WORIOA :: Volume #4

#285: 1 million in the army is accepted after passing an examination the severed head

Zheng! 铮! In Qiu ten thousand poor hand the narrow long sword of flood least bit ray does not exude the dragon roar sound, his back appears does not have the concrete shape darkly not fresh, eliminates all vitalities. 邱万生手中不泛半点光芒的狭窄长剑发出龙吟般的响声,他背后现出幽幽暗暗没有具体形状的“无生之相”,摒除一切生机。 That dark green specially-made treasured sword cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, the feather not investigates snort/hum one stuffily, backs up again and again, the chest bursts out blood one after another, before by Qiu ten thousand life and death , the strength of thriving injures. 喀嚓,那口墨绿色的特制宝剑寸寸碎裂,羽无纠闷哼一声,连连倒退,胸口迸发一道又一道的鲜血,被邱万生死前勃发的力量伤到。 Qiu ten thousand live both eyes to be lax, the mouth spurts the blood, may erupt the anger as before, no manages ties down horse roaming and Li Sinong Nangong by a person of strength shortly hates, said with clenched jaws: Taiyuan black ink blood divine sword...... you know has god of evil fortune part of great bear for the master, pains preparation? The good disciple, is really the good disciple!” 邱万生双眼涣散,口喷鲜血,可依旧爆发怒火,没管以一人之力短暂缠住马游和李思浓的南宫恨,咬牙切齿般道:“太元墨血神剑……你是知道为师有七煞天罡佩,才苦心准备的?好弟子,真是好弟子!” God of evil fortune part of great bear, the Hidden Sword Manor secret treasure, can the stress send, keeps off nearly Dharma Body strikes, but once met Taiyuan black ink blood divine sword, the god of evil fortune differentiation, was difficult the effect, if not quite knew about Qiu Wansheng, and when the matter of assassination planned were many, to where discovers a Taiyuan black ink blood divine sword? 七煞天罡佩,藏剑楼秘传宝物,能应激而发,挡近乎法身的一击,可一旦遇到“太元墨血神剑”,七煞分化,难起效果,若非对邱万生相当了解,且刺杀之事谋划多时,到哪里去找出一口太元墨血神剑? Looks always cherishes own master dripping with blood, the shape, if the evil spirit, the feather not investigates reveals several points of guilt rarely: Master, the disciple does not think that but the disciple always works impulsive, likes carrying too far, was tempted to stir up, treads step by step crookedly, results in makes the big mistake, is difficult to recall......” 看着一向爱护自己的师父鲜血淋漓,状若厉鬼,羽无纠难得露出几分愧疚:“师父,弟子也不想的,但弟子一向做事冲动,爱走极端,被人诱激,一步步踏歪,终至铸成大错,再难挽回……” He, transferred the look that renounces suddenly: Master, don't you always cherish the disciple? When dies one time for the disciple, the disciple, Hidden Sword Manor will not perish!” 他顿了顿,忽地转为决绝的神色:“师父,你不是一向爱护弟子吗?就当替弟子死一次,弟子在,藏剑楼就不会亡!” Good, good, good! For the master, for the master calculates today clearly recognized you, was so that's how it is selfish, no wonder after casting the blunder, did not carry a rod and ask for punishment, but fell into Devil Path!” Qiu Wansheng a little returns to consciousness just before dying suddenly, raises head to laugh, all previous founder on. Is the disciple judge is unclear, falls to today's fate, implicates sect, not, if burns this, puts together a fight in which both sides perish!” “好,好,好!为师,为师今日算认清你了,原来如此自私自利,难怪铸下大错后,不是负荆请罪,而是堕入魔道!”邱万生忽有点回光返照,仰头大笑,“历代祖师在上。是弟子识人不明,才落到今天下场,连累宗门,不若燃去这一身,拼个鱼死网破!” His power and influenced acquired over a long period is serious. After striking goes well, the feather not investigates does not dare again to attack, hears word stares, lifting the hand is a sword, vast like graceful, if quickly meteor. Takes Qiu ten thousand to have the forehead, sword over, has the sound and the turbulent airing breaking void. 他积威甚重。一击得手后,羽无纠没敢再进攻,闻言一愣,抬手就是一剑,渺如惊鸿,快若流星。直取邱万生眉心,剑过一阵,方有破空之声与汹涌的气爆。 However in Qiu ten thousand living body has burst out dark sword light, absorbed mortal body Primordial Spirit, absorbed not fresh. Invested that not fresh sword directly. 然而邱万生体内已迸发出一道道幽暗剑光,吸纳了肉身元神,吸纳了无生之相。直接投入了那口无生剑。 Was killed normally, if not meet the restraint method, will would next life reading thinking, but now, Qiu Wansheng the Primordial Spirit perfect combustion, does not keep an escape route, staunch. 正常被杀,若不遇到克制手段,总会有来世的念想,可现在,邱万生将元神完全燃烧,不留一点退路,刚烈至极。 Zheng! 铮! Not fresh sword sends dragon roar again, not only has not burst out the ray. Absorbed the surrounding brilliance on the contrary, shines upon a blackness of fluctuation. 无生剑再发龙吟,不仅没有迸发光芒。反倒吸纳了周围光彩,映照出一片浮动的漆黑。 Dodges jet black, the feather not investigates many extraordinary splendor to be stave. His both eyes circle opens the eyes, falls to the ground softly, does not see the wound, but does not have the least bit vitality. 漆黑一闪,羽无纠身上诸多异彩破碎。他双眼圆睁,软软倒地,不见伤口,但已没了半点生机。 Dead: The feather not investigates 死者:羽无纠 Nickname: Hidden Sword Manor „the graceful glance, Heaven Extinguishing Gate does not have Heavenly Demon 绰号:藏剑楼惊鸿一瞥”,灭天门“无面天魔 Dead shape: sword intent Enthralled, the vitality completely loses 死状:剑意入神,生机尽丧 Score: The success assassinates Earth List sixth hot-tempered person Qiu Wansheng. 战绩:成功刺杀地榜第六“霹雳火”邱万生。 Cause of death: Perishes in Qiu Wansheng to counter-attack. 死因:亡于邱万生反击。 Under divine armament eruption and locking. Even if at present exposes the Exterior Scenery peak strength cancels Chen Shenzhu Nangong to hate is also difficult to keep off strikes, can only move aside distressedly. Let alone the feather not investigates. 神兵爆发且锁定之下。纵使目前展露外景巅峰实力的“勾陈神主”南宫恨也难挡一击,只能狼狈躲闪。何况羽无纠。 Lost the operation, even if there is four Dharma Body sword intent in addition hold. Day lacks the sword ghost born remnantly also gradually becomes chaotic, the enemy peeps the opportunity, the offensive is even more fierce, azure Evil God and Earth Immortal remains and Shaman ancestor god three accurate Dharma Body strengths under the corresponding Grandmaster control, one are breaking sword formation layer upon layer, a surroundings several hundred li (0.5 km) temperature drops, snow and ice fall gently piece by piece. 失了操纵,纵有四道法身剑意加持。“天残地缺剑煞落生阵”也渐渐变得混乱,外界的敌人窥出机会,攻势愈发凶猛,青色邪神地仙遗蜕、萨满祖神三个准法身战力在相应宗师控制下,一层层打破着剑阵,周围几百里气温陡降,一片片冰雪飘落。 Joyous Bodhisattva and Huanxi(joyous) Buddha attacks with divine armament respectively, Impermanence of Life and Death Sect nether world Emperor tumbling blood yellow mist, is corroding sword intent, is washing out forbidden technique, breaks with steady steps. 欢喜菩萨欢喜佛各用神兵进攻,生死无常宗的“幽冥帝君”翻滚血黄色雾气,侵蚀着剑意,冲刷着禁法,稳步打破。 Not fresh sword has Qiu ten thousand to live the remaining Primordial Spirit in addition to hold, in a short time is equal to the Dharma Body operation, transfers jet black again, Nangong hates the eyelid to jump, hurries one side of the body. “无生剑”有邱万生残余元神加持,短时间内等于法身操纵,漆黑再转,南宫恨眼皮一跳,慌忙将身一侧。 His hand culmination remnant sword only leads away with enough time rushes to the thunder to be extremely heavy horse roaming, met by the left body hardly did not see peach blossom a Li Sinong sword, thus the danger danger avoided not fresh sword to strike. 他手中天残剑只来得及引开“奔雷万钧”马游,以左边躯体硬接了“不见桃花”李思浓一剑,从而险之又险避开了无生剑一击。 Is not fresh sword touches and goes merely, the guard Daoist robe that Nangong hates on an cuns (2.5 cm) breakage, was gripped the blood skeleton by Li Sinong sword light, probably a bright peach blossom blooms. 喀嚓,仅仅是无生剑擦过,南宫恨的护身道袍就寸寸破裂,被李思浓的剑光扎出个血骷髅,像是一朵鲜艳的桃花绽放。 When sword qi erupts, Nangong hates the crumb talisman in another hand, figure to vanish, escapes the main hall, formation that the direct impact creakies went. 剑气爆发之际,南宫恨捏碎了另外一只手中的符篆,身影消失,遁出了大殿,直冲摇摇欲坠的大阵而去。 When divine armament assumes an awe-inspiring pose remains in this place non- wise action, Nangong hates to plan to collaborate from outside with the inside, first breaks formation. 神兵发威的时候留于此地非明智之举,南宫恨打算里应外合,先破大阵 He currently also has the little days to lack the sword ghost born remnantly power of the operation! 他现在还有少许天残地缺剑煞落生阵的操纵之权! Generally protects oneself formation is Dharmakaya Level formation, usually with thing of suppression formation eye divine armament or Śarīra, but the critical moment, only has Dharma Body to operate freely, stimulates the full power, grasps divine armament Half-Step Dharma Body reluctantly, but two Grandmaster help control, plug up the leaks, if there is Exterior Scenery peak to wield divine armament, is joined to two Grandmaster help can only be can reluctantly degree, within certain amount of time prevents Dharma Body is not difficult. 一般护身大阵都乃法身级大阵,平日用神兵舍利之物镇压阵眼,而关键时刻,唯有法身才能操纵自如,激发全力,手持神兵半步法身勉强可以,但得两位宗师帮忙控阵,查漏补缺,若只得外景巅峰执掌神兵,配上两位宗师帮忙则仅能达到勉强可以的程度,一定时间内阻挡法身不难。 Qiu ten thousand return alive diverts attention four Dharma Body sword intent, therefore gathers Hidden Sword Manor all Grandmaster help to control, provides against contingencies. 邱万生还得分心四道法身剑意,所以才聚集藏剑楼所有宗师帮忙控阵,以防万一。 Not fresh sword changes to the flowing light, takes Nangong to hate the vest, at the same time to integrate formation, stable formation sign. 无生剑化作流光,直取南宫恨背心,同时有融入大阵,稳固大阵的迹象。 But Li Sinong was startled being startled, innermost feelings was astonished, not fresh sword let loose the ban a moment ago, whatever oneself controlled...... 而李思浓怔了怔,内心一阵讶异,刚才无生剑放开禁制,任由自己掌控…… Controlled not fresh sword, controlled formation. 掌控了无生剑,也就掌控了大阵 Li Sinong got back one's composure instantaneously, had the serious responsibility and sense of mission, the Sect life or death on oneself, she started the long-distance control not fresh sword, attempted to take back Nangong to hate to mountain-protecting formation the power of operation. 李思浓瞬间回神,有了沉重的责任和使命感,门派存亡就在自己身上了,她开始远程掌控无生剑,尝试收回南宫恨对护山大阵的操纵之权。 formation sways, sword qi are chaotic, loses the terrifying feeling that ten thousand swords fired, the prairie and Unorthodox Path alliance sees this heart to be happy, discovered Nangong hates the weakness that creates, the attack is unretentive, the spiked club as if hill of azure great ghost, strokes unceasingly, exudes the fearful explosive sound, Earth Immortal remains concentrates ice soul by the cold air, casts the long sword by ice soul, a sword chops, the faint trace freezes intent to fill the air, the gloomily blue spread, unexpectedly slow the sword formation revolution, the Shaman ancestor god executed various witchcraft divine ability continually, coordinates Joyous Bodhisattva and present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha and the others the divine armament attacks. 大阵摇晃,一道道剑气混乱,失了万剑齐发的恐怖感,草原和左道的联盟见此心喜,又发现了南宫恨造成的薄弱之处,进攻再无保留,青色巨鬼的狼牙棒仿佛一座小山,不断击打,发出可怕的爆炸声,地仙遗蜕以寒气凝成冰魄,以冰魄铸就长剑,一剑劈下,丝丝冻意弥漫,幽蓝蔓延,竟然迟缓了剑阵运转,萨满祖神更是连施各种巫术神通,配合欢喜菩萨、当代欢喜佛等人的神兵攻击。 At once, formation creakies, will crash momentarily, almost can penetrate the light mist, saw that depends cultivation technique to be mysterious, twice avoids the divine armament attack Nangong to hate, saw that Li Sinong flew, the right hand gripped the sword hilt of not fresh sword. 一时之间,大阵摇摇欲坠,随时都会崩塌,几乎能透过淡淡的薄雾,看到仗着功法玄妙,两次避开神兵攻击的南宫恨,看到李思浓飞了上来,右手握住了无生剑的剑柄。 She has become the lord of new Hidden Sword Manor, was planning that the stable day lacks the sword ghost born remnantly, even itself non- Exterior Scenery peak. Also is the first control, but four Dharma Body sword intent and in the horse roaming auxiliary situation, must be able to support one, perhaps when the time comes, the war changed. Perhaps also has to be on good terms sect to ignore the danger to come to rescue! 她已成为新的藏剑楼之主,正打算稳固天残地缺剑煞落生阵,即使本身非外景巅峰。又是第一次掌控,但有四道法身剑意和马游辅助的情况下,应当能多撑一阵,到时候,或许战局就发生了变化。也或许有交好宗门不顾危险前来救援! But, all these establish, in consolidating day lacks the sword ghost born above remnantly! 可是,这一切都建立在稳固住天残地缺剑煞落生阵之上! At present, she grasps divine armament, the itself strength also has Earth List first 100, sword technique is exquisite peerless, in addition rushes to the thunder to be extremely heavy the coordination of horse roaming. Steamroll Nangong hates sufficiently, so long as the horse roaming ties down Nangong to hate, is a matter of sword! 目前,她手持神兵,本身实力也有地榜前一百,剑法更是精妙绝伦,加上“奔雷万钧”马游的配合。足以碾压南宫恨只要马游缠住南宫恨,也就是一剑的事情! However, at this very moment, the enemy does not give the opportunity of panting for breath, the attack is ferocious. Also there is a disturbance that Nangong hates, could not want several breath times, formation to crash quickly. 然而,此时此刻,敌人根本不给喘息的机会,进攻非常猛烈。又有南宫恨的干扰,要不了几息工夫,大阵就快崩塌。 The specific situation, Hass Wula, Joyous Bodhisattva and the others are not clear, but they are old Jiang Hu, the formation condition, they are very how clear, once oneself slow air/Qi. Perhaps the opposite party rallied. 具体的情况,外界的哈斯乌拉、欢喜菩萨等人并不清楚,但他们都是老江湖,大阵的状况怎么样,他们很清楚,一旦自身缓气。也许对方就重振旗鼓了。 The upper air also understands this with Meng Qi that the mental perception peeped, the Hidden Sword Manor life or death in these breath, his intention revolve like lightning. Is searching for the means. 高空用慧眼偷窥的孟奇亦明白这点,藏剑楼存亡就在这几个呼吸之间了,他心念电转。寻找着办法。 A manufacture matter, lets the prairie and Unorthodox Path influence is chaotic, makes up to Hidden Sword Manor does not have the injury time that Heavenly Demon creates...... this is the Meng Qi main idea, he does not want to notice that Hidden Sword Manor was broken, sees Unorthodox Path to be self-satisfied, sees Joyous Temple to be wild. Sees the situation to reverse to the prairie, from now on aristocratic family sect will act as lookout, but since. Helps attack the enemy! 得制造点事情,让草原和左道势力混乱,给藏剑楼弥补无面天魔造成的伤害时间……这是孟奇最主要的想法,他不想看到藏剑楼被破,看到左道得意,看到欢喜庙猖狂。看到大势倒向草原,自此世家宗门望风而从。帮忙攻敌! How can make the matter? 可怎么制造事情? Below has three accurate Dharma Body strengths, divine armament three. The Black List first 43 people, including Earth List fifth, 12 th and 21 st, casual can be drunk a pot by oneself well, not to mention also more than 20 Golden Horde warriors and Longevity Cult Shaman, all are Grandmaster , oneself feared jointly will end up the Cao Xianzhi fate, escapes cannot escape. 下面有三个准法身战力,神兵三件。黑榜前四三人,含地榜第五、第十二和第二十一,随便一个都能让自己好好喝一壶,更别提还有二十多位金帐武士和长生教萨满,皆是宗师,联手之下,自己怕是会落得曹献之的下场,逃都逃不掉。 Even if Touch of Karma is the blade of non-solution, oneself cannot do to divine armament at present mostly, being not necessarily able wait/etc. was effective to the present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha and Joyous Bodhisattva. 就算“沾因果”乃无解之刀,自己目前也多半奈何不得神兵,未必能对当代欢喜佛和欢喜菩萨等有效。 Just braved the idea, in the Meng Qi heart to move, it really had the opportunity! The opposite party have the loophole! 刚冒想法,孟奇心中一动,其实有机会!对方有漏洞! Three accurate Dharma Body strengths, wield the divine armament three Black List eminents, as well as most Grandmaster are attacking day to lack the sword ghost born whole-heartedly remnantly, those who stand guard and guards against the reinforcements is only minority Grandmaster, without the Exterior Scenery peak. 三个准法身战力,执掌神兵的三位黑榜翘楚,以及大部分宗师都在全力以赴进攻“天残地缺剑煞落生阵”,警戒和提防外界援兵的只是少数宗师,没外景巅峰。 So long as non- direct attack accurate Dharma Body and Black List first four, initiate the premonition of their spirit sleep/felt to danger, the time when attacks one time, has rushed to the time of most outer layer warning line, when the time comes, if grasps appropriately, before being locked and collection fire, there is a short-lived opportunity, the matter of competent point vibration prairie and Unorthodox Path alliance runs away smoothly! 只要自己不直接攻击准法身黑榜前四,引发他们灵觉对危险的预感,当有一次进攻的时间,闯过最外层警戒线的时间,到时候,若把握得当,在被锁定和集火前,有个转瞬即逝的机会,能干点震动草原和左道联盟的事情并顺利逃遁! Naturally, if there is accident slightly, seizes the time to be half beat behind, on Myriad Things All Emptiness! 当然,若稍有闪失,把握时机慢了半拍,当就万般皆空 The Meng Qi mind is tranquil, advantages all sorts all well up, makes the resolution instantaneously, without hesitation, is overcautious and indecisive. 孟奇心灵平静,利弊种种皆涌上心头,瞬间就做出决断,毫不犹豫,瞻前顾后。 But how can make chaotic in a big way? 但得怎样才能将混乱制造到最大呢? When does not need I, Meng Qi to sweep slightly had the idea, deeply inspires, spiritual platform exceptionally pure brightness, forgot the life and death, forgot the general situation and situation, the forthcoming goal, dedicated and will be completed devotionally. 时不待我,孟奇略微一扫就有了主意,深吸口气,灵台异常清明,忘去了生与死,忘去了大局与大势,只有即将完成的目的,专注而虔诚去完成。 Meng Qi dives quietly fast the vicinity, before entering the induction range, comes suddenly, near the spatial steps, Shrinks the Earth into an Inch, glitters is firing into besieges the Hidden Sword Manor prairie and Unorthodox Path alliance. 孟奇悄然又飞快潜到近处,进入感应范围前,忽地现身,临空踏步,缩地成寸,闪烁着冲向围攻藏剑楼的草原和左道联盟。 Treads the tread tread tread, two Golden Horde warriors first discovered, various self-cooling snort/hum, wields the long blade, makes blade light, a distance is near, cuts by the main body directly to Meng Qi. 蹬蹬蹬蹬,有两名金帐武士最先发现,各自冷哼一声,挥出长刀,一做刀光,一个距离较近,直接以本体斩向孟奇 Treads the tread tread tread, blade light collapse leisurely/scatter, the long blade rebounds, shakes Grandmaster, the Meng Qi whole body is exuding the pale gold/metal, does not see the least bit scar, when shrinks spatially, the body expands rapidly, several are about ten zhang (3.33 m). 蹬蹬蹬蹬,刀光崩散,长刀反弹,将一位宗师震开,孟奇周身泛着淡金,不见半点伤痕,缩“空”之时,身躯急速膨大,几有十丈开外。 Bang! The Meng Qi muscle dragon knot, hit to fly Grandmaster Shaman who used the witchcraft, hit his mouth to spurt the blood, the Meng Qi footsteps non-stop, flashed before, hits on treasured armament, pointed weapons and Golden Horde warrior at the same time hit to fly, but their Grandmaster domains, their technique law divine ability, their martial arts styles, have not launched with enough time, even launched, hit also such as the fly wasp on Meng Qi shakes the tree, overwhelming majority can only vacillate the pale gold/metal ray slightly, only little stayed behind does not calculate the serious scar. 砰!孟奇肌肉虬结,撞飞了一个施展巫术的宗师萨满,撞得他口喷鲜血,孟奇脚步不停,一个闪现,撞到一口宝兵上,连兵刃带金帐武士同时撞飞,而他们的宗师领域,他们的术法神通,他们的武功招式,都还没来得及展开,即使展开,打在孟奇身上亦如蚍蜉撼树,绝大部分仅能稍微动摇淡金光芒,仅得少许留下不算严重的伤痕。 Pedalled the tread tread tread, Meng Qi broke through the first encirclement ring, was in a good mood, after only the sleep/felt stepped over second Heavenly Stairway, strength full 8 in 9 Mysterious Art is really human form lethal weapon, human form treasured armament! 蹬蹬蹬蹬,孟奇冲破了第一层包围圈,心情畅快,只觉迈过第二层天梯后实力全开的*玄功真是人形凶器,人形宝兵 At this time, the present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha from which idiot had doubts to dare to burst into the enemy lines at first, has not stopped to attack the formation action, developed to understand future Su Meng, extremely arrogant not awfully, he took back the Vajra pestle, is sideways, a pestle will soon pound, the plan was the martial nephew six sexual attractions revenges. 这时,当代欢喜佛从最初“疑惑哪个白痴敢来闯阵”,没停下攻击大阵的举动,发展到明了来者苏孟,狂妄不要命,他收回金刚杵,侧过身,一杵即将捣出,打算为师侄六欲报仇。 Not is only he, the azure great ghost and Joyous Bodhisattva then prepare to attack Meng Qi, a formation pressure suddenly loosen, Li Sinong and horse roaming grasp the opportunity stable little and attack Nangong to hate crazily. 不仅是他,青色巨鬼和欢喜菩萨都转而准备攻击孟奇,大阵压力陡然一松,李思浓和马游抓紧机会稳固少许并狂攻南宫恨。 The Meng Qi mind is bright. Will promote to the premonition of danger to high, in at the same time that meaning of the extreme danger emits, gathers the potential very for a long time blade light the sheath, took own body as treasured armament Splitting Heaven and Earth! 孟奇心灵剔透。将对危险的预感提升到最高,在极端危险之意冒出的同时,蓄势很久的“刀光”出鞘了,以自己身体为宝兵的“开天辟地”! Whiz, blade light cuts the expansive sky. Cut at the side quick speed of destroying the hardest defenses to Golden Horde warrior leader Hass Wula. 嗖的一下,刀光划破长空。以无坚不摧的极快速度斩向了金帐武士首领哈斯乌拉。 Brilliant dazzling, turns into the mountain peak size Vajra pestle to fall, hits under the land hollowly to become lake embryonic form, but hit spatial, was flashed through by Meng Qi ahead of time! 绚烂耀眼,变成山峰般大小金刚杵落下,打得下方土地凹陷成湖泊雏形,但打了个空,被孟奇提前闪过! To assassinate me? Hass Wula sneers, pulls out the sickle. In immediately, is void as if to have electricity together to be luminous, must exceed the line of sight quickly, surpassed the sound, as if must be separated from the fetter of land. 想来刺杀我?哈斯乌拉冷笑一声,抽出弯刀。顿时,虚空里仿佛有一道电光亮起,快得超越了视线,超过了声音,似乎要脱离大地的束缚。 I am the Exterior Scenery peak. Black List first ten, Earth List first 50 powerhouses! 我可是外景巅峰。黑榜前十,地榜前五十的强者! When! Two blade junctions strike, Meng Qi blade potential stops suddenly, appears the main body, has together the deep bloodstain the profile to the neck, blade intent permeating, the injury is heavy, by mortal body, when the pointed weapons bump the Exterior Scenery peak to add Top Grade treasured armament hardly. Unavoidably is injured. 当!两刀交击,孟奇“刀势”戛然而止,现出本尊,侧脸到脖子有一道深深的血痕,刀意渗入,伤势不轻,以肉身当兵刃硬碰外景巅峰加极品宝兵。难免受伤。 Hass Wula backs up several steps, the palm shakes, in heart with amazement. What if the opposite party uses is Top Grade treasured armament, own pointed weapons certainly will definitely be injured, really destroys the hardest defenses...... 哈斯乌拉则倒退几步,手掌微晃,心中骇然。若对方用的是极品宝兵,自己的兵刃肯定会受到一定伤害,真是无坚不摧啊…… He really rejoiced that blocked the opposite party, can besiege, saw suddenly Crazy Blade Su Meng raised the sleeve robe, in the heart immediately raised not the good meaning. 他真庆幸拦下了对方,可以围攻,突地看到“狂刀苏孟扬起了袖袍,心中顿时升起不好之意。 The world is murky. Chaos, spooky dark. Hass Wula is involuntary, invests the sleeve robe that got bigger and bigger. 天地昏沉。混混沌沌,幽幽黯黯。哈斯乌拉身不由己,投入了那越变越大的袖袍。 The universe receives. The prairie and Unorthodox Path alliance division's nominal leaders enter the sleeve, Meng Qi laugh heartily, Primordial Spirit shakes the spatial voice: 乾坤一收。草原和左道联盟分队名义上的首领入袖,孟奇纵声大笑,元神震空发声: Grandsons, pursues!” “孙子们,来追啊!” In the powerful taunt, the giant spiked club knocks down, a ground rock cuns (2.5 cm) soft smashing, is outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted and terrifying, but the surroundings have split void, Meng Qi's figure to become illusion, has the sound to spread. 强力嘲讽中,巨大狼牙棒打落,地面岩石寸寸绵软粉碎,阴柔又恐怖,但周围虚空早已裂开,孟奇的身影成幻,只得声音流传。 He went well on the crumb the breaking void symbol, in Jade Void Palace did not have the breaking void symbol that used with enough time! 他一得手就捏碎了破空符,玉虚宫内没来得及用的破空符! Grandsons, pursues!” Meng Qi haughty taunt all around sound reverberation. “孙子们,来追啊!”孟奇“狂傲嘲讽”的声音回荡四周。 Again compared with not seizing opposite party nominal commanding of can the matter of chaotic opposite party! 再没有比抓走对方名义上的统领更能混乱对方的事情了! Stirring up trouble effect is better than mountain sea bow! 比“山海弓”滋扰效果更好! The prairies and Unorthodox Path alliance 20-30 Grandmaster and several Half-Step Dharma Body and accurate Dharma Body strengths, look unexpectedly helplessly Crazy Blade Su Meng breaks in this, grasping in fast walked nominal commanding, the humiliations that one type is unable to explain rushed to their Niwan Palace, some even already red eye. 草原和左道联盟20-30位宗师和几位半步法身、准法身战力,竟然眼睁睁看着“狂刀苏孟冲入本阵,于电光石火之间“抓”走了名义上的统领,一种无法言喻的羞辱感冲上了他们的泥丸宫,有的甚至已经红了眼睛。 What to do?” At once, a group of people without a leader, does not know that should continue to attack, rescues Golden Horde warrior leader Hass Wula. “怎么办?”一时之间,群龙无首,不知是该继续进攻,还是去救援金帐武士首领哈斯乌拉。 Matter is hasty, several have accurate Dharma Body that prohibits the void strength also has no spirit wisdom, depends entirely on the Grandmaster operation, was unable the hindrance companion to act, therefore has not responded, but in Grandmaster grasp void can few positions were flushed scattered about by Meng Qi, have not held one's ground. 事情仓促,几位有封禁虚空之力的准法身本身又没什么灵智,全靠宗师操纵,还不能阻碍本身同伴行动,故而没反应过来,而宗师中掌握虚空之能的寥寥几位则被孟奇冲得七零八落,还未稳住阵脚。 Li Sinong seizes the opportunity, uses formation and treasured armament, hated directly throwing to have the entrance Nangong, cut off his left arm, if not he had a strange rare treasure to keep off, feared that will die at the scene. 李思浓则抓住机会,动用阵法宝兵,将南宫恨直接“抛”出了山门,斩断了他的左臂,若非他有一件怪异秘宝挡了一下,怕是会身亡当场。 Whiz whiz whiz, in the sword grave the Hidden Sword Manor all previous generations successor losing swords fly, ten thousand swords fire, block the sky, the shining shining person eyes, converged formation, had this respite, Li Sinong and horse roaming consolidated formation finally, can support a while. 嗖嗖嗖,剑坟中一口口藏剑楼历代传人的遗剑飞起,万剑齐发,遮天蔽日,明晃晃耀人眼睛,汇入了大阵,有了这个喘息,李思浓和马游终于稳固住了大阵,能多撑一会儿了。 Only then, she sighed to sigh one: „Is this in the so-called 1 million army is accepted after passing an examination the severed head such as takes something out of the pocket? Crazy Blade Su Meng really lives up to reputation.” 直到此时,她才喟叹了一句:“这就是所谓的百万军中取上将首级如探囊取物?‘狂刀苏孟真名不虚传。” ............ ………… The sword light that invisible does not have walks randomly, as if into the origin energy sea between world, made greatly full not dare the expiration and inspiration, he Longevity Heaven takes possession fortunately, can through disregarding the wish power miraculous glow of remote distance restores, otherwise will be quite difficult facing He Qi. 无形无相的剑光游走,仿佛化入了天地之间的元气大海,让大满不敢吐纳,还好他“长生天”附体,可以通过无视遥远距离的愿力灵光恢复,否则面对何七会颇为艰难。 From blue blood person, Sword Mad He Qi Corporeal and Incorporeal Sword Qi True Body even more strove clearly, except true did not have, thoroughly the whereabouts, smell and trace and apparent did not see did not have, let the person before he attacked grasped less than least bit useful thing, can only withstand passively, most excelled at the group war, but can also melt enters the origin energy sea, became the waterdrop, making one not dare the expiration and inspiration to supplement, depended entirely on the strength of Dharma Body. 自蓝血人之事后,“剑狂何七有无剑气真体愈发精进圆润了,除开真正的“无相”,行踪、气味、痕迹和外显都彻底不见的“无相”,让人在他攻击前把握不到半点有用的东西,只能被动承受,最擅群战,还可以化入元气大海,成为水滴,让人不敢吐纳补充,全靠法身之力。 Although Dharma Body is the rule and origin energy has presently, not expiration and inspiration origin energy issue is not big, but also has the limit, long-time in the past, the strength will weaken slowly, finally is defeated dry. 虽然法身本来就是规律和元气的具现,不吐纳元气问题不大,但亦有极限,长久以往,实力会慢慢变弱,最终干涸落败。 Fills by Longevity Heaven greatly takes possession, the manifestation dozens zhang (3.33 m) size blue Spiritual God true body, foot treads the water current, the hand grasps the flame, the dark cloud is encumbered, the thunder and lightning was the eye, the head day, as if covered the natural myriad things. Evolves surrounding area near thousand li (500 km) makes Longevity Heaven, a grandfather spirit devout warrior continuously appears with each and every one, after invisible did not have sword qi crushes , born from the nihility, is delaying the function of enemy auxiliary. 大满被“长生天”附体,显化几十丈大小的青蓝色神灵真身,脚踏水流,手握火焰,乌云缠身,雷电为眼,头颅似日,仿佛涵盖了自然万物。将方圆近千里衍化做长生天界,一尊尊祖灵和一个个“虔诚武士”不断出现,被无形无相剑气击碎后又自虚无诞生,起着辅助延缓敌人的作用。 With this at the same time, Longevity Heaven falls gently the snowflake that the wish power miraculous glow congeals. In order to replace the origin energy sea, in addition various wide scope technique laws, various strange divine ability, greatly full, although does worse, actually constrained He Qi firmly, making him unable elsewhere doppelganger. 与此同时,长生天界飘落朵朵愿力灵光凝结的雪花。以代替元气大海,加上各种大范围术法,各种诡异神通,大满虽处下风,却牢牢拖住了何七,让他无法分身别处。 ............ ………… west state state capital Western Liang city. 西州州府西凉城。 formation opening. Division Ma Family Lord Sima because of grasping one about four chi (0.33 m) bamboo node whip, its color was unclear, but as if can absorb the attack and ray, therefore presents the blue black, is known as a whip in the hand. Hits to extinguish ten thousand laws, guarding the clan divine armament of division Ma extinguishes law whip. 大阵开启。司马家家主司马因手持一根四尺左右的竹节鞭,它原本颜色不详,但似乎能吸收攻击与光线,故而呈现深黑色,号称一鞭在手。打灭万法,正是司马家的镇族神兵“灭法鞭”。 At this time, Great Asura Meng Nan appears the Three Heads and Six Arms azure black true body, angers ominously severe, the whole body *, only binds the black fur in the waist, his eye braves the black fire, grasps the blood-color long spear/gun. Attacks to formation. 此时,大阿修罗蒙南现出三头六臂的青黑色真身,忿怒凶厉,周身*,仅裹黑色毛皮于腰间,他眼冒黑火,手持血色长枪。攻向大阵 The long spear/gun full is the murder blood severe air/Qi, the contamination is slow formation, making it nearly not hinder to prick. The black flame burns the day to come, the thing of touching is reduced to ashes silently. 长枪满是凶杀血厉之气,污秽缓慢着大阵,让它近乎没有阻碍刺入。黑色火焰焚天而来,所触之物无声无息化为灰烬。 Sima because of placing formation, several other Grandmaster controls in prefectural city or the old dwelling essential place help, whips, formation follows, burns a day of flame to extinguish. Where did not know. 司马因身处大阵,另有几名宗师州城或老宅关键处帮忙控制,一鞭打出,阵法相随,焚天火焰熄灭。不知去了哪里。 Also is a whip, jet black flowing. Ominous severe Gan of blood-color long spear/gun disappears, itself also almost by embezzling. Only can return fast. 又是一鞭,漆黑流动。血色长枪的凶厉感消失,本身亦差点被“吞没”。只能飞快退回。 Great Asura Meng Nan all alone, attacked one, sees does not have the opportunity in a short time, immediately bypasses Western Liang, thorough Great Jin, is harvesting along the way aristocratic family sect that has leaving things to chance they have not removed into prefectural city. 大阿修罗蒙南孤身一人,攻了一阵,见短时间内没有机会,当即绕过西凉,深入大晋,沿途收割着抱有侥幸心理的世家宗门他们没撤入州城 ............ ………… Devil Master Han Guang hides away figure, across void goes south layer upon layer rapidly, according to him and Guerduo agreement, this fights him unable to attack the prairie and a Unorthodox Path alliance side, must attack Righteous Path. 魔师韩广隐遁身影,穿过层层虚空般急速南下,按照他与古尔多的约定,此战他不能攻击草原和左道联盟一方,必须进攻正道 When flies to escape, he can feel that indistinctly integrates void Ferrying Life Dharma King also to go south, perhaps is helps Blood Sea Rakshasa and Great Asura, to defeat Dharma Body rapidly, ensures the victory, perhaps also has other goal. 飞遁之时,他隐约能感觉到融入虚空的渡世法王亦在南下,或许是去助血海罗刹大阿修罗,以迅速击败一位法身,奠定胜局,也或许有别的目的。 Everyone signed the testimony in Heaven Punishing Hatchet the contract, in the war each other cannot kill one another. 大家都签订了见证于“天诛斧”的契约,大战中彼此不能自相残杀。 Because plans early, the time is more abundant than Righteous Path, they can do a lot of preparation ahead of time, for example contract! 因为谋划得早,时间远比正道充裕,他们能提前做好很多准备,比如契约! In Changle City, in the deep palace, Gao Lan sits in the shadow grave throne as before, the vision looks out the distant place, does not seem to discover that the concealment of Devil Master and Ferrying Life Dharma King goes south, perhaps also discovered but is disinclined the manages. 长乐城中,深深宫殿里,高览依旧坐于阴影深重的宝座,目光遥望远方,似乎没发现魔师渡世法王的隐匿南下,也或许发现了但懒得去管。 His straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are clear, star is profound, the side is putting that at will once the sidewise compression antiquity last years Medieval initial Human Sovereign Sword. 他剑眉鲜明,星目幽深,身旁随意放着那口曾经横压上古末年中古初期的人皇剑 ............ ………… The blood shadow becomes pale, is nearly transparent, hides away the flight, passed through layer upon layer the mountain, flies into the Great Jin region about. 血影变淡,近乎透明,隐遁飞行,穿过了层层大山,行将飞入大晋地域。 Suddenly, his front presents a Deity, grasps the long sword, behind the head has round purple Great Sun, the whole body is winding around purple qi, is bursting out the purple light, dignified clear. 突然,他前方出现一尊神人,手持长剑,脑后有一轮紫色大日,周身缭绕着紫气,迸发着紫光,威严昭著。 Purple Qi Haoran Cui Qinghe! 紫气浩然崔清河 A sword chops, the blood shadow reveals true colors, in the hand on the light blood-color long blade welcomed, blocked this sword. 一剑劈来,血影现形,手中薄薄的血色长刀上迎,挡住了这一剑。 At this time, the left came Golden Body Arhat, the Buddha sound winds around, Fallen Dragon, the left hand held sariputra, the right hand to make a fist, drifts from place to place to hit, probably from each heart, along with the intention changed changes, was hard to estimate. 这时,左边过来一尊金身罗汉,佛音缭绕,降龙之相,左手托着一颗舍利子,右手握拳,飘忽不定打来,像是起自每个心中,随心意变化而变,难以测度。 Dragon-Taming Arhat Kong Wen! 降龙罗汉空闻 All around rumble makes noise, blood sea highlights, the tumbling continuous, the red monstrous waves well up numerously, are preventing this fist, created the opportunity of dodging to Blood Sea Rakshasa. 四周咕噜作响,血海凸显,翻滚不休,赤色巨浪纷涌,阻挡着这一拳,给血海罗刹创造了闪避的机会。 But right presents a Daoist, young-looking elderly, ejects chaos talisman that winds around densely, each and every one Yun Han(contain) the seal character of mysterious Cardinal Grand Dao is departing, anchorage all around rule and change of origin energy sea, the stars highlight, the universe arrives, all phenomena on earth manifestation, the innumerable murderous intention shapes will burst out. 可右边出现位道人,鹤发童颜,抛出一张氤氲缭绕的混沌符篆,一个个蕴含着玄奥大道枢机的篆字飞出,定住四周规律和元气大海的变化,星辰凸显,宇宙降临,万象化生,无数杀机形将迸发。 All phenomena on earth formation of Yun He under instantaneous arrange/cloth by Primal Chaos Qi Supreme Purity Divine Talisman, surrounded Blood Sea Rakshasa. 云鹤以“混元一气上清神符”瞬间布下“万象大阵”,困住了血海罗刹 The Blood Sea Rakshasa corner of the eye jumps, obviously has not expected also has such talisman Sun God, is equal to Dharma Body! 血海罗刹眼角一跳,显然没料到还有这么一位符篆阳神,等同于法身 But he is unhurriedly, ejecting fully is the blood-color bag of strange pattern, Divine Consciousness shakes void: 但他不慌不忙,抛出满是诡异花纹的血色袋子,神识震荡虚空: Fellow Daoist helps me!” “道友助我!” The blood-color bag departs three figure, one is the giant gorgeous peacock, the end has scarlet azure yellowish white black five , if there is feather that resembles not to have, links up Cheng Guanghua, heavy exceptionally, one is terrifying white tiger, the gold/metal wind winds around, world strength of immediately between gold/metal line is in the upper hand greatly, one is alone corner/horn Kui Cow, foot treads azure Thunder Dragon. 血色袋子飞出三道身影,一为巨大的艳丽孔雀,尾部有赤青黄白黑五根若有似无的羽毛,贯通成光华,沉重异常,一为恐怖白虎,金风缭绕,天地间的金行之力顿时大占上风,一为独角夔牛,脚踏青色雷龙。 Three big Monster King simultaneously arrived! 三大妖王齐至 At the beginning of plans, Han Guang helped Guerduo achieve with Monster King consistently, but only disclosed that news as bait Blood Sea Rakshasa, other Dharma Body have not informed, to guard to leak! 谋划之初,韩广就帮古尔多妖王们达成了一致,但只透露消息给作为诱饵的血海罗刹,其余法身并未告知,以防泄密! Peacock Monster King Tai Li just appears, back red radiance brushes falls, one Purple Qi Haoran Cui Qinghe will brush into, does not have the resistivity. 孔雀妖王太离甫一出现,背后赤色光华刷落,一下就将“紫气浩然崔清河刷入其中,毫无抵抗力。 When Five Colored Divine Light True God his god! 五色神光真神乎其神! The scarlet light shakes, Cui Qinghe attempts break free in inside, Tai Li has to avoid the formation core, as if must suppress strongly. 赤光摇动,崔清河在里面试图脱困,太离不得不避开阵法核心,似乎要竭力镇压。 Kong Wen and Yun He are not flurried, three Monster King appeared the situation in estimate, Cui Qinghe non- accurate Dharma Body, Tai Li wants to suppress him, is unable to divert attention, was equal to that one child exchanges one, is the opposite party strongest one, how wants to be cost-effective. 空闻云鹤并不慌乱,三位妖王出现乃预计中的情况,崔清河又非准法身,太离想要镇压住他,根本无法分心,等于一子兑一子,还是对方最强的一子,怎么想都是划算。 At present two pairs three, but the Kong Wen strength surpasses Blood Sea Rakshasa to be many, there is formation to be auxiliary, who will be the winner, may not know, Luyang Song Clan and Southern Prefecture Azure Chen School and Zhou County Wang Clan wait/etc. will soon catch up with the accurate Dharma Body strength that helps not to mention! 目前二对三,但空闻实力超过血海罗刹不少,又有大阵辅助,鹿死谁手,尚未可知,更别提庐阳宋氏南州青辰派周郡王氏等即将赶来帮助的准法身战力! But after Tai Li avoids the formation core, has not tried to suppress, resists the stars that all phenomena on earth formation shakes down slightly, the scarlet light shook, falls Cui Qinghe. 太离避开阵法核心后,并未试图镇压,稍微抵御住万象大阵摇落的星辰,赤光一抖,摔出了崔清河 Cui Qinghe short dizziness, but is unhurriedly, when stands firm, down to the sword of dagger-axe resists the attack, actually saw that suddenly a Phoenix Wing Black Golden Spear front surface punctures, hundred birds sound together, the grain of rice size colorless flame concentrates in the lance point. 崔清河短暂眩晕,但不慌不忙,正待稳住,以至戈之剑阻挡进攻,却忽然看到一柄凤翅黑金枪迎面刺来,百鸟齐鸣,米粒大小的无色火焰凝于枪尖。 Monster Saint Spear? 妖圣枪 awakens Monster Saint Spear! 苏醒的妖圣枪 During the Cui Qinghe vibration, Tai Li spills over to taunt and cruel happy expression, when previous time competes for the Tathagata Divine Palm general outline, Monster Saint Spear regains consciousness on already, is the Earth Immortal level, just like initial Heaven Punishing Hatchet, but since bearing patiently, just now launches an attack! ( to be continued ) 崔清河震动之中,太离泛出一丝嘲讽和残忍的笑意,上次争夺如来神掌总纲时,妖圣枪已经苏醒,达到地仙层次,和当初的天诛斧一样,只不过隐忍至今,方才发难!(未完待续) ps: This chapter of more than 6300 characters, two chapters unite, ask monthly ticket ~ ps:这章六千三百多字,两章合一,求月票~
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