两天后。Allarmies that gathersatMinasTirisalmostassembleonPerrinplain.
所有聚集在米那斯提力斯的军队几乎都在佩兰诺平原上集结。Standslooksdownwardin the city wall, the fully-armedsoldierarranges the square formation, hangs the flagonlong spear/gunflutterswith the wind. The soldierswere filled withby the main road outside city gate, morecavalries and archerstreatafter the combustioncompletely, is only left over the remnanteavecliffin the farms. The morningwindhas blown the plain, whistlingmakes noisenear the ear, the dawnis reflecting the rayon the lance point.
站在城墙上向下望去,全副武装的士兵排列成方阵,挂在长枪上的旗帜随风飘扬。士兵挤满了城门外的大道两侧,更多的骑兵和弓箭手待在燃烧殆尽后,只剩下残檐断壁的农场间。早晨的风吹过平原,在耳边呼呼作响,晨光在枪尖上反射着光芒。„Don't youdecideto remain?”
“你不决定留下来?”Zelinequitationstandsnearcity gate, hehas turned head, saw that AlTejais riding a dark horse, arrives atsidehim, standswithhimabreast in row.泽林骑着马站在城门口附近,他扭过头,看到阿尔泰娅骑着一匹黑马,走到他身边,和他并排站立。„Has the queenhere, Ido not needto remain, I have the strengthto wield a sword.”AlTejahangingblacksecureLiaoaftercheeksarrives at the ear: „Queensaid,herremainingstrengthsdo not have the meansto participate in a fight, hopes that youpay attention to the security. Also, where did thatElfknight-errantgo? Iseemedfor sometimenot to seeher.”
“有女王陛下在这里,我没必要留下来,我还有力气挥剑。”阿尔泰娅把垂在脸颊一侧的黑安撩到耳后:“女王陛下说,她剩下的力量没办法去参加一场战斗,希望你注意安全。还有,那位精灵游侠去了什么地方?我好像有段时间没有见到过她了。”„EnidopensPortalcomes the timeherkeepsriverGucheng. Shesaidat that timemustmonitormein the hidden place, thereforeweopen the doorhas not calledher. WhereIdo not knowher, how can also informher?”Zelindeliberatelylowers the sound saying: „Shenowpossiblyindignantcatches uptoward the south. Ok, leave aloneshe. Wemustgo to the demonto be manyimmediately, Ihave not thought that one dayalsohasto kill. Does not knowDoug, Bilbotheywhere.”
阿尔泰娅咯咯的笑了起来。„Saintlight on, youreallycanhurt a lady'sheart.”
The swanknightandgeneralrode the logistics depotwithjust the bellin the same place, formedhugecavalry corps. Butjust the bellheavy infantryandtreatedfrom the southernsoldierin the same place. Like the past, allHumandid not divide the national boundary, composedonetogetherby the army of Aragondirector. In the city wall, represents the Saintwhitetreeflag of personsovereignflap flapto make noisein the wind. Aragon Stationinjust the city wall on bellfront door, eachsoldier can seeherform.
The soldierswere full ofconfidencewiththiswar. TheyjustdefeatedSolon'sarmy, obtained the reinforcementsfrom various localities. The Isildurdescendant who in the pastbeatSolonled the reinforcementsto catch up, Isildurcut offSolon'sfingerpersonally, was the endfor the finalalliancewar, peoplealsobelieve,Aragoncanachieve the samematter.
士兵们对这场战争充满了信心。他们刚刚打败了索伦的军队,又得到了来自各地的援军。当年击败索伦的埃西铎后裔率领援军赶来,埃西铎亲手斩断了索伦的手指,为最后联盟大战画上了句号,人们也相信,阿拉贡可以做到相同的事情。In the bugle horn sound, the armyopensorderlydials, marchesto the north. Manygeneralshope that canattack the Minasdevil's lair, MinasEthiel, the sister city of thisBaichengseizes. Butconsidering thatabides by the commandments the route of person, Aragondecidesto assemble the blackgateallarmiesfinallycompletely, forcingSolonto mobilizedemonmanyallsoldiersto fight a decisive battlewithit.
The bugle horn soundreverberationsky overBaicheng, manyresidents in cityarrives on the street, gazes after the soldiersto leave.
号角声回荡在白城上空,城内的许多市民都走到街道上,目送士兵们离开。Lies downViginiinhospitalsitssuddenlysets out, herboth handsare covering the eye, letssoak the magic potiontowelto pasteon the eyelid, is insufficientto fall, in the soundis somewhat panic: „What's the matter? Whatsound is this? Enid, youin? Sally? Where are youat?”
躺在医院里的维吉妮亚忽然坐起身,她双手捂着眼睛,让浸透魔药的毛巾贴在眼皮上,不至于掉下来,声音中有些惊慌失措:“怎么回事?这是什么声音?伊妮德,你在吗?希莎莉?你们在哪?”Severalpigeonare flapping the wing, has flownnear the window.
几只白鸽扑扇着翅膀,飞过窗边。„Ihere, do not worry, Wigny.” A slenderhandholds down the shoulder of Virginia, on the nailis smudging the scarlet redcuticle cream: „Do not worry, thiswas not attacked. Wastheymustgo to battle with the demonbe many, theymustattack the fort of enemy.”Flangesaidin a soft voice: „Okayrest, whenotherperson of Kayspinstime, youshouldbe ableto restore.”
“我在这里,别担心,维妮。”一只纤细的手按住维吉尼亚的肩膀,指甲上涂抹着深红色的指甲油:“别担心,这不是遭到进攻。是他们要出征魔多了,他们要去进攻敌人的要塞。”法兰茜丝卡轻声说道:“好好休息吧,等到其他人凯旋的时候,你应该就能恢复了。”Virginiabends the waist, doubleis hand-held the foreheadto weepin a low voice.
维吉尼亚弯下腰,双手扶着额头低声啜泣起来。„Alreadythreedays, Enid.”Saying of herpain: „I still could not seeanyray. Can eightholy spirit on, Ialsorestore? Do Iwantto lose one's sight?”
“已经三天了,伊妮德。”她痛苦的说道:“我仍然看不到任何光线。八圣灵在上,我还能恢复吗?我难道要失明了吗?”„Relax, cannot.”Flangeis touching the back in Virginia: „Can't youbelieveme? Ihave seen all kinds ofcurses, more than 20years ago, Iprocessed the case of bigqueenbloodincantationto be recordedin the textbookinWill. Nowyoumustdolistens tomyarrangement, I ensure youwill restorein the time of theirKayspin. Certainly.”
“放心,不会的。”法兰茜丝卡抚摸着维吉尼亚的背部:“你难道不能相信我吗?我见到过各种各样的诅咒,二十多年前,我在柯维尔处理大女王血咒的案例可是被记载到了教科书里。你现在要做的就是听我的安排,我保证,你会在他们凯旋的时间恢复。一定。”Flangehas seensuchsituation. The person who justlost the line of sightwill fall into not well-knownfrightened and anxietyunavoidably, shehas not understoodthisfeeling, butfew peoplecanacceptquietly.
法兰茜丝卡见到过这样的情况。刚刚失去视线的人难免会陷入不知名的恐惧和焦虑,她没有体会过这种感觉,但很少有人能平静接受。Pats the Virginiaback, flangeis embracing into the bosomher.
拍着维吉尼亚后背,法兰茜丝卡把她揽入怀中。Howeverisonemakes a debut, desireproves the ownyoungmiss.
Will Itreat as the opponentherbefore?
我之前怎么会把她当做对手呢?„Relievedrest, Zelintheyhave a powerfulweapon, can definitely win.”
“安心休息吧,泽林他们有一个强大的武器,肯定能赢的。”Few peopleknow that thismatter, flangeis one of them, inthisinarmy who attacks the blackgate, is hiding a powerfulweapon, forresistingSolon.
很少有人知道这件事,法兰茜丝卡是其中之一,在这支进攻黑门的大军中,隐藏着一个强大的武器,用于对抗索伦。Welcomedmorning sun, the regimentcutting edgesis crossingOsgiliathrapidly, enteredpeacefulbecause of the rivereast bank. Aragonchoosesearly morning, the eruption of endvolcanostood stilltemporarily, seems like damagedwith the demonmulti-armies, the strength of endvolcano is also declining. Fills the volcanic ash in sky the sea breeze that was swept acrossto comeby the southto blow off, the shadowflinchesinshadowmountain range, as ifhides the wild animalinlair, the hatredis gazing atangrilyalong the Humanarmy who the riversidegoes forward.
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