MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#987: Li Zhenying retaliation

Sun Yan? These deep soldiers each other will look one deeply. 孙炎?那些冥兵冥将彼此对望一眼。 The immortal, person and ghost three isolation, they as the ghostdom soldier, and mix the matter of desert world to know not many to Immortal World, to Sun Yan this name, what are more is only as if has listened to this person. A deep soldier through the method of long-distance transmission, talked over the telephone with the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, after confirming the Sun Yan status, then allowed to pass him. 仙、人、鬼三界隔绝,他们身为冥界兵将,对仙界和混漠世界之事所知不多,对“孙炎”这个名字,更多的只是“似乎听过这人”。一名冥兵通过远程传输的手段,与大红莲花宝殿通话,在确认了孙炎的身份后,便将他放行。 Although Sun Yan has not had been to the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, but deep has actually gone. At that time, Sun Yan and Guangliang even and beautiful dance were pursuing 19 people of demons, rushed to the bottomless pit, deep following loyal Madame brave went to the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, takes to extinguish the soul sword, afterward with the fragrance and tyrant world six Fairy Maiden, rushed to the bottomless pit together, broke through for them promptly. 孙炎虽然没有到过大红莲花宝殿,但是冥儿却是去过的。那个时候,孙炎与广良平、美舞等追着十九人魔,赶往无底洞,冥儿则跟着贞英夫人前往大红莲花宝殿,去取灭魂剑,后来又与香香、霸世六仙子,一同赶到无底洞,及时为他们解围。 Rides the mount younger sister, Sun Yan is flying toward the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace. 骑着坐骑妹妹,孙炎往大红莲花宝殿飞去。 All the way, everywhere is the snowflake, everywhere is the glacier, in the world of ice and snow, everywhere is the frozen ghost, was infiltrated eight cold hells, can say, is the person who the previous generation does the completely wicked matter, unlike these ghost classes in eight hot hell, these in eight cold hell, in fact is the living creature , because faces retribution for a life of crime, is unable to re-enter Mortal World, therefore reincarnation hence, experiences suffering for hundred years pain of the millennium ocean Ling, just now can be reincarnated Mortal World. 一路上,漫天都是雪花,处处皆是冰川,冰天雪地间,到处都是冻鬼,被打入八寒地狱的,可以说,都是前世做尽恶事的人,与八热地狱里的那些鬼类不同,八寒地狱里的这些,实际上都是活物,乃是因为恶贯满盈,无法重回人间,故而“转生”至此,受尽百年千年溟泠之苦,方才能够托生人间 They arrived at the scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, although names to call scarlet lotus flower, but the entire palace seems like, with scarlet lotus flower doesn't matter, actually scarlet lotus flower hell has no relations with the lotus flower or, but said, was sent to frontier service all living things of this hell, the pain of experiencing suffering cold ice, the skin is frozen cracks, has, if scarlet lotus flower. 他们来到了大红莲花宝殿,虽然取名叫“大红莲花”,但整个宫殿看上去,跟“大红莲花”没有任何关系,又或者说,其实“大红莲花地狱”跟莲花本身就没有什么关系,只不过是说,被发配到此地狱的众生,受尽寒冰之苦,皮肤被冻得开裂,有若“大红莲花”。 Although is the place of ocean Ling bitter cold, the entire scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, is actually constructs resplendently in gold and jade green, can be called is the ghost fairyland. The side enters the main hall, they then ran into that group of female guards of loyal Madame brave. They are drawing deep, asked that east asked the west. Asked that her master Elder Brother feeds her strange thing, asked that she has had a child with the master Elder Brother. 虽是溟泠苦寒之处,整个大红莲花宝殿,却是建得金碧辉煌,称得上是鬼界仙境。方入大殿,他们便遇到了贞英夫人的那批女侍卫。她们拉着冥儿,问东问西。问她的主人哥哥有没有喂她“奇怪的东西”,问她是不是已经跟主人哥哥生了孩子。 Sun Yan is unable, to stay here deep, oneself enter in the palace, sees Li Zhenying. 孙炎无法,只好把冥儿留在这里,自己进入殿中,去见李贞英。 ...... …… *** *** The scarlet lotus flower treasure palace deep place, Li Zhenying wears the peacock variety clothes, beautiful cloud light embroiders with the appearance that he smiles, with willow general the waist, on the arm is hanging the pink hanging damask silk, the space between eyebrows 1 deep red. Beautiful tender and beautiful. 大红莲花宝殿深处,李贞英身穿孔雀般的花色衣裳,美丽的云光绣衬着他微笑的容颜,和柳一般的腰身,臂上挂着粉红色的挂绫,眉间一点绛红。秀丽娇艳。 Two people sit in the back garden flower, is drinking the hot liquor, something that Sun Yan will have, told her. 两人坐在后园花中,饮着热酒,孙炎将发生的一些事情,告诉了她。 Li Zhenying visits him, said: You said, the Second Brother did come back?” 李贞英看着他,道:“你是说,二哥回来了?” Sun Yan nods, said: Yes. He is sealed to be Huashan Great Emperor now, keeps Immortal World, reconstructs the Huashan heavenly palace, temporarily does not have the means to come to here, therefore, holding me to send regards.” 孙炎点了点头,道:“是的。只是他现在被封作西岳大帝,留在仙界,重建西岳天宫,暂时没办法来这里,所以,托我过来问候一下。” Li Zhenying continues saying: You said that my husband. Was borrowed by your mother. Suppresses a devil's lair, therefore didn't have also means me?” Is cancelling the finger. Is wiping the corner of the eye, sobs saying: How can you like this? My big brother died, flatter however was also killed by you, Ling was snatched by you, now is enticed by your mother my husband, how can you like this?” 李贞英继续道:“你是说,我的丈夫。被你娘借去。镇压一处魔窟,于是没有办法还我了?”勾着手指头。拭着眼角,泣道:“你们怎么能这样?我大哥死了,阿然也被你杀了,玲儿被你抢去,现在连我的丈夫都被你娘勾引走了,你们怎么能这样?” Sun Yan hurries saying: „The matter of army zha Son of Heaven...... did not have the means at that time, actually the righteousness brother is also very sad. Two mother gods first kill me, I am forced to hit back, this really cannot blame me, Ling is...... and other, Ling is not you make me take Heaven her? Your husband, in the final analysis is that a tower?” 孙炎赶紧道:“军吒天王的事……当时也是没有办法,其实义兄也很难过。二娘神先来杀我,我只是被迫还手,这个真不能怪我,玲儿是……等一下,玲儿不是你自己让我把她带上天界的吗?还有你丈夫,说到底那就是一座塔吧?” My husband is a tower, what's the big deal? Because he is a tower, therefore I can shut out him? Therefore can I give to other woman him? Especially willow that woman......” “我丈夫是塔,那又怎样?因为他是塔,所以我就可以嫌弃他吗?所以我就可以把他送给别的女人吗?尤其还是杨柳那个女人……” Sun Yan is astonished saying: „Do you know?” He may not have oneself mother is „the willow Goddess of Mercy the matter said. 孙炎讶道:“你知道?”他可没有将自己的母亲是“杨柳观音”的事说出。 Li Zhenying said: Even if I do not know before, now couldn't have looked? The black cherry moonlight is dragon Erjie, in the past she brought swallow to direct young came to look for my time, even I also by her have a scare. What because swallow directs young to represent is her wicked, therefore she must direct young to close swallow in eight cold hells, simultaneously this is also a metaphor, is in Heaven good, is in the hell wickedly, only by doing so, she ‚’ can dodge superstitiously, does some unknown matters. When the austere cautious world more/complete Loumiao light mountain, she to save you, directs young the body taking advantage of swallow, warned before me, had entered the Demonic Path obviously, actually braved the danger to go to save you. Can let the protection that dragon goes everywhere you, who you are, guesses that can also guess. Checks your passing through the system of palace of hell again, wish makes me not suspect that your mother Aunt Sun difficult, is the feeling air/Qi to become Yun? This is no one can achieve.” 李贞英道:“就算我以前不知道,现在难道还看不出来?黑樱月华就是龙儿姐,当年她带着‘燕引雏’前来找我的时候,连我也被她吓了一跳。因为‘燕引雏’代表的是她自身的恶,所以她要将‘燕引雏’关在八寒地狱,同时这也是一种暗喻,善身在天界,恶身在地狱,唯有如此,她‘自身’才可以规避天条,做一些不为人知的事。在肃慎世界弥楼妙光山时,她为了救你,借‘燕引雏’之身,在我面前示警,明明已经入了魔道,却又冒着危险前去救你。能够让龙儿上天入地的守护你,你是谁,猜也都猜得出来。再通过阎王殿的系统去查你的过往,想要让我不怀疑你的母亲‘孙姑姑’都难,感气成孕?这可不是谁都能够做到的。” Continues saying: „The Second Brother appears again in addition, whose apprentice is the Second Brother? Before dragon becomes Chang E, is whose Jade Woman? Whose is your previous generation young lad? Black cherry moonlight has told me personally, her master bright demon mother, the bright demon mother is the willow Goddess of Mercy, the black cherry moonlight is protecting you, the black cherry moonlight is working for the bright demon mother. Then I continue to pursue observe this clue, discovered that named Aunt Sun the woman, the material in palace of hell system, was attempted to pervert quietly, this hands and feet was no one can do, she was not the willow Goddess of Mercy, who was the willow Goddess of Mercy?” 继续道:“再加上二哥出现,二哥是谁的徒弟?龙儿成为嫦娥以前是谁的玉女?你的前世又是谁身边的童子?‘黑樱月华’亲口告诉过我,她的师父是正明魔母,正明魔母就是杨柳观音,黑樱月华在保护你,黑樱月华在为正明魔母做事。然后我继续追察这一条线索,发现那个叫‘孙姑姑’的女人,在阎王殿系统里的资料,被人悄悄做了手脚,这种手脚可不是谁都能够做得了的,她不是杨柳观音,谁是杨柳观音?” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Sun Yan has known now, before young, was imprisoned in Li Zhenying „the third carriage on, Li Zhenying after all is also the person of that time, she from young and black cherry elder sister's relations makes the association, is the normal matter. 孙炎现在已经知道,雏儿以前就是被囚在李贞英的“第三辆马车”上,李贞英毕竟也是那个时代的人,她从雏儿和黑樱姐的关系做出联想,也是正常的事。 Sun Yan said: Actually I come to here, another matter, with is mixing the desert world to establish being driven to death after suffering an injustice city to be related, matter is such......” 孙炎道:“其实我来这里,还有另一件事,与在混漠世界建立枉死城有关,事情是这样子的……” The words just must say, Li Zhenying has actually been holding his hand: You first come with me.” Pulls him to flutter toward the left. 话才刚要说,李贞英却已拉着他的手:“你先跟我来一下。”牵着他往左边飘去。 Sun Yan bewildered follows she, across extremely sand magnificence and datura magnificent, arrives at a garret. Sees only here, the sandalwood lingers, the bead round tent/account is warm. 孙炎莫名其妙的跟着她,穿过一株株曼殊沙华和曼陀罗华,来到一处阁楼。只见这里,檀香萦绕,珠圆帐暖。 Sun Yan said: „Is here......” here is her boudoir? 孙炎道:“这里是……”这里难道是她的闺房? A Li Zhenying door pass/test, pushes toward the cot on him directly. 李贞英将门一关,直接把他往榻上推。 Sun Yan called out: Waits for, Madame, what do you want to make?” 孙炎叫道:“等一下,夫人,你要做什么?” The Li Zhenying charming pressed on his body, is taking a look at him: Naturally must retaliate, your mother third party participated, turns my husband, I naturally must retaliate, abducted her son, called fairly.” 李贞英妩媚地压在他的身上,瞅着他:“当然是要报复,你娘第三者插足,拐走了我的丈夫,我自然要报复回来,诱拐她的儿子,如此才叫公平。” Sun Yan called out: But that is only a tower, a tower......” 孙炎叫道:“但是那只是一座塔,一座塔啊……” Li Zhenying said: How can a tower? You look at the main world Mortal World present popular ship mother, even some ship people likes, my husband good and evil is a tower!” 李贞英道:“一座塔又能怎样?你看主世界人间界现在流行的‘舰娘’,连船都有人喜欢,我的丈夫好歹是一座塔啊!” Good that this...... she said is reasonable, I had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly! 这个……她说的好有道理,我竟无言以对! Li Zhenying narrows the eyes is smiling: What is more important, with that tower husband, more than 1000 years came, the concubine body maiden is also coming. Since some people turned it, that can trade with what? You said that is?” 李贞英眯眯地笑着:“更重要的是,跟着那个塔丈夫,一千多年过来了,妾身都也还是处女来着。既然有人把它拐了去,那总得拿些什么来换吧?你说是不是?” Why I thought that you did wait for very long appearance? 为什么我觉得你等了很久的样子? But this is incorrect!” Sun Yan struggles is wanting to set out, you are Ling foster mother......” “但这样是不行的!”孙炎挣扎着想要起身,“你可是玲儿的养母……” Female women's double receives, how many men is this thing that wants to achieve? Don't you think?” Li Zhenying is hugging his neck stubbornly , to continue to press him, said near his ear quietly, „, you may know, but my tower husband the Buddha bestows, in the past the Buddha had said personally sees the tower such as to see Buddha, in that tower has Buddha layer upon layer, the Buddha of Spirit Mountain, performs to inlay, I married the tower, was equal to marrying all Buddha. Therefore, you, so long as rested me, was equal to wearing the green hat...... you to all Buddha not to think that this was a very exciting matter?” “母女双收,这是多少男人想要做到的事啊?你难道不想吗?”李贞英死死搂着他的脖子,继续压着他,在他耳边悄声道,“还有呢,你可知道,我的塔丈夫可是佛祖所赐,当年佛祖亲口说过‘见塔如见佛’,那塔上层层有佛,灵山之佛,尽镶其中,我嫁给了塔,就等于嫁给了所有的佛。所以呢,你只要睡了我,就等于是给所有的佛都戴了绿帽子……你不觉得这是一件很刺激的事吗?” Stimulates your head...... 刺激你个头啊…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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