MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#950: Abode of the immortals: Above nine days!

The lead flying snow wave mercury rolls, duplicate under still really sleeps earth. +, earth report/give Tianfu lives, an artificial flower with gold-foil has the purple smoke. The purple smoke flies the campsis grandiflora palace, continual water splash piece. The livelihood polishes brightly big thousand, the Xun trigram wind blows the artificial flower with gold-foil present. 铅飞雪浪流珠滚,覆下依然真土眠。+,土禀天符生碧叶,朵朵金花起紫烟。紫烟飞上凌霄殿,连连续续水花片。日月抛光朗大千,巽风吹起金花现。 The Taoist trinity day, resides in high unsurpassedly often melts day and jade grand Tengsheng day and dragon Bianfan the day and above even Yujia Yi day these four Brahma, called „the Sanqing boundary, namely jade clear boundary clear slightly day, on clear boundary Yu odd/surplus heaven, Grand Pure boundary greatly scarlet day. 三清天,更高居于无上常融天、玉隆腾胜天、龙变梵度天、平育贾奕天这四梵天之上,又称“三清境”,即玉清境清微天、上清境禹余天、太清境大赤天。 Taoist trinity Heaven, is flooding the air/Qi of nearly inexhaustible real spirit, the artificial flower with gold-foil, the purple smoke inundates everywhere spatially, day rune/symbol Biye, the immortal wind is indistinct, the livelihood star three light instead occupy its under. 三清天上,充斥着近乎无穷尽的真灵之气,处处金花,紫烟漫空,天符碧叶,仙风缥缈,日月星三光反居其下。 The jade clear boundary clear slightly world, is dragons in four Brahma changes the buddhist day, the group star sparkles, arranges in order Su Guanghui, Milky Way passes, the day fights the plate to be permanent. 玉清境清微天下,乃是四梵天中的龙变梵度天,群星闪耀,列宿光辉,银河流转,天斗盘恒。 Taoist trinity Heaven, shapes of the nine females, the platoon becomes, the beautiful clothing beautiful hair bun, assumes respectively tenderly and beautifully. 三清天上,又有九名女子之像,排成一圈,霓裳美髻,各呈娇艳。 In nine shapes, suddenly three people broken empty, flies in in the air, has, if one day even-numbered month, flies high the maneuver, the youngster is handsome, two female charming, double tender partner day, if lightly the swallow, has if Divine Dragon spreads the wings, the immortal wind is vast. 九像之中,忽有三人破虚而出,飞在空中,有若一日双月,凌空回旋,少年英俊,二女娇媚,双娇伴日,翩跹若燕,有若神龙展翅,仙风浩渺。 Three people are revolving, falls floating, the youngster flies in the middle, rotates unceasingly, two beautiful girls, look like the colorful butterfly that dances in the air in his side, the screw around him, the beautiful person, along with the Taoist trinity Heaven dreamlike beautiful scene, wondrous beauty is generally infinite, is picturesque, too beautiful to behold. 三人旋转着,飘然而落,少年飞在中间,不断转动,两个美丽的女孩,在他身边就像是飞舞的彩蝶,螺旋一般绕着他,婀娜可人,伴随着三清天上如梦似幻般的美景,奇美无穷,般般入画,美不胜收。 This youngster naturally is Sun Yan, with him circles in flight together, but two beautiful women, is Yaoyao and lotus lotus. 这少年自然便是孙炎,与他一起飞旋而出的两个美女,则是瑶瑶和莲莲。 They fall in the billowing purple smoke, the under foot ignites the same artificial flower with gold-foil in full bloom, the Xun trigram wind has blown, the artificial flower with gold-foil sways. Two girls one on the left and other on the right, is supporting him, being a happy couple has not relieved, his body, that mysterious attraction, looking like a day of magnetism is ordinary, is attracting their sweet and pretty bodies. 他们落在滚滚紫烟中,脚下点着同一朵盛开的金花,巽风吹过,金花摇晃。两个女孩一左一右,相拥着他,“比翼双飞”并没有解除,他的身上,那神秘的吸引力,就像是天磁一般,吸引着她们娇美的身体。 Sun Yan looks that nine beautiful woman images to them, these nine beautiful women. Obviously is nine Yin imperial concubines, they are the first-generation Heavenly Emperor Zhuanxu in the Mortal World wife, after dying canonization of saints, constructs their real spirit totem in the Taoist trinity day, fragrant holds nine Fengzhu, can be used to summon their world of mortals, nine Fengzhu starts, in the Taoist trinity day air/Qi of real spirit will then pour into the really spirit totem automatically, making nine Yin imperial concubines reappear. 孙炎看向他们周围的那九座美女像,这九位美女。显然便是“九阴妃”,她们原本是第一代天帝颛顼在人间的妻子,死后封圣,在三清天中建有她们的真灵图腾,香香所持的“九凤珠”,可以用来召唤她们下界,“九凤珠”发动的时候,三清天中的真灵之气便会自动灌入真灵图腾之内,令九阴妃再现。 Sun Yan is pulling them, walks toward the circle that beyond nine Yin imperial concubines the really spirit totem forms. Yaoyao Empress called out: Waits for. You are my golden boy the golden boy, why you walk in the middle, made that our two are your maidservant is the same?” 孙炎牵着她们两人,往九阴妃之真灵图腾形成的圈外走去。瑶瑶帝姬叫道:“等一下。你是我的金童啊金童,为什么你走在中间,弄得我们两个是你的丫环一样?” Sun Yan said: To save the world, this matter did not need to care.” 孙炎道:“为了拯救世界,这种事就不用在意了。” One on the left and other on the right, is hugging their waists...... to save the world, matter that this does not have the means! 一左一右,搂着她们的腰肢……为了拯救世界,这也是没办法的事! He leads them to jump , to continue to fly upward. 他带着她们纵身而起,继续往上飞去。 Taoist trinity Heaven, really appears intermittently spirit, red clouds to/clashes. The flickering different scenery, the disintegration is infinite. 三清天上,真灵隐现,丹霞赫冲。幢幢异景,分变无穷。 Yaoyao and destiny of lotus lotus synthesizes one, the golden light sparkle, azure spirit circulation. The even-numbered month shines on each other, the purple day sublimated. 瑶瑶与莲莲的气运合成一处,金光闪耀,青灵流转。双月交辉,紫日升华。 The air/Qi passes through the Taoist trinity, upper building, loudly. They arrive at greatly Luo Heaven, in their front, is a mysterious bronze front door. In the gate carves a man and a woman, two beginning of the universe god clans. Only sees this door, then a heart swings the god to fall, as if entire Yuan gods were attacked felt, but regarding Sun Yan, he has one deep fear to this door, he has one type to open its impulsion, actually does not want to approach it in any event. 气贯三清,更上层楼,轰然间。他们来到大罗天上,在他们的前方,是一面神秘的青铜大门。门上雕有一男一女,两个混元神族。单是看到这扇门,便有一种心摇神坠,仿佛整个元神都受到冲击的感觉,而对于孙炎来说,他对这扇门更是有一种深深的恐惧,他有一种打开它的冲动,却又无论如何都不想靠近它。 This is the first time that not he saw this leaf gate, the previous time, in a nine dragons child synthesis body, gathers the real dragon the time, they once using the Heavenly Emperor blood, spanned the Taoist trinity day, before pushing he is arriving at the gate, forces to bind him of strength of real dragon, comes to open this door. 这不是他第一次见到这扇“门”,上一次,是在九龙子合成一体,聚成真龙的时候,“它们”曾利用天帝血,跨越三清天,推着他来到门前,迫使裹着真龙之力的他,前来打开这扇门。 Naturally, although his moment within the body still had the strength of 1/9 real dragon, is actually not able to open this door, only because of this door, only has shepherd to open, but he is not a shepherd, at that time, is because real dragon synthesized a body with him, he has become a part of real dragon. 当然,虽然他此刻体内仍然藏有九分之一的真龙之力,却无法打开这扇门,只因这扇门,唯有“牧羊者”才能打开,而他并不是牧羊者,那个时候,则是因为“真龙”与他合成了一体,他已经成为了真龙的一部分。 Yaoyao opens the eye: What is this?” As future Heavenly Emperor, she knows that for the first time has such a door. 瑶瑶睁大眼睛:“这是什么?”身为未来天帝,她还是第一次知道有这样一扇门。 She vertical goes toward the gate in: Opens has a look!” 她往门上纵去:“打开看看!” „It is not good!” Sun Yan her knocks down directly. “不行!”孙炎直接将她扑倒在地。 He did not worry that she really can the door open, even if there is beginning of the universe supernatural power that the Nüwa empress keeps, she in fact cannot open this door, because there is no relations with the strength. The beginning of the universe god clan initial design, regards their breeding farm this entire universe, for does not make the two foot sheep in breeding farm escape, this gate in design, only then beginning of the universe god clan and for beginning of the universe god clan guarding breeding farm shepherd, can open, but the Nüwa empress from this side, gate will closely close. 他倒不担心她真的能够将门打开,就算拥有女娲娘娘留下来的混元神力,她实际上也是打不开这扇门的,因为这跟力量没有什么关系。混元神族最初的设计,就是把这一整个宇宙当成他们的“养殖场”,为了不让养殖场里的两脚羊逃脱,这“门”在设计上,就只有混元神族和替混元神族看守养殖场的“牧羊者”,才能打开,而女娲娘娘又从这一边,将“门”紧紧关死。 Although Yaoyao has the beginning of the universe supernatural power, but she is not the beginning of the universe god clan, but is in human immortal, regarding outside beginning of the universe god clan, she similarly is also two foot sheep. The human in this universe, to go to world, can only through greatly void, oneself who the Buddha golden body blocks fly upwards to the table of beginning of the universe god clan on. 瑶瑶虽然拥有混元神力,但她本身并非混元神族,而是人类中的“仙”,对于外面的混元神族来说,她同样也是“两脚羊”。这片宇宙中的人类,要想前往门外的世界,只能通过被佛祖金身挡住的“大虚空”,自己飞升到混元神族的餐桌上。 Dies, the dead golden boy...... you and you to come......” Yaoyao under his body, sways from side to side sweet. “死、死金童……你、你又来……”瑶瑶在他的身体下,娇婉扭动。 „, Do not bump it!” Sun Yan presses in her conducting the back, is gasping for breath. Although did not fear that her real door opens, but the black cherry elder sister has said that in this is equipped with the trap, he does not know that this trap can injure Yaoyao, but must prevent the eventuality. “别、碰它!”孙炎压在她的背上,喘着气。虽然不怕她真的将门打开,但是黑樱姐说过,这门上设有陷阱,他也不知道这陷阱会不会伤害到瑶瑶,但总要预防万一。 If by some chance Yaoyao bumps into, in the gate spouts the poisonous water immediately, what to do all spurts them? What if in the gate spreads is the aphrodisiac, after bumping into it, her whole body will give off heat, poisonously what to do without the man will rest her to send dead. 万一瑶瑶一碰到,门上马上喷出毒水,把他们全都喷死怎么办?万一门上涂的是媚药,碰到它后,她就会全身发热,没有男人睡她就会毒发身亡怎么办。 Considering this leaf gate on trap, is some woman supposes, he really cannot affirm that the second possibility does not exist, if so...... now is not the time the bastard! 考虑到这扇“门”上的陷阱,是某个女人设下的,他实在是不敢肯定第二种可能性不存在,如果是那样的话……现在不是时候啊混蛋! His throws, falls down Yaoyao again on the ground, the lower abdomen is sticking to her outstanding buttocks, one time what however keeps up with be different, this time, they separate the body cross coupling, this post, male Yuanyang and female star of bead within the body is wishes one could touching closely in the same place. Sun Yan endures patiently forcefully, compels to set out, finally bears the single layer, is actually lotus lotus cannot control itself, grasped him directly. 他这一扑,再次将瑶瑶扑倒在地上,小腹紧贴着她的翘臀,然而跟上一次不同的是,这一次,他们已经是隔体交感,这一贴,体内的男子元阳与女子星珠更是恨不得紧紧“触”在一起。孙炎强行忍耐,硬逼着自己起身,结果背上一重,却是莲莲也控制不住自己,直接抱住了他。 Three people roll on the ground again, two girls have, if snake general is entangling him. The Sun Yan secretly thought is not good, now does not do this matter time, really does not do this matter time. However they have even started to buy his clothes, in his heart shouted **, compelled to push them...... 三人再一次在地上滚来滚去,两个女孩有若蛇一般的缠着他。孙炎暗道不好,现在不是做这种事的时候,真不是做这种事的时候。但是她们甚至已经开始扯他衣服,他心中大喊**,硬逼着自己将她们推了开来…… *** *** Sun Yan partly kneels in the place, both hands supports, is gasping for breath. 孙炎半跪在地,双手撑地,直喘着气。 Yaoyao and lotus lotus had been pushed by him far, their clothes half solution, sits on the ground, stares the big eye. 瑶瑶与莲莲已经被他推远了,她们衣裳半解,坐在地上,亦是瞪大眼睛。 Sun Yan understands now finally why that woman and black cherry elder sister, want him to realize the fire of three visceral cavities and gall bladder. 孙炎现在终于明白过来,为什么那个女人和黑樱姐,非要他练成少阳之火。 Originally is the fire of three visceral cavities and gall bladder used for enticing heart and kidney's body to use? Once depends too nearly with them, these two reported the air/Qi of heart and kidney, but to become true beautiful young girl, looks like moth that beat out a fire, oneself threw. 原来少阳之火就是用来“勾引”少阴之体用的?一旦与她们靠得太近,这两个禀少阴之气而成真的美少女,就像是扑火的飞蛾,自己扑过来。 They sleep in the evening the sleepwalk, unknowingly will sleepwalk to his bed on, not being able to do well is also related with this. 她们晚上睡觉梦游,不知不觉就会梦游到他的床上,搞不好也跟此有关。 Thinks, as if some are not also right, the Yaoyao first sleepwalk time, in eight Ganzhou, the mother had not entered Heaven at that time, buys the muddy evening mountain, he has not repaired the fire of purple magnificence three visceral cavities and gall bladder. 只是想了想,似乎又有些不对,瑶瑶第一次梦游的时候,是在八声甘州界,那个时候老妈还没有进入天界,买下浑夕山,他也还没有修出紫华少阳之火。 However no matter what, his body, definitely has a mysterious attraction to them, particularly their both in his side, but he, almost pastes in the same place, he refining up to purify the few star bead of air/Qi and opposite party who purple magnificence three visceral cavities and gall bladder the post moves simultaneously, this attraction is especially intense, will also inspire another girl's star bead, making her want. 但是不管怎样,他的身体,绝对是对她们有一种神秘的吸引力,尤其是她们两个都在他的身边,而他又与其中一个,几乎完全贴在一起,他炼精化成的紫华少阳之气与对方的少女星珠同时驿动的时候,这种吸引力尤其强烈,甚至也会引动另一个女孩的星珠,让她想要。 He looks at the left, in his left side, lotus lotus both hands grabs the double lapel of short Chinese-style jacket clothes, got down the clothes to be escaped under the knee, revealed the pure white thigh, vacant sitting on the ground. 他看左边,在他的左侧,莲莲双手抓着襦衣的双襟,下裳都被脱到了膝下,露出洁白的大腿,茫然的坐在地上。 He looks at the right, in his right side, under Yaoyao the clothes is actually complete, short Chinese-style jacket clothes actually already completely governing, the fine stomacher was torn the half, reveals one clear such as the fat, beginning ripe lovable varying hare. Yaoyao turns head to him looks like: Golden boy 1st, what did your body hide?” 他看右边,在他的右侧,瑶瑶下裳倒是完好,襦衣却已经完全御了下来,精美的抹胸都被扯开半截,露出一只晶莹如脂的、初熟的可爱雪兔。瑶瑶扭头向他看来:“金童一号,你身上藏了什么?” The youngster are raising hand: What has not hidden.” 少年举着手:“什么也没藏。” Yaoyao jumped, does not attend to own milk-white bosom appearing externally, the left hand inserts the waist, the right hand is pointing at him: On you definitely hid anything, why you pasted others, others and hot, strange......” 瑶瑶跳了起来,也不顾自己的酥胸外露,左手插腰,右手指着他:“你身上肯定藏了什么,为什么你一贴到人家,人家就、就热热的、怪怪的……” Heat, strange? The youngster sighed the one breath...... to take the man, I was really hot, strange, you know that I did use the big strength to endure not to eat you a moment ago? 热热的,怪怪的?少年叹一口气……作为男人,我才真的是热热的,怪怪的,你们知道我刚才用了多大的力量才忍着没有吃掉你们吗? ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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