CSG :: Volume #21

#2078: Peerless Generation God King

Jian Chen complexion is dignified, at the same time, in his within the body, Chaos Force that fills destructive aura turbulent the turnover from Chaos Core, just like forming mighty waves Nujiang resembled to result, in his within the body galloping rapidly, not only in short in an instant, then displays peak his Chaos Body defense strength, and incomparable strong Chaos Force, have condensed above the long sword in his hands quietly. 剑尘脸色凝重,与此同时,在他体内,一道道充满毁灭性气息混沌之力汹涌的从混沌内丹中吞吐而出,宛如形成了一道道波涛怒江似得,在他体内急速的奔腾,不仅在短短刹那间,便将他混沌之体防御力发挥到极致,并且更是有一股无比之强的混沌之力,已经悄然间凝聚在他手中的长剑之上。 Immediately, the long sword in Jian Chen hand, its color from initial silver white, turned into a gloominess in a flash, is full of the destructive wild strength to fill the air, sends out to make person palpitation aura, then in the Jian Chen shouted in a low voice sound, the long sword in hand curls up the black light screen to divide together suddenly. 顿时,剑尘手中的长剑,其颜色从最初的银白,转瞬间就变成了一片灰暗,充满毁灭性的狂暴之力弥漫而出,散发出令人心悸的气息,而后在剑尘一声低喝声中,手中的长剑卷起一道黑色光幕骤然劈出。 At the same time, Kai Ya also acted, lifts in the hands, condenses the strength of Destruction Principle, changes into together Grand Dao runes, contains mysterious aura to eject loudly. 同一时刻,凯亚也出手了,抬手间,凝聚毁灭法则之力,化为一道大道符文,蕴含着一股玄而又玄的气息轰然击出。 The attack of their two people, is almost collides at the same time in the hand claw of Goshawk together, but on the hand claw of Goshawk, is indistinct, seems has close azure scales to reappear, covers the place of every inchs his hand claw. 他们两人的攻击,几乎是在同一时刻与苍鹰的手爪碰撞在一起,而在苍鹰的手爪上,隐约间,好似有一层细密的青色鳞甲浮现而出,覆盖他手爪的每一寸地方。 ding~ 叮! Bang! 轰! Two tear the sound of eardrum sufficiently crack, Jian Chen that contains a Chaos Force the hand claw of sword and Goshawk bumps into, sends out to seem the steel junction called the sound unexpectedly. 两道足以撕裂耳膜的声音炸响而起,剑尘那蕴含混沌之力的一剑与苍鹰的手爪相撞,竟发出好似钢铁交鸣般的声音。 The palm incomparable hardness of Goshawk, exceeded high-grade Saint Item simply, even made Jian Chen have an misconception, as if own this sword, did not puncture on the meat palm of opposite party, but punctured on best-quality Saint Item. 苍鹰的手掌无比之坚硬,简直胜过了上品圣器,甚至让剑尘都产生了一种错觉,似乎自己这一剑,并非刺在对方的肉掌上,而是刺在了一件极品圣器上。 Because the palm of Goshawk gives the feeling of Jian Chen, seems best-quality Saint Item! 因为苍鹰的手掌给剑尘的感觉,就仿佛是一件极品圣器 After striking, Jian Chen and Kai Ya two people flutter to draw back simultaneously, the Goshawk strength was too powerful, was better than Mister Shu, they, have not gotten the winning side with joint forces as before. 一击之后,剑尘凯亚二人同时飘飞而退,苍鹰的实力太强大了,远远胜过了书先生,他们二人合力之下,依旧没有占据上风。 However Goshawk by an enemy two, has not had the absolute advantage, sees only his body under fierce shakes , is hard self-made in void retrocedes. 不过苍鹰以一敌二,也是没有占据绝对的优势,只见他的身躯在剧烈一震之下,也是难以自制的在虚空中后退。 This Destruction Principle, seems to be unusual, same Destruction Principle, in that female hand, the might that plays unexpectedly why so strong.” Goshawk whole face surprised and puzzled is staring at Kai Ya, his eyes see Kai Ya merely God King initial-stage cultivation level, to the comprehension of Destruction Principle, stays in the God King initial-stage boundary similarly, the might that however Destruction Principle in the Kai Ya hand, displays actually also wants to be fiercer than God King late-stage, this makes him be shocked. “这毁灭法则,似乎与众不同,同样的毁灭法则,为何在那名女子手中,发挥出的威力竟然这么强。”苍鹰满脸惊讶和不解的盯着凯亚,他一眼就看出凯亚仅仅神王初期修为,对毁灭法则的领悟,同样停留在神王初期的境界,然而毁灭法则凯亚手中,所发挥出的威力竟然比神王后期都还要厉害许多,这让他深感震惊。 In the middle of Destruction Principle that female utilizes, as if many what thing?” When the Goshawk brow slightly wrinkle, is recalling silently with Kai Ya fights, with each detail that Destruction Principle contacts. Because the boundary and cognition limit, he is unable to understand clearly mystery completely. “那名女子所运用的毁灭法则当中,似乎多了一些什么东西?”苍鹰眉头微皱,默默回忆着与凯亚交手时,与毁灭法则接触的每一个细节。然而因为境界和认知所限,他也无法完全洞悉其中的奥秘。 Must hold this female to interrogate surely well, if can grasp this secret skill, then to the family, the significance is significant.” In the Goshawk eye rays of light flashes, the figure rocks, displays rapidly again grazes toward Jian Chen and Kai Ya two people. “定要抓住这名女子好好盘问一番,如若能掌握这种秘法,那对家族来说,意义非常重大。”苍鹰眼中光芒闪动,身形晃动间,施展急速再次朝着剑尘凯亚二人飞掠。 The goal that this time, he will mainly have coped with, shifted from Jian Chen to Kai Ya on. 只是这一次,他已经将主要对付的目标,从剑尘转移到凯亚身上了。 Goshawk speed was really quick, facing the pursuit of Goshawk, Jian Chen and Kai Ya is unable to run away, but, they can only make a move together, with Goshawk fought while drew back. 苍鹰速度实在是太快了,面对苍鹰的追击,剑尘凯亚根本就无法逃走,无奈之下,他们二人只能一同出手,与苍鹰边战边退。 But strength that Goshawk shows, is stronger and stronger, double palm to become claw, rips the day of crack place, every strikes contains the strength of terrifying, not only lets Jian Chen and Kai Ya two people of pressures multiplies, behind follows God King that comes numerously, is looks scared. 苍鹰所展现出的实力,也是越来越强,双掌成爪,撕天裂地,每一击都蕴含恐怖之力,不仅让剑尘凯亚二人压力倍增,就连后面众多跟随而来的神王,也是看得胆寒不已。 This Goshawk strength, actually imagines compared with me even more powerful.” Behind, looks at Goshawk to act, Mister Shu complexion is also becomes dignified incomparable. “这苍鹰的实力,竟然比我想象中的还要强大。”后方,看着苍鹰出手,书先生脸色也是变得凝重无比。 He also mounted God King Ranking Peerless Generation powerhouse, but does not have the qualifications to include the position. Originally in his opinion, compared with his strength and Goshawk, even if there is a disparity, this disparity is still extremely limited, but looks now, knows he and Goshawk strength is huge. 他同样是登上了神王座绝代强者,只是没有资格列入名次而已。原本在他看来,他的实力与苍鹰相比,即便是有差距,这差距也是极为有限,可现在一看,才知道他与苍鹰的实力有多么巨大。 Peerless Generation God King on God King Ranking, is in so the situation unexpectedly powerful, is really incredible. And this Goshawk, ranking on God King Ranking in 950 th, really does not dare to imagine these to rank in hundred merely, even is first ten Peerless Generation God King, is heaven defying how?” In five prince hearts of Blue Sky Dynasty is also shocks. Inherited several million years of Immortal Dynasty prince as one, he also the first time is witnessed Peerless Generation God King to act, that terrifying boundless heaven defying battle strength, gives the impact that he mind brings is phenomenally intense. 神王座上的绝代神王,竟然强大到如此地步,真是令人难以置信。并且这苍鹰,在神王座上的排名仅仅在第九百五十名,真是不敢想象那些排名在百名之内,甚至是前十的绝代神王,又是多么的逆天?”碧落皇朝的五皇子心中也是震撼不已。作为一个传承了数百万年的不朽皇朝皇子,他也是第一次亲眼目睹绝代神王出手,那恐怖无边的逆天战力,给他心灵带来的冲击是空前强烈。 Has Peerless Generation God King to act, this Jian Chen must die without doubt!” When five prince hearts secretly thought, the vision shoots a look at occasionally to Jian Chen, brings to wipe the gloomy and cold color. “有绝代神王出手,这剑尘必死无疑!”五皇子心中暗道,目光偶尔间瞥向剑尘时,带着一抹阴冷之色。 Suddenly, gloomy, a fearful power and influence fills the air in the world, saw only the both sides incomparably giant palm to be filled with the world, replaced Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), camouflaged Azure Sea's Moon, having the terrifying power and influence on strike toward below land. 骤然间,天昏地暗,一股可怕的威势在天地间弥漫开来,只见两面无比巨大的手掌挤满了天地,取代了苍穹,遮蔽了沧海之月,带着恐怖的威势朝着下方的大地拍击了下去。 On this pair of palm, is proliferating the azure scales, each piece of scales contain the powerful fluctuation of energy, is glittering dim azure rays of light. When the palm falls, the trim land that powerful pressure, made is sinking, the innumerable vegetation changed into the smashing. 在这双手掌上,遍布着青色的鳞甲,每一片鳞甲都蕴含着强大的能量波动,闪烁着朦朦胧胧的青色光芒。在手掌落下时,那绝强的威压,令的整片大地都在下沉,无数草木都化为了粉碎。 This is Goshawk powerful strikes, might, frightens the rear many God King complexion blanches, one type faced with the feeling of judgment day. 这是苍鹰绝强一击,威力之强,吓得后方不少神王脸色发白,有一种面临世界末日的感觉。 A Jian Chen long and loud cry, does utmost to act, with the body sword, bringing piece of radiant sword light to shoot up to the sky, with the giant palm conducts the most violent collision at the same time. 剑尘一声长啸,竭尽全力出手,以身化剑,带着一片璀璨剑光冲天而起,与其中一面巨掌进行最为猛烈的碰撞。 Bang! a loud sound, the Jian Chen body pounds to the ground, half body fell into the bottom, the corners of the mouth have the blood to overflow. 轰!”一声巨响,剑尘的身躯砸向地面,半个身躯都陷入了地底之中,嘴角有鲜血溢出。 But Kai Ya is unemotional, vision ice-cold, at this moment, she as if entered an elusive boundary, the entire body and mind calms down completely, as if entered boundary of the altruism, sees only her both hands to refer to the day, immediately, creation, destruction, the strength of divine fire three Principle condense to come simultaneously, surrounds around her. 凯亚则是面无表情,目光冰冷,这一刻,她似乎进入了一种空灵之境,整个身心都完全静了下来,仿佛进入了一种无我之境,只见她双手指天,顿时,创造,毁灭,神火三种法则之力同时凝聚而来,在她周围环绕。 Kai Ya used three Principle without hesitation, the strength of three Principle are uneven, might, increased again a level, when especially the strength of three Principle interwine mutually, as if produced some resonance with world Grand Dao, interweaves mutually, changes into a rays of light bunch to eject like lightning. 凯亚毫不犹豫的动用了三种法则,三种法则之力齐出,威力之强,再次攀升了一个层次,特别是当三种法则之力相互交织在一起时,似乎与天地大道产生了某种共鸣,相互交织间,化为一道光束闪电般击出。 crack!” 咔嚓!” Kai Ya this strikes, has the strength of fairy not measuring, when the strength of her three Principle touch with the giant palm of dropping from the clouds, immediately the resounding transmits from that palm center, sees only there azure scales unexpectedly in the crack, presented a blood hole rainwater, the blood like sprinkles from the upper air under. 凯亚这一击,拥有神鬼莫测之力,当她三种法则之力与从天而降的巨大手掌触碰时,立即是有一阵脆响从那手掌中心处传递出来,只见那里的青色鳞甲竟然在龟裂,出现了一个血洞,鲜血如雨水般的从高空中洒落而下。 Goshawk exudes one stuffily, the footsteps stagger withdrew several steps, looks in the own palms that already the scales that is cracked, in the heart with amazement, the whole face is unbelievable expression. 苍鹰发出一声闷哼,脚步踉跄的退后了几步,看着自己手掌间那已经龟裂的鳞甲,心中一阵骇然,满脸都是难以置信的神色 Possibly, this how is how possible, this Azure Peng scale sheds from the master, was granted by the master to me, its great strength, has exceeded best-quality Saint Item, in Divine Item, how possibly hit disruption.” Goshawk expression blankly looks in the palms the azure scales of that disruption, in the heart raised the startled big wave monstrous waves. “怎么可能,这怎么可能,这青鹏鳞可是从主人身上蜕下,然后被主人赐予给我的,它的强大,已经超越了极品圣器,处于次神器之列,怎么可能被打的碎裂。”苍鹰神色呆呆的看着手掌间那碎裂的青色鳞甲,心中掀起了惊涛巨浪。
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