MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#951: Abode of the immortals: Do counter I perish?

Sun Yan takes out the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, goes toward below photo. 孙炎取出阴阳宝镜,往下方照去。 Under shining of Yin-Yang treasure mirror, had the inconceivable phenomenon, he sees, about 200 huge „the world, in vast universe move in, they looks like the gigantic star, is sending the respective ray in the universe, he knows, these, as thousand world from more than 100 of the world. 在阴阳宝镜的照耀下,出现了不可思议的现象,他看到,有近两百个巨大的“世界”,在浩瀚的宇宙中移动,它们就像是硕大的恒星,在宇宙中发着各自的光芒,他知道,这些,就是作为从世界的一百多个中千世界。 Although the abode of the immortals resides in the peak of main world high, but it was still part of main world, illuminated downward with the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, can only illuminate arrives at these from the world, but is unable to illuminate directly arrives at Mortal World of main world. If Heavenly Emperor, stands, the strength of only with superstitiously giving, does not need the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, but then visual observation these from the unusual form in the world. 大罗天虽然高居于主世界的最高点,但它仍然算是主世界的一部分,以阴阳宝镜往下照去,只能照到那些从世界,而无法直接照到主世界的人间。若是天帝,立在此间,单是凭着天条赋予的力量,无需阴阳宝镜,便可直接观察这些从世界的异状。 But Yaoyao is future Heavenly Emperor, has the Nüwa supernatural power, but eventually is also not Heavenly Emperor, at this moment, they are can only nose with the aid of the Yin-Yang treasure mirror. 瑶瑶虽然是未来天帝,拥有女娲神力,但终究还不是天帝,此刻,他们自是只能借助阴阳宝镜来查探。 In each peaks of thousand world , the dark gaps, there is that side world void, because of each world, is splits by the main world at first, looks like the growth of embryo, the main world is at first and most earliest fertilized egg, therefore all world, have with its similar special characteristics, has void by the main world that the beginning of the universe god clan makes, all from the world, leaves leeway void. 每一个中千世界的最高点,又有一个幽暗的缺口,那里就是那方世界的“虚空”,因为每一个世界,最初都是由主世界分裂而出,就像是胚胎的成长,主世界是最初、最早的受精卵,于是所有的世界,都带有与它相似的特质,被混元神族造出的主世界拥有“虚空”,所有的从世界,也就都留有“虚空”。 These dark gaps, void are, some, are dispersing the ray, the ray blocked darkly, making that world complete, has a small part void, in not ray. 那些幽暗的缺口、虚空之所在,其中一些,散着光芒,光芒挡住了幽暗,让那个世界变得完整,其中却也有一小部分“虚空”,内中并无光芒。 These rays, are Fokuang, each world, one Buddha, although various Buddha is quiet, is unable to meet the body to appear again, but they had not died. Assumes personal command with the golden body as before void, but in these does not have Fokuang. Then did not have the personal testimony to result in the world of Tathagata. 那些光芒,乃是佛光,每一个世界,都只有一个“佛”,虽然诸佛沉寂,无法再以应身出现,但他们并未死去。依旧以金身坐镇“虚空”,而那些内中没有佛光的。则是还没有人证得“如来”的世界。 The Yin-Yang treasure mirror understands thoroughly the nether world by it the ability, these from the outline of the world, outlining and appearance layer upon layer. 阴阳宝镜以它洞彻幽冥的能力,将那些从世界的轮廓,一层层的勾勒、显现。 They reside above all living things high, looks downward, that vast universe for no reason, making them have inexplicable move , a pride and pride of overlooking the common people. Sun Yan secret vigilance, if practices insufficiently, only this regarding ten thousand kinds of lives such as the feeling of dogs and hay worthless thing, then makes one degenerate sufficiently, then falls into to the power and influence and top love. No wonder the jade emperor must undergo 100,000 great misfortune, dares to sit the Heavenly Emperor throne. 他们高居于众生之上,往下看去,那浩瀚无端的宇宙,让他们有种莫名的感动、同时也有一种俯视苍生的骄傲与自豪。孙炎暗暗警觉,若是修行不够,单是这种视万类生灵如刍狗的感觉,便足以让人堕落,进而陷入对权势和高位的迷恋。难怪玉帝要历十万大劫,才敢坐上天帝宝座。 Yaoyao Empress stands in his left, inserts the waist single-handedly, proud wields: These sooner or later are my, hahahaha!” 瑶瑶帝姬立在他的左边,一手插腰,一手自豪的挥去:“这些早晚都是我的,哈哈哈哈!” Sun Yan sighed the one breath...... this big fiendish person born, must dominate the entire world, waited for the formidable to eliminate her feeling what's the matter? Make this girl Heavenly Emperor really well? 孙炎叹一口气……这种大魔王出世,要称霸全世界,等着勇者来消灭她的感觉是怎么回事?让这丫头成为天帝真的好么? His eye looks. Yaoyao arrogant standing there, the front piece and stomacher has not put on, the jade bamboo shoots that sweet and pretty and is full of the tension tremble. But, he has to turn around , helping her wear the stomacher personally, is the clothes short Chinese-style jacket. 他的眼睛瞄去。瑶瑶神气十足的立在那里,衣襟和抹胸都未穿好,娇美而又充满弹力的玉笋一颤一颤。无奈之下,他只好转过身来,亲手帮她戴好抹胸,系好衣襦。 Yaoyao Empress held is traced by you in any case, by you were seen again are not related” attitude. No bashfulness. 瑶瑶帝姬则是抱着“反正已经被你摸过了,再被你看到也没有关系啦”的态度。没有一丝害臊。 After helping Yaoyao put on . He has turned around, has a look at another side. lotus lotus correct use brings back the short Chinese-style jacket clothes. Is raising under the clothes, jumps, mentioned on below clothes the waist, then started is the color ribbon, discovered that Sun Yan looked like toward her, her face was also immediately red, looked like the young and fresh-looking tender juicy peach, making one want to nip one. 瑶瑶穿好后。他转过身,看看另一边。莲莲正用手勾起襦衣。提着下裳,一跳一跳,把下裳提到腰上,然后开始系彩绦,发现孙炎往她看来,她的脸立时又红了起来,就像是水嫩嫩的蜜桃,让人很想咬上一口。 He continues with the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, goes toward the world of mortals photo. lotus lotus is the lucky strike ribbon, tied a simple pleasant knot, with Yaoyao together, one on the left and other on the right, observes in his side together downward. 他继续以阴阳宝镜,往下界照去。莲莲系好彩绦,结了个简单的如意结,与瑶瑶一起,一左一右,在他身边一同往下观察。 Looks that by, the mysterious and vast numerous world that the Yin-Yang treasure vitrite leaves, lotus lotus say/way gently: Universe is so big, if everyone can being together well, without the war, no longer fight is good. The immortal is also good, the demon is also good, everyone is the life of this world, can the peaceful coexistence, why probably hit obviously? Really the hope one day, the people of demon can also not need to hide again hide again, everyone builds these world together well.” 看着被阴阳宝镜照出的、神秘而浩瀚的众多世界,莲莲轻轻的道:“宇宙这么大,要是大家都能够好好的相处,没有战争,不再打架就好了。仙也好,魔也好,大家都是这个世界的生灵,明明是可以和平共处的,为什么非得打来打去?真希望有一天,魔界的子民也可以不用再躲再藏,大家一起好好的建设这些世界。” Main world and peripheral all from the world, under superstitious coverage, Demonic Path , to capture, can only snatching the world draws to the chaos, making it be separated completely with the main world and other connection from the world, but did that, was equal to the meat that dug, these world all turned is unable the demon star of the self-disunion and reproduction, hid in the universe gloomy and gloomy and cold corner, most demon people, the day passed are miserable beyond description, in her heart from was sad. 主世界及其周边的所有从世界,都在天条的覆盖下,魔道要想夺取,只能将抢到的世界拉到混沌之中,令其完全脱离与主世界和其它从世界的连系,但那样做,就等于是从人身上挖下来的肉,那些世界全都变成了无法自我分裂和繁殖的魔星,隐藏在宇宙灰暗与阴冷的角落,大部分的魔界子民,日子过得苦不堪言,她心中自是难过。 Yaoyao said: What did you say? The immortal and are the demon possibly together well? All demons, must massacre to massacre again, not only demon, ahem, so long as dares to oppose with this Empress, must massacre, after this Empress becomes Heavenly Emperor, command world, hahahaha, looked that who dares to refuse to accept?” 瑶瑶道:“你说什么啊?仙和魔怎么可能好好相处?所有的魔,都要杀掉杀掉再杀掉,不只是魔,哼哼,只要是敢和本帝姬作对的,全都要杀掉,等本帝姬成为天帝后,号令天下,哈哈哈哈,看谁敢不服?” lotus lotus urgently said: This is incorrect, in demon, some innocent mortals, they live in demon and in demon long. Also has, as the Heavenly Emperor responsibility should not protect all people? Let everyone has one peacefully, the glorious future......” 莲莲急道:“这是不对的,魔界里,也有许多无辜的凡人,他们只是生在魔界、长在魔界。还有还有,身为天帝的职责不是应该保护所有的子民吗?让大家都有一个和平的、美好的未来……” Yaoyao laughs: If cannot dominate three and command world, who ate to the full supporting makes Heavenly Emperor? I must let world all ants, all kneels to bend down in the under foot of this Empress, I must let this/Ben Empress prestige, makes a sound the vast universe, those who submit will prosper , those who resist shall perish, hahahaha......” 瑶瑶哈哈大笑:“如果不能称霸三界、号令天下,谁吃饱了撑的做天帝啊?我要让天下所有的蝼蚁,全都跪伏在本帝姬的脚下,我要让本帝姬的威名,响遍浩瀚的宇宙,顺我者昌,逆我者亡,哈哈哈哈……” lotus lotus small sound said: This is incorrect, this was an unprincipled person!” 莲莲小声道:“这样是不对的,这样就是坏人了!” Yaoyao Empress spirited say/way: Who must dare saying that I am an unprincipled person, I fall the homicide massacre massacre again, peel off his skin, has his muscle, is strip naked his clothes, catches a heavenly light him, but must cut his foot, takes away gold/metal gold/metal who feeds my family, chops his hand, chops the meat sauce to take away to plant flowers, digs his eyeball, wraps up the Longyou fever the fever! Haha hahahaha......” 瑶瑶帝姬神气的道:“谁要敢说我是坏人,我就把他杀掉杀掉再杀掉,剥下他的皮,抽下他的筋,剥光他的衣服,把他抓去点天灯,还要把他的脚砍下来,拿去喂我家的金金,把他的手剁下来,剁成肉酱拿去种花,把他的眼珠子挖下来,裹上龙油烧啊烧!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……” Who did Sun Yan sigh...... you are a day of demon? Who is Heavenly Emperor? 孙炎叹气……你们两个到底谁是天魔?谁是天帝 Under the illumination of Yin-Yang treasure mirror, they found mixed the desert world. 在阴阳宝镜的照射下,他们找到了混漠世界。 Must in thousand world about 200, find to mix the desert world, is not the too difficult matter. Because only , compared with other thousand world, mixes the desert world crystal wall shatter, superstitious chaotic, the whole world as if covers in the gloominess, most places, still covered under the big piece chaos vicious tendencies. 要在近两百个中千世界里,找到混漠世界,并不是什么太难的事。只因,跟其它的中千世界比起来,混漠世界晶壁破碎、天条混乱,整个世界仿佛笼罩在灰暗之中,大部分地方,仍然笼罩在大片的混沌戾气之下。 Even if there is a Yin-Yang treasure mirror, the not possible photo to spread to mix each corner of desert world, but the wonderful camptotheca acuminata peak void is, actually appears clearly. This is because, said discussed, was Heavenly Court for the lord, the Buddhism for auxiliary, in the design, can cross the Taoist trinity day, mounted the abode of the immortals only had Heavenly Emperor, but was situated in greatly Luo Heaven, observed various Buddha sounds, similarly was the Heavenly Emperor responsibility is also. 即便是有阴阳宝镜,也不可能照遍混漠世界的每一个角落,但是妙喜树最高点“虚空”之所在,却是清清楚楚地显现出来。这是因为,佛道并谈,原本就是天庭为主,佛门为辅,设计中,能够越过三清天,登上大罗天的唯有天帝,而立于大罗天上,察看诸佛动静,同样也是天帝的职责所在。 After all, although is says and discusses, but Heavenly Emperor is impossible not to have the guard to the Buddhism. 毕竟,虽然是“佛道并谈”,但天帝对佛门也不可能全无防范。 Yin-Yang treasure vitrite to wonderful camptotheca acuminata highest-end void, illuminated the golden body of flatter chu Buddha, the golden body of flatter chu Buddha has not definitely been able to disperse Fokuang, he was at void dark. 阴阳宝镜照到了妙喜树最高端的虚空,也照到了阿閦佛的金身,阿閦佛的金身已经完全无法散出佛光,他所在的虚空幽幽暗暗。 Under void, lotus flower embryo conceals under the illumination of Yin-Yang treasure mirror, there is blood light that murderous aura that if eight petal eight Dalianhua, the weapons gather and soars to the heavens, in that has appeared in torn to pieces Dalianhua, surges rolling, the central lotus throne place has god light covers, that is started datura god bans the ban, but the god is only passing crime air/Qi that attacks the myriad things, is thin to the extreme. 在虚空之下,莲花胎藏界在阴阳宝镜的照射下,有若一朵八瓣八叶的大莲花,兵戈聚成的杀气和冲霄的血光,在那已显得支离破碎的大莲花中,滚滚涌动,中央莲台处有神光笼罩,那是被启动的曼陀罗神禁禁制,但神光中透着侵袭万物的罪气,已经是稀薄到了极点。 Obviously, the enemy is using the broken day crime air/Qi, corrodes diamond void conceals to give self up to hope greatly, bans the ban by the god who 33 levels of exquisite pleasant buddhist relics pleasant treasure mirrors start, and decodes to near. 显然,敌人正在用破天罪气,侵蚀金刚虚空藏以舍身大愿,以三十三级玲珑如意舍利子如意宝镜启动的神禁禁制,而且破解在即。 Big Luo Heaven, with mixing the time of desert world flows is not same, although has not arrived at Heaven on the 1st and ground one year of that degree, but in the Taoist trinity day time flows, compared with under Taoist trinity day other various Tianman on many, the abode of the immortals time flow, is slower than the Taoist trinity day. They mount the abode of the immortals the time is not long, but mixes in the desert world wonderful camptotheca acuminata, is actually crosses fast. War intensity all the more, cloud Tunwu wells up, the mist and dust is billowing, racing thunder walks the electricity, the earth movement day swings. 大罗天上,与混漠世界的时间流向并不相同,虽未到天上一日、地上一年那种程度,但三清天内的时间流动,要比三清天之下的其它诸天慢上许多,大罗天的时间流动,又比三清天更慢。他们登上大罗天的时间并不长,但是混漠世界妙喜树内,却是过得飞快。战事益发的激烈,云屯雾涌,烟尘滚滚,奔雷走电,地动天摇。 Sun Yan does not dare to have the tiny bit general idea/careless, he must come the universe blade to Yaoyao Empress, left Jingyou the blade, as before is maintaining with Yaoyao and lotus lotus two female being a happy couple, within the body is revolving high-speed the Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, simultaneously opens nine spirits is too wonderful directly the real eye, to prevent to miss to put to death a town/subdues Yuan child time. 孙炎不敢有一丝一毫的大意,他向瑶瑶帝姬要来太虚刀,左镜右刀,依旧保持着与瑶瑶、莲莲二女的“比翼双飞”,体内高速运转着大圣显密真诀,同时更是直接张开九灵太妙真眼,以防止错过诛杀镇元子的时机。 If by the town/subdues Yuan, were really used flatter chu Buddha golden body as the raft, allowing him to enter greatly void, destroyed the Buddha golden body, that was really finished. Entire superstitious will be degraded, the unstable main world, feared is directly the collapse most, the casualty are innumerable. The main world presents the catastrophe, the low-rank world does not know that must die many people. Reason that the black cherry elder sister, Jin and others were confident, before the next world great misfortune approaches, making the main world promote the infinite universe, a primary cause, is because, although 100 years ago presented the god demon war, destroyed the most thousand world, but closes right up against say and discuss that after superstitious maintenance forcefully, the main world has not collapsed. 若是真的被镇元子,以阿閦佛金身为筏,让他进入大虚空,毁了佛祖金身,那就真的是完蛋了。整个天条都会被降级,原本就不稳定的主世界,怕是会直接崩溃大半,死伤无数。主世界出现浩劫,下位世界不知又要死多少人。黑樱姐、金公等之所以有信心,在下一次天地大劫来临之前,让主世界升级到大千世界,其中一个主要原因,便是因为,虽然一百年前出现了神魔大战,毁了大半的中千世界,但靠着佛道并谈后的天条的强行维持,主世界并没有崩坏。 The main world expands with the growth from the world, similarly, strength of main world, is beneficial to numerously the growth from the world. Present main world, from serious famine time, only then a mainland, develops present this degree, is not an easy matter, if because of superstitious degradation, but its striking back prototype, then later the next world great misfortune before 29,000 years approaches, basically has not promoted the possibility in infinite universe. 主世界是随着从世界的成长而壮大,同样的,主世界的壮大,也有利于众多从世界的成长。如今的主世界,从大荒时间只有一块大陆,发展到现在这种程度,并不是一件容易的事,若是因为天条的降级而将它打回原型,那在两万九千年之后的下一次天地大劫来临之前,基本上没有升级成大千世界的可能。 Also therefore, the entire plan of black cherry elder sister, indeed is being an enormous risky move...... 也正因此,黑樱姐的这一整个计划,的确是一步极大的险棋…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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