SS :: Volume #10

#101: Death sports match(

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New continent that being unworthy of the name massacre, was used by the separatist politicians, finally hyped the blasting fuse of colony independence movement. 新大陆那场名不副实的“大屠杀”,被独立派政客们利用,最终炒作成了殖民地独立运动的导火索。 But the more explosive massacre happening in kingdom capital, even/including King George III is also shocked, consults the cabinet whole body of ministers at the same night, whether should legislate by the parliament, across the country bans soccer extremely barbaric sports. 而发生在王国首都的这场更劲爆的惨案,连国王乔治三世也深感震惊,连夜咨询内阁群臣,是否应该由议会立法,在全国范围内取缔足球这项极其野蛮的运动。 The fan in Fijian real kingdom, should thank then cabinet prime minister Lord Nourse. 斐真王国的球迷,都应该感谢时任内阁首相诺斯勋爵。 My your majesty, letting the workers vents the unnecessary energy and to life the disaffection on the soccer field, total feeling better makes them be used to build the street barricade this strength, launches the rebellion.” “我的陛下,让工人们把多余的精力和对生活的不满发泄在足球场上,总好过让他们把这股力量用来筑造街垒,发动叛乱。” George III's expostulation to prime minister deep is so, therefore reduced big problems into little problems, eliminated the thought of banning the soccer sports. 乔治三世对首相的谏言深以为然,于是大事化小,打消了取缔足球运动的念头。 Can be inferred from the attitude of king and prime minister, the upper circles of society of this country the soccer localization are the blue collar movement, comes disdains to participate from aristocratic family's dignified people. 从国王和首相的态度可见一斑,这个国家的上流社会就是把足球定位为蓝领运动,出身于贵族家庭的体面人是不屑参与的。 Hell hot club the member mostly came from the upper class, actually takes ridiculing the upper circles of society false morals preach to happily. “地狱火俱乐部”的成员大多出身于贵族阶层,却以嘲弄上流社会虚伪的道德说教为乐。 This group of children of the nobility say the devil follower in the belief, the devil summon ceremony, drinking heartily, the rotten gambling and gathers in great numbers crowd of P is the repertoire of club, pursues to beat on the soccer field like the boorish third-rater, similarly to show the individuality of rebel. 这群贵族子弟在信仰上自称魔鬼信徒,恶魔召唤仪式,狂饮、烂赌和聚众群P更是俱乐部的保留节目,像粗野的下等人那样在足球场上追逐摔打,同样是为了彰显叛逆的个性。 If some day of soccer were admitted by the upper circles of society, changes to become the aristocrat movement, they instead did not spare a glance. 假如某一天足球被上流社会接纳,摇身一变成为贵族运动,他们反而不屑一顾了。 Transforms a small-scale soccer field the monastery quadrangle, is the idea of this group of rebel aristocrats. 把修道院中庭改造成一座小型足球场,就是这群叛逆贵族的主意。 However has not thought that when they ridiculed the upper circles of society that oneself came in the way of practical joke, the vulture demon from abyss also played a more virulent joke with them, forcing them to work as the gambling stake with own life, played together with the devils. 然而万万没想到,当他们以恶作剧的方式嘲弄自己出身的上流社会,来自深渊的鹫魔也跟他们开了一个更加恶毒的玩笑,迫使他们不得不拿自己的生命当赌注,与恶魔们同场竞技。 The vulture demon sounds the whistling, announced that the competition starts. 鹫魔吹响口哨,宣布比赛开始。 The quadrangle lawn of monastery, is equivalent to half standard soccer field. 修道院的中庭草坪,相当于半个标准足球场。 Except for the goalkeeper, in both sides has five people respectively, in comparison the field appeared too spacious, the moving space was very big. 除了守门员,双方场上各有五人,相比之下球场就显得太宽敞了,跑动空间很大。 Of human side compares opposite timid demon to be higher than a big truncation, strength, agile and physique and other physical body attributes, similarly surpasses the timid demon, not to mention field experience and technology. 人类一方的个头都比对面的怯魔高出一大截,力量、敏捷和体质等肉体属性,同样优于怯魔,更不必说球场经验和技术。 The mentally retarded timid demons, absolutely do not have the skill in ball games, only knows that cannot use the hand roquet, scores the opposite party goal to calculate to win the goal, other rules do not understand entirely. 智力低下的怯魔们,完全没有球技可言,只知道不能用手碰球,把球踢进对方球门算赢,其他的规则统统不懂。 The competition from the beginning, a goalkeeper of devil side, throws the rubber ball toward the preceding performance on the mao full strength, other five timid demons change the small short leg, the whole body flab are trembling, noisy crowd dashes about wildly toward the balloon falling place. 比赛一开始,恶魔一方的守门员,就卯足力气把皮球往前场扔,其它五个怯魔捣腾着小短腿,浑身赘肉一颤一颤的,一窝蜂似的朝气球落处狂奔。 However the human player snatches early in front, flies a foot to kick up the rubber ball high. 然而早有一名人类球员抢在前头,飞起一脚将皮球高高踢起。 The rubber ball leaps from the timid demons top of the head, draws an elegant arc, vanguard who passes to a human side accurate. 皮球从怯魔们头顶飞跃而过,划出一道优美的弧线,精准传给人类一方的前锋。 The vanguard chest stops after the ball, the dribbling kills to unmanned defensive wings. 前锋胸部停球过后,带球杀向无人防守的后场。 Meanwhile, dashes cannot stop the timid demons of car(riage) on the way, one after another hits on a defensive player of human side, in the field a piece is off their feet immediately. 与此同时,飞奔途中刹不住车的怯魔们,接二连三撞在人类一方的防守球员身上,球场上顿时一片人仰马翻。 A goalkeeper of human side, angry shouts to break the rules. 人类一方的守门员,恼怒的大喊犯规。 Holds the post of the vulture demon of referee actually to ignore, waves to hint the competition to continue. 担任裁判的鹫魔却置若罔闻,挥手示意比赛继续进行。 The timid demons crawl from the lawn, turns around to return to base hurriedly. 怯魔们从草坪上爬起来,匆忙掉头回防。 In order to recapture the ball power, these low rank devils also really go all out, will open clever movement from now on the dashing speed to turn time, will run compared with the height leg long human player unexpectedly quickly! 为了夺回球权,这些低阶恶魔也是真卖力气,开启“灵巧动作”过后飞奔速度翻倍,竟然比身高腿长的人类球员跑得更快! The human player of dribbling, smells there is something wrong, passes to the teammate who left the ball follows up hastily, oneself feign throws down carelessly, in the flash of falling to the ground, very covert extending leg tripped the most ominous timid demon of pursuing. 带球的人类球员,见势不妙,连忙把球传给左侧跟进上来的队友,自己佯装不慎摔倒,在倒地的一刹那,很隐蔽的伸腿绊倒了追的最凶的怯魔。 Regardless of develops clearly, this is also a violation movement, unexpectedly the vulture demon looks but not see as before, has not therefore assigned a human side to break the rules. 无论演得多逼真,这也是一个犯规动作,出人意料的是鹫魔依旧视而不见,没有因此判罚人类一方犯规。 Soars also thinks at first, at least in assigning standard, the vulture demon displays is fair. 高飞最初还以为,起码在判罚标准上,鹫魔表现得还算公正。 However he soon realized, this is only an misconception. 然而他很快就意识到,这只是一个错觉。 The vulture demon ships out the fair appearance , because he believes firmly that the devil team won. 鹫魔之所以装出公正的样子,是因为他确信恶魔队赢定了。 In human player facing timid demon of guarding a gate, preparation vigorously volley shot time, the timid demon grins to call out suddenly, reveals the whole face sinister aspect! 就在人类球员面对守门的怯魔,准备大力抽射的时候,怯魔突然咧嘴嚎叫,露出满脸凶相! Not only this pure threatening, releases a frightening charm fluctuation simultaneously. 这不只是单纯的威吓,同时释放出一股令人心惊胆寒的魔力波动。 Opposite human player, receives panic-stricken technique influence, frightens is at a loss, can ignore shooting, in the screams holds to run away. 对面的人类球员,受到“惊恐术”影响,吓得乱了方寸,顾不得射门,惊呼声中抱头逃窜。 A goalkeeper of devil side, seizes the opportunity to fly a foot, plays the middle place the rubber ball. 恶魔一方的守门员,乘机飞起一脚,将皮球踢回中场。 Then is one's turn the timid demons to launch the offensive. 接下来轮到怯魔们发动攻势。 Five ugly young short and stocky, by clumsy to laughable way, dribbling staggering runs. 五个丑陋的小胖墩,以笨拙到可笑的方式,踉踉跄跄的带着球跑。 A human side brings some defensive pressures slightly, the timid demon loses the ball surely. 人类一方稍微施加一些防守压力,怯魔必定丢球。 Properly speaking, the victory and defeat of this sports match does not have the suspense. 按理说,这场球赛的胜负没有悬念。 Soaring and the others who however when look on think like this, on the field presents not very awkward one. 然而就在旁观的高飞等人都这样以为的时候,场上又出现令人啼笑皆非的一幕。 Just lost the ball the timid demon, the breathless opens the mouth blowout big group toxic gas, the yellowish green toxic gas sent out the revolting odor, will steal the successful human player to cover rapidly. 刚丢球的怯魔,气急败坏的张口喷出大团毒气,黄绿色毒气散发令人作呕的恶臭,迅速将抢断成功的人类球员笼罩起来。 That person cannot through the tenacious exemption, be smoked by smelly cloud technique cannot open eyes, vomits fiercely, which also has the ample force to control the rubber ball of under foot, can only look helplessly the timid demon recaptures the ball power. 那人没能通过强韧豁免,被“臭云术”熏得睁不开眼,剧烈呕吐起来,哪还有余力控制脚下的皮球,只能眼睁睁看着怯魔夺回球权。 Even the timid demon only then 5 intelligence, can still look at this to look after to use, therefore imitates the companion, spurts the toxic gas in the field crazily. 就算怯魔只有五点智力,也看得出来这招管用,于是纷纷效仿同伴,在球场上狂喷毒气。 In an instant, the most field was covered by the thick smelly cloud. 转眼之间,大半个球场就被浓厚的臭云笼罩。 A human side was smoked bursts out laughing the vomit, the devils inborn immunotoxin, breathes by smelly cloud technique the air not slight uncomfortableness of pollution, seizes the opportunity to start to the goal fiercely attacks. 人类一方都被熏得捧腹呕吐,恶魔们天生免疫毒素,呼吸被“臭云术”污染的空气没有丝毫的不适感,乘机对球门发动猛攻。 Twice at first shoots, was put out by a goalkeeper of human side. 最初两次射门,都被人类一方的守门员扑救出来。 Until the smelly cloud spreads to the goal, the goalkeeper felt suffocated finally, really could not support, is holding the goal post the vomit, the timid demons played the rubber ball finally came by a way that made one be incapable of complaining, won the victory of competition. 直到臭云扩散到球门这边,守门员憋气到最后,实在撑不住了,抱着球门柱哇哇呕吐,怯魔们终于将皮球踢了进来以一种让人无力吐槽的方式,赢得比赛的胜利。 Oh, Siette! Can this call the sports match? Simply is the crime!” “噢,谢特!这能叫球赛吗?简直是犯罪!” Mario Ricardo who the ringside looks on, as Patus street two community cup the champion and MVP winner, the lead rolls the most frantic soccer fan, cannot bear shout abuse, condemned that the devils blasphemed soccer sports. 场边旁观的马里奥・里卡多,身为帕图斯街两届“社区杯”冠军兼MVP得主,主角团最狂热的足球爱好者,忍不住破口大骂,谴责恶魔们亵渎了足球这项运动。 Brother Mario, do not scold, is one's turn us to go on stage, plays the second half of this sports match with the devils.” “马里奥老兄,别骂了,接下来就轮到咱们上场,与恶魔们打完这场球赛的下半场。” Soared to pat the pats the horse Leo's shoulder, moved toward the field with stride. 高飞拍了拍马里奥的肩膀,大步走向球场。 Meanwhile, the interlude animation ended, the vulture demon also existence that notices the lead to roll, in the eye lightens the crafty look. 与此同时,过场动画结束,鹫魔也注意到了主角团的存在,眼中闪出狡狯的神色。 The following program is not out of the anticipation, the vulture demon coerces to soar one line with the hostage, requesting them to conduct a competition with the timid demons, so long as takes the lead to attack the gate, six human players who the forgiveness just defeated, and release closes the hostage in iron basket. 接下来的戏码不出意料,鹫魔用人质要挟高飞一行,要求他们与怯魔们进行一场比赛,只要率先攻破球门,就饶恕刚战败的六名人类球员,并且释放关在铁笼子里的人质。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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