UB :: Volume #8

#701: Forever Breakthrough without limits

Because falls asleep to span three eras era fossil to consume big, quick, Shi Yu they withdrew from the dreamland, to the Universe level, Shi Yu had not been separated from the situation of daily feeling weak. 由于入梦跨越三个纪元的纪元化石消耗不小,很快,时宇他们就退出了梦境,都到了宇宙级了,时宇还是没脱离天天发虚的情况。 Really, regarding Beast Master, the physical strength was too important, otherwise there are chance having no free time favors. 果然,对于一个御兽师来说,体力太重要了,不然有机缘都没空一个个宠幸。 .” Shi Yu said: Wormie, then you first are familiar with the boundary, thinks that was familiar can also help Rin's group study that jade rabbit fossil.” “呼。”时宇道:“虫虫,接下来你先熟悉境界,认为熟悉了也可以去帮凛它们研究那块玉兔化石。” Said, recently with reading to pursue, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, the Android apple may.】 【讲真,最近一直用看书追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,安卓苹果均可。】 Perhaps, the road of cold Universe level on this jade rabbit fossil.” “说不定,凛的宇宙级之路就在这玉兔化石上。” Un un.” Wormie indicated that does not have the issue. “嗯嗯。”虫虫表示没问题。 „ The Eleven success Breakthrough Universe level should no too major problem, hope 十一成功突破宇宙级应该没什么太大问题,希 Looking at Rin also can succeed. Only is left over Ginseng Tot and Akame, does not have too big 凛也能成功。就只剩下参宝宝赤童,没有太大把 Grasped Egypt. ” 握了埃。” Shi Yu at this time, felt Ginseng Tot and Akame anxiety, 时宇此时,感受到了参宝宝赤童焦急的心情, Also is lost in thought. 也陷入了沉思。 Second Team beast pet, too have not in a big way longed to the Universe level actually, finishes 二队宠兽们,倒是对宇宙级还没太大渴望,毕 They understand unexpectedly, First Team did not have the entire Universe level, they hope definitely not 竟它们明白,一队还没全宇宙级,它们希望肯定不 Greatly. 大。 However, places First Team Ginseng Tot and Akame, in any case has taken 不过,身处一队参宝宝赤童,好歹都是拿过 In team first, now, but also does not have the Universe level, they are very naturally anxious. 队内第一的,现在,还没宇宙级,它们自然很急。 Compares Eleven, Wormie and Susu Race, your Race, “相比十一虫虫素素种族,你们的种族, Indeed no shortcut Ginseng Tot, can only boost incite particularly slowly 的确没什么捷径尤其是参宝宝,只能慢慢强化 The strength of making up. ” 补之力。” Recently the Universe tree was not the growth was getting better and better, perhaps “最近宇宙树不是成长的越来越好了吗,说不定 When the Universe tree recovers thoroughly, you can the Universe level. ” Shi Yu said. 宇宙树彻底复原时,你就能宇宙级了呢。”时宇道。 With his Breakthrough Universe level, takes him as the tree of Universe body accumulated raises, 随着他突破宇宙级,以他为身蕴养的宇宙之树, Also gradually restored the original appearance, carries its Ginseng Tot, obtains 也逐渐恢复了原有的样貌,携带它的参宝宝,也得到 Many advantage, but, is not too enough and that's the end. 了不少的好处,不过,还是不太够就是了。 Akame should not be anxious, does not know that this Universe destruction god is anything 赤童你也别急,不知道这个宇宙破坏神是什么 The situation, this fights, no matter who hits to fall face down the Universe destruction god, Universe 情况,这一战不管是谁把宇宙破坏神打趴下的,宇宙 Destroys Myth Metropolis to give you to come to cut to kill thoroughly. ” 破坏神都交给你来彻底斩杀。” Shi Yu said: „ Perhaps, earliest Lingkai skill, is your 时宇道:“说不定,最早的灵解技能,就是你的 The road of Universe promotion? Massacres a Universe level Soul, changes into the growth 宇宙晋升之路呢?杀掉一个宇宙级的灵魂,化为成长 Perhaps the nutrient, can the Breakthrough Universe level. ’ 养分,说不定就能突破宇宙级了。’ Original Universe not right hunting prey to you, but this “原先的宇宙没有合适的猎杀对象给你,但是这 The destruction god comes just in time. ” 个破坏神来的正是时候。” Ni!!” Akame is joyful, but it felt, Lingkai most “咪!!”赤童非常欣喜,不过它感觉,灵解多半 It is not she promotes the Universe level the key, it can feel, but 不是她晋升宇宙级的关键,它自己都能感受到,但是 Whether or not, must attempt and seek slowly. 不管是不是,总得慢慢尝试、寻找。 Then, Shi Yu starts to recuperate and adjust the condition. 接下来,时宇开始休养、调整状态。 Strips practicing of talent, first came to the end in this, other favor 剥离天赋的修行,在此就先告一段落了,其他宠 The beast, has no need to depend on this way to promote the Universe level temporarily. 兽,暂时都用不着靠这种方式晋升宇宙级。 This Time, Eleven diligently is digesting several talent Metal is, but 这段时间,十一努力的在消化几块天赋属,而 Rin's group, with create world dream butterfly assistance of Wormie, to jade rabbit fossil 凛它们,随着创世梦蝶・虫虫的辅助,对玉兔化石 The research was also deeper. 研究也更深了许多。 However, fusion Universe level fossil, this is not a simple matter 不过,融合宇宙化石,这不是一件简单的事 The sentiment, not possible to say fusion like before on fusion, current cold, root 情,不可能像之前一样说融合融合,目前的凛,根 This has not mastered this technology. 本还没掌握这种技术。 No matter the experiment of detail, is the final attempt, she estimates 不管是更细节的实验,还是最终的尝试,她估 The idea, must the help of Shi Yu to be good, needs Shi Yu short its boost 计,都得要时宇的帮忙才行,需要时宇短暂把它强化 Arrived the Universe level, as the matter stands, their these Machine Fantasy Beasts, have with the space 宇宙级,这样一来,它们这些机械幻兽,才有和宇 Eon level fossil coordinated or is higher than opposite party qualifications. 宙级化石对等或者高于对方一头的资格。 Shi Yu your excellency.” 时宇阁下。” After several days, although Shi Yu hides very much deeply, but has 过了几天后,时宇虽然藏得很深,但是又又又有 The people looked, these came the person, Shi Yu not to see time actually, mainly 人找上来了,这一次的来人,时宇倒是没不见,主要 Was the opposite party previous time sent jade rabbit fossil, perhaps this time sent assorted 是对方上次送来了玉兔化石,这次说不定又送来了什 Good thing. 么好东西。 Is Nuwa.” On Snow Mountain sits in meditation meditation Shi Yu, sees the upper air “是娲神啊。”雪山上打坐冥想时宇,看到高空 The person snake tail goddess that presents, says immediately smilingly: „ What wind 中出现的人身蛇尾女神,立刻笑盈盈道:“什么风把 You blew. ” 您吹过来了。” Actually was Universe Overlord regained consciousness, its want to saw you.” “其实是宇宙霸主苏醒了,它想要见一见你。” That makes it see.” Shi Yu said. “那让它来见啊。”时宇道。 cough cough, Shi Yu feels itself, probably indeed inflated. ,时宇感觉自己,好像的确膨胀了。 The Nuwa forced smile, said: „ Universe Overlord to heal from a wound, seals oneself 娲神苦笑,道:“宇宙霸主为了养伤,把自己封 seal in Core of Overlord star, there had the cure injury that it leaves behind, 印在了霸主星的核心,那里有它留下的治愈伤势的后 Hand, therefore is unable to move now, even if Avatar is difficult to achieve. ” 手,所以如今无法动弹,哪怕分身都难做到。” After Shi Yu is silent, said: That wound is very serious.” 时宇沉默后,道:“那伤的还挺严重。” According to Wormie, that side the destruction god at least can also move. 虫虫所说,破坏神那边至少还能动弹。 Among the Universe levels fights this frigid degree, is alone one 宇宙级之间战斗到这种惨烈的程度,也是独一份 No wonder another four Universe thrones died in battle. 了,怪不得另外四个宇宙王座都阵亡了。 This Universe destruction god also is really greatly ominous, the Universe Overlord estimate is a quilt 这个宇宙破坏神还真是大凶,宇宙霸主估计是被 Unknown force injured the source, happen to asks the energy of its Universe destruction god 未知力量伤到了本源,正好去问问它宇宙破坏神的能 Strength. 力。 Good, I follow you.” Shi Yu said: „ Nuwa “好吧,那我跟你走一趟。”时宇道:“不过娲神 Shiyu Breakthrough Universe level, you how also in the Super God peak. ” 啊,时雨突破宇宙级了,你怎么还在超神巅峰。” Nuwa is speechless, said: „ When 娲神无言,道:“时 Rain I do not make after all personally. ” 毕竟非我亲自所造。” Refuels.” Shi Yu encourages the say/way to discover two Space and Time Wa Myth Metropolis “加油加油。”时宇鼓励道发现两个时空的娲神都 Very pitiful. 挺可怜。 This Space and Time, has Shiyu not him, his Space and Time, has him 这个时空的,有时雨没他,他那个时空的,有他 Without Shiyu, is only almost, two lack one. 时雨,都是只差一点,二缺一。 Under the invitation of Universe Overlord, Shi Yu arrived at the Overlord star, arrives 宇宙霸主的邀请下,时宇来到了霸主星,来到 Like underground conflagration mountain lava region same environment Space. 了一个如同地下火熔岩地带一样的环境空间中。 This is the first time that Shi Yu complete surface that sees with one's own eyes Universe Overlord 这还是时宇第一次亲眼看到宇宙霸主的全部面 The appearance, the opposite party does not know that is what Race, whole body has the purple skin, 貌,对方不知道是什么种族,全身有着紫色的皮肤, Explosive muscle, curving two horns, with Universe Overlord Legion games 一身爆炸性的肌肉,弯曲的双角,和宇宙霸主军团 Shipboard marking looks like very much, generally speaking, looks by the Shi Yu present vision 舰上的标识很像,总的来说,以时宇现在的目光看 Goes, very usually. 去,十分平常。 Perhaps was his strength was strong enough, did not have that unattainable filtering 也许是他实力够强了,没有了那种高不可攀的滤 The mirror, is the Universe Overlord present condition is very bad, without that vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered space 镜,也许是宇宙霸主如今的状态很差,没有那纵横宇 The eon looks disdainfully Universe was aggressive. 宙睥睨宇宙的霸气了。 this time Universe Overlord, places a cylindrical the branch “呼”此时的宇宙霸主,身处一个圆柱形的科 In technique cure warehouse, this cure warehouse, situated in magma, this rock 技治愈仓中,这个治愈仓,则处于岩浆中,这个岩 The thick liquid, Shi Yu cannot feel the destructive power, instead probably nourishing cream. 浆,时宇感觉不到破坏力,反而像是营养液。 The opposite party should in the nutrition of Extract Overlord star, this accurate space 对方应该是在汲取霸主星的营养,这颗准宇 The eon level stars, to a Shi Yu feeling, look at the resilience purely, already 宙级星辰,给时宇一种感觉,单纯看恢复能力,已经 Is close to King Star, should has Universe of tree of what not inferior Universe 接近界王星,应该是持有什么不逊色宇宙之树的宇宙 Most precious object. 至宝。 Finally met, another parallel Space and Time transmigrator.” Along with “终于见面了,另外一个平行时空穿越者。”随 Arrival of Shi Yu, Universe Overlord in nutrition warehouse in green cure fluid 时宇的到来,营养仓中的宇宙霸主在绿色的治愈液 Opens the eye, is gazing at Shi Yu, says words, Shi Yu in Outside World 中睁开眼睛,注视着时宇,所说之话,时宇外界 Can hear. 可以听到。 Universe Overlord, matches Persia.” Shi Yu said: „ Has anything 宇宙霸主,赛波斯。”时宇道:“有什么事情 . ” 吗。” Match Sidong: I want to ask you to help busy.” 赛波斯道:“我想请你帮一个忙。” What busy.” Obtained jade rabbit fossil from opposite party here, if “什么忙。”都从对方这里获得玉兔化石了,如果 Is small busy, for example will destroy completely the destruction god, Shi Yu will definitely help, convenient matter 是小忙,比如灭掉破坏神,时宇肯定会帮,顺手的事 Sentiment. 情嘛。 I want to invite you, do not kill that cat.” “我想请你,不要杀死那只猫。” The Shi Yu ni the eye, is knowing the cat that the opposite party said who is, should refer to 时宇咪着眼睛,知道对方说的猫是谁,应该指的 Destroys the god. 是破坏神。 However according to his knowledge, that Universe destruction god, accurate, should 不过据他了解,那个宇宙破坏神,准确来说,应 Should be leopard Clan. 该是个豹吧。 Black skin, the leopard shape beast person of gray corrosion, but, 一个黑色皮肤,灰色斑点的豹形兽人,不过,也 Is the felidae animal and that's the end. 是猫科动物就是了。 Yeah, with is the felidae animal, when cat Teacher Cat can also such 哎,同为猫科动物,猫猫老师什么时候也能这么 Courageous. 勐。 Your also too wave.” Shi Yu said: „ Does not make me kill it, you “你也太浪了吧。”时宇道:“不让我杀死它,你 After wants waits for yourself to restore, personally settles it? ” 是想等你自己恢复过来后,亲自了结它?” You determined that you can rein this fight, this parallel Universe, “你确定你能驾御这场战斗吗,这个平行宇宙, Possibly will destroy because of you. ” 可能会因你而毁。” Snort.” Universe Overlord match Persia cold -ly snorted and said: „ This fellow is only the energy “哼。”宇宙霸主赛波斯冷哼道:“这家伙只是能 The strength is strange, such as, if not for we are not from the beginning clear its ability, no 力诡异,如若不是我们一开始不清楚它的能力,也不 Will be achieved so the situation by it. 会被它做到如此地步。 I have known that its situation, fights again one time, lost certainty “我已经知道它的情况,再战斗一次,输的一定 Can be it. ” 会是它。” That also loses merely, rather than kills.” Shi Yu said: „ Sorry “那也仅仅是输,而不是杀死。”时宇道:“抱歉 This request, I cannot promise you, that fellow, is killed by me 了,这个请求,我不能答应你,那个家伙,由我来杀 Death. ” 死。” Mainly is, Akame is also waiting with the destruction god as the nutrient, naturally not 主要是,赤童还等着拿破坏神作为养分,自然不 Can not kill. 能不杀。 Bang! 轰! The Shi Yu words fall, the Universe Overlord pressure from the nutrition warehouse sends out, but 时宇话落,宇宙霸主的威压从营养仓中散发而 Leaves, Shi Yu felt the intense threat, but he also refused to admit being inferior, 出,时宇感觉到了强烈的威胁,不过他也不甘示弱, Indifferent of face. 一脸的无所谓。 Whom frightening also thinks that I am the Universe rookie. 切,吓唬谁呐还以为我是宇宙新人呢。 Good.” Saw that Shi Yu does not comply with own request, Universe Overlord “好吧。”见到时宇不答应自己的请求,宇宙霸主 Also no longer demands, it is said: „ Such being the case we chatted other 也不再强求,它道:“既然如此那我们就谈谈其他的 Matter. ” 事情吧。” You, should want to become Universe maintenance.” “你,应该是想成为宇宙维系者吧。” Yes.” This matter, pours to have nothing to conceal. “是。”这件事,倒没有什么可隐瞒的。 Ahem.” Match Sidong: „ I think, can be that female “哼哼。”赛波斯道:“我原本以为,会是那个女 The children attempt to become Universe maintenance finally , she emits one unexpectedly 孩最终尝试成为宇宙维系者,没想到,她竟然冒出一 Father . Moreover the strength is so terrifying. 个父亲,而且实力还这么恐怖。 You that Space and Time, another I, should know “你所来的那个时空,另外一个‘我’,也应该知晓 Your ambition. ” 你的野心吧。” Right.” Shi Yu nods to say. “没错。”时宇点了点头道。 Among you, must have a war.” Match Persia understands itself very much, right “你们之间,必有一战。”赛波斯很了解自己,对 To become Universe maintenance in Shi Yu, another Space and Time, no 时宇想成为宇宙维系者,另外一个时空的自己,不 Possibly aloof. 可能无动于衷。 But was a pity, this Space and Time because of special reason, in this 只不过非常可惜,这个时空因为特殊原因,在这 The Space and Time Universe level, is unable the resonance to other parallel Space and Time from 时空宇宙级,都无法共鸣到其他平行时空的自 Oneself, it is unable to know that Space and Time situation. 己,它根本无法了解到那个时空的情况。 Since you are determined to extinguish kill the destruction god, then finally, you whether “既然你执意要灭杀破坏神,那么最后,你能否 Replaces the destruction god, fights with me. ” The Universe Overlord match Persia reveal goes to battle with intent 取代破坏神,和我一战。”宇宙霸主赛波斯露出战意 Said: „It is not and parallel Space and Time I, but is I!” 道:“不是和平行时空的我,而是和我!” Your meaning “你的意思 Yes, I must fight with you twice. ” A Shi Yu face does not have 是,我要和你打两次。”时宇一脸无 Nye, said: „ Is good to trouble, ok, promised you, always wanted compared with previous 奈,道:“好麻烦啊,算了,答应你了,总比上个要 Strove for simply. ” 求简单。” Interesting, this Universe, was not so finally boring.” Universe tyrant “有趣,这个宇宙,终于不那么无聊了。”宇宙 The lords sighed: „ The Universe level is divided into two big boundaries, situated in the second boundary 主感叹道:“宇宙级分为两大境界,处于第二个境界 I, very early did not have the rival. ” 的我,很早就没有了敌手。” „The appearance of Universe destruction god, is a small pleasure.” 宇宙破坏神的出现,算是一个小乐趣。” Your appearance, makes me excited.” Shi Yu looks in Universe Overlord “你的出现,更让我兴奋。”时宇宇宙霸主 Come, is Universe one, Shi Yu that Purify star spirit and create world dream butterfly, in space 来,算是宇宙一,时宇净化星灵、创世梦蝶,在宇 Eon Overlord looks like, is Universe one , the create world dream butterfly could 霸主看来,也是宇宙一,其中,创世梦蝶或许可以 Is Universe in one is quite strong. 算是宇宙一中比较强的。 However, if Shi Yu boost they, then no matter if it is Purify star 但是,如果时宇强化它们,那么无论是净化 Spirit, is the create world dream butterfly, should be able to be Universe two, this is 灵,还是创世梦蝶,都应该能算是宇宙二了,这都是 Opponent who is worth fighting, matches Persia to anticipate. 值得一战的对手,赛波斯十分期待。 old ox, you looked, I complied with your request, your Overlord treasure “老牛,你看,我都答应你的请求了,你霸主 Does have anything to be able Equipment of strength, gives me entire two, 库里有没有什么能增强实力的装备啊,给我整两件, If by some chance I could not be victorious the Universe destruction god to be bad, although such as your intent, 万一我打不过宇宙破坏神就糟了,虽然如了你的意, It did not use, but if it has not restored to take advantage that while you danger of cow, came this 它不用死了,但万一它趁着你没恢复趁牛之危,来这 In does the destruction is not good. ” 里搞破坏就不好了。” I, not only observes the agreement, but also firmly maintains the Universe and “还是得我,不仅遵守约定,还坚决维护宇宙 The draw, the personal character is also high. ” Shi Yu puts out a hand. 平,品德也高。”时宇伸出手。 Match Persia clenches teeth saying: „ Your boy, is a being greedy for money person 赛波斯咬牙道:“你小子,也是一个贪财的主儿 When having me is young style. ” 嘛,有我年轻时的风范。” Finally, Shi Yu shouted that Shiyu, father daughter, plunders the martial demeanor of actor 最终,时宇喊来了时雨,一爹一女儿,搜刮起霸 The Lord treasure house, Shi Yu does best to convince saying: „ Clever daughter, I can do for you 主宝库,时宇苦口婆心道:“乖闺女,我能为你做 So many, later had the matter to be all right do not go to look for me, suddenly many 的,就这么多了,以后有事没事别去找我,突然就多 daughter, does not affect well. I have not looked for the partner. ” 一个女儿,影响不好。我还没找对象呢。” These Universe most precious objects you take, the cultivation, later meets the danger well “这些宇宙至宝你拿着,好好修炼,以后遇到危 The machine, oneself solve as far as possible.. ” 机,尽可能自己解决..” Wordy!” “啰嗦!” Shiyu that called air/Qi, shut out her quickly is a child in such an arrangement 时雨那叫一个气啊,这么快就嫌弃她是拖油瓶了 A your Universe throne, but could also not find the girlfriend first should not instead 呗,你一个宇宙王座,还找不到女朋友首先不应该反 Thinks of itself. 思自己吗。 Moreover, many Universe level daughter, this does not look for the partner for no reason 而且,平白无故多个宇宙女儿,这不是找对象 Awarded marks. 的加分项吗。 With does not need me to give to make being on intimate terms bureau.” “用不用我给弄个相亲局。” This is the good thing, I take.” Shi Yu has not managed her, selected half “这是好东西,我拿着了。”时宇没理她,挑了半 The day, selected a good thing finally, this thing, is 9 th records Mechanical 天,终于挑了一个好东西,这个东西,是第九纪机械 The era most precious object of era. 纪元的纪元至宝。 Plays. ” Shi Yu throws into Beast Space directly, threw for cold, said: „ Gives you 玩。”时宇直接扔进御兽空间,扔给了凛,道:“给你 Good ~ cold very happy, Mechanical era most precious object, good thing, “好耶~”凛美滋滋的,机械纪元至宝,好东西, Had this, her research capability can also be increased, worthily is Universe Overlord 有了这个,她的科研能力还能提升,不愧是宇宙霸主 The treasure house, the good thing is many, no wonder Universe Overlord Legion science and technology 的宝库,好东西就是多,怪不得宇宙霸主军团的科技 Level Universe first. 水平宇宙第一。 Naturally, the present is she cold first! 当然,现在是她凛第一! Finally, only took 2-3 things Shi Yu, returned to Blue Star, 最终,只拿了2-3件东西的时宇,回到了蓝星, Left behind penting up anger Shiyu. 留下了生闷气的时雨 This time, Shi Yu has not waited for a long time, Eleven had/left the situation. 这一次,时宇也没久待,十一这边就出情况了。 Came to come, worthily was Eleven, compared with rapidness of also Wormie digestion.” “来了来了,不愧是十一,比虫虫消化的还快。” Feels in Beast Space the Eleven sound, Shi Yu at present one bright. 感受到御兽空间十一的动静,时宇眼前一亮。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” In Beast Space, on the Eleven stars, Eleven roars like Behemoth 御兽空间中,十一的星辰上,十一如同巨兽 The filial piety, the body braves the steam, probably finally refine to melt completely Metal. 孝,身体都冒着热气,好像是终于炼化了全部属。 He felt, should be Eleven wonton Divine Body, assisted Eleven 他感觉到了,应该是十一的馄饨神体,辅助十一 The fast transformation, digested primal chaos Metal was with Four Saints Metal. 快速的转化、消化了太极属和四圣属。 If, beforehand wonton Divine Body is only incomplete, is only little to become. 如果说,之前的馄饨神体只是残缺,只是小成。 Then now, should be able be said as the accomplishment, even was complete. 那么现在,应该可以说是大成,甚至是圆满了。 Heartily release.” “尽情释放吧。” Shi Yu and departs Blue Star, even this time left Blue Star far also one 时宇又又又飞出蓝星,甚至这次离蓝星还远了一 Point, so as to avoid disturbs the ordinary person. 点,免得打扰普通人。 He put from Beast Space Eleven directly, at this moment, 他直接把十一御兽空间中放了出来,这一刻, Wormie they only felt too quick, worthily is a leader, as only one by one 虫虫它们只感觉太快了,不愧是领袖,作为唯一一 Accepted existences of Shi Yu six beastmaster talent, Wormie they, this 个,接受了时宇六个御兽天赋的存在,虫虫它们,此 Carves also wants to have a look, the leader can be what degree eventually. 刻也都想看看,领袖终究能达到什么程度。 The Eight Trigrams (gossip), four elephants and primal chaos, belong to the chaos entirely. 八卦、四象、太极,统统归于混沌。 The huge chaos aura, sweeps across Starry Sky, and lets on Blue Star 庞大的混沌气息,席卷星空,又又又又让蓝星 High and low, making the Overlord area vibrate, awakened sinking again 上下下,让霸主疆域上上下下震动,也再次惊醒了沉 Universe Overlord that rests, naturally, only wants to heal from a wound to get back a bit faster 睡的宇宙霸主,当然,还有只想快点养伤恢复过来的 Destruction god. 破坏神。 This time, but also in the Universe destruction god of healing from a wound, exploded thoroughly. 这一次,还在养伤的宇宙破坏神,彻底炸了。 Anyone. Had not to have, how another!!!” The fee/spent is so big “谁。有完没完了,怎么又一只!!!”费那么大 The strength eliminated the Universe throne of this era, this how long, Breakthrough 力气清除了这个纪元的宇宙王座,这才多久,就又都突破
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