No Protection Tonight 今夜不设防

Zhuang Feng is in his last year of high school, and he’s just moved to the city. He lives with his good-for-nothing cousin, who’s always on business trips falling for get-rich-quick scams, and his Saozi (sister-in-law), who tries to make his life miserable as much as possible. There’s one upside, though; she. is. freaking. hot. But one day, he found a piece of her underwear in the bathroom…. And unfolded a series of events that will turn his life upside down.

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7 Neutral
20 Positive


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Bamboo Book
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Retranslations count
1 times
Latest retranslation at
2020-12-09 06:37:04
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0 / 163
Favorites 55
Ratings 53
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