UB :: Volume #7

#695: Chapter 695: Father and daughter bureau

Unexpectedly, dares to occupy the Universe level then 竟然,敢占宇宙级的便 Suitable! 宜! Boy, you are provoking one “小子,你是在挑衅一个 Universe throne. ” Jewel Cat said. 宇宙王座吗。”宝石猫道。 You really do not believe. “你们果然不信。 Knows. 就知道。 This nonsense no one meeting “这种鬼话没人会 Jewel Cat just wants to say anything, suddenly, she 宝石猫刚想说什么,忽然,她 Was startled with Lu Qingyi slightly, hears 陆青依都微微一怔,听到了 Together familiar sound. 一道熟悉的声音。 Glimmer and Lu Qingyi, do not use tightly “荧、陆青依,不用紧 Opening, he indeed is the Shiyu father. ” 张,他的确是时雨的父亲。” Accurate, previous era “准确来说,上个纪元的 Nüwa big god, then with his Bloodlines, 女娲大神,便是用他的血脉, Creation Shiyu, this person, is on 创造的时雨,这个人,是上个 Era, one of the most dazzling powerhouses. ” 纪元,最耀眼的强者之一。” He also passed through the discipline, “他也穿越到了纪, Just, when without arriving at this 只不过,没有到来这个时 Spatial. ” 空。” Is Shiyu, when broke open diligently “是时雨,努力破开了时 Spatial boundary, him from other parallel Universe 空界限,把他从其他平行宇宙 Invited, to solve that space 邀请过来的,为了解决那个宇 Eon Overlord. ” 霸主。” This sound, Lu Qingyi and gem 这道声音,陆青依和宝石 How the cat can not be familiar, this is not Blue Star 猫怎么会不熟悉,这不是蓝星 Will? 意志吗? Really, when Shi Yu arrival, Blue Star 果然,时宇到来时,蓝星 Will also noticed Shi Yu. 意志也注意到了时宇 Is Blue Star Will.” Shi Yu “是蓝星意志吗。”时宇 Raised the head slightly. 微微抬头。 At this time, as Shi Yu spoke, he 此时,随着时宇说话,他 Opposite, Lu Qingyi and Jewel Cat already 的对面,陆青依宝石猫已经 Opened the mouth, a face cannot think 张大了嘴巴,一脸的不可思 Discussed, unbelievable. 议,难以置信。 This person, is Shiyu is really old 这个人,真的是时雨 Father? 爸? Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 , , Hehe.” Shi Yu toward them “嘿嘿。”时宇朝着她们 Shows a faint smile, said: „ When my 微微一笑,道:“在我的时 Spatial, we are the acquaintances, therefore you not 空,我们是熟人,所以你们不 With cautious, Senior Sister Lu, Teacher Ying. ” 用拘谨,陆学姐,荧老师。” Senior Sister Teacher 学姐老师・ I am also Ancient Metropolis University study “我也是古都大学的学 Ha, Archaeology Department. ” 哈,考古系的。” , , Has not waited for Lu Qingyi and Jewel Cat shakes 还不等陆青依宝石猫 Startled are too many, Blue Star Will sound again 惊太多,蓝星意志的声音再次 Resounding. 响起。 Your excellency, she, because passes through Space and Time “阁下,她因为穿越时空 Contacts with you to consume oversized, at this time also falls into 联系你消耗过大,此时也陷入 The deep sleep, does not know when your excellency is at this 了沉睡,不知道阁下在这个时 Spatial, how long can stay. ” 空,可以停留多久。” Shi Yu stares, this child how this. 时宇一愣,这孩子怎么这. Empty. 么虚。 The consciousness passes through Space and Time, can empty 意识穿越个时空,都能虚 Weak? Even Dark King was inferior! 弱?连暗王都不如! Let alone is his daughter. 别说是他女儿 Reputation of this weakest Universe level, except 这最弱宇宙级的名头,除 Non- gem Teacher Cat really can Breakthrough Universe 非宝石猫老师真的能突破宇宙 Level, otherwise possibly where this Shiyu 级,不然可能得安在这个时雨 Head. 头上了。 My words, have not limited “我的话,并没有限 System. ” Shi Yu said. 制。”时宇道。 This.” Blue Star Will darkness “这样吗。”蓝星意志 darkness is startled, Shiyu the father of Bloodlines, 吃惊,时雨血脉之父,果 However is very strong, when passes through continually Void Metropolis has nothing 然很强,连穿越时空都没什么 Limit. 限制。 Without issue, please “如果没问题的话,请把 She gives me. ” 她交给我。” I will find the way to let her fast Su “我会想办法让她快速苏 Awakes. ” 醒。” Shi Yu said, the weak words are not good 时宇道,虚弱的话还不好 Said, his here other does not have, is the medicine 说,他这里别的没有,就是药 Many. 多。 Ok.” Facing wanting of Shi Yu “可以。”面对时宇的要 Asked, Blue Star has not declined saying: „ She one 求,蓝星没有拒绝道:“她一 In a Space Universe most precious object Bank of China 直在一个空间宇宙至宝中行 Moves, recuperates there, I will empty 动,也是在那里休养,我将空 In the middle the coordinates considers you. ” 间坐标告予你。” Quick, Shi Yu obtained Shiyu 很快,时宇就得到了时雨 In the Space and Time coordinates. 所在时空坐标。 However, he just wants to go to time, 不过,他刚想去的时候, Actually recalls, here also has two ripeness 却回想起来,这里还有两个熟 People. 人。 He looks that Senior Sister and Jewel Cat are old 他看着学姐宝石猫 The masters, show a faint smile saying: „ That, I 师、微微一笑道:“那么,我 First walked. ” 先走了。” Under, I want to chat with you, “等下,我想和你聊聊, The later words, how found you. ” Land 之后的话,怎么找到你。”陆 Qingyi said. 青依道。 If also has free time, I will come back “如果还有空,我会回来 , , Strolls. ” Shi Yu said. 逛逛的。”时宇道。 He wants to have a look, this parallel Space and Time 他想看看,这个平行时空 Eleven and Wormie they, situation how 十一虫虫它们,情况怎么 Type 样了 Not facing oneself, was a pity 没有遇到自己,也太可惜 Like Wormie, even has possibly died 了,像虫虫,甚至可能早就死 Goes to, if possible , he will act 如果有可能,他会出手 Under indicated their destiny. 点拨下它们的命运。 , , Bye.” “再见。” Then, Shi Yu left directly 说完,时宇就直接离开了 Here. 这里。 Jewel Cat silent looks at Shi Yu to leave 宝石猫沉默的看着时宇 Opens, said: „ This fellow, unexpectedly is real 开,道:“这家伙,竟然是真 . 的。 Words said, you want to ask him to chat anything “话说,你想找他聊什么 . ”, 啊。”, It‘s nothing, is only to parallel space “没什么,只是对平行宇 The eon, to the discipline is quite curious, but 宙,对第纪比较好奇而 Already. ” Lu Qingyi said: „ You are not curious 已。”陆青依道:“你不好奇 Parallel Universe are what situation 平行宇宙的自己是什么情况 . 吗。 From the meaning in his mouth, “从他口中的意思来看, Teacher Ying your present situation, may with the draw 荧老师你现在的情况,可跟平 , , Line Universe has very big disparity. 宇宙有很大差距。 This.” Jewel Cat ponder, “啊这。”宝石猫沉思, Ok, manages her, parallel Universe from 算了,管她呢,平行宇宙的自 Oneself are formidable, but can also ascend the sky inadequately, it 己再利害,还能上天不成,它 Does not want to compare with oneself. 才不想跟自己比。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Shi Yu entered special spatial 时宇进入了一个特殊的空 In the middle, after arriving here, Shi Yu called 间,来到这里后,时宇啧啧称 strange say/way: „ Could not discover no wonder, originally 奇道:“怪不得发现不了,原 Also has this Equipment. ” 来还有这种装备。” He walks into this Space, from the beginning 他走入这个空间,一开始 What does not have, more walks is farther, quick 什么都没有,越走越远,很快 Probably enters a boudoir of young girl. 像是进入一个少女的闺房。 At this time, a beast pet form, 此时,一只宠兽的身影, Also appeared slowly in the Shi Yu side, 也慢慢浮现在了时宇的身边, Ginseng Tot looks at pink proliferating 参宝宝看着粉红色的遍布布娃 The room center of kid, he/she 娃的房间中心,“伊”了 . 一声。 At this time Shiyu is lying down above big 此时时雨正躺在上面的大 On the bed, is such recreation. 床上,原来是这样休养的吗。 Ginseng Tot.” Shi Yu same place not 参宝宝。”时宇原地未 Moves, but force of Universe level, already 动,但是宇宙级的力量,已经 in addition held on Ginseng Tot, next one 加持在了参宝宝身上,下一 Carves, when Universe level Ginseng Monarch separates the spatial milk to get up 刻,宇宙参天帝隔空奶起时 Rain., 。, How long also has not known, on bed 也不知道过了多久,床上 The sleeping beauty did cough. 的睡美人干了一声。 The opposite party and a Shi Yu mold carves 对方和时宇一个模子刻出 Comes, if Shi Yu is perfect 来的,如果说时宇是极致的 Graceful, then opposite party is pinnacle floating 帅,那么对方的就是极致的漂 Bright and standard black becoming dark child beautiful young girl. 亮、标准的黑发黑童美少女。 At this time, Shiyu opens eyes, courageous 此时,时雨睁开眼,勐地 Discovered not far away Shi Yu is sitting in the chair 发现了不远处时宇正坐在椅子 On, curls upwards one leg on the other, on the leg has one 上,翘着二郎腿,腿上有着一 Ginseng Tot, both sides are only looking from 参宝宝,双方正在看着自 Oneself. 己。 Then how long.” “这才多久。” Sees Shi Yu first, the opposite party 看到时宇的第一眼,对方 Knows, Shi Yu has passed through successfully 就知道,时宇已经成功穿越了 My Space and Time, arrived at her world. 时空,来到了她的世界。 I said that will come naturally to be able “我说了会来自然就会 Come. ” Shi Yu said: „ Now 来。”时宇道:“不过现在的 The issue is, I do not have the sensation to that you said 问题是,我没感知到你说的那 The existence trace of fellow. ” 个家伙的存在痕迹。” This group of fellows, very can hide. 这群家伙,都挺会藏啊。 „ The opposite party possibility, used alone “对方可能,使用了独属 In force of its era, it can kill 于它那个纪元的力量,它能杀 The dead Universe level, possibly depends is also first 宇宙级,可能靠的也是第一 force that the discipline is in sole possession. ” Shiyu shakes the head 纪独有的力量。”时雨摇头 Said. 道。 Your “你 My words, have not limited “我的话,并没有限 System. ” Shi Yu guesses the opposite party thinks 制。”时宇一猜对方就是想 Asked, he can stay to be many in this Space and Time 问,他在这个时空能停留多 Long, Shi Yu replying the Blue Star answering tuart, 久,时宇把回答蓝星的答桉, More is left intact the covered passageway. 越原封不动回复道。 Ok, doesn't matter.” Shi Yu “算了,没关系。”时宇 Said: „ Does not need to look anxiously right 道:“也没必要那么急着找对 So long as ensure the opposite party will come to have next time 方,只要确保对方下次现身有 I resisted am good. ” 我来抵挡就好了。” If may be weak while the opposite party 如果有可能趁着对方虚弱 The condition found the opposite party to get rid of, Shi Yu nature 状态找到对方干掉,时宇自然 was not glad. 乐意 However cannot accomplish , are not related, 但是办不到,也没关系, He can also while this Time, continue 他也可以趁着这段时间,继续 Practices, if produced the achievement, lets 修炼一下,万一出了成果,让 Eleven and Wormie their which enters the space 十一虫虫它们哪一只进入宇 The eon level, wins the surface when the time comes same also 宙级,到时候胜面也一样可以 Increase. 增加。 „ When I have kept this “我会一直留在这个时 Spatial, until the opposite party comes. In this 空,直至对方现身。或者在这 , Space and Time leaves behind enough consciousness, Ok ,个时空留下足够的意识,可以 Guarantees the first time arrival. ” 保证第一时间到来。” You, really had confidence that defeats right “你,真的有把握战胜对 ? ” Before had not suspected Shi Yu this 方?”之前没有怀疑时宇 When as the Shi Yu true body arrives, Shiyu 时,随着时宇真身到来,时雨 Cannot bear inquire again. 忍不住再次询问起来。 Universe Overlord not 要知道,连宇宙霸主都不 Is an opponent 是对手 No matter there is, must on the talent “不管有没有,都得上才 Ok. ” Shi Yu was happy, said: „ What's wrong 行。”时宇乐了,道:“怎 Must try my strength, idles 么,要试试我的实力吗,闲来 The safe/without matter, I did not mind that comes a father with you 无事,我不介意跟你来一场父 Female bureau. ” 女局。” Ohh! “嗷喔喔! Shi Yu said, in Beast Space, 时宇说完,御兽空间中, Eleven and other beast pet were excited. 十一宠兽兴奋了。 Ohh!” “嗷喔喔!” Shi Yu said, in Beast Space, 时宇说完,御兽空间中, Eleven and other beast pet were excited. 十一宠兽兴奋了。 With Universe level Beast Master PK, it 宇宙御兽师PK,它 Requested to go to battle, beats savagely favoring of Shiyu 们请求出战,暴打时雨的宠 Beast!! 兽!! Shiyu passes the jumping the ranks contract king 时雨是通过越级契约界王 Breakthrough Universe level, but quick 突破宇宙级的,不过很快界 King died, now her normal beast pet, 挂掉,现在她的正常宠兽, Should also on the Super God peak level. 应该也就超神巅峰水平。 This.” A Shiyu face is black “这好吗。”时雨一脸黑 Line. 线。 You did not rest “你不是也休息过来了 . ” Shi Yu said with a smile: „ No 吗。”时宇笑道:“不 Comparison 过比起 That, I have other things to inquire 那个,我还有其他事情想询问 . ” 一下。” Actually, I continuously before you “其实,我一直对你之前 Then, transmigrator of first discipline, sometimes 说的,第一纪的穿越者,时 When Elf, it of that rabbit shape 精灵,那个兔子形态的时之 Elf is interested. ” Shi Yu said: „ You 精灵感兴趣。”时宇道:“你 Said that she passed through failed, excuse me, she in 说她穿越失败了,请问,她在 This Space and Time, has to leave what trace 这个时空,有留下什么痕迹 . ” 吗。” „Are you interested in her?” Shiyu “你对她感兴趣?”时雨 Stares, said: „ Also right, after all we 一愣,道:“也对,毕竟我们 From the first discipline. ” 都来自第一纪。” You know her other status “你知道她的其他身份 In this era, we only know 吗,这个纪元内,我们只知道 Her Race and appearance, to her other 她的种族、外貌,对她其他的 The experience, knows nothing. 经历,一无所知。 She, although passed through failed, but “她虽然穿越失败了,但 , , Also is the true body arrives at this discipline 是也是真身降临到了这个纪 Yuan, but, actually already completely by time 元,不过,却已经完全被时光 The trace washout becomes one completely 痕迹冲刷成为了一块完整的化 Stone. ” 石。” fossil??” In Shi Yu heart one 化石??”时宇心中一 , , Startled, as if triggered what his key 惊,彷佛触发了什么他的关键 Word. 词。 Right, absolutely does not have life “对,已经完全没有生命 Trace fossil. ” 痕迹的化石。” Which you know this fossil, “你知道这块化石在哪, ? ” Shi Yu asked: „ This fossil also 吗?”时宇问:“这块化石 Preserves does not have. ” 保存着没有。” Shiyu is startled, said: „ Should have 时雨一怔,道:“应该有 From the beginning this fossil, by 吧,一开始这块化石,是由界 Sir king obtains, afterward, pasted 王大人获得,后来,流转到了 In Universe Overlord hand. ” 宇宙霸主手中。” Now, possibly is Universe Overlord “如今,可能是宇宙霸主 Carries of day of Legion collections 载天军团的收藏品之一 Now Universe Sir Overlord is raising “现在宇宙霸主大人在养 The wound, the Nuwa senior acts as an agent Universe Overlord Army 伤,娲神前辈代管宇宙霸主 Group, if your want to looks, excuse me 团,如果你想要看的话,拜托 The Nuwa senior, should be able to find. ” 娲神前辈,应该可以找到。” Shi Yu said: „ Interesting, clever female 时宇道:“有意思,乖女 The son, I helps you fight, must have 儿,我来帮你们打架,总要有 The reward, how you look at this fossil 点酬劳吧,你看这块化石怎么 Type. ” 样。” Shiyu:? 时雨:? Why, she is not one time 为什么,她已经不是一次 Twice felt this Shi Yu has unable to ignite the accent 两次感觉这个时宇有点不着调 ! Now, starts to keep thinking unexpectedly. 了!现在,竟然又开始惦记起. Came the Universe Overlord holding. 宇宙霸主的藏品了吗。 However, Shiyu is more curious, Shi Yu 不过,时雨更好奇,时宇 want to this does fossil do. 想要这块化石干嘛。 This is very important to you?” “这个对你很重要?” It can be said that.” Shi Yu point “可以说是吧。”时宇 When head, fossil of jade rabbit, since 头,时之玉兔的化石啊,既然 Is fossil, may become Mechanical to be imaginary 化石,就有可能成为机械 Beast material. 兽的材料。 Cold does not look for suitable Mechanical to be imaginary again 凛不是再找适合的机械 Beast material. 兽素材呢吗。 When this fossil of jade rabbit, no 这个时之玉兔的化石,不 Just is appropriate. 是正合适吗。 That obtained from Dark King there, 暗王那里得到的那块, Does not know the type, temporarily does not need to manage, but 不知道类型,暂时不用管,但 When is the jade rabbit, was too simply suitable. 是时之玉兔,简直太适合了。 If success fusion, could 如若成功融合,说不定能 Let RIn also has the Time Travel ability, 让凛也拥有时空穿梭的能力, Becoming a model of Space and Time machine. 成为一款时空机器。 In fusion process, if there is anything 融合过程中,如果有什么 Difficulty, did not fear, after all empress, from 难点,也不怕,毕竟女皇、自 Oneself, study to Spirit of Time extremely deeply. 己,都对时之精灵研究极深。 It can be said that compared with that unknown 可以说,比起那块未知化 Stone, this Space and Time when jade rabbit of 石,这个时空的时之玉兔化 The stone, more suitable current stage cold to come boost 石,更适合当前阶段凛来强化 Oneself. 自己。 Good, I try to find the solution, goes “好吧,那我想办法,去 Asked the Nuwa senior. ” Shiyu at this time, 拜托娲神前辈。”时雨此时, The deep breath one breath said. 深呼吸一口气道。 Does not use that anxiously, but completely “也不用那么急,完全可 I defeated the destruction god, then brings 以等我打败破坏神后,再拿来 Gives me. ” Shi Yu set out, extended a laziness 给我。”时宇起身,伸了个懒 The waist said: „ You restore again, since 腰道:“你再恢复恢复,既然 So, I first stay in this Space and Time 如此,我就先在这个时空停留 For a while good. ” 一阵儿好了。” If there is a matter you to look for me again, I “如果有事你再找我,我 Should continuously in Blue Star, naturally, such as 应该会一直在蓝星,当然,如 The fruit you have under the interest examination my strength, 果你有兴趣检验下我的实力, I accompany momentarily. ” 我随时奉陪哈哈。” Shiyu hesitates. 时雨沉吟一下。 Hits hits, but, comparing notes is “打就打,不过,切磋为 The lords, extremely do not waste force. ” When 主,不要太过浪费力量。”时 Rain earnest incomparable looks at own Bloodlines 认真无比的看着自己的血脉 When the father, she is actually more curious than anyone 之父,其实她比谁都更好奇时 The strength of space, just Breakthrough Universe level, 宇的实力,刚刚突破宇宙级, She only fights with the rank low person 她才只跟比自己级别低的人战 Has fought, but also has not fought with the Universe level 斗过,还从没跟宇宙级战斗 The words that but compares notes, should not have assorted 过,只是切磋的话,应该没什 Issue. 么问题吧。 Determination.” Shi Yu originally already “确定吗。”时宇本来已 Leaves after the plan, hears Shiyu such 经打算离开,听到时雨这么 Said, came the interest. 说,也来了兴致。 Un, should not mind that has the view “嗯,应该不介意存在观 The numerous, I want to invite the Nuwa senior and blue 众吧,我想邀请娲神前辈、蓝 star Will, although I also calculate to trust you, 意志,虽然我还算信任你, However the Nuwa senior they are different 但是娲神前辈他们就不一样 So long as you showed enough 了,不过只要你展现出了足够 Resistance 对抗 The strength of destruction god, I think Nuwa 破坏神的实力,我想娲神 The seniors, should not care, Universe 前辈,应该不会在意,将宇宙 Overlord Legion resource storehouse, completely opens wide to you. ” 霸主军团资源库,完全向你敞开。” When the time comes, resistance destruction god, “到时候,对抗破坏神, Perhaps the winning percentage can also be bigger. ” 说不定胜率也能更大。” , , I heard, Universe Overlord Legion “我听说,宇宙霸主军团 resource storehouse, has several Universe to 资源库,有着好几件宇宙 Treasure all for the Universe peace. ” 宝・・一切为了宇宙和平。” Speaking of the Universe most precious object, Shiyu swallowed 说到宇宙至宝,时雨咽了口口 The water, cares to several probably very for a long time. 水,好像也对某几个在意很久。 Your this fellow Shi Yu does not have “你这家伙・・・时宇 Language. 语。 My goodness you tempt me, while 好家伙你这是引诱我,趁 Empty enters, first space of light Universe Overlord 虚而入,先光宇宙霸主的宇 Does the eon most precious object store goods? Immoral! 宙至宝存货是吧?不道德啊! But like me! 但像我!
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