MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#988: Young concern

Sun Yan cannot escape Li Zhenying finally evil clutches., 孙炎最终还是没能够逃过李贞英的“魔掌”。, Has a husband obviously, was actually more than 1000 years of maidens, desires the discontented woman is very fearful. 明明有个丈夫,却做了一千多年的处女,欲求不满的女人是很可怕的。 That night, several degrees flower bloomed, then two talents started to discuss the proper business on the cot. 那一夜,几度花开,然后两人才开始在榻上谈正事。 Fire cloud Xiaosheng is mixing the matter of desert world construction being driven to death after suffering an injustice city regarding assistance, because is big karmic virtue, Li Zhenying will not naturally have what opinion. 对于协助“火云小圣”在混漠世界建造枉死城的事,因为原本就是一件大功德,李贞英自然也不会有什么意见。 Naturally, she has also had long known that Sun Yan is fire cloud Xiaosheng, after all Sun Yan first turning grandson small flame, she is in side. 当然,她也早就知道孙炎就是“火云小圣”,毕竟孙炎第一次变成“孙小炎”,她可是就在旁边的。 After all matters came to an arrangement, Sun Yan started to bring deep, left the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace. 等所有的事都谈妥后,孙炎才开始带着冥儿,离开大红莲花宝殿。 Just before leaving, Li Zhenying is wiping the tears: Bullied the person, your mother and child bullied the person, your mother turned my husband, you also ran to bully others, seized others chastity.” 临走时,李贞英抹着泪水:“太欺负人了,你们母子太欺负人了,你娘拐走了我的丈夫,你还跑来欺负人家,夺走人家的贞节。” Is you have been bullying me to be good obviously? 明明是你一直都在欺负我好不好? Li Zhenying wipes the tears, while has the well satisfied smile: No matter how thinks, this is not my mistake!” 李贞英一边抹泪,一边绽开心满意足的笑容:“不管怎么想,这都不是我的错!” No matter how thinks that this is your mistake is good? 不管怎么想这都是你的错好不好? Li Zhenying is wielding the handkerchief to him: Slave has become the worn-out shoes, without again husband who the face sees the slave, you bring by far it, do not make it come back again.” 李贞英向他挥着手绢:“奴家已成破鞋,没有脸再见到奴家的丈夫,你们就把它带得远远的,不要再让它回来了。” Really has been shutting out it? You did not say, even if it is a tower you do not shut out its? 果然是早就已经在嫌弃它了吗?你不是说就算它是一座塔你也不嫌弃它的吗? often/common to come sits!” Gets married for more than 1000 years later, finally understands that anything is loyal Madame brave of man taste, leans against the doorframe, tender and beautiful is beckoning with the hand to him, remembers that also brings Ling together!” “有空常来坐坐哟!”成亲一千多年后,终于明白什么才是男人滋味的贞英夫人,斜倚门框,娇艳的向他摆着手,“记得把玲儿也一起带来哟!” Brings to make anything together ............ 一起带来做什么………… *** *** Came to an arrangement with Li Zhenying matter finally, Sun Yan rode the mount younger sister, across the bottomless pit, returned to mix the desert world. 与李贞英的事终于谈妥,孙炎重新骑上坐骑妹妹,穿过无底洞,回到了混漠世界。 Is mixing the Weimojie city of desert world, he found Zhuge An, will tell him with the matter that Li Zhenying reached an agreement, then. Then reported this matter Heavenly Court, as soon as the Heavenly Court reply, remaining, were the details. 在混漠世界的维摩诘城,他找到了诸葛暗,将与李贞英商量好的事告诉了他,接下来。便是将此事上奏天庭,一等天庭批复,剩下的,就都是细节问题。 Then, he then continues while the mount younger sister, flies the imaginary dark green island, enters mixes fire Shenfu. 然后,他便继续乘着坐骑妹妹,一路飞到幻苍岛,进入混火神府。 Across the amboya wood forest and jade bridge, arrives at the garden deep place, here, he saw dragon Er and young. 穿过影木林、玉桥,来到花园深处,在这里,他看到了龙儿和雏儿。 dragon Er puts on the bright moonlight to decorate the bead the colored clothing. Having if the flower is common, sits in the flowers. Young lay on lazy scattering a flower petal of place, there are small colorful butterfly that if rested in the flowering shrubs. 龙儿穿着明月缀珠的彩衣。有若花儿一般,坐在花间。雏儿则是慵懒地趴在撒了一地的花瓣上,有若一只在花丛中歇息的小彩蝶。 In their sky, spark sometimes imaginary sometimes extinguishes, enhances one another's beauty with the amboya wood of distant place, has, if star waterfall. The rare flower, the star rain, the flying leaf and brook, formed a picture that has the intense sense of depth, has, if twin sisters' two young girls, looks like inlays in the picture general. Too beautiful to behold. 在她们的上空,星火时幻时灭,与远处的影木交相辉映,有若星瀑。琼花、星雨、飞叶、溪流,形成了一幅带着强烈的层次感的画面,有若孪生姐妹的两个少女,就像是镶在画中一般。美不胜收。 Sun Yan is stepping on the flower petal, walks toward them, if flower petal snow, in his behind dancing in the air. Two young girls turn head. Being pleasantly surprised. 孙炎踩着花瓣,往她们走去,花瓣若雪,在他的身后飞舞。两个少女回过头来。又惊又喜。 When pleasant surprise, dragon Er sets out gently and charmingly, welcomed toward him, young wanted to swoop. side self sits up, actually dangles to go low-spirited. 惊喜之余,龙儿娇柔起身,往他迎来,雏儿想要飞扑而来。方自坐起,却又黯然地垂下头去。 Sun Yan is holding dragon Er the hand, proceeds to walk. Also asked to her on the quiet: Young how?” 孙炎牵着龙儿的手,往前走去。又向她悄悄问道:“雏儿怎么了?” dragon Er smiles pushes him to go forward: Yourself asked her!” Also said: I go to pick some fruit to come for you!” 龙儿微笑地推他上前:“你自己去问她!”又道:“我去为你摘些果儿来!” dragon Erpiao the body goes, Sun Yan directs the young side to sit down in the swallow, hugs her in the bosom, gentle say/way: What's wrong?” 龙儿飘身而去,孙炎在燕引雏身边坐下,将她搂在怀中,温柔的道:“怎么了?” Young is hanging the head: „Does master...... you like me?” 雏儿垂着首:“主人……你喜欢我吗?” Sun Yan said: This is natural.” 孙炎道:“这是当然的。” Young snuggles up to his bosom, turns the face away: You like young , because I am young...... because I am dragon part?” 雏儿偎在他的怀中,扭过脸去:“你喜欢雏儿,是因为我是雏儿……还是因为我是‘龙儿’的一部分?” Originally is haggling over this? Sun Yan blew on her nose, said with a smile: Naturally is because you are young, is my mount with the natural slave, just started to meet your time, I do not know you are also dragon.” 原来是在计较这个啊?孙炎在她的鼻子上刮了一下,笑道:“当然是因为你是雏儿,是我的坐骑跟性奴,刚开始遇到你的时候,我可不知道你也是‘龙儿’。” Young has returned, happy say/way: Really?” 雏儿回过首来,高兴的道:“真的?” Sun Yan continues to say with a smile: Naturally real!” 孙炎继续笑道:“当然是真的!” Young happy is hugging his waist. 雏儿开心的搂着他的腰。 No matter before, the black cherry elder sister and dragon Er, young were a body, but now, they are actually the different three people, this point Sun Yan naturally was clear. However young will haggle over this, actually is also very normal matter. Although splits from the same person, but currently, they have differently, young naturally does not hope, he likes her because of „others”, even before that „others” are she. 不管以前,黑樱姐、龙儿、雏儿是不是一体,但是现在,她们却是不同的三个人,这一点孙炎当然是一清二楚。不过雏儿会去计较这个,其实也是很正常的事。虽然是从同一人分裂而出,但是现在,她们都已经有了不同的自我,雏儿自然不希望,他是因为“其他人”而喜欢她,哪怕那个“其他人”是以前的她。 Another side, dragon Erpeng the jade plate, on the jade plate is abundant the fruits and melons, strolls to return. 另一边,龙儿捧着玉盘,玉盘上盛着瓜果,漫步归来。 Therefore, Sun Yan is then accompanying them, ate the muskmelon to eat grapes, but also fed them to eat the banana, harmony happiness, too happy to think of home and duty. 于是,孙炎便陪着她们,吃了香瓜吃葡萄,还喂了她们吃香蕉,其乐融融,乐不思蜀。 ...... …… *** *** Although circled a great-circle from the hot foreign mountain, the scarlet lotus flower hell and imaginary dark green island, but unlike former everywhere hastening to the fair, this, what Sun Yan are more is holding the leisurely and carefree mentality of enjoying the beauties of nature. Even can say, since entering Heaven, he never has so leisurely and carefree. 虽然从火夷山、大红莲花地狱、幻苍岛绕了一大圈,但是与以前的到处“赶场”不同,这一趟,孙炎更多的是抱着游山玩水的悠闲心态。甚至可以说,自进入天界以来,他从来没有这般悠闲过。 According to the original plan, the Sun Yan incarnation fire cloud Xiaosheng, is leading various goddess, will mix fire Shenfu, moves toward the Weimojie city. 按着原定的计划,孙炎化身“火云小圣”,领着诸神女,将混火神府,移往维摩诘城。 At this time, Weimojie city, starts to change name, calls makes peaceful day city. Zhuge Anji together is numerous the immortal technique expert, transformed Simen Tower in city, completed the day of flame god tower, the entire tower sent out to be absent-minded vast up. Mixes fire Shenfu, then moves to the above of day of flame god tower. 此时,维摩诘城,也开始改名,唤作“泰天城”。诸葛暗集齐众多仙术高手,将城中的四门塔进行改造,建成了天炎神塔,整个塔身都散发着浩荡神光。混火神府,则迁至天炎神塔的上方。 The surrounding of day flame god tower , conducted the extension of wide scope, naturally, because is immortal technique that uses, extension and transformation, not too many troubles, once begins construction, quick completes. 天炎神塔的外围,也进行了大范围的扩建,当然,因为都是用的仙术,扩建和改造,并没有太多的麻烦,一旦开始动工,很快就完成。 After the safe day city transformation is completed, divides an inner city and outer city, the inner city has seven street Bafang, the outer city is broad, mixes in the desert world, all parties converge to come, to have Buddha to be correct, has does not know many different merchant, just like became economic center that mixes the desert world. 泰天城改造完成后,分儿内城和外城,内城有七街八坊,外城更是宽广,混漠世界内,各方云集而来,有佛有道,更有不知多少的异界商人,俨然成了混漠世界的经济中心。 In process that the day flame god tower transforms, dragon Er to weave the star needle, wove one from the stellar lines of day flame god tower even/including Wanghuan dark green island azure radish mountain mausoleum chamber, like this, Sun Yan depends on deep, then can along this stellar lines, before the day fire god tower and azure Loshan mausoleum chamber direct round trip, but azure Loshan mausoleum chamber, there is stellar lines to connect the too wonderful heavenly palace of Jinling world, as well as Heaven mirror Yin hole and between mirror Yang cave drops every well. 在天炎神塔改造的过程中,龙儿以织星针,织了一条从天炎神塔连往幻苍岛青萝山地宫的星线,这样,孙炎靠着冥儿,便可以沿着这条星线,在天火神塔与青罗山地宫之前直接来去,而青罗山地宫,又有星线连接着金陵世界的太妙天宫,以及天界镜阴窟与镜阳洞之间的堕凡井。 But Heavenly Court also starts to send for , the assistance imaginary dark green fire cloud army, constructed being driven to death after suffering an injustice city in the bottomless pit, temporarily accepted to have no place to go life, after straight and other hell constructed, and entered eight big hells after continually, let these life again, re-entered the samsara. Therefore, Heavenly Court sends Mount Tai Sanlang, takes a day of axe to break out the five muddy air/Qi between bottomless pit high and low two sections thoroughly, auxiliary in folds barrier that” constructing the exceedingly high step uses again the law, the scarlet lotus flower hell air/Qi of nether world, inducts the bottomless pit on half, naturally, in which the air/Qi of ocean Ling must drive out. 天庭也开始派人来下,协助幻苍火云军,在无底洞内建枉死城,暂时收容无处可去的孤魂野鬼,直等地狱道重新建后,并连入八大地狱之后,再让这些孤魂野鬼,重入轮回。为此,天庭派下泰山三郎,以开天斧彻底劈开无底洞上下两截之间的五浊之气,再辅于建造通天阶所用的“叠障”之法,将大红莲花地狱内的幽冥之气,导入无底洞的上半截,当然,其中的溟泠之气亦要驱除。 Then, again reset the dimension, making the bottomless pit mixes the desert world netherworld, the life five side Zhifu ghost leads the numerous ghost soldier to guard. 然后,再重定维度,让无底洞成为混漠世界的“阴间”,命五方直符鬼率众鬼兵看守。 In the process of construction being driven to death after suffering an injustice city, Sun Yan became an honest woman the exceedingly high step in Changshan, returned to the mountain heavenly palace again, because he was by the request of fire cloud Xiaosheng, went to the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace to discuss, now discusses, being driven to death after suffering an injustice city also during the construction, naturally wanted frank and upright return Immortal World, then by fire cloud Xiaosheng the status, from dropping every well entered mixes the desert world, like this others not Sun Yan and fire cloud Xiaosheng will link. 在建造枉死城的过程中,孙炎从良常山上的通天阶,再次回到中岳天宫,因为他原本就是“受火云小圣之托”,前往大红莲花宝殿商谈,现在商谈完毕,枉死城也在建造之中,自然要光明正大的回到仙界,然后再以“火云小圣”的身份,从堕凡井进入混漠世界,这样别人才不会将孙炎与火云小圣联系在一起。 The side from entering the world of beings with form's first day, then sees the tomb Tyrant Yuri flame Sichuan direction, transmits the explosion sound. In his heart in great surprise, is thinking has an accident? 方自进入色界第一天,便看到陵霸域日炎川方向,传来轰响。他心中大惊,想着又出了什么事? Hurried to fly. 赶紧飞了过去。 One since day flame Sichuan, then saw that burns the thunder sect disciple to flee everywhere, he hurries to hold one of them: Has an accident? Do some people play gongs and drums? Is who plays gongs and drums? Really does not fear death, do not fear, no matter who cuts off from the matter, has a leader in......” 一进入日炎川,便看到许多焚雷宗弟子四处奔逃,他赶紧抓住其中一人:“出了什么事?有人闹场?是谁闹场?真是不怕死了,别怕,不管是谁阂事,都有本掌门在……” Disciple tears: Leader, Your Highness Yaoyao harnesses!” 那弟子泪目:“掌门,瑶瑶殿下驾到!” ...... I thought that hides good that. 呃……我觉得还是去躲一躲的好。 Sun Yan turns around to walk, these disciples hold on him stubbornly: Leader, depends entirely on you now! The leaders, you cannot only touch not to manage, you hurried to receive her, taught well!”...... 孙炎转身要走,那些弟子死死将他拉住:“掌门,现在全靠你了!掌门啊,你不能只摸完就不管了,你还是赶紧把她收了吧,好好管教管教!”…… What are you saying? 你们到底在说什么啊? But, Sun Yan has to fly the muddy evening mountain, looks up , mountain-protecting of muddy evening mountain banned that also did not have. 无奈之下,孙炎只好飞到浑夕山,抬头一看,靠,浑夕山的护山禁制又没了。 mountain-protecting banned that did not have, naturally does not need to walk the entrance again, Sun Yan flies toward the mountain on directly, sees only back side of the mountain, Yaoyao Empress sits in the garden, the fragrant and red butterfly moonlight waits on her behind, Xiaoman, Ling and governing tender snow, even also has Ran Jingshan of flying rainbow purple ice pavilion, everyone is coaxing her in that together. 护山禁制都没了,自然也不用再走山门,孙炎直接往山上飞,只见后山处,瑶瑶帝姬坐在花园中,香香和红蝶月华侍在她的身后,小曼、玲儿、御娇雪、甚至还有飞虹紫冰阁的冉静珊,大家一起在那哄着她。 Sun Yan fell, Yaoyao Empress called out: Golden boy 1st, where did you run up to? Why looks at you always very busy appearance?” 孙炎落了下去,瑶瑶帝姬叫道:“金童一号,你又跑到哪里去了?为什么看你总是很忙的样子?” Because I am very busy!!! 因为我真的很忙啊!!! ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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