SS :: Volume #10

#100: Death sports match

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That vulture demon in garden, various attributes are: Strength 24, agile 15, physique 22, intelligence 10, sensation 16, charm 16. 庭院中的那只鹫魔,各项属性为:力量24,敏捷15,体质22,智力十,感知16,魅力16。 Besides the common talent of Tanneur thousandth devil, the vulture demon is also good at violent force attack and „” taking advantage of opportunity to cutand multiple attacks( a claw to strike + a beak pecking)”, as well as magic resistance. 除了塔纳厘恶魔的共通天赋,鹫魔还擅长“猛力攻击”、“”顺势斩”、“多重攻击(一次爪击+一次喙啄)”,以及魔法抗性。 As for other abilities, and talent magic arts, are very regrettable, in the stage of game, has not allowed the player to examine. 至于其它能力,以及天赋法术,很遗憾,在游戏的这个阶段,还不允许玩家查看。 Only after the lead rolls and vulture demon starts, can through the actual combat obtain a more detailed information. 只有当主角团与鹫魔开打之后,才能通过实战获得更详细的情报。 This situation is not first appeared, soars can also understand. 这种情况已经不是第一回出现了,高飞也能理解。 In current this game scene, the position of vulture demon is equivalent to small boss or the elite blames. 在当前这个游戏场景,鹫魔的地位相当于小boss或者精英怪。 If the player sees through the vulture demon before the fight the underpants, the game difficulty will plummet, becomes lacks the challenging. 如果玩家在战斗之前就看穿鹫魔的底裤,游戏难度就会骤降,变得缺乏挑战性。 Incisive grating laughter, interrupts the train of thought of soaring. 一阵尖锐刺耳的笑声,打断高飞的思绪。 Following smiling the prestige, sees only that to squat to sit the vulture demon on angel statue, stretches out sharp claws, separates grasps spatially to about hundred chi (0.33 m) prisoner's cage. 循着笑声望过去,只见那个蹲坐在天使雕像上的鹫魔,伸出一只利爪,隔空抓向百尺开外的囚笼。 The iron shutters of prisoner's cage, by an invisible big hand control, were raised probably slowly, open wide the path to garden. 囚笼的铁栅门,像是被一只无形的大手控制,缓缓升起,敞开通往庭院的道路。 Was closed people in basket by the devil, sees hope that escapes, pushes in abundance toward the entrance. 被恶魔关在笼子里的人们,看到逃生的希望,纷纷朝门口挤过来。 The sound that however the top of the head transmits, frightens them to stop the footsteps, holds to roll up in the iron cage corner. 然而头顶传来的动静,吓得他们不得不停下脚步,抱头蜷缩在铁笼角落。 At the same time that the cage gate opens, hangs also starts to rock in the knife switch of people top of the head, the bright as snow and crowded sharp blade, lets fall slowly downward, to the top of the head of convicts, more and more nearly. 就在笼门打开的同一时间,悬在人们头顶的闸刀也开始晃动,雪亮而密集的利刃,缓缓向下垂落,离囚徒们的头顶,越来越近。 Stupid human, gives me to listen carefully!” “愚蠢的人类,都给我仔细听着!” Sound that the vulture demon makes, sharp like the owl, is full of meaning of ridicule. 鹫魔发出的声音,尖锐的如同猫头鹰,充满嘲弄的意味。 „The knife switch in prisoner's cage, is connected with your sheet irons, the weight that if the sheet iron bears is lower than 500 pounds, the knife switch will fall, grips the pitiful creatures in cage!” “囚笼中的闸刀,与你们脚下的铁板相连,如果铁板承受的重量低于500磅,闸刀就会掉落下来,把笼中的可怜虫们都扎死!” If you want to live are leaving the iron cage, must accompany me to play a game!” “如果你们想活着离开铁笼,就得陪我玩一场游戏!” Rule is very simple, from your ten people, chooses six skill in ball games best good young fellows, comes out to play a sports match with the timid demons.” “规则很简单,从你们十人当中,挑选出六个球技最好的棒小伙,出来与怯魔们踢一场球赛。” I am the referee, so long as you kick into a goal, can gain the freedom, safe and secure leaves this monastery.” “我来当裁判,你们只要踢进一球,就可以获得自由,平安离开这座修道院。” Otherwise, if you display in the field made me disappointed, was first attacked the gate by the timid demons, quack...... that was embarrassed, all going on stage players, including keeping the audience in iron cage, must die!” “反之,如果你们在球场上表现的令我失望,先被怯魔们攻破球门,嘎嘎嘎……那就不好意思了,所有上场球员,也包括留在铁笼中的观众,都得死!” The vulture demon sends out boorish grinning fiendishly, then said: 鹫魔发出粗野的狞笑,接着说: Now you can choose the going on stage player, four people who don't forget, in the iron cage remained behind, the body weight added at least to have 500 pounds, can avoid the knife switch of top of the head crashing.” “现在你们可以挑选上场球员,别忘了,铁笼里留守的四个人,体重加起来至少得有500磅,才能避免头顶的闸刀坠落下来。” If you are also insufficient is too stupid, should keep in the basket the plump and sturdy companion heavy, detailing the lithe clever young fellow to play the game!” “如果你们还不至于太蠢,就应该把膘肥体壮的同伴留在笼子里压秤,选派轻盈灵巧的小伙子上场比赛!” Soars naturally to look, in the vulture demon surface in the convict with the cage talked, in fact introduced the game rule of this scene to headed by oneself lead team. 高飞当然看得出来,鹫魔表面上在跟笼中囚徒对话,实际上是向以自己为首的主角团队介绍本场景的游戏规则。 If a human side loses to a devil side in the field, is one's turn the lead group to go on stage, kicked with the timid demons death sports match. 如果人类一方在球场上败给恶魔一方,接下来就轮到主角团上场,跟怯魔们踢一场“死亡球赛”了。 A people tumult in prisoner's cage, gathers together whispers, really like of vulture demon prompt, selected six stature thin companions from ten people, comes out to conduct a 6 V 6 soccer game with the devils. 囚笼中的人们一阵骚动,聚在一起交头接耳,果然如同鹫魔提示的那样,从十人当中选出了六名身材较瘦的同伴,出来跟恶魔们进行一场6V6足球赛。 Six people who select, is the appearance of aristocrat military officer, the physical quality is also good, is higher than a big truncation compared with opposite that crowd of dreadful timid demons. 选拔出来的六个人,都是贵族军官的打扮,身体素质也都不错,比对面那群猥琐的怯魔高出一大截。 From them the warm-up that on the lawn conducts, among the amateur, the skill in ball games can be the top level. 从他们在草地上进行的热身活动来看,在业余爱好者当中,球技算得上顶尖水平。 Mario Ricardo of onlooking also noticed this detail, was quite surprised. 旁观的马里奥・里卡多也注意到了这个细节,感到很意外。 Brother Musker, I also thinks that the aristocrats of upper circles of society will only play tennis, I have never thought that this group of sons of the influential are also an expert to soccer such civilians movement very much!” “马斯克老弟,我还以为上流社会的贵族们只会打网球,真没想到,这群公子哥对足球这样的平民运动也很在行!” Soars completely understood why Mario is surprised. 高飞完全理解马里奥为何感到惊讶。 In the game world, especially under «Duel Agent» this mold train background, the sports indeed have so-called division in any case. 在游戏世界里,特别是在《决斗代理人》这个模组所处的时代背景下,体育运动的确有所谓的“贵贱之分”。 With the real kingdom that the story stage is, is in the Industrial Revolution period, the traditional feudal aristocracy had not been replaced by the emerging bourgeoisie completely, sports that the aristocrats advocate, for example the horse-riding, cricket and tennis, are considered as the lofty interest. 就拿故事舞台所在的斐真王国来说,正处于工业革命时期,传统的封建贵族尚未完全被新兴的资产阶级所取代,贵族们崇尚的体育运动,比如马术、板球和网球,被认为是高雅的趣味。 Otherwise, originates in the blue-collar worker class soccer, receives despising of upper circles of society, contemptuous calling it barbaric game in slum, " funny performance of male drunkard ”. 反之,发源于蓝领工人阶层的足球,则受到上流社会的鄙夷,轻蔑的称之为“贫民窟中的野蛮游戏”,“醉汉们的滑稽表演”。 These views naturally are one prejudice, but at that time, soccer sports, although has the most widespread social basis, regardless of the number of player or audience compared with so-called lofty aristocrat movement many many, what a pity the reputation is not quite good, is common because of the violent clashes that the sports match causes. 这些说法当然是一种偏见,但是就当时而言,足球这项运动虽然有着最广泛的社会基础,无论球员还是观众的数量都远比所谓的高雅贵族运动多的多,可惜口碑却不太好,因球赛引发的暴力冲突屡见不鲜。 And most instigated a field that the person hears conflicts, happened on March 4 of this year. 其中最怂人听闻的一次球场冲突,就发生在今年3月4日。 The same day was real kingdom year Champion Cup two teams that the finals day, attended the finals, respectively was Avalon Brewery team and from the southern Challenger- Hampton miner team. 当天是斐真王国年度“冠军杯”的决赛日,参加决赛的两支队伍,分别是“阿瓦隆啤酒厂队”和来自南方的挑战者-“安普顿矿工队”。 In the afternoon, over 20,000 audience flooded into the Temple Mount field, about 1 / 4 was the away game fan of coming from far away, audience created the world record of open-air sports event. 当天下午,超过两万名观众涌入圣殿山球场,其中约有1/4是远道而来的客场球迷,现场观众人数创造了露天体育赛事的世界纪录。 The sports match is very from the beginning deeply worried, on the field was full of the physical clashes. 球赛从一开始就很焦灼,场上充满了肢体冲突。 Conventional time both sides tie, the overtime period shares half and half as before, the miner team spot kick that finally by playing at home game wins. 常规时间双方打平,加时赛依旧是平分秋色,最后由坐镇主场的矿工队点球获胜。 More than 5000 away game fans do not satisfy decision of referee final stage, scolded the cheating call crazily, immediately had the intense physical clashes with the home game fan, finally evolved the street fighting. 五千余名客场球迷不满意裁判最后阶段的判罚,狂骂黑哨,随即与主场球迷发生了激烈的肢体冲突,最终演变成街头械斗。 Be responsible for maintaining the police of field order, is unable to contend with tens of thousands of wild with rage fans, was punched flees like a scared rat. 负责维持球场秩序的警察,根本无法与成千上万狂怒的球迷抗衡,被揍得抱头鼠窜。 After the fan rebellion, Avalon police forces are in danger, has to request reinforcements to the military. 球迷暴动发生后,阿瓦隆警力告急,不得不向军方求援。 Until the royal cavalry groups take to the streets to keep the peace, the drunken soccer hooligans were trampled by the horse's hoof, the big stick sticks the face, the rampant arrogance was contained, disperses instantly. 直到皇家骑兵团上街维持治安,醉醺醺的足球流氓们被马蹄践踏,大棒糊脸,嚣张气焰才受到遏制,一哄而散。 Afterward the police took inventory, this conflict amounts to 51 were killed , more than 400 injured, about thousand the fan who participates in the fighting is arrested. 事后警方清点了一下,这场冲突总计造成51人死亡,400余人受伤,还有近千名参与械斗的球迷被捕。 This casualties data, is as good a small scale campaign, the major publications of anxious to stir up trouble reported in the front page headline this violence, crown by black on Sunday and even Avalon massacre the reputation, shocks the nation suddenly. 这个伤亡数据,不逊于一场小规模战役,唯恐天下不乱的各大报刊都在头版头条报道了这起暴力事件,冠之以“黑色星期天”乃至“阿瓦隆惨案”的名头,一时间震动全国。 This kind of report has the suspicion of saying things just to frighten people indeed, however contrasted a next January 13 of the same year to happen in so-called of new continent colony newly Avalon massacre- local residents provoked the garrison, initiating soldiers and civilians to conflict, equaling five rioters was shot dead- can not be exaggerating even. 此类报道诚然有危言耸听之嫌,然而对比一下同年1月13日发生在新大陆殖民地的所谓“新阿瓦隆大屠杀”-当地民众挑衅驻防部队,引发一场军民冲突,合计五名闹事者中弹身亡-也就算不得夸张了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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