AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2532 Part 2: Bait plan

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The anti- Chinese zither is also living, he seemed like old suddenly over ten years old , has some pitch-black hair now becomes snow white, the whole person became the depression, was unable to recover. Gandalf had insisted his situation, by the true knowledge crystal stone influence time, he becomes more and more weak, made him before the enemy, so as to avoid frightened, will want to place completely sought for on supreme Lord of the Rings this type of powerful weapons. Sits on the throne of Baicheng, the burden that must undertake is very serious. By the window of royal palace, stands in front of royal palace can see the end volcano that the distant place erupts, once broken through Minas Ethiel, seems always reminding the prince regent, before long, Baicheng will turn into the second Minas devil's lair. 迪耐瑟还活着,他像是忽然苍老了十多岁,原本还有着些许乌黑的头发如今变得雪白,整个人变得精神萎靡,一蹶不振。甘道夫坚持过他的情况,被真知晶石影响的时间里,他变得越来越虚弱,也令他在敌人面前免得恐惧,以至于将希望完全放在了寻找至尊魔戒这种强大武器上。坐在白城的王座上,要承担的负担很沉重。透过王宫的窗户,站在王宫门前就能看到远方喷发的末日火山,还有曾经被攻破的米那斯伊希尔,仿佛随时在提醒着摄政王,过不了多久,白城将变成第二个米纳斯魔窟。 Before this war, we have been arranging a plan, the plan that Solon wipes out.” Gandalf says, others focus on white robe Sorcerer body in abundance. Gandalf explained to others in Rivendell conference, decision that people make: „The Lord of the Rings holder has entered the demon to be many, and sets out to the end volcano. If he regained the Lord of the Rings, victory will vanish into thin air, if he lost the Lord of the Rings, he complete failure. He injected powerful and strength of most essence toward that ring. Lost it, Solon also one and disappears.” “在这场战争之前,我们就已经在筹备一个计划,一个将索伦一举消灭的计划。”甘道夫开口说道,其他人纷纷把注意力放在白袍巫师身上。甘道夫向其他人解释了在瑞文戴尔召开的会议,还有人们做出的决定:“魔戒持有人已经进入魔多,并且向末日火山进发。如果他重新获得了魔戒,诸位的胜利都将化为乌有,而如果他失去了魔戒,他将彻底失败。他往那枚戒指中注入了最强大、最精华的力量。失去了它,索伦也将一并消失。” How adventurous plan.” hope said superiorly: But this without doubt is the best way. Perhaps our armies are unable to break through Solon's defense, delivers to the end volcano to destroy the ring. The guards of several common Huobite people and 1-2 protections, instead may complete the task in secret.” “多么冒险的计划。”希优顿说:“但这无疑是最好的办法。我们的部队也许无法突破索伦的防御,将戒指送到末日火山中销毁。几个不起眼的霍比特人和1-2暗中保护的护卫,反而更有可能完成任务。” Therefore two days later, we want, attacks black gate, we must meet his army, compelling Solon elite completely to leave, and draws out him in demon many remaining armies. Thus, could to abide by the commandments the person catches the opportunity.” Aragon explained to others: Convenes all armies, perhaps we recuperation from this war have not come, but the time does not wait for the person, Solon's plan will not wait for us to restore the strength.” “所以在两天后,我们就要出发,去进攻黑门,我们必须迎战他的大军,逼得索伦精锐尽出,并且引出他在魔多中剩下的军队。这样,也许可以为持戒人争取机会。”阿拉贡对其他人解释:“召集所有军队,或许我们还没有从这场大战中休整过来,但时间不等人,索伦的计划也不会等待我们恢复力量。” Many ....... this was too risky by the existing soldier active offense demon.” Eyam Lahir exhales the tone slowly: But doesn't have the road back now? The Lord of the Rings cannot fall into Solon's hand absolutely, otherwise all of us cannot see the tomorrow's sunrise.” “以现有的士兵主动攻击魔多.......这太冒险了。”伊姆拉希尔缓缓呼出口气:“但如今早就没有回头路了?魔戒绝对不能落入索伦之手,否则我们所有人都看不到明天的日出。” Perhaps will have more Chinese dead in battle in the foreign country.” Silent Greek king Huran has said superiorly, his sound is calm: But Chinese will not evade any in view of Solon's war. The general will flush in attack demon many forefronts, raises in front of monster is our flags!” “也许会有更多的洛汗人战死在异国他乡。”一直沉默的希优顿王忽然说道,他的声音沉稳有力:“但洛汗人不会逃避任何一场针对索伦的战争。骠骑会冲在进攻魔多的最前线,在魔物面前扬起属于我们的旗帜!” I will lead just bell soldier who all can also fight to join.” Muollo said, on his face shows a happy expression: I have hoped one day, can personally lead the army to kill fascinated many. Perhaps we will be defeated, but if we succeeded, the future descendants will live on the land without threat.” “我会率领所有还能战斗的刚铎士兵加入。”波莫罗说,他的脸上露出一丝笑意:“我早就希望有一天,可以亲自率领军队杀入魔多。也许我们会失败,但如果我们成功了,未来的子孙们将在没有威胁的土地上生活。” Aragon both hands support on the desktop: The strength that we have incessantly is this, but some strengths must hide, can give Solon to cause a bigger trouble. Fellow Sirs, two days later, we in city gate building up. Gandalf, Zelin, after the conference ended, I think that we must process the true knowledge crystal stone.” 阿拉贡双手撑在桌面上:“我们拥有的力量不止是这样,但有些力量必须隐藏起来,才能给索伦制造更大的麻烦。各位大人,两天后,我们在城门口集结。甘道夫,泽林,等会议结束后,我想我们要处理真知晶石。”
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