AC :: Volume #4

#359: The scene is cruel and callous

Looks that above bookshelf laugh wildly the head that shouts toward him, during that dense and numerous air shrinkage head/number of people, Song Lian is falling into instantaneously was demented. 看着书架之上的一颗颗朝着他狂笑大喊的头颅,那密密麻麻的干缩人头,宋濂在瞬间陷入了癫狂之中。 He imagined came in the later many scene, has not actually thought what sees is so strange one. 他原本想象了进来之后的很多场景,却没想到看到的是如此诡异的一幕。 What is most essential, these heads, have him to know! 最关键的是,这些人头,有很多他都认识! Or had paid attention to the information of opposite party, moreover knows the appearance of opposite party. 或者说,都曾经关注过对方的信息,而且知道对方的样貌。 Here head, each is the big shot of large-scale Awakener criminal organization, at least is also the high level. 这里的头颅,每一个都是大型觉醒者犯罪组织的头面人物,起码也是高层。 But now, all with teasing the vision of ridicule looks at Song Lian, seems looking at a joke. 而现在,全都用戏谑而嘲弄的目光看着宋濂,仿佛在看一个笑话。 The ear is the noisy words also has the strange low sound of talking, as a result of the reason of angle of view, the line of sight of Song Lian whole person was very low, looked that seemed like to the surrounding is looking at the colossus. 耳边是嘈杂的话语还有诡异的低语声,由于视角的缘故,宋濂整个人的视线很低,看向周围的一切都像是在看庞然大物。 The intense monster sense of fear packages him, making his whole person feel a dizziness, dizzy, the expression that the surroundings these little bear puppet moe dull as if also becomes evil. 强烈的巨物恐惧感将他包裹,让他整个人都感觉一阵眩晕,天旋地转,周围那些小熊玩偶呆萌的表情似乎也变得邪恶至极。 The base and low, tiny and desperate feeling that is hard to resist, welled up Song Lian the heart instantaneously, crushed his pride and self-confidence, the whole person only wants to shrink one group, oneself will hide. 一股难以抵挡的卑微、渺小、绝望的感觉,瞬间涌上宋濂的心头,击碎了他的骄傲和自信,整个人只想缩成一团,将自己藏起来。 In the Suppressing Prison study room, the heads on bookshelf send out the frantic ridicule. 镇狱书房之中,书架上的头颅们发出疯狂的嘲笑。 One crowd brings dull little bear puppet that is sprouting the smile to hold in the mouth the smoke, same spheres the chicken puppet like the prison tyrant, smokes while teases, occasionally also lifts the foot to kick the chicken puppet. 一群带着呆萌笑容的小熊玩偶叼着烟,如同狱霸一样围住小鸡玩偶,一边抽烟一边调笑,偶尔还抬脚踢一下小鸡玩偶。 The chicken puppet collapses to the ground, lifts the wing that the cloth strip makes to cover the round head, wept in a low voice. 小鸡玩偶瘫坐在地上,抬起布条做成的翅膀捂住圆圆的脑袋,低声啜泣。 The scene is cruel and callous. 场面残忍而又冷酷。 Arrived in Song Lian the brink of collapse, the whole person as if turned into a grain of dust same time, listened to one intermittently to transmit like the strong winds howling sound, the surrounding scene started to have the change suddenly. 就在宋濂来到崩溃的边缘,整个人都仿佛变成了一粒尘埃一样的时候,就听一阵阵如同狂风般的呼啸声传来,周围的场景猛然开始出现了变化。 They still in that study room, the surrounding all turned into various types in an instant greatly like the mountain torture instrument, the lava rushed well up to flow, ice lake galloping blasting open of distant place, in the sky also has the invisible strength, is revolving these terrifying torture instruments, tears into shreds forms unceasingly agglutinates. 他们原本还在那书房之中,转眼间周围的一切变成了各种巨大如同高山般的刑具,熔岩奔涌流淌,远处的冰湖奔腾炸裂,天空中还有无形的力量,正运转着那些恐怖的刑具,将一个个身影不断撕碎又粘合。 They have placed the purgatory! 他们已经身处炼狱! Looks up, at this time they under a mountain big lava and white bones throne, pale ghosts and demons that wears the black hot royal crown, are sitting well above that lava and white bones throne at this time, dignified is looking under. 抬头望去,此时他们就在一座山岳般高大的熔岩与白骨王座之下,一个头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅,此时正端坐在那熔岩与白骨王座之上,威严的望着下方。 Under the throne, one crowd is hard to speak, the indescribable strange and powerful abyss lifeform, at this time is standing two rows. 王座之下,一群难以言说、不可名状的怪异而强大的深渊生物,此时正站成两排。 In their middle grounds, is the shouting devil sovereign who Song Lian was familiar with! 在他们中间的地面上,则是宋濂所熟悉的呼魔鬼皇! That whole body is covered with the old god of eye jet black, at this time body surface these once were the places of eye, had all turned into the dense and numerous blood holes, is flowing out the thick blood stain unceasingly. 那个全身漆黑长满眼睛的旧神,此时身体表面那些曾经是眼睛的地方,已经全都变成了一个个密密麻麻的血洞,正不断从中流出浓稠的血污。 He only had an eye, long above the palm of palm. 他只剩下了一颗眼睛,就长在手掌的掌心之上。 the devil sovereign to crawl at this time in the place, held up the eye of right hand palm cautiously slightly, looks at the surrounding all. 呼魔鬼皇此时匍匐在地,小心翼翼将自己右手掌心的眼睛微微举起,看着周围的一切。 After seeing clearly that lavas and white bones thrones as well as these terrifying abyss lifeform, shouted the devil sovereign whole body to shiver, like receiving an electric shock general, muttered said: 当看清那熔岩与白骨王座以及那些恐怖的深渊生物之后,呼魔鬼皇全身颤抖,如同触电一般,喃喃地说道: Purgatory...... this is the legend purgatory under Suppressing Prison......” “炼狱……这是传说中的镇狱之下的炼狱……” Nearby Song Lian of chicken puppet appearance even already without enough time desperate, but was surpassed the picture of imagination to attack wooden by this, as if the soul had been above the picture of imagination to tear by these. 一旁小鸡玩偶模样的宋濂甚至已经来不及绝望,只是被这超出想象的画面冲击得木然,仿佛灵魂都已经被这些超乎想象的画面所撕裂。 At this time he thoroughly understands, that man who oneself plan, what kind of existence is. 此时他才彻底明白,自己所算计的那个男人,到底是怎样的存在。 One crowd of heads at this time the second time are lava and white bones throne that present in this purgatory side, that crowd of little bear puppet, facing the present scene, have compared at this time were calmer before. 一群头颅此时已经是第二次出现在这炼狱的熔岩与白骨王座之旁,还有那群小熊玩偶,此时面对眼前的场景,都已经比之前淡定了许多。 The feeling that although still one types must go crazy momentarily, these heads still diligently the fear of innermost feelings and followed crazy that these abyss lifeform developed unceasingly, talking to each other. 虽然仍有一种随时都要发疯的感觉,这些头颅们仍然努力内心的恐惧和跟随那些深渊生物不断滋长的疯狂,相互交谈着。 Suppressing Prison on, god, if I have not remembered incorrectly, in record according to Thai old book, those who kneel there is the shouting devil sovereign in legend? Isn't that the ghost spirit emperor , the Spiritual God in legend?” 镇狱在上,天啊,如果我没有记错的话,按照暹罗古籍之中的记载,跪在那里的是传说中的呼魔鬼皇?那不是鬼灵的帝王,传说中的神灵吗?” This is a trial! This is under the crown to shouting the trial of devil sovereign!” “这是一场审判!这是冕下对呼魔鬼皇的审判!” Is honored, what kind of being honored! We can witness the so great time unexpectedly!” “荣幸,何等的荣幸!我们竟然能见证如此伟大的时刻!” „, This chicken is awakens to shout the chief criminal of devil sovereign, under the crown also brings him to here, obviously to let him feels the great strength under crown.” “诸位,这只鸡就是唤醒呼魔鬼皇的罪魁祸首,冕下将他也带到这里,显然是为了让他感受到冕下的伟岸之力。” One crowd of heads exclaimed in surprise again, is Suppressing Prison the Lord invincible might such as the prison subdues. 一群头颅再次惊叹,为镇狱之主的神威如狱而折服。 little bear puppet have not been idling, entrained directly from the ground Song Lian's chicken puppet, is entraining his body helter-skelter, supported in a big way his eye, letting him fully to appreciate present one. 小熊玩偶们也没闲着,直接将宋濂的小鸡玩偶从地上拽起来,七手八脚拽着他的身体,把他的眼睛撑大,让他能充分欣赏眼前的一幕。 The lava with the white bones throne , the life three giants also glimpsed side these to seem like the dust same human head at this time, at this time is talking in whispers: 熔岩与白骨王座之下,生命三巨人此时也瞥见了旁边那些像是尘埃一样的人类头颅,此时正在窃窃私语: Under crown...... under the crown his hobby is that...... that unique......” “冕下……冕下他的爱好还是那么……那么的独特……” „The head of that several human, wrapped a strange outer covering probably, is really...... is really the unique aesthetic standard......” “那几个人类的头颅,好像还套了一层古怪的外壳,实在是……实在是独特的审美观……” Worthily is under a crown, this type to the human careful research in every way possible, being worth studying......” “不愧是冕下,这种对人类细致入微的研究,值得我们学习……” In nearby Sur look full is the doubts, toward lives to ask in a low voice wickedly: 旁边的克苏尔眼神中满是疑惑,低声朝恶生问道: Why under the crown can come these dirty low disgusting thing belts? Was has a liking for one to feel nauseated simply......” “为什么冕下要把这些肮脏低等恶心的东西带过来?简直是看上一眼就要吐了……” Hears this saying, chaotic complexion one austere, scolded: 听到这话,混乱面色一肃,呵斥道: Shut up! This is the pet under crown! Rears in a pen the head of human and even human, is one lofty and unique pet hobby that under the crown initiates, you can not like, but with your low level questioned the aesthetic appreciation under crown aesthetically!” “住口!这都是冕下的宠物!圈养人类乃至人类的头颅,是冕下发起的一种高雅而又独特的宠物爱好,你可以自己不喜欢,但不要用你低级的审美去质疑冕下的审美!” Sur complexion big change, denied hastily: 克苏尔面色大变,连忙否认道: I do not have, I do not dare! I mean, originally this low dirty lifeform, after under the crown trains, seems like also...... also very lovable...... you look at that leather sheath , is really......, lovable.” “我没有,我不敢!我的意思是,原本这种低等肮脏的生物,被冕下调教之后,看起来还……还挺可爱的……你们看那个皮套,啧啧,实在是……唉,可爱啊。” Puts on the maggot of clothes, it is the maggot...... 穿上衣服的蛆,它还是蛆啊…… The life three giants have a look at Sur who looks the embarrassment, looks at each other one mutually, shakes the head slightly. 生命三巨人看看面露难色的克苏尔,相互对视一眼,微微摇了摇头。 This is a fool, empty is flattery with the winding cannot, later cannot the long-standing and deep-rooted friend. 这是个傻子,连虚与委蛇溜须拍马都不会,以后不能深交。 They look again to the surrounding abyss lifeform, at this time somewhat is also astonished slightly however. 他们再次看向周围的深渊生物们,此时也是微微有些讶然。 The wind blade in purgatory stopped, the dream demon, nightmare, misfortune wait/etc, these were once thrown into the purgatory to suffer existence of torture, at this time was also released, standing of being grateful there, stands under the lava and white bones throne. 炼狱之中的风刃停了,梦魔、噩梦、厄运等等,这些曾经被丢入炼狱之中遭受酷刑的存在,此时也都被释放出来,感恩戴德的立在那里,侍立在熔岩与白骨王座之下。 Especially the misfortunes and nightmare two people, saw after shouting the devil sovereign, must cry simply. 特别是厄运和噩梦二人,看到呼魔鬼皇之后简直都要哭了。 Finally some people relayed. 终于有人来替班了。 At this moment, above the lava and white bones throne, wear the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons say with the low and deep and hoarse sound: 就在这时,熔岩与白骨王座之上,头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅用低沉而嘶哑的声音开口说道: „The people of abyss, the despicable old god are conspiring their clever tricks, today I will place on trial shout the devil sovereign, making you also understand conspiring of old god!” “深渊的子民们,卑劣的旧神正在密谋他们的诡计,今日我将审判呼魔鬼皇,让你们也明白旧神的密谋!” Afterward shows a cruel and strange smile, bends down to look to shouting the devil sovereign, asked: 随后露出一丝残忍而诡异的笑容,俯身看向呼魔鬼皇,问道: the demon, said that what are the old gods planning? Can with the abyss be an enemy?” “呼魔,说吧,旧神们在筹谋什么?是不是要与深渊为敌?” the devil sovereign to feel the terrifying constriction that pale ghosts and demons are bringing, an eye that will only remain held up, shivers was saying: 呼魔鬼皇感受着那苍白鬼魅带来的恐怖压迫感,将仅剩的一颗眼睛举起,颤抖着说道: „The lord of great Suppressing Prison, suppresses under all crowns, returns to your words, I...... I do not know that...... I in deep sleep of dying out, hears some indistinct words, after I wake up, all changed, my mystical place dwelling place of Buddhist immortals had also been sealed up, I...... my anything do not know that...... does not know anything aims at the abyss the plot......” “伟大的镇狱之主,镇压一切的冕下,回您的话,我……我不知道啊……我只是在寂灭的沉睡之中,听到一些隐约的话语,当我醒来之后,一切都变了,我的秘境洞天也已经被封闭,我……我什么都不知道啊……更不知道什么针对深渊的阴谋……” The pale ghosts and demons above lava and white bones throne narrow the eye, looks that at present cut and bruised shouts the devil sovereign, said slowly: 熔岩与白骨王座之上的苍白鬼魅眯起眼睛,看着眼前遍体鳞伤的呼魔鬼皇,缓缓说道: You are lying.” “你在撒谎。” Nonsense, I know certainly that you do not know, you must know what trial by mass meeting I also do do? To not let these abyss feudal lords and supreme control believes, the old god is truly going for the plot, is good to comfort them, making them do not run all over the place toward the reality in? 废话,我当然知道你不知道,你要知道我还搞什么公审大会?不就是为了让这些深渊领主和至尊主宰相信,旧神确实在搞阴谋,好安抚住他们,让他们不要往现实中乱跑吗? the devil sovereign whole body to shiver, shouted crazily: 呼魔鬼皇全身颤抖,狂喊道: Under great crown, I really do not know, my really anything does not know! Please believe me, I have not listened to any plot of old god, only then whispering in some dreams, I do not know that had anything!” “伟大的冕下,我真的不知道,我真的什么都不知道啊!请您相信我,我根本不曾听过什么旧神的阴谋,只有一些梦中的低语,我根本不知道发生了什么!” I wake you lead the person to come, I do not want to fight with you, was you comes up to give to hit me obviously...... 我醒过来的时候你就已经带人来了,我也不想和你打啊,明明是你上来就把我给打了…… That pale ghosts and demons smile densely, said: 那苍白鬼魅森然一笑,说道: You do not need to reply anything, your appearance, is the answer...... today, Suppressing Prison will offer a sacrifice to the god!” “你无需回答什么,你的出现,就已经是答案……今日,镇狱将祭神!” Hears this saying, an abyss powerhouse on the scene all appears the shocking facial expression. 听到这话,在场的一众深渊强者全都现出震惊的神情。 Offers a sacrifice to the god! 祭神! They too long have not listened to this word. 他们已经太久没有听过这个词。 Subsequently, on everyone's face reveals the wild with joy color. 继而,所有人的脸上都露出狂喜之色。 the devil sovereign to reveal to the desperate look startled, begged: 呼魔鬼皇露出惊慌到绝望的神色,乞求道: „The forgiveness under plea crown, I really do not know that anything aims at the abyss the plot, asking under the crown to forgive, I was only...... am only am awakened by that lowly human, I have never thought offended you, asking you to forgive......” “恳求冕下的宽恕,我真的不知道什么针对深渊的阴谋,求冕下饶恕,我只是……只是被那卑贱的人类所唤醒,我从来不曾想过冒犯您,求您宽恕……” Nearby dream demon said at this time suddenly: 一旁的梦魔此时突然说道: Under crown, I looked that shouted the devil sovereign does not seem like lying, I looked that might as well interrogate slowly......” “冕下,我看呼魔鬼皇不像是在撒谎,我看不如慢慢审讯……” Will shout the devil sovereign to offer sacrifices, was some are extremely careless? 就这么将呼魔鬼皇献祭,是不是有些太过草率了? He felt faintly, in this as if there is secret facts. 他隐隐感觉,这里面似乎另有隐情。 That wears the smile that the pale ghosts and demons face of black hot royal crown ponders, looks to the dream demon, said: 那头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅一脸玩味的笑容,看向梦魔,说道: „Are you questioning me?...... the demon saying that he heard in the dream whispered......” “你在质疑我?哦……呼魔说,他听到了梦中的低语……” Such remarks, the dream demon has a big shock immediately, a surrounding numerous abyss lifeform also all looks with the suspicion look to him. 此言一出,梦魔立刻大惊失色,周围的一众深渊生物也全都用猜忌的眼神看向他。 The dream demon said hastily: 梦魔连忙说道: Is the subordinate neglects, this despicable old god, should offer sacrifices!” “是属下疏忽,这种卑劣的旧神,理应献祭!” He was just put from the purgatory, if were regarded the spy by the lord of Suppressing Prison or gets the brand mark of rebel, even if the entire abyss is unable to accommodate him. 他才刚刚从炼狱之中被放出来,如果被镇狱之主当成奸细或者打上叛徒的烙印,哪怕是整个深渊都无法容下他。 The pale ghosts and demons above lava and white bones throne nod, said: 熔岩和白骨王座之上的苍白鬼魅点点头,说道: Very good , offers a sacrifice to the god.” “很好,那么,祭神吧。” During the speeches, the strength of Suppressing Prison surges crazily, the invisible strength coerces is shouting the devil sovereign, holds toward the above him. 说话间,镇狱之力疯狂涌动,无形的力量裹挟着呼魔鬼皇,将他向着上方托去。 These abyss lifeform in purgatory, together with these human heads, all left the purgatory, went to the Suppressing Prison hall. 炼狱之中的这些深渊生物,连同那些人类头颅,全都离开了炼狱,来到了镇狱的大厅之中。 In these human head panic-stricken looks, in the abyss lifeform wild with joy look, the Suppressing Prison front door opened slowly, shouts the devil sovereign to be towed in the Suppressing Prison hall by the Suppressing Prison strength. 紧接着在那些人类头颅惊恐的眼神中,在深渊生物狂喜的眼神中,镇狱的大门缓缓打开,呼魔鬼皇被镇狱的力量拖到了镇狱的大厅之中。 In the ground finds out innumerable fierce and covers entirely the tentacle of bristles, will shout the body of devil sovereign to tie up, starts to tear slowly. 地面上探出无数条狰狞而布满棘刺的触手,将呼魔鬼皇的身体捆住,开始慢慢撕扯。 In entire Suppressing Prison curls up the strong winds, in leaves of gateways across Suppressing Prison, resounds like roaring the wind sound/rumor, in the wilderness toward abyss transmitted the past by far. 整个镇狱之中卷起狂风,穿过镇狱之中的一扇扇门户,响起如同咆哮般的风声,朝着深渊之中的荒野远远传递过去。 This sound place visited, hid the lifeform in abyss ruins innumerably lifted the head suddenly, a face looked greedily to the Suppressing Prison direction. 这声音所过之处,无数隐藏在深渊废墟之中的生物都猛然抬起了头,一脸贪婪地望向镇狱的方向。 Offers a sacrifice to the god, started! 祭神,开始了!
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