Unlimited Machine War 机战无限

Prometheus, the infinite fortress of time, a crossover point for the infinite worlds of machine wars, Our protagonist, Xiao Ran, was put into great pressure due to having only attributes that do not exceed 10, making him as weak as a chicken. But being familiar with the storyline of each mission world, Xiao Ran exclaimed that the world would be his.

======================================================== Mission world: “Gundam SEED” -> “Macross F” -> “Gundam 00” -> “Ultimate Mission” -> “Kakumeiki Valvrave”-> “Gundam 0079” -> “Gundam Seed Destiny” -> “Super Robot Wars OG”

Description from Novelupdates
12 Negative
6 Neutral
103 Positive


Translation that you see on this page are machine translations

For human translations visit Blob Translations where it is being translated by Raneday

Novel Informations
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
10 times
Latest retranslation at
2020-01-13 10:23:15
Glossary changes till next retranslation
98 / 389
Favorites 173
Ratings 121
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