SS :: Volume #10

#133: Dark blue kings

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Listened to Paul's words, the soaring heart to move, the opening astrolabe, examined the task list hastily. 听了保罗的话,高飞心头一动,连忙开启星盘,查看任务列表。 Really brushes a new branch duty: Secret investigation of Paul Potter! 果然刷出一条新的支线任务:保罗・波特的秘密调查! What is strange, so far, this branch duty can only be responsible for advancing by Paul, oneself this lead cannot meddle, is unsuitable to inquire, seems to have no immediate concern to oneself. 奇怪的是,到目前为止,这条支线任务只能由保罗一人负责推进,自己这个主角既不能插手,也不便过问,仿佛事不关己。 It seems like the time has not arrived.” Soars to think. “看来是时机未到。”高飞心想。 According to the past game experience, he forecast that this branch plot will so develop: 根据以往的游戏经验,他预测这条支线剧情将会如此开展: Paul investigates Captain Tang Taisi alone, wants to find the breach from this person, uncovers secret instigation of assassination incident. 保罗独自调查唐泰斯船长,想从这个人身上找到突破口,揪出暗杀事件的幕后主使者。 At the beginning of investigation, the progress will be quite smooth, when Paul discovers the key clue, the plot likely develops rapidly after a sudden turn, causing him to fall into villain's hand, the life is worrying. 调查初期,进展将会比较顺利,而当保罗发现关键线索,剧情很可能急转直下,导致他落入反派之手,生命堪忧。 Until this time, the lead will take over control of this branch duty, tries to rescue Paul to get out of trouble, reveals the true colors of secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator while convenient. 直到这时,主角才会接管这条支线任务,设法营救保罗脱困,顺带揭穿幕后黑手的真面目。 Naturally, this is only a comparison convention screenwriter mentality. 当然,这只是一种比较俗套的编剧思路。 As for game plot according to his forecast, puts in order some unexpected detailed work, waits. 至于游戏剧情是按照他的预测走,还是整出一些意料之外的花活儿,拭目以待吧。 Dark blue king Patus, is honored as „the pearl in Bologna peninsula, lighthouse that in Jinjiao Bay will never extinguish. 海蓝王都帕图斯,被誉为“博洛尼亚半岛上的明珠”,“金角湾上永不熄灭的灯塔”。 Compares another to soar more familiar kings, with Avalon for world-class metropolis, Patus has two most prominent characteristics. 相比另一个高飞更熟悉的王都,同为世界级大都市的阿瓦隆,帕图斯有两个最突出的特征。 First is the sunny weather, the blue sky, white clouds and shining sand beach, for this metropolises that have 1 million residents provided the beautiful background board. 首先是阳光明媚的天气,蓝天、白云和金灿灿的沙滩,为这座拥有百万居民的都市提供了美丽的背景板。 In comparison, fog city Avalon cannot see several cloudless days all year round, is not the thick fog covers, is rainy, the gentlemen of being away from home mostly wear the windproof coat, brings the umbrella, the entire city gives people a gloomy depressing feeling. 相比之下,“雾都”阿瓦隆一年到头都见不着几个晴天,不是大雾笼罩,就是阴雨绵绵,出门在外的先生们大多穿风衣,带雨伞,整个城市给人一种灰暗压抑的感觉。 The second advantage of Patus, is here street is clean, except for the hard work of municipal department, for example inspects behind the beast of burden buttocks that pulls a cart along the street whether hung up the excrement pocket, throughout the year along the sea breeze that the street sways, made the great contribution to the elimination street trash and dust. 帕图斯的第二个优势,就是这里的街道非常干净,除了市政部门的辛勤工作,比如沿街检查拉车的牛马屁股后面是否挂上了粪兜,一年四季沿着街道吹拂的海风,也为清除街头垃圾和灰尘做出了巨大贡献。 The spacious clean street, the street both sides constructions all are the roof of snow white wall and deep blue, making the tourist who came from far away feel particularly neatly. 宽敞干净的街道,街道两侧的建筑一律是雪白的墙壁和瓦蓝的屋顶,使远道而来的游客感到分外清爽。 Avalon's street also has the environmental protection worker to sweep clear regularly, but this city biggest source of pollution from coal smoke. 阿瓦隆的街道也有环卫工人定期清扫,但是这座城市最大的污染源来自煤烟。 The urban district peripheral has too many factories, the noise and direct discharge of steam engine the mist and dust in air, turned into a giant workshop the entire city, the sky was polluted by the cigarette ash, presents the strange purple under shining of sunlight. 市区周边有太多工厂,蒸汽机的噪音和直接排放到空气中的烟尘,把整个城市变成了一座巨大的车间,以至于天空被烟灰污染,在阳光的照耀下呈现出诡异的紫色。 Naturally, good deed that in the world has not satisfied both sides. 当然,世上没有两全其美的好事。 Seashore metropolis Patus no doubt is neat the attractive, modern manufacturing industry level is actually far less than real kingdom capital Avalon. 海滨都市帕图斯固然整洁漂亮,现代制造业水平却远不如斐真王国的首都阿瓦隆。 Many precise machine measuring appliances, including the military product, can only lead the industrial more developed Fiji real kingdom or the Koulasi empire from the demon import, the dark blue kingdom is at a very awkward position in the Varetz world big powers, was ridiculed second-class powerful nation that as bullies the weak and fears the strong. 很多精密的机器仪表,包括军工产品,只能从魔导工业更发达的斐真王国或者寇拉斯帝国进口,以至于海蓝王国在瓦雷斯世界列强当中处于一个很尴尬的地位,被讥讽为“欺软怕硬的二流强国”。 In addition, a national most important capital construction in the seashore, from the long-term perspective is not a good deed. 此外,把一个国家最重要的首都建设在海边,从长远考虑并不是好事。 Every year typhoon season, Patus will hit by disaster, the storm is too occasionally big, the tide broke through the breakwater to stop, the street in entire city was submerged by the sea water, the resident has to paddle the flat base boat to go out.” “每年的台风季节,帕图斯都会受灾,偶尔风浪太大,潮水冲过防波堤阻拦,整个城市的街道被海水淹没,市民只得划着平底小船出门。” Sits on going to the carriage of embassy, Paul to soaring to introduce local conditions and social customs of Patus. 坐在前往大使馆的马车上,保罗向高飞介绍帕图斯的风土人情。 Until fairly recently, the capital established the protection to confuse the lock, was thoroughly got rid of the seasonal threat of tsunami and typhoon.” “直到不久前,首都建立起防护迷锁,才算彻底摆脱了海啸和台风的季节性威胁。” Except for the disaster, the war is also a realistic threat.” “除了天灾,战争也是一个现实的威胁。” Paul then said. 保罗接着说。 „A country is located in the seashore the capital, no doubt there is the convenience on logistics and trade, but is also easier to encounter from the marine attack.” “一个国家把首都设在海边,固然有物流和贸易上的便利,但是也更容易遭到来自海上的袭击。” In dark blue kingdom historical, is always trapped in the harassment of pirate, but also was once attacked and occupied the capital by the Enemy Navy twice, the royal family and ministers have to flee to the inland city at the same night.” “在海蓝王国的历史上,总是受困于海盗的骚扰,还曾两次被敌国海军攻占首都,王室和大臣们不得不连夜逃往内陆城市。” To avoid this kind of disgraceful event repeats, in recent years the dark blue kingdom paid most funds on the construction navy, has completed a powerful fleet that is next to the real navy.” “为了避免此类丢人现眼的事件重演,近年来海蓝王国把大部分经费都花在建设海军上,已经建成一支仅次于斐真海军的强大舰队。” When the people chatted, the carriage decelerated slowly, stopped before the embassy gate. 就在众人闲聊的时候,马车缓缓减速,在大使馆门前停下。 Paul takes the lead to get out, to the reception personnel show papers of embassy, received has been waiting for the distinguished guest ambassador of with great kindness entertainment. 保罗率先下车,向大使馆的接待人员出示证件,受到早就在等着贵宾来访的大使阁下盛情招待。 On the table of embassy midday feast, soars to the ambassador inquires the situation of Pohl good queen, but also wants deeply to understand own duel opponent Adam Rulfo. 在使馆午宴的餐桌上,高飞向大使阁下打听波尔佳王后的处境,还想深入了解一下自己的决斗对手亚当・鲁尔夫。 What a pity, the ambassador as if has scruples, said is some not salty not peaceful diplomatic compounds, cannot soar to provide what valuable information. 可惜,大使阁下似乎有所顾忌,说的都是些不咸不澹的外交辞令,没能给高飞提供什么有价值的情报。 Soaring somewhat is at first disappointed, however carefully observes the ambassador the expression and limbs movement, has several at heart. 高飞最初有些失望,然而仔细观察大使阁下的表情和肢体动作,心里就有数了。 Why the ambassador has been making fun, full mouth pleasantries? 大使为什么一直在打哈哈,满口客套话? Not does not want to say that but does not dare to say. 并非不想说,而是不敢说。 Suggested from his slight expression, soaring is not difficult to guess correctly, the banquet hall of embassy, is not the safe place that can speak freely. 从他细微的表情暗示,高飞不难猜出,大使馆的宴会厅,不是一个可以畅所欲言的安全地方。 In this restaurant, any secret corner may install the listening-in device, any server, may be the spy who places in secret. 在这间餐厅里,任何隐秘的角落都有可能安装着窃听装置,任何一个服务生,都有可能是暗中安插进来的间谍。 The life in this environment, the diplomatic personnel must be cautious in word and deed, perhaps does not dare to speak irresponsibly the sleep-talking, the withstood pressure can be imagined. 生活在这种环境里,外交人员必须谨言慎行,恐怕连梦话都不敢乱说,承受的精神压力可想而知。 «Wrestling of Wave Big Time Rebirth» 《重生之搏浪大时代》 I do not like the atmosphere of embassy.” After the midday feast ended, Lisa cannot bear the complaint, here person is putting on airs, the mouthful official language appropriate to the occasion, insincere...... can we look for the hotel outside, oneself spend, lived can also comfortable.” “我不喜欢大使馆的气氛。”午宴结束后,丽莎忍不住抱怨,“这里的人都在装腔作势,满嘴官方辞令,一点儿都不真诚……咱们可不可以在外面找旅馆,自己花钱,住的也能舒服一点。” My young lady, should not be willful!” to subdue|grams comes to scold her ill-humoredly, our status are the diplomatic personnel, continuously in the embassy, where do you make the ambassador the face toward put? Outside these times are staring at the tabloid reporter of our every action and every movement, how also think how do write?” “我的大小姐,你可别任性了!”克来尔没好气地数落她,“咱们的身份是外交人员,不住在大使馆,你让大使阁下的面子往哪儿放?外面那些时刻盯着咱们一举一动的小报记者,又会怎么想,怎么写?” Gram in the principle that comes Sister this saying saying that we must do in Rome as Rome does.” Soars to comfort Lisa. “克来尔大姐这话说的在理,咱们必须入乡随俗。”高飞安慰丽莎。 Umberto smiles, visit to Croatia said: I am not familiar in this political smell too thick place, don't you meet Yi Rongzhu? Helps me melt an attire, I lead you to go to the street to stroll, buys several pretty clothes, in the evening attended the diplomatic dance party time puts on, what kind of?” 翁贝托笑了笑,对克来尔说:“我也不习惯住在这种政治气味太浓的地方,你不是会‘易容术’吗?帮我化个装,我带你去街上逛逛,买几件漂亮衣裳,晚上出席外交舞会的时候穿,怎么样?” Good good!” Red hair girl exciting straight of jumps. “好啊好啊!”红发女郎兴奋的直跳。 Ms., rare Mr. Esposito straightens out, makes you to go to the lover's rendezvous on own initiative, do't can reward his fragrant kiss?” “罗茜女士,难得埃斯波西托先生开窍,主动约你去幽会,你不得奖励他一个香吻?” Paul smiles in nearby face badly, agitates. 保罗在旁边一脸坏笑,扇风点火。 to subdue|grams came to blush stared his one eyes ruthlessly, originally does not want to pay attention to this making trouble out of nothing fellow, helpless soared with Lisa also creates a disturbance in side, a little did her unable to get out. 克来尔红着脸狠狠瞪了他一眼,本来不想理睬这个无事生非的家伙,无奈高飞和丽莎也在旁边起哄,搞得她有点下不来台。 Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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