Start With Saving The Café 从拯救咖啡店开始

Crossing over to a questionable 2-D World, he carries with him the Rescue System and reaps the benefits it provides.

Can he raise his rank simply by increasing proficiency in skills?

Can he get lottery chances for various goods and abilities just by doing quests?

Can he also go to other 2-D Worlds and complete Rescue Quests?

Bah! What Li Yalin needs to consider before doing all that is earn enough to pay off this hundred million loan and defend this young girl's dream of keeping her café.

After all, one must start from somewhere...

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1 Neutral
5 Positive


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Happy Little Guy
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Retranslations count
1 times
Latest retranslation at
2022-04-12 23:02:37
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7 / 98
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