Great Hero From 9 to 5 侠之大者,朝九晚五

Xun Wu, a transmigrator, is 24 years of age. He is not a part of a sect or faction, both his parents are dead, and he has no younger sister. He is a mere running dog for the imperial court, but he possesses accumulated profession experience and is thus able to receive the peculiar abilities of profession characteristics. As a constable, in order to be promoted and obtain a raise, he needs to obtain much more experience in order to slack off more comfortably. However, Xun Wu didn't expect to get involved into a martial arts conspiracy...

Since that time onwards, more and more people intruded into his peaceful work life...

Descendant of the Thief Saint, a cute and witty young cat burglar regarded him as an opponent.

Controlling the entire world, the princess who left her home in order to hide herself in the underworld regarded him as the star of the future.

Various famous families in the martial arts circles, peerless talents abound

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