UB :: Volume #8

#702 Part 1: Chaos god demon

In Universe appears turbulently at that moment, Blue Star and Universe Overlord, knows that most likely (80%) are the ghosts who Shi Yu does. 宇宙内出现动荡那一刻,蓝星宇宙霸主这边,就知道八成又是时宇搞的鬼。 Except for his Universe level Beast Master, without others can so frequent training beast pet of Universe level. 除了他这个宇宙御兽师,没有其他人能如此频繁的培养出宇宙级的宠兽了。 First is the Purify star spirits, latter is powerful Butterfly, this 先是净化星灵,后是强大蝴蝶,这次 This Breakthrough fluctuation, is vaster than original two, making Universe Overlord unable to bear the vibration, admires the Shi Yu doing matter ability. 这次的突破波动,比原先两个还要浩大,让宇宙霸主忍不住震动,佩服起时宇的搞事能力。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” Shi Yu and the others, leapt arrived at the Universe sea 时宇等人,一跃来到了宇宙 Eleven floats in Starry Sky, by group star Cai Rao, build continuous growth. 十一漂浮在星空中,被群星蔡绕,体型不断壮大。 In big thousand Universe the strength of vegetation, the crazy adverse current, from Universe racing wells up comes, to integrate in the hair of Eleven in all directions. 大千宇宙中草木之力,疯狂逆流,从宇宙四面八方奔涌而来,融入十一的毛发中。 Jianghu lake sea, crazy racing wells up, changes into the concept source, flows rapidly to come, to integrate the blood of Eleven. 江湖湖海,也疯狂奔涌,化为概念本源,奔流而来,融入十一的血液。 Each star numerous mountain, contributes own force, integrates the body of Eleven, boost its Body and Spirit. 各个星球的众,也贡献出自己的力量,融入十一的身体,强化着它的体魄 At this moment, entire Universe turned into the light and even the different insect mother nest, pollution place and the Overlord area and various Behemoth empire places the strength of group star, collects to the four limbs of Eleven, lets it in this process, becomes huge 这一刻,全宇宙都变成了光乃至异虫母巢、污染之地、霸主疆域、巨兽帝国各处的群星之力,也都汇集向十一的四肢,让它在这个过程,变得更加庞大 The Eleven build, is increasing crazily, this big the concept, simply was above common, slowly, world as if did not have to compare it bigger lifeform. 十一的体型,在疯狂变大,这个“大”的概念,简直超乎了寻常,慢慢的,世间彷佛没有了比它更大的生物 Even if King Star, even if Beast King , compared with its present body, still seems like the insect to be the same. 就算是界王星,就算是兽王,和它现在的身躯一比,也都像是虫子一般。 As if now Eleven hair, crashes stars sufficiently. 彷佛现在十一一根毛发,就足以压垮一颗星辰。 This scene, Shi Yu they, still a little slightly shock even, although knows that the Eleven Breakthrough sound will be very big, but has not thought such in a big way. 这个情景,就算是时宇它们,也都有点小震撼,虽然知道十一突破动静会很大,但没想到这么大。 Its build of present, takes a finger/refers of stamp to explode innumerable Star Territory. 现在的它的体型,是要一指戳爆无数星域啊。 in Beast Space, Wormie, sees the Eleven situation, does not know wonderfully, has not thought that these talent Metal are with Eleven so agrees with. “唔御兽空间中,虫虫从中而出,看到十一的情况,就知道不妙,没想到那些天赋属和十一如此契合。 However, the Wormie corners of the mouth raise, this is interesting, only then Eleven compares it, it conquered the leader, has the sense of achievement. 不过,虫虫嘴角扬起,这样才有意思,只有十一比它强,它征服了领袖,才更有成就感。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, trades source app! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to send Time, here can download www.huanyuanapp.com 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,换源app!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载www.huanyuanapp.com】 „, Cannot affect here.” “不会吧,都能影响到这边了。” A Blue Star side, numerous person size can judge generally, Shi Yu leaves Blue Star to be very far at present. 蓝星一方,众人大概可以判断出,时宇目前离蓝星很远。 However, at this moment, Blue Star Will, is unable to control, in Blue Star, the thunder and wind and cloud strength of crazy are mobile toward the Universe sea. 不过,此时此刻,就连蓝星意志,都无法控制住,蓝星之内,雷霆、风云之力疯狂向着宇宙海流动. Sees in Blue Star just like un- world nature fluctuation scene, the powerhouses in Blue Star is shocked, in abundance inconceivable opens the mouth. 看到蓝星内宛如未世般的自然变幻景象,蓝星内的强者们都惊呆,纷纷不可思议开口。 This situation, but also and is not only restricted in Blue Star, the Overlord star and on origin star each stars, has the strength of Law of Nature toward the Universe ocean current, at the extremely quick speed, spanned innumerable Space and Time. 这种情况,还并不仅限于蓝星,霸主星、起源星各个星辰上,都有自然规则之力向着宇宙海流去,以极快的速度,跨越了无数时空 In addition, the strength of Sun and Moon, changes into Divine Light, integrates Eleven about both eyes, lets it just like the ultra Demon God birth world. 除此之外,还有日月之力,也化为神光,融入十一的左右双眼,让它宛若超魔神诞世。 Roar!!!” The Universe center, creates Eleven of all these roots, bellows, the thunder integrates in the sound, the wind and cloud integrates in the aura, its life level is still rising, now already Breakthrough hitch orange of Universe level. “吼!!!”宇宙的中心,造成这一切根源的十一,大吼一声,雷霆融入声音中,风云融入气息中,它的生命层次依然在攀升,如今已经突破宇宙级的栓桔。 Its Universe throne aura, exposes without doubt, but, Universe Overlord and Universe that destruction god heart making in darkness observe what startled was, this was only a start. 它身上的宇宙王座气息,展露无疑,但是,令中观察的宇宙霸主宇宙破坏神心惊的是,这只是一个开始。 Chaotic beginning minute/share of plate ancient times, primal chaos two meter four elephants hung.” Same side, Shi Yu in observation, thinks of these words suddenly, in Legendary Myth, the plate Gu primal chaos lives two meters, two meters live four elephants, four elephants changes, but multitudious kind numerous, Universe all, are Pangu melt it to breed from the chaos, is god of the most primitive create world. “浑沌初分盘古先,太极两仪四象悬。”同一边,观察中的时宇,忽然想到这句话,神话传说中,盘古氏太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象变化而庶类繁矣,宇宙的一切一切,都是盘古所化它从混沌中孕育而出,是最原始的创世之神。 Although Shi Yu does not know whether it exists at the beginning of the previous era, but at this moment, Eleven actually seems like in the reversion completes this process. 时宇虽然不知道它是否真实存在在上个纪元之初,但是此刻,十一却像是在逆向完成这个过程。 The strength of myriad things integrates its body, then 万物之力融入它的身躯,那么紧接着 At this moment, the Universe four directions, can induce to baseless spanning Space and Time the shadow of history, appeared in Universe. 这一刻,宇宙四方,都可以凭空感应到跨越时空的历史之影,浮现在了宇宙中。 The shades of four terrifying incomparable Universe Holy Beast, after absorbing the strength of this side Universe completely Four Saints belief is born, they also show the startled Tenjin prestige, as if made the Universe myriad lives feel on the Universe emperor of era to recover. 四个恐怖无比的宇宙圣兽之影,吸收了这方宇宙全部四圣信仰之力后诞生,它们也展现出惊天神威,彷佛让宇宙万千生灵感受到了上个纪元的宇宙帝王重新复苏。 Roars one “吼一 The shades of these four Four Saints, in the aura of ten thousand Azure Dragon altogether dances the Wormie dreamland were initially more terrorist, green tree, flame, sharp Metal and water current, infinite mighty force, just like the strength of these Universe, forms the miracle, changes into Divine Light, integrates Eleven within the body. 这四个四圣之影,比当初虫虫梦境中万条青龙共舞的气息还更恐怖,青木、火焰、锐、水流,无穷的伟力,也同那些宇宙之力一样,形成神迹,化为神光,融入十一体内。 At this moment, the Eleven aura, has reached ” the Universe peak that Universe Overlord said. 这一刻,十一的气息,已经达到了宇宙霸主所说的”宇宙的巅峰。 Moreover, had not conducted the boost condition by Shi Yu. 而且,还是未被时宇进行强化的状态。 Is impossible.” If finished like this, then Universe Overlord they can also accept and understand, but, the next quarter, they discovered, Breakthrough is still continuing. “不可能。”如果只是这样结束,那么宇宙霸主它们还能接受、理解,但是,下一刻,它们发现,突破还在继续。 From Universe Space and Time most deep layer, the fresh air and foul air of reappearing innumerable implication time and Space strength, to the shape of most source, be gathering toward Eleven primitively slowly. 宇宙时空最深层,浮现无数蕴含时光、空间之力的清气和浊气,以最原始最本源的形态,慢慢向着十一在汇聚。 no matter if it is Universe Overlord or the Universe destruction god, feels, once this Space and Time Yin-Yang two air/Qi integrate Eleven within the body, then its Breakthrough Universe hitch orange, will achieve Universe inevitably at one fell swoop two. 无论是宇宙霸主还是宇宙破坏神,都感觉到,这时空阴阳二气一旦融入十一的体内,那么它势必会一举突破宇宙一的栓桔,达到宇宙二。 Match Persia only feels odd, even when it, from the Super God Breakthrough Universe level, still merely is only accurate Universe two, cultivated the innumerable years later, Universe Overlord that Breakthrough becomes however now, as if life, must from the Super God peak, cross Universe 1, advances on toward Universe 2. 赛波斯只觉得离谱,就算是它,从超神突破宇宙级时,也仅仅只是准宇宙二,是又修炼了无数年后,才突破成为的宇宙霸主但是现在,似乎有一个生命,要从超神巅峰,一口气越过宇宙一,向着宇宙二进击。 At this moment, even Universe destruction god, still vision cold, from this just on Breakthrough lifeform, felt the thick threat. 这一刻,就算是宇宙破坏神,也目光凛起来,从这个刚突破生物身上,感受到了浓浓的威胁。 You damn, had not to have, died to the master.” “你们他妈的,有完没完了,给爷死。” It stops healing from a wound, in the vision enters shoots infinitely black light, spans Space and Time, changes into a throwing knife, cuts toward the Eleven source, tries to prevent it to conduct Breakthrough. 它停止养伤,目光中进射无穷黑光,跨越时空,化为一柄飞刀,向着十一的本源斩去,试图阻止它进行突破 However, the black light throwing knife just shuttled back and forth to the Universe sea, was resisted by the red hair Akame form together.!!! 不过,黑光飞刀刚刚穿梭到宇宙海,便被一道红发赤童的身影抵挡。!!! Finally could not stay put.” “终于待不住了吗。” Shi Yu stands erect in Starry Sky, grasps the long sword vision ice-cold gaze some direction, the throwing knife under his impediment, divides into two directly!! 时宇屹立于星空,手持长剑目光冰冷的注视着某个方向,飞刀在他的阻挡下,直接一分为二!! The terrifying complementary waves, affect the innumerable stars instantaneously, Shi Yu are looking at a direction, said: Do not be anxious, immediately I will look for you personally.” 恐怖的余波,瞬间波及无数星辰,时宇望着一个方向,道:“不要急,马上我就会亲自去找你。” Shi Yu must destroy completely the destruction god, now destroys the god to disturb Eleven Breakthrough, he was more to extinguish kills the reason of destruction god. 原本时宇就是一定要灭掉破坏神的,现在破坏神干扰十一突破,那他就更多了一个灭杀破坏神的理由。 When leaves the Overlord star, Shi Yu wanted its fight with the destruction god to remember with match Persia, at present, the sneak attack of destruction god, looks like in Shi Yu, and does not have any technique content, the relaxedness resisted under. 离开霸主星之时,时宇跟赛波斯要了它与破坏神的战斗记忆,眼下,破坏神的偷袭,在时宇看来,并没有什么技术含量,轻松就抵挡了下。 Just like match Persia said that if makes it fight again with the destruction god, is not definitely distressed. 正如赛波斯所说,如果让它再跟破坏神战一场,肯定没那么狼狈了。 Hateful.” “可恶。” In the Space and Time crevice, sees the sneak attack to be invalid, destruction god expression ice-cold, realized will soon breed greatly troublesome. 时空夹缝中,看到偷袭无效,破坏神表情冰冷,意识到了大麻烦即将孕育。 Determination of fix.” The Shi Yu opens the mouth, only listens to , green light escaping broken Space and Time, successfully arrived in the Space and Time crevice together. “确定位置了吗。”时宇开口,只听“唔”的一声,一道绿光遁破时空,成功来到了时空夹缝中。 Bang!! 轰!! Wormie looks at present black leopard people, black leopard people also looks at it indifferently. 虫虫看着眼前的黑色豹人,黑色豹人也冷漠的看着它。 Really, you have been able to lock my position.” “果然,你们已经可以锁定我的位置。” Since the previous time, it felt faintly, this Butterfly obtained can lock the ability of its position, the present words, were can confirm thoroughly. 自从上次,它就隐隐感觉,这个蝴蝶获得了能锁定它位置的能力,现在的话,算是可以彻底证实了。 Your opponent is I.” Wormie at this time, obtained Shi Yu some boost, stubbornly is staring at the destruction god, both sides are in all of a sudden to relying on stage. “你的对手是我。”虫虫此时,也是得到了时宇的部分强化,死死的盯着破坏神,双方一下子处于对恃阶段 Snort.” The black leopard destruction god is not in no mood to hit with Wormie, it only wants to prevent that Panda Breakthrough now. “哼。”黑豹破坏神没有心情跟虫虫打,它现在只想阻止那个熊猫突破 It looks like in it, only then that Bear Clan, after Breakthrough, by way of Beast Master boost, has the qualifications to threaten itself, must therefore remove. 在它看来,只有那个,突破后再经由御兽师强化,有资格威胁到自己,所以是必须要除掉的。 However, Wormie does not give it this opportunity, or is to constrain it, creates Breakthrough Time to Eleven. 然而,虫虫根本不给它这个机会,或者说就是要拖住它,给十一创造突破时间 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! Wormie periphery will transform dreamland Universe directly, domain launches. 虫虫直接将周围改造成梦境宇宙,领域展开。 This dreamland Universe, the black leopard destruction god is very familiar, before the Wormie Breakthrough time, it had been caught by this dreamland Universe, was latter worked loose by it with ease. 这个梦境宇宙,黑豹破坏神很熟悉,之前虫虫突破时候,它就被这个梦境宇宙捕捉过,后被它轻松挣脱。 But this time, black leopard Popu god want to works loose the dreamland, cannot succeed, periphery it looks at the desolated mainland scene, the expression one cold, discovers destruction divine power in hand, unexpectedly unable to destroy this side Universe. 但这一次,黑豹破扑神想要挣脱梦境,没能成功,它看着周围荒芜的大陆景象,表情一凛,发现手中的破坏神力,竟然无法破坏这方宇宙 By way of Universe most precious object boost 8 th discipline dreamland Universe, the words that wants to destroy, needs deeper attainments to the strength of Space and Time.” The Wormie expression decides peacefully. “经由宇宙至宝强化的第八纪梦境宇宙,想破坏的话,需要对时空之力有更深的造诣。”虫虫表情澹定。 Compares beforehand that dreamland Universe, this dreamland Universe may not have that good destruction. 相比之前那个梦境宇宙,这个梦境宇宙可没那么好破坏。 Weak insect small technique.” The black robe destruction god is unhurriedly, both hands close up, pull open, a more terrifying purple black sphere formation. “凋虫小技。”黑袍破坏神不慌不忙,双手合拢,拉开,一个更恐怖的紫黑色圆球形成。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Terrifying destruction divine power erupts, this dreamland Universe, was torn to pieces an opening instantaneously, Wormie has not thought, the opposite party said is the severe wound, but can also use this rank the style. 恐怖的破坏神力爆发,这个梦境宇宙,瞬间被撕破一个裂口,虫虫没想到,对方说是重伤,还能用出这种级别的招式。 However, Wormie not anxiously not slow, followed the destruction god who departs from the opening. 不过,虫虫也不急不缓,跟上了从裂口离去的破坏神。 Un?” The destruction god just worked loose eighth to record Universe, but looks proliferates Mechanical stars Universe at present, immediately the scalp is troublesome. “嗯?”破坏神刚刚挣脱第八纪宇宙,但看着眼前遍布机械星辰的宇宙,顿时头皮麻烦。 Welcome arrives at ninth to record Universe.” Everywhere Mech and battleship float in Starry Sky, floats in Wormie behind, locked the destruction god. “欢迎来到第九纪宇宙。”漫天机甲、战舰漂浮于星空,漂浮在虫虫身后,锁定了破坏神。 Who told you dreamland Universe to only have the single layer 谁告诉你梦境宇宙只有一重 Wormie altogether constructed, related to dreamland Universe of 8, 9, 10 and 114 discipline, layer by layer, only if breaks simultaneously completely, can break out of the dreamland fetter. ( 04 ) 虫虫一共构筑了,涉及八、九、十、11四纪的梦境宇宙,一层一层,除非同时全部打破,才能摆脱梦境束缚。 Death!!” This destruction god has not destroyed Universe, but flickers to move to arrive at Wormie behind, an explosive bomb swallows the Wormie body completely. “死吧!!”这一次破坏神没有破坏宇宙本身,而是瞬移来到虫虫身后,一个破坏弹完全将虫虫的身躯吞噬。 Together with the Wormie body, in addition this Universe, changes into the nihility in abundance. 连同虫虫的身躯,再加上这个宇宙,纷纷化为虚无。 However, the waiting destruction god, does not re-enter real Universe, but arrived on a sky-blue star. 不过,等待破坏神的,不是重回真实宇宙,而是又来到了一颗蔚蓝色的星球上。 Useless, in dreamland Universe, I am Immortal Immortal.” Wormie still appears “没用的,在梦境宇宙,我是不死不灭的。”虫虫依然浮现” That destroys the complete dreamland, destroys you again. ” Black leopard destruction god ice-cold say/way. 那就毁灭全部梦境,再毁灭你。”黑豹破坏神冰冷冷道。 You give a try although.” “你尽管试试看。” Then, in dreamland Universe, Wormie and black leopard destruction god launched the war, both sides are only the confrontation flicker, is living of side Universe extinguishes. 接下来,在梦境宇宙中,虫虫和黑豹破坏神展开了大战,双方只是交锋一瞬,就是一方宇宙的生灭。 Shi Yu they understand from Universe Overlord there, the ability of Universe destruction god, is mainly that unthinkable destruction divine power. 时宇他们从宇宙霸主那里了解到的,宇宙破坏神的能力,主要就是那匪夷所思的破坏神力 That does not destroy Law, does not destroy the source, but is one type dominates above thing, this type destroys divine power, has is unable to defend destroys all special characteristics, nothing can the immunity it, nothing be able to prevent it. 那不是破坏规则,也不是破坏本源,而是一种凌驾于之上的东西,这种破坏神力,拥有着“无法防御”“破坏一切”的特质,没有什么能免疫它,没有什么能阻挡它。 It even can directly destroy the concept, destroys the source, when like destroying Dark King, directly destroyed Dark King and relation of pollution concept, when like destroying Beast King, destroyed the relation of Beast King and star directly, with destroying divine power destroys the Universe source of opposite party, keeping it from resurrecting. 它甚至可以直接破坏概念,破坏本源,像摧毁暗王之时,直接就破坏了暗王和污染概念的联系,像摧毁兽王之时,直接就毁灭了兽王和星球的联系,用破坏神力将对方的宇宙本源摧毁,让其无法复活。 This type odd to mindless force, even Universe Overlord does not know the origin, can only be regarded as unique force of 1st discipline. 这种离谱到不讲理的力量,即使是宇宙霸主也不知道来历,只能当做是第一纪的特有力量 Universe Overlord even has a feeling indistinctly, this type destroys divine power, is related with Universe. 宇宙霸主甚至隐隐约约有一种感觉,这种破坏神力,和宇宙本身有关。 Other about destruction god skill, although is also very unthinkable, but also in people understandable category. 其他的关于破坏神的技能虽然也很匪夷所思,但还在众人可以理解的范畴。 Bang!! 轰!! Also is living of single layer dreamland Universe extinguishes, Wormie retrocedes unceasingly, never expected that destroys the god is so courageous, even if the empress and Susu, it believe that is unable to destroy single layer dreamland Universe that it makes instantaneously, but destruction god fellow, puts out a hand to destroy, is really disgusting. 又是一重梦境宇宙的生灭,虫虫不断后退,没想到破坏神这么勐,就算是女皇和素素,它坚信也无法瞬间破坏它制造的一重梦境宇宙,但是破坏神这家伙,伸出手就能破坏,真恶心。 Also has what skill, next time, will give you totally to destroy.” After destroying the Wormie manufacture unceasingly dreamland Universe, the black leopard destruction god arrives at Wormie again behind, the palm aims at it. “还有什么本事,下次,给你全部摧毁。”不断摧毁虫虫制造的梦境宇宙后,黑豹破坏神再次来到虫虫身后,手掌对准它。 Did not play with you. Put you to go out.” However, this Wormie opens the mouth, seems like the plan to give up fighting. “不跟你玩了。放你出去好了。”然而,这次虫虫开口,似乎是打算放弃战斗。 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 Dreamland Universe is torn to pieces, the destruction god but who comes out finally, has not felt what joy, but is the expression one cold. 梦境宇宙支离破碎,不过终于出来的破坏神,并没有感觉到什么喜悦,而是表情一凛。 Wormie naturally cannot put the opposite party to come out with good intention, puts the opposite party to come out, that showing did not need it to delay Time. 虫虫自然不会好心放对方出来,放对方出来,那说明不用它拖延时间了。 The complete Space and Time Yin-Yang two air/Qi that at this moment, Universe Space and Time contributes, have integrated the body of Eleven, lets at this time like innumerable Star Territory general huge Eleven, looks like shrinks in one like the chicken chaos great egg. 此时此刻,宇宙时空贡献出的全部时空阴阳二气,已经融入十一的身体,让此时如同无数星域一般庞大的十一,就像是缩在一个如同鸡子的混沌巨蛋中。 The terrifying aura that the interior transmits, making the destruction god expression one cold. 内部传来的恐怖气息,让破坏神表情一凛。 acquired chaos god demon. I understood, takes a broad view at 11 discipline innumerable parallel Space and Time, you should be this discipline are strongest.” 后天混沌神魔。我明白了,放眼11纪无数平行时空,你们应该就是这一纪最强了吧。” Next quarter. 下一刻。 Bang!! 轰!! The chaos were opened, huge Eleven has vanished, was only left over one one meter over normal Panda, the whole body was erupting the fluctuation comprised of the black and white arrogance, its expression was calm, although such peaceful standing there, but completely reserved terrifying aura on it, made Universe destroy the god and Universe Overlord heart 混沌被撑开,庞大的十一已经消失,只剩下了一只一米出头的正常熊猫,浑身爆发着由黑白气焰组成的波动,它表情平静,虽然就那样安静的站在那里,但是完全内敛在它身上的恐怖气息,却让宇宙破坏神和宇宙霸主 Imposing. 中凛然。 Universe two.” 宇宙二。” It achieved, just Breakthrough, achieved this boundary, but what is most terrifying is the Universe Overlord gaze to this only Panda master, is Shi Yu. “它达到了,刚刚突破,就达到了这个境界,而最恐怖的是宇宙霸主注视向这只熊猫的主人,也就是时宇 The Eleven Breakthrough also chaos are instantly spirited, circle on Shi Yu, is not Eleven alone Breakthrough, but is Shi Yu and Eleven complements one another, could not reach an agreement is Shi Yu Breakthrough Universe two drove Eleven Breakthrough Universe two, Eleven Breakthrough Universe two drove Shi Yu Breakthrough Universe two. 十一突破刹那也有一股混沌神气,绕在时宇身上,并非是十一单独突破,而是时宇十一相辅相成,根本说不好是时宇突破宇宙二带动了十一突破宇宙二,还是十一突破宇宙二带动时宇突破宇宙二。 No matter what, at present presents extremely unscientific one, this side Universe, was born simultaneously two Universe Overlord-level characters, moreover their strengths, is the violent combination that type can multiple. 不管怎么样,眼下都出现了极为不科学的一幕,这方宇宙,同时诞生了两个宇宙霸主级的人物,而且它们的战力,还是属于那种可以相乘的暴力组合。 Goddamn destruction god splits again, felt that on snow adds the frost. 我特喵”破坏神再度裂开,感觉上加霜。 .” In Universe, Shi Yu gets hold of the fist, felt that continuous force gushes out from the body, felt that stripped the talent price is completely not anything, after all beast pet Breakthrough, can feed back gives itself a stronger attribute “呼。”宇宙中,时宇握紧拳头,感觉源源不断的力量从身体内涌出,感觉剥离天赋的代价全部不算什么了,毕竟宠兽突破,也能反馈给自己更强的属性 Eleven!!” Eleven also unceasingly roaring filial piety in the entire world, as Shi Yu issues the order, the vision fights intent spiritedly looked to some direction, locked just by the Universe destruction god who Wormie emitted. 十一!!”十一也在寰宇中不断咆孝,随着时宇下达命令,目光战意昂扬的看向了某个方向,锁定了刚刚被虫虫放出的宇宙破坏神。 Damn.” “该死。” Sees the Eleven situation, the Universe destruction god one startled, only felt that Eleven aura, is extremely dangerous, is Shi Yu the strength of Universe two boundary, complete in addition held on Eleven, this let the Eleven battle efficiency, achieved an pinnacle. 看到十一的情况,宇宙破坏神一惊,只感觉十一身上的气息,极度危险,是时宇宇宙二的境界之力,全部加持在了十一身上,这让十一的战斗力,达到了一个极致。 Eleven, hits to be remnant it!” 十一,打残它!” Bang. 轰。 Shi Yu just issued the order, Eleven spans Space and Time, just like the far Ancient God demon to arrive at the side of destruction god generally, its Breakthrough Evolution, no matter if it is appearance and skill, does not have any change. 时宇刚刚下达命令,十一就跨越时空,犹如远古神魔一般降临破坏神的身边,它的突破进化,无论是外貌和技能,都没有什么变化。 If insisted saying that was chaos Divine Body perfection does not have the flaw, let Eleven Body and Spirit, achieved terrifying degree Body and Spirit, seemed really ordinary like create world god Pangu, has the strength of pinnacle personal, Eleven is coming on a fist toward the destruction god, let the opposite party complexion big change. 如果硬要说,就是混沌神体完美无瑕了,让十一体魄,达到了一种恐怖的程度这个体魄,似乎真的如同创世神盘古一般,拥有着极致之力,十一只是贴身朝着破坏神来上一拳,就让对方面色大变。 Bang!! 轰!! Sweeps across destroys a fist of divine power, as well as Eleven sweeps across a fist of chaos divine power, the mutual collision, is only the instantaneous, black leopard destruction god felt that the arm breaks probably the general, terrifying impulse, the flash swallows it, the powerful fist wind, changes into compared with the Starry Sky storm terrifying innumerable time of disasters directly, is coercing the destruction god, the bang to the Universe deep place. 席卷破坏神力的一拳,以及十一席卷混沌神力的一拳,相互碰撞,只是瞬间,黑豹破坏神就感觉手臂像是散架一般,恐怖的冲击力,一瞬间将它吞噬,强大的拳风,直接化为比星空风暴恐怖无数倍的灾难,裹挟着破坏神,轰向宇宙更深处。 Hiss.” Wormie that just presented saw this, was startled in Eleven force, but thinks that this was Eleven and Shi Yu overlay, it felt relaxed, but even so, was very terrifying, it felt force that present Eleven shows, was also no worse compared with destruction divine power of opposite party. “嘶。”刚出现的虫虫看到这一幕,吃惊于十一力量,不过想到这是十一时宇叠加,它就释然了,不过即使如此,也很恐怖啊,它感觉现在的十一展现的力量,比对方的破坏神力也差不到哪里去。 Who you are one “你是谁一 At this moment, fierce Universe thunders, making a powerhouse know, some anomaly and destruction god collided on, immediately Shi Yu is pursuing the destruction god, arrived at it to stagnate the place of body, is looking at whole body broken it, said: Said your status.” 此时此刻,剧烈的宇宙轰鸣,让一众强者知晓,某个怪胎和破坏神碰撞上了,当下时宇追着破坏神,来到了它停滞身躯之处,望着浑身残破的它,道:“说出你的身份。” Your this fellow black leopard destruction god was struck to fly innumerable Star Territory, still lives the dragon live tiger, its stubbornly is staring at Shi Yu, these words, obviously was it wants to say. “你这家伙”黑豹破坏神被打飞无数星域,依然生活虎,它死死的盯着时宇,这句话,明显是它想说的。 It wants to know, actually at present this Human where comes, not only has so many terrifying beast pet, as if from the beginning, intends to extinguish kills it. 它才想知道,眼前这个人类究竟是哪来的,不仅有着这么多恐怖的宠兽,似乎从一开始,就有意要灭杀它。 You think, this had victory in the hand.” Although saw Eleven and Shi Yu strong strength, but the black leopard destruction god is very from the valley. “你以为,这样就胜券在握了吗。”虽然看到了十一时宇强大的实力,但是黑豹破坏神还是很从谷。 Otherwise.” Shi Yu is not used to this fellow. “不然呢。”时宇也不惯着这个家伙。 Except that Eleven and just arrived at Wormie, the next quarter, Shi Yu outstretches the arm, infinite summoning circle opens, Celestial Sea Elf Susu of Universe level, loudly appearance. 除了十一和刚刚来到身边的虫虫,下一刻,时宇伸开手臂,身后无限召唤图阵开启,宇宙级的星海精灵素素,轰然出现。 Also, follows a limit to be close to Universe two terrifying psyche fluctuating, ultra can the form of empress, reappearing of peaceful desert in Universe. 随之,伴随一股极限接近宇宙二的恐怖精神波动,超能女皇的身影,也澹漠的浮现在了宇宙中。 What.” “什么。” At this moment, black leopard destruction god expression one cold, never expected that Shi Yu also summoned a Universe level. 这一刻,黑豹破坏神表情一凛,没想到时宇又召唤出一只宇宙级。 Moreover, on ultra can the empress, it also felt, the opposite party is not only ordinary Universe 而且,在超能女皇身上,它还感觉,对方不仅仅是普通宇宙
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