MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#993: Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua's common ground?

To mixing the day of desert world amphibious congress, more and more nearly. 离混漠世界水陆大会的日子,越来越近。 In the time, Sun Yan turns into Sun Yan, went to a too wonderful heavenly palace of Jinling world, what makes his accidental/surprised is, Baochai, Daiyu, pick, cold, six to spend several people, has not returned by the present. 期中,孙炎变成孙妍,又去了一趟金陵世界的太妙天宫,让他意外的是,宝钗、黛玉、采采、凛、六花几人,到现在都还未归来。 Although, does not have the new world exploration of human footmark, several months how long is not, but some grandson beautifully always unavoidably worries. 虽说,去全无人迹的新世界探险,几个月的时间也算不上有多长,但孙妍总是不免有些担心。 Although in the heart was worried, but depends on the night heavenly book of too wonderful heavenly palace, and is unable to make the grandson contact with them beautifully, after all Baochai and the others went, is they through the world that the Nüwa stone goes, that world among which position in universes, no one was clear. 虽然心中担心,但靠着太妙天宫的夜天书,并无法让孙妍联系到她们,毕竟宝钗等人去的,是她们通过女娲石前往的世界,那个世界到底在宇宙间的哪个位置,也没人清楚。 Therefore, Sun Yan goes to the supple advantage mountain back side of the mountain, brought back the star of stick of sapphire kaleidoscope. 于是,孙妍前往柔利山后山,取回了万花筒之杖蓝宝石之星。 She flutters in too wonderful heavenly palace nine spirit center high places, is pressing the night heavenly book, is grasping the star of sapphire single-handedly, attempts „the star of ruby contact with the elder sister of star of sapphire. 她飘飞在太妙天宫九灵中枢高处,一手按着夜天书,一手握着蓝宝石之星,试图与蓝宝石之星的姐姐“红宝石之星”联系。 The star and sapphire star of ruby, both are the artificial elves, does not have + to the magic stick sisters, the ability is the same, has interferes with parallel world the ability. 红宝石之星和蓝宝石之星,两个都是人工精灵,是一无+对魔法杖姐妹,能力相同,都具有“干涉平行世界”的能力。 Under her explosive table the stimulation of movement of magical girl strength, the star of sapphire interferes with the energy of parallel world, radiates among the universes, finally, in the numerous dense fog, Sun Yan received similar signal, that was „the star of ruby sends out obviously. However, the signal origin chaos are difficult to predict, as if underwent the numerous refractions. 在她爆表的魔法少女力的催动下,蓝宝石之星干涉平行世界的能量,往宇宙间辐射而出,终于,在重重迷雾中,孙炎接收到了类似的信号,那显然是“红宝石之星”发出。然而,信号的来源混沌难测,仿佛经过了重重折射。 Can receive the signal that the ruby starts out at night, that at least showed, cold is safe, if wants by this localization cold position, is not actually able to achieve. Sun Yanzheng from is hesitating, whether then this/should first found the way to find them. 能够接收到红宝石之星发出的信号,那至少证明,凛还是安全的,但是要想以此定位凛的位置,却又怎么也无法做到。孙妍正自犹豫着,接下来是否该先想办法找到她们。 Master felt relieved, the information that the elder sister sends in said that they are very safe, that world that but they arrive is somewhat strange . Moreover the time flows with our world is somewhat different, they are still exploring now.” The star of sapphire makes the sound suddenly. “主人放心,姐姐发来的信息说,她们都很平安,只是她们到达的那个世界有些古怪,而且时间流向跟我们的世界有些不同,她们现在仍然在探索中。”蓝宝石之星突然发出声音。 Sun Yanya said: „Will you speak?” Although she knows that the star of ruby will speak, but she has not known. Originally the star of sapphire will also speak, she had not listened to speak before. 孙妍讶道:“你会说话?”虽然她知道红宝石之星是会说话的,但她还不知道。原来蓝宝石之星也会说话,她以前可是从来没有听它说话过。 The star of sapphire is caressing forehead with a wing, long sighing one breath: Elder sister's master, is a lively lovable beautiful young girl, my master is a while male a while female, sometimes male sometimes female, neuter changes. Condition, where does this make my have the mood of speech? If possible, I really hope that who can return to mother 's womb to go my stopper again......, right. I am the artificial elf, without mother's womb!” 蓝宝石之星用一只翅膀抚着“额头”,长长的叹一口气:“姐姐的主人,是一个活泼可爱的美少女,我的主人是一个一会儿男一会儿女,时男时女,不男不女的变.态,这让我哪有说话的心情?如果可以的话,我真希望有谁能把我重新塞回娘胎去……哦,对了。我是人工精灵,没有娘胎!” Sun Yan: „......” 孙妍:“……” Although was scolded and complained one by the star of sapphire, but since Baochai, Daiyu, pick, cold, six to spend their is well, but is still continuing their duties temporarily, the grandson naturally also felt relieved beautifully. The star of sapphire has not put again, simply on belt/bring in side. But the star of sapphire said several, but seems like it really takes oneself master sometimes the male sometimes female and neuter for shame, behind also no longer spoke, Sun Yanzi also takes it unable. 虽然被蓝宝石之星数落和吐槽了一阵,但既然宝钗、黛玉、采采、凛、六花她们平安无事,只是暂时还在继续她们的任务,孙妍自然也就放下心来。蓝宝石之星也没有再放回去,干脆就带在身边。而蓝宝石之星虽然说了几句,但看起来它真的以自己的主人“时男时女、不男不女”为耻,后面又不再说话了,孙妍自也拿它无法。 Then. Then sexually harassed a bow day flower bud and Zhu Shiqing in the too wonderful heavenly palace, is riding the mount younger sister, returns to Heaven again. Shortly, Yaoyao sends Jade Woman to get down. Let him represent golden flower Empress, bringing the gift to go to mix the desert world, congratulates for fire cloud Xiaosheng, as for Yaoyao Empress. Manages by Jin and yellow the woman is not being able the world of mortals. 接下来。便在太妙天宫里调戏了一下弓天蕾和竺诗青,然后骑着坐骑妹妹,再次回到天界。没多久,瑶瑶玉女下来。让他代表金华帝姬,带着礼物前往混漠世界,为火云小圣祝贺,至于瑶瑶帝姬自己。被金公和黄婆管着无法下界。 Actually Sun Yan is strange, what fire cloud Xiaosheng must manage is the amphibious congress, does not celebrate a birthday. What having is good to congratulate? However Yaochi Empress must give the gift to him, he from will not be silly rejects, said no matter how, the treasure on Yaochi, but is not the average person wants with be able to attain. 其实孙炎蛮奇怪的,“火云小圣”要办的是水陆大会,又不是过生日。有什么好祝贺的?不过瑶池帝姬非要送礼物给他,他自也不会傻得拒绝,不管怎么说,瑶池上的珍宝,可也不是一般人想拿就拿得到的。 At that moment, Sun Yan then brings Yaoyao Empress is giving to fire cloud Xiaosheng the gift, goes to mix the desert world, in mountain heavenly palace, ran into color Unzen park the dance team of headed by Shao green spin, they also received the fire cloud Xiaosheng invitation, goes to mix the desert world peaceful day city, therefore, Sun Yan started while convenient the protector, is accompanying them, enters together mixes the desert world...... 当下,孙炎便带着瑶瑶帝姬送给“火云小圣”的礼物,前往混漠世界,在中岳天宫时,又遇到了以绍绿旋为首的彩云仙苑的舞队,她们同样也受到了火云小圣的邀请,前往混漠世界泰天城,于是,孙炎顺便做起了护花使者,陪着她们,一同进入混漠世界…… *** *** The flower opens two, various Table. 花开两朵,各表一枝。 And after saying Sun Yan departs, there is zither | Jean Meiwu to continue to trace actually the evil sword and Princess Iron Fan has the whereabouts of possibility. 且说孙炎离去后,有琴美舞继续追查却邪剑与铁扇公主有可能的下落。 Actually, she also wants to go to mix the desert world with Sun Yan together, did to the penalty of Heavenly Court to her previous time this world not to finish in private. 其实,她也很想随着孙炎一同前往混漠世界的,奈何天庭对她上次私下凡尘的惩罚还没有结束。 In three months forbid to leave the deadline of Moon Palace to be full, within one year, cannot leave the Immortal World deadline not to end, don't said the world of mortals, now then she does not go to the world of desire-driven beings. Immortal World that Heavenly Court said that but refers to the world of beings with form and world of beings without form various heaven specially. 三个月内禁止离开广寒宫的期限已满,一年之内,不许离开仙界的期限还未结束,莫说下界,现在便连欲界她都去不了。天庭所说的仙界,可是专指色界、无色界诸天的。 The spirit flying tower, eighth day the view clearly carries celebrate heaven situated in the world of beings with form's! 灵飞塔,位于色界第八天观明端庆天! The view clearly carries celebrate Tianyuan the world of beings with form's first day nihility to jump over Heng day on big several times, but not pond city, everywhere is the celestial mountain blue water, indistinct fog. If on the day of some people arrive, even thinks oneself serious famine that returned to «Shan Hai Jing» records, is rarely visited, actually everywhere is strange Huarui the beasts. 观明端庆天远比色界第一天“虚无越蘅天”大上数倍,但并无池城,到处都是仙山碧水,缥缈云雾。若有人来到这一天,甚至会以为自己回到了《山海经》中所记载的大荒,人迹罕见,却处处都是奇花瑞兽。 The spirit flying tower is located in the place of hills encirclement, belongs to the clear lineage/vein, besides pressing gate convention, about pays respects Sanqing, but also for Hainan palace five emperors, this Hainan palace five emperors, and they are: Eastern East extremely cloud Judi, southern Antarctic Emperor pill appearance/allow and in Western west extremely Hao Courtyard emperor, northern North Pole profound child emperor and center extremely Emperor writing beam. The tower altogether has the star anises and five light , said: Eight scenery with sedan chair and five emperors simultaneous/uniform light! 灵飞塔位于群山环绕之处,属于上清一脉,除了按道门惯例,合拜三清之外,还供有琼宫五帝,这琼宫五帝,分别是:东方东极云拘帝、南方南极丹容帝、西方西极浩庭帝、北方北极玄子帝、中央中极文梁帝。其塔共有八角、五光,表示:八景同舆、五帝齐光! In the gate, the spirit flying tower always takes the elite route, therefore in the disciple are extremely few, the entrance door disciple actually is also not many. 在道门中,灵飞塔一向走精英路线,故内门弟子极少,外门弟子其实也是不多。 beautiful dance Fairy Maiden leads the younger sister, enters in the spirit flying tower, wants from the spirit flying tower in the material of conceals, checks with the Qiuci world related clue, thus speculates the whereabout of Princess Iron Fan. 美舞仙子带着妹妹,进入灵飞塔中,想要从灵飞塔所藏的资料中,查到与龟兹世界有关的线索,从而推测出铁扇公主的下落。 Small has the zither | Jean, although is the demon, but is actually the Yin demon, invisible does not have, hides earnestly, others from are unable to discover. In addition, the beautiful dance was in direct line, in the true line disciple scarce spirit flying tower , the position is honored, now is Chang E Fairy Maiden, is Taiyi to disperse the immortal, others from do not dare to come to manage her. 小有琴虽然是魔,但却是阴魔,无形无相,认真躲藏起来,其他人自也无法发现。再加上,美舞原本就是嫡传,在真传弟子稀少的灵飞塔中,地位尊贵,如今更是嫦娥仙子,名列太乙散仙,其他人自也不敢来管她。 In spirit flying tower after the pavilion, is reading with the Qiuci world related record, slightly has the zither | Jean to fly everywhere randomly, flutters in the in the air books under her drive, crash-bang chaotic dance. The beautiful dance said: little Le, you turn this, how waits for me to tidy up?” 在灵飞塔内的经阁中,翻看着与龟兹世界相关的记载,小有琴更是到处乱飞,飘飞在空中的书籍在她的带动下,哗啦啦的乱舞。美舞道:“小乐,你翻成这样,等下我怎么收拾?” Small had the zither | Jean to fly, said: Elder sister, here was bored, what fun place did Immortal World have?” 小有琴飞了下来,道:“姐姐,这里无聊死了,仙界还有什么好玩的地方?” You are the demon, even if Immortal World has the fun place, runs all over the place by you like this?” “你是魔啊,就算仙界有好玩的地方,由得你这样乱跑么?” They also cannot hold me in any case!” Small had the zither | Jean to call out. “反正他们又抓不住我!”小有琴叫道。 During the speeches, outside the pavilion Jade Woman floats. Small has the zither | Jean to hurry conceals to enter in the elder sister sleeve. 说话间,阁外一名玉女飘来。小有琴赶紧藏入姐姐袖中。 Jade Woman enters the intrinsic say/way: Fairy Maiden! Moon star main in downstairs, seeks an interview Fairy Maiden!” 玉女入内禀道:“仙子!太阴星主在楼下,求见仙子!” The beautiful dance is unable, Heavenly Court to issue the ban to her. But she disperses the immortal as Taiyi, in Immortal World does not have the grandmother not to have in the Heavenly Emperor situation, was equal to that the head simply does not have immediate superior, the average person cannot control her, does she have to leave Immortal World, others are also very difficult to know, therefore, is responsible for supervising her person, can only be the moon star lord. After all moon star is actually moon, although she is broad cold Fairy Maiden. The moon star main is actually the nominal moon/month lord. 美舞无法,天庭对她下了禁令。但她身为太乙散仙,在仙界既无王母也无天帝的情况下,等于是头上根本没有“顶头上司”,一般人根本管不了她,她到底有没有离开仙界,其他人也很难知道,于是,负责监督她的人,只能是太阴星主。毕竟“太阴星”其实就是月亮,她虽为广寒仙子。太阴星主却是名义上的月主。 Naturally, truly from both's position, Chang E is in the fruit position the person, and others treated as an equal to the Goddess of Mercy, Puxian, on Yaochi, enters the spirit clouds, the moon star main fights one of the numerous star lords, although the position in group star is high, but in the final analysis is also only stars. Without Heavenly Emperor and grandmother. Moon star main to her control, at most can come to see occasionally, determined that she has not run Immortal World. 当然,真正从两者的地位上来说,嫦娥是果位中人,与观音、普贤等平起平坐,上得瑶池,入得灵霄,太阴星主则只是斗部众星主之一,虽然在群星中地位较高,但说到底也只是一位星官。在没有天帝和王母的情况下。太阴星主对她的“管束”,最多也只能是偶尔来看看,确定她没有跑出仙界罢了。 Flutters downstairs, the beautiful dance saw the moon Wu song. 飘到楼下,美舞见到了太阴芜歌。 The moon Wu song comes to see her. Also is only the routine business. Two people chatted a meeting at will, the moon Wu song were just about to say goodbye to depart, beautiful dance remembering suddenly, the moon Wu song and incessantly was the moon star lord. In fact is also fights the section eight gods one, is responsible for fighting the material communication and collection of dark department, from her here. Could check the clue that other places cannot obtain. 太阴芜歌前来见她。原本也就只是例行公事罢了。两人随意的聊了一会,太阴芜歌正要告辞离去,美舞忽的想起,太阴芜歌并不止是太阴星主。实际上也是斗部的“八神”之一,负责斗部暗系的资料来往和收集,从她这里。或许可以查到一些其他地方得不到的线索。 Therefore then pretends to with the moon Wu song go the same way to depart, lets several Jade Woman help tidy up after the pavilion, oneself with the moon Wu song together depart the spirit flying tower. 于是便装作要与太阴芜歌同路离去,让几名玉女帮忙收拾经阁后,自己与太阴芜歌一同飞出灵飞塔。 On the road, found an opportunity, beating around the bush inquired the whereabout of Princess Iron Fan to the moon star lord. Her original intention, was thinking, the words that even if the moon Wu song does not know, at least can still use Chang E's status, asked the moon Wu song, the use fought the network of dark department to investigate. 路上,找了个机会,拐弯抹角的向太阴星主打听铁扇公主的下落。她的原意,本是想着,就算太阴芜歌不知道的话,至少也可以利用自己嫦娥的身份,拜托太阴芜歌,利用斗部暗系的网络进行调查。 The moon Wu song is actually astonished saying: Princess Iron Fan? Fairy Maiden must look for Princess Iron Fan, you may know, Princess Iron Fan is one of the ten demons females, you must find out by secret inquiry her news, why not to try to ask ten demons females' the blue woman demons of head?” 太阴芜歌却是讶道:“铁扇公主?仙子要找铁扇公主,你可知道,铁扇公主乃是十罗刹女之一,你既要探知她的消息,何不试着去问一问十罗刹女之首的蓝婆罗刹?” The beautiful dance said: Blue woman demons? Heard that the blue woman is ten demons girls'school oldest one, lives the present words, 3,000-4,000 -year-old, is she also almost also living inadequately? However, this blue woman demons, Princess Iron Fan seems to be missing early, millenniums ago no one has known her news.” 美舞道:“蓝婆罗刹?听说蓝婆乃是十罗刹女中年纪最大的一位,活到现在的话,差不多也有3,000-4,000岁,她难道还活着不成?但是,这蓝婆罗刹,似乎比铁扇公主更早失踪,千年前就已经无人知道她的消息。” The moon Wu song said with a smile: Reason that no one knows that her news, is not because she had died, because she has the alias.” 太阴芜歌笑道:“之所以无人知道她的消息,不是因为她已经死去,而是因为她另有化名。” The beautiful dance hurries to ask: „The alias of blue woman is......” 美舞赶紧问道:“蓝婆的化名是……” She with the alias, does not want to know that her beforehand origin, this matter I am not good to speak frankly,” the moon Wu song said, Fairy Maiden may know, in the world of mortals, two classical stories, one is Lady White Snake's legend, one is Fan Lihua's story, their two people, what are something in common?” “她既用化名,自是不想让人知道她以前的来历,此事我也不好直说,”太阴芜歌道,“仙子可知道,在下界,有两个经典故事,一个是白娘子的传说,一个是樊梨花的故事,她们两人,有一个共同之处是什么?” In the beautiful dance heart is thinking, Lady White Snake is the snake monster, to repay a debt of gratitude, marries Xu Xian, afterward was suppressed under Leifeng Pagoda ; Fan Lihua is actually Xue Dingshan's wife, the hero, after Xue Dingshan dies, Dave Western Expedition, for the world soldiers and horses grand marshal. Their one is the monster, one is a person, what common ground can have? 美舞心中想着,白娘子本是蛇妖,为了报恩,嫁予许仙,后来被镇压在雷峰塔下;樊梨花却是薛丁山之妻,女中豪杰,在薛丁山死后,代夫西征,为天下兵马大元帅。她们一个是妖,一个是人,能有什么共同点? Thinks, said: Is it possible that says...... them, although was a female, actually pursued own love?” 想了想,道:“莫非是说……她们虽是女子,却都追求自己的爱情?” The moon Wu song shows a faint smile, said: Fairy Maiden the heart has recently happy, anything thinks toward the love and fated marriage......, but I said is really not this!” 太阴芜歌微微一笑,道:“仙子近来心有所欢,自不免什么事情都往爱情、姻缘去想……但我说的真不是这个!” beautiful dance face one red, saw her not agrees to say thoroughly, had to revolve in the heart, suddenly, actually could not remember Bai Suzhen and between Fan Lihua these two people, what connection can have? 美舞脸一红,又见她不肯说透,只得自己在心中细思,一时间,却又怎么也想不起白素贞和樊梨花这两个人之间,能有什么连系? At this time, two people fly the view clearly to carry celebrate heaven the edge together, the beautiful dance sees the distant place mountain top, is falling a young girl. The young girl wears the honey about the color one-piece dress, stands under an immortal tree, chilly, is actually extremely beautiful, unexpectedly is tiny bit, does not lose is the Chang E Fairy Maiden beautiful dance. 此时,两人一同飞到观明端庆天的边缘,美舞见远处山头,落着一少女。那少女身穿蜜合色连衣裙,立在一棵仙树下,清清冷冷,却是极美,竟是一丝一毫,不输于身为嫦娥仙子的美舞。 She has a beautiful face, in the eye pupil the star light, stands there, unknowingly, making the entire world degenerate into her background. The beautiful dance sees the moon Wu song to fly toward that young girl, obviously young girl then in she, therefore is astonished saying: That elder sister is......” 她眉目如画,眼眸中略带星光,立在那里,不经意间,让整个天地沦为了她的背景。美舞见太阴芜歌正是往那少女飞去,显然那少女便是在等她,于是讶道:“那位姐姐是……” The moon Wu song said in a low voice: She is demon territory tertiary day spring notepaper beautiful! Now fights the section Vega temporary vacancy, is seeking for next to suit to become the person of female weaver, at present fights the mansion to decide in her, but also needs to undergo some tests.” 太阴芜歌低声道:“她便是魔域三重天的春笺丽!如今斗部的‘织女星’暂时空缺,正在寻找下一位适合成为织女之人,目前斗府属意于她,不过还需要经过一些考验。” Originally is she spring notepaper beautiful? beautiful dance Fairy Maiden thought. 原来她就是春笺丽?美舞仙子心想。 After previous Ren Change passing away, the most powerful competitor of new generation Chang E candidate, then has zither | Jean Meiwu, spring notepaper beautiful, the calyx beautiful person three people. 上一任嫦娥“仙逝”后,新一代嫦娥人选的最有力竞争者,便是有琴美舞、春笺丽、萼玉人三人。 In these three people, the beautiful dance excels at the song, the calyx beautiful person excels at dancing, spring notepaper beautiful is considered that the beautiful appearance and wisdom pay equal attention. Finally can be the beautiful dance wins. Mainly is because, spring notepaper beautiful song happy complete in both, the beautiful appearance and beautiful dance Fairy Maiden said that but she comes in Moyu the tertiary day. The demon territory tertiary day, after is demon Luo heaven collapses, is the demon territory that Heavenly Court occupies, only family background this, then makes her deduct points directly, the calyx beautiful person is because in beautiful appearance, slightly loses in having zither | Jean Meiwu and spring notepaper beautiful. 这三人中,美舞擅歌,萼玉人擅舞,春笺丽则被认为美貌与智慧并重。最后之所以会是美舞胜出。主要是因为,春笺丽歌乐双全,美貌与美舞仙子并称,但她出身于魔域三重天。魔域三重天,乃是魔罗天崩溃后为天庭所占的魔域,单是“出身”这一项,便直接让她扣分,萼玉人则是因为在美貌上,略输于有琴美舞和春笺丽。 In other words, the beautiful dance can become Chang E. What are more is because she synthesis condition in three people are best, but is not because she like a crane among chickens in three people. 也就是说,美舞之所以能够成为嫦娥。更多的是因为她在三人之中“综合条件最好”,而并不是因为她在三人中鹤立鸡群。 Especially this spring notepaper beautiful, various aspects can say that does not lose in her, if not for his ancestors are the demon people, likely is new generation Chang E. 尤其是这位春笺丽,各方面可以说都不输于她,若不是其先人乃是魔民,很可能已是新一代嫦娥。 Now, fights the section to elect the new female weaver, the female weaver to have Chang E the name, similarly also regards as important the beautiful appearance, talent and other factors, in addition is not only a female weaver. Weaving the technique of embroidery also needs to be outstanding. In addition, fights the section not like the thunder like that many consideration family background gateway, cannot become spring notepaper beautiful of Chang E. Naturally then within fighting the consideration of section. 如今,斗部欲选新的织女,织女有“小嫦娥”之称,同样也看重美貌、才华等各方面因素,此外既是织女。织绣之术亦需要出类拔萃。再加上,斗部并不像雷霆那般,过多的考虑家世门户,未能成为“嫦娥”的春笺丽。自然便在斗部的考量之内。 Regarding spring notepaper beautiful, had zither | Jean Meiwu is also well-known in the past, this time first sight, since saw. Then falls on the mountain top, under each other introduction of moon Wu song, nods mutually. Also was knew well. Spring notepaper beautiful is chilly, beautiful dance surface moe moe , in the bone is actually arrogant, two people naturally had no words to say. 对于春笺丽,有琴美舞以往也只是闻名,此次还是第一次见到,不过既然见到。便落在山头,在太阴芜歌的彼此介绍下,互相点了点头。也算是熟识了一下。春笺丽清清冷冷,美舞表面萌萌哒,骨子里却是傲慢,两人自然没有什么话说。 At that moment, solar Wu song said goodbye to her, leading spring notepaper beautiful toward fighting the mansion flies, the beautiful dance circled a great-circle, actually returned to the spirit flying tower, started after the pavilion, searched with Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua's related legend and deeds, after turned that several Jade Woman entire good books with great difficulty randomly, her left and right hands took a book respectively, had a look at this, had a look at that. 当下,太阳芜歌向她告辞,带着春笺丽往斗府飞去,美舞则绕了一大圈,却又回到了灵飞塔,开始在经阁内,查找与白素贞和樊梨花相关的传说和事迹,在把那几名玉女好不容易整好的书籍又乱翻了一阵后,她左右手各拿了一本书,看看这个,看看那个。 Originally...... is this? 原来……是这样? ...... …… *** *** Du Xiangxiang departs Yaochi, sees the beautiful dance in the place of Yaochi, a hanging celestial mountain superior she, therefore then flew. 杜香香飞出瑶池,见美舞正在瑶池之处,一座悬空的仙山上等着她,于是便飞了过去。 Two people meet, beautiful dance Fairy Maiden said: Incense stick|Fragrant elder sister, I found with ten demons females head the clue of blue woman's, perhaps she will know the whereabout of Princess Iron Fan.” 两人见面,美舞仙子道:“香香姐,我找到了与‘十罗刹女’之首的蓝婆的线索,或许她会知道铁扇公主的下落。” Du Xiangxiang said: Blue woman? Hasn't she been missing for over a thousand years?” 杜香香道:“蓝婆?她不是也已失踪了上千年?” Although was missing for over a thousand years, actually actually traded the status, to use an alias to appear,” beautiful dance said, fragrant elder sister, you may know, Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua their two people, what something in common do have?” “虽然失踪了上千年,其实却是换了身份,以化名出现,”美舞道,“香香姐,你可知道,白素贞和樊梨花她们两人,有什么共同之处?” In the heart is thinking, first makes fragrant Fairy Maiden guess that guesses, then I divulged again, on the other hand, if were not the moon star main reminder, but also really has not thought that Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua these two having nothing to do with one others, will have the relations unexpectedly? Hehe, the fragrant elder sister definitely could not guess correctly...... 心中想着,先让香香仙子猜上一猜,然后我再说破,话又说回来,如果不是太阴星主的提醒,还真是没有想到白素贞和樊梨花这两个风马牛不相及的人,居然会扯上关系啊?嘿嘿,香香姐肯定猜不到…… Du Xiangxiang said: Lady White Snake and Fan Lihua's common ground? Their two aren't the same side Senior Sister younger sisters?”. 杜香香道:“白娘子和樊梨花的共同点?她们两个不是同门师姐妹吗?”。 ! beautiful dance Fairy Maiden small sound said: „Does fragrant elder sister, why you know?” 呃!美舞仙子小声道:“香香姐,为什么你会知道?” Du Xiangxiang both hands close up in the chest front, raised the head, happy say/way: In childhood, the black cherry elder sister frequently with my spoken lines wife and Fan Lihua's story, Lady White Snake built the person, her master said to her, although she took off/escaped the Daoist wizard, but must become an immortal, but also needs to finish a benevolence, therefore she found Xu Xian, with his happy lived together. Fan Lihua, builds immortal technique when the mountain, descends the mountain, her master told her, she was destined to with Xue Dingshan form fated marriage, therefore, she waited till Xue Dingshan in cold river pass/test, immediately was betrothed, three rested three to invite, achievement an eternity charming story. The black cherry elder sister told me saying that only then day being doomed fated marriage, was happily most perfect fated marriage, afterward, I looked with their related facts, discovered, originally their masters unexpectedly were the same people.” 杜香香双手合拢在胸前,抬起头来,幸福的道:“小时候,黑樱姐经常跟我说白娘子和樊梨花的故事,白娘子修成人身,她的师父对她说,她虽然脱了妖道,但要成仙,还需要了却一段恩情,于是她找到了许仙,和他幸福的生活在一起。还有樊梨花,在山中修成一身仙术,下山时,她的师父告诉她,她命中注定要与薛丁山结成姻缘,于是,她在寒江关等到了薛丁山,马上订亲,三休三请,成就了一段千古佳话。黑樱姐告诉我说,只有天注定的姻缘,才是最幸福最完美的姻缘,后来,我自己又去找了许多与她们有关的事迹,才发现,原来她们的师父竟是同一个人。” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden asked: In childhood? Does not know that at that time the fragrant elder sister you did have are young?” 美舞仙子问:“小时候?不知道那个时候香香姐你有多小?” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden thinks: About liangsan-year-old time?” 香香仙子想了想:“大概两三岁的时候吧?” The beautiful dance thought that black cherry moonlight to let fragrant elder sister to Sun Yan three to be obeyed and four feminine virtues, but also really spelled! 美舞心想,黑樱月华为了让香香姐对孙炎“三从四德”,还真是拼了啊! Du Xiangxiang also responded: Is it possible that ten demons females' is the blue woman of head, actually Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua's master Li old mother?” 杜香香却也反应过来:“莫非,十罗刹女之首的蓝婆,其实就是白素贞和樊梨花的师父骊山老母?” The beautiful dance said: It seems like will not have the mistake!” 美舞道:“看来不会有错!” Li old mother, called limitless old mother, although she had many beliefs in the world of mortals, but has not actually entered the immortal affiliation, in the immortal list, the world did not call it by old mother. She such as wind like rain, unknown origin, is of no fixed abode, because had once revealed the Saint in main world Li, therefore shouting for „the Li old mother, with her related belief, was once fashionable for a time, actually dissipates quickly, the world to her understanding is extremely limited, in comparison, her two female disciples Bai Suzhen, Fan Lihua, are instead more famous than her. 骊山老母,又称“无极老母”,她虽在下界拥有许多信仰,但却未入仙藉,不在仙列表中,世人以“老母”称之。她如风如雨,来历不明,居无定所,因曾在主世界骊山显过圣,故呼之为“骊山老母”,与她相关的信仰,曾经风靡一时,却又很快消散,世人对她的了解极是有限,相比之下,她的两个女徒白素贞、樊梨花,反而比她更加出名。 But Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua seem like unrelated, actually also some similarities, two people are the skill become descend the mountain, before descending the mountain, are assigned fated marriage, seeks they have never seen this life lover, deducted an imposing love. 而白素贞与樊梨花看似不相干,却也有一些相似之处,两人都是艺成下山,下山前被指定姻缘,去寻找她们从未见过的今生恋人,又都演绎出了一段轰轰烈烈的爱情。 Du Xiangxiang said: „The Li old mothers have not entered immortal, in the immortal list, is unable to depend on immortal to result in the immortal, but she has the belief in the main world, approximately is also mortal body to become Saint. After the god demon war ended, Heaven world passes certainly, finds time profound qi of main world, forcing the main world to enter end the law period, the immortal, god, monster and ghost have not resulted in permit, cannot stay in the main world, the Li old mothers should also leave Li of main world?” 杜香香道:“骊山老母未入仙籍,不在仙列表中,无法靠着仙籍得长生,但她在主世界拥有信仰,大约也是肉身成圣。只是神魔大战结束后,天界绝天地通,抽空主世界的玄气,强迫主世界进入末法时期,仙、神、妖、鬼未得允许,都不得留在主世界,骊山老母应该也早就离开了主世界的骊山吧?” The beautiful dance said: I already investigates passed/lived, Li old mothers, although left the main world, now actually lives in seclusion in the clam sea Jiangzhai! I had also once gone to clam sea several times before, but is actually confined to barracks now, cannot leave Immortal World, Sun Yan goes to mix the desert world, at the amphibious congress, he must certainly make an appearance as fire cloud Xiaosheng......” 美舞道:“我已经查过了,骊山老母虽然离开了主世界,现在却隐居在蜃海界的姜寨!我以前也曾去过蜃海界几次,但现在却被禁足,不许离开仙界,孙炎又去了混漠世界,水陆大会上,他身为‘火云小圣’肯定是要露面的……” Du Xiangxiang said: Since this, I try to find the solution, making Yaoyao give me one to the clam sea errand, looks the Li old mothers to ask that asked.” 杜香香道:“既然这样,我想办法,让瑶瑶给我一个到蜃海界的差使,去找骊山老母问上一问。” Incense stick|Fragrant elder sister, I goes with you together!” Small has the head of zither | Jean to drill from the beautiful dance sleeve. “香香姐,我跟你一起去!”小有琴的脑袋从美舞的袖中钻出。 The fragrant and beautiful dance hurried to go back...... to be seen by others her stopper is bad! 香香和美舞赶紧又把她塞了回去……被别人看到就糟了! beautiful dance Fairy Maiden thinks, said: Was inferior, we do go to discuss again with Xiaoman?” 美舞仙子想了想,道:“不如,我们再去跟小曼商量一下?” Two people first day fly together toward the world of beings with form's...... 两人一同往色界第一天飞去…… ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……) Chapter 992 Bai Suzhen and Fan Lihua's common ground?: 第992章白素贞与樊梨花的共同点?:
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