SS :: Volume #10

#113: The story of colonel

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Crossed some little time, the fan tempts the demon to stop the laughter, said to the Countess: Madame, the sentiment that you are good at envying made me be infatuated, your lofty vanity made me admire, the approach that you destroyed the beautiful thing endured a ratio art, I favored you in the shape of charm demon in the abyss blood pond rebirth, even was likely to evolve to become the mud demon.” 过了好一会儿,迷诱魔才止住笑声,对伯爵夫人说:“女士,您善于嫉妒的情操令我陶醉,您那崇高的虚荣令我敬佩,您摧毁美好事物的做法堪比一门艺术,我看好您以魅魔的形态于深渊血池重生,甚至有望进化成为泥魔。” Demon Monarch voice side drop, iron maiden then closing up cover. 魔君话音方落,“铁处女”便合拢盖子。 Follows a sad and shrill scream, the female Count was gripped to pass the heart to be cool by the innumerable steel awls, soaks in the middle of own blood, completed the last time in life to bathe. 伴随一阵凄厉的尖叫,女伯爵被无数钢锥扎了个透心凉,浸泡在自己的鲜血当中,完成了人生中的最后一次沐浴。 The fifth mourner, is one strong, keeps a serious look arrives at nearly simple-hearted military officer. 第五位忏悔者,是一位身材壮实、表情严肃到近乎木讷的军官。 Colonel mister who this came from the bankrupt aristocratic family, in young, does not have a thing in the world except for the noble bloodline. 这位出身于破产贵族家庭的上校先生,在年轻的时候,除了高贵的血统一无所有。 He appearance is ordinary, lacks the eloquence, is not good at asking for the woman favor, is unable like other aristocrat family whose fortunes are on the decline, to change the embarrassed destiny through the wealthy girls who marrying bourgeois families come, has to put the thoughts in the studies, graduates from the university by the outstanding result, then the enlistment enlists, as highway bridge project expert in engineer troops service. 他这人长相普通,缺乏口才,不擅长讨女人欢心,无法像别的贵族破落户那样,通过娶一个资产阶级家庭出身的富家女改变窘迫的命运,只好在学业上多花心思,以优异的成绩从大学毕业,而后参军入伍,以路桥工程专家的身份在工兵部队服役。 Five years ago, colonel mister was dispatched the new continent, holds an office in the overseas army corps, is responsible for managing the concentration camp in colony. 五年前,上校先生被派遣到新大陆,任职于海外兵团,负责管理殖民地的集中营。 In his area of jurisdiction, altogether 13 centralized collection posts, the detained convict including the wanderer, the drug addict, the black slave of rebellion, Atha Clan indigenous people who revolts against the westbound movement, smallpox patient and leper who even need to isolate. 在他的辖区里,总共有13座集中收容所,关押的囚徒包括流浪汉,瘾君子,暴动的黑奴,反抗西进运动的阿萨族原住民,甚至还有需要隔离的天花患者和麻风病人。 Colonel mister is a from head to tail technocrat, receives the meticulous attitude of engineer, systematic of concentration camp management, is deep the higher authority to trust. 上校先生是一个彻头彻尾的技术官僚,秉承工程师的严谨作风,把集中营管理的井井有条,深得上级信赖。 Over time, the situation in colony is volatile day after day, first is Atha Clan indigenous the rebellion, the request colonizer rolls returns to one's old home, gives back to the indigenous people the colony. 随着时间推移,殖民地的局势日渐动荡,先是阿萨族土着起来造反,要求殖民者滚回老家,把殖民地还给原住民。 West the colony garrisons to make an expedition to the east asks, suppressed the indigenous tribe of rebellion with great difficulty, among the colonizer rebel member, raises up the flag of rebellion unexpectedly, requests to expel the garrison, the colony founds a nation independently, severs completely with the suzerain. 殖民地驻军东征西讨,好不容易镇压了暴动的土着部落,殖民者当中的叛逆分子,竟然又竖起造反的旗帜,要求赶走驻军,殖民地独立建国,与宗主国一刀两断。 The successive years of war, makes the innumerable prisoners of war and homeless tramps, making population gathering of concentration camp inflate, has surpassed the limit of keeping the order, often erupts the infectious disease, fights also emerges one after another incessantly with the rebellion. 连年的战争,制造出无数战俘和无家可归的流浪汉,使得集中营的人口集聚膨胀,已经超出了维持秩序的限度,时常爆发传染病,斗殴和暴动也是层出不穷。 These terrible business, do in a terrible fix colonel mister, has to file the report to the boss, applied for more funds and manpower, concentration camp that otherwise he being incapable management order will gradually lose control. 这些麻烦事,把上校先生搞得焦头烂额,只得给上司打报告,申请更多的经费和人手,否则他将无力管理秩序逐渐失控的集中营。 The bosses told him in the reply frankly, the funds and manpower did not have, but can provide a solution troublesome approach to him, for example initiated society to purify movement, these lived the criminal the concentration camp and the inferior race who are wasting the grain, neat purification fell. 上司在回信中坦率的告诉他,经费和人手都没有,但是可以给他提供一个解决麻烦的思路,比如发起一场“社会净化运动”,把集中营里那些活着只是浪费粮食的罪犯和劣等人种,干脆利落的“净化”掉。 Colonel mister comprehended the intention of boss, begins the design paper personally, constructs the toxic gas bathroom and corpse crematory. 上校先生领会了上司的用意,亲自动手设计图纸,建造毒气浴室和尸体焚化炉。 He also wrote a fair rigorous scoring table, according to the age, sex, skin color, race, the mental level, the health and expertise convict, can deliver and other essential factor 11 allocations with the work specially. 他还撰写了一份公正严谨的计分表,根据囚徒的年龄、性别、肤色、种族、智力水平、健康状况、专业技术、特殊才能和劳动产出等要素一一打分。 Colonel mister renews table of integrals every month a time, practices the lowliest place elimination system, the overall is lower than and convict of ruled lines conducts humanity destruction entirely, the population pressure of alleviation concentration camp, thus causes the health and order returns to make his satisfactory condition. 上校先生每个月更新一次积分表,实行末位淘汰制度,积分低于及格线的囚徒统统进行人道毁灭,缓解集中营的人口压力,从而使卫生和秩序回到令他满意的状态。 Then, colonel mister carries out the boss to confess meticulously the mission that the way of industrialization assembly line, indigenous and black slave in concentration camp and infects the patient to be divided the raid to feed in the toxic gas bathroom, by extremely high efficiency mass killing. 就这样,上校先生一丝不苟执行上司交代下来的使命,以工业化流水线的方式,把集中营里的土着、黑奴和传染病人分批次送进毒气浴室,以极高的效率集体屠杀。 In order to make up for the expenditure of construction toxic gas bathroom and crematory, colonel mister is unconventional, designs one mechanism, collects the fat of dead, for manufacturing soap. 为了弥补建造毒气浴室和焚化炉的开支,上校先生还别出心裁,设计出一套机械装置,把死者的脂肪收集起来,用于制作肥皂。 The soap of concentration camp product, excellent in quality and reasonable in price, quick on the best-selling colony, increased one of the brilliance for the personal history book of colonel mister. 集中营出品的肥皂,物美价廉,很快就畅销殖民地,为上校先生的履历簿增添了光彩的一笔。 Until the fall of last year, colonel mister finished in the enlistment period of new continent, bringing two honor medals to return to the home. 直到去年秋天,上校先生结束在新大陆的服役期,带着两枚军功章返回国内。 Respectable father, recalled that in the personal history of colony service, I know the matter that oneself handle is ignominious, duty that but the higher authority delegated, I must carry out.” “尊敬的神父,回想在殖民地服役的履历,我知道自己所做的事情并不光彩,但是上级委派下来的任务,我必须执行。” In fact, I brilliantly completed my mission, was ordered to execute the fellow who as for these by me, living time does not have the profit to the society, after dying, makes the soap, instead can have some uses, regarding purifying our social and improvement population quality has the profit very much , died a worthy death.” “事实上,我出色的完成了自己的使命,至于那些被我下令处决的家伙,活着的时候对社会毫无益处,死后做成肥皂,反而能够派上些许用场,对于净化我们的社会、提升人口质量很有益处,也算是死得其所了。” Listens to colonel mister not to have the statement of slight sentiment, soul connoisseur Sarah Tus is touching the chin, hesitated does not decide, crosses gave the answer for a long time. 听完上校先生不带丝毫感情的陈述,“灵魂鉴赏家”萨拉图斯抚摸着下巴,沉吟不决,过了许久才做出答复。 Colonel mister, you enough degenerates, what a pity deficient fervor, if your boss does not order, you do not dare to release the innermost feelings evil instinct.” “上校先生,您足够堕落,可惜缺乏激情,如果您的上司不下命令,您就不敢释放内心邪恶的本能。” „A you such obedient soldier, in my opinion, is more suitable to take the place of your soul home to return to is the monotonous dull Bartow hell, rather than colorful bottomless trench.” “您这样一位循规蹈矩的军人,在我看来,更适合作为您灵魂归宿的地方是单调乏味的巴托地狱,而非多姿多彩的无底深渊。” However on the other hand, you attainments in the technique of brutal cold blood are quite high, if your spirit by the abyss will admission, at least can the reincarnation be a vulture demon fortunately.” “然而话说回来,您在残酷冷血的技艺上造诣颇高,如果您的魂灵有幸被深渊意志接纳,至少可以转生为一只鹫魔。” The fans tempt the demon judges, colonel mister suddenly closed up iron maiden kills, executed the criminal when like him in the concentration camp like that neat. 迷诱魔做出评价过后,上校先生就被骤然合拢的“铁处女”杀死,如同他生前在集中营处决犯人时那般干脆利落。 Actually to go to the hell or the abyss as for his spirit, the reincarnation for the devil or the devil, will be unknown. 至于他的魂灵究竟前往地狱还是深渊,将会转生为魔鬼还是恶魔,就不得而知了。 The sixth mourner, is the chief of Wakeham Monastery. 第六位忏悔者,正是威科姆修道院的院长。 He provides this monastery to one group of profligate aristocrats, as meeting place that drinking heartily to indiscriminate in making friends and finding sexual partners, oneself are also hell hot club one of the founders, this spiritual cultivation chief regarding the belief devout facing the Sarah Tus's inquiry, the spiritual cultivation chief spoke frankly by the humble intonation thus it can be seen, oneself this life is calm, is far less than before him make the confession is so dramatic in the gentlemen and ladies, only then a small fortuitous encounter is worth ruminating. 他把这座修道院提供给一群放荡贵族,作为狂饮滥交的聚会场所,自己也是“地狱火俱乐部”的创始人之一,由此可见这位修道院长对于信仰是多么的虔诚面对萨拉图斯的询问,修道院长以谦卑的语调坦言,自己这一生波澜不惊,远不如在他前头做告解的先生和女士们那么富有戏剧性,只有一件小小的奇遇值得回味。 When this matter must be young from the spiritual cultivation chief mentions, he is the second son in family/home, after being grown, according to aristocratic family's convention, is placed in his front outlet only has two: 这件事还要从修道院长年轻时说起,他是家中的次子,成年以后,按照贵族家庭的惯例,摆在他面前的出路只有两条: Either joins the army, either enters the church. 要么从军,要么进入教会。 He chose the second outlet, before to become the official priest, must first go to the theological school to go study. 他选择了第二条出路,在成为正式的教士之前,先得去神学院就读。 Like other young frivolous students, spiritual cultivation chief during studying, had once discussed several loves, always month before last under start from the romantic flower, to be predestined friends finished unqualified. 如同其它年少轻狂的学生,修道院长在求学期间,也曾谈过几场恋爱,总是从浪漫的花前月下开始,以有缘无分结束。 And a lover, is the youngest daughter of room master. 其中一个恋人,是房东家的小女儿。 By the noble family background and graceful style of speaking, the spiritual cultivation chief is very easy to not be oneself the naive girl fan of that petty bourgeois family background, is obedient to him. 凭借高贵的出身和优雅的谈吐,修道院长很容易就把那个小市民家庭出身的天真女孩迷得神魂颠倒,对他百依百顺。 Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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