MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#954: High and low vicissitude: Mirror otherwise technique!

Outside wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 妙喜树外。 Nine days should Yuan god of thunder general Huatian revere, are leading the lei bu numerous, the complexion looks position that dignifiedly the distant place and wonderful camptotheca acuminata are at extremely. 九天应元雷神普化天尊,率着雷部众将,脸色凝重地看着极远处、妙喜树所在的位置。 At this time, their front, performing is the bloodshed, the bloodshed has, if the red mirror surface, arrives tranquilly nearly strangely. Was submerged the root by the bloody water the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, has actually vanished, but in the blood mirror, can actually see the wonderful camptotheca acuminata inverted image, seems like at the same time enormous, red mirror, will set in its mirror surface, the Mount Tai giant wonderful camptotheca acuminata, all but actually entered in the mirror generally. 此时,他们的前方,尽是血海,血海有若红色的镜面,平静到近乎诡异。原本被血水淹没根部的妙喜树,却已经消失,但在血镜内,却可以看到妙喜树的“倒影”,就好像是一面极大的、红色的镜子,将置在它的镜面上的、泰山一般巨大的妙喜树,全都“倒”入了镜中。 Takes blood mirror that the bloody water composes for boundary, entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata, in their eyes inversion. 以血水组成的血镜为分界线,整个妙喜树,在他们眼中都“颠倒”了过来。 What is this? The numerous will hesitate erratically. 这到底是什么?众将迟疑不定。 After Yaoyao Empress and law prince and the others entered the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, shortly, then presented more enemies. These people, hid in the immortal, demon and Buddha in the past three, no one has thought, they had been going to the enemy unexpectedly in secret, actually in this moment, launch as if by prior agreement, created the innumerable confusions. don't said here, then even Heaven also in the confusion, has the news to transmit, continually entire Huashan heavenly palace instead. 瑶瑶帝姬、法王子等人进入妙喜树后,没多久,便出现了更多的敌人。这些人,以往都是隐藏在仙、魔、佛三界之中,谁也没有想到,他们竟然早已在暗中投向了敌人,却在这一刻,不约而同的发动,制造了无数的混乱。莫说这里,便连天界也在混乱之中,更有消息传来,连整个西岳天宫都反了。 These confusions have not been able to solve, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata actually has such change, this lets for nine days should Yuan god of thunder general Huatian to revere in the heart dark startled, law prince and Your Highness Yaoyao, but also in wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 这些混乱还没有能够解决,妙喜树竟然就发生这样的变化,这让九天应元雷神普化天尊心中暗惊,法王子和瑶瑶殿下,可都还在妙喜树中。 Looks that as if entire inverts, toward wonderful camptotheca acuminata that blood mirror deep place but actually goes, he seriously...... high and low vicissitude, mirror otherwise technique? 看着那仿佛整个颠倒过来的,往血镜深处“倒”去的妙喜树,他面色凝重……上下浮沉,镜反之术? ...... …… Guishan. 龟山。 Hou Yaoqiong stands on the cliff, the beautiful clothing is slender, Cailing is dancing in the breeze behind. 侯瑶琼立在崖上,霓裳修长,彩绫在身后飘舞。 She looks , the time rivers of distant place, in the end of time rivers, as if suddenly presented the abyss to be the same, time seemed like going toward the abyss class/flow. 她看向,远处的时间河流,在时间河流的尽头,仿佛突然出现了深渊一般,“时间”就像是在往深渊流去。 She can perceive, Sun Yan has opened nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan, opened nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan him, is following the time rivers, abyss is falling toward that. 她能够觉察到,孙炎已经张开了九灵太妙金眼,张开了九灵太妙金眼的他,跟随着时间河流,正往那“深渊”坠去。 There is the fault/chasm of time. There is the end of space. 那里是时间之断层。那里是空间之尽头。 Has an accident? In her heart was worried secretly, was worried for him, for the world worry that he is. 到底出了什么事?她心中暗暗担心,为他担心,同时也为他所在的世界担心。 She stands there, looks in the time rivers. Sudden abyss, the beautiful facial features, are appearing intermittently anxiously. 她立在那里,看着时间河流中。突然出现的“深渊”,绝美的面容,隐现着不安。 Turned over to the ruins...... to appear! 归墟……出现了! ...... …… Eldest child, what's all this about?” Tender Zhang Fei grasps the purple flame snake lance, is riding the flying deity cow. Flies in in the air, looks at the distant place, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata that suddenly vanishes, as well as overspreads blood mirror that” the bloody water of land forms, as well as in blood mirror, strange but actually downward goes, the inverted image of wonderful camptotheca acuminata. “老大,这是怎么回事?”娇张飞手持紫焰蛇矛,骑着飞天神牛。飞在空中,看着极远处,突然消失的妙喜树,以及铺满大地的血水所形成的“血镜”,以及在血镜中,诡异的往下“倒”去的、妙喜树的倒影。 In her side, the sovereign is crazy, the heart sparkling stone female immortal, five fights of ominous evil deity person generals and earth thunder commander brocade Ma Chao and others, were getting the imaginary dark green fire cloud army main force, is unbelievable looks at the distant place, is then subconscious including always lazy pass/test Yi. From the sofa on sat by the enlisted woman is lifting. 在她的身边,中皇狂、心莹仙姑、五斗凶神煞人将军、土雷帅将锦马超等,领着幻苍火云军主力,俱是难以置信的看着远处,便连一向慵懒的关翊都下意识的。从被女兵抬着的沙发上坐了起来。 The Zhuge dark hand operated feather fan, heaved a deep sigh: High and low vicissitude inverts, what Lao wastes time the horizon ; The lead flying snow wave mercury revolutions, the main road popular heaven...... this is the high and low vicissitude, inverts all living things mirror otherwise technique, can open turns over to the ruins entrance, lets the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata mirror counter-, such ability, the immortal, demon and Buddha three, feared that is only then a person can achieve!” 诸葛暗手摇羽扇,长叹一声:“上下浮沉颠倒间,何劳蹉跎遍天涯;铅飞雪浪流珠转,大道流行遍上天……这是上下浮沉、颠倒众生的‘镜反之术’,能够打开归墟入口,让整棵妙喜树‘镜反’,这样的能力,仙、魔、佛三界中,怕是只有一人能够做到!” Heart sparkling stone female immortal one startled: High and low vicissitude inverts, main road popular heaven!......” 心莹仙姑一惊:“上下浮沉颠倒间,大道流行遍上天!难道说……” Un.” Zhuge fans secretly said that „, although has long known, ancestor has a deeper board game piece in Immortal World surely, has not actually thought. Can be he unexpectedly. It seems like Immortal World this time, was really troublesome.” “嗯。”诸葛暗摇扇道,“虽然早就知道,‘地祖’在仙界中必定藏有更深的棋子,却没有想到。竟然会是他。看来仙界这一次,真的是麻烦了。” ...... …… Turns over to the ruins extremely deep place, Li Chen carries Wu Gou, hidden among in Xingbao, is monitoring already becomes on the Dai sedan chair mountain of Wojiao earth, throughout motionless war-god punishment day. 归墟极深处,李尘身背吴勾,隐藏于星瀑之间,监视着已成沃焦土的岱舆山上、始终一动不动的“战神”刑天。 The war in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, becoming serious crucial moment. At this time, as the enemy strongest strength war-god stayed here, this to our wars, should be a good deed. However how many happy expression he does not have, because only, the opposite party so strange arrangement, has a deeper intention surely, but he was unable to clarify to the present, the opposite party arranges like this, what is the intention? 妙喜树内的大战,正在吃紧的重要关头。这个时候,身为敌方最强战力的“战神”却留在这里,这对我方的战事,应该是一件好事。但是他却没有多少喜色,只因,对方如此古怪的安排,必定藏有更深的用意,而他到现在都还未能弄清,对方这样的安排,用意到底是什么? , He has the induction suddenly, in an instant looks up toward the above. 忽的,他生出感应,刹那间抬头往上方看去。 Changes countenance suddenly, that is...... the wonderful camptotheca acuminata? 紧接着蓦一动容,那个是……妙喜树? He sees the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata, from turning over to the above of ruins, looking like the bamboo shoots is but actually ordinary, extends between the Dai sedan chairs and round high peaked mountains two mountains. Its surroundings, the sea water like the waterfall, the numerous star downcast, the visible all things, is falling downward. The wonderful camptotheca acuminata that he sees, all with doing are all dispersing the dark red blood light, and in unceasing strength. 他看到整个妙喜树,从归墟的上方,就像是倒笋一般,往岱舆与圆峤两山之间伸去。它的周围,海水如瀑,众星陷落,肉眼可见的一切事物,都在往下坠。他所看到的妙喜树,所有的枝与干全都散着暗红的血光,并且在不断的壮大。 Here is to turn over to the ruins extremely deep place, since appears after superstitiously, turning over to the ruins the entrance to be covered by the superstition, however now, blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata so but actually. 这里本是归墟极深之处,自从天条出现之后,归墟的入口就已被天条所覆盖,然而现在,血色妙喜树就这般“倒”了下来。 He saw, had waited there for some time war-god on the Dai sedan chair mountain punishment day, takes the breast as the eye, takes the navel as the mouth, the left hand holds the shield, the right hand holds the axe, suddenly bellows, jumps, detachment in two mountains. 他看到,在岱舆山上早已等候多时的“战神”刑天,以乳为目,以脐为口,左手持盾,右手持斧,忽的一声大吼,纵身而起,往两山之间劈去。 The punishment day this chops, made void directly shatter, cut several li (0.5 km) width S shape abyss. The Dai sedan chair mountain and circle Jiaoshan in this S the both sides of shape abyss, with it, unceasing revolving, the abyss are together getting more and more wide, is surging, blood-color, huge turbulent flow. 刑天这一劈,直接令得虚空破碎,斩出数里宽的“s”形深渊。岱舆山、圆峤山在这“s”形深渊的两侧,与它一起,不断的旋转,深渊越来越宽,内中涌动着,血色的、巨大的涡流。 That blood-color turbulent flow, in the unceasing rotation, in that flash that it presents, the sea water and stars, all blot toward it. The star waterfall that Li Chen hides, the direction of automatic change, has Milky Way that if hangs upside down, direct note to that blood-color turbulent flow, even if takes cultivating of Li Chen Golden Immortal level as, was still almost brought unexpectedly. 那血色的涡流,在不断的转动,在它出现的那一瞬间,海水、星辰,全都往它吸去。李尘所藏身的星瀑,自动改变的方向,有若倒挂的天河,直接注向那血色的涡流,即便是以李尘金仙级的修为,竟也差点被带了下去。 Li Chen complexion changes, that is the Junior Sister has mentioned...... all generations ruins? 李尘脸色微变,那个就是师妹提到过的……万劫墟? All generations ruins that that as if entire universe can swallow continually, are attracting all that pulls can attract pulls, looks like the blood-color big mouth, even he, still looks at scalp tingles unexpectedly. 那仿佛连整个宇宙都可以吞噬的万劫墟,在吸扯着所能够吸扯的一切,就像是血色的大口,即便是他,竟也看得头皮发麻。 He ponders to say in the heart: It seems like the Junior Sister said not wrong, the Dai sedan chair and round high peaked mountains, are open all generations ruins the mechanisms/organizations. In the past the Heavenly Queen chased down the ancestor, the ancestor escaped here, wanted to cope with the Heavenly Queen with ten thousand Xujie, finally did not have, when all generations ruins swallowed the Heavenly Queen, the Heavenly Queen first had then initiated the fire of all generations. The fire of all generations, burns completely the color day, once initiates, should unable to resist, but this all generations ruins go nonstop to the universe root, in all things does not have the thing that it is unable to swallow, all shepherd, is given birth to by it. The Heavenly Queen must perish together with the place ancestor, however in the final moment, all generations ruins attracted completely on the Dai sedan chair mountain the fires of all generations, the Dai sedan chair mountain, although was fired the scorched earth, but had not been destroyed thoroughly by the fire of all generations , child escaped from the Yuan god by the town/subdues Yuan, making the Heavenly Queen fail when success seemed within reach.” 他在心中忖道:“看来师妹说的并没有错,岱舆与圆峤,就是打开‘万劫墟’的机关。当年王母娘娘追杀地祖,地祖一路逃到这里,就是想要用‘万墟劫’来对付王母娘娘,结果还没有等到‘万劫墟’将王母娘娘吞噬,王母娘娘便已先引发了万劫之火。万劫之火,焚尽色天,一旦引发,本该是无法抵御,但这万劫墟直通宇宙根源,三千世界中不存在它无法吞噬的事物,所有的‘牧羊者’,都是由它生出。王母娘娘本是要与地祖同归于尽,但是在最后关头,‘万劫墟’吸尽了岱舆山上所有的万劫之火,岱舆山虽然被烧成焦土,但是并未被万劫之火彻底毁去,连带着,也被镇元子逃出元神,令王母娘娘功败垂成。” All generations ruins reappear, the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata is extending as before downward, a piece of peak void, in fast being close all generations ruins, it in blood-color turbulent flow with all generations ruins, more and more nearly, more and more nearly, until, but is the hair's difference, then is an explosive, all generations ruins inland sea common red bloody water, probably was attracted general by the vacuum, soars to the heavens the monstrous waves to curl up generally, was entered void by attracting...... 万劫墟再现,血色妙喜树依旧在往下延伸,顶端的一片“虚空”,在快速的接近万劫墟,它与万劫墟内的血色涡流,越来越近,越来越近,直至,不过是毫厘之差,然后便是一声爆响,万劫墟内海一般的红色血水,像是被真空吸起一般,冲天巨浪一般卷起,被“吸”入了“虚空”…… ...... …… *** *** , A lot of bloody water flood into loudly. 轰然间,大量的血水涌入。 Although looks at likely the bloody water, brings to corrode the myriad things vicious tendencies, wells up toward Sun Yan, Yaoyao and lotus lotus crazily. 虽然看着像血水,却带着能够腐蚀万物般的戾气,往孙炎瑶瑶、莲莲狂涌而来。 In their front, the town/subdues Yuan child sends out wild laughing: You asked why this place clearly knows is a trap, but also dares to come before you? What you should ask, since this place has come, how dare you don't run away? This is true, deity strength, your trivial mortals, must oppose with the god, you really think that was created the domestic animal that the herd raises by the god, really can shake off god's control? Why you do not ask, was stepped on by you in the ants of under foot, really can revolt against you?” 在他们的前方,镇元子发出猖狂的大笑:“你们问本座为什么明知道是陷阱,还敢在你们面前现身?你们应该问的是,既然本座都已经现身,你们怎敢不逃?这是真正的、天神的力量,你们这些区区凡人,非要与神作对,你们真以为被神创造牧养的牲畜,真的能够摆脱得了神的控制?你们为什么不问问,被你们踩在脚下的蝼蚁,是不是真的能够反抗得了你们?” Sun Yan has not gone to pay attention to his issue, saw that the bloodshed then must fill entire void, he can ignore so many again, further starts being a happy couple, leads Yaoyao and lotus lotus, the direct impact on. The universe blade cuts loudly, explodes void. 孙炎没有去理会他的问题,眼看着血海便要充满整个“虚空”,他再顾不得那么多,进一步发动“比翼双飞”,带着瑶瑶和莲莲,直冲而上。太虚刀轰然斩出,虚空爆开。 At this time, entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata but actually. His overshooting, breaks through the wisdom round altar/jar directly, here, they noticed that the Wuqu star main and broken army star lord, about cuts down the demon to cause, they capture greatly sad Mandala Institute with great difficulty, suddenly, the world inverts, they with the enemy who they battle, does not know that what happened, performs all at a loss. 此时,整个妙喜树都“倒”了过来。他这一上冲,直接冲破智慧圆坛,在这里,他们看到武曲星主、破军星主、左右伐魔使,他们好不容易攻下大悲曼荼罗院,突然之间,天地颠倒,他们与跟他们作战的敌人,都不知道发生了什么事,尽皆茫然。 The Wuqu star main and broken army star main and other discovery wisdom round altar/jar bang broken, Sun Yan leads Your Highness Yaoyao and with his side that girl named lotus lotus unexpectedly, the broken altar/jar, Sun Yan grasps the universe blade together, the body is sending the solar common purple flame light, Yaoyao and lotus lotus two females, has, if his bright moon, one male and two female, gorgeous, looks like departs general from the picture. 武曲星主、破军星主等发现智慧圆坛轰破,孙炎竟带着瑶瑶殿下、与他身边那个叫莲莲的女孩,一同破坛而出,孙炎手持太虚刀,身上发着太阳一般的紫色炎光,瑶瑶与莲莲二女,有若他身边的皎月,一男二女,美仑美奂,就像是从画中飞出一般。 Did not have the time to solve what happened to them, Sun Yan shouted: Walks quickly!” 没有时间向他们解决发生了什么事,孙炎喝道:“快走!” Originally torn to pieces lotus flower embryo conceals, inversion that because this such as it comes suddenly, the above stone comes down. Sun Yan assembles the chaos supernatural power, extremely Le Moqi, chops the giant opening with the universe blade toward the above, the direct impact. 原本就已经支离破碎的莲花胎藏界,因为这忽如其来的颠倒,上方的土石纷纷崩落。孙炎集结混沌神力、极乐魔气,以太虚刀朝上方劈出巨大裂口,直冲而出。 The Wuqu star main and broken army star lord, about cuts down the demon to cause, although does not know that what happened, but under wells up, dark red fearsome, and in the blood-color turbulent flow of unceasing rise, making them all realize, does not run away is dead characters, therefore catches up in abundance. 武曲星主、破军星主、左右伐魔使虽不知发生了什么事,但下方涌上来的,暗红可怖、且在不断上涨的血色涡流,让他们全都意识到,再不逃便是一个死字,于是纷纷追上。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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