TIWYCC :: Volume #5

#462: Soldier who forgets a rise treasure( 51 joyful)!!

The dragon bead is truly worried. 龙珠确实很苦恼。 At present they faced with the hard problem that a BP level is unable to solve. 目前他们就是面临一个BP层面无法解开的死结。 They are unable to decode flood to wrestle on singly firing system, but flood wrestles actually their on singly firing system decoding. 他们无法破解滔搏的上单射手体系,而滔搏却已经将他们的上单射手体系给破解。 What to do?” gold/metal Zhuzhu deeply frowned, has been thinking deeply about solution, finally makes him desperate, he cannot find out any solution, was finished......” “怎么办呢?”金猪猪眉头紧锁,一直在思索解决的办法,结果却让他绝望,他根本就想不出任何的解决办法来,“完蛋了……” 0-2 the backwardness, oneself look 0-2的落后,自己又找 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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