Part-Time BOSS 兼职BOSS

The princess kept in the dragon's house is like a yacht owned by the rich. It's the second thing to use it. The key is that you can't do it without it. It's better to have a few bounty tasks attached. The higher the task level, the better. If there is a dragon slaying The task is even better, what we want is this platoon.

If there is no princess in your family who curses you to hell every day, you are embarrassed to say hello to other dragons.

What, the king sent a group of adventurers to come and fuck me?

Hahaha, I'm a dignified 80-level black dragon lord, world-class BOSS, and a group of adventurers, how could I possibly put my eyes on them.

what! The adventurer has already killed outside the dungeon? All are full-level tuba, and there are two heroes leading the team! The leader is still a Dragon Slayer! It's over, what's up now...

Heroes and villains, black dragons and mortals, powerful bosses in the game and little anchors in reality.

This is a story about a Black Dragon BOSS player.

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Glistening Moonlight
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2022-10-09 21:58:30
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