PTB :: Volume #7

#620: Dies to fight continuous: The reinforcements arrive

Chapter 620 dies to fight continuous: The reinforcements arrive 第620章死战不休:援军抵达 Death- ants!” “死吧-蝼蚁!” Saario roared was passing over gently and swiftly from the battlefield, the place visited roaring flame soared, the burnout vault of heaven, the lava and raging fire covered all. 奈萨里奥咆哮着从战场上空掠过,所过之处烈焰飞腾,燃尽苍穹,熔岩和烈火覆盖了一切。 Extinguishes the strength of the world- big cataclysm! 灭世之力-大灾变! A flame corridor, has the road of ashes to come out the formation direct firing of adventurer together. 一条火焰长廊,将冒险者的阵型直接烧出一道灰烬之路出来。 The innumerable adventurers are weeping and wailing being reduced to ashes in the roaring flame. 无数冒险者在烈焰中哭喊着化为灰烬。 The wing of death this struck then killed several thousand adventurers, shocked the audience. 死亡之翼这一击便杀死了数千冒险者,震撼全场。 However over time, the adventurer had gotten online at this time massively, although the losses of these several thousand adventurers are huge, but was actually filled up by the new adventurer quickly, but in the flame corridor, is appears golden color and red safety masks, protects the following person to be exempt from the injury of roaring flame. 然而随着时间推移,冒险者此时已经大量上线了,这数千冒险者的损失虽然巨大,但却很快就又被新的冒险者填满,而在火焰长廊之中,更是浮现出一个个金色和红色的防护罩,保护着下面的人免受烈焰的伤害。 Withstands everyone, the enemy must unable to support!” “顶住各位,敌人要撑不住了!” For Zellars!” “为了艾泽拉斯!” Few wolves Lord( frost wolf chief): Looked quickly, there is a new army to arrive.” 少狼主(霜狼酋长):“快看,又有新的部队抵达了。” Then is the dwarf regiment of iron furnace fort, they received the war-god Odin's tora, comes to enter the war. 接着是铁炉堡的矮人军团,他们接到了战神奥丁的神谕,前来参战。 Wuseer( Saint brilliant feudal lord): Maugue Laney, cannot think that you also came, Varian?” 乌瑟尔(圣光大领主):“莫格莱尼,想不到你们也来了,瓦里安呢?” safe Rander( Queen of night priest): Although you cursed dead, but very happy fights with you shoulder to shoulder......” 泰兰德(月神祭司):“虽然你们是被诅咒的亡者,但很高兴与你们并肩战斗……” Shout continuously, but guards 100,000 monster armies in end square, at this time whole army has been annihilated, 50,000 Bairon has taught the believer, has been not much left. 呼喊声此起彼伏,而守卫在末日广场的十万怪物大军,此时已然全军覆灭,五万拜龙教教徒,也已经所剩无几。 Prince Quayle Salas's Kyle Sars, leads being bewitched teacher regiment, being in fashion three sisters, leading large quantities of knight-errant regiments to arrive, the sun god issued with the tora that dragon God fought a decisive battle, the god of also windward traveler/ascetic family storm issued the order, except for beside being in fashion, several other people chose combat. 奎尔萨拉斯的凯尔萨斯王子,带领着魔导师军团,风行者三姐妹,率领大批的游侠军团登场,太阳神下达了与龙神决战的神谕,风暴之神也向风行者家族下达了命令,除了卡雅・风行者之外,其余几人都选择了参战。 What this arrival was filling death aura the army of death treaty of alliance, Maugue Laney, Gaston blade fist, king Kornan, the cold winter , the revelation four knights will arrive in full completely. 这一次到来的是弥漫着死亡气息的死亡盟约的军队,莫格莱尼、卡加斯・刃拳、蛮王柯南、凛冬将至,天启四骑士全部到齐。 Although captured the first square, but the heroic actually not many happy expression of major influences, to lead to creating column of altogether three squares world, is the end square, creates the world square and Xiwang Plaza respectively, they completed 1/3 merely, then also has to struggle hard. 虽然攻下了第一個广场,但各大势力的英雄们却并无多少喜色,通向创世之柱一共有三个广场,分别是末日广场、创世广场、希望广场,他们仅仅完成了三分之一,接下来还有苦战呢。 Wuseer( Saint brilliant feudal lord): Doesn't matter, so long as opened the landing area, our reinforcements will join continuously, what this dragon god Hesdin is going to face is the entire Zellars's strength!” 乌瑟尔(圣光大领主):“没关系,只要开辟了登陆点,我们的援军会源源不断加入进来,这一次龙神艾丹将要面对的是整个艾泽拉斯的力量!” The reinforcements of alliance also arrive unceasingly, the army of storm kingdom, neat appearance under the prince regent Rosa's leadership, together arrives also has Varian's two elder brothers. 联盟的援军也不断抵达,暴风王国的军队,在摄政王洛萨的带领下齐刷刷到场,一起到来的还有瓦里安的两个哥哥。 Ma Fario angry wind( big Druid): Our casualties are serious, many wilderness half god died in battle!” 玛法里奥・怒风(大德鲁伊):“我们伤亡惨重,很多荒野半神都战死!” For Saint light!” “为了圣光!” Maugue Laney( war knight): Varian refuses to be an enemy with Hesdin, the black front knight will roll will no longer obey witch Yaowang the command! King Kean insists on befriending with Varian, had been kicked the sequence of revelation knight.” 莫格莱尼(战争骑士):“瓦里安拒绝与艾丹为敌,黑锋骑士团将不再听从巫妖王的号令!吉恩国王执意与瓦里安为伍,已经被踢出了天启骑士的序列。” No, I can also fight!” Saario exudes the unwilling roaring sound. “不,我还能战斗!”奈萨里奥发出不甘的咆哮声。 Retreats, do not make me say again the third time!” The sound that Murphy coldly resounds in Saario ear, Saario is unwilling to rumble together the anger of big dragon, then led dragon Qunfei to cross the second front door, but the entrance of front door, the dwarf artillery has started to approaching the adventurer launched bombing. “撤退,不要让我再说第三次!”墨非冷冷的声音在奈萨里奥耳边响起,奈萨里奥不甘轰出一道巨龙之怒,然后带着龙群飞过了第二道大门,而大门的入口处,矮人火炮已经开始对靠近的冒险者发起炮击了。 But did not have the ground forces battlefield, the innumerable adventurers start to flood into the square, the crazy ground-to-air fire, under the attack of everywhere firepower, the dragon clan of big dragon regiment also starts continuously to present the casualties. 而没有了地面部队战场,无数的冒险者开始涌入广场,疯狂的对空射击,在漫天火力的攻击下,巨龙军团的龙族也开始不断出现伤亡。 Looked quickly, there is a new army to......” “快看,又有新的部队到了……” To equip!” “为了装备!” Retreats, removes to creating the world square!” Murphy ordered, at this time the time had passed by for ten hours, the duty of first square has overfulfilled. “撤退,撤到创世广场去!”墨非下令道,此时时间已经过去了十个小时,第一个广场的任务已经超额完成了。 Queen Katherine and King Korti in Russ's Dai Lin and Talat speaker Anthony Das however turbulent current fort arrives at the battlefield. 激流堡的凯瑟琳女王、库尔提拉斯的戴琳国王、达拉然的议长安东尼达斯更是亲临战场。 The barbarian hammer clan of Takasuyama, setting out the powerful storm lion vulture knight to arrive in the battlefield. 鹰巢山的蛮锤氏族,出动了强大的风暴狮鹫骑士抵达战场。 Is stationed in the keeping watch fort to monitor the keeping watch regiment of beast person also to come to enter the war under Tugra Yang's leadership. 就连驻扎在守望堡监视兽人的守望军团也在图拉杨的带领下前来参战。 A reinforcements arrival battlefield, in the entire end square, pushes fully by the armies and adventurers of four big camps. 援军一波波的抵达战场,整个末日广场上,都被四大阵营的部队和冒险者挤得满满的。 The heroes of four big camps are assemble, was discussing how the following war should conduct. 四大阵营的英雄们齐聚一堂,商讨着接下来的战局该如何进行。 Sener Lius as half god, becomes the chief words matter person. 塞纳留斯作为半神,成为了首席话事人。 Sener Lius( forest protector): „ Everyone, we tora that be only less than day, according to various God distributes, dragon god Hesdin is trying to control to create the column of the world, intention destruction the whole world, making the world return to the initial shape, we must prevent him! 塞纳留斯(森林守护者):“各位,我们只有不到一天的时间,根据诸神发下的神谕,龙神艾丹正在试图控制创世之柱,意图毁灭整个世界,让世界回归最初的形态,我们必须阻止他! We must have a strict plan, the major kingdoms and clans must unite, we should establish a unified command system, then...... ” 我们必须有一个严密的计划,各大王国、氏族必须团结起来,我们应该建立一个统一的指挥体系,然后……” Fellow leaders, the adventurer have killed.” “各位领袖,冒险者已经杀过去了。” What?” “什么?” The heroes look toward the second front door, sees only the adventurer to charge into like the tide by the front door of city wall trap generally, the artillery in city wall heavenshaking resounds, the war has broken out again. 众英雄朝着第二道大门看去,只见冒险者如同潮水一般冲向被城墙封堵的大门,城墙上的火炮震天般响起,战争已然再次爆发。 The heroes are helpless shakes the head. 众英雄都是无奈摇头。 Maige Nicaraguan king angry exclaimed, damn, these totally undisciplined adventurer! Also is this, it seems like we must join the fight!” 麦格尼国王怒吼道,“该死,这些毫无纪律的冒险者!又是这样,看来我们必须加入战斗了!” What then the battle plan is?” “那么战斗计划是什么?” Plan is- fight!” “计划就是-战斗!” „, Hope the Saint light and you in.” “出发吧,愿圣光与你们同在。” Will aid our.” “艾露恩会护佑我们的。” Earth mothers can with us in!” “大地母亲会与我们同在!” Blood and glory!” “鲜血与荣耀!” For Katz pill!” “为了卡兹莫丹!” For Quayle Salas's glory! The god of Sun grants us the strength!” “为了奎尔萨拉斯的荣耀!太阳之神赐予我们力量!” In the heavenshaking slogan sound, the heroes of four big camps led their armies to launch the attack simultaneously. 在震天般口号声中,四大阵营的英雄率领他们的军队同时发起了进攻。 The clogging city wall only insisted less than a half hour was broken through, when the tidal army floods into creates the world square, waits for their is the dragon throat beast person regiment and dragon war casualty of knight group being ready in full battle array, as well as dragon people the guard regiment. 堵口的城墙只坚持了不到半个小时就被攻破了,当潮水般的大军涌入创世广场的时候,等待他们的是严阵以待的龙喉兽人军团、龙殇骑士团、以及龙人卫士军团。 Is the weave regiment and wind tyrannosaurus of god priest blue dragon dependency rolls and other behind the close combat army magic arts armies. 在近战部队后面则是蓝龙附庸的织法者军团、风暴龙神祭司团等各种法术部队。 Two wings near winter City Guard and loosen Mu Town Guard, 两翼是临冬城卫队和松木镇卫队, In the sky is the dragon group of sun-blocking, with huge ancient dragon. 天空中是遮天蔽日的龙群,与庞大的古龙。 Murphy elite will build up completely here. 墨非将全部精锐都集结在了这里。 The fight immediately launches again. 战斗随即再次展开。 But this time, both sides no longer retroceded. 而这一次,双方都不再后退了。 --- --- Murphy looks at the combat picture in picture, looks that like adventurers and soldiers who the ants died generally, mind like still water, the surface does not have the mighty waves. 墨非看着画面中的战斗景象,看着如同蝼蚁一般死去的冒险者、士兵们,心如止水,面无波澜。 Since this war has been plays the clothing/taking the unprecedented war, all influences were affected, ancient Longmen summons everywhere dragon thunder storm. 这场战争是游戏开服以来前所未有的大战,所有势力都被波及,古龙们召唤出漫天的龙雷风暴。 dragon throat the beast person and dragon war casualty knights drank with the god water that the dragon god's blood mixed, dragon god's the strength of blood made on the soldiers grow dragon scale, the strength was greatly infinite. 龙喉兽人和龙殇骑士们喝下了用龙神之血调配的神水,龙神之血的力量让战士们身上长出龙鳞,力大无穷。 The beast person roared, dead spirit unceasing dropping down unceasing crawled, human is shouting loudly the just slogan, the elf like the gust of wind general passing over gently and swiftly battlefield. 兽人咆哮,亡灵不断的倒下又不断的爬起来,人类高呼着正义的口号,精灵如同疾风一般掠过战场。 These wilderness half gods, to take revenge, but life and death fight, with ancient Long's intense battle in the same place. 那些荒野半神,更是为了复仇而决死战斗,与古龙激烈的厮杀在一起。 The dragon group meets the approaching enemy the mix air force that the lion vulture, crested eagle and dragon eagle, both feet wyvern compose. 龙群迎击狮鹫、角鹰、龙鹰、双足飞龙组成的混合空军。 Lesa summoned the storm of destruction again, Lanauze camouflaged the sky with the strength of shadow, confused the line of sight of enemy, Fillek summoned the rain of chaos, the everywhere chaos flame is brutally firing the body of mortal. 莱萨杰丝再次召唤出毁灭的风暴,威拉诺兹用暗影之力遮蔽了天空,混淆了敌人的视线,菲莱克召唤出混沌之雨,漫天的混沌火焰无情的灼烧着凡人的躯壳。 Good heroical scene. 好一副壮烈景象。 Very magnificent not.” Some sounds of pondering resounded in the side, let Murphy cold snort/hum. “很壮观不是么。”一个有些玩味的声音在身旁响起,让墨非冷哼了一声。 Is king Xuan. 是王玄。 You came, how, did you plan to act personally?” “你来了,怎么,你打算亲自出手了么?” king Xuan shakes the head, „should not be anxious, I will not violate a regulation, how the time chess player of playing chess can be out personally.” 王玄摇了摇头,“不要紧张,我可不会犯规哦,下棋的时候棋手怎可以亲自下场。” He arrives at side Murphy, looks at the battlefield picture in magic illusory image, a self-satisfaction of face, „, the effects of my various god toras are how good, the influence of entire game joined.” 他走到墨非身旁,看着魔法幻影中的战场画面,一脸的得意,“怎么样,我这诸神神谕的效果还不错吧,整个游戏的势力都加入进来了。” Murphy gives a calm smile, hehe , the second square has not passed what's the big deal now continually, but the time, you soon do not have the time over the past 13 hours.” 墨非淡然一笑,“呵呵,那又如何,他们现在连第二个广场都没有通过,而时间已经过去13个小时了,你就快要没有时间了。” Your this saying said was a little false, my army was inexhaustible, but the you army has soon consumed light/only, do not think that I do not know, in Xiwang Plaza simply did not have the army to curse, so long as defeated this wave of military, you were hopeless to sing.” “你这话说的就有点假了啊,我的部队无穷无尽,而伱的部队已经快要消耗光了,别以为我不知道,希望广场上根本没有部队诅咒,只要击破这一波兵力,你就没戏唱了。” We cut view it to improve.” “那我们就切观其变好了。” The war really gradually develops in the direction that king Xuan said that without the means that the adventurer were too many, could not kill completely. 战局果然逐渐朝着王玄说的方向发展,没办法,冒险者实在太多了,完全杀不完。 These powerful heroes, are supporting the war with the powerful heroic skill, is insufficient to be defeated by ancient dragon at one fell swoop, although on the battle loss is fatal, but the strength of defensive side is also consuming unceasingly, when time to 15 hours, ground forces already casualties more than half, without the means maintained the complete battleline again, has to start to retrocede gradually. 那些强大的英雄们,更是用强大的英雄技能支撑着战局,不至于被古龙一举击破,虽然战损上伤亡惨重,但防守方的力量也在不断消耗,当时间到了十五个小时的时候,地面部队已经伤亡过半,没办法再维持完整的阵线了,不得不开始逐步后退。 But the allied armies actually seize the chance more adventurers to send to create the world square, starts to conduct hold/container clip to attack from the both sides. 而联军却趁机将更多的冒险者送入创世广场,从两侧开始进行包夹攻击。 Hesdin( dragon God): Starts, Quarre Gou Si! The time has arrived!” 艾丹(龙神):“开始吧,卡雷苟斯!时机已到!” Hears Murphy's order, Quarre Gou Si opens the transmission gate immediately. 听到墨非的命令,卡雷苟斯立刻开启了传送门。 The army of teams of Otte Rank United Kingdom goes through the transmission gate unceasingly, enters the hope hall. 一队队奥特兰克联合王国的军队不断穿过传送门,进入希望大厅。 After reorganizing one slightly next, immediately toward creating the world hall kills, invests into the fight, joins the defensive sequence. 稍微整顿一下后,立刻朝着创世大厅杀去,投入到战斗中,加入防守序列。 50,000 Otte Rank Wang Guojun, let occupy to stabilize immediately. 五万奥特兰克王国军,顿时让占据重新稳定了下来。 king Xuan the surprised say/way, yo, your brothers also were really become the brothers you, put out the initial capital to support you.” 王玄惊讶道,“呦,你那些兄弟还真是把你当兄弟了啊,拿出老本来支援你。” The Murphy tranquil say/way, I gave each of them one hundred million, naturally under wanted the initial capital.” 墨非平静道,“我给了他们每人一个亿,当然愿意下血本了。” Haha, really so, how long but can these tens of thousands mixed soldiers support? Otte Rank's military quality is not high.” “哈哈,果然如此,不过这几万杂兵又能支撑多久?奥特兰克的军队质量可不怎么高啊。” Indeed, with drinking dragon god's the dragon throat beast person soldier of blood, the dragon war casualty knight compared, these Otte Rank army strengths on emaciated were too many, a putting in an appearance casualty rate on straight line promotion. 的确,跟喝了龙神之血的龙喉兽人战士,龙殇骑士比起来,这些奥特兰克军队实力就孱弱太多了,一个照面伤亡率就直线提升。 Catches Genbao and Ducker Sa'id is cut to kill by the allied armies heroes in the tangled warfare. 抓根宝和达克赛德更是在混战中被联军英雄斩杀。 Catches Genbao: The brother I makes contribution. 抓根宝:老弟我尽力啦。 Ducker Sa'id: Was sorry the brother, the opposite was too fierce, the strength of father gold hero insufficiently looks completely. 达克赛德:抱歉了老弟,对面太猛了,老子黄金英雄的实力完全不够看啊。 Hesdin: First do not leave, my Genvre Sangkesi you get up, then fights one. 艾丹:先别离开,我让弗雷桑克斯拉你们起来,再战一场吧。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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