼魅,用极为忌惮的语气说道: Lord of Suppressing Prison does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, at least we are unable to extinguish It kill, the action, will instead make It get out of trouble rashly, your duty is to direct It comes out, but my duty awakens It.” 镇狱之主不死不灭,起码我们是无法将祂灭杀的,贸然行动,反而会让祂脱困,你的任务是引祂出来,而我的任务则是将祂唤醒。” Athena stares, said: 雅典娜一愣,说道: Awakens? What awakens?” “唤醒?什么唤醒?” She discovered suddenly, originally besides hell demon god surprise-attack forces, a lot is this solemn war and Minerva has not understood. 她猛然发现,原来除了地狱魔神这一支奇兵之外,还有很多事情是她这个堂堂战争与智慧女神所根本不了解的。 Finishes speaking, listens to a numerous demon god mouth in hell simultaneously to make the strange sound, like wailing, seems like reading aloud. 话音刚落,就听地狱之中的一众魔神口中齐齐发出诡异的声响,如同在哀嚎,又像是在念诵。 Their huge strengths let nine hell simultaneously rotations that this hangs upside down, huge symbols and rune/symbol writing shine in the midair, inspires in the sea of below mental power wild mental power, as if a particle accelerator is common, compresses one bunch mental power, the instantaneous bang enters in the energetic body of that pale ghosts and demons! 他们庞大的力量让这倒悬的九层地狱齐齐转动,一个个巨大的符号和符文在半空中亮起,引动下方的精神力之海中狂暴的精神力,仿佛一个粒子加速器一般,将精神力压缩成一束,瞬间轰入那苍白鬼魅的精神体之中! The fierce pain transmits in the energetic body, the Li Fan whole body trembles, later he feels, as if has anything to wake up in his mind. 剧烈的痛苦在精神体之中传来,李凡全身一颤,随后他感觉到,似乎有什么东西在他的脑海中醒来。 That is a long-slumbering consciousness! 那是一个沉睡已久的意识! The sound that taunted resounded in his mind: 紧接着,一个略带嘲讽的声音在他的脑海中响起: „, Your this puppet, does well.” “呵,你这傀儡,做得不错。”
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