MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#994: Vacuum hometown: Luo teaches!

Sun Yan is riding a Pegasus, with the motorcade of color Unzen park, is rolling the fog, flies in in the air. 孙炎骑着一匹飞马,与彩云仙苑的车队,滚着云雾,飞在空中。 In frontline vehicles, sat Shao green spin, in the back vehicles, is pushing dancing Ji Men of color Unzen park, their once for a while pokes head from the glass, is directing to Sun Yan, keeps laughing. Regarding Sun Yan, such vision, he has been familiar with be many recently, he suspected, this probably is because, not only the fame is getting bigger and bigger, person also more and more graceful relations? 最前方的车辆内,坐着的正是绍绿旋,后边的车辆里,挤着彩云仙苑的舞姬们,她们时不时的从车窗内探出头来,对着孙炎指指点点,笑个不停。对于孙炎来说,这样的目光,近来他已经习惯多了,他猜想,这大概是因为自己不但名气越来越大,人也越来越帅的关系? They are become an honest woman Changshan to come out, fly on going to the road in peaceful day city, area this, in mixing the desert world basically already peaceful, after all, good Changshan and place the lung mountain range was also being occupied by the gifted general, the peaceful day city, gets sick Wei Forest under the imaginary dark green fire cloud armed forces' control. Without big chaos caused by war, remaining, is small influences on some places. 他们是从良常山出来,飞在前往泰天城的路上,这一带,在混漠世界里基本上已算太平,毕竟,良常山、地肺山脉都还被天兵天将占着,泰天城、病薇林则在幻苍火云军的控制下。只要没有大的战乱,剩下的,也不过就是一些地方上的小势力。 Although relative peace, but most places, suffer the flames of war is not long after all, many place desolated habitations. 只是,虽然相对太平,但大部分地方,毕竟都才遭受战火未久,许多地方都还是荒芜人烟。 The carriage is being drawn by Pegasus , the weather is black gradually. The front foot, the Daoist temple, the carriage fell. 马车由飞马拉着,不知不觉间,天色渐黑。前方山脚,有一处道观,马车落了下去。 Observes middle course , some origins, raised the head to see in the sky to have the speeding car to drive, knows is not the average person, therefore opens the view door, goes out to welcome. 观中道者,亦有一些来历,抬头看见天空中有飞车驶来,自是知道不是一般人,于是打开观门,出门相迎。 The Shao green spin gets out to welcome, sees only the view main semblance to look, about forty years of age, but some quite features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, this should be only the superficial age, in him behind, some young say/way. The Shao green spin goes forward to salute, consults a number. 绍绿旋下车迎去,只见观主外表看去,大约四旬左右,但是颇有一些仙风道骨,这应该只是表面年纪,在他身后,还有一些年轻道者。绍绿旋上前施礼,请教道号。 The Daoist priest said: This poor Daoist azure!” 那道长道:“贫道青都!” The Shao green spin said: I and sisters, go to the peaceful day city because of events, the weather is late, does not know whether to stay overnight in somebody's home in the view a evening?” 绍绿旋道:“我与姐妹们,因事前往泰天城,天色已晚,不知可否在观中借宿一晚?” azure Daoist priest said: Here constructs the view, is made things convenient for others. The girls stay by all means are!” Also toward the carriage by leads a horse but the group youngster looks. 青都道长道:“此处建观,原本就是予人方便。姑娘只管住下便是!”又往马车旁牵马而行的少年看去。 Sun Yan goes forward saying: „Is azure Daoist priest, is it possible that the ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect senior?” 孙炎上前道:“青都道长,莫非是古都阖辟宗的前辈?” azure Daoist priest sees him to be able from own Daoist robe. And some details of Daoist temple, see own respective school, knew in the heart that surely is also in a gate the person, therefore consults in turn. Sun Yan from the report name, the azure Daoist priest changes countenance saying: Originally is grandson few heroes who burn thunder sect! This poor Daoist truly from ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect, only because of mixing the desert world want to repair the hell saying that our Pai is somewhat different from other factions, is not only expert in technique of in Yu the ghost, in the faction also many ghosts cultivate/repair, therefore first constructs the view here. After waiting for this hell say/way to complete, has a look opportunity whether our sect develops.” 青都道长见他能够从自己的道袍。以及道观的一些细节,看出自己所属门派,心知必定也是道门中人,于是反过来请教。孙炎自报姓名,青都道长动容道:“原来是焚雷宗的孙少侠!贫道确实是来自古都阖辟宗,只因混漠世界欲重修地狱道,敝派与其它各派有些不同,不但专精于御鬼之术,派中亦有许多鬼修,故先在此建观。等此界地狱道建成之后,看看敝宗有否发展的机会。” Sun Yan nods! 孙炎点了点头! Said the gate clanlaw, thousand ten thousand kinds, specialized in sect gate of say/way of ghost immortal, had many. Actually he has seen, this azure Daoist priest is not a living person, but is the ghost class becomes an immortal. Actually his behind these young disciples, is the strangers. Like the say/way of this type of ghost immortal, their paradises mostly construct in the netherworld, mixes the desert world to reopen the hell saying that ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch Zongxian constructs the view in the world of the living, waits this netherworld to open, quarries a mountain again. Also about common sense. 道门宗法,千种万类,专修鬼仙之道的宗门,亦有不少。其实他已看出,这青都道长并非生人,而是鬼类成仙。倒是他身后的那些年轻弟子,则都是生人。像这种鬼仙之道,他们的福地大多都建在阴间,混漠世界要重开地狱道,古都阖辟宗先在阳间建观,一待此界阴间开辟,再行开山。亦合常理。 azure Daoist priest actually also subconscious is taking a look at this youngster. Ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect walks, although is the say/way of ghost immortal, its foundation basically in netherworld. But to the matter of Immortal World, some understood, to this in the Immortal World crest of wave the vigor youngster, hears recently gradually early. He has seen, Sun Yan, dances including these incessantly Ji Menyi from Heaven, does not dare to neglect, hurries to enter in the view the people. 青都道长却也下意识的打量着这个少年。古都阖辟宗走的虽是鬼仙之道,其根基基本上都在阴间。但对仙界之事,亦有许多了解,对这位近来在仙界风头渐劲的少年,亦是早有听闻。他已看出,不止孙炎,连这些舞姬们亦是来自天界,自是不敢怠慢,赶紧将众人请入观中。 The girls in color Unzen park, often took a walk outside, each thousand world have round trip, spends the night outside is also the common matter, therefore then stops the carriage in the backyard, oneself begin. Sun Yan enters the main hall with the azure Daoist priest together, the one who sees in the main hall to do obeisance is Fengdu Great Emperor. He said: „After this hell say/way opens, the entrance of netherworld works as in the quiet Yong city, expensive/noble sect why not first in quiet Yong urban construction view?” 彩云仙苑的姑娘们,原本就时常在外走动,各个中千世界都有来去,在外过宿亦是常有之事,于是便将马车停在后院,自己动起手来。孙炎则与青都道长一同进入大殿,见正殿上拜的是丰都大帝。他道:“此界地狱道开辟后,阴间的入口当在幽墉城,贵宗为何不先在幽墉城建观?” azure Daoist priest said: Frankly, although we have this intent, but has not known at present fire cloud Zun the attitude of sovereign ghost revering, after all fire cloud Xiaosheng are enjoys the incense and candle the Spiritual God, at present quiet Yong city boundary, except for hot cloud temple, then only then consecrates six ksitigarbhas the buddhist temples, what my whole pioneer/monarch Zongbai is Fengdu Great Emperor, what presented is «Northern Yin Fengdu Grand ceremony», in the quiet Yong urban construction view, only perhaps offended fire cloud Xiaosheng and ghost rashly reveres!” 青都道长道:“实不相瞒,我们虽有此意,但目前还不知火云尊者与中皇鬼尊的态度,毕竟火云小圣自身便是享受香火的神灵,目前幽墉城地界,除了火云神庙,便只有供奉六道地藏的佛刹,我阖辟宗拜的是丰都大帝,奉的是《北阴丰都大典》,贸然在幽墉城建观,只恐得罪了火云小圣和鬼尊!” Sun Yan cannot help laughing! Ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect will have this scruples is actually the normal matter, after all now, mixes the desert world just now some stable signs, the imaginary dark green fire cloud army the influence is biggest at present, but fire cloud Xiaosheng are the Spiritual God, no one knows that he must establish in the future, is what god country, said two various altars/jars, naturally must first wait and see. 孙炎哑然失笑!古都阖辟宗会有这种顾忌其实是正常不过的事,毕竟现在,混漠世界才刚有一些稳定的迹象,幻苍火云军目前势力最大,但火云小圣自身便是神灵,谁也不知道他将来要建立的,是一个什么样的神国,佛道两门的各宗各坛,自然要先观望一下。 Actually in imaginary dark green fire cloud army , many people, want to mix the desert world to turn take fire cloud Xiaosheng as the god country of only god, expels other religions. Even the sovereign has this intent crazily, but Zhuge An actually makes clear, words that really must do this, was equal to that and entire said two is an enemy, once the attitude exhibited, said that two will stand in a fire cloud Xiaosheng enemy side immediately. 其实幻苍火云军中,也有许多人,想要将混漠世界变成以“火云小圣”为唯一神的神国,驱逐其它一切宗教。甚至连中皇狂都有此意,但诸葛暗却明确告知,真要这样做的话,就等于是与整个佛道二门为敌,态度一旦摆出,佛道二门马上就会站在火云小圣的敌人一方。 The truth is very simple, thousand world, altogether 200, no one is willing, whatever a fire cloud Xiaosheng god mixes the desert world monopoly. 道理很简单,中千世界,一共就两百个不到,没人肯任由火云小圣一神独占混漠世界。 Fire cloud Xiaosheng with own strength, becomes mixes the Mortal World of emperor desert world not to relate, once forbids other religions to mix the desert global development, making he himself mixes the desert world to believe only, that is the target of public criticism immediately, will sit including Heavenly Court looks at him to court destruction. Naturally, regarding Sun Yan, he has not actually planned and entire says two is the enemy, after all fire cloud Xiaosheng is actually only his one incarnation, his current main idea, after opens one, here. The palace, then dragon and young, Baochai, Daiyu puts, if later they have a child for him, even if these children cannot become an immortal saying that at least can also result in the Mortal World riches and honor......, the person must always consider for own descendant. 火云小圣凭着自身实力,成为混漠世界之人间帝王没有关系,一旦禁止其它宗教在混漠世界发展,让他自己成为混漠世界唯一信仰,那马上就是众矢之的,连天庭都会坐看他自取灭亡。当然,对于孙炎来说,他其实也没打算与整个佛道二门为敌,毕竟火云小圣其实只是他的一个“化身”,他目前的主要想法,就是在这里开一个后.宫,然后把龙儿、雏儿、宝钗、黛玉都放进去,如果以后她们为他生了孩子,那些孩子哪怕是成不了仙道,至少也能够得个人间富贵……嘛,人总是得为自己的后代考虑一下。 Actually this amphibious congress, fire cloud Xiaosheng invited saying that time two many sect gate participated, please under the Goddess of Mercy manage, has indicated all rivers run into sea the meaning. But the quiet Yong city is ghost reveres the sovereign crazy supreme headquarters , the explicit intention of before obtaining fire cloud Xiaosheng and sovereign ghost revering, ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect does not dare to enter directly. 其实这一次的水陆大会,火云小圣邀请佛道二门众多宗门参与,更请下观音菩萨主持,就已经表明了“海纳百川”之意。只不过幽墉城是“鬼尊”中皇狂的大本营,在没有得到火云小圣和中皇鬼尊的明确意向之前,古都阖辟宗也不敢直接进驻。 In the evening, they then first stay here...... 当晚,他们便先在这里住下…… *** *** Clam sea. 蜃海界。 Took a broad view at the past, everywhere was the sea water, monstrous waves turned, fell, curls up big wave day the spray. The distant place, some mirages, appear intermittently in cloud Qi occasionally, in as if has a babel of voices, carriages and horses like the dragon. 放眼过去,到处都是海水,一波波巨浪翻起,落下,卷起涛天的浪花。远处,偶有一些蜃楼,在云气中隐现,内中仿佛有人声鼎沸、车马如龙。 Du Xiangxiang taking advantage of the sea breeze, escapes in the sea. In the wink of an eye when is several hundred li (0.5 km), the wind direction not. Then with dragon Dun, melts the dragon to roam through in the sea. 杜香香借着海风,在大海上远遁。瞬息之间便已是数百里,风向不对时。便用龙遁,化龙在海中遨游。 Before entering clam sea, Ji Xiaoman has then helped her investigate the exact location of Jiangzhai, this all the way, has not met to hinder, resembles so, displays the magical powers, she arrived at Jiangzhai finally. 在进入蜃海界前,吉小曼便已帮她调查好了姜寨的具体位置,这一路上,也没有遇到阻滞,似这般,一路施展神通,她终于来到了姜寨。 Jiangzhai, is one drifts in the marine celestial mountain, but looks from Heaven. Obviously actually leaves uncultivated for a long time. In mountain everywhere dry vine, there is a mysterious malaria to surge. Du Xiangxiang sees, these malarias, are not natural and fresh, but is the arrange/cloth has the maze. That maze not kills intent, but makes people be hard to approach, even yes. Even if has flown from Heaven, meets not voluntarily neglects this marine celestial mountain. 姜寨,乃是一座飘浮于海上的仙山,但从天上看去。却显然荒废已久。山中处处枯藤,又有神秘瘴气涌动。杜香香看出,那些瘴气,并非天然而生,而是布有迷阵。只是那迷阵并无杀意,只是让人难以靠近,甚至是。纵然从天上飞过,也会不自觉的将这座海上仙山忽略。 However such fan miasma, naturally cannot block her. 但是这样的迷瘴,自然是阻不住她。 Du Xiangxiang falls on the island, the immortal clothes flutters, has, if the surging waves Manchurian crane, lifts, called out toward the island in: Girl Kitadake Du Xiangxiang. Comes to seek an interview the Li old mother!” 杜香香落在海岛上,仙衣飘飞,有若凌波仙鹤,抬起首来,朝岛中叫道:“小女子北岳杜香香。前来求见骊山老母!” Shouted one. Unmanned reply. 喊了一阵。无人回答。 Small has the zither | Jean to drill from her sleeve: Has died?” 小有琴从她袖中钻出:“难道早就死了?” Du Xiangxiang hurries saying: little Le, you first hide!” If the Li old mothers discovered that she has a Yin demon along. To see only feared that disappears. 杜香香赶紧道:“小乐,你先藏起来!”若是骊山老母发现她随身带着一只阴魔。想见只怕都不见了。 Continues to walk toward the island, seeing former Fangzhulin is getting higher and higher, oneself as if become tiny, knew in the heart that the strategy is having an effect, shouted several, as before unmanned response, therefore marches forward, is pressing the technique of imperial palace art of making oneself invisible, seeks for the fresh gate, enters in the island. 继续往岛中走去,见前方竹林越来越高,自己仿佛变得渺小起来,心知阵法在起作用,又喊了几声,依旧无人回应,于是继续向前,按着九宫遁甲之术,一路寻找生门,进入岛中。 She actually does not know, in her the distant place, the demon wind gets up behind suddenly, the black fog folds the screen-like mountain peak, appears the flickering specters. 她却不知,在她身后远处,魔风忽起,黑雾叠嶂,现出幢幢魔影。 An eye, in darkness that in such as it comes suddenly, looks toward the island. 一双眼睛,在忽如其来的幽暗中,往岛中看去。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan in darkness, opening eye suddenly. 孙炎在黑暗中,蓦的睁开眼睛。 He throws on clothing, flutters to the institute, in the entire Daoist temple, a peace, the Shao green spin and other color Unzen park in the girls have fallen asleep. 他披衣而起,飘至院中,整个道观内,一片安静,绍绿旋等彩云仙苑的姑娘们都已睡着。 He knits the brows , to continue to flutter, arrives at beyond the view, looks to the distant place, sees only the west side, the demon wind is strong, as if there is billowing black smoke, wells up in this direction. 他皱了皱眉,继续飘出,来到观外,看向远处,只见西边,魔风强劲,仿佛有滚滚黑烟,往这个方向涌来。 In him behind, transmits gust of wind, he stands there is different, knew in the heart that this view view main azure Daoist priest has also perceived the unusual form in wind. Comes from azure Daoist priest late, movement that as well as he quickly plunders, Sun Yan roughly judged that the strength of azure Daoist priest and cultivates is, from cultivating for on, the azure Daoist priest should have the boundary of Spirit Immortal, but does not save the god department obviously, regardless magical treasure, immortal technique and other factors in aspects, his strength, probably only in Sun Yan just arrived at immortal the situation. 在他身后,传来一阵疾风,他立在那里不同,心知此观观主青都道长亦已觉察到风中的异状。从青都道长比自己来迟,以及他急忙掠来的身法,孙炎大致判断出青都道长的实力和修为,从修为上,青都道长应该也有灵仙之境,不过显然并非存神系的,抛开法宝仙术等各方面的因素,他自身的实力,大概只在孙炎刚到“仙人”时的地步。 Naturally, the originally that ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect majors is the technique of governing ghost, from his movement, cannot infer his strengths only accurately, like anyone cannot from the fragrant surface delicacy, thus judged that she very weakly is really same. 当然,古都阖辟宗主修的原本就是御鬼之术,单从他的身法,并不能准确的推断出其个人实力,就如同谁也不能从香香表面上的柔弱,从而判断她真的很弱一样。 azure Daoist priest also looked that continually wells up the fog that to the distant place: What is that?” 青都道长同样看向远处不断涌来的灰雾:“那是什么?” Sun Yan said: Looks at such, some people are using the large-scale technique law, does not know that comes toward us, just passed by?” 孙炎道:“看那样子,有人在使用大规模的术法,不知道是朝我们而来,还是刚好路过?” Although azure Daoist priest cultivates to be inferior to Sun Yan, but on the rivers and lakes, mixes for a long time, his actually also over 200 years old, although is the ancient capital whole pioneer/monarch sect in disciple, but is actually not the true line, most of the time, only makes a place immortal in the world of mortals. He looks that distant place that range are general, the mist that surges slowly, knits the brows: Looks at that mist, is a bit like five li (0.5 km) bad fog actually ‚’, but in the fog does not have the gloom, should not catch up with the corpse to use.” 青都道长虽然修为不如孙炎,但在江湖上,混得更久,他其实亦有两百多岁,虽是古都阖辟宗的内门弟子,但其实不是真传,大多数时候,都只在下界做一地仙。他看着远处那范围广大,缓缓涌动的雾气,皱眉道:“看那雾气,倒是有点像‘五里大雾’,但是雾中并没有阴气,应该不是赶尸所用。” Five li (0.5 km) bad fog, the god of death hits lamp is the technique of large-scale catching up corpse, often uses at the way of the world confusion and war frequent place, person who will die catching up returns to own hometown, this is ancient capital whole wards off one of methods sect type of governing ghost school makes money. Sun Yan also suspected, wells up the mist that toward here is five li (0.5 km) bad fog, after all midnight appears, the mist covers, indeed looks like in the legend very much five li (0.5 km) bad fog, but five li (0.5 km) bad fog is the secret of this governing ghost school, he has not actually seen truly. “五里大雾,死神打灯”乃是一种大规模的赶尸之术,往往用在世道混乱、战争频繁的地方,将死去的人“赶”回自己的家乡,这是古都阖辟宗这种御鬼门派赚钱的法子之一。孙炎原本也怀疑,往这边涌来的雾气就是“五里大雾”,毕竟夜半出现,雾气笼罩,的确是很像传说中的“五里大雾”,只是“五里大雾”乃这种御鬼门派之秘,他其实也不曾真正见过。 Now, wards off the azure Daoist priest of sect type of famous governing ghost school from ancient capital whole, since concluded that is not five li (0.5 km) bad fog, it seems like has the background. 现在,来自古都阖辟宗这种有名的御鬼门派的青都道长,既然断定那绝非“五里大雾”,看来另有来头。 Sun Yan said: In fog does not have murderous aura, it seems like it was only passed by, but this view indeed on the road of that mist way, provided against contingencies, awakened others, gathered, was more careful well.” 孙炎道:“雾中并没有杀气,看来只是路过,但此观的确是在那雾气途径的路上,为防万一,还是将其他人唤醒,聚集在一起,小心些好。” They 11 knock on a door, awakens the Shao green spin and dancing Ji Men of color Unzen park. Everyone gathers before the view together, that several disciples of azure Daoist priest arrange rune/symbol Lu, guards against mishap. 他们一一敲门,将绍绿旋和彩云仙苑的舞姬们唤醒。大家一同聚集在观前,青都道长的那几名弟子备好符录,以防不测。 Looks at more and more near fog, the Shao green spin flutters to Sun Yan and side the azure Daoist priest, said in a low voice: Grandson few heroes, Daoist priest, what is that?” 看着越来越近的灰雾,绍绿旋飘到孙炎和青都道长身边,低声道:“孙少侠,道长,那是什么?” Sun Yan and azure Daoist priest shake the head together , indicating that they are not clear. 孙炎与青都道长一同摇头,表示他们也还不清楚。 The surrounding mist is getting more and more heavy. Before long, could not have seen the star. Cannot see moon/month, they are in the dense fog, but is not the central zone of bad fog. Sun Yan and azure Daoist priest together, toward the distant place toward going, see only in the distant place thick fog, two rows of lanterns, such as the large snake winds generally the line. Is hitting the lantern, is the youth woman, these female icyl oranges are various, two people one row. Abreast in row, has 200 unexpectedly. 周围雾气越来越重。不一会儿,已是望不见星。看不到月,他们处在迷雾之中,但并非大雾的中心地带。孙炎与青都道长一同,往远处往去,只见远处浓雾之中,有两排灯笼,如长蛇一般蜿蜒而行。打着灯笼的,全都是青年女子,这些女子衣色各不相同,两人一列。前后并排,竟有两百名之多。 These females, the eye is not evil regards, the inspection lamp toward leading the way, mumbled: Not fresh old mother, vacuum hometown! Not fresh old mother, vacuum hometown......” 那些女子,目不邪视,提灯往前行去,口口念念有词:“无生老母,真空家乡!无生老母,真空家乡……” Sun Yan is astonished saying: Is it possible that are these females...... Luo teach?” 孙炎讶道:“这些女子莫非是……罗教?” azure Daoist priest said: It seems like indeed is Luo teach. But is not legitimate Luo teach, but afterward Luo teach after variation.” 青都道长道:“看来的确是罗教。但并非正统罗教,而是后来变异后的罗教。” Sun Yan to these world of mortals religious sects, understands not many, therefore asked: „Do these two have what difference?” 孙炎对这些下界教派,了解不多,于是问道:“这两者有何区别?” azure Daoist priest said: What legitimate Luo Jiaonian is vacuum hometown, not fresh parents, what they read was not fresh old mother, vacuum hometown. It seems like that only misses a character. Actually the doctrine is entirely different. Luo teaches to call at first makes the inactivity to teach, teaches to have «Painstaking effort Grasping principles Volume», «Sighs World Inactivity Volume», «Broken Evil Proves Key Volume Obviously», «Is believing To eliminate Doubts Not Repairs Card Comfortable Treasure Volume», " Lofty and steadfast Mount Tai Deep Root Result Treasure Volume » Five Classics. Stressed that world does not have the thing, actually all are vacuum, not fresh I raise my parents, only looks through vacuum, understands that all are our heart illusory truth, can jump out of the sea of bitterness samsara, must turn over to the pure land, therefore the inactivity teaches, is called as Wukong to teach. Vacuum hometown, not fresh parents are this teach the person to read aloud daily read the true words, is similar Amitabha in Buddhism!” 青都道长道:“正统罗教念的是‘真空家乡,无生父母’,她们念的是‘无生老母,真空家乡’。看似只差一字。其实教义已经大不相同。罗教最初唤作无为教,教中有《苦功悟道卷》、《叹世无为卷》、《破邪显证钥匙卷》、《正信除疑无修证自在宝卷》、《巍巍不动泰山深根结果宝卷》五经。强调世间无物,其实一切都是‘真空’,亦无生我养我之父母,唯有看破‘真空’,明白一切都是我们心头虚幻的道理,才能跳出苦海轮回,得归净土,所以无为教,又称作悟空教。‘真空家乡,无生父母’便是此教中人日日诵念之真言,类似于佛门中的‘阿弥陀佛’!” The Shao green spin said: Sounds, their religious doctrines and do the Buddhism have no difference?” 绍绿旋道:“听起来,他们的教义和佛门也没什么区别啊?” Sun Yan is actually shakes the head saying: „It seems like nondistinctive, actually the difference is enormous. The Buddhism spoke four elements are merely illusions, but never the negative kinship blood relationship, was only a convenient method. The world are ignorant, is unable to prove to result in the main road directly, therefore first regards as spatially all, then spatial character cuts this, after discarding all holds to read, then with the brand-new vision comes to see world, this is the simple law that Buddhists practice, rather than this world myriad things really come to naught. So-called said that various Fakong, for broken various has, therefore ; If duplicate/restores holds in empty/sky, various Buddha cannot spend is this truth. But this inactivity teaches, actually resembles this spatially character, regarded the universe true meaning, Buddhism in four elements are merely illusions this practicing method, regarded the truth of world myriad things, with the Buddha principle essentially is not a matter.” 孙炎却是摇头道:“看似无区别,其实区别极大。佛门讲‘四大皆空’,但从未否定亲情血缘,只是一种方便法门。世人愚昧,无法直接证得大道,所以先将一切看成‘空’,再将这‘空’字斩去,舍弃所有执念后,再以全新的眼光来看世间,这便是佛门弟子修行的简易法,而不是说,这世间万物就真的是一场空。所谓‘佛说诸法空,为破诸有故;若复执于空,诸佛不能度’就是这个道理。但这无为教,却似把这个‘空’字,当成了宇宙的真谛,把佛门中的‘四大皆空’这一修行手段,当成了世间万物的真理,跟佛理本质上已经不是一回事。” azure Daoist priest said: If the inactivity teaches the Buddhism four elements are merely illusions read crookedly, that following Luo teach, not fresh parents changing not fresh old mother, will actually teach doctrine to read crookedly the inactivity. The inactivity manual taught by example the righteousness saying that this world simply has not lived me to raise my family member, all were the illusions in self- heart, all were vacuum, but this type of extremely profound imaginary thing, ordinary people are unable to understand. Therefore, afterward inactivity taught, not fresh parents will change to not fresh old mother, said that not fresh old mother was mother of myriad things, so long as read aloud daily reads, daily worshipped, not fresh old mother will then be born, took to the limitless pure land the person of misery. The original intention that actually the inactivity teaches is, even the parents are fabricated, let alone god Buddha? Finally this changes, makes one not fresh old mother to come baseless, turned into the worship Spiritual God from the denial Spiritual God, but changes, Luo teach follower increases all of a sudden broadly, not fresh old mother became several in the Goddess of Mercy Spiritual God, although on the doctrine, can say turns inside out completely, but Luo teach indeed was once therefore carried forward.” 青都道长道:“如果说无为教是将佛门的‘四大皆空’念歪,那后面的罗教,将‘无生父母’改成‘无生老母’,却又是将无为教本身的教义念歪。无为教本身教义是说,这世间根本没有生我养我的亲人,一切都是自我心中的幻象,一切都是‘真空’,但是这种太过玄幻的东西,凡夫俗子根本无法理解。于是,后来的无为教,将‘无生父母’改成了‘无生老母’,说无生老母乃是万物之母,只要日日诵念,天天敬拜,无生老母便会降世,将苦难之人带往无极净土。其实无为教的本意是,连父母都是虚妄,何况神佛?结果这一改,凭空又造出一个‘无生老母’来,从否定神灵变成了崇拜神灵,只是一改之后,罗教一下子信徒广增,‘无生老母’更成了几同于观音菩萨般的神灵,虽然就教义来看,可以说完全翻了过来,但罗教的确是曾因此而发扬光大。” The Shao green spin said with a smile tenderly: This is ordinary like the Buddhism, you went to say anything with the common people, Buddha was not the Spiritual God, Buddha is to actually come to understand, so long as came to understand, everyone can achieve Buddhahood, they did not understand. But you told them, what Goddess of Mercy Tathagata, they were the gods, so long as you did obeisance them daily, read them, they will help the distressed, ordinary people understood all of a sudden. No wonder the Buddha once said, everyone read Amituo, each family did obeisance Goddess, was the Buddhism most prosperous time, actually was also the Buddha principle leaving the world person farthest time.” 绍绿旋娇笑道:“这就像佛门一般,你去跟老百姓说什么,佛其实不是神灵,佛是觉悟者,只要自己觉悟,人人都可以成佛,他们不懂。但你告诉他们,什么观音啊如来啊,他们就是神,你只要天天拜他们,念他们,他们自会救苦救难,凡夫俗子一下子就懂了。难怪佛祖曾说,‘人人都念阿弥陀,家家都拜观世音’,是佛教最昌盛的时候,却也是佛理离世人最远的时候。” Sun Yan said: But I remember, afterward Luo teach was actually decided as the cults by Heavenly Court?” 孙炎道:“但我记得,后来罗教却是被天庭定为邪教的?” azure Daoist priest said: „When initial, not fresh old mother is also the place belief of the world of mortals, but actually really had/left a not fresh old mother afterward. The doctrine that Luo teaches was compiled to change unceasingly, becomes the dissolute evil way that leads a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming unexpectedly...... that several is......” the sound of talking is astonished suddenly. 青都道长道:“初始时,‘无生老母’也不过就是下界的地方信仰,但是后来却真的出了一位无生老母。罗教的教义被不断纂改,竟成醉生梦死的荒淫邪道……那几位是……”语声忽讶。 Sun Yan following his vision, sees only him in several females toward team to look. What on that several females puts on is embroiders the fire to be the clothes of totem. His brow slightly wrinkle: „The goddess of hot cloud temple?” 孙炎循着他的目光,只见他往队伍中的几名女子看去。那几名女子身上穿的是绣有火属图腾的衣裳。他眉头微皱:“火云神庙的神女?” azure Daoist priest sinking sound said: They are the west side inside and outside 20 the goddess in hot cloud temple, isn't Luo teach follower?” 青都道长沉声道:“她们是西边二十里外火云神庙里的神女,绝非罗教信徒?” The Sun Yan vision sweeps again, in that several goddess behind , more than 30 people, are he know unexpectedly. That more than 30 people, one of them unexpectedly is imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv, others , is the day female in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, had been traced by him in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata. However now, these females, with team toward leading the way, while kept on proclaiming is reading: Not fresh old mother, vacuum hometown!” 孙炎目光再扫,在那几名神女身后,又有三十多人,竟是他认识的。那三十多人,其中一人竟是幻琴天女,其他人,也全是妙喜树内的天女,都是在妙喜树内被他摸过的。然而现在,这些女子,一边随着队伍往前行去,一边口口声声念着:“无生老母,真空家乡!” He looks one with the azure Daoist priest, knows in the heart to have different, they think, was Luo teach letter/believes female from passed by, now looks like, at all was not this matter. Sun Yan said in a low voice: That several day female is my acquaintance, I had a look in the past!” 他与青都道长对望一眼,心知有异,他们原本以为,乃是罗教的信女从此间路过,现在看来,根本不是这一回事。孙炎低声道:“那几名天女是我熟人,我过去看看!” The sword light flashes, delimits none, falls side imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv, sinking sound said: Imaginary zither | Jean miss?” 剑光一闪,划出精光,落在幻琴天女身边,沉声道:“幻琴姑娘?” Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv has turned head, smiles to him: Not fresh old mother, vacuum hometown!” 幻琴天女扭过头来,冲他微笑:“无生老母,真空家乡!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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