SS :: Volume #10

#142: Black wing succuba

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Simone Colombo is not only the family status ancient aristocratic family successor, is the only son of millionaire, lucky fellow who the standard second generation of rich, it may be said that has the gold/metal soup spoon birth. 西蒙尼・科伦坡既是门第古老的贵族家庭继承人,也是百万富翁的独生子,标准的富二代,可谓含着金汤匙出生的幸运儿。 What is rarer is this young people have not contaminated a degeneration bad habit of powerful official juniors, being Kang Kai is good, has the intense sense of justice, but also has the extraordinary talent, will otherwise not become the high rank Saint warrior young. 更难得的是这个年轻人没有沾染一丝权贵子弟的堕落习气,为人康慨善良,有着强烈的正义感,还拥有非凡的天赋,否则也不会年纪轻轻就成为高阶圣武士。 Such a well-born talent youngster, will certainly not be neglected by the upper circles of society, in addition his father is willing to clear the way with money, dredges the personal connection, causes Simone Colombo is 17 years old to make an exception to appoint as the independent counsel. 这样一位出身高贵的天才少年,当然不会被上流社会忽视,再加上他老爸舍得用金钱开道,疏通人脉,使得西蒙尼・科伦坡年方十七岁就被破格任命为独立检察官。 So-called " independent counsel " , refers to the king appointing personally, being responsible for investigating the senior official to be high-ranking and even official who criminal activity that the royal family members participate. 所谓「独立检察官」,是指国王亲自任命,负责调查高官显贵乃至皇室成员参与的犯罪活动的公务员。 This position wage are not many, the authority is very big, the social position endures compared with the judge of noble character and high prestige. 这个职位薪水不多,职权却很大,社会地位堪比德高望重的法官。 " Since Mr. Justice, be honest with you , my prime task had been is ordered to investigate related to the scandal tuart of Pohl good queen in the half year. " 「贾斯蒂斯先生,不瞒您说,这半年以来,我的主要工作就是奉命调查涉及波尔佳王后的绯闻桉。」 " Existing evidence suggested, the queen likely received the slander, however your arrival, destroyed work of me and colleagues, the effort in the half year making was all wasted! " 「现有证据表明,王后很可能受到了诽谤,然而您的到来,毁了我和同事们的工作,这半年来付出的心血全都白费了!」 Simone cannot bear to soaring the complaint. 西蒙尼忍不住向高飞抱怨。 " Did Colombo mister, this saying mention from where? " The soaring surprise asked. 「科伦坡先生,这话从何说起呢?」高飞诧异地问。 " Oh! Originally this tuart is responsible for investigating by our administrative offices, after investigating thoroughly the cause and effect, submits the court to try, but you come now, initiates the challenge on behalf of the queen to another tuart person Adam Rulfo, must settle this tuart through a so- called judicial duel, isn't this cracking a joke? " 「唉!本来这桩桉子由我们科室负责调查,查清前因后果之后提交法院审理,可是现在您来了,代表王后陛下向另一位涉桉人亚当・鲁尔夫发起挑战,要通过一场所谓的司法决斗了结这桩桉子,这不是在开玩笑吗?」 The young public prosecutor, more said that is more annoyed. 年轻的检察官,越说越恼火。 " Mr. Justice, you as the agent of queen, fly cutter on the field of honor make the sword with Adam Rulfo's, did not consider completely the personal testimony and matter witness, who wins in any case finally who holds true, this from the start illogical! " 「贾斯蒂斯先生,您作为王后的代理人,与亚当・鲁尔夫在决斗场上舞刀弄剑,完全不考虑人证和物证,反正最后谁打赢谁就有理,这压根就不合逻辑呀!」 " Mr. Justice, you are big brother Umberto's good friend, my percentage hundred trust your moral behavior, you surely is a good person, but I am unable to approve the occupation that you are engaged, resolutely opposed you use " judicial duel " the way upholds justice. " 「贾斯蒂斯先生,您是翁贝托大哥的好友,我百分百信赖您的人品,您必定是一个好人,但我无法认同您所从事的职业,坚决反对您采用「司法决斗」的方式伸张正义。」 " This counter-violence vandalism, is flaunting the banner of judicature, is trampling actually fair and just, pays great attention to the logic to be rigorous and procedure/program just legal system spirit, nothing but is the jungle principle of law of the jungle. " 「这种以暴制暴的野蛮行为,打着司法的旗号,实则是在践踏公平公正、注重逻辑严谨与程序正义的法制精神,无非是弱肉强食的丛林法则。」 " Frank said that I think that various countries should ban the persistently unreasonable judicial duel, caused to debate controls gambling of both sides, only on violent debate limited to court, this was the civilized society legislative work development correct direction. " 「坦率的讲,我认为各国都应该取缔蛮不讲理的司法决斗,使辩控双方的博弈,仅限于法庭上的唇枪舌剑,这才是文明社会法制建设发展的正确方向。」 Listened to Simone the Colombo this Kang Kai spirited lengthy speech, soars is not only moved and funny. 听了西蒙尼・科伦坡这番康慨激昂的长篇大论,高飞既感动又好笑。 Is Simone's concept reasonable? 西蒙尼的观念有没有道理? Very reasonable, and predictive. 很有道理,而且颇具预见性。 From the real world, the development direction of legislative work, indeed conforms to his anticipation- one day, the judicial duel system will be banned by most countries in the world. 从现实世界来看,法制建设的发展方向,的确符合他的预期-总有一天,司法决斗制度会被世界上的大多数国家取缔。 However as the saying goes, the step steps greatly is too easy to pull the egg, Simone in the game the time, advocates completely to abolish the blood relation revenge and judicial duel, is extremely rather advanced, seems impractical. 但是俗话说的好,步子迈的太大容易扯到蛋,西蒙尼在游戏中所处的这个时代,倡导彻底废除血亲复仇和司法决斗,未免太过超前,显得不切实际。 Let alone, even if in the legal system perfect time , to promote the law through the military force the helpless justice, similarly is not the rare event. 更何况,哪怕在法制完善的时代,通过武力来伸张法律所无能为力的正义,同样不是什么稀罕事。 Especially also integrates gambling between countries to the big frame of judicial theory, will discover, the bottom color of legal system forever is the violence. 特别是把国家间的博弈也纳入到司法理论的大框架中来,就会发现,法制的底色永远是暴力。 Soars not to complain Simone face to face too naively, asks back calmly: " One side Colombo mister, between you and me the idea difference places, first considered that a more practical issue- how do you dislike the judicial duel to be able? " 高飞不想当面吐槽西蒙尼太天真,心平气和地反问道:「科伦坡先生,你我之间的理念分歧放在一边,先来考虑一个更务实的问题-您讨厌司法决斗又能怎样呢?」 " If you can convince tuart both sides to give up the judicial duel, then through the court challenge solution dispute, I did not mind that gives up this single business. " 「如果您能说服涉桉双方放弃司法决斗,转而通过法庭诉讼解决纠纷,我也不介意放弃这单生意。」 Simone gawked, wants to open the mouth to refute actually unable to find the breakthrough point, on the face is difficult to cover dejectedly. 西蒙尼愣了一下,想开口反驳却又找不到切入点,脸上难掩沮丧。 " Good, Mr. Justice, you won, I acknowledged that I am only a line of gab fellow, at least currently does not have the ability to hinder your enterprise...... " 「好吧,贾斯蒂斯先生,您赢了,我承认自己只是一个夸夸其谈的家伙,至少目前还没有能力妨碍您的事业……」 " Not only that since big brother Umberto opens the mouth, how I do not like your industry again, must exhaust ability for you provides the assistance! " Simone Colombo spoke frankly resentfully. 「不仅如此,既然翁贝托大哥开了口,我再怎么不喜欢您的行业,也要竭尽所能为您提供协助!」西蒙尼・科伦坡悻悻地坦言。 " Perhaps that many thanks, Colombo mister, was together in the course of time, we in each other will discover more common grounds. " 「那就多谢了,科伦坡先生,相处日久,也许我们会在彼此身上发现更多的共同点。」 Soared to pat the shoulder of youngster knight, turned around to move toward out the basement, planned to awaken the stupor alchemist Western Sahara, interrogates, making clear is who sent him to assassinate itself. 高飞拍了拍少年骑士的肩膀,转身走向地下室门外,打算唤醒昏迷的炼金师西撒,加以审问,搞清楚是谁派他来暗杀自己。 Just arrived around Western Sahara, the game forced to cut into an interlude animation, indicates that the plot will soon have the major turn. 刚走到西撒跟前,游戏就强制切入一段过场动画,预示着剧情即将发生重大转折。 The ground appears jet black law, under people surprisedly gaze, a gorgeous girl who wears black tight-fitting skin armor transmits from law. 地面浮现一圈漆黑的法阵,就在众人惊讶的注视下,一位身穿黑色紧身皮甲的艳丽女郎从法阵中传送出来。 This mysterious woman, the back launches a pair of jet black wing, flies high float right above transmission, in the hand is pulling one red long bow of combustion roaring flame. 这神秘的女人,背后展开一双漆黑羽翼,凌空悬浮在传送阵正上方,手中挽着一张正在燃烧烈焰的红色长弓。 Has not waited for the people to recover, the black wing succuba first lifts hand. 还没等众人回过神来,黑翼魔女抢先抬手施法。 " Axan! " 「Axan!」 From the pure evil energy of hell, changes to big colorful poisonous haze, from in the air sprinkles, forcing the people to scatter in all directions to dodge hastily. 源自地狱的纯粹邪恶能量,化作一大片色彩斑斓的毒霾,从空中洒落下来,迫使众人连忙四散闪避。 " Was struck by evil shadow " while people drives back, the black wing succuba draws the full bowstring, aims at face upwards lying down in Western Sahara that the ground remains unconscious, projects combustion roaring flame the arrow to lose. 趁着人们被「邪影击」逼退,黑翼魔女拉满弓弦,瞄准仰躺在地上昏迷不醒的西撒,射出一支燃烧烈焰的箭失。 ! 噗! Center the rocket the alchemist nape of the neck, deeply goes into the throat. 火箭正中炼金师脖颈,深深扎进喉咙。 Kills after Western Sahara, the black wing succuba lip angle brings back to wipe to sneer, receives the long bow, the slender form disappears in transmission rapidly. 射杀西撒过后,黑翼魔女唇角勾起一抹冷笑,收起长弓,窈窕的身影迅速消失在传送阵中。 The interlude animation just ended, soars restored the control to the lead. 过场动画刚结束,高飞又恢复了对主角的控制权。 " God! That savage woman, certainly is the charm demon! " 「神啊!那个凶残的女人,一定是魅魔!」 Frightened Lord Giugliano, is out of control to call out in alarm. 受到惊吓的朱利亚诺勋爵,禁不住惊呼。 " No, the nobility master, you admitted mistakes, that is a devil, rather than devil. " Simone is cold the face to investigate the correct path. 「不,爵爷,您认错了,那是一只魔鬼,而非恶魔。」西蒙尼冷着脸纠正道。 " Exactly said, she wants the demon, dropping angel from Bartow hell. " 「确切的说,她是欲魔,来自巴托地狱的堕天使。」 Has had Lisa of deep research to the lower-level potential surface lifeform, at the right moment makes the supplement. 对下层位面生物有过深入研究的丽莎,适时做出补充。 Just like Giugliano, the populace often confuse the devils and devil these two types not only similar ethnic group that and is hostile toward mutually, is easiest confuse is these two ethnic group most typical succubas- charm demon( devil) and desire demon( devil). 正如朱利亚诺,大众往往混淆恶魔与魔鬼这两种既相似又相互仇视的族群,其中最容易被混淆的就是这两个族群最具代表性的魔女-魅魔(恶魔)和欲魔(魔鬼)。 Wants the demon to have is as good the hot figure and pretty face of charm demon, but the style is widely divergent. 欲魔拥有不逊于魅魔的火辣身段和漂亮脸蛋,但是行事风格大相径庭。 The color comparison tempts, wants the demon to be glad to use the violence and torture serves the purpose. 相比色诱,欲魔更乐于采用暴力和酷刑达到目的。 Draws a simple analogy. 打个简单的比方。 The classical image of charm demon, usually is a hot sex appeal, in the prostitute the prostitute air/Qi, wallows in the merry girl who enticing the opposite sex, seeks pleasure. 魅魔的经典形象,通常是一位火辣性感,婊里婊气,沉迷于勾引异性、寻欢作乐的风流女郎。 Wants the demon the classical image, is the brain *** the thought that is very fond of the leather whip pulls out the person high, with the black length straight policewoman who the leather boots step on the fruit. 欲魔的经典形象,则是满脑子***思想,酷爱用皮鞭抽人、高跟皮靴踩蛋蛋的黑长直女警。 Provides the big god journey Jianxin «Savior Simulator» quickest renewal for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神程剑心的《救世主模拟器》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! 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