MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#955: High and low vicissitude: ten thousand Xuxue!

Big stone Zhiza of collapse , a Sun Yan blade rules out together, rumbles it directly broken, simultaneously cuts, the above land, the gods will also display the magical powers behind, with them together, opens to make a debut., 一块崩溃的大石直砸而下,孙炎一刀划去,直接将它轰碎,同时斩开的,还有上方的大地,他们身后众神将亦是纷纷施展神通,与他们一起,开出道来。, Also lotus flower embryo conceals is luckily badly-damaged, in addition Sun Yan hand-held is universe blade grade of almighty troops, otherwise, they feared that had not found the exit|to speak with enough time, then met in dire straits here. 也幸好莲花胎藏界原本就已残破不堪,再加上孙炎手持的又是太虚刀这等神兵,否则,他们怕是还没来得及找到出口,便会困死在这里。 Under them, the person who these run away without enough time, was swallowed by the bloodshed, included the gold/metal pupil god and copper rune/symbol Shenzhu and other enemy senior generals unexpectedly. 在他们下方,那些来不及逃走的人,纷纷被血海吞噬,其中竟是包括了金瞳神主、铜符神主等敌方大将。 Such mutation, is also more than they expected, how no one has told them to do. 这样的异变,同样超出他们的意料,却已无人告诉他们该怎么做。 Sun Yan takes the lead, two beautiful accompanying, is getting the gifted generals, although escapes fast, the stone of direct broken embryo conceals lotus flower, but under them, the bloodshed is rises unexpectedly quickly. These bloodshed with them different, itself does not have the life, is actually mixing with the innumerable chaos, inexplicable energies, that strange turbulent flow, looks like the blood-color black hole. 孙炎领头、二美相伴,领着众天兵天将,虽然逃得飞快,直接破胎藏莲花界的土石而出,但在他们下方,血海竟是涨得更快。这些血海与“它们”不同,本身并没有生命,却夹杂着无数混沌的、莫名的能量,那诡异的涡流,就像是血色的黑洞。 Sun Yan dark startled, as such, they feared that cannot run away, moreover he has not seen fragrant and deep and young they, does not know them now whether is well. In addition, according to the bloodshed so rises, the seven treasures trees and eight virtue ponds all will also be submerged, the Mount Tai third sons, stars, the gold/metal phoenix moonlight may also there. 孙炎暗惊,照这样子,他们怕是根本逃不出去,而且他没有看到香香和冥儿、雏儿她们,也不知她们现在是否平安无事。此外,照血海这般涨下去,七宝树、八德池也全都会被淹没,泰山三郎、星星、金凰月华等可也都在那里。 At this moment, in their, Fokuang greatly hold suddenly. A voice of female, seems , if no passes to the Sun Yan ear: Small hot, found the fragrance, gives her the universe blade and Yin-Yang treasure mirror, making her lead everyone to escape, you kill the town/subdues Yuan!” 就在这时,在他们的下方,忽的佛光大盛。一个女子的声音,似有若无的传到孙炎耳中:“小炎炎,找到香香,把太虚刀和阴阳宝镜给她,让她带大家逃出去,你们去杀镇元子!” Hears this familiar sound, Sun Yan to look down downward since childhood, sees only, originally by diamond void conceals and star, puts in the 33 levels of exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagodas of greatly sad Mandala Institute central Buddha column, does not know when had taken out, some people by mysterious Fokuang. Stimulates to movement the golden pagoda, that tower revolutions is bigger, along with the mysterious singing in praise of the Buddha, has Buddha layer upon layer, Yanyan is bright. 听着这从小就熟悉的声音,孙炎低头往下看去,只见,原本被金刚虚空藏和星星,放入大悲曼荼罗院中央佛柱的三十三级玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔,不知何时已经被人取出,有人以神秘佛光。催动黄金宝塔,那塔越转越大,伴随着神秘梵音,层层有佛,艳艳光明。 Greatly abundant Fokuang, along with the pagoda toward Xia Town, Fokuang suppresses the bloodshed turbulent flow that upwells unceasingly, although cannot block it completely, made it slower. 大盛的佛光,伴随着佛塔往下镇去,佛光压制不断上涌的血海涡流,虽然未能完全将它阻住,却也让它慢了许多。 Sun Yan said: Everyone continues to fly upward!” Oneself through the mind telepathy, found the direction that deep is at fast. Leads Yaoyao and lotus lotus to go air-splitting. 孙炎道:“大家继续往上飞!”自己通过精神感应,快速找到冥儿所在的方向。带着瑶瑶、莲莲破空而去。 The Wuqu star main and broken army star main looked one, Sun Yan and Your Highness Yaoyao comes suddenly, gone fast, does not know that they are making anything. But that three people of destiny assemble, a supreme unsurpassed mysterious feeling, words that says, is keeps them from rejecting unexpectedly, the strength of shows, is the unprecedented great strength. 武曲星主、破军星主等对望一眼,孙炎瑶瑶殿下来得突然,去的快速,也不知他们到底在做什么。而那三人气运集结,给人一种至尊无上的神秘感觉,所说的话,竟是让他们无法拒绝,所展现出来的力量,亦是空前的强大。 Below bloodshed. Although suddenly departed golden pagoda blocks the momentum of overshooting, but they do not dare to treat as before. The Wuqu star lord shouted: Walks!” 下方血海。虽然被突然飞出的黄金宝塔阻住上冲的势头,但他们依旧不敢多待。武曲星主喝道:“走!” Numerous gifted general upward rapid flights. 众天兵天将往上疾飞。 Sun Yan leads two beautiful young girls, has, if passed through the day rainbow, delimited to empty to go toward the distant place. 孙炎带着两个美少女,有若贯日长虹,往远处划空而去。 Yaoyao called out: Golden boy. This what's the matter?” 瑶瑶叫道:“金童。这到底是怎么回事?” Sun Yan said: Do not ask!” 孙炎道:“不要问了!” Yaoyao gas channel/angrily said: Did not ask that did not ask, but why you in the middle, we in two sides? The power and prestige was occupied by your one person.” 瑶瑶气道:“不问就不问,但是凭什么你在中间,我们在两边?威风都被你一个人占了。” Sun Yan called out: This is saving the world to save the world, at this time do not haggle over this!” 孙炎叫道:“这是在拯救世界啊拯救世界,这种时候就不要计较这个了!” lotus lotus said: Since saves the world. Matter that and that do not have the means!” 莲莲道:“既然是拯救世界。那、那也是没有办法的事!” That the air/Qi broken expansive sky, brushes, leaps hundred li (0.5 km). Void rips long, the crack of arc. 气破长空,刷的一声,一跃百里。虚空中撕出长长的、弧形的裂缝。 Another side, fragrant Fairy Maiden with silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch, is bringing deep and young, sharply flies with a group of gifted generals. They were searching high and low was missing Your Highness Yaoyao, suddenly, the entire world but actually , the above stone cracked, the under bloodshed emerges. They have, be forced to escape., The distant place has the demon sound to come suddenly, in their hearts is also one startled, so astonishing demon sound, come what big demon is? 另一边,香香仙子正与银牙耀目天君,带着冥儿、雏儿,与一批天兵天将急飞而出。他们本是在四处寻找失踪了的瑶瑶殿下,突然间,整个天地都“倒”了过来,紧接着,上方土石崩裂,下方血海涌现。他们不得不,被迫逃出。忽的,远处有魔音呼啸而来,他们心中亦是一惊,如此惊人的魔音,来的到底是什么样的大魔头? However quick, they discovered, although is powerful to the inconceivable demon sound, but is not dreadful, or the bloodshed that is far from below that rushing is frightening. Purple flame light direct tearing is together void, is binding the powerful energy, is close rapidly. 然而很快,他们就发现,虽然是强大至不可思议的魔音,但并不让人害怕,或者说,远没有下方那澎湃的血海让人恐惧。紧接着,一道紫色焰光直接撕裂虚空,裹着强大的能量,急速接近。 Du Xiangxiang and silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch and others all are one startled, wants to prepare, actually another stunned. Deep was simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform called out with young: Master?!” By cannot keep off the potential, delimits to empty to come, unexpectedly is Sun Yan and Your Highness Yaoyao and lotus lotus three people. Sun Yan such as the day, two beautiful such as the moon/month, the even-numbered month partner day, inspired to shake the world. 杜香香、银牙耀目天君等俱是一惊,想要备战,却又一个错愕。冥儿与雏儿更是齐齐叫道:“主人?!”以不可挡之势,划空而来的,竟然是孙炎瑶瑶殿下、莲莲三人。孙炎如日,二美如月,双月伴日,振撼天地。 Has an accident? Why do they actually have such strength? Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden and in the silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch heart is astonished. 到底出了什么事?为什么他们竟然拥有这样子的力量?香香仙子、银牙耀目天君心中讶异。 Incense stick|Fragrant!” The Sun Yan rapid flight comes, to lead Yaoyao and lotus lotus, that brushes, falls in front of fragrant Fairy Maiden, the universe blade and stopper of Yin-Yang treasure mirror in toward her hand: Thinks means belt/bring everyone to escape!” “香香!”孙炎疾飞而来,带着瑶瑶和莲莲,刷的一声,落在香香仙子面前,将太虚刀和阴阳宝镜往她手里一塞:“想办法带大家逃出去!” A words saying ended, they such as the winged purple phoenix was then common, passed through downward. 话一说完,他们便如带翼紫凤一般,往下贯去。 Du Xiangxiang urgently called out: Brother Sun, where do you want to go to?” 杜香香急叫道:“孙大哥,你们要去哪里?” Sun Yan does not return: Saves the world!” 孙炎头也不回:“拯救世界!” Nine nether world phoenix and candle Yin fire chi must pursue together: Master, we go with you together!” 九幽冥凤、烛阴火螭要一同追去:“主人,我们跟你一起去!” Sun Yan passes through under: You follow the fragrant elder sister!” They fly into Fokuang that below golden pagoda disperses, thrown, flies into the bloodshed unexpectedly directly. 孙炎直贯而下:“你们跟着香香姐!”他们飞入下方黄金宝塔散出的佛光之中,扑的一声,竟直接飞入血海。 Du Xiangxiang sees the pagoda unable to suppress the bloodshed completely, so gets down, everyone will have the danger, clenches teeth, is suppressing for Brother Sun and Yaoyao, the worry of lotus lotus, crack, appeared three and nine items and eight arms the deity of golden body of circle bright way mother Tianzun, grasped the mirror, a blade armed with knife, shouted lowly: Walks!” 杜香香见佛塔并不能完全压制血海,这般下去,所有人都会有危险,一咬牙,强忍着为孙大哥和瑶瑶、莲莲的担心,一声炸响,现出三首、九目、八臂的圆明道母天尊之天神金身,一手持镜,一刀持刀,低喝道:“走!” Leads everyone, goes toward the above rapid flight...... 带着大家,往上方疾飞而去…… *** *** Sun Yan leads Yaoyao and lotus lotus, is sincere according to the water sword, broken bloodshed under. 孙炎带着瑶瑶、莲莲,挚出照水剑,破血海而下。 In the bloodshed, there is a strange and inexplicable energy, unceasing, tries to tear them, however, the beginning of the universe supernatural power unites with Le Moqi the god demon extremely, the demon sound rises from all directions, has, if invisible air current, the bloody water that will well up pushes out. 血海中,有怪异而莫名的能量,不断的、试图撕扯着他们,然而,混元神力与极乐魔气神魔合一,魔音四起,有若无形的气流,不停的将涌来的血水往外推去。 This can swallow the myriad things, to tear the myriad things the blood-color turbulent flow, is unable to tear into shreds them unexpectedly. 这可以吞噬万物、撕裂万物的血色涡流,竟是无法将他们撕碎。 At this moment, entire lotus flower embryo conceals has collapsed, was torn to pieces because of the explosion of lotus plate, in addition turns upside down, laid aside in the 33 levels of exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagodas of central Buddha column takes out, thinks that does not collapse difficultly. 此刻,整个莲花胎藏界已经崩坏,原本就因莲盘的爆炸而支离破碎,再加上上下颠倒,原本放置在中央佛柱的三十三级玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔又被取出,想不崩坏都难。 According to the water sword cuts the bloodshed, Sun Yan brings two beautiful to drop down, in their front, the town/subdues Yuan child binds in the bloodshed, the bloody water surges in his surroundings rolling. Saw that they appear again. Subdue Yuan child both eyes, show the blood-color vision: „Don't you fear this ten thousand Xu blood unexpectedly?” His sound, is filling unbelievable being astonished. 照水剑划开血海,孙炎带着二美直落而下,在他们前方,镇元子裹在血海中,血水在他的周围滚滚涌动。见到他们再次出现。镇元子的双目,透出血色的目光:“你们竟然不怕这万墟血?”他的声音,充满着难以置信的讶异。 ten thousand Xuxue? What is this? 万墟血?这又是什么? When first sees this blood-color turbulent flow, Sun Yan indeed fears, but now, he feels, perhaps it not that fearful. 在初次看到这血色涡流的时候,孙炎的确是恐惧的,但是现在,他却又觉得,也许它并没有那么的可怕。 The town/subdues Yuan child actually visits them, is startled and doubts, according to water sword, although can break out the bloody water, but cannot break out the strength of all generations supports from all generations ruins. The beginning of the universe supernatural power with Le Moqi links extremely. The beginnings of the universe are extremely happy, supreme. However from all generations hamlet, through the strength of all generations void attracts forcefully, even the beginning of the universe supernatural power with Le Moqi, is still hard to resist extremely. Why these three people reenter the bloodshed, probably is the safe/without matter common? 镇元子却是看着他们,又惊又疑,照水剑虽然能够劈开血水,但是劈不开从万劫墟中拥出来的万劫之力。混元神力与极乐魔气结合在一起。混元极乐,至高无上。但是从万劫墟里,通过“虚空”强行吸出来的万劫之力,就算是混元神力与极乐魔气,也难以抵挡。为什么这三人再入血海,却像是无事一般? Sun Yan lifts up high according to the water sword, is binding the beginning of the universe supernatural power and extremely Le Moqi, goes toward a town/subdues Yuan child bang suddenly. 孙炎照水剑高举,裹着混元神力和极乐魔气,朝镇元子骤然轰去。 Bang! The supernatural power, the demon air/Qi and all generations strength of dash in the bloodshed, surge. The beginning of the universe supernatural power gathers with Le Moqi two air/Qi with extremely. No doubt powerful, but in this piece of bloodshed, the town/subdues Yuan child can actually operate the strength of all generations gushes out from all generations ruins. 嘭!神力、魔气、万劫之力在血海中冲撞,激荡。混元神力与极乐魔气二气合和。固然强大,但在这片血海中,镇元子却可以操纵从万劫墟中涌出的万劫之力。 This all generations ruins, situated in turning over to ruins. Goes nonstop to the universe root, world great misfortune, the ruined world, will be inhaled in this all generations ruins every 30000 years a time. It looks like the black hole to be the same, is swallowing all energies of falling into, these energies are chaotic, look like the innumerable materials to get together extremely together. Formed „the strength of all generations. 这万劫墟,位于归墟之极。直通宇宙之“根源”,每30000年一次的天地大劫,毁掉的世界,都会被吸入这万劫墟中。它就像是黑洞一样,吞噬着掉入的所有能量,这些能量极是混乱、就像是无数中物质聚合在一起。形成了“万劫之力”。 The supernatural power, the demon air/Qi and all generations strength of big collision , the day swings loudly shakes, the entire blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata is vibrating. That hysterical/frenzy, the cruel air current, making around them all explode, was mad the vortex unceasingly crack, this was the strength that Luo Golden Immortal does not dare to collide greatly explodes. 神力、魔气、万劫之力大碰撞,轰然间,天摇地晃,整个血色妙喜树都在震动。那狂乱的,暴戾的气流,令他们周围所有的一切都在爆裂,气漩不断的炸响,这是连大罗金仙都不敢碰撞的力量爆炸。 A town/subdues Yuan child old body rouses the both arms in the bloodshed, the strength of all generations such as the tsunami wells up generally toward them, explosion sound of his laughter in blood wave of rushing: Since ran away, why that does flush to bring death again? However no matter you do run away are the same, how the sheep in sheepfold struggles and cannot escape the slaughtered destiny again, you from that moment of birth, had decided treats butchers the lamb destiny, good, the fates of our these ants, have been doomed.” 镇元子苍老的身躯在血海中振起双臂,万劫之力如海啸一般往他们涌来,他的笑声在澎湃的血浪中轰响:“既然逃走了,那就何必再冲回来送死?不过你们不管逃不逃都是一样,羊圈里的羊再怎么挣扎与逃不脱被屠杀的命运,你们从出生的那一刻,就已经决定了待宰羔羊般的命运,不错,我们这些蝼蚁的下场,早就是已经注定好的。” The strength of all generations, surges around him rolling, seat Tianjuan the place, destroys the Yuan crack god, swallows the demon to bite the immortal, shakes Kunlun Mountains. 万劫之力,在他周围滚滚涌动,席天卷地,摧元裂神,吞魔噬仙,撼动昆仑。 Sun Yan covered again sincere day, the god demon two air/Qi mixed in cover day sword glow, the overshooting livelihood, the air/Qi to fighting the mansion, when counter disobeyed the day, enormous and powerful, say/way that he coldly: If the destiny has been doomed, in that this world does not have the demon without the immortal. If the divine intervention is unable to revolt, that makes us...... the divine intervention!” The sword air/Qi rises again, the glow light four shoot, fights intent to destroy, spins on the following day. 孙炎再挚掩日,神魔二气混入掩日本身的剑芒,上冲日月,气冲斗府,逆时违天,浩浩荡荡,他冷冷的道:“如果命运早就是已经注定好的,那这世上早就已经无仙无魔。如果天意是无法反抗的,那就让我们……成为天意!”剑气再涨,芒光四射,战意摧动,地转天旋。 The town/subdues Yuan child shouted: Extremely arrogant! Sees clearly, but here the home game of this place!” The both arms inspire again, the strength of all generations is binding the turbulent bloodshed, has, if swallows a day of wave, to bite the deep pool of place, inundates the eye institute to see, is the blood whorl, goes toward their crazy volume. 镇元子喝道:“狂妄!看清楚些,这里可是本座的主场!”双臂再振,万劫之力裹着汹涌的血海,有若吞天之浪、噬地之渊,漫眼所见,全是血涡,朝他们狂卷而去。 A Sun Yan footsteps spin , he although has not used profound qi, but the beginning of the universe supernatural power mediation good fortune, Le Moqi does not have extremely invisible, is the disintegration is all infinite, imitates to do a day seven Yuan fire by it unexpectedly, but the might wins. left Xianyou, the purple flame soars to the heavens, three early morning three elements, again upper building. 孙炎脚步一旋,他虽未用出自身玄气,但混元神力斡旋造化,极乐魔气无相无形,俱是分变无穷,竟以之模仿出乾天七元火,而威力更胜。左仙右佛,紫焰冲天,三晨三素,再上层楼。 The beginning of the universe supernatural power with extremely Le Moqi about in the same place, looking like the nuclear power is ordinary, the unceasing fission, the energy rises suddenly, forever will not stop uses up, forever will not have the end, under wielding of place water wind fire four-dimensional swordsmanship, congealing day moon/month. 混元神力与极乐魔气合在一起,就像是核能一般,不断的裂变,能量暴涨,永无止竭,永无尽头,在地水风火四维剑法的挥动下,凝日化月。 Loudly, one day even-numbered month, again loose five-star, has, if Pangu opens the day, construction four-dimensional. He loudly shouted: Your home game? The old man you are obsolete, the present time, we are the leads!” Has the even-numbered month five-star, microcosm that such as the spontaneity becomes, hits toward the opposite party. 轰然间,一日双月,再散五星,有若盘古开天,构建四维。他大喝道:“你的主场?老头你早就已经过时了,现在的时代,我们才是主角!”带着双月五星,如自生自成的小宇宙般,朝对方撞去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆!轰隆! Strength of unceasing cracking and destruction all generations, the flickering bloodshed is completely all defeated and dispersed. That interweaves such as the wall blood whorl, avalanches layer by layer. Covered the day sword to cut in swallowing the blood wave of the world, the demon sound was billowing, infiltrated to enter, the blood wave collapsed with a crash previously in all directions, was bang one, the youngster has trampled in a town/subdues Yuan child chest. 万劫之力不断的崩裂、毁灭,幢幢血海尽皆溃散。那交织如墙的血涡,一层一层的崩塌。掩日剑斩在吞噬天地的血浪上,魔音滚滚,直渗而入,砰然间血浪已往四面八方崩去,紧接着便是嘭的一声,少年已是一脚踹在镇元子胸膛。 A town/subdues Yuan child anger snort/hum, the body cannot stop in the future will throw. 镇元子怒哼一声,身体止不住的往后抛去。 In his pupil appears the fear, even in this bloodshed, he is unable to block the beginning of the universe supernatural power unexpectedly and extremely Le Moqi the fusion. Throws flies his strengthened stability figure, turns round to fly to flee. 他的眸中现出恐惧,就算是在这血海之中,他竟然也无法挡住混元神力与极乐魔气的融合。抛飞中他强稳身形,回身飞窜。 Since these three junior Yin-Yang about, is so nasty, that does not need to pester with them again, his goal, not in this! 既然这三个小辈阴阳合和之后,如此难以对付,那就没必要再跟他们纠缠,他的目的,并不在此! Sun Yan and Yaoyao and lotus lotus sees him to escape, the vertical sword then pursues. Old men before, purple light, in purple light, there are the gold/metal and azure two colors to revolve such as moon/month, looks like Divine Dragon to spread the wings, wyvern in the day, in they have put in path, water wind fire four-dimensional unceasing destroying and construction. 孙炎瑶瑶、莲莲见他欲逃,纵剑便追。老者在前,紫光在后,紫光中,又有金、青二色回旋如月,就像是神龙展翅、飞龙在天,在他们所划过的轨迹上,地水风火四维不断的摧毁与构建。 That the front present light shadow, brushes suddenly, the town/subdues Yuan child has flown to bleed the wave. 前方忽现光影,刷的一声,镇元子已飞出血浪。 Sun Yan leads Yaoyao and lotus lotus two beautiful to pursue tightly, sees only the surrounding blood light to dissipate, the world replay is bright, vast, ten thousand kinds turn over to the ruins. Also without he clarifies with enough time, where here is, a great axe depending on trying the potential of the world, sweeps away toward them directly...... 孙炎带着瑶瑶、莲莲二美紧追而出,只见周围血光消逝,天地重放光明,浩浩瀚瀚,万类归墟。还没等他来得及弄清,这里到底是什么地方,一柄巨斧已是挟着力开天地之势,直接往他们横扫而来…… *** *** Li Chencang in the star waterfall, looks at the Dai sedan chairs and round high peaked mountains two mountains that the distant place revolves. 李尘藏在星瀑间,看着远处旋转的岱舆、圆峤二山。 Two mountains revolved not previously like that quickly, a mountain burned black, a mountain was verdant, all generations ruins appeared between two mountains. 两山旋转得并没有先前那般快,一山焦黑,一山青翠,万劫墟在两山之间现出。 The blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata that drops down from the extremely high place, the tree top place has, if after the firecracker explodes, that end of blossoming. The innumerable bloody water, have the strange inexplicable energy, looking like the siphon is ordinary, was inhaled in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 从极高之处倒下的血色妙喜树,树尖处有若炮竹爆炸后,开花的那一端。无数血水,带着怪异莫名的能量,就像是虹吸一般,被吸入了妙喜树内。 In the tree top and all generations ruins of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, forms the strange blood column. 在妙喜树的树尖与万劫墟中,形成诡异的血柱。 , War-god punishment day sends out a sound shaking to turn over to angry roaring of ruins suddenly, treads the previous step, the right hand big axe sweeps away. 忽的,“战神”刑天发出一声震动归墟的怒吼,踏前一步,右手大斧横扫。 What is he making? Li Chen narrowed the eye. 他在做什么?李尘眯起了眼。 First is the illness/quick of form from the blood column flees together, is one group of purple flame, the embodiment gold/metal and azure two air/Qi, pursues tightly. Great axe tearing is void, has, if chops the big of axe mountain, cuts toward the purple flame. 先是一道身影从血柱中疾窜而出,紧接着便是一团紫焰,内蕴金、青二气,紧追而出。巨斧撕裂虚空,有若劈岳之大斧,往紫焰斩去。 It is not good! Li Chenwang conducts the back grasps Wu Gou, wants vertical to go forward, actually already without enough time. 不好!李尘往背上一握吴勾,想要纵上前去,却已经来不及了。 Bang! Great axe pounding ruthlessly in the purple flame, the cyanogen and gold/metal air/Qi one volume, the purple flame like patted the rubber ball that flies simultaneously, with sweeping away of great axe, left fold/break, bang, banged into a burned black cliff suddenly. 嘭!巨斧狠狠的砸在紫焰,青气与金气同时一卷,紫焰如同被拍飞的皮球,随着巨斧的横扫,骤然左折,轰的一声,撞入了一座焦黑的山崖。 Li Chenwei narrows the eye, thought: It seems like they do not need me to help!” Looks again, the old man who in advance departs, breaks in all generations ruins, carries over the blood column, the blood column such as practices together, such as the screw is common, revolves toward the wonderful camptotheca acuminata outside. 李尘微眯眼睛,心想:“看来他们不用我帮忙!”再行看去,先行飞出的老者,冲入万劫墟中,带出一道血柱,血柱如练,如螺旋一般,朝妙喜树外围绕去。 The wonderful camptotheca acuminata absorbs the bloody water in all generations ruins unceasingly, the tree trunk is starting to inflate, the place of inflation one **, uppers shift fast. With the unceasing inflation of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, he sees a town/subdues Yuan child flying, the blood practices the circumferential flow. 妙喜树不断地吸收着万劫墟内的血水,树身开始膨胀,膨胀之处一**的,快速上移。随着妙喜树的不断膨胀,他看到镇元子飞天而起,血练绕流。 Li Chenxin said: Master and Junior Sister, your really played time in a big way!” Body one vertical, hidden movement, child pursues toward the town/subdues Yuan. 李尘心道:“师父、师妹,你们这一次真的玩得太大了!”身子一纵,隐着身法,朝镇元子追去。 ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……) ps:( Because not good minute/share of chapter, for these days, to change to every day one chapter temporarily, each chapter of 4,000-5,000 character above big chapters.) ps:(因为不好分章,这几天,暂时改成每天一章,每章4,000-5,000字以上的大章节。)
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