AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2533 Part 1: Northern reinforcements

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Two days later. 两天后。 All armies that gathers at Minas Tiris almost assemble on Perrin plain. 所有聚集在米那斯提力斯的军队几乎都在佩兰诺平原上集结。 Stands looks downward in the city wall, the fully-armed soldier arranges the square formation, hangs the flag on long spear/gun flutters with the wind. The soldiers were filled with by the main road outside city gate, more cavalries and archers treat after the combustion completely, is only left over the remnant eave cliff in the farms. The morning wind has blown the plain, whistling makes noise near the ear, the dawn is reflecting the ray on the lance point. 站在城墙上向下望去,全副武装的士兵排列成方阵,挂在长枪上的旗帜随风飘扬。士兵挤满了城门外的大道两侧,更多的骑兵和弓箭手待在燃烧殆尽后,只剩下残檐断壁的农场间。早晨的风吹过平原,在耳边呼呼作响,晨光在枪尖上反射着光芒。 „Don't you decide to remain?” “你不决定留下来?” Zelin equitation stands near city gate, he has turned head, saw that Al Teja is riding a dark horse, arrives at side him, stands with him abreast in row. 泽林骑着马站在城门口附近,他扭过头,看到阿尔泰娅骑着一匹黑马,走到他身边,和他并排站立。 Has the queen here, I do not need to remain, I have the strength to wield a sword.” Al Teja hanging black secure Liao after cheeks arrives at the ear: Queen said, her remaining strengths do not have the means to participate in a fight, hopes that you pay attention to the security. Also, where did that Elf knight-errant go? I seemed for sometime not to see her.” “有女王陛下在这里,我没必要留下来,我还有力气挥剑。”阿尔泰娅把垂在脸颊一侧的黑安撩到耳后:“女王陛下说,她剩下的力量没办法去参加一场战斗,希望你注意安全。还有,那位精灵游侠去了什么地方?我好像有段时间没有见到过她了。” Enid opens Portal comes the time her keeps river Gucheng. She said at that time must monitor me in the hidden place, therefore we open the door has not called her. Where I do not know her, how can also inform her?” Zelin deliberately lowers the sound saying: She now possibly indignant catches up toward the south. Ok, leave alone she. We must go to the demon to be many immediately, I have not thought that one day also has to kill. Does not know Doug, Bilbo they where.” “伊妮德开传送门来的时候把她留在河谷城了。她当时说要在暗处监视我,所以我们开门的时候就没有叫上她。我不知道她在什么地方,又怎么能去通知她呢?”泽林刻意压低声音说道:“她现在可能正气愤的往南方赶来。好了,别管她了。我们马上就要去魔多,我没想到有一天还有杀回去的时候。不知道格奈娅和芙莉德,还有比尔博他们到底在什么地方。” Al Teja giggle smiled. 阿尔泰娅咯咯的笑了起来。 Saint light on, you really can hurt a lady's heart.” “圣光在上,你真是会伤一位女士的心。” The swan knight and general rode the logistics depot with just the bell in the same place, formed huge cavalry corps. But just the bell heavy infantry and treated from the southern soldier in the same place. Like the past, all Human did not divide the national boundary, composed one together by the army of Aragon director. In the city wall, represents the Saint white tree flag of person sovereign flap flap to make noise in the wind. Aragon Station in just the city wall on bell front door, each soldier can see her form. 天鹅骑士、洛汗骠骑与刚铎骑兵站在一起,组成了一个庞大的骑兵军团。而刚铎的重步兵和来自南方的战士待在一起。不像以往那样,所有的人类不分国界,共同组成了一个由阿拉贡指挥的部队。城墙上,代表着人皇的圣白树旗帜在风中猎猎作响。阿拉贡站在刚铎大门上的城墙上,每一个士兵都可以看得到她的身影。 The soldiers were full of confidence with this war. They just defeated Solon's army, obtained the reinforcements from various localities. The Isildur descendant who in the past beat Solon led the reinforcements to catch up, Isildur cut off Solon's finger personally, was the end for the final alliance war, people also believe, Aragon can achieve the same matter. 士兵们对这场战争充满了信心。他们刚刚打败了索伦的军队,又得到了来自各地的援军。当年击败索伦的埃西铎后裔率领援军赶来,埃西铎亲手斩断了索伦的手指,为最后联盟大战画上了句号,人们也相信,阿拉贡可以做到相同的事情。 In the bugle horn sound, the army opens orderly dials, marches to the north. Many generals hope that can attack the Minas devil's lair, Minas Ethiel, the sister city of this Baicheng seizes. But considering that abides by the commandments the route of person, Aragon decides to assemble the black gate all armies finally completely, forcing Solon to mobilize demon many all soldiers to fight a decisive battle with it. 在号角声中,部队有序开拨,向北方进军。许多将军希望可以进攻米纳斯魔窟,将米那斯伊希尔,这座白城的姐妹城重新夺回来。但考虑到持戒人的路线,阿拉贡最终决定将所有的军队全部调集到黑门,逼迫索伦动员魔多中的所有士兵与之决战。 The bugle horn sound reverberation sky over Baicheng, many residents in city arrives on the street, gazes after the soldiers to leave. 号角声回荡在白城上空,城内的许多市民都走到街道上,目送士兵们离开。 Lies down Vigini in hospital sits suddenly sets out, her both hands are covering the eye, lets soak the magic potion towel to paste on the eyelid, is insufficient to fall, in the sound is somewhat panic: What's the matter? What sound is this? Enid, you in? Sally? Where are you at?” 躺在医院里的维吉妮亚忽然坐起身,她双手捂着眼睛,让浸透魔药的毛巾贴在眼皮上,不至于掉下来,声音中有些惊慌失措:“怎么回事?这是什么声音?伊妮德,你在吗?希莎莉?你们在哪?” Several pigeon are flapping the wing, has flown near the window. 几只白鸽扑扇着翅膀,飞过窗边。 I here, do not worry, Wigny.” A slender hand holds down the shoulder of Virginia, on the nail is smudging the scarlet red cuticle cream: Do not worry, this was not attacked. Was they must go to battle with the demon be many, they must attack the fort of enemy.” Flange said in a soft voice: Okay rest, when other person of Kay spins time, you should be able to restore.” “我在这里,别担心,维妮。”一只纤细的手按住维吉尼亚的肩膀,指甲上涂抹着深红色的指甲油:“别担心,这不是遭到进攻。是他们要出征魔多了,他们要去进攻敌人的要塞。”法兰茜丝卡轻声说道:“好好休息吧,等到其他人旋的时候,你应该就能恢复了。” Virginia bends the waist, double is hand-held the forehead to weep in a low voice. 维吉尼亚弯下腰,双手扶着额头低声啜泣起来。 Already three days, Enid.” Saying of her pain: I still could not see any ray. Can eight holy spirit on, I also restore? Do I want to lose one's sight?” “已经三天了,伊妮德。”她痛苦的说道:“我仍然看不到任何光线。八圣灵在上,我还能恢复吗?我难道要失明了吗?” Relax, cannot.” Flange is touching the back in Virginia: „Can't you believe me? I have seen all kinds of curses, more than 20 years ago, I processed the case of big queen blood incantation to be recorded in the textbook in Will. Now you must do listens to my arrangement, I ensure you will restore in the time of their Kay spin. Certainly.” “放心,不会的。”法兰茜丝卡抚摸着维吉尼亚的背部:“你难道不能相信我吗?我见到过各种各样的诅咒,二十多年前,我在柯维尔处理大女王血咒的案例可是被记载到了教科书里。你现在要做的就是听我的安排,我保证,你会在他们旋的时间恢复。一定。” Flange has seen such situation. The person who just lost the line of sight will fall into not well-known frightened and anxiety unavoidably, she has not understood this feeling, but few people can accept quietly. 法兰茜丝卡见到过这样的情况。刚刚失去视线的人难免会陷入不知名的恐惧和焦虑,她没有体会过这种感觉,但很少有人能平静接受。 Pats the Virginia back, flange is embracing into the bosom her. 拍着维吉尼亚后背,法兰茜丝卡把她揽入怀中。 However is one makes a debut, desire proves the own young miss. 不过是一个初出茅庐,想要证明自己的年轻姑娘而已。 Will I treat as the opponent her before? 我之前怎么会把她当做对手呢? Relieved rest, Zelin they have a powerful weapon, can definitely win.” “安心休息吧,泽林他们有一个强大的武器,肯定能赢的。” Few people know that this matter, flange is one of them, in this in army who attacks the black gate, is hiding a powerful weapon, for resisting Solon. 很少有人知道这件事,法兰茜丝卡是其中之一,在这支进攻黑门的大军中,隐藏着一个强大的武器,用于对抗索伦。 Welcomed morning sun, the regiment cutting edges is crossing Osgiliath rapidly, entered peaceful because of the river east bank. Aragon chooses early morning, the eruption of end volcano stood still temporarily, seems like damaged with the demon multi- armies, the strength of end volcano is also declining. Fills the volcanic ash in sky the sea breeze that was swept across to come by the south to blow off, the shadow flinches in shadow mountain range, as if hides the wild animal in lair, the hatred is gazing at angrily along the Human army who the riverside goes forward. 迎着朝阳,军团先锋迅速越过奥斯吉力亚斯,进入安度因河东岸。阿拉贡选择在清晨出发,末日火山的喷发暂时停歇了,就像是随着魔多大军受创,末日火山的力量也在随之衰退。弥漫着天空中的火山灰被南方席卷而来的海风吹散,阴影退缩在暗影山脉脚下,仿佛一只躲藏在巢穴中的野兽,痛恨愤怒的注视着沿着河边前进的人类大军。
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