
Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Tribulation of Myriad Clans

Eagle Eating Chicken 100 2020-07-19

2 Negative
6 Neutral
74 Positive

I'm the Tribulation of this All-Heavens' Myriad Clans!

Star Gate

Star Gate

Eagle Eating Chicken 33 2021-08-29

0 Negative
0 Neutral
22 Positive

Legend has it that deep in that old star stands a red door, stained with blood and fire. Legends and myths, darkness and light, and endless tales flow through this ancient portal. Overlooking the star gate, the heat of the heavens and the darkness will pass!

Rebirth of Extra Wealth Rolling In

Rebirth of Extra Wealth Rolling In

Eagle Eating Chicken 4 2021-08-04

0 Negative
2 Neutral
2 Positive

When rebirth became a trend, Li Dong was lucky enough to catch up with the rebirth carriage. I regretted too much in my last life, let him make up for it in this life! Look at the little people back in 2004, with a double harvest of family and love, making a fortune and getting rich!