TIWYCC :: Volume #5

#463: Mountain that is unable to cross!

After first has the wolf, has the tiger, said is the bad circumstances that Li Hansheng faces now. 前有狼后有虎,说的就是李汉升现在面临的糟糕境遇。 Under the sword Ji's tower instead hits the ability, because has W this to calculate the top small skill on front row in League of Legends, the displacement effect of Q skill supplementary, instead hits the ability is very actually strong. 剑姬的塔下反打能力由于有W这个在英雄联盟里面算的上前列的顶级小技能,还有Q技能附带的位移效果,反打能力其实很强。 May combine facing the Ueno more tower of wilderness spider bug rank, the sincerity insufficiently looks. 可面对荒漠蜘蛛这种bug级别的上野越塔组合,真心不够看。 Wilderness spider Ueno combines to more tower kill to live, single Lunyue jumps over the tower forcefully 荒漠蜘蛛这个上野组合就是为了越塔强杀而生的,单论越塔强行越塔 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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