SS :: Volume #10

#143: False life

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Soars has not participated in Lisa and Simone's discussion, turns on the astrolabe secretly, the examination wants the demon the data. 高飞没有参与丽莎和西蒙尼的讨论,暗自打开星盘,查看欲魔的数据。 In the hometown nine hells of devil, most devils are Baht ancestor clan, constitutes a social class stern complex society together, each devil must respect and obedient social class higher similar- at least on outwardly so. 在魔鬼的故乡九层地狱,绝大多数魔鬼都属于巴特祖族,共同构成一个阶级森严的复杂社会,每个魔鬼都必须尊敬并且服从阶级比自己更高的同类-至少在明面上如此。 Wants the demon in the society of Baht ancestor devil, is the standard elite class, but the can be regarded powerful official, challenging the rank usually is 8 levels. 欲魔在巴特祖魔鬼的社会里,属于标准的精英阶层,但是算不得权贵,挑战等级通常是八级。 Wants the demon association/will to carry three weapons along: A " + 1 evil long swords " , " + 1 flaming flame long bow " , in addition one 20-meter " activation rope " . 欲魔总会随身携带三件武器:一柄「邪恶长剑」,一张「炽焰长弓」,外加一根长达20米的「活化绳」。 This expansion free rope is wants the demon with own long hair knitting, can be used to tie up the enemy, but can also act as the torture instrument to whip the convict, satisfies own uses/gives Nveyu while convenient. 这条伸缩自如的绳索是欲魔用自己的长发编织而成,既能用来捆住敌人,还能充当刑具鞭打囚徒,顺带满足自己的施虐欲。 Besides these three standard configuration weapons, wants the demon also according to tight-fitting skin armor who the need puts on to highlight the enchanting figure, or in the hell roaring flame has quenchinged steel board armor- this indicated that they can proficiently use all military weapons and against have. 除了这三件标配武器,欲魔还会根据需要穿上凸显妖娆身段的紧身皮甲,或者在地狱烈焰中淬炼过的钢铁板甲-这表明她们能够熟练使用一切军用武器和防具。 Wants the demon to have 123 HP , 6 level inborn armors on average, various attributes are as follows: Strength 20, agile 23, physique 20, intelligence 14, sensation 18, charm 21. 欲魔平均拥有123点HP,6级天生护甲,各项属性分别是:力量20,敏捷23,体质20,智力14,感知18,魅力21。 A Tanneur thousandth devil in similar abyss, is born Baht ancestor devils in nine prisons also has big pile of abnormal race talents: 类似深渊中的塔纳厘恶魔,诞生于九狱的巴特祖魔鬼也有一大堆变态的种族天赋: Understands thoroughly dark( devil's eyes) ・洞彻黑暗(魔鬼之眼) Reduces the wound armor 10 brilliance or refining up the silver ・减伤护甲十光耀或炼银 Immunity flame and toxin ・免疫火焰和毒素 Cold and pickling resistance respectively 10 points ・寒冷和酸蚀抗性各十点 Magic resistance ・魔法抗性 Summon similar( the daily 1 time, summoned one or a more step lower devil) ・召唤同类(每天一次,召唤一只或者更多比自己阶位更低的魔鬼) ...... …… Wants the demon to have the above race talents not only, but also grasped five specialties, is " clever movement " and " is skilled to dodge " and " courageous strength attack " and " weapon to be adept " respectively and " multiple attacks " - each wheel attacks with the long sword or the long bow twice. 欲魔不光具有上述所有种族天赋,还掌握了五项专长,分别是「灵巧动作」、「精通闪避」、「勐力攻击」、「武器娴熟」和「多重攻击」-每轮以长剑或者长弓攻击两次。 Baht ancestor devil, mostly has the inborn ability. 巴特祖魔鬼,大多拥有天生的施法能力。 Wants demon rank is 13 levels, the excelled magic arts are as follows: 欲魔的施法等级是13级,擅长的法术如下: 0 points- secondary illusory image ; 0环-次级幻影; 1 point- order technique, 2 points- dark technique ; 一环-命令术,二环-黑暗术; 3 points- frightened technique ; 三环-恐惧术; 4 points- evil shadow strikes, the anger of order ; 四环-邪影击,秩序之怒; 6 points- true knowledge technique ; 六环-真知术; 7 points- higher transmission technique. 七环-高等传送术。 ...... …… Soars to close the astrolabe, turned around to say to Umberto and the others: " That that transmitted a moment ago only wants the demon, the goal is to obviously silence a witness of crime, from this can infer, her master is hires a Western Sahara party to assassinate my secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. " 高飞关闭星盘,转身对翁贝托等人说:「刚才传送过来的那只欲魔,目的明显是为了杀人灭口,由此可以推断,她的主人就是雇佣西撒一党暗杀我的幕后黑手。」 " Does Simone, how you see? " Umberto looks to the young public prosecutor. 「西蒙尼,你怎么看?」翁贝托望向年轻的检察官。 " In Patus, has the customer of killer the financial resource hire Western Sahara this rank is not many, but after assassination failure, but can also dispatch to want the demon to come to silence a witness of crime, the suspicious range was smaller. " 「在帕图斯,有财力雇佣西撒这个级别的杀手的主顾并不多,而在行刺失败之后,还能派遣欲魔前来杀人灭口,可疑的范围就更小了。」 Simone stopped, then the analysis said: " Among all suspicious objects, most has the person who the motive does this, belongs to Adam Rulfo, it seems like our slaughter dragon hero, does not think frank and upright encounters on the field of honor with Mr. Justice, therefore plays outside this type of despicable plate the move! " 西蒙尼停顿了一下,接着分析道:「所有可疑对象当中,最有动机这样做的人,非亚当・鲁尔夫莫属,看来我们的屠龙英雄,并不想光明正大的跟贾斯蒂斯先生在决斗场上交锋,所以才耍这种卑鄙的盘外招!」 " Snort! I know that is he does! " Giugliano said with clenched jaws, " heard early this person is not honest, makes the transaction with the devil secretly, a moment ago that succuba was the evidence! " 「哼!我就知道是他干的!」朱利亚诺咬牙切齿地说,「早听说这个人不正派,暗地里跟魔鬼做交易,刚才那个魔女就是证据!」 " Pitifully, Western Sahara had died, wanted the demon also to run away, even if we had the multi- reasons to suspect again Adam Rulfo bought the murder person, was still dies not verifies, he can definitely deny our accusations. " Simone deeply frowned. 「可惜,西撒已经死了,欲魔也逃走了,就算我们有再多理由怀疑亚当・鲁尔夫买凶杀人,也是死无对证,他完全可以否认我们的指责。」西蒙尼眉头紧锁。 " Please the church act, sending a pastor to come, corpse execution necromancy to Western Sahara " " how? " Lisa sprouts up the fantasy. 「请你们的教会出面,派一个牧师过来,对西撒的尸体施行「通灵术」怎么样?」丽莎突发奇想。 Simone shakes the head the forced smile. 西蒙尼摇头苦笑。 " Hasn't Miss Colt, you discovered? After Western Sahara wants the demon to kill, the spirit is separated from the body, was drawn the hell by that succuba, is unable to call the human world with the aid of " necromancy " . " 「柯尔特小姐,您还没有发现吗?西撒被欲魔射杀过后,魂灵就脱离躯壳,被那魔女拖进地狱,无法借助「通灵术」唤回人间。」 Nearby Lisa's doubtful arriving Western Sahara corpse, after careful examination, has to acknowledge Simone's view. 丽莎半信半疑的走到西撒尸体跟前,仔细查看过后,不得不承认西蒙尼的说法。 The spirit of alchemist has fallen into Bartow hell, is unable to provide the clue for this tuart again. 炼金师的魂灵已经堕入巴托地狱,无法再为这桩桉子提供线索。 Umberto coughs lightly, breaks the depressed atmosphere. 翁贝托轻咳一声,打破沉闷的气氛。 " Simone, Brother Musker is unfamiliar with the people and place in Patus, not personally secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who is possible to trace to hire the assassin, this matter must ask you to help. " 「西蒙尼,马斯克老弟在帕图斯人生地不熟,不可能亲自追查雇佣刺客的幕后黑手,这件事还是要拜托你帮忙。」 " Does not have the issue, I will check to come to light with every effort. " The Simone refreshed place, " also had the martial skill and magic that Adam Rulfo excelled, I will also verify as soon as possible, next time will meet, I will give you relevant information, quite made Mr. Justice be ready for this being a focus of public attention duel ahead of time. " 「没问题,我会尽力查个水落石出。」西蒙尼爽快地点了下头,「还有亚当・鲁尔夫擅长的武技和魔法,我也会尽快查明,下次见面的时候,我会把相关情报交给你们,好让贾斯蒂斯先生为这场万众瞩目的决斗提前做好准备。」 " Moreover, big brother Umberto, since Mr. Justice becomes the duel agent of queen, has encountered in this short two weeks assassinates twice, instigation who if assassin is really Adam Rulfo, perhaps will not give up, to duel day also one week, in this period of time, you must be ready that the guard assassinates next time. " 「另外,翁贝托大哥,自从贾斯蒂斯先生成为王后陛下的决斗代理人,在这短短两周里已经遭遇两次暗杀,假如刺客的主使者真是亚当・鲁尔夫,恐怕不会善罢甘休,离决斗日还有一个星期,在这段时间里,你们还得做好防范下一次刺杀的准备。」 The Simone sincere urging said. 西蒙尼正色叮嘱道。 Umberto nods gently, sinking sound said: " Starting today, we keep the embassy as far as possible, avoids going out, if must go out is not possible, I will protect Brother Musker personal, looked that who dares to look for trouble! " 翁贝托轻轻点头,沉声道:「从今天开始,我们尽量留在大使馆,避免外出,如果非要外出不可的话,我会贴身保护马斯克老弟,看谁敢来找麻烦!」 The combativeness that this saying said that made to soar is moved secretly. 这话说的杀气腾腾,却令高飞暗自感动。 Western Sahara saying goodbye people, depart in a hurry. 西撒告辞众人,匆匆离去。 Soars, Lisa, Umberto and to subdue|grams comes also before the police rush leaves the theater, Giugliano and Kesey remain, is responsible for dealing with the interrogation of police. 高飞、丽莎、翁贝托和克来尔也在警方赶到之前离开剧院,朱利亚诺和柯西莫留下来,负责应付警方的盘问。 Before travelling, soars has not forgotten to search for the corpse of alchemist Western Sahara, fishes out a thick surface book. 跑路之前,高飞还没忘搜一下炼金师西撒的尸体,摸出一本厚厚的皮面书。 This is the demon model calligraphy of Western Sahara, the magic that above transcribes, the magic arts list that oneself prepares with Western Sahara today is completely same. 这是西撒的魔法书,上面抄录的魔法,跟西撒本人今天准备的法术列表完全一样。 Sits on returning to the carriage of embassy, soars comes the safe/without matter idly, turns comes the demon model calligraphy of Western Sahara, glanced over. 坐在返回大使馆的马车上,高飞闲来无事,就翻来西撒的魔法书,浏览了一遍。 The most magics in this book recording, soared have learned or transcribed, but also had the new knowledge that was worth studying diligently, " protection ball lost " including 2 points and " confuses trace step " and " false life " , 3 points " human decided body technique " , link " weak effect divine creative force technique " and " ice storm " . 这本书上记载的大多数魔法,高飞已经学会或者抄录过了,但是也有值得钻研的新知识,包括二环「防护弹失」、「迷踪步」和「虚假生命」,三环「人类定身术」,环「弱效造物术」和「冰风暴」。 " False life " is the dead souls school of thought that will take the material by few strong liquor, will obtain " rank from now on + attribute revision " a temporary life, will continue for 1 hour / rank. 「虚假生命」属于死灵学派,以少量烈酒作为素材,施法过后获得「施法等级+施法属性修正」点临时生命,持续一小时/施法等级。 Injured time, first consumes the temporary life value, exhausts the temporary life, the magic arts effect relieves automatically. 受到伤害的时候,首先消耗临时生命值,耗尽临时生命,法术效果自动解除。 What particularly needs to pay attention, temporarily after the life loses, cannot supplement in the therapy magic, if in addition holds " false life " again, temporarily life reset, rather than overlay. 特别需要注意的是,临时生命损耗过后,不能以疗伤魔法来补充,如果再次加持「虚假生命」,临时生命将会重置,而非叠加。 Soaring is 10 levels , the attribute charm 27, revises + 8. 高飞是十级施法者,施法属性魅力27,修正。 learned " false life " , pats one round to oneself, can obtain 18 point temporary life values. 学会「虚假生命」,给自己拍上一发,就能获得18点临时生命值。 Provides the big god journey Jianxin «Savior Simulator» quickest renewal for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神程剑心的《救世主模拟器》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 143: The false life read free. 第143章:虚假生命免费阅读. Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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