WORIOA :: Volume #4

#284: Besieges Hidden Sword Manor

The Mister Lu Da eye semi-closure, induces the purple electricity azure thunder that the distant place is making threatening gestures to come, a heart lets loose the distracting thoughts thoroughly, enters in the brightest self- feeling. 陆大先生眼睛半闭,感应着远处张牙舞爪而来的紫电青雷,一颗心彻底放开杂念,进入最剔透自我的感觉中。 At this moment, he forgot Gao Lan can achieve wishes to intercept vacuum Dharma King, forgot no one pesters Devil Master Han Guang, can only see Heaven Punishing Hatchet in prairie Great Khan Guerduo and his hand. 这一刻,他忘记了高览会不会如愿拦截真空法王,忘记了没人纠缠“魔师韩广,只看得见草原大汗古尔多和他手中的天诛斧 Daoist Chong He of potential of horn quite envies Mister Lu Da this point, although oneself status increased to the peak, was ready, but in the heart will flash before other thought that other anxious battlefields. 犄角之势的冲和道人颇为羡慕陆大先生这一点,自身虽然状态攀升至了巅峰,蓄势待发,但心中还是会闪现别的念头,忧虑其余战场。 This time strategy is the partial centralized superior force, the war of good lightning, if Kong Wen, Cui Qinghe and Yun He can quick solution Blood Sea Rakshasa, definitely hurry back with enough time prevent the destruction or other schemes of Devil Master, even if Monster Clan meddles, their concentration of efforts, is still insufficient the rout, and battlefield is fixed , helping Great Jin top Sect and aristocratic family uses the accurate Dharma Body strength to help, forms the power balance, perhaps can also be in the upper hand slightly, but this two big concealed worries ; first, the Gao Lan thoughts are still unpredictable, can sit by and do nothing ; second, Devil Master Han Guang will first scheme Time Sabre, joins this side regiment...... 这次的策略是局部集中优势力量,行闪电之战,如果空闻崔清河云鹤能快速解决血海罗刹,肯定来得及赶回阻止魔师的破坏或其他图谋,即使妖族插手,他们力量集中,也不至于溃败,并且战场固定,有利于大晋顶尖门派和世家动用准法身战力来助,形成均势,说不定还能稍占上风,但这有两大隐忧,一是高览心思依旧难测,会不会坐视不理,二是“魔师韩广会先图谋光阴刀,还是加入这方战团…… Chong He heaved a deep sigh suddenly, where the human affairs can the ingenious plan with nothing left, like Hidden Sword Manor that side, once were easily broken through, will shock other top aristocratic family and Sect, the people with no mind of his own will reverse to the prairie, formed the situation, their guarding the faction divine armament, their accurate Dharma Body strengths, will have the enormous impact, one minus one increased is fearful. 冲和忽地长叹一声,世事哪能妙算无遗,就像藏剑楼那边,一旦被轻易攻破,将会震慑别的顶尖世家和门派,墙头草们将倒向草原,形成大势,他们的镇派神兵,他们的准法身战力,又会造成极大影响,一减一增就非常可怕了。 Has not thought that...... completely the human affairs listened to the destiny.” Daoist Chong He puts out foul air, the state of mind regression is tranquil, throws various behind the head other things. “不是早就想好了吗……尽人事听天命。”冲和道人吐出一口浊气,心绪复归平静,将其余事情抛诸脑后 The general situation definitely cannot the erosion! 大局肯定不会糜烂! The midair dark cloud gathering, the as if heaven hangs down, brings the vast dignity. Rises the tiny feeling steep, compares tiny that with the world. 半空乌云汇聚,仿佛苍天低垂,带来浩瀚的威严。让人陡升渺小之感,和天地相比的渺小。 Trillion purple electricity azure thunder Jiaocheng one groups, are twining a long great axe, the latter increases with the wind, bridges over several thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance. Blocks the sky to cut to Mister Lu Da. 亿万道紫电青雷搅成一团,缠绕着一口长柄巨斧,后者随风变大,跨过几千丈的距离。遮天蔽日斩向陆大先生 Bang! 轰隆! Thunderous depressed, the electric light is separate, lights up the sky like the daytime, can see each dark cloud and this long great axe clearly, it resembles the bronze to cast, plain dignified. Above has nine inscription marks, the flame, thunder and blackhole wait/etc. all prepared, such as said Incarnation. 雷鸣沉闷,电光离散,亮得天空如同白昼,能清晰看到每朵乌云和这口长柄巨斧,它状似青铜所铸,古朴威严。其上有九道铭纹,火焰、雷霆和混洞等皆备,如道化身 Bang! 轰隆! The axe front, purple electricity azure thunder Shengmie, void is also shatter and restoration. Once were divided, tears the mortal body directly, quells Primordial Spirit, the prestige of Heaven Punishment can be inferred. 斧头前方,紫电青雷生灭,虚空都在随之破碎和复原。一旦被劈中,直接撕裂肉身,荡平元神,天罚之威可见一斑。 Mister Lu Da both eyes opens, in shines this axe, but complex is slighter, as if penetrated the basic structure of thunder and lightning, penetrated all sort of the basic levels of change. 陆大先生双眼睁开,内中映照的正是这一斧,但更加复杂更加细微,似乎深入了雷电的基本结构,深入了诸般变化的基本层面。 This axe does not have the secret in him again. 这一斧于他再无秘密可言。 One Sword Heart selects. The sword light is level, exquisite change, center void somewhere. immediately, trillion purple electricity azure thunder structures disintegrate, collapse leisurely/scatter, changes to the thunder sea at the scene, not only cannot attack to two people, prevented Guerduo on the contrary makes use to advance on. The dark cloud for it, early morning morning sun sprinkles in body. Leaves behind gold/metal. 一心剑”点出。剑光平实,精妙变化,正中虚空某处。顿时,亿万紫电青雷结构瓦解,当场崩散,化作雷霆海洋,不仅没能攻向两人,反倒阻挡了古尔多的趁势进击。乌云为之一空,清晨的朝阳洒落于身。留下块块金芒。 The Guerduo innermost feelings are light, previous time fights shortly. Only thinks that Lu Da has different, has not investigated carefully, now looks like, he feared that is not common Earth Immortal, this to the world inner qi subtle assurance, the thorough understanding of thing and change, said that Heavenly Immortal is not excessive, without is so merely powerful. 古尔多内心轻咦,上次交手短暂。只觉陆大有异,未曾细究,如今看来,他怕不是寻常地仙,这对天地气机的微妙把握,对事物和变化的透彻了解,说天仙也不过分,仅仅没那么强大而已。 The enemies are stronger, Guerduo was happier, fighting intent is spirited, chops an axe by far, to the utmost a change to the utmost fast axe. 敌人越强,古尔多越高兴,战意昂扬,远远又劈出一斧,极尽变化极尽快速的一斧。 Leaps, the air current is lit, various types of flame change to the sea, the union change, rushed to Mister Lu Da by the prevailing situation. 腾得一下,气流被点燃,各种火焰化作海洋,结合变化,以燎原之势涌向了陆大先生 They have not approached, makes Daoist Chong He feel scalding hot, once as if contaminates little, the combustion mortal body and Primordial Spirit, are unable to extinguish again. 它们尚未来临,就让冲和道人感觉灼热,似乎一旦沾染少许,就会燃烧肉身与元神,再无法熄灭。 Mister Lu Da with single-hearted devotion looks, suddenly, in the hand the sword wields at will, the sword light differentiation, a ratio silk is thin, the induction is unable to induce, then inundates the smallpox rain to cut. 陆大先生专心致志看着,忽然,手中之剑随意挥出,剑光分化,一根根比丝还细,感应都无法感应,接着漫天花雨般斩出。 Whiz whiz whiz, different sound at the same time resound, superimposes as one, the combustion sky sea of fire dissipates immediately, the axe by the sword cusp, was reversed. 嗖嗖嗖,不同的声音同时响起,叠加于一体,燃烧天空般的火海当即消散一空,斧头被剑尖点中,倒转了回去。 Comes well!” Guerduo known Lu Da out of the ordinary, calls out one, appears dozens zhang (3.33 m) high Heaven Punishment treasure body, the ancient bronzes, the arrange/cloth has various strange traces all over the body, full is the meaning of destruction, is situated in there, occupying the high ground, as if in generation day profession, surrounding area thousand li (500 km) immediately total darkness, depressed depressing, thunder Guangan reveals, the fire burns quietly, is waiting for arrival of Heaven Punishment. “来得好!”古尔多已知陆大不凡,暴喝一声,现出几十丈高的“天罚宝体”,通体古铜,布有各种诡异痕迹,满是毁灭之意,立于那里,居高临下,仿佛在代天行道,方圆千里立刻暗无天日,沉闷压抑,雷光暗显,地火悄燃,等待着天罚的降临。 Meets an axe again!” His double hand-held axe, chops ruthlessly just like the war-god, not unimaginable serious and boundless incomparable suction at the same time appears. “再接一斧!”他双手持斧,宛若战神般狠狠劈下,无法想象的沉重和磅礴无比的吸力同时出现。 This axe chops in the vacancy, like in dividing the lake surface, swung ripple void, rapid collapsing, the serious congealment, the midair appears a dark vortex of fast revolving, is absorbing the light and hot vortex. 这一斧劈在空处,就像劈中了湖面,虚空荡起一道道波纹,迅速垮塌,沉重凝结,半空现出一个飞快旋转的幽暗漩涡,吸纳着光与热的漩涡。 The trees and rocks below land all went against the common sense, swarms upward, a city resists slightly, bricks simultaneously goes to the vortex, common Jiang Hu real men and common people also however! 下方大地上的树木、岩石全都违背了常理,蜂拥往上,一座城池稍微抵挡,砖瓦齐齐投向漩涡,常见的江湖好汉和百姓亦然! This axe all depending on the brute force and Heaven Punishing Hatchet strength, Mister Lu Da saw the small change actually cannot use, long sword, sword light like shuttle, impartial straight thrust dark vortex most core. 这一斧全凭蛮力和天诛斧本身的力量,陆大先生看出了微小变化却利用不上,长剑一挺,剑光如梭,不偏不倚直刺幽暗漩涡最核心。 His skin is superficial the metal luster, cannot erase feelings, compared with others' Dharma Body, Seventh Metal Indestructible Body are so ordinary. 他的皮肤泛着金属色泽,有一种不可磨灭的感觉,比起别人的法身,“庚金不灭体”是如此普通。 At this moment, the scarlet azure black and white four sword light shoot down, void immediately twists, the suction room partition of dark vortex to land, the time like the water, flash as if had the subtle confusion, talking clearly is four sword light shoots down in first, Guerduo escapes Immortal Executing Sword Formation first. 就在这时,赤青黑白四道剑光射落,虚空顿时扭曲,将幽暗漩涡对大地的吸力隔断,时光如水,一瞬间仿佛有了微妙混乱,说不清是四道剑光射落在先,还是古尔多遁出诛仙剑阵在先。 Material transformation for energy, boundless vast, pours into the dark vortex, finally levels it. 物质转化为能量,磅礴浩瀚,灌入幽暗漩涡,终于将它填平。 Four Daoist Chong He have nothing to cease, wields a sword respectively, scarlet azure black and white four sword light simultaneously cut to Guerduo, to the opportunity that he pants for breath, Mister Lu Da does not make use to advance on, plans to tow Guerduo to enter Immortal Executing Sword Formation together! 四个冲和道人没有任何停息,各自挥剑,赤青黑白四道剑光齐齐斩向古尔多,不给他喘息的机会,陆大先生趁势进击,打算拖着古尔多一起入诛仙剑阵 Good!” Guerduo is even more excited, the axe chops indistinctly, such as the water fog, exiles the immortal perishing god. “好!”古尔多愈发兴奋,斧头飘飘渺渺劈出,如水似雾,谪仙殒神。 Four sword light one was divided, simultaneously becomes ordinary, no longer the prestige of Earth Immortal. 四道剑光一被劈中,齐齐变得普通,不复地仙之威。 ............ ………… Profound Heaven Sect. 玄天宗 Before Daoist Shou Jing sits well Time Sabre, the facial expression does not have the wave, the breath is long, like waiting for anyone patiently. 守静道人端坐“光阴刀”前,神情无波,呼吸悠长,像在耐心等待着谁。 ............ ………… Some River East remote mountain, powder carves the child who the jade builds to weep and wail worriedly: Does not want, do not practice this secret technique, does not want!” 江东某地深山,一个粉雕玉砌的小孩苦恼哭喊:“不要,不要练这个秘术,就是不要!” His eye is long and narrow, as if snake eye. During the speeches the wick revealed that hidden somewhat ambiguous. 他眼睛狭长,仿佛蛇眼。说话间信子吐露,隐有几分含糊。 The cheekbone is high, under the right eyebrow has Jin Li of black mole, helpless looks to the madame: Kind father defeat, you.” 颧骨较高,右眉下有黑痣的金离无奈看向夫人:“慈父多败儿,你来说。” Shen Ruoxuan comes gracefully, waist just like boneless. Smiles saying: Clever, does not exercise does not practice, in the past we must depend on this to carry in " Monster Emperor Classic » secret technique have hidden the truth from the powerhouse, mixes in Human Clan, in the future will unable to say then to be able swaggering.” 沈若璇娉娉婷婷过来,腰肢宛若无骨。笑眯眯道:“乖,不练就不练,以往我们得靠着这个载于《妖皇典》的秘术瞒过强者,混入人族,日后说不得便能大摇大摆了。” ............ ………… Before Hidden Sword Manor entrance . 藏剑楼山门前。 The Meng Qi restraining flame of anger, no longer talks too much. The responsibility of oneself already completely arrived caution, Qiu Wansheng and the others suspect their status and goal in any case again, definitely will increase for several points to guard in secret, does not have Heavenly Demon, if launches an attack, has at least prepared. Insufficiently helpless. 孟奇收敛无名火,不再多言。反正自己已经到了警示的责任,邱万生等人再是怀疑自家的身份和目的,也肯定会暗中添加几分提防,“无面天魔”若是发难,至少有所准备。不至于手足无措。 The time press, oneself can do, only then so many! 时间紧迫,自己能做的只有这么多了! When Meng Qi plans to leave, depends inversion fifty symbol and Origin Heart Seal the matters of line of that guerrilla warfare, to disrupt the prairie Grandmaster will of the people, when is Righteous Path makes contribution, suddenly frowns, looks back to look to not far away. 正待孟奇打算离开,仗着有“颠倒大衍符”和“元心印”行那游击之事,以扰乱草原宗师人心,为正道尽一份力时,突然皱起了眉头,回首望向不远处。 There dark cloud gathering, assorted radiance soars to the heavens. A feeling of bad people running wild. 那里乌云汇聚,各色光华冲霄。给人一种群魔乱舞的感觉。 „It is not good, they first attack Hidden Sword Manor, really has the issue!” Meng Qi escapes immediately high. So as to avoid stops up by the prairie and Unorthodox Path influence before the Hidden Sword Manor entrance, enters and does not enter, draws back and does not have the escape route. “不好,他们先攻藏剑楼,果然有问题!”孟奇当即遁高。免得被草原和左道势力堵在藏剑楼山门前,进又进不得,退又没退路。 He across the numerous white clouds, caresses the face to stop until the astral wind, concealment figure, opens mental perception. Spies on the tactical situation. 他穿过重重白云,直到罡风扑面才停止下来,隐匿身形,张开“慧眼”。窥探战况。 Sees only Hidden Sword Manor day to lack the sword ghost born remnantly outside, has gathered many powerhouses. Is attacking violently, tries to break through the formation. 只见藏剑楼“天残地缺剑煞落生阵”外,已聚集诸多强者。正猛烈攻打,试图破阵。 Gloomy dense azure Evil God. Cold air winds around such as ice soul Immortal Being, has to hang Shaman ancestor god of one skewer of head/number of people skeletons. 有一尊阴气森森的青色邪神。一位寒气缭绕眼如冰魄仙人,有挂着一串人头骷髅的萨满祖神。 In addition two coffin biers that are tumbling the blood yellow dead fog, have Joyous Bodhisattva to lord over the 9th grade lotus throne chaotic Yin-Yang, has the wealthy family young master monk hand held Vajra pestle, the back ugly-looking golden color Gautama Buddha baring the chest reveal breast, embraces the bright imperial concubine. 另外还有两具翻滚着血黄死雾的棺柩,有欢喜菩萨高踞九品莲台混乱阴阳,有富家公子般的和尚手提金刚杵,背后面目狰狞的金色佛陀袒胸露乳,怀抱明妃。 The Meng Qi suction port cold air, the front three give themselves some Dharma Body to feel, should then be the accurate Dharma Body strength of top influence, but ice soul Immortal Being seems Cao Family Earth Immortal remains. 孟奇倒吸口凉气,前面三者给自己些许法身感觉,应该便是顶尖势力的准法身战力,而冰魄仙人似乎乃曹家地仙遗蜕 Cao Family really iron core...... Meng Qi to sigh one secretly, moreover considers has divine armament respectively in the hand nether world Emperor, Joyous Bodhisattva and present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha, Black List first four came three, has and Longevity Cult Shaman other 20 Grandmaster focusing on the Golden Horde warrior not to mention, including Golden Horde warrior leader Hass Wula. 曹家真是铁了心……孟奇暗叹一声,另外当是各有神兵在手的“幽冥帝君”、欢喜菩萨和当代欢喜佛,黑榜前四来了三个,更别提还有以金帐武士与长生教萨满为主的其余二十来位宗师,包括金帐武士首领哈斯乌拉。 The really luxurious lineup...... Meng Qi aspirates, if Hidden Sword Manor does not have the traitor within, depends mountain-protecting formation, to suppress divine armament, Half-Step Dharma Body and background, is not certain anti-, but now, is really worrying. 真是豪华阵容啊……孟奇吐了口气,若藏剑楼没有内奸,仗着护山大阵、镇压神兵半步法身和底蕴,也不是一定抗不过去,但现在,委实让人担心。 But Hidden Sword Manor one broken, the aristocratic family and Sect that other wait and see could not say that took advantage of opportunity to join the prairie ranks, the potential such as the landslide! 藏剑楼一破,其他观望的世家和门派说不得就顺势加入草原行列,势如山崩了! Meng Qi has not escaped, hides in the upper air, spies on with the mental perception, is searching the opportunity, looks whether to help. 孟奇没有远遁,藏在高空,用慧眼窥探,寻觅着机会,看能否帮上忙。 This war does not have the personal grudge and likes and dislikes feeling! 这一战没有私人恩怨和好恶感受! Asked the founder to bless. Hot-tempered people Qiu Wansheng wield not fresh sword, does obeisance respectfully. “请祖师庇佑。霹雳火”邱万生执掌无生剑,恭敬一拜。 immediately, formation slightly has the change, not fresh sword projects together the misty dim light, broke in the sword grave. 顿时,阵法略有变动,无生剑射出一道濛濛幽光,冲入了剑坟。 The sword grave shakes, remain the sword intent ebullition. 剑坟摇动,一道道残留剑意沸腾。 After a little while, one is sending out the little Dharma Body thoughts scarlet departs to the sword of fire, joins sword formation, the thing of touching, when site ash. 少顷,一口散发着少许法身意念的赤红离火之剑飞出,加入剑阵,所触之物,当场化灰。 Quick, elsewhere sword grave also runs out of non- reality non- empty flying swords, some electric lights congeal, some curl up the strong winds, some heavy like mountain, but withers incomparably. 很快,别处剑坟亦冲出一道道非实非虚的飞剑,有的电光凝结,有的卷起狂风,有的沉重如岳,但都肃杀无比。 These four Hidden Sword Manor Dharma Body founders remain sword intent the sword of congealing just to join, sword formation might immediately rises sharply, original creakying stably. 这四口藏剑楼法身祖师残留剑意所凝之剑甫一加入,剑阵威力顿时大涨,原本的摇摇欲坠稳固了许多。 The Qiu Wansheng not fresh sword, prepares to join sword formation portably, plays the divine armament might. 邱万生手提无生剑,准备加入剑阵,发挥神兵的威力。 At this moment, silent raids from one side like sword qi of poisonous snake, the prestige of deep concealed taking a life! 就在这时,一股无声无息如同毒蛇的剑气从侧面袭来,深藏杀生之威! But Qiu Wansheng is prepared early, slightly one side step, avoided this sword. 可邱万生早有准备,略一侧步,就躲开了这一剑。 Really is you!” Looks at the person of sneak attack, Qiu ten thousand lives the eye of flood angry light. “果然是你!”看着偷袭之人,邱万生目泛怒光。 Although he hides shortcomings, but in the heart has to haggle over, enhanced the protection in secret, was really said by Su Meng, this gate has Grandmaster to degenerate not to have Heavenly Demon. 他虽然护短,但心中自有计较,暗中提高了防备,果然被苏孟说中,本门有宗师堕落成无面天魔 at this very moment, what Qiu ten thousand live in the eye to shine is day remnant sword Nangong hates, from the beginning, he felt, if has does not have Heavenly Demon, considers this elder, holds the matter of regret, the tiny step has not entered, has too the reason of degeneration. 此时此刻,邱万生眼中映照出的是“天残剑”南宫恨,从一开始,他就觉得若有“无面天魔”,当是这位长辈,抱有恨事,寸步未进,有太多堕落的理由。 Qiu Wansheng finishes barely the words, suddenly stops, the dark green long sword that is glittering the cold light punctures from his mouth! 邱万生话音未落,突然止住,一口闪烁着寒光的墨绿长剑从他口中刺出! But his back, is standing his direct disciple „the graceful glance feather not investigates! Pierced Qiu Wansheng the treasure of guard with the specially-made rare treasure long sword, penetrates his head. 而他的背后,站着的正是他亲传弟子惊鸿一瞥”羽无纠!用特制的秘宝长剑洞穿了邱万生的护身之宝,贯入他的头颅。 Evil livestock!” Qiu ten thousand live the both eyes spit fire. “孽畜!”邱万生双眼喷火。 Nangong hated the strength to increase, blocks horse roaming Heli Sinong of startled anger, coldly smiled: 南宫恨实力攀升,挡住了惊怒的马游和李思浓,冷冷一笑: I do not have Heavenly Demon, your apprentice is.” “我不是无面天魔,你徒弟才是。” I am the myth cancels Chen Shenzhu! ( to be continued ) 我是神话的“勾陈神主”!(未完待续) ps: This chapter of a little Carvin, writes compared with estimating slowly, late a half hour, really excuse me. ps:这章有点卡文,写得比预计慢,迟了半个小时,实在不好意思。 Does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket. 拜求月票。
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