UB :: Volume #7

#696 Part 1: Chapter 696: Without Shi Yu Space and Time

Now, acts as an agent Universe Overlord Legion 如今,代管宇宙霸主军团 Nuwa, with two that the destruction god hits 娲神,还有跟破坏神打的两 Defeats entirely injury Universe Overlord, no 败俱伤的宇宙霸主,怎么也不 Thinks, Shi Yu this to father and daughter, directly 会想到,时宇这对父女,直接 Started to keep thinking about Universe Overlord Legion 开始惦记上了宇宙霸主军团 Treasure house. I 宝库。我 Only can say, Bloodlines of old occasion too 只能说,老时家的血脉 Powerful, even Nüwa cannot 强大了,就算是女娲都没能把 The Purify falls. 净化掉。 Yeah ~ “哎~” This time Shi Yu, has walked in 此时的时宇,已经走在了 On Blue Star Donghuang avenue, in this familiar 蓝星东煌的大街上,在这熟悉 And strange metropolis and Shi Yu a little not 而又陌生的都市、时宇有点不 How dares to look at this Space and Time Eleven and the others 敢去看这个时空十一它们 Type. 么样了。 However, in less than many 不过,也用不了多少时 In the middle, holds can change a destiny, 间,秉着能改变一个命运,就 Changes a destiny the mentality, Shi Yu also 改变一个命运的心态,时宇 Said: „ Before Shiyu prepares, 是道:“在时雨准备好之前, We first stroll casually. ” 我们先随便逛逛吧。” In Shi Yu Beast Space , 时宇御兽空间中,一只, Only beast pet sits on own star, note 宠兽坐在自己的星球上,注 Regards Outside World, nods. 外界,点了点头。 Shi Yu puts out a hand, beast pet force 时宇伸出手,宠兽力量 The trace leaps in the fingertip, „ Bulu, you 痕迹跃动在指尖,“布戮,你 life trace, already in this Space and Time 生命痕迹,已经在这个时空 Completely vanished, restrains grief. ” 完全消失了,节哀。” Shi Yu searches, governing 时宇一个个查找起来,御 When beast Space, little monkey Bulu hears 空间中,小猴子布戮听到时 The words of space, just like bolt from the blue. 宇的话,犹如晴天霹雳。 This, but, has early pre- “啊这,不过,也早有预 The material, I am so hapless, this Universe leaves 料,我这么倒楣,这个宇宙 Presently the disaster, I definitely bear the brunt wū wū 现灾难,我肯定首当其冲呜呜 Ha. 呜呜啊啊啊。 Chirp.” Wormie enters from the insect cocoon “叽。”虫虫从虫茧中进 Shoots hand of the insect silk, patted Bulu 射一条虫丝之手,拍了拍布戮 The shoulder, should not be sad, it also definitely early 的肩膀,别伤心,它也肯定早 Early died! 挂掉了! Without the Shi Yu words, by Azure Silkbug 没有时宇的话,以青绵虫 About 1 year average Life Span it thinks 一年左右的平均寿命它想 Goes against heaven's will difficultly. 逆天都难。 Even if there is a reincarnation, it is estimated that still dead N 就算有转世,估计也死N Inferior, let alone, its Xiaoqing wadding 次了,何况,它一条小小青绵 Insect, is impossible to be reincarnated. 虫,也不可能会转世。 Haha, I am teasing you, hello/you good “哈哈,我在逗你,你好 Like still sinks in some Overlord area place 像依然在霸主疆域某个地方沉 Rests, has not died. Your life, but also is very firm 睡,没死呢。你的命,还挺坚 Very. ” 挺。” Bulu:! 布戮:! Wormie:? 虫虫:? „ The short-legged cat words, can feel 矮脚猫的话,能感受到 Fluctuation, moreover in Ancient Metropolis, estimates 波动,而且就在古都市内,估 The idea is like Teacher Ying, continuously in Ancient Metropolis 计和荧老师一样,一直在古都 Under the university life, is comparing, but also 大学生活着吧,相比较下,还 Calculated well. 算不错了。 Meow!!( Is a pity this Space and Time “喵!!(可惜这个时空 Without the Shi Yu special operations forces team, my life one 没有时宇特战队,我的人生一 Decided to lose the light.) ” short-legged cat wan 定失去了光明。)”矮脚猫 Pitying. 惜。 Cannot pursue the life of star, assorted 不能追星的生活,还有什 The significance, it feels by oneself tall eye 么意义,它感觉以自己高眼 The light, should not worship on others. 光,应该不会崇拜上别人。 Xiao Bing and tortoise also in Dragon Palace 小冰龟龟也都在龙宫 In city normal life, you not assorted 城内正常生活着,你们都没什 Issue. ” Shi Yu opens the mouth, behind him 么问题。”时宇开口,他后面 Contract these, is a little status 契约这几只,都是有点身份 . 的。 Not like Wormie they, directly one 不像虫虫它们,直接就一 Grassroots. After spiritual energy recovery, their father 草根。灵气复苏后,它们的父 The mother, it seems like that aspect enlivened much, 母,看来那方面活跃了不少, Does not have Ginseng Tot also to have Breakthrough. 没有参宝宝也有所突破 Therefore, Bulu, short-legged cat and turtle 所以,布戮,矮脚猫、龟 The turtle and Xiao Bing can also moisten is living, 龟、小冰还能滋润的活着,就 Good. 挺不错。 seal, 印, .” Caresses.” tortoise “呼。”“抚呜。”龟龟 With Xiao Bing, sighed slightly, does not know 小冰,微微感叹,也不知道 In small Dragon Palace Town they, metropolis/can 在小小龙宫城内的它们,都会 Has anything to develop. 有什么发展。 However thinks, definitely will not have 不过一想,肯定也不会有 When what too great achievement, does not have after all 什么太大成就,毕竟没有时 Space. 宇。 This, is this parallel Universe 这个,才是这个平行宇宙 Biggest sorrow. 最大的悲哀。 Otherwise, if there is Shi Yu, assorted 不然,如果有时宇在,什 The Universe destruction god came, does not use 宇宙破坏神来了,根本用不 Is running other parallel Universe to look for the foreign aid, 着跑去其他平行宇宙找外援, Shi Yu can definitely directly solve. 时宇肯定能直接解决。 Xiao Zi words, your easy life 小紫的话,你小日子过 Actually also good. ” 的倒是也挺不错。” Ni.” Hears Shi Yu to raise carries “咪。”听到时宇提起自载 Oneself, Xiao Zi smiles. 己,小紫嘿嘿一笑。 Because the distance is quite near, Shi Yu looks 由于距离比较近,时宇 To Starry Sky, can see Starry Sky clearly 星空,可以清晰看到星空 Is hanging purple Myth Rank stars. 中,悬挂一颗紫色神级星辰。 That should be Xiao Zi 那应该就是小紫 Shi Yu returns to the new moon, can firmly 时宇一眼回朔,可以确 Decides, this Space and Time, because no one passes 定,这个时空,由于没人通过 The test of Void Mantis, Void Mantis is straight 虚空螳螂的考验,虚空螳螂 Took itself to bring the Xiao Zi egg to leave. 接自己带着小紫的蛋走掉了。 Passed by Yin that in the Void Mantis travel 虚空螳螂旅行路过尹那 Teyrat time, World Tree sensation to 泰拉的时候,世界树感知到了 The specialness of Xiao Zi, therefore is soliciting void 小紫的特殊,于是在征得虚空 Under the agreement of praying mantis, keeps the Xiao Zi egg 螳螂的同意下,将小紫的蛋留 , Under, the hatching, received personally ,了下,亲自孵化,收 Was the daughter 做了干女 The son, and trains near Blue Star. 儿,并在蓝星附近培养。 Therefore this Space and Time Xiao Zi, unexpectedly 所以这个时空小紫,竟 However is also Blue Star doing daughter. 然也是蓝星的干女儿 This all of a sudden, compares short-legged cat it 这一下子,相比矮脚猫 Xiao Zi even moistens, yes 们,小紫过的甚至更滋润,是 Has the Metal key birth. 含着钥匙出生。 I I.” Qi anticipates to open “我呢我呐。”期待开 Mouth. 口。 Eh.” From Qi here, “额。”从这里开始, Shi Yu somewhat is then silent. 时宇便有些沉默。 This Space and Time, you should be direct “这个时空,你应该直接 Died when the mythical war, because 就死在了神话战争中,由于时 , The spatial particularity, causes this Space and Time ,空的特殊性,导致这个时空 The Space and Time barrier is hard to pass through specially, sometimes it 时空屏障特别难以穿越,时之 The Elf ability, suffers a disastrous decline. ” 精灵的能力,一落千丈。” „.” Qi one startled, a little entrusts “啊。”一惊,有点委 bends, how this.” 屈,“怎么这样。” Do not be sad, Duck is like you “别伤心,鸭鸭和你一样 Miserable, it is in Myth Resurgence, from 惨,它是神话复苏,自 After my awakening previous generation Abyss ability, directly 觉醒前世深渊能力后,直接 On powerful lifeform by the land was ground. 被陆地上强大的生物碾碎了。 :, :, Shi Yu cannot bear say, this fellow 时宇忍不住说道,这家伙 The previous generation does not grow the memory, this life is still not long 前世不长记性,今生依然不长 Memory. 记性。 Just before Platypus stance awakening 刚刚以鸭嘴兽姿态觉醒 World Abyssduck memory and force and straight 深渊魔鸭的记忆和力量、直 Meeting also thinks oneself are that Sea tyrant 接还以为自己是那个海洋 , Lord, not accidentally/surprisingly on great strength by land ,主,毫无意外被陆地上的强大 lifeform destroy. 生物干碎 :, :, Duck!!” In Beast Space, “鸭!!”御兽空间中, Duck also bolt from the blue, it and Qi, this 鸭鸭也晴天霹雳,它和,这 Miserable. 么惨的吗。 Roar roar roar.” Little Machine comforts “吼吼吼。”小机安慰起 Duck, without means that your can be victorious ground 鸭鸭,没办法,你打不过地面 life, is normal. 生命,也是正常的。 Duck!!” Duck feels Little Machine “鸭!!”鸭鸭感觉小机 It is not comforting it, in Xing Zaile 不是在安慰它,是在幸灾乐 Calamity!! 祸!! Duck.( You should, including being born “鸭。(你应该,连诞生 Has not been born.) ” Duck said. 都没诞生吧。)”鸭鸭道。 At this point, a Little Machine card 说到这里,小机一阵卡 Industry the shell, looks at dumbly in same place, mother, it also 业壳,呆立在原地,妈耶,它还 In, Shi Yu told it in this Space and Time 在等,时宇讲述它在这个时空 Growth experience, result, originally this 的成长经历呢、结果,原来这 Space and Time, simply had not been created 时空的自己,根本没被创造 Comes out. 出来吗。 Yes, without Shi Yu, 是哦,如果没有时宇,也 Without Machine Fantasy Beasts , there would be no it 就没有机械幻兽,也就没有它 . 了。 Your this fellow.” Cold big “你这家伙。”凛头大的 Looks at Little Machine, is difficult to be inadequate , to promote Abyss 看着小机,难不成,升级深渊 After killing the Poison-Type series, but also the influence intelligence, cuts 毒系统后,还影响智力吗,裁 The Little Machine intelligence, has undergone the promotion 小机的智力,早就经过升级 But, how is not evidently high 了,但看样子,怎么还是不高 Appearance. 的样子。 Attrition, is is very fearful “磨损,果然是件很可怕 Matter. ” Cold shakes the head, Little Machine war 的事情。”凛摇头,小机的战 Square scroll, is the offering sacrifices intelligence quotient received exchange strongly 斗方式,就是献祭智商换取强 Big force, high intelligence, after not 力量,再高的智能,也经不 Lives in it to use violence the fight skill gradually to rub 住它用暴力战斗技巧逐渐磨 Damaging. 损。 The strength is stronger, more that the intelligence quotient falls 实力越强,智商掉的越 Quickly. 快。 It estimated that without daily 它估计,要是没有日常维 Protects and does not have Breakthrough, although Little Machine expensive/noble is 护、没有突破,小机虽然贵为 Super God peak, but enormous possibility, to 超神巅峰,但极大可能,到了 The old age, will have some not good matter 晚年,会发生一些不好的事 The sentiment, lives with some quite low level Mechanical 情,和一些比较低级的机械 The life is the same, the aging year is stupid. 命一样,变老年痴呆。 My words, no longer saves “我的话,也不复存 In. ” Compares Little Machine, cold decides peacefully many 在。”相比小机,凛就澹定多 . 了。 Also is a good deed, at least “也是一件好事啦,起码 This Space and Time, you do not use daily the tired heart 这个时空,你不用天天累心 . ” Shi Yu teased played to say with a smile. 了。”时宇调侃似的玩笑道。 JD:, JD:, However, quick, the people are silent 不过,很快,众人就沉默 . 了。 Warned.( My words, should “咛。(我的话,也应该 Died.) ” Susu is looking at the stars 死掉了吧。)”素素望着星辰 Sea, opens the mouth that also decides peacefully. 大海,也澹定的开口。 Probably.” Shi Yu said: “好像是。”时宇道: Slime that stage, is final 史来姆那个阶段,就是最后 Several samsara, the final several times cannot 几次轮回了,最后几次也没能 After awakening Cerulean Fae force, thoroughly 觉醒沧海精灵力量后,彻底 Dissipation 消散 Warned.( Very was also good, this is “咛。(也很好了,这是 Best home to return.) ” Susu also very 最好的归宿了。)”素素也很 To understand quickly, it has achieved is blue 快想明白,它已经做到了在蓝 star deep sleep stage times help Blue Star live 星沉睡阶段一次次帮助蓝星 The life resists Abyss, now Nuwa returns. 命抵挡深渊,现在娲神回归. Regained consciousness by Blue Star, Abyss also thoroughly by clear 蓝星苏醒,深渊也彻底被清 Except tired was so long, returns thoroughly in a big way 除,累了这么久,彻底回归大 The sea, perhaps is also a home to return. 海,或许也是一种归宿。 After all even in Universe Starry Sky dark blue 毕竟就算是宇宙星空中沧 Sea Elf and Purify star spirit number one enemy 精灵净化星灵的头号大敌 seal, Dark King, is not destroyed the god to kill now 印,暗王,如今不也被破坏神杀死 Is living also no pursue. 了吗,活着也没什么追求了。 :, Yeah.” Shi Yu continues to track down scarlet :,“哎。”时宇继续追寻赤 The trace of child, but is quick, his expression 童的痕迹,不过很快,他表情 Is startled. 一怔。 Ni.” Akame sees Shi Yu to stare “咪。”赤童看到时宇 Lives, immediately inquires own situation how 住,立刻询问自己情况怎么 . 了。 Still is also in Hero Ruins not 是依然还在英灵遗迹中未 Recognizes the lord, is 认主,还是 Even if parallel Universe, Akame peaceful 哪怕是平行宇宙,赤童 Hope still in the Hero Ruins deep sleep, 愿自己依然在英灵遗迹沉睡, Also is not willing to be hatched by others. 也不愿意被其他人孵化。 This Space and Time, Akame. You “这个时空,赤童。你 Already and other person of contracts. ” Shi Yu 已经和其他人契约了。”时宇 The deep breath one breath said. 深呼吸一口气道。 Akame:? 赤童:? Ni!( Does not want, going to destroy is right “咪!(不要,去干碎 !!) ” The Akame air/Qi, cannot meet 方!!)”赤童气了,不能接 . 受。 Anxious should not be anxious, contract your “别急别急,契约你的 The people, look specially your. Is the female 人,是特意来找你的。是女 Emperor. ” Shi Yu expression strange say/way: „ Phoenix 帝。”时宇表情古怪道:“凰 Sunlight Empress by Blue Star Will and Nuwa resurrecting 女帝蓝星意志娲神复活 After becomes your promisor. ” 后,成为了你的契约者。” Ni?” Akame drafts, is the and “咪?”赤童一征,是和 The younger sister contract, that can also accept, 妹妹契约了啊,那还能接受, If others, she must with Shi Yu. 如果是其他人,她非得和时宇. Together, cuts the broken opposite party, own solves 一起,去斩碎对方,把自己解 Rescues. 救出来。 This Space and Time Empress, probably “这个时空女帝,好像 Also Super God. ” Shi Yu in some Blue Star 超神了。”时宇蓝星某个 In Hidden Realm, felt Super God Empress 秘境中,感受到了超神女帝 The aura, the opposite party is doubtful is closing up the cultivation. 气息,对方疑似在闭关修炼。 Un own Space and Time, Empress 自己的时空,女帝 Was in new generation first steps into Super God 就是新生代中第一个踏入超神 This Space and Time, opposite party strength not 的,这个时空,对方实力也不 The difference, the Shi Yu expression is strange, waits, 差,时宇表情古怪,等一下, When this Space and Time Empress, is not 这个时空女帝,不会也是时 One of Rain mothers of Bloodlines. 血脉之母之一吧。 The mother, the rank was chaotic, but 妈的,辈分乱了啊,不过 Ok, so long as did not ponder, cannot 算了,只要不去细想,就不会 Let the brain overload. 让大脑过载。 In this Space and Time, you two “在这个时空,你们两个 Combination, was very strong. ” Shi Yu said: 组合,也很强了。”时宇道: Two beautiful sisters team up, in the future will have the space “姐妹花强强联手,未来有宇 The capital of eon level. ” 宙级之资。” Eh.” Akame curls the lip, sometimes “额。”赤童一撇嘴,时 The space is really boring, now how she does not know 宇真无聊,她现在都不知道怎 Strides in the Universe level, parallel Space and Time 么跨入宇宙级呢,平行时空 Without Shi Yu, definitely may not 没有时宇的自己,肯定更不可 Can stride in the Universe level. 能跨入宇宙级了。 Ok.” Shi Yu sighed the mouth “好了。”时宇叹了口 :, :, The air/Qi, said: „ Ginseng Tot, does not know you 气,道:“参宝宝,不知道你 Lucky, is unfortunately. ” 算幸运,还是不幸。” he/she.” The Ginseng Tot eyelid jumps “伊。”参宝宝眼皮跳 Moves, sighed, has completed 动,也叹了口气,已经做好了 Greets parallel Space and Time own destiny 迎接平行时空的自己的命运的 Preparation. 准备。 No matter which Space and Time, you 不管是哪个时空,你都 Then also deeply loves the learn/study. ” Shi Yu slightly 还那么热爱学习。”时宇微微 Smiles., 一笑。, This time, Shi Yu starts to take a walk, 这一次,时宇开始走动, He arrived in Ancient Metropolis University, arrived 他来到了古都大学内,来到了 Outside a research, by laboratory, 一个研究室外,透过研究室, Shi Yu they, can see clearly, in 时宇他们,可以清晰看到,里 The surface has a ginseng/partake treasure of wear research clothing/taking 面有一个穿着研究服的参宝 The treasure, is studying anything. A Ginseng Tot life picture scroll, 宝,正在悉心研究着什么。一只参宝宝的人生画卷, Gradually shows in Shi Yu in front of them., 逐渐展现在时宇他们面前。, Same becomes Variant Ginseng Tot. 一样的成为变异参宝宝 Same by the Eleventh Department grandson senior 一样的被十一局的孙前辈 Catches. 抓到。 Just, did not have Shi Yu, the ginseng/partake 只不过,没有了时宇,参 The baby later destiny, had changed very much 宝宝之后的命运,有了很大改 Changes. 变。 First is brutal was treated as by Grandma Sun:, 先是无情的被孙婆婆当做:, Experiment material, overly cautious and prudent ginseng/partake treasure 实验素材,老实巴交的参宝 Treasure, although not want to such life, 宝,虽然不想要这样的生活, But also can only helpless is forced to accept, finishes 但也只能无奈的被迫接受,毕 Leeway that has not chosen unexpectedly. 竟没有选择的余地。 Fortunately, Ginseng Tot emotional quotient, intelligence quotient 还好,参宝宝情商、智商 Quite is high, in this Space and Time, one time 都比较高,在这个时空,一次 In times experimental process, Ginseng Tot grandson 次的实验过程中,参宝宝把孙 The mother-in-law coaxed happily, both sides established not 婆婆哄开心了,双方建立了不 , , Wrong friendship. 错的友谊。 At an appropriate time, Ginseng Tot approaches 在适当的时候,参宝宝 Grandma Sun proposed a desire. 孙婆婆提出了一个愿望。 It wants to change the destiny, it wants to go to study 它想改变命运,它想去学 The learn, regarding this, Grandma Sun is not accidental/surprised, 习,对此,孙婆婆并不意外, Because from is very early, Ginseng Tot on love with 因为从很早,参宝宝就爱拿着 A branch treats as the swordsmanship gesture. 一根树枝当做剑道比划. Finally, Grandma Sun gave it 最终,孙婆婆把它送给了 Ancient Metropolis University, Ginseng Tot with Ancient Metropolis University 古都大学,参宝宝古都大学 Signed 50 years of indenture of sale of person into servitude, this issue 签订了50年的卖身契,这期 In the middle it provides the tonic to take the school expense, will hang 间它提供补品作为学费,会挂 The duty in the gem Teacher Cat hanger-on, studies one 职在宝石猫老师门下,学习一 Some knowledge. 些知识。 It can be said that this Space and Time, ginseng/partake treasure 可以说,这个时空,参宝 The treasure has not escaped to gem Teacher Cat works, makes food the destiny. 宝也没逃过给宝石猫老师打工,制造食物的命运。 After going to the university, Ginseng Tot 来到了大学后,参宝宝 Is learn/study diligently, wants diligently by oneself 是努力的学习,努力想让自己 Has the battle efficiency, but, now dozens 拥有战斗力,不过,如今几十 The year passed by, Ginseng Tot in tonic one 年过去了,参宝宝在补品一 Said, is even more nutritious, however, battle efficiency 道,越发滋补,然而,战斗力 The aspect, is pitiful incomparable 方面,还是可怜无比可以 Said, almost does not have the battle efficiency. 说,几乎没有战斗力。 , , However, for dozens years, ginseng/partake: Babies even already in pushing of Jewel Cat 不过,几十年如一日,参:宝宝甚至都已经在宝石猫的推 Recommends, becomes the teacher, but still does not have 荐下,成为了老师,但依然没 Has to give up the initial dream. 有放弃自己最初的梦想。 he/she.( It cannot even enter “伊。(它甚至没能进 .) ” Ginseng Tot looks at parallel Universe 化。)”参宝宝看着平行宇宙 Sighed slightly. 的自己,微微叹息。 Does not know oneself tried hard for dozens years 不知道自己努力了几十年 After becoming the Great Emperor, still cannot change tonic Race, the destiny, can be what mood. 成大帝后,依然没能改变补品种族的,命运,会是什么心情。 Fortunately, has tried hard, continuously 幸运的是,努力过,一直 What is the dream is diligently unfortunate, no 在为梦想努力不幸的是,没有 The success, cannot see the hope. 成功,看不到希望。 Ginseng Tot looked to Shi Yu. 参宝宝看向了时宇 Ok.” Shi Yu point “可以。”时宇点了点 , My head, he knows that Ginseng Tot wants to make anything. ,我头,他知道参宝宝想做什么。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In laboratory, Ancient Metropolis University ginseng/partake 实验室内,古都大学的参 Professor, is still mixing the skill medicament, 教授,依然在调配技能药剂, However, failed. 不过,又失败了。 Does not know many in the ginseng/partake professors 就在参教授第不知道多少 Sigh time, suddenly, it slightly 次叹息的时候,忽然,它微微 Gawked, looks to the table. 一愣,看向了桌边。 Near the table, presented one suddenly 在桌边,忽然出现了一个 Has not seen experiment material. 从没见过的实验素材。 What is this?” The ginseng/partake professors doubt “这是什么?”参教授疑 Knitting the brows of being puzzled, looked to this green 惑的皱眉,看向了这颗绿色的 Seed. 种子。 Its subconscious contacts, but works as 它下意识的去接触,而当 Moves, it contacts instantaneous 动,它接触瞬间 , , Named «God after» special 一本名为《天帝经》的专 Is the tonic Race merit law information, floats 属于补品种族的功法信息,浮 Now its brain, let its complete dawdle 现在了它的大脑,让它完全宕 Machine. 机。 Its dull standing in same place is very long, 它呆呆的立在原地很久, Until responded, crazy ran the reality 直至反应过来,疯狂的跑出实 The examining room, all around the observation, is anyone 验室,观察四周,可是什么人 Did not have. 都没有了。 he/she. Who( is. For assorted 伊。(是谁。为什 .) ” Tears slide from the Ginseng Tot corner of the eye 么。)”泪水从参宝宝眼角滑 Next, it believes firmly very much, this « God 下,它很确信,这个《天帝 After », is it devises day and night 经》,就是它日日夜夜构想的 Thing, it why, in this shape 东西,它为什么,会以这种形 Does the type appear in the side? Is who is helping from 式出现在身边?是谁在帮自 Oneself. 己。 The Ginseng Tot destiny, lets everyone 参宝宝的命运,让大家唏 . 嘘。 This enough.” Shi Yu “这就够了吗。”时宇 Asked. 问。 he/she.” Ginseng Tot point “伊。”参宝宝点了点 The head, it understands himself, does not have regarding this 头,它了解自己,对于这个没 Has is putrefied Mind by add points, 有被加点腐化心灵的自己,努 The strength so many years, did not certainly hope one 力了这么多年,一定不希望一 The step reaches, but continues to depend on own 步登顶,而是继续靠着自己的 , , , Research, goes out of a new say/way diligently 努力、研究,走出一条新的道 Road. 路。 That «God Passing through», is most suitable 那份《天帝经》,是最适 About its thing, Ginseng Tot was self-confident, 合它的东西了,参宝宝自信, Parallel Universe, took over itself 平行宇宙的自己,接手了自己 «God of creation after», certainly may 创造的《天帝经》后,一定可 It returns perfection at the ratio of cultivation, finally 以修炼的比它还完美,最终也 Molds the heart of God, the name shakes Universe. 塑造出天帝之心,名震宇宙 .” Wormie envies looks “唔。”虫虫羡慕的看着 Ginseng Tot, really good. 参宝宝,真好。 Although the destiny is still rough, but good 虽然命运依然坎坷,但好 Also has the rich experience evilly, compared with, 歹也有丰富的经历,相比较, Wormie has been able to imagine itself, finally 虫虫已经可以想象到自己,终 The life, can summarize on a few words 其一生,也就一句话可以概括 Day. 天了。 Wormie situation, is solid 虫虫的情况,也是实在 Did not have the means. ” 没办法了。” I do not say.” Shi Yu “我就不说了。”时宇 Said. 道。 .” Wormie of insect cocoon shape “唔。”虫茧形态的虫虫 Expressed and does not care, even completely parallel 表示并不在意、就算全部平行 Space and Time, are quick on the wane, 时空的自己,都是很快凋零, Also was indifferent. 也无所谓了。 :, It, will at least become the Universe level, :,至少它,会成为宇宙级, Becoming strongest. 成为最强。 The Wormie vision reveals the firm and resolute god 虫虫目光露出坚毅的神 The color, urged unceasingly: „ !! 色,不断催促道:“唔!! ( Leader, leader how.) ” (领袖,领袖怎么样了。)” Iron Eater Life Span, compared with Earth 食铁兽寿命,比地球的 Panda was longer, this Space and Time ten 熊猫长多了,这个时空的十 First, without having accident/surprise, definitely not 一,如果没出现意外,肯定不 , Will easily die. ,会那么轻易死去。 Eleven.” Shi Yu deep breath 十一啊。”时宇深呼吸 These looked time to Icesource City 一口气,这一次看向了冰原市 Pingcheng direction. 平城的方向。 In the heart is a little uncomfortable, words in 心中有点不舒服,话语在 In the mouth is unable to say for a very long time. 口中久久无法说出。 , , :, yiiinng.” Eleven indicated :,“嘤嘤嘤。”十一表示说 It can accept. 吧,它能接受。 Shi Yu one step arrived at Pingcheng, such as 时宇一步来到了平城,如 Now Iron Bamboo Incubation Center, is still unexpectedly healthy 铁竹饲养基地,竟依然健 In. 在。 Naturally, these most do not let Shi Yu 当然,这些不是最让时宇 Surprised, those who most make Shi Yu surprised is, 吃惊的,最让时宇吃惊的是, This Space and Time Panda Senior Sister, the experience competes 这个时空熊猫学姐,经历竞 However like Chosen Girl, he in original Space and Time 然如天之骄女般,他在原时空 Done matter, Panda Senior Sister when this 做的事情,熊猫学姐在这个时 Spatial, almost did repeatedly. 空,几乎都重复的做了一遍。 Lin Xiuzhu, Genius Iron Eater raises 林修竹,天才食铁兽 Yu the family/home, unites Ancient Metropolis University Senior Sister land azure 育家,联合古都大学学姐陆青 According to decoded Iron Eater Relic together, sends 依共同破解了食铁兽遗迹,发 Presently Iron Eater Evolution Method, the name raises east 现了食铁兽进化方法,名扬东 Bright breeding field. ” 饲育界。” Many years later, unites Ancient Metropolis “很多年后,又联合古都 The gentlemen study land Sangda, searched to sell one together 士学陆丧达,一起探卖了一个 University Lu Qingyi, explored one together 大学陆青依,一起探索了一个 Named Chi You Remains the era loses 名为‘蚩尤遗迹’的纪元遗 The mark, obtained on Iron Eater of era 迹,获得了上个纪元的食铁兽 The cultivation method, soars henceforth, quilt 培育方法,从此一飞冲天,被 Blue Star key training, is Blue Star that generation 蓝星重点培养,是蓝星那一代 One of most dazzling several Genius. ” 最耀眼的几个天才之一。” Now, achieved Super God “如今,也达到了超神 Level. ” The Shi Yu expression is strange, feels to have 级。”时宇表情古怪,感觉有 Not oneself, oneself these acquaintances, oh 没有自己,自己这些熟人,倒 Good that mixes. 是都混的不错. Except for Jewel Cat, it seems like, this. 除了宝石猫,看来,这家. The partners really catch a fish by hand. 伙是真摸鱼。 yiiinng.” Hears Big Sis 嘤嘤嘤。”听到大姐头 Mixed is so unexpectedly good, Eleven sends at present 混的竟然这么好,十一眼前发 Bright, good. 亮,不错嘛。 Eleven, then I must say 十一,接下来我要说 Do not be sad. ” Shi Yu said: 的,你别难过。”时宇道: Yeah, I very early said, you spell “哎,我很早就说,你太拼 I. ” 我了。” Originally, you have no issue, “本来,你没什么问题, awakening hardening is quite slow, innate body ratio 觉醒硬化比较慢,先天身体比 Emaciated, is only because of king Clan Bloodlines too 较羸弱,只是因为王血脉 If you can the level, say no “如果你能躺平,说不 Decides, waits for Lin Xiuzhu to rise, waits for the spiritual energy duplicate/restores 定,等林修竹崛起,等灵气复 You can also follow to rewrite the life together 苏,你也可以跟着一起改写命 Transports. ”, 运。”, But your fellow, how this “但是你这家伙,怎么这 It is not obedient. ” Shi Yu cannot bear say, 么不听话。”时宇忍不住道, Even is a little angry. 甚至有点生气。 This Space and Time you, remain “这个时空的你,留到最 Latter does not have Beast Master to choose, because you 后也没有御兽师挑选走,你因 This, more desperate training, in feeding and breeding 此,更加拼命的训练,在饲育 , , The masters neglect incautiously, has not safeguarded 师一不小心的疏忽,没有看管 Arrived your situation, yourShi Yu 到你的情况下,你时宇 Shakes the head, „, because trains the excess load injured 摇头,“因为训练超负荷受伤 Quite heavy, almost not long, loses 比较重,几乎没有多久,就失 Went to the life symptom. ” 去了生命体征。” Even afterward rescues, cannot “就算事后抢救,也没能 Rescues 抢救回来 , , The Shi Yu words fall, the team high and low stares 时宇话落,全队上下都愣 Lived, no one has thought of this Space and Time:, 住了,谁也没想到这个时空的:, The leaders, die young unexpectedly. 领袖,竟然也是早逝。 Their simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looked to Eleven, such as 它们齐齐看向了十一,如 The fruit said Wormie and Susu they regarding oneself 果说虫虫素素它们对于自己 The destiny, had expected, knows is the life 的命运,早就预料,知道是命 Transports cannot resist, but, Eleven here competes 运不可抗,但是,十一这边竞
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